Johnson's Shoo Store TlieLaFraiice Shoes FIT because (lie hists they're inutlo on were planned by experts. Tlioy keep their shape, because the workmen who made them are experts. They wear be cause their leather was selected by experts. Our tooting as a shoe man has made us lit to fit the feet. JJring in yours. We'll tit' cm. I i JOHNSON FITTER OF FEET. Port Jervis, N. Y. Hara la SOMETHING YOU NEED! Vmir own Wntir Work, which you run liBvt by cmi-.nlllnff T. ( Pit KH'.OTT wf M;ttainora, !., who U pr-prvl to give stiimtten ft nny Mtn. Write him at' once or U and ee hit stock of FORCE Wit4A PUMPS J. C. PRESCOTT, Matamoras, Pa. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition Read Wherever the English Language le Spoken The ThdcK-n-Weolc World was n lirl'. llnut eancosH in the fetftnn)ig ftud hns boon Rtemlily Kriwtng ever wince. Time 1h tlie teKt uf nil 'hlnpx. mu hnt ttot l' ttl of npprovrtl ou the Tlii-ico-H- Week World, which is widely oiiculnted iu every unite nnd territory of the Union, and wherever there ve people who eiia read our mother tongue. This pnper for the coming winter nnd the yeiir 1I3. will mnke its news tervioe, if possible, more extuiHle tliao ever. All events of importance, no uintier where they happen, are reported accurately ana promptly. The subscriber for ony one dollar a year guts three papers every week and more news and general rending than most great dnilios can furnUh fet five or six timet, the price. The Thrloe-a-Week World is absolutely ful. in ltN political news. Partisan bias is never allo.ved to affect its news columns, and dcuiiMiriit and rcpuhlicau alike can ob tain in its pucs truthful accounts of all the groat political cuitnp igus. Iu addition to all the news the Thrlce-a-Week World furnishes the b"t sorlul flo- tioti, elaborate market reports and other features of Interest. The Thrlce-a-Week World's regular sub soi ipilon i rice la only 1 per year and this p;iys for 156 papers. We offer this uue i iiiilrd newspaper and the Pike County Press to-ther oue year for $2. regular subscription price of the tvo puper ih t- ThI 2 Stste Norma! School 2 East Stroudsburg, Pa. Kftfulnr Statu Nirmnl (NxtrsfS, nud uiiiiti Dcnnrtllii'lMrt of Mu-if, Ktt- cuiiort. Ait, Urawing. Stonoi nptiy, hi id Ty pf writing ; m ronu Coilt-o Prupftrittory IV partiiitiu. FREE TUJTION noiivillng expt'nttfifi fit Tut jktr wo k. Pi-pii i Htlmii t a nt H'ly 1 iiotf. Spring; Tltoi opii A; ril -iili, liwi. ruo for ciitivhiif Liu. H. L. Kemp, A. M.f ,'', 60 YF4R3' v EXPEiiitniCE s ; r -i ; - - , - . - . 1 J r L'i.u:cMi ' 1 , , 1 Cor-v'ti. hi 3 Ac, r- 14 ".-V- a n' .,1 1 1 ,-; ,. . .. . j ' mny K " .-..t " - s, n ...... 1 -.r -Kt ff t i- Vi i , i', .s 3 1 ? 1 LI... I -. . mii'uic uiuuu uiwuys &uuw a somewncre. n me stun, tnen toils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralcia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for tit) years. lU'fimiliiff frnm tb ftiTmn w.r, I wr ft pnrl.Tt Mie k. lv V .. oil n.t- iVnt. m,l my nvith vr-, rkdc. Iitit n tew iitt!f of Ayot'i 11. C. UoBHLKii, Koran ton, Ta. ( i W ft bnttl. J. r. a vr.n ro.. for Impure Blood Aid the fe3rsapanila hy keeping thj bowels regular w.cii Aycr'8 Pills, TIhth t- otio lliinc nbmit, tin MiHoui'i ilHmuiMiicy, b dli the rho'I men ntnl tho i)oillii'9 can miilr urnlnr jiropcr conditiotis. Tlio t.'lty muinty cotivenlioii Hit) ctln-r tin j endorsed tjcnntnr CuokreU "fur tlie liiONiiloiicy of tlin Unifotl Htntt's, the Snnitte, or nnyllitnK I'luo in the gift of the people." The old ISenului lefrve the tribute but this is lielmvfnt to be ou uuiitirttUdlivl eu doiHetnent of a man in high life. Clay