Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 20, 1904, Image 4

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Shoo Store
FIT because the
lasts they're m;nlc
on were planned
by experts.
They keep their
shape, because the
wo'.'kir-cn who made
them a-c experts.
They wear lo
calise their leather
was selected by
Our footing as a
shoe man has made
us lit to fit the fe'et.
Bring in yours.
We'll fit' cm.
I .a' I
Port Jervi, N. Y.
When the nerves are weak
everything goes wrong. You
are tired ail the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, and
Irritable. Your cheeks are
pale and your blood is thin.
Your doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He "orders this
grand old family medicine.
" F.r m-ir thhn M TMrs I hv n.rt Ayr's
Pinfrl!ls Iti my f-i'milv. ills A i?r,irt rnntn
At nit ttmi. nd A wonderful iifiilrMic for Im
pare Wwid.-1). C. Holt, Wont lUren, Co:in.
l no hntlle. i r u.
.. . WANTED . .
l?y thousands of Brooklyn people.
nn vou take a few? It ho, lint
votir limine in the HIJOOKLYN
TION Hl.'RKAl', for which p;ir
pow a printed l)lank is provided.
Tlie service of the I Ml 'OHM A
Will Cost You Nothing
The Brooklyn Kasrle is the bent
ndveHtinhi($ medium in tlie world
It, carries more resort advertise
ments than anv New York paper.
the head.
Eagle costs little, but brings larpe
results, localise the EAGLE IN
etantlv helping it.
Write for lislinjr blank, picture
of Bureau and Advertising Rate
Card. Address
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mention the p ip?r In which yon
aee this advertisement.
Weak Nerves
Wllllnm, the tramp, wis RcattMl on
a llttlfi bnnk by tlie sliin of tlie hlRh
way under tbe simile of blj? elm.
The rlny was warm, but not uncom
fortably hot; he wns eating a frazil
yet satisfying lunch of btend and
cheeie, and nearby ran a brook from
which he conij quench his thirst
when he hnd finished eating. When
ever he mlpht tire of rural life, the
railroad was only a short distance
awny, he could Jump on a frelpht
train and be qntrkly carried free of
charge to the city. William the tramp.
K"J the bowels rpeulnr with Avar's
Pills, Just on pill each night,
Mexandra Does Not Approve
Among Women.
The "Cork Kxaminer" Is naturally
very indignant at the charge which
has been made acalnpt it In various
Journals of the United Kingdom of
having declared that on the King's
recent vIMt to Ireland he was to be
Been smiling and smoking a cigar,
and the yueen was doing the same.
Many of ua in London chuckled when
we read this sentence, as It was copied
from the London "Globe." but the
"Cork Kxaminer" absolutely denies
tlmt such a sentence ever appeared in
its columns.
Meanwhile that Journal has receiv
ed a letter from the AnM Tobacco
League which took the matter quite
too literally, inclosing a statement
which is reported to have been made
by Queen Alexandra in reply to an
Inquiry. Here is the Queen's view of
smoking by women:
"I have noticed that men who smoke
vory much say that they cannot leave
It off and are slaves of the habit. It
seems to me extraordinary that the
very women who are most anxious to
free themselves from all old f.iBhlon
ed cuioma should deliberately make
themselves slaves to a new one."
The "Kxaminer" In concluding as
sures 118 readers that Queen Ale
andra did not smoke on her visit to
Cork and that It had never aaid Bhe
did. In any ca3e the secretary of the
Anti-Tobacco League can have little
sense of humor. The Tatler.
Paper Clothes. Now.
Paper clo:hes are the latest novel
ty. A Berlin tailoring house Is now
offering complete psper suits for $2.50,
The prospectus gives full instructions
for measuring one's self, and the firm
also advertises in foreign Journals,
evidently expecting to do an export
business. The material is woven and
pressed of a dull cream color, and ap
parently not very light. World'!
Paper Trade Eeview.
