' 1" f f"1 ' ' CI IT'" ' fi T T " IIF . .1111 .. ,L .u Jl , h 11JJU, J 1 -i ' ' 1 r 1 iUWEW SUITINGS Goods that are very much in demand nothing like them for Shirt Waist Suits, and Spring and Summer Dress es. We think that our showing of these goods rather surpasses any other line in Port Jervis. . . Plain Linen Suitings, V!ll'irlllu uwliliu mill qualities . . f ilYtrn.1 T innn tin 1 1 I iiii-lj i blue, dark blue and Oxford gray, at . . ZUC. IA Heavy Linen Voiles in a gra', imie and green, 1 . 1 Fancy Linen Suitings, .with ncai woven figures A in several designs, colors Ii Oxford gray, at Embroidered ... A special under-priced Swiss Embroidered Waist SPECIALLY PRICED PIKE STREET, - at the head A SEASONABLE REHEDY Emulsion of Puro Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Limo and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. Prescriptions S H. E. Emerson & Co., Com gjgf Next Door to V 3S?V ' j W SPRING GOOD . . NEW LINE OF . . ZEPHYRS CLOTHS, LINEN SUITINGS, DUCKS, PIUQES, SEERSUCKERS, PERCALES, BATISKE, DIMITIES, ETC. TCAG AND COFFCCG A GPCCIALTY WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS HATS AND CAPS, SHOES WALL PAPER, MATTINGS, RUGS GARDEfJ - SEEDS - AflD - IMPLEMENTS ag r: nts Font devocg paints AND LISTERS'3 FERTILIZERS w. GILFORD, it J f-' ri i l: L till VP"f. in natunifcolor, in the I5c, 19c & 25c n In Huf,,!.,! 1 writ I colors, Oxford - at ... . blue, green and 50c Waist Patterns I oflcring of handsome Patterns, "mostly white, AT . . . . l.CD of front' - PORT JERVIS. t Hotel Fauchere. When you want the BEST in Canned Goods get the White Rose Brand S i-LsJ THE WHITE HOUSE In Paint3 THE S. W. P. Serwin, - Williams - Paint T. Armstrong & CO, IILFORO, PENNA. G. MITCH ELL'S. bugar-coatcd, easy to lake, C nn' in flaion They cure constipation, biliousness, Mi-k-ht-awddie. i ,. . f i. ,: iiUGKIIlGIIAn'S DYE MATAM0IIA5. Mrs. Chnrlos Marvin Is vlniting rolrttives in New York city. At Hopo elinrcli Kjnday morning Rov. D. F. Buhner of Allentown, the presiding elder of tha Pliilmlulplna District prenohed tvfo excellent sermons both morning and evening Elder Lkihner S'lininlptpr ed the wocrnment of the Holy Supr at the morning" service, nssistod by the pastor, Bev. A. N. Metzger. There wag a targe ntlendnnoe. Miss Millie Wright and Miss Mnbel Walker visited at Waymart tor A few days. Eugene Coohrane and Harry Claa son, both from New York, spent Sunday in Matamoras. Charley Quick, who has been quite ill, is now able to sit np some of the time oach Say, Married, at tha parsonage of the German Lutheran church, Monday evening, April fttli, by the pastor, Rev. H. O. Wasmund, Miss Hatha rino Wilholmina Josd, to Jnmcs lea tor, both of Mfttamoras, Pa. The bride Is a raember of St. Peter's Lutheran church and its League, ind a daughter of Mrs. B ;rtha and the late John Josd. J. Wallace Van Gordon of New York city speDt Sunday at his home. Miss Maria Meyer of Brooklyn was the guest of Mrs. J. Vangorden Saturday and Sunday, W. W. Btidd received intelligence of the death of his brotherinlaw, W. C. Hayes of Jersey City which occurred Monday, April 25. He "was buried Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at Bordentown cemetery. Jatuos Heater and wife of Mata moras, a newly married couple, were tendered a serenade Monday evening. Theodore Watts and family have changed thoir resilience from Wash ington street to Mrs, Crane's cottage on Cookson street.' . Osborne Harding of Brooklyn spent Sunday in Matamoras. .George Wehinger's residence on River street is Hearing completion. The meat market adjoining the honse has been completed for some time. He will have a nice residence very convenient to the new Barret bridge. A business meeting of the J. C. E. society connected with Epworth church was held at the Epworth parsonage Friday afternoon at' 4 o'clock and elected the following offloerg : President-Ruth Lord Vice president Jennie Walsh. Secretary Julia Middaagh. Treasurer Mabel Case. Organist May Corwin. Rev. Wm. Burley, pastor of Ep worth church, left town Tuesday for New York city, where be meets an excursion party which left for Los Angeles