county i the b!int,er dptno cratio county ng well hs the homo of tlie James brothers. It looks ns tuoutih tho most of St. Louix lias bean entsjud to hnuni nnd feed tlie Heitrst Midcgiiti'x and rooters during the convention. ,llt! bits 150 rooms tit the I'lttuters Hotel alone. , Thorn is no iiiii nllol in I lie history of nntionnl nulitical convmi tions of the x)iMiiltliiie of money' lininp; nindo by the Hitirst burenu and bis prodigality is more I him staggering the democratic national committee. While ir. is nnnounced that, Piesi. dent lloosevelt is the Republican plat form it is equally sure that the democrats who are jumping upon the President are careful not tt get upon the platform. If one doe tread there by mistake for an instant it resembles the time when the small boy put pussy on the hot stove. The Kansas oil field is a topic being discussed by the pnper. Judg ing from the Hearst nunifestations in the demooraoy of that state tlie entire local product-will be needed. A Great Sensation There was big sensation iu Lees, ville, Ind., when Y; H. Brown of that place, who was'exoeoted to die, bad his life aved by Dr King's Now Discovery for consumption. He writes: "I endured insufferable nponies fiom nsthma, but your New Discovery gave mo immediate relief and soon thereafter effeoted a com plete care." Similar cures of oon sumption, pneumonia, Bronshitis and grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for nil throat nnd Inn? tronhles Price 50o and $1.00. Guaranteed by alt 'Iropgists. Trial bottles free. SUMMER BOARD Ry thousands of Br ioklyn people. Can yon lake a few? It so, Imt vour house in the liROOKI.YN DAILY KAI,K 1 M FORMA TION m'liKAt', for which pur pose a printed blank Ih provided. The service of tlie 1 M FORMA TION BUREAU Will Cost You Nothing , The Brooklyn Eai;le is the lieat advestising medium in the world It carries more resort advertise ments than attv New York paper. Itstunds 1'R 1KM I N KN Ti. Y at the iiead. Aa ADVERTISEMKNT hi the K.HL'le eoHla little, but brings laive remits, beeau-o the KAtil.F. IN FORMATION lU'HEAU ineou Matitly liel ltii! il. S lite for iistitiz blank, picture ofl'.ureau a i id Advertising llute lard. Address INFORMATION BUREAU BROOKLYN DAILY EAOI.E Rkooklyn, N. Y. ' Mnntloo thH pAier in uliirb you Slits Ktivrtlsiiieiit. - Washington Hotels. r 1 f IIAIIPP fc 1 I'he httl jnr exrcHt'iiofl nf thn ca'i!il iO'io'-'i.t wi' Imi ttnc (.lock if tin: Viim Hne aint (ii ri-rt ly oj.;. siLo the Tit ulii y h nu'hi tablo in tht ray. VVILLARD'S HGTEL. A f ninou hoti-lry, rrnmrkjiLit,- for I If l.lf-i t irifnl ttfiM' M-uii 11 'lisi ami 1 ;i si i? ; ui -it ct p. ;ou luriiy. ttt--nt ly rMu tiu-ti, rfpaiuti-d -tjul paitially rot ui'iittilittl. FiATIOTIAL HOTEL. A laudtna: k auioiif the hottJ of Vmi!j uiiim!, pat ron'yt-il ill l iniitir y i, ,y pit'iisi-ni. anil hiU ttlti-Uifn. A hw s h i. Iitif fiiVt'i 1 10. hi-vr-ut i v r-:innl'-l' -i um! n l it I'tal ti-'M-T than t ct- ( ipp lui. ti ii i !. S A I.TXU hl'li f.N. H.'v riL-r. I iK'.-.e hue! ft am in- pi i in ipnl p. !i:,J rvii.!.', iMis t.f v;u,.L..l at H!l llll.i's. ,!H'Vhi' Pit' U-l bt'tpj iii piuc.s at n'lf C.n s. O.O. hTAPLt 5. ProprUtor, f . . WANTED . . TREASURER'S SALE (if I nrntFf1 LnniU In 11 fc County tt r Tin of KHU and an. I A hool 1Io4. ! Notion U ln'rt'lir sttvnt Mint, oJ'rfPftMy tn mi Aft of tin (i-H'M;t) AB'tnhly of t he ( 'titttim .in, '-nit h of !Vnn IvmmIh. i'mIMUm! An Aft to Mint'tKl the A i;t ttf it Soil Am Act (hit'ciitijr ihf mottc if soiling huhi'MimI , Iniulfl for tn ami for nth'-r imnmwi'H i j';i-"(t .Murrh 1 Mr h, A. 1. iMl't, liy ,i sn (ili'incnt in mi Act t tmntt tin Art rn t ii li'tl mm A ft 1 1 In rtiniz t In' in ot It of l1intf mifiiil liimU fur iiiTi-N nml fvr other ; purpiiM", p i-sfd Mitrrli lith, A. 1 lMn, 1 1 ntnl (it lunh'T mtppl"noMttj to hut riMMti'u A.