Washington Hotels.
The hotel pnr excellence of the capital
located within one block of the While
Houne and directly opposite the Treasury.
Finest table in the city.
A famous hotolry, remarkable for it
Mh tor-teal associations and iong-siHtBint(i
popularity. Rocnntly rmiovattnl, repainted
and partially refurnished.
A landmark among the hotels of Wash
ington, patronized in former years by
Drchidcnts nnd hitfh officials. Always
prime favorite. Keoently remodeled and
re-ndiired nettcr than ever. opp. fa. ..
R. den. WALTKR BURTON. Kos. Mgr.
These hotels are the priuotpal political
rendezvous of the oapital at all times.
They are the best stopping places at rea
sonable rates.
O. O. STAPHS. Proprietor.
O.DEWITT, Manager,
PVio tog raphe R
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
7S Pike Street, Port Jorvis. N. Y
Physician and Surgeon
In Drug Stors cn Broad Street
A Fool Wager.
A German Is rolling a barrel of wine
through Switzerland on a wager. He
bet. that he could roll It from his
town. Waldklrch-en Brlsgaw, to Home
The barrel contains sixty gallons of
wine. The Journey as mapped out
will take him through Zare, Munster,
Luzerne. Altorf, St. Cotbard Pass, Lu.
gano Como and Milan.
A Startling Test
To save a life, Dr. T. O. Merritt of
No. Mohoopany, Pa., made a start!
ing test resulting in a wonderful
cure. lie writes, "a patient was
attacked with violent hemorrhages,
caused by ulceration of the stomach
I had often found Eleotrio Bitters
excellent for acute stomach and
liver troubles so I prescribed them
The patient gained from the first,
and has not had an attack in 14
months." Eleotrio Bitters are posi
tively guaranteed for dyspepsia, in
digestion, constipation and kidney
troubles. Try them. Only BOo at
all druggists.
... TH EH .
Thrice-a-Veek Edition
Read Wherever theft Engll
lai nguage la Spokan
4 4 rS9
; State Normal School
. East Stroudsburg, Pa.
It. lru'iiF Sti,D. Normal C'mr-i
initio!). A't, lMrtAliiT, t--.iHf: rn;
Hiui 'J'yiM'w fii uik"; i U'"ii Cut;
Jr. pit,, uiory l) ,u tmriit.
free: tuition
i itw'.a ti . I f 1 1 '. mi tu uy tin-
1 11 oi-
A; ril 4LU, 1.'
Kemp, A. M.f J
is lieu bi'iarte
The Thrlee-a-Ws k World wu a bril
liant fuccoss In the boLrlnnlnir and b
bt,u;n steadily frrowintf ever since. Tin
is the test uf all Ihhisa. and baa wt Ita seal
of approval on the Thric-a-Woek World,
which is widely circulated In every state
and territory of the Union, and wherever
there are people who can read our mother
This paper for the coming winter and
the year Hx!l, will make Its news serviee,
if possible, more exteUbivo thuu evur. All
events of importance, no matter whore
thty hhpien, are rcporu-d accurately ana
The Bul)Hcrii)er for only one dollar a ye:tr
i-ta tlir papers ev.irv wwk and more
ncwa and gtiu-rul rtading thun moMt grtit
daliit-ti cuu turnbli at live ur bix ttinrs the
The Thrioa-Ww k World 1 absolute!;
(uir in pulilicul lu'WH. lJiir'i3HU buu. ia
novt-r uliowed to art i-ct tv liewa cohiiiid,
aud diiiioortit and rt-putjiU:au alike cun ob
laiu in iu p:i;'B trutlilul u.;cjutiid uf all
the -re-tit poilih nl campaigns.
lu ad.l.ll4u to all the tievvH Lite TiirU-,e-a
VtM k World furiiehrii ilm brot (M-riiil no
tion, uliitiorau- markrt rcporiB uitd other
tiMtluiod k inlfrewt.
