PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, April 1, 1901 rUBLJBHRD KVKRV FRIDAY. OFFICR, WIOWIC'S BUILDING BUOAD PT. pi'pwription: Onb Yf.au One dollar and fifty rents. BiX Months Hevent y-flve centd. STRICTLY IS ADVANCE. F.ntcrc-d nt the pn-t nfTlce of Mllfunl, Pike Connr.y, t'eiinsylvimla, im twcniKl olui mnttorj Novoiubor tweuty-flr-jt, law. Advertising Rales. On.ii.i(ri:ht linns ),onn Insertion -H.O0 tt.irh fmhwmiimt insertion - - .Ml Kitluot'd mu.. furnlsh-il nppltcotlon, will be nllowi! ynrly ndveitisor. Legal Advertising. Artmln!t,rntnr' and Execiitor' notl'. - - - - . . . - 8.00 Amlitor'B nntlros 4.0 Divon. noUct's - - slim-iQ" kiiIi-h, Orplifins court mile County TnNiHinr'B Rules, County Rtare m'nfc an! plnction procln-rmuion charge by the liiiAre. J. H. Van Ett.n, PcBLIHHKR, Mllford. Tike County, Po. The' letter, in another column, giving an opinion approved by onr eminent townsman, Dr. de Flasa will tend to correot some common bat erroneous, opinions regarding the purity of water from springs It is shown that water may carry gorms ci disease and if polluted these germs may be present in what appears to be pure spring water. Of course passing through soils it may be, to some extent, deprived of noxious germs, but if the soils arc contaminated or polluted by surface filth it receives accessions and carries with it to its exit from the ground more or leas harmful im purities. It is shown, however, that Mllford water hs every con dition favorable to its purity Farmers and others using water from wells and springs should see that there is no source ot oontamina tion. Recently it was discovered in a city In this btate that a well, from whioh a number of families were supplied, contained the body of an infant, One MoVey, a reverend of Bing- haruton, N. Y., has been unking faces and blowing his gas at Fresi dentRoosevolt because, as he alleges, the President "edited" the post offioe investigations which caught his friend, Senator Green, in shady transaction. It is perfectly proper for ministers to rebuke sin and wrong doing, and express fair comment on the acts of public officials, but the cloth is belittled when one desoends to vituperation and billingsgate because an official act happens to expose one of his personal friends in a doubt fed or disreputable transaction. His rantings are then inspired by some other motive than to advance the causes of religion, morality and honesty. A represet'tative of an advertising company has been in town this week soliciting hotel and boarding honse keepers to pool their adver tising to make it more effective. The plan is to have a large ad. inserted in several newspapers in the larger eastern cities, calling attention to this section as a resort. This will be prominently displayed and will enumerate the different houses in this locality. The schema is along the right lino to seoure greater publicity with more economy to individual advertisers. Note W. & G, Mitchell's new ad. C. O. Armstrong is confined to his home by illness. Mrs. C. W, Bull is improviug from her dangerous malady. Dr. C. S. Kyman has beon reap pointed a providing elder. Mitchell Bros . call attention to a new and choice line of goods in an bd. found elsuv", here. Fourteen pirls were killed yehtei duy by hii explosion iu a squib fao tory at .Scrunton, l'a. Victor Coinpton, well known bore How residing nrar BiHiichvilie, K. J., is improving after a huvere ilhiens. J! . Katharine Mondon and Moss 13. W c.-t '..-rook, Loth ot i'ort Jervis, were united in nwirriiiKe Wednesday evening by lU-v. T. II. Mi-Kenslu. IiiVUi.tions have the iiiiirriiiye of Y..e d.. .. : .. r of i I! been issued to s M.ir.v Louise, II l it en ii ii l of Port V, .... f, I - i Jel'Ha. to ( J I ill '1 ! -uony v .,1 v . .' ill lO'.h. Business Meetirg A Urge nnmber of Milford Im-d- nens in;n met at- Use irismviiii House lnt evening t cooni er the proportion of advertising along the line ungented bv the Phks limt week, which was to combine ami unite in advertising this locality. The scheme was favorably received ind agreement were niivle with a epresentative of an agency wb'eli will place the ad. in three leading papers in New York, two in Phila delphia, one in Baltimore, AVashmg ton and Richmond, Vn., r:ch mak ing eight besides having several special Information bureaus. A:i organization was effected by elect ing A. D. Brown President ; OeorBe Wheeler