PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, May 13, 1904. IUIr,IHHKI liyKWY FHMIAY. OPTICF., BROWN S RFIl.niNO BltOADflT. SVHKI IMPTION: One Year One dollnr and fifty cents. HiX Months Soveuty-Hve rents. BTHKTI.Y in ahvanck. Kiiu-ml nt the post nfllne of Mil fonl, Hike Countf, PiMinaylvtmirv n whmhmI olttis mnttur, Novpinlxir twenty-Ural, I8inl. Advertising Rates. Otr niiin'(oiRht II n I, one tnirrtlon -II 00 K:uill sultHfinii'Ht Inwrlion - - .60 Kitl'Hv il r:itrs, fnrnixlii-ii on implication, Will Iks iillovv.il mirly ,uvtn tisora. legal Advertising Administrator's Kxeoilor's nnilres - - -An liti't-'H nutiops - 3.'i 4.i Divonv nolle. ft.HI Slu-ritr's jotl', Orplmna court srtles, tenuity Tmwiun-r' anWi, Couuiy ttnte ni'Mit timl election urui;lainiitioii olmrg-il b tin ctquai-e. J. II. Vo Etlm, PuBUHHEH, Mllfonl. Pike County, Pa. Prof. Maxwell Soinmerville, who ft eld tho chair o( (llyptulogy in tlio University of Pennsylvania, and who died suddenly lust week in Fans, was well known by inuiiy hero. Probably thirty-five year ngo he began spending his summors in town, stopping nt the Bawkill ilouse, which was then the favorite resort for uiuny ueltsursteil Phlla- dolphinr.B. Professor oommcrville was a gonial and interesting companion. Having traveled in nearly every Country and clime in pursuit of the rare gems wliicn enriched his collec tion, lie was familiar with the manners and customs of many peo ples. His knowlodge pa.ned by close observation and cireful study was extensive and varied, almost em bracing the thought of mankind in the realms of art, philosophy and history. His mind was most reran tile and trained to note details which faculties gave him remark able success in the direction in whi.h he so greatly delighted to exercise his genius that of collecting rare and. precious gems. As a writer he was entertaining and in struct i vo. His descriptions were easy and natural and conveyed one in fancy to tlio very spot and scene he depicted. The large and valu . able collection which he donated to the University and his work in arranging it will constitute for him a monument more enduring than lasting brass or marble. Can Fence in Water A late decision of the Supreme Court hold that an owner or part owner of a lnko has a right to fence it in to prevent ersonsfrom boating on or fibbing in it. Asron Boyd part owner of Lilly Lake, Lnierne Co., placed a boom of logs across his sretiou to prevent, access to it. Tin? lower court held that Boyd's action in cutting off t no lake was not permissible which decision was reversed by tba Supremo Conrt. Unclaimed Letters List of unclaimed letters remain ing 'n the post office at Milford for the week ending May 14, 1904: Mrs. Relwcca Rontsehler, Miss I 09 Ritter, Ex Gov. Wm. J. Wat OO Hon Allen Craig, John Wand ijit yer, P.i!?ana Nunzick. lVrrtons claiming tha above- will pU-Htm say "Advertised" and give date of tl.jH list. CHtl,K8 LAITIVORK, P. M. WANTED LADY OR GENTLE MAN of fair education to travel for rt firm estitbUshed ;lu years. Kulury, tl, 1)7:2 inr year and expciiMw paid weekly. Address, II. W. KELLfcY, cure i'Kt-ss, .Milford, Pa. 2t Hnbscrihe for the PhK6h. Hymn of the West U'orUVt J'uir, Sf.. Louis, By EDMUND CLARENCE STEDMAN. 