Johnson's Shoo Store ThoLaFrancoj Shoes j FIT lasts ltlM'ilUSO 11 1 C they're mado on were planned by expert. They keep their hhape, because the workmen who made them are expert. They wear be cause their leather was selected by experts. Our tooting as a shoe man has made us fit to fit the feet. Bring in yours. We'll fit' cm. johnson, FITTER OF FEET. Port Jems, N. T. Hera I SOMETHING YOU NEED! Vowr own Writer Works, which you n hare by rnnnnltliiK ?. C PRKSOOTT of Matnmor tM who la prt-ftnretl to Rive entiinates nt any time. Writ him at wnoB or all and s hit took of FORCE PUMPS PRESCOTT, ttmoras, Pa. TH EZ NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition id Wherever Language la the English Spoken Tho Thrice-a-Week World was n hri' linnt tucee-s in tho beginning mid has Imhui steadily growing ever sinco. Time ts the test of all hings. and has set Is seal of approval on the Thriee-H-WVck World, which Is widely circulated in every state and territory of the Union, and wherever there are people who can read our mother tongue. This paper for the coming winter and the year 1903, will make its nows service, If possiLle, more extusie than ever. All events of Importance, no matter where they happcu. tire reported accurately Alia promptly. The subscriber for only one dollar a year gets three paper overv week and more lii-ivs aud general reading than moat gi-eat dailios can furnish at five or six Uuiom the prloo. The Thrioe-a-Week World Is absolutely fair In Its political news. PurtUau bias is never allowed to affect its news oolumns, and deinicrat nnd republican alike can ob tain in tta paircs truthful accounts of all the great political campaigns. In addition to all the news the Thrlce-a-Week World furnishes the best serial fio tiou, elaborate market reports and other features of Interest. . The Thrice-a-Week World's regular sub scription 1 rice is only $1 per year and this pays for 156 papcirs. Va offer this uue qualed uewfepapcr aud the Pike County Pre together one year for $3. The regular subscription price of the .vo papers is (52 frit S.s4ii State Ncrm3l Schc East Stroudsburg, Pa Kt Litiif Miit-t1 Noriiiiil ( h Md b-p.-i-K.l UfpfirtiiHinis of Miiiio, I'.io-('ilii-n. Art., Itniwitikf, Strni'r,ihy( nmi Ty pwrir-ti)(ir; roiif; (JuUegu tJn pHr4itiry Dt pnrtiiint. FREE TUITION B(.nrtli)if? eiporists f-'i fiO per wet-k. Jtipii6 itaiiiltir'a t nny riint'. 'IV rtn uix-itit A) ril 4Lh, I'tU. fttr cataluiae. C Kemp, A. Principal. W nm M. P-3 YTAr-S 'f tAt-titittce 1 . ll'lfllll I - J. c. Impure blooJ always slimvs somewhere. If the skin, tltcn boiis, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ouscess, depression. If the Sarsaoaril! stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appc-tire. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for C'J years. r"lfp(-t IMirk. MV K.mhI i4 I'-il. H'.'t IHV en th m n. (t t-. tint ;i i-u- l-n'tl"" of Aji:i lrnnparllli co!iH'Vtclv rm'1'! ni" " 11. II. Dokiii.kk, Srranton, fa. ffi Ml it loitl. j. r. Avri r, for Impure Blood Aid tho Barsopat hln hy hoppiiin! the bowels tegular with Aver a iPiila A Grsat Sensation Thorn wna ft big sensntion in Loiv ville, Intl., when W. Ii. Bru'ii.i that ploco, wbo wns expr.nti'd to die had bin life Rnved by Dr. Kin(?'t New Discovery for consuinptiou Ie vrrite9: "I endured inmilTotHbli BKonios fiom uslliiiia, but your New Dinoovpry Rve me iminwimte rplnt nnd goon thoronftor effnotpd a com plete cure." Similar cures of con sumption, pnenmonin, Bronshiti and grip nre numerous. It's tin pern-less romedy for oil tliront n ml lung troubles. Price 50o nnd $1.00 Guarnnteed by nil .imgistg. Trni bottles free. Washington Hotels. R1GGS HOUSE. The hotel pnr oxcelli'ticft of tho cnpltnl .rMtMl wit hln oiin hliM'k of th W luit Himse BJid directly the TrotMUt Klii"sL tiiblo iu the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL- A fninona huN'lry, roiuurkahlo fr if hlstoHnitl arim'iriion mid hnig-austuliu populftrHy. Rennitiy iisnnvuted, rupmiittt nnd purt liilly rofurulfihed. NATIONAL HOTEL. A Inndnmrk atnitiiff the hntoli of Wnsb itiKltin, prtti-onized iu former vi-nrs hi prrhtdt-nts unit hiRii olTlciiiln. Always r riiiine favorite. Kwently ittniiHlc'ltid Bin; rt-U'lennt lHHttir than crr. (Jpp. H K dnp. WALTKK Hi;HTO.V. Ks. Mi. riitise hotttiit are the prilmipul nollliciil mndiizvouH of the cupiutl at nil linntg. riify are the lest stopping places at reu ilialilo rntits. O. O. STAPLES. Proptlator, O.DEWITT, MsnBBr. Dingumn'u is liendquarters Lowuey's confections. for 0 i?if3 Lmrn We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition So .tjF the same Lion-Heads will entitle yon to estimates In our $50,000.00 Grand Prize Contest, which will make some of our patrous rich men and women. You can send iu as many estimates as desired. There will be TWO GREAT CO?.TEGTG The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the Sf. Louis World's JFar; the second relates to Tof Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, lt04. $-10,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, lo make it still more interesting, in addition to this amouut, we will give a Cs-e. s- . tiKt PffT ri fin ft fi!! t0 the one who is nearest correct on both MiiU I ill VI V-"1 ' ts 43 contests, ffl thus your estimates have two Five Lion-1 leads cut from Lion ii Coffee Packages and fi i! 2 cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: VOuLD'S FAin CONTEST What will be tl.u tola! J'-lv th attendance at tho St I -ts Wei M V t 1 At liiv :tv t. Jmy 4. i - 1 1 t n at'n-l-tn - w n ' t. rur Ul.rri.t COIIOt fe-ll-iNLc, li:l.tJti iU V. si.j!:.-.iU :-fi!.-e linn- pny uiie e. 3 oit-.lo, Cnno, on or tietorn Ju:i 1 i -i. iviil Di .t t'fiee fur t:i ne-m'st correal L.ulw, sccuuj ii nit lo tue Ucxt, elc, mc. i tUuw.: 1 r 1st rrlre I2.SO1.O0 I twi-tii Inn 1 ,fi. ill.t .O 3 l-.i-- eark 1') i '.it 1 I It - i i li--. J -.. 13, TOTAL. i i . J f 13 I ' : . I . J V JL TREASURER'S SALE! Of I n-ti-lttt- ml. In ViUn I'minty 'tttj hikI I'.MIM an.t IiiiiiI lOttl. 1 it - Sullen U IM All i.f I litl! till il i A ii An to - o i s c t ititiiln ..r I jMI-M-l M , i I!;- !!' fM : i iiij 'HI A i-t.v -.Iii-m .i-i-i".. A ii ni I', ine-i 1 in I ilw Aei'e t rrinMv t.i nf 'llit -t. i-iillt Ie I in til!.