Cal., Wednesday. The M. E conference meets in that city this week. Mr. Burly will be absent about a month. PAUPAC. John Bo in mors, an aged resident of Tafton, died at his home in that place April 20th. The funeral was held at the German church, Hawley, Sunday, Rev, S. C. Simpkins offloi ated. Interment at Hawley ceme tery. Mr. and Mrs. Finley of New Jersey intend spending the summer at A. J. Kitnbles. Yolande Killam left this place Monday last for Camden, N. J., to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Olive Bennett. Ruth Killam is confined to the houxo with measles. Arthur Pellett is rapidly improv ing under the care of Dr. Simons. We have not heard of any exten sive catches of trout this season. We judge it is because the streams have been so cold, icy and chilly wet. Our attention has bee a called to an article in the Uiiwley Timeufrom our Paapnck correspondent eulogiz ing the school management of our distriot We think our friend is somewhat given to bombast and adulation. Of course he has a motive and bulieving we un(!er(und it, hope it may be successful in the outcome. Bobbed the Grav A Btartliiig incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol lows : "I was in an awful condition. My skin whs almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con tinually in bock and sides, no appe tite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians hud given me up. Then I was advised to nse Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first battle made a decided improvement. 1 continued their use for three weeks Hiii am now a well man. I know they robbed the prave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 60 cents, guaranteed at all (lru'4tats. Constipation Cured A NHRItVTOWV MATt'9 KMKUIKMK WITH CAL-Cl'RA KU VKNT Irvlvlf1 Kfnnody'f Nw Mriffn Cnrrrf Him Promptly Comttpit.lnn ioml to worm. Often n ttta riinw of npipnft!cfti. Aln-Rrfi It lomM lo (InnpnrmtA chrmnc dlwaw. It should not 1h nplente, nor ithmilrl It bo tint;rnrilr niipv!rp(i with draft to piirtifmiveH. Her in n vte In point: Mr. C. 8. OMerhoihit, of liwrrrtown, N. Y, wka dfp'troped with intllr'Uon. chronic oonntklpntton nnii feldnxy trotihle fr funr jtnr. He t.Hnl tnnny i?ifHlMnw without relief. Ho hennl of 'nl-curA Solvent, Dr. Kennedy's now mefllrlno used t nud be(rn!i to (jnprorw rnpldly. All of his old complnintfl liuve tiUnppeitr eil And her uwrs everything to (Jrtl-cura Solvent. Write to the Cal-currt Company, Krn n1y Row, Rondout, N. Y., for m free ample bottlo. Remftmbw:: Oaly one Dr. DavUI Ken nedy erer lived la Rondout, City of Kingston N. Y. and be sure you jret bit hew And lAtest modlcine, which U iold only in $1.00 boitlet. All druggists. 8ANDYST0N. Two trials wpre scheduled-to b held at Montross' hotel at Liy ton on the 20th, and so much law in one day brought together quite a crowd. But the spectators were very muoh disappointed, as the plaintiff and defendant settled their differences ont of oourt. Working our roads is now going on And while some overseers are hauling gravel, others stick to the road machine and iuside of 30 days one cannot tell whether the road has been worked ? or not, if the gutter mud pusher has been used. New Jersey has a stringent law in regard to the selling of cigaretts to boys under the age of 14 years, under penalty of 60 dollar? fine or 3 months imprisonment. That law is practically a dead letter, for older boys buy the tobacco and wrappers, and the small boy makes his own cigarette. Influence is an iinportatnnt factor either in publio or private life, and I may add that tt wilt apply to judic ial matters. However, Influence my not last forever. John C. Compton, who has lived near. Tuttles Corner for nearly 70 years, made as a call on Saturday last. He is now living with his son Fred on a farm a couple of miles from Deokertown, Samuel Major of Hainesville start ed on Thursday last to visit his daughter at Marengo, Iowa. Sam says he can stand it away from Jer sey for a oouple of months , bnt I have my doubts, a Patrons of the Lnyton Orange propose holding a dance at the resi. denoe of Geo. E. Hursh on Thurs day evening of this week. I