Thtt 'i'tirii'e-a S ui-lt Wurhl b rt'i.' jlar 8u
ber:jKluu 1 rice its uuly ii pt-r yt ar ai.d ti;it
p.ivii fur 1 p.tu'ib. 'e ufT, r thi- uo.
, ii iii w. ,i.-r uml tt.n I'iko t LUJily
i I - -O t;!' I T "I:- li.ir (, ,r t
lio 1- n...r c . I 4,; lau pi'ico uf tLe
as contented with hia lot. Hut as
his plance fell on a little cottng up
the road, a vaue unrest tilled his
heart. A young mother followed by
child cllnelng to her skirts had Just
come out of the cottnKe and wns feed
ing the hens and ducks who flocked at
er call. Near the house a man was
plowln. He also heard the youna;
ousewlfe'B call, and looking up from
the furrow, threw her a kiss. ,
'Must be sort of nice, after all, to
ave a home, and a wire, ano a nany
like that fellow's got," thoupht Wil
liam the tramp, rojrrelfully. 'Tscd to
think I would have one myself, lint I
uess I'd better Rive up that idea."
He brushed away the crumbs of
tend and resumed hlB Journey. As
he neared the curve of the road, Wll
Ham heard the thudding- sound of
horses' hoofs. To his experienced ear
the galloping sounded louder yet more
uneven than that common to an ordi
nary team of horsea on a country
lown the highway, swaying from
side to side In their mad gnllop, came
team of horses, drawing a wagon
which bounded up and down over the
rough road, threatening each second
to turn over. Willl.-im's first instinct
was to stand in safety at one side
and let the frightened team pass.
Then he noticed that a little girl was
clinging In white-faced terror to the
seat of the wagon.
For a moment he hesitated. To try
nd stop the team was to risk his life
Then the tramp gave a second glance
at the frightened child, little mote
than a baby, on the seat of the wagon
He drew a long breath and ran in the
direction of the team. Unless they
were stopped bofore they reached the
curve the wagon would be hurled into
the ditch.
When a few yards dlstnnt from
the runaway te.im William whirled
around and began racing with them.
As the horses caught up to him, be
hurled his body forward, his hands
shot out, lie gripped the reins firmly
He was dragged from his feet.
But now the long and varied experi
ence of the tramp in catching fast
freights stood him In good stead. As
the horses plunged forward he only
clung the tighter. Nearer and near
er to the curve drew the team. But
even frenzied horses cannot rUn with
a hundred and seventy pounds of Btur
dy humanity hang-ing from the bits.
Little by little they slowed down, un
til at last, with a few final, fierce tugs,
William brought them to a standstill
little more thaa a yord from the ditch
at the curve of the road. And now
that the danger was over, the little
girl, who had been clinging to the
seat, broke Into tearful sobs.
The owner of the farmhouse from
which William had Just been scorn
fully driven had seen the galloping
team and was running to William's
assistance. Ills wife, who had JuBt
turned William away, was hurrying
behind him. The farmer's face grew a
little pale as he saw how near the
dlt-h the team had been halted.
It's our Minnie," be said to his
wife. "I never could have got there
in time. She would have been killed
if this brave man hadn't stopped the
horses at the risk of his own life."
And I Just refused him something
to eat," replied the woman, with a big
sob In her voice as she helped the
child down from the wagon.
The farmer looked hard at Willlum.
He had a deep-rooted dislike to
tramps. But this one seemed different
from the others.
"Can't you leave the life you're
leading and come on my farm?" he
inquired in tones far more cordial
than William was scustomed to hear
ing. "I'll give you good wages, and
the place will be a permanent one.
It won't be long before a young man
like you will have a home of bis own,
and perhaps a wife and a child like
the one you saved to-day. You're too
good a man to be on the rond. And
you will find it grows harder and
harder each year. Hy and by your
strength will be gone, Qr you will miss
your grip catching a freight some
night, and then all that will be left
for you will be the poorhouse or the
"No, can't do it," said he. "Some
bow the love of the road is In my
bones, and I'm bound to go back to it,
even if it dues mean what you say In
the end."
