PIKE C0U?1TY PRESS. Friday, April 23, 1904 IM.'HI.IRIlrel) KVEHY FRt DAY. OFFICII, BIIOWS'B BUILDING) BHOADPT. Ri'iiscBrrrion: Onr Vf.ar One dollnr and fifty cents. Hix Months .Seventy-live cents. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Kntcrnd t the pivt nfllce of Mtlfonl, l'lke County, PiMinnylvHiiln, n. im-coim!-ol4 mutter, November tweutjr flrxt, lsn. Advertising Rates. One innrirWpiirhtliii.nne Insertion -11.00 k-urh suhflwiUHtit Insertion - - .50 Hi'duiitl roten, furntKhrd on niiplioatlon will be ftllowrtl yearly rtdvertisorg. Legal Advertising. Administrator'! Mid Kxecttor'i notices Auditor's notices Divorce notices li.H0 Sheriff' moes, Orphans court snles, County Treasurer's teiles, County BtaU' ment anil election proclamation charged by the square. J. n. Van Etten, POBLIHHKR, Mllford, Pike County, Pa. THE Ell IE COyTRtRUTES Mr. D. V. CooKe, cnernl Paaaen jrer Agent of the Erie, who wn called on recently by an executive committee representing the Business Men's Association of this section, with regnrd to aiding in advertising the resorts hereabouts, has com municated the very gratifying as surnnce that his company will contribute flOO to the scheme. This makes a fund of tl500 which will be judiciously expended for that pur pose. The Erie has treated up generously and for this it has our ' Bincere thanks. The road tro will be benefitted for all the additional travel resulting from this publicity will come over its lines. Now let the Erie tr.ko one step further and forever tie this valley to its interests and gaiu the enduring gratitude of its inhabitants. It hits the rolling stock, which could be used probably with little or no inconvenience to the operation of its road, to amply furnish trains sufficient for onr accommodation. Lot the Erie build b little branch road from Fort Jer- Tis to Milford, and so control for all time the business of this sectlou. A road is bound to be built down this Taller and the company first on the ground will, as a business proposi tion, undoubtedly make such con cessions and arrangements as will ensure the traftlo to its road. The Erie is our natural outlet and that company should not wait until some other corporation invades this'terri tory and trenches on what it now controls The Sullivan county busi doss should be an effectual object lesson as to what may happen here The Erie has shown its good will by a contribution now let it take the next step for Its own lasting interest The business men of Milford and vicinity did a wise and judicious act in combining to advertise this seo- tion of the valley, and the Erie by its generous contribution to the fund Las shown its appreciation of our effort. In union there is strength and we will pull a larger and more lasting benefit when we all pull together , Now let those interested bore insist that prompt and satisfac tory trans-portion be furnished tlipse coming. Trains should be on time and when people arrive in Fort Jer. vis they should be quickly and com fortably brought here. Let us render this service in a satisfactory manner so that strangers will be delighted with the journey. They will then assist in advertising ns and the pleasure and profit will be mutual. The grand old man from Colorado, the Uon. U. M. Teller, has not yet buCiuieutly straightened out his affnirs to admit of his resigning bis oat, obtained by fraud. It might not- bo proper to charge that the (senator is holding down hit seat by fraud except for the fact "that his colleague in the House, Mr. Sbafroth manfully resigned his oflioe, to which he was elected by the same votes as those cast for Mr. Teller upon tiie bliowuig that ha was fraudently elected. MaktH a Clean Sweep There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the tsnlves you t-v-r heard of, Bucklm b Arnica Kilve is tiie best. It sweeps away and cures burns, Holes, brui.-i-s, euls. Lolls, i;K.