-. I An Ail i-lltntt lltlM-ltl-il in pit pnljiiiN'-s l-:;fv l.j a Hi!) ni. I i In- Arl i i. lit-. .It- i.f Tiling ' ami fur i-th-l VI Ii. A I) IM'I. t in :- i.'i in ;l l.v Ai l entitled ;ii---l I'f UI:M-.-lli-l! t, I Ii 1 1 ' "f t ill -tin -It Hill, till. m. ni- i.f mill for 1'Mi. A. I ill l'i " ins r In Mil' n l'i InlMl-t In- t ; T i -f-ivi-v-il V m l; I inn ii Hi. I I IT (.1. iil-l- ' A . I j m.-t il M ..M An in v.-1 ; i ' i Inii.U In the 1 ' -, i i hi . 1 1 1 .' i ill. Ii mil si 1 1 ' i il . iii.-n: Ir-i-ilti-it ir.iiw ilipli inn r-' l hi IT I -I'll ui i pi-. f Hi ..f Ii lit. ri Ii- full. its in I (il -ii-itlii-il ill Unlit- s-iUI tut tlin - ai r ml nam ) t.ilt SKC'OMI MOM1A Y IN .11 N i; K i-;xt -Iiij; tlit. t hirti'. ii. Ii d.-iy nf s.ild lininlli) iiim.,-nr;i. at I.mi o '-i-u k ill tlin nffi-r- iii'i'll ot hind (lav. at l-lirilK' vi'llillltt, AT HIK COI'IIT 1IOIS1C l Mill (lit l tin i-.mlltT of i'ikt-, fn tint- nnd t'tiHi. nccriii arri-anie-ti of d tin eat'h lot !-S,.,-iVlJ lllnilliiliiK firoTtt TotTll.lilp V'i. . Vm. ; -iiiIih- N.-iint! A-ri-s Pit S'i il-irii.n .lain. l'"t 77 $ 0 i"1 l'i 15 !:. (Ml Kmiiis.. .l.ilt n SIT. 71) 111 f.11 ''.'.I K li-illliiinn llnriire 4"'J 1 l'i SI 11 :-i7 .Mi-.-i.,- Jnhn 5 k; Hii-lmnN .Ins him 4-1 )r 2 11 lli:l Hlllt.. r .lulin 1 re H 40 ks Wtgtun Minuan-t 4U4 Xt 6; IVIanikre ToKnhlp 1.1 Krodheatl Iiiilm 41H B 00 IS HniilliPinl Mary Kn m Ij M Itr. t'liint-y Hannah 150 4 4 HM I 'nrtli'V 'I hitin-ii S;iil 7 IN 40 llliiMinan Anilicw ... 4H 8 1". liilnrirn Murgiirut 115 8 Ht i:l 11 HIT Ann l'W 4 li I !K HonviT Kmanind . .. Kll 1117 M ' 117 . IiiKrahani ( atiiarlni". . H'tl ISA 8 ( 114 Klinu Hii.-linl 1.VI 4 fill In; M.-ii-B Hnhert Boo 11 111 HW M.-hmi .loliii inn 151 (1 11 H ni M-.-it lsnl) 411 Hi 27 50 In") McNeill Siiiiiuid Hit 70 H 1H 110 'I'liiniiati 4W 115 1H 0i nil riiilliii SVilllam ;i'U 8 (i 45 Miuemakor I-ano .... 5 1 IliiiKiimn Township 101 Ili-liik Moimst loo 52 7 If! 115 I'linliiud lVlinnill. .. 10 77 ii.4 Kvitt .lac.h :w 8 11 ISO (iiiiiZHhiT Samuel HI B (ir WO N-leiuh M.-IiiiIiis . .. .7 70 1 lo tr.l H..Iii-1-ii-M.ii-iliciil 101 7 40 ..11 11 iiKtiin '1 iHiiniifc .Ijr. . . . 51 2 is:! smith William 152 il St, Yandermnt-k Llldwlg. HO 2 Ho HI Wolf Jncoh 4V.1 - 22 72 Greene Township !01 Ilninet.Inlin...- 270 21 US :,7 ilr.iilh-iiil Daniel Dill H) 15 61 !5! fialtf Willliiill 2.ll 144 10 H7 : K.iiilkn Adam 4:il 33 ( Mil TA-m-li .1 din 4:10 fi;i lo OS LTimh William .'.4:iil lO'.l 81 Kl !.I7 Mnrdnck .liihn 50 8 W 1'aBohall Thunins 50 11 !' :-2 H.uip . W 223 44 17 Mi .'02 THtertnary .lotm 22H HO 17 HI-1 .03 'ritterniiil'T' .lolin- 115 5 (v! We.itluonk Hiiiiin 150 11 W Lrltawaxpn fownsliip ISO Dalliet Joseph 10 VS 45 01 Dfi'lil-y Daniel 814 82 4 i 120 runner Mleliael !10 8 10 125 Oha -man .lames B17 CO 23 43 33 Hi.T,.--.H,iili.Tt 417 70 43 3 1.23 Howell ittehartl M . 4 33 ;h 2d .lennlmiM .luhn.. . .,373 33 4 I ill .Mieiftrnve William. . . . 3ir3 312 1 W Hnherld HlUhit tnO 20 M (iO Shell Ann W 8 45 03 Sliee Cailiarinit l!W 5!) 