Secretary; and P. N. Bournique, J. H. Van Etten and 1". M. Nilis an Executive commit tee which will have charge of the iiffu i: . of the organization, transact nil business with the agency, bold it. responsible and have it report to the committee to whom it will I. a responsible for its acts in, carrying out the terms of the proposition. The ad. will be largo and attractive, and will note the different houses i.i the agreement. There will be twenty-seven or more insertions in each paper besides reading notices and special letters setting forth the attractiveness of Milford as n summer resort. The Erie Railroad Co. will be asked to cooperate by furnishing Improved train service and special rates to Milford. It is proposed on the whole to ndvertise and boom the town as has never been done before and it is hoped and expected that the results will be commensurate with the effort: Senator Gibson of Montana made a speech in the senate indicating a condition of land frauds and land stealing in the west a hundred tinief more serious than the post office steals and appealed to the senate to repeal all the land acquiring laws except the homestead act. This is the first time that the subjoct has been brought up for consideration on the floor of either house and it is expected that it' will be given a thorough airing before congress ad journs. Senator Patterson of Colo rado supported Senator Gibson's contention and stated' that the ab sorption of great tracts of land of hundreds of thousands of acres into single ownship was a menace to the nation. W. H. Hull, his daughter and her infant child, of which he was the putative father, were found dead in a shanty near Rileyvillo, Wayne county, last Friday. The man died of pneumonia, and the daughter and infant from ccslect, hunger and exposure. They formerly resided at Kimbles, this county, where the man has a wife and several children with whom he has not lived for some years. It was a horrible con dition of affairs. Ernest Krnpp, aged 61 years, died at his home in -Bhohola Wednesday of pneumonia. 11 is wife and three children survive. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 p. in. Elisha Brafflt, who for a number of years resided in this county, died at the home of bis son in Brooklyn, Tuesday, aged about 77 years. The funeral will bo held today. The Hon. David B. Hill announoes that Judge Parker "stands all right on the labor issue." If the Judge is nominated, it is understood that Mr. Hill will receive the appoint ment of official interpreter and spokesman on all public and private occasions. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE On the uUwe--t corner of Harford and Mott streets, iu the ltoroligli of Milford, 1'a., will be sold on favorable terms to the purchaser. Th'e house, comprising an open bull, sitting or reception room, parlor, dining-inon), butlers pantry fitted with hot and cold water, etc., and kitchen with range, boiler, hot anil cold water, etc., on first ilonr tdx bed-rooms and a bath room v. ith hot and cold water and other modern conveniences, on semnd ffmr an nniple garret, and storage and closet room throughout ulso two largo rooms, suitable for billiard, sewing and children's play-room, or other Bimilar pu''rw a good cool and dry cellar, v.ith coal and wornl compartment. entirely -urate there from, well lighted and conveniently arranged rcrat oUl-ffishioiitil ojn'n fire, piling utl latest Ujiju-orcl ojhh jiluinbiiKj. Pleasant lurches on three sidet-i the whole thoroughly renovat ed, newly pabited and p.'.j'eivd and in iii'st class condition.. Sjnieint yn.uii'l Btu'rouii.iiiig, all in liuat fence, v. it!i ; ; .lVi E1 j ni'i Uiini.ed djK'e-v highly cuHivat. trees, flowers ti beautiful .'.ml.-ii, old slil'llls--ili j nigh, on a 'c iniiiiiuv' Uivles. o,i! I 1 e.1.1 1! .r llir. 1 central l"i tioii of tht ; main t-li'cet, w ii! i:s (walk !' J'ost o;.i.v ! ,-l iren. A..!v to or n i llV. 