-i-is, skin eruptions Huii pilif. If only i'jc, nod guaranteed I j el ve eatiL-toc! ion by an dr la. INTERESTING NEWS ITEMS Ex-Connty Treasurer CI. F. Itow. hind is in town today . William Hincliiin, nn aged rem- dont of Lehman township, died Tuesday , Ruv. E. M. Stnend hns been ap pointed representative to the Pres byterian General Assembly which meets in Buffalo in May. The Orand Jury of Wayne county found a true bill against John Mtnltz, Wednesday. He is accused of the murder of Mary O'Keefe at llawley, March 4th. The New 'Vork state court of ap peals has fixed the week beginning June 13 for the execution of Albert ICoepptng for the murder of Join Mnrtine. Miss McCormick, for some time Western Union Operator here, ht.l been transferred to Port Jervis, at.i. Miss Hullie Maincs r.ow hns chargi of the office." Considerable of the iron for tin- New York end of the Barret briilgt. litis arrived in Port Jervis and tin work of erecting It will begin Mon day morning. J. C. Chamberlain, who for some time was confined to his house with rheumatism, is able to be in his office and his estimable wife who was also a1 sufferer is much im proved. Frank McNumara, who it will In recalled, shot mid instantly killed George Ii. Jennings, in the ofttee ol the Adjustable Shade Company in Brooklyn, has plead guilty of mur- ler nnd will be sentenced to Slut-' Sing for life. A marriage license was issued yesterday to William M. Travis ol Montague, N. J., and Sarnh Eliza beth Hubbard of Dingtnnn town ship. It, Is reported that the cere mony will take place next Sunday afternoon at the Union school house at the close o' services. An "Ex." that is what the Dee- spatch calls us, when it appropriate a particularly interesting item with out giving credit, contains a letter to us concerning the merits of a brand of patent paint. We ,have tried it and if any one wishes to know our opinion of its merits they can have It p. d. q. by inquiry. To Consider the Few Question A meeting of the Presbyterian congregation will be held in the lecture room Monday evening, May 2d, at 7.30 o'clock to consider the question of Beating the audience room with pews. For many years chairs have been used, and, though reasonably comfortable, they are not fully in accord with the popu lar idea as to liow a church should be furnished.' The chairs have served thoir day and generation and were purchased at a time when the congregation had many other and apparently more imperious demands on its generosity, such as finishing and making the large audience room habitable. Many minor wonts have since been supplied and the pew question has remained in abey ance. As it is a matter of much importance and will involve consid erable expense it is very desirable that there should be a full attend ance of the congregation that the subject may be generally discussed. The Blade Knight We understand that arrangements are partially completed to have Rev. J. H. Hector, the noted colored temperance reform speaker in Mil ford, May lllh. Mr. Hector is a full blooded negro of fine physique, who fought in the Civil War and was five times wounded. He is known throughout the United States and England as the Black Knight of the moral reform forces ; to his remarkable natural ability be has added a self education that enables bim to compel the admiration of the largest audiences. Mr. Hector is accompanied lu all bis meetings hy the famous contralto of the Old Fisk Jubilee Singers, Madamo Ablne Wright Lyons, and Milford people will be fortunate iu an opportunity to hear them. OBITTJAHY 8AMI EL COI.E Samuel Cole, mention of whose serious illness was made in last week's Phi-ss, died at his home in Dunmoro, Tuesday, April l'Jth, of paralysis, lie was born iu Sussex Co., N. J., about 66 years ago, but for many years resided on a farm in Delaware township, this county, lie married Sarah, a daughter of the late Henry Bcardnley, and about sixteen years a'o moved to Dun more. Ilia wifo ar.d two son9, Percy of Honesj ile and Harry of Dunmoro, survive him 'Die Kansas City Journal is authority f r the stuti'inc-nt that the New' York Sun bus 11 n sired out that the dt-niiMTuta may curry the in tun try this year providing- only they i an get enough votes. Reformed Church Notes. (Hy Rev. A. J. Meyer of Monincue ) Sunday school next Sabbafh at 9 3d, prcardiing service at 10.30. The Dorcas Hoctely met Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Mho Bevar.s. The Ladies Aid society meets next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mts. George Armstrong, and the Willing Workers society will hold their regular monthly session next Friday evening. The pastor goes as delegate to Particular Synod at Claverack, N. V., May 3 4. An entertainment will bo given next Thursday evouing, May 5, at 8 o'clock. Vocal and instrumental music will be rendered and a clever play will be given by local talent. Mis Maud Flintoff, who has a splontlid reputation as an elocution ist, will recite. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church. Ad- mission price to be paid at the door. A cordial invitation is extended to all and a delightful time is promised all who attend. Congress has decided to investigate the condition of the natives in the Congo country. It. is to be hoped that the scrutiny will.be more thorough than that of the commit tees which investigated the Arizona and New Mexican countries with a view to determining their suitability for statehood. Mr. Bryan continues to annoy and embarrass real democrats. "What is a dollar good for," he asked in Kansas City the other day. The iold democrats would like to forget these unpleasant little references to sound money hut they are compelled to answer thot a dollar is worth probably something; more than dou hie what it would have been if Mr Bryan's ism had prevailed. Although Judge Parker has said nothing it is affirmed, upon credible authority thot be believes that Mr Bryan will be"amenahle to reason.' This being the case we are inclined to.suspend judgment as to whether the Judge would make a safe Presi (Jent. Any one with such a super abundance of faith in human nature might loan the Trea-ury surplus to Central American republics. If the recommendations of some members of Congress are followed old clerks who have Borved the government the best years of their lives will, like old horses wbioh are vorn out from work, be turned Out of office when reaching the age of seventy, and even thon without re gard to whether they are, from thei long experience, of value to the government or not. Russia is objecting to the use of the wireless telegraph by theoorres pondonta.aThe basis of news reports has been entirely too one sided Shonld she be able to win a few notable victories she would doubtless be quite willing to extend the fullest facilities to wireless telegraphy and any and all othor methods of trans milting news. Col. Guffey and hie democratic friends at Ilarrisburg the other da took the customary fall out of the tariff and gravely autiounood thn that hydro-headed monster was th mother of the trusts. Of oourso Col Guffey does not claim probably to his friends, that this is anything more than guff but it is nevertheless amusing to hear this statement at periodical lutorvals from a state li k Pennsylvania, a hiveof manufactur ing industry and a center of enormous wealth due to a protective tariff If you wnnt folders for leap yea parties or dances, The Phkss has handsome ones at an easy price Just remember wo do any kind o printing from a large post rdown to a beautifully engraved card, and a reasonable rates. Will bo glad to have orders for vendue bills. Every farmer knows that riome plants grow better than :tliers. Soil may be the same inJ seed may seem the same out some plants are weak and others strong. And thats the way wit children. They are like youn jlants. Same food, same home same care but some crow Li md strong while others stay dna'l and weak Scott's Emulsion offers an asy way out of the difficulty Jnld weakness otten mean Urvalion, not because of lac f food, but because the food oes not feed. Scolt's EmulMou really feed id rives the child growin .icngih. Whatever the cause of w eak u-ss ami Kulure to grow icutt s Emulsion seems to find .t and set tiie matter riu.1 it. 8-n f- r (re sal Si-vtt Sl B'jwue, t liriuil-,. 4- 'i t St , New Yoi Paul That Tired Feeling lc Common Spring Troubla. It's a sign that the blood is deficient In vitality, just M pimples and other eruptions re signs that ths blood is impure. . It's a warning, too, which Only the hazardous fail to heed. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove' It, give new life, Hew oonr ge, strength and animation. ' They cJt D6c tbo blood and clear the complexion. :.., Accept no substitute. , I felt tired all to tins n wrela aol Sleep. ' After takln Hood's Barnspsrllla fchUa'I could sleep well and ttas tired leellnn had one. This treat Medicine kas lo cured We ot scrofula. lias. C. M. Boot, Ollead, ConOi Mood's earsparlll romlaM to our and kacpa th promlso. l Then Gubblns Gasped for Air. the scene was a hairdresser's strip. nd when Theolwld nubbin (in whose Christian name his facetious friends usually eliminated the o) en tered there was a gleam In his eye which seemed to portend trouble. You remember selling me some nlr restorer when I called the other ny to get shaved, you hoary-headed olf thief?" he said. ' You sold It un- er false pretenses, sir! You said It would restore my head to Its original condltlom" ' Well, didn't it work?" asked the barber. Work? No!' It s taken off what little hair I used to'have, nnd I am as bnld ns