0 Thou, whorie glorious orbs on Kmlid the earth yUh R(tlriuior round, Frnin out Thy bt'CU't plw draw nigh Tho court a ttml t'iii;lt; of th's ground; KttM -un Llt-'bt, Ij'itl with thy might Tfu'Mi tluineii ihitt iu 1 by purpose grew, And lift h imtionV heart mmw ! , Illuiiiiue '1 huu t-iu h w liw ny livr). To hLuvv t)iH umrvt-U (jd tmlh wrought first Thy ni-onie'b chu f and cer jALfd Up with thiit prrtpliolic thuiiKht, Hadi' 1 Hue in; roll The fuUtfui -crjl1, Aud tMnpiri' unto Kitt-iijm tfave 1 roiii i-inmlhiiu! !ifil,t to tropic witve, I'vuitfl throi., thi; g'lit-M uvt. ot theNorih '! ;i v ini h - i i tTh j )iu tii-H r 1 Ai l . ,l fo. :h (,tr . Household Feats I In connection with the doslrpd absence of the dreaded bed-bug a writer in the .Time Ilellneator gives tho sound if somewhat Irish advice that "special preparations must be inaile before his arrival." Beds are to be taken apart and washed at Intervals with carbolio watr. and "Dalmatian powder" freely inserted in the crannies. Frequently open, ing beds and bedclothes to the air and sunlight and all cleanliness, are also enjoyed and the writer assures tne housekeeper that, "unless one lives in an apartment house and has undesirable neighbors" all vi ill I e well with her and her beds, as "bed bugs cannot thrive where clenniiuecw exists. Precautions against inva sions of moths and silver bugs a: also Included in the article. As to moths, the writer says : "Tho priii cipal thing is to use something thai has a sirong odor. Moths are over come quickly, by any powerful odor and will not enter a chest where it can be perceived. Turpentine is rucomtnended as having a clean odor, not unpleasant In the attic and much to ho preferred to moth ball and, liest of all, by hanging the earinents out of doors for half an hour the odor is removed entirely Dr. PersiforFrazerof Philadelphia is here looking after his real estate interests. J. J. Curtis of Honesdale was in town this week, lie represents a school book publishing house. Brauchville, N. .1., will have bank. The comptroller of the cur rency hus granted the application . The Kitson Woolen Mills of Stroudsburg are closed for repairs. About 250 hands employed aro now idle. Governor OJell of New York has signed the bill appropriating :!3,000 to build dikes along the Delaware al Port Jervis. A large number of quail from Kansas has been received by the Blooming Grove Park Association to restock its lands. Sujier visors should remember that the law requires them to remove the loose stones from highways once a month during the summer. Dr. E. B. Wenner, who formerly resided and practiced here, but who now has a thriving aud lucrative business in Philadelphia where he resides, was in town a couple of days this week. - Guerdon Pellstt of Paterson Xwith his wife came up recently to visit Mrs. (Jumble and while here, in company with F. L. Guinble and P. N Bonruique, fished the Shohola. A fire, presumed to be of ineendi ary origin," began last week back of Bush kill and burned along Saw creek toward Porter. Forest Park was in danger and considerable valuable timber was burned. Paul G. Kelleter, one of the Forestry students, was" hit in the eye by a base ball Wednesday while in a practice game and quite pain fully injured. Keep tha Balance Dp It has been truthfully said that any disturbance of tho even balance cf health causes" serious trouble. Noboday can lie too careful to keep this balauce up. When people begin to lose appolile, or to get tired easily, the least imprudence brings on sick ness, weakness, or debility. The system needs a tonio, craves it, and should not be denied it ; and the best tonio of which we havo any knowl dge is Hood's Sarsaparilla. What this medicine has doue i'i keeping healthy people healtny, in keeping up the eveu bwlsiic of health, gives it the same distinction as a preven tive that it enjoys as a cum. lis early use has illustrated the wWdom of tha old saying that a stitch iu time saves nine. Tho Hood's for appretite, strenglith tmd endurance. COURT PROCLAMATION St.itte of Pttnnsylvaiiln, ) County of Pilut. i Notice in hrrvtir frivt-n to all persons hound hy recj?ru7.mic or t lirwi-.o fco jpjMiir. that thej .luuti term. Ur.ti, ot tlir severiil rourf it ot I'iko county will bt; hcltl nt tlm Court HmiKj in (Lit