And turning away, William the
tramp walked rapidly In the direction
of the drifting- smoke. He had heard
the call of Arcady and answered it.
For though the end thereof was death,
the path was very pleasant.
FOR 1904
i-nlrrs in n'mds. ware, merchandise, com-
loditlc and cllw's of wl'.fttever kind or
more, whi ther ot ihe rowth, produce
nd manufacture of tlie Untied States or
if any foreign slate, and all millers and
nl rii'ahim within the I'ouniy or t'lke, lu
he State of Pennsrlvanlrt, that they are
claBBlticd and assessed hy the appraiser of
mercantile taxes In said county for tl'e
yr-nr l'io4 as nHnw given, and that thoy are
severally reqMlrr-d to take out n license at
he otlh-e of the ( mint y I reasurcr at, Mil
ord on or before the first liny of July,
t4. If no iaid on the ahove date suit
will Iw brought as per Aot of Aasetnhly in
BUcb cases made and provided.
nionmlng Grova Township
rw-Jroat Dennis Pfore.
Stclner Matthias Heal Estate Broker.
lela.wre Township
Alhrlirht A. Ij, & Co Ftnre.
Allerton W. H 1'hotogrnpher,
Brink Thomas M store.
Hriseoe H D Mason s Supplies.
Chatlllon liOllls Hotel.
liosenberry Win Produce.
Fulmer I', i'., jr noun.
Kintner E. B Butcher.
M.ircler Francis Dotal.
Person C 8 Butcher.
Van Auken wo. B store.
Van Ktten H K bons . Boarding House.
V an (jorden H. Li Hotel.
IHng-man Township
Bolllotat E. O Hotel
Hntlell Uiuls Botel.
Chatllhm Alfred Boarding Mouse
Hallos Mrs L Boarding House
MeCartv Clias. B Store
Metz Wllllnm Hotel
Monratl Keeder Butcher,
Sxhanuo Jos. E Boarding House
Greene Township
Bclscher Peter Fertilizer
Hllpln Urns Store
f lames . ti CMiro.
Hotiok J. and 15 Ptore
Lowe Edward F Store.
Seln C. E Store.
Wilson Edgar Boarding House.
Larkawaxen Townehlp
Alman Samuel Hotel
Uotirtrlght Jason Store.
Courtright Bros More,
Dellcrt Edmund Store,
Elston U. A Hotel.
Elwnnwr Phil Store
Kaust Edward Store.
Greenwald Onus Store.
Hankies R, H Plore
Holhert J. (4 Boarding House.
McMnhon Bros Store,
Mver John V Hotel
Rowland A. ti Hotel and Store.
Rettstadt Mrs. Chas. . Hotel and But' her.
Smith John H Store,
Smith M. K ' Store.
Smith Bros Store
Schott John Store
Vuu Akin 8. L Store.
Lelimftn Township
Bach M. L Hotel
Ib-nslev H. F : Store.
Dcibler James Store.
Nvee M. C. and Son Store.
Ottenheimor Clara Hotel
" " a Tallies
Peters E. F Boarding House.
.hlaefer Heo. P Hakcr
Peters E. V Pool Tables.
Smith Cliutou Store,
Mil ford Borough
Aimer J. K Store
Armsirong CO Drug Store.
Armstrong T. and Co i store
Beck rred A Hotel.
Beck John C Hotel
Bovd J.. E Butcher.
Bourulque P. N Boarding House
l laoie, 1 Aiiey
Cornelius Betty .-. Baiaar.
iMiignian Kate V ntore.
DeUerlhe Louis .- Blcyoles.
Emerson H. K. ana Co Urug More,
Erich Louise J Hotel.