wonld like to see some of those Grangers shake their foet. Sandyston will hold an election at the Laytou sohool building Tuesday, May 3rd, for the pu rpose of voting tho 2000 dollars asked for by our Board of Education. It is quite a sum to ask from the people, bnt the tiuv has come for consolidation an I that means better sobools, and that is what every one is iu favor of, and should vote for this appropriation. Mrs. Sbotwell, who fell and broke both arms last week, is getting along as well as can be expeoted. Eston Vansiokle of Layton, stu dent and stenographer in the law office of Senator Martin, has accept ed a similiar position in the offloe of Prosecutor Huston. A dog, the property of Bamuel Hooey, whjoh was lost, strayed or stolen, has not been heard from since it was expressed from Branch villa station, and the best thing Sam can do is to buy a new dog. Arbor day was appropriately ob served by the schools of this town on Friday the 23d inst. So far as tree planting is oonoerned the exer cises, tn that line, are a nuisance for there is no grounds to plant trees on the school premises. But, wait until we get those two graded school buildings put op there will be room for trees then, that is, if they are ever built. Me&sles are quite common in and around Layton, but they are not very severe. Garden making will claim the at tention of many of our people this week, and the scarcest hing for the garden is onion sets, and fancy prices are realized for them. We, along with others, have been wishing for warm weather and today (Monday) the mercury registers up in tho seventies, aud every one feels that it is too warm. Wanted Sl'KllAL RltrHEBKHTATlVK In this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old es tablished business houao of solid financial standing. Hillary, (21 weekly, with expenses, advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary ; position permanent. Address liiew Bros. & Co., Mmion B1.1; , Chicago, Hi. 4 ay KIM I LI'S M. C. Rowland spent suvornl days left week in Srranton on lmslnpss. S. M. Catiflold of Tort Jervis vis ited her sister, Mrs. A. L. Cronk Saturday and Sunday. Ida Uittiuggor and daughter of New York are making an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lot Daniels. A. Griswold of Rowlands called on R, W. Kelly Monday. W. H. Kipp spent several days in town last week. A. L. Cronk met with a serious accident Sunday afternoon. While doing hih chores at the barn he fell and broke his arm at the eldow. It had been brolton thre tiroes before. First time at the battle of the We' don railroad he was shot, the ball breaking his arm at the elbow ; two years ago he fall from his mowing machine and now again. He is drawing -a nice pension from the government. k. SILVER LAKE Jacob J. Seeds, wife and son, Harold, returned to their Philadel phia home last Tuesday. John V. Brodhead of Nebraska spent last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Robinson Shepherd. He ex pects to return to his western home this week. Judge Beitler and family of Phila delphia accompanied by some friends are enjoying a camping vacation at the cottage near the lake. Frank Smith of Centre made a business trip to Vhis" place recently. Joseph and Charles Bromley are enjoyiDg a short vaoation at the club house. They will return to the city in a few days. House cleaning and garden mak ing are now the order of the day. Hugh O Brodhead of Centre was in this vicinity last week. The fragrant trailing arbutus is finer this year than it lias been for several seasons and Is reported to be more abundant than ever. Harvey Terpenning and Miss Lizzie Courtright of Hunters Range passed through here en route for Dingmans Ferry on Sunday. liREENTOW.N. Samnel Simons is seriously ill of pneumonia and is not expected to live. Mrs. C. W. Crump is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 8. R. Hazelton. 