Imrmitrli of Mii fonl on (hi f'irl Monthly i')ih) at li o'clock p in. und will b rout mud on week if neccij4in7. (. & O h G K Li K KG O ft Y, Mllfoid, P., May 10, iyu4. Ores that the wealth of Oplilr ihftino, Aud gi-ina enwrought of bcvt'U hued Lh, ihnjiiKti what vertnj tho soil hath lain At thine ow n limy to givrf inureasti The greater Kt)d the Kjht grain, The riiM-ulng holl, tlie myriad fleecel Thy creature grnz Appointed wayM; Lei:guu ufur K-iigue acroai t lie land 'Jhe u'r.fh'i heido oht y Thy hand. Thou, who high nrchways Hhiue muit Abuvu the plenteous uoalern nhtia, Thine uucitnt tribes from round the sphere Tu bivuthe iu quieht nlng air are fain 1 A nd tfmili'U the hujj To liiiide one 'l'ht ir biooil throughout K.irth's green- tnt LpHLo, Lnn4 tlw I'O ftud iutdkr mwl Mexico's Floating Gardens. While the City of Mexico Is els'it thousand fort hlch'-r than sea level, there are In the vicinity several lakes and ninrihy tracts which reiiiire ex tensive drainage operations. The VI- ga ( nnal Is one of these grtat drain- sue systems, and upon It are numerous liaises which transport farm and gar den produce from t lie market gardens to the city. I'lat t'ottunied hoats, pro pelled by a pole, convey passengers to the-' Healing R:irdens. The Rarilens sro located upon marsh land quite similar to the tule lands of California. The soil Is composed of decayed reed and trass roots, being entirely of vegetable mould and quite fertile. Hitches at frequent Intervals drain the gardens and furnish means of communication by caooes and small boats to the larger canal, and thus to the city. Here are the great mniket guidons, wheie veKptoliles are grown for Mexico's consumption. Here, too, are grown the nmiiiiittcrnt flowers wh'eh form uiii of the princi pal attractions, of Mexico City, the flower market lirlnir a wonder in the quantity and exquisite beauty both of the Individual tropic flowers and t lie ni-vviiilcpiil floral tonus, which are made with great taste and skill. Slreet ears also connect the city with the Tiliaxes upon the VIr Csnsl, and they are well patronized. Agriculture. England's Swelling Incomes. If the gross Income of a country is the moit trustworthy slcn of its pros perity, or the military, even the deep est hned pessimist will have to admit that England Is not doing so badly. According to the latest returns, the gross Income for the year lnoi-'i was S(i,il!i:t.lMKl, of which 1'I7.o.M,0o) was taxable. The beginning or the present period of prosperity In Eng lnnd was in lWU-Ii when the gross In come of tho country was iir7.oi(,00, so that there has been an Increase of '147,1 12.'0. or 43.2 per cent. The greatest previous period of prosperity was between the years Isc.v-U and 1S7."(I, Then conditions were unusual, owing to tho vast demands made on English Iron manufacturers liy this country and by the stoppage of conti nental competition during the l'rnnco flerman war. In tho former year the gross Income of th country was :1!IS,. 7114 tKl, and In the lat'er Cii I.H711.000, an increase of 57.1 per cent. England can still keep the wolf from the door. Cultivating Ginseng. The people who live down among the Ofciirks. in Missouri, have taken greatly to the cultivation of ginseng, the root so highly esteemed In the Orient. Tne profits may be estimated that a farmer In Homer, Mich., last year reali.ed $18,000 from a crop grown on a half acre of land. The Ozr.rks are said to be particularly well fittcil for. the growth of this root. Iast week a shipment of 1,000 pounds was made from Joplln. The output of the root has decreased greatly. In tho last fifty years, and the price has gone up correspondingly. In isr'' the pro duct amounted to .:itlti.tiri.