Gunible and Ryder Butchers
llntner Li. V Harness
Hornlieck I). H Blcyoles
Haul Florence F Milliner
Kelly Dr. John Hotel
Kvte Beninmlu Ktoro
Klein T. K. J. and Son Hardware,
Mver J. A Phot jgraplier
McCarty John Store.
Mitchell Mary Milliner
Mitchell W. & Q Store,
Mils P. M ... .. .Hotel
Nllls P. M 1 Pool Table.
Hvman and Wells Store,
irtiblo W. T Miller.
Thornton Chas. K Hotel
TUsot Marie Hotel.
Wallace John C Store
Palmyra Township
Brink John Boarding House.
Cross P. R Store.
Labes Clara Hotel
Rowland M. C Store,
Wilson (J. W Store.
Porter Township
Teerpennlng Harvey . . . ,i Hotel
fihoholA Township
Fuller Adolpb Boarding House.
Gardner 8. St. John and Sou Store.
Ittghy Edwin Store
Maxwell F. 1) Store
Mover and Piper Hotei
Voght ttcorge Barber.
Vogbt John, Jr Hotel
Watson L. B Store.
Westfall Township
Allen D. B '. Hotel.
Baleh A. W. and Sou ...Store.
How Little Francois Discover
ed and Realized His Mission.
We met Francois In Tarls one win
ter, when we, my college friend, Fan
ny Richards, and I were studying
painting. Wo boarded in the Latin
quarter, In a small and very unhappy
private family, whose quarrels were
an open secret all up and down the
staircase of the apartment house In
which they lived.
Madame hnd a grievance against
monsieur, and monsieur said that It
was all the fault of madamn, and our
reticent New England souls were
nhncked and dismayed by their volu
bility and frankness.
Francois was the son of the house,
a Blender, dark-eyed lad of ten years.
gentle, old-fashioned, courteous, a lit
tle link of love binding together the
dead hearts of his father and mother.
They adored him, but his life was
none the easier for that reason.
Sometimes he would take the part
of one, sometimes the part of the
other; but more often he would retire
from the war of words, and sitting- In
our armchair, with bis chin In his
hand, his eyes staring Into the fire.
would analyse for us, with a thought
fulness snd precision for beyond his
years, tbe fallings and virtues of his
parents. And he was curiously JuBt
nnd generous to both of them.
It Is needless to say that we took
pains at such times to divert the
conversation Into more childlike and
less personal channels. Miss Rich
ards was a charming story teller, and
she usually cut short Francois'
mournful remarks with some tale of
true love and lovers. He was particu
larly fond of old myths, and the story
of Cupid and Psyche, or of Peres
phone, would make him forget all his
own troubles.
Ills manner toward Miss TUchardB
was very touching. He was her little
guide and sbndow through the streets
of Paris. The latter part of the win
ter he almost lived In our rooms
when he was not at school, but he
was never In the way,
I can see Francois now, a slim lit
tle figure, In the belted blouse of the
French schoolboy, standing silently
at Miss Richards' knee, gazing ador
ingly Into her pretty face, while she
nd I discussed. In that difficult Eng
lish language the mysteries of which
Francois was Just beginning to pene
trate, the advisability of another new
But the winter came to. an end, and
Francois, watching us pack our
trunks, wns a very snd little boy,
The day before our depnrture, when
we were exchanging parting gifts, his
mother gave Miss Richards a pin
cushion, which she had made, I think,
as an expression of gratitude for
Miss Richards' kindness to the child.
Francois picked up the gay, scent
ed thlnpr, and held it against his
"I wish I were this pincushion," he
'Why?" laughed Miss Richards,
Because then I should go across
the grent water and live. with you al
'Dear little Francois, how I shall
miss you!" sighed Miss Richards, kiss
ing the child's wistful face.
When I am a man I shall marry
you, continued the child, gravely.
