Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 20, 1904, Image 2

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Friday, May 20, 1904.
Onr Year One dollar and llfty cent.
Hix Months Seventy-live cents.
Rntorwl R the post offloe of Mtlforf,
Flkfl Cnnnr.y, Ponpsylvunin, n socnn'l
olua mAtter, November twenty-Ural, IHUG.
Advertising Rates.
Oiinsqiiumfolftht linns), onntnsvrtlou -II OP
Kiu'.h substvuitmt insertion - .00
KhIuop1 rotes, furnished on duplication,
Will be allowed yarly mlvertiawrg.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's and Executor's.
notices - - - 8.00
Anditor's noticoi - - 4.00
Divorce notic.es . fi.io
Sheriff's sules, Orphans court sales,
County Treasurer's sales, County state
ment and election proclamation charged
by the square.
J. B. Van Ettn, PUBLISHER,
Mllford, Pike County, Pa.
We publiflh elsewhere a Hat of the
papers and times the oombinatiou
advertisement of Milford will ap
pear It will be 8e3n that a wide
field is covered and by papers which
reaota many homes. If general
publicity is what a town needs Mil
ford ought to be satisfied this year.
Port Jervls merchants have also
raised a fund which will be used in
getting out and circulating leaflets
calling attention to the surrounding
Some anxiety is occasioned by the
fact that the Erie is discharging a
number of men. About 50 have
been laid off at Port Jervis, 15 at
Susquehanna and the force will be
probably further decreased in sev
eral departments. Four towers will
be temporarily discontinued.
Measles are prevalent up in Sho
bola. Mrs. M. C. Kyoe of Port Jervis
was in town yesterday.
Clyde Kipp is home from the
East Btroudsburg State Normal
Look out for further notice next
week of a social at the Methodist
Churcu on the evening of Decoration
Day, May 30th.
John H. Galo, an experienced club
steward, will have charge of the
Forest Lake Association House the
coming season.
Dennis McLaughlin is expected
with his family to occupy their cot
tage on upper Broad street next
Monday for the season,
Mrs. Charles Bock, formerly Annie
Sohreiber, and step daughter of
Brooklyn were visitors In town a
couple of days this week,
A. J. Can field has been elected
president and Dr. M. D. Hughes
vloe president of the new national
bank at Branohville. It is expeoted
to be open for business some time
In July.
We acknowledge the reoeipt of an
Invitation from Prof. Charles S.
Houok to attend the commencement
exercises of the Mntamoras High
Sohool which will take place May
The family of H. IS. Myer, accom
panied by Harry Pantly, who took
up land in Oklahoma some time ago
and went there to reside, returned
borne last week. It is said they lost
about $800 in the venture.
From present indications the
Japanese have thrown two divisions
or about 80,000 efficient men in the
rear of General Kuropatkius army.
He is retreating toward Harbin and
if there is a force of the enemy both
in his front and rear it would seem
that a decisive battle must soon be
Binghamton and Return $1 May 29
Sunday, May 2i)th, the Erie will
run a special excursion from Port
Jervis to Binghamton and Ross
Park at the low rate of one dollar
for the round trip. Special train
leaving Port Jorvis at 7 a. in. This
will give the general publio a de
lightful low rate outing trip to the
beautiful Parlor City, and its pio
turtwqua Kobg Park and alTord a day
of enjoyable recreation and special
visit with frieuda along the line.
Komernber the special train leaves
Port Jrvin at 7 a. in., Bumlay, May
2'Jth, fare only tl for tlio round trip.
Unclaimed tenure
Lint of unclaimed lt-Hors remain
ing in the post oi!ice at Milford for
the week ending Mny 21, JsfOi:
Miss E. F. Yuu Dyke, Liuu Van
Aukon, W E. Thomas.
IVr.vji '.s claiming the above will
pleand my "-Advertised" and give
llate of this lift.
Ci!Ai;I.5 Ull S'it, P, 11,
You may talk about the Masons
And the Odd Fellows and such;
You may call them so fraternal
An t fairly lieat the Dutch;
You may praise them if you choose to,
With their mystic riles and noise, ,
lint they cannot hold a candle
To the old Grand Amy boys.