11 25 1S Taylor .luhn 100 10 33 ho M'ilnn I'll. -he 3il4 2o 4ll 70 Hi Winti'tl l'arnielia 307 10 31 73 r-rv.. -(''-""'-v 4s-.y 7 j w'7 ilio Uormkr Fi opportunities 1 W- " ''), J.i .( ...1 ...1 . . . 1 . . 1 to b li. ; ) In f-O Pn.-s ltnjO FflJt3d . t-.liAI UO 2.V.OOO.I O Si 13'J fKiZES. 1 : ,4 I., si V, j" rsiu: 111 f Li -. y 'TJ .I.eliirntn Tnwn.lilp . 1 .I.. in', Hi. .:r. mill ! l 4 !-k.-r,. A . . l 1 I. . I I li. -vim. r .I nn. 9 . . . 2-4 1:11 l 1 1 -7 1 1 .lly t Inn l.n 11 4 77 1 10 fl i(a. it-1 1 33 ' l'i I 'IK H.-i, 1 i.iii.i no 6 i7 -.' -5 l-.l,i-..-,i7. II. -r illllery M 1 73 2 linn Hulii-rl . . I1" B 07 2 1 II. islei- Pan let 10 III 113 Kiiim ai- WHImm ..H'l . r,r, him III Mine Rneli-I l' ' ft 07 113 hliincai- .lames 3'i"i 55 15 III 1 Motet (.'linrles 7;1 2 33 157 Mi-r-i Henry fn g ifi 210 itn.ttin TlnmiM 143 ft IW 2-4 St.iHe Samuel 42 la) I rit!iii.trt Ttiwnshlp HO Tally David 105 IK (IS 113 i'lilliis Hi-li-.-t-a .131 14 40 10 Smith William 3--2 12 41 ll lol Smith William 210 20 53 HI Witft.Hl Isaac 418 133 47 !W Tttrtfr Townsliip H'O Aheremnitiln .lallien . 414 00 23 71 27 l'-.iy.l Charles 400 If 15 00 iiO Hinirliani Ann fvl 1 55 314 llinvvn Hani. -I I 'M 7 HI 810 Martini Daniel 2 10 120 10 52 113 DillsAI1rnl1.ini .. .2-7 1J nfi lin-er iHias SI, nil H. 11 . ' 9 rt Ut2 Hales ,.,l,n lo:f 4 87 31 llarrtmin -ie.iiie )m) US 8 10 .13 Heller Miehne! loo 71 lo S-S .l.m . Alt-iil. 1:11 412 fit 1171 100 Miller William 3111 ll IS 40 (ill Overlield William Hoi) (17 30 II. 1 'riiiim.n laO 4 71 I'iO S link John 25S 153 8 01 171 Kiehelberger Hnrnet . 75 1 i?y Minimis, Tnwn.lilp IM Hnrr Joseph 437 81 47 3S 147 Hnllny Kratiels 3'iil 2S 8120 154 CiinnellT John 413 in 45 05 l.1 Cary Mlthw 1TH 7 107 144 t hpinail JaiiKKi 1 7 Dfl S3 73 27 roiinaroe Thomas 410 P3 47 79 130 C'fioH-r John 100 10 H2 131 Depul Ann. 8'i 10 47 tl Dlniliilek Pun 210 63 Btl 03 03 Denny William ,100 H 53 H3 Htiph 'I hoiims 4"0 1st 43 88 HO Insco Samuel 71 ) 7 71 100 Liikeua Ahraliam 837 85 (!4 15) Iiester John P lofl 50 11 44 83 Neleitfh Martin IM) It) 10 lot) Kiistnn Alary 415 IB 44 illl 78 Husmll Andrew 203 80 20 ll 148 WtdU James Jr 18S 80 20 118 Vsfall Township 37 115 Tlmvher Oliver P. JH ariner Iiewis Jones Isaao Measo John Smith KIl.alH-lll. . 40 07 810 1 15 f0 1 52 83 81 27 W 11 81 .73 4 00 GEO. A. BWEPKNISKH, Treasurer. Treasurer s Oftlee, Mllford, Pa., j March 20, loot. ( TREASURER'S NOTICE Of Sl of Seftted Lands for Arrearage of Taxes The following Is thr list of taxes return ed ty the Collectors for the several tntvti ships fur the fours I! mi and 1W03 and the Hchnol year 1004. with costs, which land will he sold iiRreeahly to the act of the loth of Fehruary, A. I) 1870, at the same time and plaeo as the above and foregoing uoseateu Hums: llloomlng Grove Township Nnttie and Description Bunnell Susan nr 100a nnimpd Abra ham Shalcr No UIMiulj J Klelllhans Tni and J C West brook t 8 81 Crosby A A or 131a nnimpd Samuel Hunt No 73 and 1) Hurler No 74 l.ilj Koliert VollDioRlitt CO Hilliugs 9 03 Klnkc Istein Sarnh nr R3a nnlmlHl Margaret Stocker No 80 6 77 ttahfu-.i