Miss Richards smiled. "But," Fran-
cols," she explained, "when you ara
a man I shall be an old woman, gray
and wrinkled."
Laying bis hand upon hers, and
looking solemnly Into ber eyes, hs
Mademoiselle Richards, when the
presenoe of another gives such a feel
ing of pence lu tbe heart as your
presence' gives to me, age matters
'For a moment there
91 "
Aft xMQi.
and HAY.
When in need of any
IJello to No. 5., or come to
A. D. BROWM and SOU,
Manufacturers and dealers In all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
estimates made : personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed
OFFICE, Brown's Building, Milford, Pa
are the the most Important
months of the j-oar
The work done then mentis
th j nuccPBB or failure of tbe
farm for the rear.
As an Aid to Success
every farmer nhouUl In touch
with new mothodn which will
increane the prod uctt vptiokb nnd
consequent revenue of his farm.
which will give aid of tht kind
wilh tho opinions find practical
exporlece of the bnst known ag
ricultural Hulhorltfefi in Amer
ica, lu an Interesting manner, U
Don't forget that It also hns
entertaining pages for the
wives, sons and daughter.
Yon may secure it in connec
tion, with your home paper,
which will be brighter and bet
ter than ever, both papers 1 jr.
FOR ONLY $1.65
by Bending your order nt once to
Delaware -:- Valley -:- Railroad
Time Table in Effect October I, 1903
p. m
p. m.
10 00
9 00
P. M
18 85!
fl'J B7i
'13 80
f!3 47
18 49
13 61
13 54
13 57
ri8 6
11 01
l on
was silence,
then I heurd Miss Itlchardo gay BofUy:
'My Frnncola. you who know b
well the me,anln of love must touch
other men its meaning. You must be
a presence of peace in this house.
You must be a peacemaker. Do you
understand? Your place Is here."
"My plnce Is here," he said, thought
fully, and then. "I see. Love must
not go where there Is already peace;
It must stay In the unhappy places
and make them peaceful." From Ire
land's Own.
p. m .
1 40 Lv New York D. L. & W. R. B.
18 40!
5 00!
f5 03
f5 04
lb ia
5 14
f5 16
f5 10
5 S
fS 34
15 8i
6 80
5 85
. m.
Ar Philadelphia lirond Street Htntlon Lv.
7 00:
f7 03
n 04
n ia
7 14
n in
17 19
7 831
f7 24
f7 i
7 83
p in
Lt East Stroudaburg Ar.
" Delaware Valley Junction "
" i.Kngle Valley "
" Craig's Meadows... "
" Marshall's Creek "
" Oek (irore "
" Frufceheys M
" Coolbaugh
11 Echo Luke "
" Turn Villa "
11 Shoemakers "
Ar Bushklll Lv.
f Stops only on notice to conductor or on signal
p. m.jp. in.
8 23!
7 86j
10 35
8 85 4 361
fH 83; f4 3!
f8 8ll f4 81
W 3:1! 14 i:i
8 31
f8 Id!
18 HI
8 18
f8 11
f8 Owl
8 05
8 00
p 111.
fl 1
f 33
m 21
frt 18
4 ll ft 11
f4 001 frt OH
f4 f 00
4 08 ft 08
f4 01 f 01
f8 5t
8 56
8 50
p. in
15 59
5 65
5 40
p m.
Trains arriving at Bushklll at 1.10 D. m. connects with stage for Dingman's
Ferry, Milford and Port Jervis.
I. SELDOM CASE, Superintendent, East Stroudsburg, Penna.
Hevana F. E.
Ciikry Lnforgo
Dorr Frnnk
Hunker Gustavo ....
r'eta lVter
H.'ller Ma.tln
Keseler F. A
Layltm Mrs. Cora
Ijeioht Mnrtin
Mueller CtirUltaua..
PnvHxitt J. C
Hi'ymour C. H
Shroeder Jos. A
I'ch Michael
no (iurden J. G . . . .