-t pji';sfl Man-Is tt. 1v. by A't entiih'il ; An Act iu ivInH'.m h i Itf ntit" of uiififMtfil InntU in t ho n'vi-ntl rotint if of thi-tuinnn-uv rnl'li pnsi'd Miii'-h 9th, 117, ( nn Hitppli'mi'titfi ihfnt(i. 'i hi followittK . rh-rrihril Irn.'H of hnul (i1.-sm Mn1 In the tiiTMiittt' imiiif) will b soitl ou the Hi;rfMJ MONDAY IX JI NK NEXT i t bid tig t he thiHiimli tly of snltl month) iriituif iictng tit. tvo o'clock lit th after ti'Miu t)f f-Hid t'ny. nt public vciuluo, AT THK nil-RT IIOI'B If MIIrORI ; !n the ronnty or VlUo, for nrivnntges nf tiixi b duf ami co-4t not;iiKtl on etieii lot i rspeoi i vc 1 : Itlnninlng Grove Toniinhl! No. Warranter Name Aeres T'er Tax M I! n lon .Innie I'.'.i 77 $ fi W ! John 2.M M U ll Isnotisi- John t!!5 70 10 W CI KlelnhatiM llolnee 40J lit) 81 H 1ST Alea.e John B 8. H7 Ki'dmnl' Jos mi i- lWi SK IH lo:l ,Hnit.-r John 179 H 40 US Wiglun .Maiifioi t 41 22 iM Oelaware Township 1.") Ilrodhead I,llke 4'P. 22 00 IH Itn'dh.wl Mary s.: 80 HI 14." ("oiney llaiuoih 1 -" 4 4!1 US ('nrney 'i'lumia' 2:VI 7 'iM 40 PliiKoian Atiitiew 4H 8 17 (iiltii'ue Margaret lt." - 81 13 Hull Ann . 1'l 4 i I M' Hoover frmnmiel 1.17 9 Ho 147 Inirniloon t iiiiiarlne.. H'tl 12H 8 (fi 114 Kliiig Kiiehel 11 4 fio lor Meiiw! KoN-rt gist 11 01 Ion Mea-e John l:iS 151 H 18 100 M,.. imibella 411 at 27 W 175 McNeill Samuel Ml 70 (1 IH 11(1 Mii-'on Thoinai. 4!li 115 1:1 00 111! l'hillp William Jtot H lt 45 r'looiiililior Isaac 2 1 02 Dingman Townshfp 101 Iliink Montis l' 63 7 '. 1 IH Coiinanl IVIionil) 2"t 11 77 Il'.l Kverv .laeoli S.-: 8 11 I'll liiuiziilier Snintl"!. . .. HI 5 (l." tH Neleigh NiellolaS i7 70 84 10 Kit Huberts Mordiud .... 101 7 4o li-t H ostiui ThenuiH Jr. . . . H 2 22 ll Suiiih William iiV3 11 2r Kit nmiernon k blldwlg HO 2 Ho 1H1 Wolf Jacob 412 22 72 (ireene Township 201 IbirnetJohn 270 21 BH 27? Hn.tlheml Daniel 8711 80 15 54 251 Ciaia William 201 144 10 H7 2V Koulke Adorn 4l KMW 2ii0 l.vseh John 4:l 62 o 2iH Lvneh William 4:W 100 81 Ki 207 Murdoek John 50 8 00 20(1 I'lisehall Thomas Ml 8 (HI 2' Hi Roup ti. W 222 44 17 50 202 TitterinarT John 220 80 17 HH 202 Tlttermarv John..'... 115 6 02 West brook Hlrain 150 11 W rw-kswaxeo Township IK!) Halllrt. Jos.'ph 10 v 4fl 45 01 Heekley Daniel 814 82 41 120 ('otiner Michael 80 8 10 125 ( ha man .Tiimes 217 50 22 4:) :i2 Hewns Kohert 417 70 42 C.:t 12:1 Howell Klehnnl 00 4 82 iH 2d .lennlngs John 872 Ss 4:1 70 Musgrove William 80S 81 20 (r HolKirls Kllsha 20(1 20 till (Vi Shce Ann 1H7 8 45 M rhee Catharine 2"0 A3 11 2) 1W0 Tuvlor Jorin 100 10 !t:t Ho Wlgton l'helw Dot 20 40 70 K4 Wigtou Parinelia 807 18 81 73 ' Leliman Townihip 230 .Ttihn Mrotiman 10 01 254 linker (ieoriie A 81 ISO 154 "I'licKtuoi-James 204 120 Oil 7 Dally Clmiles 7U 11 77 HO Dills Kaehel. 8h 2;l 60 2ol Kills Meiifamln 100 rt 07 2.s5 Khnoi.eMer Killery. . .' W 178 218 Hoe Robert 100 H 117 2.10 H.-Mcr Daniel 10 01 H8 Kinnear William. .... 82H 55 14 02 144 K'ing Uarhel loo Wl 6 07 142 Kinnear Junies 8'.t5 65 15 :KI Motel Charles 75 2 82 157 Myers Henry 60 3 115 210 Huston Thomas 148 8 (V 224 isaville Samuel 422 120 25 05 Palmyra Township ! Si) Cadv David 105 18 02 I i:tr! l'hiilns K-becra Ml 14 40 10 Smith Wiibaiu .V.J 19 41 4.1 101 Smith William 2:t0 20 ft". 84 Wigton Isaao 413 133 47 US J'ortcr Township liV? Ahereroinble James . 