'i. JlUvi l ; ..!, Pa. 1 M.ireh i, Col. HI NT. MAN'S ITliUY. A. W Liinpman is having a veranda built to lus home nd is ulso having the interior remodeled. The best furniture he cfin put In it is a comely woman. Win, Dusenberry wins the prize for early chickens. Ho 1ms 53 lively young ones and those wishing to add a little ready cash to their no connts might profitably atudy the business, John Broilhead of Nehrnska, a pon of D. O. Brodhead, is at F'roudslmrg with n carload of horses for pale. Uev. Shilling will preach in the M. E. church here Sunday. Ho has been regularly appointed for the coming year. Having a family will no doubt make it pleasnnter for the congregation and it is anticipated that lii ministry will be pleasant and profitable to the community. Mr. Walter who bus been employ. eil r.t Ardtormsh fiirm will remove to the Angle sawmill. Ho is a com petent gardener and not afraid of work. It is right that courts and juries should uphold officials in the per formance of their sworn duties Constables 'may mako mistakes of judgment but if honest in their motives it is proper in such cases that the county should pay costs. If that officer by reason of ill will or in a spirit of animosity attempts to coerce citizens it is evidence that he is unfit for the position and the voters should rotlre him. If they do not they should pay the shot. The road by the Garret Brodhead swamp is dangerous. John Raitt, of Brooklyn has bean here lookiug after his farm. Isaiah Hornbeck will 'remove bis family to Branchville ana William Benson will occupy the farm. Mr Hornbeck will remain to collect taxes aud aid in improving the place. If tie posts were placed on side streets in town for farmers to hitch to fewer horses would be frightened by automobiles. - W. II. Lnyton has moved to Centre. Sarah Cortright having lost her house by fire last whiter has no place to live in after April 1st. Grippe is active no matter how rngned a person may bo. Like potato blight you are in it and you get it. It would be unusual to see our boarding house and hotel keepers agree to advertise on the cooperative plan but it would be a good thing for them to do so. This valloy de sires boadors with means to pay for what they want nnd such boarders generally want what they pay for The cheap kind want more. - , Horses are assessed at t'iO. If they were placed at their cash value t5 to flO would be fairer for most of them. E. Vandermark lost one of his team horses last week and David Heater a'so had the misfortune to lose his fine black horse. W. McMurray will occupy his residence at Centre this summer. Farm for Sale An opportunity is offered to any one desiring a farm suitable for dairying, with large meadow, 103 acres in farm, double barn and 8 room house. Or for any one wish ing to locate a summer resort. Large fish ponds may be cheaply made. Beautiful falls and glen ou the preniiHis. White pine lumber and building materials on the place sufficient for all repairs and new work. 2 miles from Sanderson's new fish pond and proposed club house. A mile of Decker's creek runs through the land. The farm located iu Delaware township is offered ctienp. Address Joseph C'anne, Dingmans, Pa. tf (is in i Every farmer knows that .ome plants grow better than Jthers. Soil may be the same md seed may seem the same out some plants are weak and jthers strong. And that's the way with children. They are like voting plants. Same food, same home, -.ame care but some grow big ind strong while others stay -mall and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an a y way out of the difficulty. Jhild weakness often means t .irvation, not Lccau.se of lac k i fo(,d, but because the food .' es not feed. Scott's Emulsion really fee ds :d r.'iscs the child crowinc nv:-;h. '. h.iU-vc r tl:e cause of w eak nsi and failure to grow Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the m.uter ri.dit. t 1 tint iilf. r,Nc Vulk V niinjnr at tfea a j Jill Humor, j. Are impure -mntt-r which tht skin, liver, kidneys and other orgns can not take care of w ittimit I.clp, there la uch an ecninu!ntioa of tbem. They litter the whole system. Pimples, boils, ecscrai and other eruption, long of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of iodigei tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Ptlls , Remove all humors, ovreoa all their effects, strengthen, tout and Invigorate the wholo system. "I bsd Hit lbttim on my bindt (a tbat I eonld not work. I took Hood't 8rarill nd It dioT out the bamor. I continued its one till the sores disappeared." Mb). IsA O. Bsowit, Rnmford Falls, Me. Hood's Farsaparilla promliaa to cut and heap trio promise). SANDYSTON. Branchville has good prospects of having a bank in the the near future as the stock is being rapidly taken up. If a bank will pay at Milford, why not at Branchville surrounded as it is by a thickly settled agricul tural community. It