8 R.Hazelton is sawing in Barton Simons' mill. E. V. Gilpin and family are mov ing to Hawley. Leonard Bortree and Mrs. Floyd Frisbie have been visiting relatives in Green town. Some farmers have started plow ing but when the sod is turned over ice is found. Mark Simons of Chioago is visit ing his father who is very ill. Mrs. Barbara Prioe is under the doctors care and not expeoted to live. Others who have been on the sick list are Mrs. P. R. Cross, Mrs. J. W. Robinson and Mrs. J. Sanders. Misses Ida, Hattie and Anna Marsch have gone to Ponghkeepsie to work. ' The supervisors are making ne of the fair weather by working the roads. Cheap Colonist Bates to tha West Commencing at once and continu ing daily until and inclnding April 29th, the Erie will sell special one way mixed class colonists tickets from Port Jervis to any point in Arizona, British Colombia, Cali forma, Colorado, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, at very low rates of fare. Just think of it, only S50 to any California point. For routes and rates please address Erie ticket agent, Port Jervis, N. Y., and re member these tickets are on sale d'tily until April 29th. A good many of the big papers now treat the Parker nomination as so highly probable that "it is all over but the shouting." It is ad luitted that the enthusiasm aud noise engendered will not split the welkin. Nevertheless it must be admitted that the Hon. D. B. Hill appears to have graduated from the school of peanut politics, and to have been in this Parker episode playing the real game. . A Thoughtful Man M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an niiut-ual case of stomach nnd liver trouble, physi cians could not help her. Ha thought of and tried Dr King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once anil was finally cured. Only 85o at all druirgists. Tarm for ShIo An opportunity is offered to any one desiring a farm suitable for dairying, with 'large meadow, 103 acres in farm, double barn and 8 room house. Or for any one wlah ing to locate a summer resort. Large fish ponds may be cheaply made. Beautifnl falls and glen on the promises. White pine lumber and building materials on the place sufficient for all repairs and new work. 2 miles from Sanderson's new fish pond and proposed club house. A mile of Decker's creek runs through the land. The farm located in Delaware township is offered clieap. Address Joseph Canne, Dingmans, Pa. tf SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Fnnlnn lv rikmI out of the Court of Common I'lejvs of Pike County, to ine directed, I will expos to BHle by public vendue or outcry nt the Sheriff's Office tn the Court House, nt MUfurd, Tenna , on FRIDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY. OF MAY, A: D. lam, A 2 o'clock In tho afternoon of an Id dny, The following rent estate, to wir. : All thnt certfiiu messuMfre nnd t met of Innd, situated in the township of Delaware, county of Pike and state of Pennsy Ivania, hut tad and iKiunded ih follows: Begin ning at a white oak stump standing on the Eolith iie of tho Shoholn road on the top of the hill about ten feet from said rum I, which si n tit p is nUo a corner nf William Hazelton', formerly Isaac Steel's, land, thence along the line of William Haselton'a land nhoufc S. 42 l degrees W. 11 perches to a white oak also a corner of Win Haxelvnn, thenre N. 68 degrees W. ft perches to a stone, thence S. fl?i degrees W. 18 perches to a Btonn, thence S. 46 decrees K. W perches to a whlre oak, thence N. 74 degree B IU perches, thence S. 70 deg-ees fa. 1ft perches to a 'stone, thence N. 45 degrees K. 1ft perches to the Shohola road to William Hazelton's line, thence N. 4tt degrees W. 7 perches, thence N. Htt degrees W. 1ft perches to the nlace of beginning containing eleven Acres and forty-two perches, strict measure. IMPROVEMENTS: On tho above Are erected a good one and :i half story dwelling house, barn and other out buildings ten acres are under cultivation balance Improved large and small fruits a desirable farm near Ding man's Ferry, Penua. Seized nnd nken In execution as the property of Charles f4. Wood, ndmlntstra tor. etc., of Margaret Cnrhuff, deceased, and .Josiph V. Curiuiff, her husband, de ceased, and will be sold by me for cash. GEO HUE UHEGOKY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mil ford, Pa., ( April 19, iiKH. ( SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of