1 in A GREAT SALE -or LADIES' SUITS LADIES HIGH GRADE SPRING SUITS AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. . . . All-wool Suits in Cheviot, Venetian and fancy mixtures, the latest style, perfectly cut and tailored, Eton and tight-iitting jackets, many of them lined with satin or taffeta silk. Suits worth from $12.00 to $1G.00. A great sale at Ladies high grade liner materials, voiles; cheviots and new all-wool suiting, beautifully made and elaborately trim med, finest satin and taffeta linings. The reg- VI v1 ular selling prices of $20.00 and $22,00. Special prices now at PIKE STREET, - at the head A SEASONABLE REHEDY Emulsion of Puro Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphitos of Limo and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. Prescriptions ST H. L Emerson & Co., uareful Compoun &- Next Door to l& (Olj p lrL? Serwin, - Williams - Paint 1 j T. 4 feaa W W . . NEW LINE OF . . ZEPHYRS CLOTHS, LINEN SUITINGS, DUCKS, PIUQES, SEERSUCKERS, PERCALES, BATISKE, DIMITIES, ETC. TEAS AND COFFEC5 A SPECIALTY WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS HATS AND CAPS, SHOES WALL PAPER, MATTINGS, RUGS O.RDEf - SEEDS - AflD - ILlPLEf.lEflTS AGENTS FOR DCVOCG PAINTG AND LIGTSlfiG'S FERTILIZERS ". C: G. M I I MILFORD, "'r"Mrr -'.V ' -.rr,,: ..L.crlrj W .t j" hi-.-,.. .. il. Ty Ji J! A o on . . 1 spring suits in all the M these suits are $18.00, of front - PORT JERVIS. Hotel Fauchere. 10,98 When you want the BEST in Canned Good3 get the Vhito Rose Brand In Coffee THE WHITE HOUSE InPaint3 tup C t D Armstrong & CO. MILFORD, PENNA. f r ! f una y PCM NA. Ayers i , i. Ayrr's i'lii. Ayer'i r;;s. Keep sayirr f Aytr'i l'iils. Kctp ylrt 4 I'iis over and cvrr ? "jii V f ? P " ' fVC MAT A MORAS. Mis. Ilolnn Pcatna pntprtinpl about 20 of hr girl frinnils Inst fvituiMay aftornoon, the occasion boing her birthday. A nice stippnr was served by hor tnothor. Various guiiins were plnyel mid the little people bad ft very pleasant time. Miss Helen recoived a number of pretty presents. All enjoyed the afternoon very much and voted Miss Helen it good entertainer. Miss May VVostbrook, a trained nurse from New York City, is visit HH relatives in Matamoraa. Mrs. A. d. Rowland and daugh ter, Catharine, of Rowland, Pa., have been spending a few days with Warren Ridgoway and wlfo. They retnrned home Monday. There was a very pleasing enter tainment at the school building on Wednesday evening. Tlie body of Miss Lizzie Bchu- m iker, who was accidentally drown eJ on Nov. 18tn last, and which was found Friday afternoon' lt, was brought to the undertaking rojms of C. I. Terwilllger & Bon nt about 10 o'clook Saturday night. Thore were no bruises perceptible on the boJy. The faoe was dis colored by water, but considering the long time it had been in the water was in remarkably good state of preservation. The clothing was not torn or disarranged in any marked degree. The body was placed in a metallio casket, and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon nt 2.30 o'clook at the German Lutheran church, the Rev. H. U. Wasmund officiating, and interment in Laurel Grove cemetery. Joe Schroeder has opened his grocery store in the Staten build. Ing. Rev. and Mrs. William Burley arrived in Matamoras Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard moved in the Whysall cottage on River street. The have been occupying the French cottage on Adams street. Mrs. James Peroival and son, James, have moved from Mountain avenue to a cottage on Washihgton street. Van Et ten's ferry above the rail road bridge is in operation. An. other ferry is needed for wagons. So many have to wait on each side of the river so long before they can get across. The First street ferry continues to be run very success fully. The boat makes trips every five minutes. Miss Ida Wood, on Jefferson St., wlio has been visiting relatives in Arlington, N. J., for some time, has returned home. Miss Hazel Hornbeok, wno has been spending her Easter vacation in Now York and Brooklyn, has returned home. Rev. Ora J. Shoop, wife and son, Hamilton, left Matamoras Thursday Afternoon for Vallsburg, N. J. The Epworth parsonage is under going a renovation. All the rooms are being papered, whbh will give them a very cheerful appearance. The L. A. 8. connected with the ohuroh is having' the work done. Arther Jones and family moved in a cottage on Third street, form jr. ly occupied by Oliver D. Squires and family. The L. C. U. connected with Hope church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex. Brink. The C. E. Society oonnected with Hopo church- will give a reception this evening at the parsonage. On Wednesday evening, April 13, Prof. Houck arranged for a stereop ticou lecture on "Hawaii," at the school house. The lantern and light were supplied by W. II. Allerton of Tort Jervia, who has made about 30 views of the high