will be a good thing for Sandyston, too. The Wantage Recorder is grumbl ing hecause the state has placed 3000 small mouth bass in Culver's Lake, as that lake is as much private waters 6s ' ii Swartswood Lake owned by Mr' Albright of Newark. I am inclined to agree with, the Recorder in tbat the state has no business furnishing private waters. Auother thing, it don't make no difference how many they put in, I never find them when I fish there. The exhibition of the Fisher school was held in the school house Friday evening, and was so good that it was repeated Saturday evening. I did not attend, but from all reports it was very good. Our roads are in a terrible con dition and in places where there is sink holes the road overseer should stuff it full of stones, but no, they will let the traveling publio get through them as best they can, and after the roads are settled, will go to working the roads by piling gutter mud into them. By this excellent? method we have very bad roads until mid summer, and the town ship pays the bill 'to the tune of 1,500 a year. The Susiiex Independent in its last issue says, "A unique bill has been presented by a north Jersey assem blyman providing that no game shall be bought or sold in this state." That is the ouly law that will pro tect game, and if such a law be enacted, game would soon become plentiful. I think I am safe in Bay ing that a majority of our sportsmen are in favor of this law. I met Howard Little, ex-editor of the Newton Record, in Newton a day or two ago. He has just re. turned from au. . extended trip through Mexico and his description of that country is highly interesting He is interested iu a rubber planta tion .in southern Mexico. A suggestion was made me tbat instead of having one central school we have three good schools, Haines. ville, Lay ton uud Bevans. .Letting the two schools along the river and the two along the mountain attend anyone of the th tee" schools first mentioned. I think the suggestion an excellent one, for we are paying for 4 schools not necessary in any seiibO of the word and at a Deedless expense of over a thousund dollars What will our board of education say to this. llcury Trciblo of this town will move to a farm near Lafayette and oommecce housekeeping this spring. Now, tbat our road across the mountain ut so bad, everybody hav ing hauling to do is eagerly awaiting the completion of the McAdam road There is only a short piece to finish, and it will not take the contractors long to do that when they ouoe get at it. I hear that William Clark of ibiiuesville is slowly improving and barring a setback will soon be out again. TUe rattle of the milk cans is more frequently heard, and the Buvans creamery promises to do a bigger busiuea than they did lasi year. , As there was to majority vote foi school money at last school meeting another election must bo held or WC will luse the smte appropriation. A Thoughtfal Man j M. M. Austin of Winchester, lud ; knew what to do in the hour of need, j His wife had such an unusual cant of Kiemiich and liver trouble, phyni ci'ins could nut help her. He thought of and tiled D. King's Now Life i'll'.t. and she got relief at once and t Was finally cured. Only 2oO at all uruc'y;-!s. ' ifKKKNTOWS. Miss Charlotte Uilpin, teacbrr of Burrus school, expects to hold a social in the school house Friday evening, April 1st. A number of pupils of the schools of Greene and Palmyra nre hopeful ly looking forward to the examina tion for common school diplomas to be held April 9. Grace Bartlenon expects to go to the E. 8. S. N. at the beginning of the spring term. Hap running has been rather light so far. On account of the frost going out of the ground the roads have been almost impassible. On Friday evening of last week a flock of wild geese became tired and bewildered In the fog alighted in J. Hefiloys field near Newfoundland. John Hd.clton shot one of them. Miss Anna Rohbaker who has been living with her brother, George, at German Valley, died Monday, March 8th. Miss Rohbncker hns been for many years a consistent Christian and a member of the Mo-" ravian church, and will be greatly missed in her society. Mrs. Francis Bnrrns. widow of John Barms, of Gr6entown, crossed the threshold of this life Thursday, March 21. funeral services were held in the Hemlock Grove church on Sunday in charge of Rev. Wil liams She is survived by two daughters, three brothers and