414 00 23 78 27 Hoyd Charles 4IW 165 15 00 80 htiiuhiim Ann fit) 1 65 814 Itroivn Daniel 12H 7 81 810 Hal Mil Daniel 210 120 10 52 112 111 I Is Atiralmnt 227 KM ", Ureer Chas& Shull H IIVl fl 09 109 -'lutes John lot - 4 87 81 Harrison 4crgn., 100 68 8 10 82 Heller Michael ll 3 10 JlS Jon 's Ah.-aloin 442 04 11 71 ilii!) Miller William 810 00 18 40 j 00 Overllcld William. ... HuO 7 9 80 I 1) Huston Thomas 150 4 78 j Hh) S c. k John 25H 153 8 01 171 Kichelherger li nnet . 75 m) sliuhola Towiulilp 1158 Burr Joseph 487 SI 47 fw I I4f Hailey l'riiijeis 8-lt) 28 84 20 154 Connelly Jnhu 4IH IS 45 05 152 C.uey Matiliew 175 27 ISO? j I-ili Ch.llilmtn .lames 2!7 tut 2:1 73 I 27 Ciiao;iroe T lioinas . . . . 4i0 Ki 47 72 ; lli'.l ..oj-r -luhii loo 10 -2 i 1 1 liiui Ann... ,",'.i0 ill 17 Hi"! I'iiiiiiili l; Din 2)0 t3 20 r I '.':! Di liny 'A iliiaiu li.l (I f.v j :'.:t Hugli Thomas 41 121 430 1 !0 in-co Salnu.l 71 N) 7 71 ll'-O laiken-. A Urmiaul .... 237 25 lit .16) l.e-ler John P luri 50 114) Kl Neleltfh M.llttn ... l.vl mm ! t't . Ma: y .' -i . . . . 415 15 44 i 7S ltiis-..' AliOn-iv 2o3 M il m I liH etU James Jr l;rf SO 2t) 8S Weofall Tuwaahip H7 Hfoi h.-r Oliver P 40 1 M 11a h HriiiiT Jwis ....... . 3 7 U jtMwt iMiat'. am x:i ljt ti L'5 M.-iN' J-ihii 15 i5 11 M Mnitl Kliza(Hth fu 4 w CEO. A. bWl l'IMStK, 'i'rriMiurnr, Treaturer's !!ir-t-. Mil ford, Pa., .MarU L'J, lifcrt. i TREASURER'S NOTICE (.if ale uf hemUd ILiids fur Arrrrge uf lairi The foMov hif.' is the Lt of taxes return rvl tv tlie itas fi.r ihe st verai nl.ips for ije us I''',' Miui miuI Uit k .'i.m'I j' unti e-)ts, Mliii-h html viii Im hohi ri-.iMli'v t the ivx of (fie l":llol h'un.iii v, A. I) InTU al iliu saint' l tiiif Hint l.-it :ui tho atovo ami tu.-vgtimg ui-i.tltti l.LinU: IsltMiiaiii (irott Tow titliij,) Name ;iiil I)i -t ri.ti.nj Tax tiilj J i a iiilialK i J i ,tiv A s ai i r 1 '. -i 1 1 1 1 1 'ii pd ."aimii I t mi. a ii iin i. v Nu t k rl i noie nud C U lilijlluM Fitil; l-ln Fv-nh it v" nnittip-l Mni'Kwt Sitieki-r No so . .8 77 lialM un Aotiie ni y."i nnitmul .Ivhii HiHt'-r No HHj Wir, rodlwiskl. 8H Ii'prh S;oMie( t;r P o-i onltnp'l Peti'r Mlllor No )s-. t(j Jnhii Maittjpii ftiul S:mnii'1 Yeimlo ' 8 Piper l-riMOMlck or inn Itnpil M tinitopil Hnisp Sinnl toiler No UH nlj H Jti'lMntf ami 1'nul Kraul . .. 8 14 Wlllljun Kuitert nr r"f miimpii hone .fohn Hut tnr No HKl ntlj H ln hi)Kl en 7.1a Mini (iP4 Hoekline ... 1 4 MeConnell John pfc 12' Impil V.MH nnliDptl ltonie ntnl hnrn Invtti HiiHlei No! iycalj I'm rlek MoCnnnel 0 Ofi Itdawnre Tiiwnlilp Crepsy LllMe F nr flti Impd 10.1ft nnimptl nouno nnd bnrii .lohi KnneMt. No 14 ml) .1 ( mm and others I4 49 Diiillni? Heheeen nr imjid hono ntlj t. unlet Kaltt, nnd i W Lajton i'-t : o M Inter Kllritliet It nr 5H nnlmpd Mary lirodhead no In mj Hen) Mi'i'vM'll and A K limn, h 8 01 Meakln Henjaniin nr tta hnpd Utninml hmip nnd harn T J Smith No 21 nnd J oolhaniih No 2'i ndj 0 Vntitnlne and inhcra.. 85 87 Mn(te4 Hohert nr nnltnpd !avld .Meptiftin ssi a I ndj Mtrani West liriMk -t nnd Mrs J Hlt'wnrt 14 80 Minte" llei.ry nr ItKM nnlmpd Mary UMlliPiul No lHmlJ MtZftlx'th M. li ter nnd o( hnrs 4 76 Westtirook John V. nr 8;i ltnpd JlSn nnlmpd Mary HriMiiium) Nu 18 nnd Win .Tnekoii No It 4 B0 L'Moniulieti ,1h-oh nr la tmpd mlj C Hoi-ler nnd J W htriaker ll Haitt Harriet A Ha hnpd and linnse imret Mr-vlliead No 151 ndj Jul Ktnery ntnl .lohu Raltt 1W Com trtclit .'ohn nr )tr lmpd l' untniid h!tio Hnnnnh C'nrney 145 J M Tarlnr 1 atlj Uavld Cron .... 8 9fi Insina Tnwnthlp Nelson PeterpRtflalmpd '21 In unlmnd house, ntnl httrn nitj I' Mnnrremm. . 