Wintormute Ikuoo. . ,
Wehinger lieo. ......
. .Hotel.
H ote
. . . .tore.
. .. . feature.
. . . .rU.nro.
. . . .Store.
. .. .Store.
. . . .Store.
. . . .Store.
. . . . Store.
. Butcher'
. . Store
More Fool He.
One day the minister of Morebattle,
a little town in Scotland, was criticis
ing hia conr uMlioa fur sleeping dur
ing the gervUe. and iu order to give
point to his remarks, he pointed to
the town idiot, who sat above the
coiigrtjfjti'jn, and said: "There's daft
Jiramle Crant in the loft; he's a fool
and he doesn't sleep in church."
"Aye, milliliter," broke In Jlmmte,
frum his pluce, "but If I haclna bin a
fule, ail'liim, I wud hae bla aaleep
taa." Leslie' Monthly.
Quick Arroat
J. A. Gullcilge of Verbena, Ala.,
was twica in the hosjiitul from a
severe case of ptloa cauaing 21tumors
Aflc-r floctors and all ronit'tiics failod
Luckluu's Arnica !tii!vo quickly ar
rrstel failLcr iuflamtnatlon aud
cure:l liiui. Jt Cdb'jners acbes ud
kills i n i ii . 2io at all drujisU,
Aprceably to the Act of the General As
sciiioly ol Inc eulntuouwe.-iltn of teliliHyl
vaniu, OJistwHl April 11, ltiltl, etilillcd "An
Act rcbitiog to the aptiointiiif nt of nier-
enntile npirtiiherfl and grttduating the
diitici upon wholesale, dcutei-a and mtr
ci'mitlibf, etc , and ttio eupieiiiiuta there
to." and "Act of Mtty 8. lMW." util
:iif apnrttiHur of niertiiuilu tuxes of Lhi
( uiuily uf l'lke diea hnrtly c:rtify t! Hi
the fur. Kultig aro dtMilera lo fx-olKU and
uomt'stic lo' rctiiuuilM) in said county that
liuv -uioc lo ii ty koowlcile and Ihuithey
are c!iinh-o at-j truing lo ltiw.
HiM-ftii my hand tills loth day of May,
A. U. I'.'4.
Mcrcautilo Appraibr.
An Aipciil will lie ht-ld In the Court
Huiic in ttui llurough of .Milfurd tM't-uMii
the hour, uf u a. lu. and 4 p. in., Montluy,
J une 'J, 1-.J.4, Mheu and w here nil purbuu.
inlc(vlcd lu tlio aforcHaid anehint-iit and
duauri nl lull iiihv allMlid if ttit-y im lirniwr.
WAltlihN K. VAN LiOKlJKN',
MiTcitiiiiln A ppniibtir.
O. A. S KPi.M.-h.K,
County Tiuaaurcr.
Timely Help In Accident.
The Philadelphia and Heading Bail-
road Company has made a practical
beginning In having Its employes In
structed In preliminary methods of
attending people Injured In accident.
Tbe management is most enthusiastic
over Its experiment. And well It may
be. It has taken a step which should
hare been taken long since. Batlroad
employes, if properly Instructed, can
aid much In relieving the sufferings
of Injured people Immediately after
aeldents have occurred. They re In
variably tlie first on the spot They
are, as a rule, practical, strong and
Intelligent men. By following the
right sort of methods they will prove
of great assistance to physicians.
They can easily be taught to attend t
simple fractures, to alleviate suffer
ing and even to administer the neces
sary medicine in certain cases.
When accidents occur, it Is prompt
ness of help which counts the most.
In the majority of cases, It takes sev
eral hour? before needed surgical
treatment can be obtained, such
delay often entails the loss of life or
i nib which could have been saved by
prompt assistance. It is to be hoped
that other railroad corporations will
deem it expedieat to follow the exam
ple set by the Philadelphia and Read
ing. Their ow Interests, if not purely
humane censlderatioiis, should urgl
them to do. fit. iouis Mirror.
nr it nt a n
Correoted to Data.