Annie ui 25n iiulmtid John Kut tor No 103 inlj Win Podlwiskl. IjchcIi Samuel nr 100a utiittipd Peter Miller No 182 adj John Madden and Sanuiel Yennic. Piper Frederick nr lO.t impd 61 uiilmptl House Saml Shalcr No lt?4 . udj II Dulling and Paul Kraal 88 8 58 8 14 it t. v 't t i a . i of winning a Dig cash prize. Printed blanks to vote cn found In every Lion Coffee Pack- The a cent stamp covers tne expense 01 our acknowledgment to WfT) i Ossro " Oa HO-w-r. tr,gs.ijuvr riT'" 1 i. .i aa'jj - itaj .Jml sai , J 11 . l fei-i.. 1 1 you that your cs mj1l3 timate is recorded. PnrSlDCUTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be the Mini Pup-ilnr Voto cast for Preslrtent (vote fer all ci-ii. tni it r-.-i t- r.- i B1 the e u-.-ti.jn Kn.bii V; I VHt la lmleltlli-n, 1 tnr Pi eiidnut. hor nearest cor r..t c-.stiLK.itt s rt:cii. -I In Woelhon tM,.ice Co. '4. oniue. 'I ult-iln o., ua or t.eiui j Nuv. s, I ti. we will nlve ni .t pi liie lor the neaif-t cor lucl eUinte, kcLoud i.i to Uikiuai u.t, tc. a. toUowa: 1 first t-.'lrs i'i.Aritl.OO 1 I.M...J t-nu ll.MHl.Oi) 2 P'lies im.O.OO eaob l.t-liO.OO 6 I. i:niiei) l.e.oooa ) fiO I.i "' f-)rj " l.ta.O.oO ) (.' . . . 1 ,1 IU.OJ . .2.r-oo.'!t . lo no O.OO TOTAt. U!0.000.00 la ' :.-.t3V;!.!'.hv;i ths!lff.it3,C:3 L' i'-ac:;ac- C 5 3 r i t 3 it . . . J TCLECO, Ci5!3. WlNtntns Il-lii-rt nr 5-'a utilmtKl In. use .1..I1 11 Itul lei- No in ) .t.lj H. -lull. , III W 1 nli-anil Oeu Hn.-Klinc . IM M -I '.inlt-ll .luhn t-t-t til Imp. I lin-l imiinl-l Ii. in-iit and lmrn David Shaler Nm7llaf!J 1'al rick McCimnel 0 05 lirlanare Tniru.lilp Cr-psy I.lllin F hr fi.i liltpd 5o3 liniinpd linuse and haul Jniin Knnest N'ollailj.l ( 'aim anil ot tiers !J 40 Diiflliitf Iteli.-ei-ii nr 2a linitil I1111110 nilj Harriet Hailt and (4 W li?t ton est. 20 Mlnier Kllr.iihetb nr 50.-, milinu-l Miry llroilhT.l No 18 ndj BelJ ?h..iell i1 A K Um. h I 1 Una Ulu IVnJklnlil a- gist htlivt " tiiiimnil h'tiii1 ami liarn TjSiiilih Nn 21 ami .1 1 ;, ml 1 1 th nil No 23 atlj U Vnntitine and tilln-is 85 87 Mntiee Kuliert. nr 21-. 11 ti impd flavltl .tepliens No 20 inli Hiram West hrituk est and Mrs,? Stewart. ... . 14 20 Minter Het.rr nr till nnlmpd Mary Hrndliend No 18 uiij Klizulteth Min ter nnd ot lirs 4 75 West iinmk .luhn (1 nrfialmpd 113a oiilmptl Marr Hrodliead No 18 and Win Jnek-oii No II 4 8C, L'Hiinndieii Jasim nr la linid nil j U Hosier ami J Whlttaker 12 Raltt Harriet A 8-, lmid nnd house .arret Hrnilliead No 151 atlj Kd Kmery and John Haltt 10 Court rlsrht John nr tin Impd lot) tliilmpil huilse Hannrvh f'arney 145 J M Taylor 123 adj Pavld Crou ... 8 02 Plnsjiiiaa Tnwnsliip Nelson Peter est 3a Impd 21 la niilinpd house ami barn adi r Mourreaux. . 