17 W Crone ii i ttr M-ii ttnltnpl near Dinjr- mun .prtnff ntt n w Moldmi 7 H Riviere K T nr nnlmpd KrRne's Smith No w ndj l)r Johu Ikelly nnd .Tmld Place R7 50 Smith Adnm nr 5r nolmnd house ntnl Imt n ndj N W Hold mi 4 Oft Tailor is u nr iiinn nnlmpd Samuel (lunamilti No 1H0 ttO.i nnlmpd Win Smith No isa ndl John Picot nnd other U BO Farley Tereneo nr 15a linpd JiMla untmpd hotiBfl nnd Imrn Win Sit Kreaven No H5 mil K A GreeulnK and Kniiim Ttititptur 17 86 Orepne Towimlilp Freneh Jnmed nr fi?2ii nnlmpd Mat how Conner No 64 D R Htirly No M I) R Rurly No 66 WIHiiim Rrodhead No 67 M 8 Wilson I'MiTfir nr unlmud Thonnw Kiehanln No 1V4 1 89 Nipert .Tames A nr Sit. ltnpd nninipd 2 hone Hown nnd Klllot No 1-rtl ntlj Philip Miitihart nnd other 0 38 Menla Julnc nrisra nnlinnd lllltun Wells N i4alj Kmlle OUniniuer 8 66 Hohdav Ktiza nt 5a Imnd lTHaiinlniud Joli n Crosby N.4 879 11 63 Hnxelton Samnel nr utorfl house nnd lot mil Thon H nnd K F Gilpin .... 4 81 RotR Reuben pc H)tn nnlmpd Jrta HeritaKO No 77 ndj lot No &"7 4;iitft uiiimpd John C Stocker Nt lif ndj lot- No ln4 4:i!tti nnlmpd Margaret St(M'ker No 1(17 formerly Collliitr- wood&Co TO 8ft Lackawmxen Townthip Ronemore KUen nr formerly Balsden IjOuU 10a ltnpd Mla nnlmpd 5 houses 3 nuthulldli) ndl John t'arlln et 63 88 Cintu marttn nr KMa utiimpd ndj John McDerinott. nnd Goorire Franee 11 OS Kckltaek Alfred nr 4n I mud 86a nnlmpd hotie nnd barn 19 16 V atHtie John nr &m unliood Jr urninn More No 157 lot lo 8 08 Kirhy Kdwnal nr 60k untmpd hoe nud barn ndj Orison Doty nud I'lileh Tobler 6 1ft liUdwlir (harleti fmt 2a lmud 9tta unimpd hmiRp nnd barn 10 46 Unely Levi nr one house 4 16 Market Karl nr ooa nnltnpd lot No la AndetPUtfs Dlvldon 8 Mai'rth Jntnefl nr one house 4 48 Rosetititler Allert nr la ltnpd 25tV nnlmpd houso and ba'u ndj C L Daley 10 92 Wpstbrook lDOn nnlmpd Isnao Decow No H' ndj lot No nud 15 11 02 Miiun John h unintpd ndj amuel Lowenstt'ln 1 66 Llndala (-liai les nr &)ft unuupd adi Herzoff and A Pol ton 8 98 Lawreuee William nr 1 lot and house 8 06 Miller Krnest nr 6o:k linpd trtWa nnltnpd houce nnd Imru ndj Esra Case and J Wr Hi luktuati 38 19 Perry lulen est 2a ltnpd 17a nnlmpd shanty adj John Deuront nnd Max well . a 7i Mornn Jnmps nr 85a nnlmpd lot No 1 mlj J MeHato anl Mlohmd Urndy 1 8 MclStwell William nr W a utilinixl ndj J H Smith and G Rowland.. 8 88 NNk Almost nr 85a no tmpd adj Petor KiiiH'tgen and J L Uurcher.. 1 99 I.ehmao Township . Clifford Catharluo est 2a linpd 14a untmpd adj JostpU Hilliurd nud Joeph Kleinert 8 89 Couuiermaii Daniel nr 8a hnpd 2a utiimpd house adj Jounthau lialuir and Peter Ph-roe 8 01 IVwi't H w nrliu tmpd 67;i unliopd ho u ho and barn adj Jorutnlah Tit man and r.thent , 0 73 Flcminon John nr Ha ltnpd houso hdj Calvin Decker and William Colin erman 8 74 HoloriHik A A ti 2a lmpd formorly Daniel (iark nr . . . 8 14 Plni-hot John F nt 75a uulmpd adj U W Chanilierlatii and Jno (touIU. 9 68 Van (Torden Frank nr25a uulmpd. . 1 67 an A ukeu Kva est lHitv nnlmpd ndj Jetise Gunii and ti W Chatnberlaiu 1 66 Bennett James ur bk imod 86a , iiiitmnd hotibe nnd barn 8 47 I raiibiitt Iaac ejt ri' nnlmpd 6 83 Counterman Mary A nr 16a ltnpd 9a nnlmpd UaUHvin P L nr 75a unhupd Win Kumear No IM adj Joseph llilUaid nud Jos Kit-inert 1 14 Palmyra Townalilp Call us James nr 8a lmjid ftJa unlmpd hoiiM and barn W alien Paupao Mama No 9 adj Abrutu Crotu and Pastime River 8 75 Me-Haltt Mary out la i ri.f xi rtia nninipd Iiou-e and barn James Duncan No II-' adj Franois Mauley t-st . 13 4ft Marker A Ifit'd ttr ha tinnd l'2a nnlmpd house ndj Joseph Smith . 