- pounds, which brought $lfi:l,7!ifl, or K' cents a tiound. Last year the output was ir4,0tS3 pounds, which brought JHTi8, 615, or 7.So a pound. A rolling stone does not make much of an uphill fight. Accommodating. r.rakeinan Now then, miss, get In quickly, please. The train is about to start. Young Lady Rut I want to give my sister a kiss. Hrakeman Oct In! Get in! I'll at tend to that for you. Exchange. In the gamo of love, diamonds often rank higher than hearts. Tre merit Is like a river; the deep er it Is tho less noise It makes. Offending Nature. Thflre Ik an ejc(tlU nt old lady, who lives In Gennantown and la a strong advocnto of tho t-nforennent of the blue laws. Hut ho Is very fond of the good thinjra of the table, and for this reason she ri'dlghts In doing her own marketing. Tho o.her Monday morning found her, bright end early, selecting some fine pears from her markotuian. "Are you sure,' she (is1:d. "thnt these pears were not picked Sunday?' ! don't know about thnt," said the man with a prln, 'but I do know they growed Sunday.' Philadelphia Ledger. Seek to mhm'.e gontlenesH in all your rcbuVr; bnnr with the infirm t!e of oi hor.v. m.ike allowanees for foi:stitu(U)n;il fru'lties: never sny harsh th:ngi if kind things will d h well. t SCOTFS Scott's Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott's Emul sion rives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul sion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the speckd trials that women have to Lear. To children Scott's Emul sion gives food and strength for grovth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girl f -r thin and sickly boys Scott': E.iialMnn is a great help. S'-nJ for fr-e amr!e. SCOT r & Uijwr-.tr:, t;neinist. 40u-4l H-.t.iI ixrc.-t, Nuw York. too. anj l.uj i all rutirfista. Spring Humors Come to most pnople snd cue many troubles, pimples, boils anil other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, tlmt tired feeling, fits of biliousness, indigestion and hendacho. Tho sooner one gets rid of them tha belter, and the way to get rid of thera and (o build np the system that hai suffered from them Is to Uks Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in coiiiWtict Mia Spring Iedieine'r rnn, t Meailr4 sdongth In purifying the blood al show n by tinequallf d, radical and per manent curs of ' Scrofula : Salt fthaum Scald Head Holla, Plmplaa All Klnda of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh ' Dyspepsia. Eto Accept no substitute, but bo sura to get Hood's, and get it today. A Turkish Gentleman.. (Vniong tho Turkish min, rs every one known, the transformation of the exclusive Orlenlnl Into the gccom pllHlicd Luropean lias become the universal pattern 'of a TurkiRb gentle- inan. Wliatever his party, whether he belongs to the old or the young Turkish party, the Turk of ny pre tension to style Or to social slate clothes himself In certain of the Kuro- pean modes of thouuht, as he does, sarrorially, in Europenn dress. Whatever the laws governing the standard of manners In Turkish life may he. 'their results prove them to be beyond rl:irlsm. The Turk has not only perfect manners, but he also has this peculiarity among other Kast em nations: ifowever lowly his birth, once, ho has "Arrived." he Is trans formed Inter nn aristocrat of deeply In rooted cnservatlve tendencies, who yet presents, oulwardly, a moBt en KiiprlnK, sympathetic plasticity. Those whose lineage has ancestral distinc tion reveal a most diK'iKing: social equipment. "Whenever I want to talk to a man who understands everything, I, turn to H Hey," said a .beautiful woman to me recently In Home. "He Is as clever as a Frenchman, as ver satile as our American men, and he has the sympathetic quality of a wo man. Century. A Title and Its Story. Lord I.nmlnpton, tho recently ap pointed (iovernor of Homhay. has no ambition to rival Lord Curzon and ere ato a mimic cour; in the residency. Though he was Oovernor of yueeiis land from is. to 1001, ho is too fond of a private life and too little attract ed by the pomps aud vanities of offi cialdom. To tell the truth, outside his own family he takes far more In terest In the wonders of plant life than ho does In the, social arrange ment of his fellow' man. Botany Is his bobby. The"- c.lsslp mongers of the last century n.brfa.vs said It was acci dent made his hither a peer the ac cident that sour him as a boy to be a. schoolfellow cii Ilonjnmtn Disraeli. Young Cochrane, and Disraeli were playground chums, and one. day the Utile Jew boy, in a burst of confidence, exclaimed: "I-obk here, Cocky, I mean to be Prime Minister 'of Eng land; and when I'm Prime Minister of Kngland I'll make you u peer." When that day came, the story goes, "Cocky" reminded the successful poli tician nf his promise, and Disraeli kept his word, lly a wave of the niagt cian's wand Mr. llallle Cochrane be came the first Lord I.amlngton and an ornament to the House of Lords. II. A, V. Easy 8havlng. The Jamaica nexroes, some of whom are great dandies in their way, make a soap out of cocoanut oil and home made lye, und a flue snap It Is, smooth nnd fr:it;ranl. This cocoanut oil soap is useff for shaving, says Health. When a man wishes to shave Iu the nurnliii he starts out with bis cocoanut, shell cup and his donkey. tail nrusii and a bottle, it Is never any trouble to'find an empty bottle li Jamaica, even'fu the mountains. At least twenty generations of thirsty people have lived there nnd thrown nway iie bottle. The -man carries no mirror, because he has none to carry. Xo: one uero cahln in a doz en has even a ' cheap looking glass. But Nature prtwides the mirror as well as the soap, Tne man goes to a con vcaient pool in the mountain stresra, where the water is still, aud there Is bis mirror. He breaks his bottle on a stone and picks out a good sharp piece. Then he lathors his face pro fusely and begins lo scrape away with bis olece of plass, which works almost as well aa a sharp razor. Dear! Dear! Country Rector's Wife (engaging nan servant) "And can you wait at OlnnerY ' Man Aw, yen, mum; I'm never that hoonitry but I can wait until you've doue. Punch. "When ebher a man goes an' com mlta suicide I'jh a jr.nl won't hab him," exid L'nHe" Kbn, "It ahowa dat ie gal was about ricjit In her guean as to his riualili.-ailonx fob makin' a good huirlianil,Vrw1'nlriKton Btar. Physicians hive long boon looking for a himuloj heudacha cure. Ii has been produced by an eminent chemist of the National Capital. I is known as BiMMo l'Ki'e'iN. Besides caring every form of headache instantly, Bkjm) I'kpis is equally and as promptly efficacious iu chronic and acute indigestion and the nervous disorders incident there to. It is eflorveacent aud pleasant to take and insy be hsd of all np-to In te druprgiHta r.t ten cents a bottle. It comes ss a boon to intiukiud ard wi.-muuhood. For sulo by .'. O.. At u;nti'uiig, drugy18'- Advertise iu the i'uict. DESIRABLE RKSIDENCB On tlio fxmtliwoxt miner of Ilurford Htul Molt stm'tw. In tlm Iloronjfli of Milfcril, Ta., will lx sold on favornblo terms to the j.urclinT. Tlie house, oonilrlslnjr nil ojhmi hull, Hitting or reception psitn, jmrlor, iliiilii-rooni, butlers imntry (ltlel with hot nnd cold wntr, etc., nnd kitchen with rnnpp, Iniller, lmt nnd cold wiik-r, rto., on flrMt floor nix iK-d-rooms mul a Imth room with hot nnd cold water and other modern conveniences, on second flir nn itinplo pitiTet, and tome nnd clnw't room throttnliout alHo two Iure rooniM, cniUtlilo for billiard, cowing nnd children's jtlny-nxMii, or other Hlmllar imriineH a ekx1 cool and dry