For a man that has the money
('An learn all about their craft;
He oan get degree; and pasn-words
That would make a funeral laugh,
And be loaded down with symbols
But for true fraternal joys
They caunst hold a candle
To the old Grand Army boyB.
They may talk about their badges,
lint the one that has the call
Is the Btar and Flag and Eagle,
Which is far above them all. .
It was won where cannon thundered,
'Mid the battle's smoke and noise;
So there's nothing holds a candle
To the old Grand Army boys.
Why, they fought and Wed together,
And they shared the prison pen;
They faced the foe in battle
With the elbow-touch of men.
Then the compact was cemented
'Mid the battle's smoke and noise;
8o there's nothing holds a candle
To the old Grand Army boys.
They fraternal? Well, I reckon;
And their charity's all right
Are they loyal? They have proved It,
For they left their homes to fight
And this Nation owes them homage
For the peace it now enjoys;
So there's nothing hoidB a candle
To the old Grand Army boys.
C'apt. John F. McGuire.
Barring Anarchists
The United States Supreme Court
has rendered a decision which sus
tains the immigration authorities In
deporting one Turner, an English
Anarchist, who cams from England
to lecture in company with Emma
Goldman and John Most, pronounced
socialists. This may bar out that
olass of undesirable agitators who
come to here foment discord. The
Act of Congress provides that no per
son who disbelieves in or is opposed
to all organized forms of government,
or is a member of or affiliated with
any organization teaching such
belief or who advocates the duty,
necessity or propriety of killing
officers of any organized government
because of thoir official oharaoter,
shall be permitted to enter the
Unites States.
Just What a Blush I
If any young lady wishes to know
just what a blush is she can study
the definition given in Southern
Medicine which is perhaps correct.
If any one can give a better beyond
saying, getting red in the face we
would like to have it. This is what
one is : "A blush is a temporary
erythema and caloriflo effulgence of
the physiognomy, aetiologized by
one perceptivenes8 of the sensorium
when in a predicament of nnequt
librity from a sense of shame, anger
or other cause, eventuating in a
paresis of the vasomotor filaments
of the facial capillaries, whereby,
being divested of their elasticity,
they are suffused with a radience
effemenating from an intimidated
Passing of the Locomotive
The great obstacles to the substi
tution of elootrioity for steam as a
motive power upon railroads, accord
ing to President Mellon, are the
character of the oonstruotion of the
roads themselves, the frequency of
crossings and the danger attending
the conducting of the power by
third rail. And in spite of them
all, he expects within a few years to
see the steam locomotive become in
the nature of a, curiosity. It has
served a useful purpose, but it will
have no mourners when it is dis
placed. Subscribe for the Prkhs.
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoses everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
liow logs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
EmulMon has proven to be the
ri;;ht fuod for soft bones in
Sund fur fiee sainjile.
SCOT r & bOWNE, Ctifamlsta,
0'J-4 15 Htsrl Street. No fork,
yc. buJ fi.uu , Mil dejbiLA.
Cj L m La
Competition of Boef Trust
The boef trust Is to have competi
tion from an unexpected quarter,1
according to a spncial telegram from
New York City. It is said that
American citizens have joined in an
enterprise with cattle and meat men
of Argentine and that contracts
have been made for a large rcfrige
rator plant and wharves in Argen
tina, with a view to shipping large
quantities of bcof and mutton' to
this country by way of a line of
refrigerator steamships to ply
between Buonos Ayros and Now
York. The dispatch says that the
beef and mutton will be offered here
at prices considerably below those
maintained by the beef trust. In
European markets beef and mutton
from the Argentine llopnblic have
been in keen competition With
American meats for Bevcral years.
Shipped from the South American
republic in refrigerator steamers to
London, Liverpool and other ports,
beef has sold in large quantities
from 6 to 8 cents wholesale. The.
beef trnst has met these prices
abroad, but invariably has attained
higher rates here. But while this
plan will hit the boef trust it inci
dentally will affoot an interest quite
opposed to boef truBt methods the
great live stock industry of the
Corsets On Monkeys
A prominent physioinn in Chicago
has been testing the sanitary effeots
of corsets by applying the tests of
tight lacing on monkeys. Minature
"monkey corsets" were constructed
and applied to scree ted specimens of
our female progenitors.