9 60 h;ule A hraham tt 7a ltiunl i$Ja uulmpd hoii-ie uud barn TUomas lirown No & 9 04 Werner Alva nr 6a ltnpd 6a uulmpd house and barn 5 27 Lao trail Patrtrk et 1 lot and house Mi Cromwelltuwu 8 88 Lankan M tunnel est 4a lmpd 3a uiiimpd 2 huUies atid barn at Croiu weiluiwn 8 WelU Andrew nr2'4 lots and house nt i;riinwelU(iwn 6 6t' lf iu i homas ebt house nnd lot nt CromfttiUiowu 1 4 furler Tuwushlp FitiVelriteln Samtirl nr 6ia uulmpd KichelU-rier Ii;tn net No IV 1 lulj bit- a-i and 17a 9 81 UvvriieUl Depue Smuh & Co loha uiiimpd J.u-oh Si uf t No 174 adj J hu .Miiirr No itx nud William Oveiii. id 4 97 Shafer iti'irei-t eit M"a uutmpd adj Win Felt mail No 17a and Kicbui bci guv Uaruft No 171 2 1 Htmhola Townalilp Dart Margaret. A in cta unimp?l and h"H-e (jurliutltj Hart and J ti H, iii. ud 27 25 M til him M Ii Imt -1 ii r ioa iii'pd tVia unin.ptl hiiiiwt nod barn and out bit; .-,'. 1 1 -j ail j 'l'h u Bradford and hdiinr Wi'iu 18 Hi Ii ri k - U liett'tqunrter for liOwut-y ' eoiiffcotious, , W e.lff 11 Townttilp B -ewn O J eft 8 lot i in Mntamorn Ni ul a-i eor Ijoder nnd Mata-inoi-ns t reets B C"l Hell K P ntnl K (4 l9fn nnltnpd pnrl oi Jennie toli Ii property in 01 Sehue-isler .luHiiseMt lot No 1 K fae- InftT on Kidder street Matamoras ndj Jolin Sehunuwher 4 61) "0P""No taxes reeelrpd on dny of sale TriMii rer. Trcnsumr's Dfflre, Milfnrd, Pa , J fliareh au. iwt4. .' FATHER TOM'S ONE ROMANCE The old man (tot up, tall and Straight nnd smiling. I'll tell you the story of my only rontanee, said Father Tom, nd erei-ybnily nbout the long table, .at up .tralpht with Interest. "You may think It queer that priest should bay. a rnrnAnce, but I'm an old man now, and I think I can confess with afety. All these year. I'tb been carrying the ghost of my romance about with me, and only within the Inst three months hare 1 ticceded In laying It I suppose .11 of you know that I wag burn and brought up out here In the country. I lived on a farm and I went to a little country achool. There wa. a pretty little Rlrl among the scholars at that school, and a. a bare footed farmer', boy I fell desperately In love with her. Of course, I never told her anything of tny feelings, but worshiped silently and at a distance. Then came the time when I made up my mind to enter the priesthood. That meant cutting myself off from a great many things that I cared for mot.t of all for the little girl with the yellow curls and the big gray eyes. But I made up my mind and decided that nothing should move me from my declBlon. When the teacher heard that I was going away to enter the theological seminary he Invited all the pupils and their parent, to meet at the school lumen one evening and bid me good by and gotlBpeed. up my mind to enter the prlthood ao "They came, and among them was my pretty little sweetheart, t talked with her a good ileal during that even ing more than 1 had ever done be fore, nnd I had to tight my battle all over again. She was dressed In a pretty white dress and she looked so sweet and so lovable that It was hnrd for me to bid good-by to her forever. JUKt before they nil went home that night the girl met me In a cor ner of the schmilhoiiFe, and, looking up Into my face with her beautiful eyes, .made a whimpered request of me. Tom,' she said, 'won't you please give me a lock of your hair?' That was almost more than I could stand. But I have always felt that 1 refused her with more sternness and teverity than was really necessary. In fact, I was positively rude In my re fusal, and I thought she was almost crying ns she turned away. "The next morning 1 left for the theological seminary. I turned my back on the pretty girl of my boyhood and all that went with It, and gave myself up to my book, and my (church. "In my senior year at the seminary. Molly, that was her name, married and moved to" New York. I felt glad In a sad