n writ of Afins, special Fieri Facias Issuril out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pike County, Ponnylvnnta, to No. 8, June Term, 1H04, stir judgment No. 4, March Term, lHOt, under u not April 7, lSTO, P. h 68, to me directed, there will be Bold nt pulilio vendue or outcry at the Court House nt Milford, Pike County, Pennsyliuia, on THUKSDAY, TIIK FIFTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1804 at 10 o'clock !n the morning of unld dar. All thnt oertain line of Krttlwny surveyed and run ing from Tomhicken in the county of Luzerne, PennHylvnnia, thenoe through Carbon, Monroe and Plkeoountieg to Matamoras, Pennsylvania, known as The Peoples' Hallway Company, defend ant in the above writ, toguihet with all Its rights of way and surveys mndo on branches aud extensions of the suld Hall way westward from Wilkes-Hnrre, Penna., to Wllliamsport, Penna.. and rights of way on tho same, all its machinery, road bed, Btat.ionB, maps, charts, surveys, and all pnrtB constructed thereoi), including a oertalo riprap wall along the Delaware river near Milford, Penna., and also all Its corporate rights, franchises, privileges, easements and immunities, and all other properties belonging to the said Peoples' Hallway Company, defendant. feized and taken in execution as the property and franchises of the Peoples' Hailway Company and will be sold by me fur cash. GEO RG F. GREGORY, Sheriff of Pike County. Sheriff's Office, Milford, Pa , ) April 5, 1W4. j TRANSFER OF LICENSE Notice is hereby given that application has been mude to the Court of Quarter Session of Pike oounty, for the transfer of the Hotel License of John R. Thornton tn Milford Borough to Charles K. Thornton! JOH.. C. WEriTBROOK, Jr, Dated April 18, UM. Clerk. Subscribe for the Prf.hh. HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing;-NEATLYDONE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. uriclclvLLc Pho tog raphe R AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing : DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pik Street, Port Jervis, N. Y , , t OUR ricuinn TACKLE will enable yon to inorea.se the size of yoor catches and also the size of yoor "Fish Stories." Better see ns about Rods, Keels, Books, Baskets, Flies, Lines, Sinkers and Floats. Its a good idea to make the start right from oar store. z SO. U. AmVIOIKUNUS I DRUGGIST. I r.lONUr.lENTS. NKD BE FIRST DURABLE AND SECOND ARTISTIC WHITE BRONZE - MONUMENTS ARE BOTH DURABLE AND ARTISTIC J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt., MILFORD, PENNA. "I900" WASHERS Are the latest and best solution of tho wash day problen. Will do lace Curtains, Wool lilnnketa and lied Quilts or the family wash; and do them easier and bet ter than any other machine. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Milford, Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Boat Heater and Fuel Saver In the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiators. Two Flroa In on HARDWARE. CITTI,FKY, TIN, AGATK WARS, KTC. TIN ROOTINO AND PLUMBINO . A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD. PA Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-1 cnt busincMtconducted (or moochatc Fees. OUft OrPICC If OrWBITI U. 8. PATCNTOrrtCC .tiul wacunKt uro patent ia IcaS Uio Uuttt Uutac' remote from Washington. 1 Scad model, drauicjf or photo., smh drscnp-i tion. We iviet ii patentable or out. irrm of chargre. Our tea not due till oat nut Isswurc-d. A Viyput ri. " How to Obtain Pa tenia." witht cost of aatua in tna U. S. and lorciga counUic1 scut free, A-iiirest, J C.A.GriOW&CO J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses and Lots and lots without Houses. Dealer In all kinds of Property. notary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Below Dimmluk House Milford. Pa. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing caa ever surpass it. Dr. his lav; Discovery nrvrTio .ir. UL1I4 A Perfect For AH Threat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Monti buck If It fails. Trial Bottl.s lM r ainl!IU ItJB o, if .a. in, w3 insnim sr ibi ii smi mmmrrmvvm L.1