water and ioe gorge during the past winter. These were shown in connection with the Hawaiian pictures, which are pretti ly colored. The pictures were loaned by the Philadelphia Commer cial Museum. The proceeds of the entertainment are to be applied to the piano fund. At Hope church the Rev. Mr. Metzgar, the new pastor, preached both morniDg and evening. The choir rendered soma pretty anthems. PAUPAC. U. N. Killtun is entertaining hi son, Lafayette, for a few days. We are glad to note the improved condition of Mrs. Khtsridou and Fred Kilhua Mrs. B. F. Killam returned from HolUtiturville lnat Monday. At the preterit writing Mrs. Kath eriue Lu!Ty id very low. A. Simons, ifa ir.d sou of Hawley ijMint the 10th wilh A. J. Kimble hiid family. At school No. 4, April Cth, an eolith ypfir exuminatiuii was held. Fntonliiy hint Mr. and Mrs Lester HiuuiiiU retiirueJ to tln.nr home in t'i antou. Al,iy and Clma UumMe returned to liii'ir rii'jjloyiuent in Uilf'.'rd, the ll'a liibt. Peculiar To Itself In what t is and whnt It does con taining the tSest blood-purifying, alterative and tonic substances and ffecting the most radical and per manent cures of all humors and all eruptions, relieving weak,' tired, languid feelings, and building up the whole system is true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla Ho other medicine Rets like it; no other medicine ha- done so much real, substantial ' good, no other medicine has restored health and strength at so little cost. "I u troubled irtUt irofu!a and turn aar loaint hit nyelrt. tar femr nontti I on Id not to Mo ftarttla. Afur Mrlnf two bottini of Hood's firpHlt I ootild to walk, and wban I had taban el(bt bottlaa I old ra aa wall aa afar." Soars A. Ba:m- Ton. Wlthara, N. 01 Hood's raaperflla pramtsoe to euro and Manna the promlaa. SILVER LAKE W. J. Hanna of Long Meadow re paired the telephone line between this place and Dingmans Ferry last week. John Crone is engaged in making ties. J. O. Carhuff of near Conashangh made a business trip to tbis place one day last week. Joseph Judd called on his sister, Mrs. John Crone, on Sunday. "A number of Club members are expected in a few days. , Mrs. Adams expects te arrive from the city this week. James Hanna of Long Meadow visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Robinson Shepherd spent Sunday wish relatives at Long Meadow. W. H. Lay ton has been on the sick list, but is now able to resume teaching. Fred Bosler spent Sunday with friends in this neighborhood. Edward Emery of near Centre made a trip to Porters Lake one day recently. It is said he has the con tract to build the stone work for a large new barn for Mr. Weisbrod at Brown's mill, formerly the Buchan an mill. Mrs. Edward Shepherd is Improv ing. Henry Albright had the misfor tune to lose a valuable young horse last Monday morning. . The Misses Winan are expected in a few days. The ice on the lake broke tip on Wednesday. Mrs. Westbrook and some friends of Ridgewood, N. J., are at Niche oronk Lake Villa preparing for the summer. DISGMAN'S FERRY. We can hardly agree with those who think entertainments at the olose of school terms prejudice the childrens advancement. After several months of routino work in the school room the days toward the olose become irksome for the little folks and if part of the time during the last month is occupied in giving them instructive selections to mem orize, or . in some other profitable manner, their little brains are ex panded and there will always be incentive to do their best before an auc'ienoe. In this way a healthful emulation to study is induced which may be the means of greatly benefit ting the tender minds. It is a case otherwise of "all work and no play, etc" Your types made me say last week that it took 100 gallons of sap to make one of syrup. From 22 to 25 pails is nearer the amount. John Brodhead of Nebraska is visiting his parents, D. O. Brodhead and wife, at Centre and will remain S or 3 weeks. The roads are getting passable. The new minister made an excel lent impression by his sermon at Centre last Sunday. People In this township for several years past have remarked that tim ber was getting scarce here hut if one notes the piles of logs at Darragh's mill, added to nearly every day, and the large number of tius on the bank of the river they will wonder where so much was found. Cheap Colonist Bates to tha West Commencing at once and continu ing daily ontil and including April 20th, the Erie will sell special one way mixed class colonists tickets from Port Jervls to any poiut in Arizona, Britiah Colombia, Cali forma, Colorado, Idaho. Mexico, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mfiioo, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, at very low rales of fare. Jut think of It, only $o0 to any Ltiiitorina point. (or routtis and rates please address Kne ticket agmit, 1'ort