17 9t Crone (4 Y nr K3a iitilniid near Din(- itiiin sin tnir mil , w Hoiileii 7 8 ltilciH KT nrl!ii tinimiHl t-'rimeis Smith No 103 adj lr John Kelly and Jutld Place 87 50 Smith Ailiitn nr 5t.i utiiiutitl bouse aiirl liarn aili N W Hold n 106 Im ler rj II nr 2' ma uulnipd Siil Uitiisauis No ISO pi niiiiutia w 111 Smith No 183 adi John Plcot and others 11 29 Farley Terence nr 15a timid 834a llnlmpd holism and barn N in Sit orcaves No 83 adj K A Gi-euuintf and hjinina Tatnpler 17 25 Oreene Township French James nr r32a- nnlmpd Mathew Conner No 54 I) H Hurly No 55 D R Hurly No 50 William IlrtHlhead No 57 54 81 W ilson r tlirarnr 53a nnlmpd Thomas iticiiaios .o tin 1 m Nipert Jnmes A nr 8a Impd 4nA tinitund 2 bouses Hnwo and Klllot So m nilj Philip M inlmrt and others B 88 Merda Jlllci- nr 185a tttilmpd William ells N 1 201 111I1 Kinile Olsommer Si Holiday Klizatir 5a impd 179alin!mpd Jnhn Crosby No 270 11 68 Hnzelton Snmnel nr store house and lot adj Thus H and K F (jtlpiti ... 4 81 Ross Hetihen est .Sola uulmpd Jas Heritage No 77 ndj lot No 257 430a linimtKl John C Stocker No lli5 ad j lot No 1'il 430a nnimpd Margaret Stocker No 107 formerly Colllng wood & Co 70 86 LnrkawKXn Towmhlp Rfwomopo KUnn nrfortnprlr Bnlt(lpn LhiiW lMn Impd iHa niiimp-. 5 h'iiiflp 8 ontbiiihllnifH ndj .lohri Ctirlin et 63 88 Clurk Martin nr fH)a nnlmpd ndj .luhn MfiDormott and Gtorge Krnncn 1! 02 Fa-k I mc k A J f md n r 4n 1 ni pd 85a unintpd linuse nnd burn 19 15 FiitMlo eldhn nr 2rm uniinpd Furman Mnro No 157 lot 10 2 08 Kirhj Edwiiid nrf1), nnimpd house nmi burn ndj Orison Votj nnd li'lrlrh Tobler 6 10 Ludvvig Cttnrloa er 2a Impd 9Ba nnlmpd I.ouro nnd bnru 16 4F Tjiiiely Lfvl nronchmme 4 10 Mfit'ki't Karl nr 5)j uutinpd lot No 9 Andorcffira Divldmi 8 74 Marsh .Initio nr ono houso 4 43 KostMimicr Albert nr la Impd 25a nnimpd housi and ba n ndj G L Daloy 10 92 Wfsrhrofik Ijiit imhx uniinpd Inao I)'C(w No 10 ndj lot NolHl nnd 10,5 11.02 bniHii .lotm ."J'Ki uninttKi mil MunutM Lounnsii-lu 1 66 Llndale t.hnrliMt nrBDa U"hnpd ndj Hi'rzuff nii'l A Pulton 3 OS Jj.wruuMi Will ta ni nr 1 lot nnd houo 9 W Millar Kirncsfc nr H5a impd ;Hiot uniiupd houc nnd barn ndj Ezra Casrand J W Hrlukimiii 83 16 Perry Kllen cKt 2a Impd 17a uniinpd a nan ty nli John iKuronl nnd nlnx- wll , 9 71 Montn Janip) nr85a uniinpd lofc No 1 IK1I ! Mrllnle nil! MU'twifl HrMdV 1 (1- Mi!lowfdl iiiiam nr 2) a nnimpd mil J H Smith nnd U K Kowlaud.. 8 2S Nlk AtitfiMt nr Boa uniinpd mil ft) tor Knoctgen and J h Burclief. 1 9ii Lehraao Towntlilp CliiTord Catbnrtne eat 2a Impd 11a uniinpd ndj Jotph Hill lard nnd Jnct'ph Kli-inPTf. 8 ft Count. trnwin Uaiitol nr 8a imnd 2a iinimrrd hoiioo ndj Jonathan linkur nnd Peter Pit'ro. 9 01't 11 w iirBa Impd 67a untmMl tmuKC and barn ndj Jurumluh Tit- iniin nnd fithors 6 73 Fl Miiiimi John nr Oa Impd Iioiiro ndj Calvin IXfker nnd Wlltiaui Conn c-riuan 8 HnlbronU A A nc 2a Imnd formerly Daniel Clnrk nr 8 14 Pincbot John t est 75 nnlmpd ndj H W Clinmlierlnln and Jno (iould. 9 OS Van Gordon Frank nr2"m nnlmpn . 1 6 Van Auki'ii Kvn est. ISfia unlmpd adj Jonse (iimii and i W Chnmbnrlaiu 1 60 IlfiiiH-tt Jam oh nr 10a liiipd H5a nnimpd Ikhibo hikI burn 8 47 TraiiHtte liaae est I'.iKa untmpd 6 83 Counternmu Mary A nr 15a Impd 9a nnimpd 8 03 Baldwin P Ij nr 75a unlmpd Wm Kin near No 134 mlj Joseph ililliuid nud Jos K-lcluurt 1 14 Falinyrn Township Calrnn James nr8a impd lr3n uniinpd h'UMO nnd barn. WalUn Paupao Manor No 9 adj A brain Crona and I'aiipir Hivrr . 