cellar, with coal and wood coiiijiartnientH entirely wimrnte there- from, well liKht(Hl and (xniveniently arranjriHl snvral oM-fmtfi fount ojhi fire platr all httrnl ajipmvnl own plumbing, l'leasant jKirclKfl on three Hides the whole thoroughly renovat ed, newly piloted and mi'red and in first class condition. Sjxtciou yrviiml xurroundinjr, all In nent fence, witli macadamized drive-wBy, Ixwitiful lawn, highly cultivated gurilen, old fruit trees, flowers and niirulis in central portion of the llorough, on a main htrei' witldn three minute walk of l ost oillce, churches and stores. Apjiiy to or address II y. T. Hakkk, Milford, l'a. March 1, 1904. A Sure Thing h is smu tunc notning is sure except death nnd taxes, but thnt Is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption Is n sure cure for nil lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to thnt. Mrs. C. B. VanMotre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says "I had a severe caso of bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of.but got no relief. One bottle ot Dr King's New Discovery then cured mo absolutely." It s infallible for croup, whooping congli, grip, pnen rnoma and consumption. Try it It, 8 gun ranted by nil drueelsts Innl bottles free. Hegular sizes 50o, fl.OO. If you want folders for leap year partios or dances, Tub Phbss has handsome ones at an easy prioe, JuBt remember we do any kind of printing from a large post ;r down to a beautifully engraved card, and at reasonab'.o rates. Will be glad to have ordors for vondne bills. Notice is hereby given by ilis Lewis that he will, on or before the 31st day of May, 1904, file his credentials with, and make applies, Hon to, the State Board of Iw Examiners to be examined by said Board on the 21st nnd 22nd days of June, 1904, for admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania. REG I ST EFTS NOTICE Tho f llowinir accounts have been died with the Ri Kisleranil till be presented to the Orphans' Court for confliiimtlon on the firt,(, Monday of June next: Kstale of Peter A. j. Quick, ideceawd. Second nnd pnrllul account of Lena A. Tnllt-awo, executrix. KMiue of John H. Holder, dncrnned. The ncciiunt of Mtneivn Btmirr, Mdmlnlkimtrix. Klat) of UerliHin Jjiiuurll, ducensed. Klret und flnul nceoont of UxraliHiiiH.Uuti null aud HImuii Zimmcrimin. execiitura. JOHN O. WKrtTHROOKJr., May Oth, 1U04. Kegiatoi. WIDOW'S APPRAISEWENT The fo'lowing appraisement set apart to widow have been tiled wlih the K. k'.o lernnd will be pniu-iitcd to the Oruiinua' Court for cohflruiibi Ion sod Mllowanue on the ffi-Mt Mondiiy of June next: Juitatu of licorge H. LungtoD, dropjtfled. Inventory und Apprttlartiieitt of (Mtmonnl properly ei upart lo widow, Aaeunth V. Lflnicton. Ktmo of John M. Smith,' deceased IlivelUoiy nnd Apprtii&emeut of perpiuiMl properly iet npnrt lo widow. June tMittth. JOHN C. WKSTbKDIJK, Mny Oth, l'JOt. R Hl.ltfr. soaeesf n I III f J FRY Arm DRESSMAKING f s 0 a We have the latest fash, ions in millinery goods, and are prepared to do dressmaking in the most approved styles, with neatnessand promptness, Parors in Wallace Bldg. if Misses Florence & Rosa Katil j Fourth Btreot, Milford, Fa. i s undcl"L'Lic PKotograpVicR AND DHAI.KRIN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 like Ktrtwt, Port Jrvis, N. Y Vyckoffs flew York YOUR SUMMER. Your Summer outfitting can be done in this store to your complete satisfaction and it's not a bit too early to make selections. We cannot too strongly emphasize the worthiness of our equipment of warm weather wearables. Can't tell you about the whole stock, so we'll just hint here nnd there nnd cordially invite your earliest inspection. Introductory Tbetwopicnesolt Sale or Two "H1U VUB " ui PiCCG Suits summer lavonie y