the pavement now!" That's quite right, sir. No false pretenses about that. I said It would restore onr head to Its original con dition, and you know, sir, most of ns are born bald!" Another Brute. Mrs. I'relty Isn't It strange? Mrs. Beautl has not put on mourning for her husband. Jir. Tretty I understand that her late husband particularly requested thot she should not. Mrs. Pretty The brute! I suppose he knew how lovely she would look In It. I'ick-Me Up. I suppose you met an old friend you hadn't seen for years, as usual." N't 'all, m dear. Wet nol rr nd I lev r met before, fnic). The "necessaries of life," as gen erally understood, consists chiefly of things we1 could do without. ruek. Excursion to St, Louis, World's Fair TheSeason, Sixty. day and Filteen- day excursion -tickets to St Iiouis, Mo., will be on ealo at ; the Erie ticket office. Port Jervis, N. Y., Monday, April" 25th, and continue daily up to December 15, 190i. For routes and rates please call at of address Erie ticket office Port Jer- yls, N. Y. -The first ten day coaoh excursion will be' ran May ' 19th, 1904. 29 Senator Warren announced in the Senate that there were no land frauds, or none practically speaking and that there was therefore no occasion for any liuidjuw reform. At the time of his speech the newspapers wore carrying accounts of numerous Indictments and proceedings against timltor land thieves nnd perjurers who have acquir ed title under laws csjieclttlly framed apparently for monopolistic absorption. From nil sections of the country come reports of ravages by the ban Jose scale. Fruit growers must take heed and begin spraying before the tlauinge done their tiees is irrepara ble. You can save a tree by s few hours care but you can ropluoe one killed only by years of waiting Certainly the former method is pre ferable. '' DESIRABLE RESIDENCE On the southwest corner of Harford and Mott HtrtTtH, in the Borough of, Milford, l'a., will lie sold on favorable terms to the purchu'r. The bonne, ! eoinpiiMiig nn open hull, sitting or reception room, parlor, dining-room, butlers pantry lit ted with hot and cold water, etc., and kitchen with ranjre, boiler, hot and cold water, etc., on first floor six bed-rooms ami a bath rtxim with hot and cold water and other modern Amveiiiuucro, on second floor an iiiuple garret, and storage and cloHvt room throughout ul two !;ir'e rooniSj ; suiUtble for bniianl, sewing and children's play-room, or other similar' purjKipis a good ctxil and dry tvlfar, with coul ami wood compartments entirely s mruto there from, well lighted and conveniently arranged mreral old-ftixfiiiiurd ujhii Jire jihwri ull latent tijijinnvtl ojh-h fdunMiuj. I'leusiint porchen on three -M. it .. i . i . .i 1. 1., -w, u,v- ,,oic m-oory n-iaivuv oil, newly piiiittcd mid puiK-nuj ana in tiivt clit.-v condition. SjMiciout yioimdi surrounding, all in luat fence, w ith iiiacatluiniyAtl drive-way, Imttttil'ul lawn, highly cultivated garden, old fruit trees, Jlowers and shrulis in central portion of tiie Borough, on a main i-Uitt, within three miiiuUv walk of 1'tt.t olli churches and -tores. Apply to or udiint! II v. T. Bakf.u, Milford, l'a, March 1, VMit. THE LATE YELLOW HAMMER. He Was Remarkable for His IndUEtry and Indefatigable Energy. Recently the Journal (rnve an so count of the dentil of Yellow Ham mer, one of the few remaining; Mo (btc Indians, who was killed by llRht nlriR while rltllnR In his wagon along a street In Oswego. The following unlipie biography, or obituary, of Yel low Hammer Is given by the Baxter Springs News: . "Yellow Hammer was a good Indian before he died and was one of the features of the big llaxter reunion, where he annually gathered the rem nant of his tribe and held the fami liar war dances of nls people In a big Cogllrer tent to the admiration and enjoyment of thousands of visitors. "Yellow Hammer was of royal blood, being a younger brother of Shack-Nasty Jim and first cousin to Princess Mary. When he was brought here from the lava beds of Oregon, after his tribe had been al most obliterated In their war with the United States, Yellow Hammer soon became reconciled to civilization, threw off his blanket and feathers, and took up the white man's burden with store clothes, a plug hat and a white woman for a wife. He Joined the Quakers at first, but said they were not quick enough for him, and so he went Into farming and horse trading, wllh an occasional venture In the Wild West show business. "The deceased married a white wo man of good