Jervls, N. Y., ami re niuiiiber these tickets are on sale duly until April 2'Jth. SANDYSTON. The Teachers Institute of the three townships weat of the mountain oiel Saturday l-ist In the school house at Lay ton. County. Sup. Decker and wife, Mrs, McMicklo of Boemorville and Miss Dodge of Duckertown were present, ns were all the teachers ol Sandyston and Montague. Paper? were read by U. E. Hursh, Frank Stoli and others, and the meeting was very Interesting and instructive from the teaolier standpoint. Dis cussion followed each paper and the teachers should all take part, foi this is the most interestins; part. Some' flue catches of trout srp reported, but I am sorry to say that so:no of them were canght on Sun day. But that Is no violation ol law in Jersey. Layton has special attractions and they attract a whole lot of attraction from attractive? youths from out side our city limits. Some one may stub his toe over those attractions, and then .The Court at Its last session held up a lot of licenses, and among them I notice the name of W. H. Titman of Bevans. A hearing will be given each case sometime this week. If remonstrances against a license were for the public good, all right, but 99 cases out of a hundred it is pure spite of some disgruntled toper. The Newark Sunday Call says that great numbers of suckers are being speared In Sussex and Warren counties. That may be true In Warren county hut I very' much doubt If any of that kind ot work Is done in this county. Word was received here Saturday that the body of the young lady who was drowned at Port Jervis last fall had been found on Depue't island about three miles below Flatbrookville. It was found by two brothers named Strnnk who were fishing. Parties from Port Jervis went after the body Satur day. The boar I of education met on Saturday night to estimate the amount of money to be voted for, for support of our schools. No quorum being present an adjourn ment was made to some time next week, when an election will be held to vote the needed money. I incline to the opinion that the goat craze will be short lived as the animals are too frisky and only a seven foot steel wire fence will keep them in an enclosure. A day or two ago I saw them peeling the bark from young fruit trees and had they not been promptly looked after would have ruined every tree In thatbrohard. They will eat any. thing in the line of shrubbery, In fact, anything that is green. L. T. Smith of Layton went to New York and purchased four fine looking work horses, the past week, j In reply to H. L. will say that school exhibitions are detrimental to any school, when that school is In session, and school officials should put a foot on them hereafter. The parents may be pleased at the apt ness of their children, the teacher proud of the glory achieved, but as one patron remarked, "It was three I hoars school and three hours exhib ition," sums up the case. Absenteeism in our schools is growing worse from year to year. Our county superintendent stated in his remark at the teachers' meet ing on Saturday that the percentage of attendance bad fallen off here, but In Wantage the percentage of attendance had increased. All should know that the money we receive in the state appropriation is based on the attendance in the sohools, and yet we have one sohool where the attendance is only twenty- five per cent of the pupils in that school district. Parents refusing to send their children to school, regu larly, are liable to all the penalties of the Disorderly Act, the penalty of which is 90 days in jail or twenty, five dollars fine. The truant officer can find business in this line if he will look around a little. A Sandyston party was subpoenaed to go before the grand jury, at its recent session, but failed to put in an appearance and most likely it would not hive made any difference if he had appeared and testified. 1 supposed a court subpitua had to be obeyed, but it seems not. Slate black boards will be placed in the Layton and Fisher school houses this week. They are much superior to blackboard painted on the wall. Ky Smith moved from Bevans on the 6th iust. to Flanders, where he has rented a store and will carry on the mercantile business. ' A Thoughtful Man M. M. Austin of Winchester, Iud. kuew whtit to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physi cians could not help her. He thought of aDd tried Dr. King's Nev Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only Silo at all druggists. KIMBLES Harry Hiley, wife and little daughter, Nora, of Belnire, Mich., visited R. W. Kelly and family Mon day. This is their first visit East since they loft Rowlands twenty seven yeais ago. Nottie Edwards of Hawley spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs, E. Mnlone. R. W. Kelly made a business trip to Lackawaxen last Saturday, Tho esteemed Democratic Chicago