8 75 Mo Hal Mary et la linpl oa unlmpd hour and barn James UiliiCsiu No adj Fruitcts Manlev eat 13 4fi Marker Alfi-etl nr 8a impd 12a unintpd house adj Joseph Smith . 9 60 Fade A braliam pt 7a in.jMl .it!a nnimpd hnuse nnd barn 'ihoiiinj lirown No 8 01 Kci.iT Alva nr 5a Impd 5a unintpd house and barn 5 27 Lnnii-an Pnirirk e-t 1 lot nnd houe m Cromwclltowu 8 88 Laiii;a!i Michael vz 4a impd 3a unimpd 2 houties and barn at Croui- welltown 8 27 YYullfl Andrew nr 2 luta and house at Cfomwel I town 0 60 Lcftus 1 tumias est house and lot at Cromsvelllowu 1 47 1'ortei Towufthip FlnkelsrHn Samuel nr nnimpd hi(dieiiMrr7i'r liarnet No 171 adj lul :ij and iri OverOt Id iM pue Smith A Co l' Ha nnimpd Jacob Stuft No 174 ndj John Miller No l&ti nnd William (verfitdd .Shaft r (ii'tu'i t (tt K'M unlmpd adj Win Feitinan No 173 and Kichel bPi ger larm-t No 171 .. . . hliultol Township Hart Mattfarvt A ir'..Va uuliii!d and lunioe mii (U-itnuU Hart and J li 1 SI 4 U7 8 81 Hilliaid Mnliinu; Mi haid nr lfia in pd rHa unuii) tl tiuuMe and Ilhii and out liuiidsii" ndj 'i'lmi liiadford and Ktiyar Wilis 27 18 WcnllHlt Tuwngtilp Uniwn O .T N . 2i ii t-t-t 3 luM in Intaiiiiirr.. -1 cm- Littler ntiU MuLu- mm ill h! n ets 5 Bell it I nmi K (i 105i lliilinpil part itT Jt-iinie SihIi Ii pnnw-rl v 18 Seluiei.ler .luliu t-t lut No IOj fnt-- iiii tin Knliier tttit-t M i.l.iiaii.'tw atlj Jniin .-oliuiiiiu-lii.r 4 I jgr-No taitoi rnt-i-ivetl mi il-tv of kiI tit.1). A. h tl'tMM It, '1 raaurr. Trvasurer's Ollltv. Milfonl, l'u., I M ' tf II A When DO YOU EXPEHT TO VZJi BROWH and Manufacturers and dealers In all kinds of Lumber, Contractoro and Builders, Estimates mado ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed OFFICE, Brown's Building:. Milford. Pa APRIL AYJUNE J are the the most important W rnonthn of tlie year ON THE FARM J The'work done then hiennft th 'RiiecesH'or failure tf the A farm for the yenr. As an Aid to Success every fanner should In touch & with new methods which will inereaHfi the prodtif.tivcnes and v cunscquent revenue of liin farm. A WEEKLY VISITOR trhleh will plve aid of this kind J wifh the opinions and pnictical W eperbHre of the hi-st known n??- - rluultural mil hurit ie In Aim-r- lea, Iu an Interesting manner, in J NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER J - Don't forget that H also hn 4 entertaining paes for the 6 wlven, boiih and daughter. You may secure it. in oonne - tlon with your home paper, w THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS which will be brighter nml bet ter, boih papers 1 yr. j FOR ONLY $I.G5 J by sendiniryonrnrderntonee to J THE PRESS, MILFORD, PA. J t Delaware -:- Valley -:- Railroad Time Table in Effect Oc'ober I, IS03 . in. 10 1X1 U (Hi1 P. M 13 !! fli 8i 'ia Bui '12 47j 12 411 IJ ill ia bis 11 fi7 l'13 fill: tl M 1 051 1 10: 1 4 l.v 13 4(1, A r. ...Now Ytirk . Fliiiiulflplii.-t 5 001 fS te; f5 til1 fo IS! 7 00 bv . f? ( . a tin " . n is! . Kiist Striimt.-litii-K ..Dt'litwure VulK-y .Iiiiioiitin . Ii i :1b Viilltiy Craiir's MpikIows MitrliaH's tjrci'k Onk f.r. ivtt KrufHii'va Omil tumuli Kclin I.iikit ,. . Turn V'tll'i Slitii'intiktM'-i Ilitnlikill fi 14! 