The V-shaped corsets of our fash
ionable women when tightly laoed
were found to be fatal to the young
monkeys and some of them died
under the pressure in a few days.
But in general the monkey lost
flesh moped and were attacked by
gastrio and other internal disorders.
The hardiest of them died within a
few mouths and the doctor reports
that in every case the stays were
the cause of it.
However, our Simian relatives
might not thrive if they had to wear
high-heeled boots, goloshes, altitudi-
iious collars, plug hats and ulsters ;
consequently the monkey argument
is not conclusive against the oorset.
Indeed it would be a sad experiment
in evolution if a human being, after
surviving the efforts of prehiBtorio
ancestry, oould not defy so small a
thing as a corset. Boston Globe.
Exploded Delusions
How science does destroy our pet
whims. Our ancestors long held
the delusion that the ringing of the
church bells had the effect to break
np a thunder storm. It was suu-
posed that the vibration of the air
caused the dissipation of the electric
lluid in the air.
Hence on the approach of thunder
storms somebody used to brave the
elements, rush out and ring the vil
lage bell, thus affording the neces
sary peace of mind to the frightened
All is changed now. In fact, the
oontrary opinion is held. The vibra
tion caused by the sound of a bell on
an overhanging oloud may cause it to
discharge its contents upon the ring
er of the boll in the church tower.
Women Farmers .
Nearly all agricultural depart
menta of Western Universities, and
a number of Eastern institutions,
now admit women on equal terms
with men. Special branohos of
farming, suoh as market gardening,
small fruit growing and dairying,
have been profitably taken up by
women all over the country. Ex
periments in growing varieties of
nut trees is the latest field in this
line to which women have turned
their attention.
One Bright Incident
Political campaigns in Florida can
never be wholly devoid of interest
so long as one of the candidates
spells his name Taliaferro and
pronounces it Tolliver. Chicago
If you want folders for loan Year
parties or dances. Thk Pkess hag
handsome ones at an easy nrioo.
Just remember we do any kind of
priutiug from a lare post 'rdown to
a beautifully engraved card, and at
reasonable rates. Will be glad to
nave orders tor vendue hills.
The Town Council will receive
bids fur rooting the Borough Build
ing wiih slaie ; also erecting a
building in reur of the Borough
Building for housing the Street
Sprinkler, Ivoad Muchino, etc. -Bidders
submit plana and specifica
tions with their bids. A general
idea as to the work to he dona will
be givmi upon application to G. It
Quick, President of the Town Coun
cil. The Council reserves the rifht
to reject any or all bids, The bids
will be opened at the regular meet
ing, June 8, l',)'Ji.
By order of the ( ', nincil.
U. T. AiOl.- i liON'U,
Heel etary.
Milford, Pa , May 6, ll'Oi.
To Itself
In what it is and what It (loos con
taining the best blood-purifying,
alterative and tonic substances and
fleeting the n.ost radical and per
manent cures of all humors and all
eruptions, relieving weak, tired,
languid feelings, and building up
the wholo By stem is tnie only of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
No other niediciue acta like it;
no other medicine haa done so
much real, substantial good, no
other medinine has restored health
and strength at so little cost.
"I was troubled wlh srrofnla and eama
Bsr losing- my eypsirb. Vot four months I
eould not is to io nrtblns. Aftr taking
tre bottles ef Hood's Bftr8rrill I eeuid if
to wtlk. and when I bad tnkrn elfht bottles I
could as well as Tr." Susia A. HilRS
TOtf, Withers. N. O.
Hood's SaraaparMa promlsM t
cur and kaopa tha promise.
In the BeBt of Humor
. Hewitt So we have hugged the
same girl.
Jewitt Yes, I suppose sho looks
upon us aB members of the associated
press. Town Topics.
Miss Coraetta What a beautiful
bouquet Clair has in her lap over
thore in the third back 1
Miss Pompoudora (looking)
That's her hat. Cleveland Leader.