Chronicle is nnt supporting Mr. Hearst with that enthusiasm whioh it has displayed npou the eve of other political campaigns. The Chronicle s iys that 'the mere fact that William R. Hearst is gravely accepted anywhere as a candidate for the democratic nomination is more and more coming to be recog nized as a disgrace, not only to the party but to the country." Certain ly a disgrace to the country. Excursion to St. Louis, World's Fair TheSeason, Sixty-day and Fitteen day excursion tickets to St Iiouis, Mo., will be on sale at the Erie ticket office Port Jervis, N. Y., Monday, April 25th, and continue daily up to Docombor 15, 1904. For routes and rates please call at or address Erie ticket office Port Jer vis, N. Y. The first ten day coach excursion will be run May 19th, 1904. 4 29 Wanted Special Reprkskmtativr In this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old es tablished business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses, advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary ; positioa permanent. Address Blew Bros. & Co., Monon Bltlg., Chicago, III. 4 29 Robbed the Grave A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol lows : "I was In an awful condition. My sain was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con tinually in back and sides, no appe tite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me np. Then I was advised to nse Electric Bitters ; to my great joy, the first bottle made a deoided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed at all druggists. Constipation Cured A BARKYTOWN HAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH CAL-CURA SOLVENT Dr. ItaTid Kcnnedy'a New Medicine Cored Him Promptly Constlnntlou leads to worse. Often it la the ouuse ot appendicitis. Always It lends to dnngerous chronic disease. It should not be neglected, nor should It be temporarily alleviated with draatln purgatives. Here is a case In point: Mr. C S. Osterhoudt, of Jlnrrytown, N. Y , wa distressed with indigestion, nhronio constipation and kidney trouble tor ruur yenra. e tnea many medicines without relief. lie beard of Cal-eura Solvent, Dr. Kennedy's new medicine' used it nud began to Improve rapidly, All of his old complaints have disappear ed and he owes every thing; to Cul-cura ooivens. Write to the Cal oura Company, Ken nedy Bow, Koudout, N. Y., for a free sample bottle. Kemeinber: Only one Dr. David Ken nedy ever lived in Kondoub, City of Kingston, N. Y , and be sure you get tils new nnd latest medicine, which la sold only In 11.00 bottles. All druggists. HARN Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing ;-neatlydonE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. "LinclclvLic P"ko tog raphe R AND DKALKB IN Photo Supplies, Developing,- Piinting & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 73 Tike Street, Tort Jorvis,.N. y I OUR FISHING TACKLE will ensble you to increase the size of your catches and also the size of your "Fish Stories." Better see us about Rods, Reels, Hooks, Baskets, Flies, Lines, Sinkers nnd Floats. Its a good idea to make the start right from our store. C. 0. ARMSTRONG DRUGGIST. V MONUMENTS. NEED BE FIRST DURABLE AND SECOND ARTISTIC WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS ARE BOTH DURABLE AND ARTISTIC J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt, MILFORD, PENNA. "I900" WASHERS Are tho latest and best solution of tho wash day problen. Will do Lince Curtains, Wool Illiinko's and Bed Quilts or the family wash; and do them easier and bet ter than any other machine. J. HUNTINGTON, Milford, Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Saver in tha Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. Now Era Radiators, Two Klr In en HARDWARE. CBTXEKY, TIM, AOATK w Ann, ETU. "IN ROOFING AND PLUMBINO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. KleinS Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD. PA Caveats, and 1 rade-Marlca obtained and all fat- rnt busioeasconducted for Modchatk Ptcn, OUMOmet i Opposite; o. s. patent opficc jild w(ar ur patent ID IcM tltatt tftaa tiaOKi remote irom Waunintoo. i i bead moil. drawing- or photo., with dtucHp- ckr). W aaviaa. if oat en liable or .r fr-a ! iiharge. Our fee n due till nairnr. it sccurrd. i A PAMPH LIT, How to Otitain Patent," with cot t uuuo in tho U. S. and turcica couulricst cm uco, Aaareaa, c.A.crjov&co. Op. Patent Omei, Washington, D. C. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houaea and Lota and lota without Houaea. Dealer la ail kinda ot Property. tlotary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Below Dlmmk'k House Milford, Pa. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Br. line's 0 Hov; Discovery irw.rrioM ri A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Monay back If It faila. Trial Bottiaa fraa. k M4A mww, ii,uiim iiMiiioivwtwinistaa-t..'