7 u fr, iti f7 ini " . fS ID, (7 lii ' . 5 7 22 " . 15 !J4: f7 Zli " . f5 L'li f7 2.1 " . 5 HO! 7 m " . 6 116 7 l.r. p. m p. m lp in If .Sttips only on nutldt Tniltis liiiivinrj t Bushkill at 1.10 Kerry, Milfnrrl imtl Port Jprvls. I. SELDQf CASE, Supterintendent, East Stroudsburg, Penna. TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Solid Pullman trains to Buffalo, King am Falls, Chautauqm Lake, Cleveland, Chieago and CiuHnnatl. Tickets on Kale at Port JervU to nil points In the West and Southwest ac lower rates than via any other ftrst-chiK& line. Thai.ns Now Leave Pout .iKKVta Follows. EASTWARD. Dully Kxprcsa lliiily Kx(iniss IjiichI Kxtw'tit SundHy. . So. 3 4 A. 5 10 ' ar, 7 40 " Toa, Way Pnnilay Only 7 M " ' Ho, I.-tH-.iil Kxcept Sun'iiny. 10 U0 " " Xi, Wayiiiiilyexc'tounUiiy 11 64 " " 4, Diuiy Kxiu-k. li i P.M. " 7m, Mintliiv Only 1 10 " " 21, War dally exc'ti fuiid'y 8 00 " " 2, Dully Kxprt-as 4 20 " " Tim, Way Situtl.ty Only 4 40 " 7ii8, Will Sunday Only . . 6n7 " " rt. Way dailv tuo't .Suud'y 110 14. KxprKbii liaily U oa " WESTWARD. No 7, Dally F-Mirttis 1 S0A at. 17, llailT Milk 'train 7 25 " ' 1, Dally KxpiVha II 1)4 " " 115. I'tir Hu tlale K'pt Sun . IdlUF.M " 8, lt!xpreHttt. hieao lim dai 6 IS ' ' 2ii. ln.'al It.xjtreiMt Sutulay . . 6 50 " " fa, Liiniu-d Duily Kxurehs. 10 20 ' Trains leave Chambers street, Nev York, for Pint Jervis on tm-k days at 8 30, 7 30, 00, W 15, 10 SO A. M., 1 UO, 3 tU 4 30, t) ao, 7 30, 9 16 P- u On Sund ty, 3 7 30, H 00 , 9 lo A. u , 12.30, 3 30, I ati V IS P. M. I. W. COOKK, Geuural i,-.tuttr Agut, Mttw Yurk. 25 40 Of) &3 63 f Ann I mil iirepared to furnish ' UUU vviiml in stove It'iitths tit ii a lotttl. F. F. .Skitz, Milf.ji'l. "BEST OF ALL FLOUR. ' FEED, MEAL, BRAN. OATS, and HAY. in need of any Hello to No. 5.. or come to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA. BUILD? .THEN SEE r - -co- STATIONS p. in p. in Ar.l 8 !.' .... I.v.i 7 : 10 25 Ar ! 8 4 :JS, is - fn ;i:t fi -j:t Pi M " rs m ft nt i " fis u:i f4 in. fii in H til! Ilh 11 " f in; fl (ml W (iti ' fx to: ft on1 m no ' h i t! 4 ta; mi " fS tl, fl 01 ffi (II " f8 mi 13 oil' fa Ml 8 or, a .-,r,i f, 55 l.v 8 UI 3 5'-l 5 -10 I) L V II K ... llrimtl Stiot'l Suit ion . to rtnitliiiiriir nr mi sin-it p. Li nt n in In in ni connects with hIuiio fur itliiinan's L. R. CARPENTER BROKER g STOCKS, nn-MTio GRAIN, COTTON, Z ETC. 2 ETC. Bought and Sold for Cash or C rried on a Mar gin cf 3 par cent. Ynti will find tliaf tlin scr vio.i's I ri'inlor you iim ii Bnikor Htul lh fuc.ihtiHM n ml conven iences I fun furnish t'tin not hn Hiirniisst'il itlsH where. It, is to in V interest Hint you rim kit money. All business strietly cotifl. lent ml . C rrsiMmtUino anil tt-lephitne, orders given careful iitteiition. L. R. Carpcntor, Cor. Ball and Piko Sta. Port Jervis, New York. Reiiresenl in if Oreulich, Martin A Co. as tltCaaaaii4 .M La ii lei iuy. J-'f fi t t-ot'L, i 1 0 i in V VPpOii'.tS U. iS. l'Uenic Otiitot Washington D. C. i 'l't.ii-i.liono ctmiit-ctioiis.