"YouiloiJ't mean to say you girls
have started a seoret society?".
"Yes ; H's a society . whose mem
bers pledge themselves to tell all the
secrets, thoy kno w. ' ' Philadelphia
"B-But I thought the cannibal
king was banting and was not eating
any meat," protested the shipwreck
ed sailor. '
"So he is," responded the cannibal
queon grimly j "but he regards you
as sea-food." Judge.
Freddie What is oircumstantial
Cobwigger As a general thine.
it's the theory of an expert which is
proved to be entirely wrong when
the truth cotuos out. Town and
Impatient Young Man Nellie,
how is onr i romance yours and
mino going to end.
Nellie (apprehensive) Why,
Goeffrey, you don't want to skip to
the last chapter yet, do you? Chi
cago Tribune.
"It serves hor good and right."
"How now?"
She beoame engaged ou a Friday
and married on the thirteenth."
"Well, now she can't get a
divorce I" New York Evening Sun.
"Young man," said the employer
Bternly, "you misinformed me when
you said yesterday that you wanted
to get away to go to a funeral.4'
"Well," answored the youth who
had seen the Yale olub defeated, "it
wasn't exactly a funeral. But it
was almost as sad." Washington
MAN of fair education to travel
for a firm established iiO years. Salary,
$1,072 per year and expenses paid
weekly. Address, II. V. Kklusy,
care Pit km, Milford, Pa. 2t
Con bo Placed
in Your Homo
at a Slight
On the (Mtitliwptt corner of Harford
anil Mott street, In the ISnnnigh of
Milford, Pa., will lo sold on favorable
tonus to the purchaser. The house,
comprising nil o'ii hall, sitting or
reception room, parlor, diiilng-niin,
butlers pantry fittiMl with hot and cold
wator, etc., and kitchen with range,
lioiler, hot and cold water, etc., on
first floor six laNl-rmnis and a Imth
room with hot and cold water and
other modern conveniences, on second
floor an ample gnrret, and storage
ami closet room throughout fllso two
larpe rooms, suitable for billiard,
sewing and children's play-mum, or
other similar purposes a good cool
and dry cellar, with coal and wood
compartments entirely separate there
from, well lighted and conveniently
arranged tnvrul oUl-fanhioned open
fire pliwe all litlest approved open
plumbing. Pleasant porches on three
sides tlif whole thorouirhlv renovat
ed, newly painted and papeml and in
first class condition. Spacious grounds
surrounding, oil in neat fence, with
macadamized drive-way, beautiful
lawn, highly cultivated garden, old
fruit trees, flowers and slirulis In
central portion of the Borough, on a
main street, within three minute
walk of Post office, churches and
stores. Apply to or address
IIy. T. Bakeh, Milford, Ta.
March 1, 1904.
Advertise in the Press.
Notice is hereby given by Ellis
Lewis that he will, on or before the
31st day of May, 1904, file his
credentials with, and make applica
tion to, the State Board of law
Examiners to be examined by said
Board on the 21st and 22nd days of
June, 1904, for admission to the Bar
of the Supreme Courf of Pennsyl
I have money to lean on real eatnte, no
matter where located, at 4' and 5 per
cent interest. There is no reason for dav
Iiir a larger rate than tbia. If jou desire
a loan and hnve real estate to warrant It.
write me about It. All correspondence
strictly ooniiuenciai. 11 11 04
F. ARMINGTON PEAVEY, Mortgage Broker.
lOOO FaltoD St., Brooklyn, N. T.
Mr. H. Howard Brown Mrs. Dors Topping Broan
584 Park Ave., Kew York flltj
JULY 1st to OCTOBER 1, 1904
Absolutely Harmless. Curat on tht Spot.
Note the Word Pepiln"
All Druggist, lOo, ISotlSo
For ale by C. O. Ahmstrono, Druggist.
We have the latest fash
ions in millinery goods,
and are prepared to do
dressmaking in the most
approved styles, with
neatness and promptness.
Parors in Wallace Bldg.
I Misses Florence & Rosa Kaul I
! Fourth Street, Milford, Pa.