family and was an affec tionate rather, a kind and indulgent husband, a fair Christian, a good med icine man and a moderate drinker. In appearance he resembled Paderew- skl, and like him was quite efficient on the Indian drum or tom tom. He was always pleasant, affable, cheerful, and a great favorite with the chil dren! he was remarkable for his In dustry and Indefatigable energy, al ways willing to work, and never bor rowing or asking a dollar In charity. He set an example many others might follow, and will be missed by his na tion more than any other man in it." Kansas City Journal. Why She Was Frosty. A young gentleman whose gallantry was largely In excess of hjs pecuniary means sought to remedy' this defect and save the money required for the purchase of expensive flowers hy ar ranging with a gardener to let him have a bouquet from time to time In return for his cast off clothes. It thus happened one day that he received a bunch of the most beatt tiftil roses, which he at once sent off to his lady love. In sure anticipation of a friendly welcome, he called at the bouse of the lady the same even ing, and was not A little surprised at the frosty reception he met with. "lou sent me a note to-day," the young lady remarked, after a pause, in the most frigid tones. "I a note " he inquired, In blank astonishment. "Certainly, along with some roses "To be sure I sent you some roses ,"And there was a note Inside do you still mean to deny It " With these words she handed the dtimfounded swain a scrap of paper, on which the following words were written: "Don't forget the old trous ers you promised me the other day." Are You on the Bench NowT A worthy shoemaker had acquired Unite a good property and retired from his useful employment. From his dignified and Judicial demeanor be had gained among bis friends the title of "Judge." Once n eminent stranger was visit ing the town, and the citizens were making an effort to show off the plat;e and give a reception to the visi tor. The "Judge" was on the com mittee of entertainment. The stran ger, hearing him called "Judge," thought to do a graceful thing by asking: "Judge, are you on the bench now?" The "Judge" turned on him a good natured face and replied: "Why, bless you, I haven't waxed a thread for twenty years!" . . WANTED . . SUMMER BOARD By thousands of Brooklyn people. Can you take a few? It so, 1 iwt vonr house in the BROOKLYN 1 ) A f L Y K.UiLE IMFOItMA TION BUltKAr, for which pur pose a printed blank is provided. The service of the IMl OItMA TIOX BUitKAU Will Cost You Nothing The Brooklyn Eagle Is the best advehtising medium in the world It carries' more resort advertise ments than anv New York paper. It stands I'KK-EMINEN'l L Y at the head. An ADVEHTI.SEMKNT in the EuglecoMlB little, but hriims lnrvre results because the EAULE IN FOKMATION Bl'KEAU is con stantly helping it. Write for listing blank, picture of Bureau and Advertising Bate Card. Address INFORMATION BUREAU BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE Bkooklyn, N. Y. Mention tb por In which yoa Me ttits atlrtlM-iuent. NOTICE! In the matter of the In tiie Court of Common I-'U-us ! Dt!tiiin of Hurry Oat fr clittUij0 of ) uumo. ut hkC Ultly nu. 7. December Term, lima The public nnd all pnrtls InteruHted nre htrt'br notiiteil, that .alii court, ou thn Jl.l day of Marcit.A.ll. l-.M. ill compluiiu Willi Iho Act of Ai-iobly lu btit.il cwe innilt nnd pmviiU-d, tint orovr Hint thi-n-e hnt Harry U.--t, a n-niilt-nt of saul county. tn mid is hereby, la-rnillttHl to t halMu in. nainu to Harry bi-W'itl and f:om tl...n-e-forlh hit name (-hall Oo Harry DfWltt in-.tfn.d of Harry Ut hihI hy tliw name of Karry ik-Wut he bliail Ui kuuu. MyU-il uu-1 rucegnucd. 1: 1 . 1 iiAir. tv. AtleKt: Atfurie'y for petitioner. J. U VVr.bTlUvtMlK. Jit., i'rollioiioiary. Mareh VM. Vyckoffs Ilcw York BIDDING FOR--YOUR BUSINESS This stoic niiikps its bid for your business in n plain, common sense, straightforward manner. It doesn't oiler you good, reliable mcrclumdisc ' at the beginning of a new season at lialfsvliat it costs to produce that merchandise. Such oilers afe absurd and nrc rarely believed bynn intelligent buying public. No concern can do business on that basis and live. What wo DO offer is the licst the market affords at the very lowest prices possible. There's nothing wins in business like good old-fashioned honesty. A3 TO STYLISH OUTER GARMENTS, LISTEN This store is justly proud of its garment showing. Suits, jackets, skirts, the cream