Solid Pullman (rain to Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chautauqua Lake, Cleveland,
Chioago and Cincinnati.
Tickets on sale at Port Jervla to all
points In the West and Southwest at lower
rate than via any other first-class line.
Train Now Liav Port Jkkvis as
No. 8, Dally Express 8.34A.M.
8, Dally Kxpress 6 10 "
8ft, Local Except Sunday. . ' 6 35 "
43, " " " 7 40 "
703, Way Sunday Only 7 58 "
80, Local K.xcpt Sunday.. 10 30 "
33, Way dully exo't Sunday 11 66 "
4, Daily Kxpiess Ulif.s.
TiM, Sunday Ouly 1 10 "
84, Wnydnily exo't Sund'y J 00
8, Dully Express.... 4.30 "
70ti, Way Sunday Only...., 4 40 "
7o8, Local Sunduy Only 8.07 "
8i. Way daily exo't Sund'y 6 80
14. Express Dally tf .66 "
1 Bought and Sold for Cash I
. gy . l ww -
X or ctrnea on a iviar-
12 80a.
7 25 "
All di-i
to ttiku
'1 IlilDllP
afh r wli
.Iits In the aUive hot are requested
up tlii-ir liuelisf.s at t.'ie Cui.uty
i-'s i.iUi on or bWure j uly 1, l-.'l,
i ll Hu-y will lie trtvuu to a Juoiicc
ul iJlO 1'i.auO lor cllll'CIi'i
i. A. SW El'KN'ISK.R,
County 'i'rr usurer.
State of Pcnnsyl?aula, i
County of lJlke.
Notice is hereby glveu to all persons
bouud liy reciKiiizunce or otherwise to
Hicar. tliat Uih June term, l.M, of the
amerul courts uf llke county will be ht-ld
at thij Cutlrt llouso iu the borough of All
ful'd ou tlrnl Muiutay (lilh) at 3 o'clock
p in. and will be cunlMiLU'd on w--k If
nctx-ssui v. tiEoltusl UUfclioKY,
Wlifwd, Pa., May 10, l'jo.
7, Dailv Express
17. Huily Milk Train.
1, Daily Express 1184
" 116, t or Ho'dule K'pt Sun . 13 10 P. II.
" 8, ExpnuaC hicaxo 11m dal 6 16 "
" Sy, Local ExpressSuuday. . 6 50 "
" 6, Limited Daily Express. 10 30 "
Trains leave Chambers street. New
York, for Port Jervis on week days at
1 80, 7 80, S 00, 0 15, 10 80 A. at., 1 00, 1 00,
4 80, 6 80, 7 80, 0.16 P. u. On Sundays,
3 80, 7 80, 0 00 . 9 16 A. U , 13 80, S 80, T 80
0 16 P. M.
Ovneral Pasboagar Agwnt,
Maw York.
-I am prvpuml to furnish
wixxi iu stove lengths at
tZ a !ad. F. F. SfclTZ, Mill'unl.
Ttliphoutj (xiuuwtioua, tf
gin of 3 per cent.
Yon will find that the ser
vices I render yon as a Broker
and the facilities and conven
iences I can furniHh can not be
surpassed elsewhere. It is to
my interest that you make
money. All buHiness strictly
confidential. Correspondence
and telephone orders given
careful attention,
L. R. Carpenter,
Cor. Ball and Plkat 8t.
Port Jervis, New York.
Oreulloh, Martin A Co.
i W pmtnptly olitaiii V ti aui S'uivitfi,
f 4uui Uiilei, .Ja.(;U;U of (;s nnj ul llifctuiji-U tut 1 '
f frutjrisjrt ou iviMitn'Ulity. frt.r fit-o LM'k, 1
(Cpposito U. ti. relent Cn;'1