VyckoiTs flew York
Your Summer outfitting can ho done in this
store to your complete satisfaction and it's not
a bit too early to make selections. We cannot
too strongly emphasize the worthiness of our
equipment of warm weather wearables. Can't
tell you about the whole stock, so we'll just
hint here and there and cordially invite your
earliest inspection.
Introductory The Apiece !
iSalo of Two noiu ino r,DI OI
PkCO SllitS nr a summer
lavoriie. w eve
got a very handsome showing in
Lawns, Mnslins, Percales and soft
Silks. We have been yery bnsy in
this line, many n ambers closed ont
but new one coming to take their
plaoea. This seems as though it
would be a Shirt Waist Suit season.
WhitO There's more style, more
Wnieta comfort and more eoono
" 1 my in a shirt waist than
in any other garment in a woman's
wardrobe. This department, con
sidering the backwardness of the
season, has been nnnsnally bus?.
Reason is apparent when you see
the style and quality we offer for
the price. Every single garment is
new, positively this season's make.
Lawn Wranncrs Th8 warm
Mnrinnn finite weather la on
iu enruuBb aim
you can make yonrself comfortable
by nsing our lawn wrappers for
working and one of onr matinee
suits really a two-piece lawn suit,
a dressing sacqne and skirt. These
at about tbe prioe of an ordinary
wrapper, neat and dressy. Our
lawn wrappers are in light and dark
colors. All sizes np to 46.
v Stroudsburg, Penn'a.
Sample Cheerfully Given. Mall Orders Promptly Filled.
I ...FOR...
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Flro Insurance.
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
8ueMor to J. J. Hart.
Office ln rear of KtiaiduDoe on Ann Sl
Milford, Rlk Co., Pa.
lio1 totmrl all worn It to ft in to I r itd cierkaaip.
Wc liiti m UU luuf atari tw ivwl, la k a! c UiUC. loj
.li...n..i1..,.i1 Mrt iwuAYicit. I.C..
ia 11 ) lu tbwM alicaJy at w4a M
kkall. ki..trl.l. ft(.M, eU.U., a-a CSfl
1 1 '"'" U.I iil..i,1 f tallatiarai I'kH
Storo Weekly flews
Best TiniO tO Oot a white goods
TNjy show here that
Whito Goods plefl8e you ln
an ways. rneor
Lawns, satin damask designs, P.K.,
etc. A recent purchase of abont 400
yards of new, medium weight, mer
cerized tnaterial at a time that
enables the selling of 35o goods at
25o and a 20o material at 20o yard.
Men's "ne Mason's collection
ISCpligCO ' comP'eta- We can
Shirts Buit any 188(0 Bnd fit
any price. Perfection
of style, fit and finish mark every
shirt ln tbe stock. The merits of
our line of Eclipse Shirts improve on
acquaintance. Are you acquainted?
Our negligee shirts at 45o to 98o are
good value at 20 per cent. more.
You'll find unusual merit, too, in
our neckwear, collars and cuffs. Our
two for a quarter collars are linen
on both sides.
NCWS About Ribbons will again
Summer be largely worn this
lUbllOnS suramer There is
no stock in this sec
tion to compare with onrs in point
of variety, in qualities, widths, colors
and price. Our washable taffeta
ribbon is the kind that can be wash
ed and look well afterwards.
Ryman & Wells
Have a fine line
of wall papers
all new stock.
A store full of
other necessary
articles also.
Please call and
examine before
fRyman SWells1
Milford, Pa.
Supplying I
The Table
We oUe it by keeping
Fine Groceries,
Canned Goods,
Choice Meats,
Fresh Vegetables.
Uarford St. Milford Pa.
Bluo Front Stables,
Fort Jarvla, N. Y.
Adjoining Gumaer's Union House
Rood, carriittre. druft ami fnrni
horses for nule. Exchanges made.
A large stock from which to make
selections. CANAL BT.
Hiram Townsr.
K si
k i
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Ofllo ml renKltjooe iironil street
I ext Court Hoiim. MIL OKU, PA.
Advertise lu tbe 'laim,