sort of way when I heard of It. Now, nt last, that temptntion was tak en permanently out of my life. I was ready to prny for ber happiness, but felt no longer any other feeling to ward he,r. "I graduated and went abroad to Rome for a year. After that I cam. back to America and was sent to thia parish, where you have always been o kind to my faults and so generous in your appreciation of my effort., Kor more than a quarter of a century. as you know, I have lived here, and during all that time I have never heard, even Indirectly, of Molly or her lot In the world. "I have even allowed myself to won der whether my decision to enter the church was altogether a wise one. have, half dozing, imagined that pos sibly, if I bad given her that lock of my red hair, the course of both our lives might have been altered for the the better. Not that I have doubted my own ability, to till it as It should be filled. And, so dozing, 1 have won dered what might have been the re sult if Molly had got the lock of hair she asked for. "I have wondered wherfier she wa. happy now? Or did she also some times wonder whether in the great scheme of things she had found -just the place arranged for her from the beginning. "Years ago I decided that if ever change threw Molly in my way should pluck up courage to ask her why sho asked me for that lock of hair. 1 had little expectation of ever meeting her, and, if I did, I was an old. broken down man of more than sixty and I could hardly, give anyone more than half a decent lock of hair. try as I might. So I ' felt perfectly safe in making my resolution. "Well, .my friends, this summer met Molly again. It was in the Alps. I was climbing up the Matterhorn. She was coming down, a tall young man acting as her escort. We met at the font of a steep slope and we knew each other at once. " 'Why, Tom.' she began,' and then corrected herself. ' "Father Tom,' mean.' " 'Molly,' I suld, 'I mean Mrs. and then I hesitated, for I had for gotten her married name. "Sho laughed and Introduced me to the young fellow with ber. It was her son, a splendid young fellow of twenty five. Iiut for all that, Molly looked not one year older to me than tne night I bade ber goodly at the little school hoube. Her cheeks were just as fresh and pink and her eye. as bright and laughing. For mo ment I hesitated. Then 1 made the pluuge. "'Molly,' I said, 'I have been wait ing all these years to ask you why you asked nie for that lock of balr thai last night. Will yuu tell uie'f "-I will, Kill her Turn,' she. answer ft, lnuKhlt.g. '1 was maklug a half picture and I sacte.l sumo rod for th aunaet.'" U. M. H, In Chicago Trillin. f UJi 1 DO YOU EXPECT TO hi rr- Hull A. 'D. BROWN and-SOM, Manufacturer and dealers in all kinds of Contractors Cstlmatos made tion given and work guaranteed OFFICE. Brown's Building, Milford. Pa I A P R I L M nre the the months OlM THE FARM Tho work done then menus th Hiieeesfl or failure of the farm for tho year. As an Aid to Success rvory farmer nhnnld In touch with new ineihntlri whli h Increase the prudiuMlvene-A and consequent r.veiiiieof his farm. A WEEKLY VISITOR which will k'vo nid of this kind with the opinions and pmeti'-nl PXpiirleee of the hi-st known m-f-ricultural authorities in Amot ion, In nn interest I iiff manner. Ik 'NEW-YORK Don't forget that II, also hns S entertaining pimes fur the wives, suns nn;i daughter. J You ntnv secure It iu coniie V tlon with your home paper, THE PIKE COUNTY PRESS i which will be brighter and bet- J ter tlmn, bmh papers 1 yr. FOR ONLY $1.65 tv ruirf In tr vnitf it'll rti iiliuwui to r THE PRESS, Delaware -:- Valley -:- Railroad Time Table in Effect October I, 1903 ;. m p iu. STATION) 10 (III 9 IKli 1 40 Lv New York 1). L. c W. R H Ar. 12 4(1 Ar Philadelphia lirDiul Street. Station I,v P. M ia 8.V '12 87 ia :i!i ia 4"; 12 411! 