eve got a very handsome showing in Lawns, Muslins, Percales and soft Silks. We have been very busy in this line, many numbers closed out but new cue coming to take their plnoes. This seems as thongh it would be a Shirt Waist Suit season. White There's more style, more comfort and more econo my In a shirt waist tl an Waists in any othor garment in a woman's wardrobe. This department, con sidering the backwardness of the season, has been unusually bus?. Reason Js apparent when you see the style and quality we offer for the price. Every single gnrment is new, positively this season's make. Lawn Wrappers Tne warm Mntinoo Snira weather is on in earnest and you can make yourself comfortable by nslng our lawn wrappers tor working and one of our matinee suite really a two-piece lawn suit, a dressing sacque and skirt. These at about tbe price of an ordinary wrapper, neat and dressy. Our lawn wrappers are in Itg'it and unrk colors All sizes np to 46. WYCKOFF'S NEW YORK STORE Stroudsburg, Penn'a. Samples Cheerfully Given, Mall Orders Promptly Filled, ...FOR... ! YOUNG MEN & YOUNG WOMEN f TRAINING AT THE I PORT JERVIS I BUSINESS INSTITUTE I HUBBARD BLDG. 1 S PORT JERVIS, N. Y. S ALL BRANCHES, . 1 THOROUGH $ INSTRUCTION; : DAY OR EVENING I f SESSION 2 YEAR 'ROUND. S Off. ERIC DECOT S LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call oh J. D. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Fir Insurance. OLD RELIABLE COMPANIES. RATES REASONABLE Charles O. Wood. Agt. SnnecMor to J. J. Hart. t JtT-Offloe q rear nf Ktwldeboe on Ann St Milford, Plk Co., Pa. Lk1 Kiesd all vow lite la a dm I aod cUifeaaiu. W tiAin a... tMLo.it sic a at . .ULB. )s w- Um. iu t"""-"""'i-" 1 lll.l.l, lb... il Vrt luUAY tuilM. I. . 4a; Mm Ibm (Jtcauy 4i IwU l Ltarn Rfty Mall aaWl. .i.ittal. S.a, ll.(. m4 CM alavl Itaaiai kWa aWaO( blfjra . it NiliuiiUwatf, kruUt( rial C nrMaat sSa ' .. 1 i i 1H411 wead all tosi lit la dm if satd cUfsaatut 1 1 Store Weekly flows OUTFI TING Best Time to Got a white goods show here thnt will please yon in 11 ways. Sheer Buy White Goods Lawns, satin damask designs, P.K., etc. A recent purchase of about. W0 yards of ue.w, medium weight, mer cerized material at a time that enables the Belling of D5o goods at 25o and a 20o material at 20c yard. Men's Shirts The Season's collection is complete. We can suit tiny taste and fit any price. Perfection of style, fit nnd finish ninrk every shirt in the stock. The merits of onr line of Eclipse Shirts improve on acqtiniotanre. Are you acquainted? Our negligee shirts at 45o to 98o are good value nt 20 per cent. more. You'll find uiiiimibI merit, too, in our neckwear, collars and cuffs. Our two for a quarter collars are linen on both Bides. XeWS Al)0Ut ft'1'1" will again SumillCr lHrPB'T worn this IUMioiis snim"' i';'ere no st"ck in this sec tion to compare witli ours in point of variety, in qualities, widths, colors and price. Our washable taffeta ribbon is tbe kind that can be wash ed and look well afterwards. Ryman & Wells 81 Have a fine line 1 of wall papers all new stock. A store full of j; other necessary I articles also. ! Please call and ! examine before I buying. RymanSWells' IVUlforc!, Pa. Supplying The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We Rolve It by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. EVERY THING FOR AN ELEGANT DINNER GUMBLE & RYDER Harford St. Milford Pa. Bluo'Front Stables, Port Jarvls, N. V. Adjoining Gimmer'n Union House Road, carrittge, draft and farm homes for sale. Exchanges made. A large stock from v li it'll tu wake twileclions. CANAL BT. Hiram Towner. William. B. Kenworihey, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OfHoo aud rvldt-ue Biond sttrtt idl Court Hijumi. WlLFOKI), VA. Advertibe In tlje I'Ktsa,