of the best makers' products, are here; and you don't pay a fancy price for them, either. The popular tan oovett jackets are with us in all the new shapes, 5 to 15. Voile skirts, from domestic Voile at tt.95 to imported Voile at 10, wilh all the new pleats and trimmings. We've a fair stock left of our new tailor made suits. Do you know yau can buy a lost sea son's suit, with popular Eton jacket', at less than half price. MEDIUM WEIGHT UNDER WEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN Its time for it, and you'll find nil of our offerings pregnant with econ omio interest. Advance in the price of cotton does uot figure in these purchases, bought before the raise RAINY SEASON NOW, HERE ARE UMBRELLAS AND MACKINTOSHES April and May are more or less teary in their character. It brings the umbrella and mackintosh in requisition. Onr umbrella stock is in the very best of shape to meet yoar demanls. Built to our order of the very best material With well selected handles. Mackintoshes with and without capes, in blues and blacks. If you wish to invest a little more money and buy the cravenette rain coat we're prepared for yon in that line. IVYCKOFFS NEW YORK STORE Stroudsburg, Penn'a. Samples Cheerfully Given. Mall Orders Promptly Filled. I WE RUN THE GAMUT OF COMMERCIAL SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS LET US HEAR FROM YOU. WE SHALL BE. GLAD TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS PORT JERVIS BUSINESS INSTITUTE OPR. ERIE DEPOT LIVERY STABLES. If yen want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and fourth streota MILFORD PA. Fire Insurance. OLD KKLIABLK COMPANIES. KATKS REASONABLE Charles G. Wood, Agt. 8amiMr to J. J. Hart. jfr-Ottlee in rear of Residence on Anu St Mllford, Plka Co., Pa. ever th 3 r. I.C Learn fci v Mall .Ml..l. fc.r.lrl.kl. 11. .4, ,... C1U lb. i 4 ...tia.i hr.haMl.l Br.., l.tlt.fl.r.1 I I t M,";. t-.l.. h...ll..,n Hire.... ; i ",tH.,.T..l ,iiM,jh.,a..,,,.j.ialra.A ! i '; V nif 1 , jI a C .i-i.rf ,.,1 u .1 u.i- ,-n j . i bMfMli.n.i Cri........ J j la"l i!i(i all yon tat poo ij nid i lerWiiupN , K .,. ,11JM..,, .Cl, ioimi u.ne. i.e.. i Store Vcokly tlcns A PLAIN TALK ON THE NEW MUSLIN UNDERWEAR You don't need a lot of gush in his line because everybody is well cquainted with the excellence of ready made underwear and those of our customers know the merits of our line. Hizes are full, nil seams foiled, liberally trimmed and well nude. Kvery garment measures np to your highest, requirements. One new f-Hture in corset covers is tbo shirt waist corset cover, with a suc cession of ruffles down the front. giving a lull effect to the figure where needed You'll be surprised to find what a good corset cover you'll got from 25o to 6()o. Drawers, oper and shut, trimmed with Ham burg and lace, made from cambrio or muslin, extra sizes for stout peo ple ; in gowns a new teat ore is the low neck and short sleeves, makes a hot night comfortable, extra sizes here too. White skirts, their names are legion, cut full in every partic ular una the host value for money obtainable. ANY CORSET WANT PROPER LY TILLED FROM OUR STOCK If you wnnt your new gown to fit don't ask the dressmaker to make It overy ourold corset but come hero, state your want, no mutter how proportions may be, we can help you out of the largest stock of oorsets in this section. You ore sure to get the one that will fit in every portieular. NEW COLLARS, CUFFS AND ECLIPSE -SHIRTS ARE READY Little or no change is to be noticed in collars and cuffs this season bnt the newest are here. Neckwear, whether it be a four-in-hand, string bow or teck, was never prettier, never prioed more to your liking. Seen the new designs in Eclipse diirts? Best in the world for the price, 98o. Ryman & Wells Have a fine line of wall papers all new stock. A store full of other necessary articles also. Please call and examine before buying. 2J f Ryman6Vells minora, Ma. Supplying The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We solve it hy keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. EVERY THING FOR AN ELEGANT DINNER GUMBLE & RYDER Harford St. Milford Pa. Bluo Front Stables, Port Jervis, N. Y. Adjoining Guuiaer'u Union IIotiHe Road, carmine, draft and farm horsea for sale. Kxchnngea uitide. A lart;e stock from which to make selections. CANAL KT. Hiram Towner. William B. Kenorthey, M. D. riiysician anil Suiyooh. Office ami rt-bidt I eit Court Huuhu. Lire Blond at ret. M1I.KOKD, PA. Aclvertiott iu the Pit-fcd, i a IK t 1 I If?