12 (il 12 511 12 67 12 fit) 11 01; 1 Oft 1 1(1; 6 U) 7 no T,v Kast Ptrouilkburg 15 OS f7 (Ml " Delaware Valley .lituuilun. fft 04; f7 Oil " Kilo Valley f5 12; f7 12; " drain's Meadows 5 14! 7 14! " Marshall's Ooek f5 In! H ltl " Oak (inivo f5 1111 f7 1 " Frutehevs iHii 7 22 j " Cofilhiiniih fo 21! f7 24 " Kcho Lake fo Srt, f7 ) Turu Villa 5 HO; 7 HO " ; Shueniiikers 6 Uuj 7 82! Ar Hushkill p. m. p. m !p in if Stops only on not-lee Trains nrrlvinar nt Bushklll at 1.10 Cerry, Milford and I'ort Jorvis. . I. SELDON CASE, Supterintendent, East Stroudsburg, Penna. rrAlLROAD TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Solid Pullman trains to Buffalo, NlaK ara Falls, Chnutauqua Lake, C'levelanil, Chlcngo and Cincinnati. Tickets on sale at Port Jervis to nil points In the West and Southwest at lower rates than via any other first-class line. Trains Now Lravs Pout Jgnvis . Follows. EASTWARD. No 8, Daily F, i press tt, Daily V;i.iriis 8il, Locui Kxoept iSunday.. 42. " ' 8.24A. 6 10 ' 8 J5 ' 7 41) ' 7 M ' 7i, Wsy Piiuday Only 80, Local Kicept Hiiuday.. 10 20 ' 2, Wayiliillyeic'triuuiiay 11 bo 4, Dally Kxpnws 12 42 i. 7IU, Suuilav Oniv 1 )D " 24, S'av daily exe't Suud'y 8 no " 2, Daily 4 20 ' 7m), Way Hunilay Only 4 40 " 7it, Iial Suiuliiy Oniv oi'7 " 20. Way dully ejio'l Suud'y 6 M' " 14. Express Datly a 56 " WESTWARD. No 7, Dally 12 BOA. If. 17, Daily Milk Tiaiu 7 a 5 " 1, Dully Kiprc.s 11 K4 " 111), Fur Hu Unix K pt 8un . . 12 10 p. M H, Kxpri'ssC biuiKu Inn did & 15 " iii), 1ih:u1 KxiirehfcSinuluy . . 6 &0 " ii, Limited Daily Exurux. lo 20 " Trains leave Ciiauiliers strewt, New York, fur l'ort Jervis on week days ut i ail, 7 ao, 9 00, 9 15, 10 80 A. u , I D), 3 00, 4 Do, 6 30, 7 .80, 9 15 r. u On riundiys, 3 3), 7 30, 9 00 . U 15 A. It , 13 30, 2 30, 7 SO 9 15 P. M. . I. W. COOKK, 4aerl F-iiM)Ui;er Aoatt N.w ork. VlUUU vs.iotl in Htove I'.-nilm at f2 a Uuiil. F. F. hi.irz. Milfunl. Tt'li iilHuie t.'oiiint.tlijiis. tf 5qiii"BEST OF ALL FLOUR. ' FEED, MEAL, DHAN. OATS, and HAY. When in need of any Hello to No. o.. or come to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD PA. BUILD? THEN SEE Lumber, and Builders. : personal atten AY J U fi E innst fmpnrlntit if tiio yesr i n I o 3 O TRIBUNE FARMER w w p. 'a or t 5 4 MILFORD, PA p. Ill p. in Lv to cumluotur or on sif;iml 'p m.'p m p 8 .... I 7 lo as nr. 4 ::: ti l.-, rn : ft -j:i W aa fM :tl ft at til ai w aa fi ia hi ih H 61 4 IP H II ft) pi f4 in fll ml IH Pi f4 lt fil mi S l:l; 1 ici: U3 tH ir f4 el; ftl III f to t:t mi fn wi 8 1)5 8 f,;,; 6 8 ID; 8 01 6 40 n. in connects with siuiru fur liiniri'i.inV L. R. CARPENTER" BROKEI g STOCKS, 5 GRAIN, S ETC. BONDS, COTTON, ETC. Bought and Sold for Cash or i; rnea on a ruar- gin of 3 per cent. Yon will find flint, tlie scr vic!H I reiiulHr yuu an it tSt'iknr Htul tbo facilities find iMiiiveri ii.nces I can run nut be Hiirpnssi'il elxHwliiTPt" It. is tn my inti'i't't-t tluit you mnke iniini'y. All liiisiiH'sn utrictly ODtiti'letititil ('iii-ri'iMiml.n(;i' nnil teli )Ji.iiih iinli-rs given cmvful attention. M. . L. R. Carpenter, Cor. Ball and Piko Sts. g Port Jervis, New York. 0 9 Reprewntinur Groullch, Martin 4 Co. a urouacn, martin a v.o. ie ml'liv .!.:. .Ii, P v;;. a iu. a. i. a, u u oi- i iniijuintiHitiu a.i i ! tt if v :-& i.i ('.( nt.i! ,uy. r t i n eLx.., :t ov h t uicr ( fi Mf 0 . nHtlU il' t I l.V .i.A'J t Ofipcsite U. L. Fdient C;;.ca WASHINGTON D. C. ? 0 4 m v i (? i" i