two sisters. A large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay their Inst tribute of love and respect. In terment in the Hemlock Grove cemetery. John Marsch will offer his personal property for sale April 14th. B. B. Kipp held a publio vendue March Slst. Excursion to Washington, D. 0., $10 On account of the Knights of Columbus Convention to bo hold at Washington, D. C, the Erie will sell special excursion tickets from Port Jervia to Washington, D. C, on April 11th, 12th and 13th, good re turning on or before Aprjl 18th ai the low rate of tlO for the round trip. These -tickets are good only for continuous passage iu each direc tion, except that stopover will be allowed on return trip at Philadel phia, Pa., or Baltimore, Md., within the final return limit by depositing ticket with agent at stapover point As these tickets take some little time to prepare, Mmely notice should be given ticket agent, Port Jorvis, by all who contemplate going with this exoursion. The funny paragraphers are mak ing great use of Attorney General Knox'a nlloeed remark that he does not proposo to "run amuck" among the trusts. As a matter of fact, the success of the administration in ob taining a verdict in the Northern Securities case has been viewed with no litte dissatisfaction by the demo cratic lenders who had everything prepared, even to the printing of lit: rature, to go into the campaign with jeers and flings at a republican jrust curbing propaganda which didn't curb. The decision in the merger case will render useless a large amount of demooratio cam paign gunpowder. COURT OF APPEALS The County Commissioners will bold Court of Appeals in the following places on the duys and dates below mentioned, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. in.: Lackaw'u, Election House, March 29 Shohola, Westfall, Delaware, Lehman, Porter, Milford B X II ii 80 " " " HI " " April 6 Bach Hotel " 8 " " " , Court House " 11 " " y ! Milford Twp., i 'iniriuan. T1IEO. H. BAKER, Milford, March 2, 1W4. Clerk. NOTICE! la tho iinitttir of tho ) In the Court of pctl'loti of Harry Ut (Joinmon Plena fur change of Ms Dome, lot flkeO unty. No. 7. December Terra, 1U03. The public and nil parties lnt rtnt.ed nn ht-rehy ni'tUltf-i, tbut Buhl court, ou ilm ?Ui day of MnrcM, A. 1). lin4. in coiupliuiict wlth the Ace of Assembly lu tntclt ckh niiMlc mid providwl, Uul order and decrtt bi Harry Ost, a resident of -mid county, bo. nud im bferebv, r-eriiiii'ed to chMiitftt bid -mint to Harry leVli.l nud from tlit-net--forch bid name thnll be Harry LteWill tnrtleud of Harry Oi-t nnd by tbe name of Knrry lHWltt be mhaii be kilo n, blyled nud rueoiruiiced. HY. T BAKER, Atietnt: Attorney for petnionor. J. C. WKSTBKlii-K. JU, Pruihouotary. March 22, IDOi. n i-inut-mnitr-tn-v""'"'" Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. s Forfar;; MPT I OS ?,lr. '"-J Mcttl.M IA Pet feet For AH Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If it foil. Trud Bottl fTM. hzewu!' nwtfM iiiiiii'm Vyckoffs Hcv; York min iiiinm n 1 110 Dill) 1 Ui Every line, every nvtielo, of Spring merchan dise is the lCst of its kind. If it's a ten cent stocking, then yon can feel assured that no Itetter stoekin?; is sold anywhere. If it's a twenty-live dollar suit, then the market affords no better suit for the money than you'll find right here. Wo believe this to be honest shop keeping. We believe that the great majority of the trading public appreciate being dealt with in this manner. Good goods sold on a close margin of profit is what lias built and is building this building this business. It gives the people confidence. A Word or two The WBSh WBil" Abdlt season is fairly Wash Waists OI,e;ned; ,'n,er' waist styles and waist values here that any store might be proud of. A nice, clean, well made, white lawn waist at BOo, with the stylo of a dollar one. Next values at 75c, 98o, $1.20 up to ti 60 and all do onr stock honor. All new this season. Colored waists at iSo to 11.20. TllC Sni'ill" Oool stockings at 1 1 oicnri" iuw iinues, xins a..'.:, j t ia Horn mny soun, trite, but it wins out every time. If there is oue stock we pride ourselves on it is our hosiery. As to varied assortment, in price, qual ity, styles and sizes. Cotton yarn is going skyward but our heavy, early, purchases keep our prices down. Medium Weight Underwear For Tien, women or children. Each stock complete, and the values must ap peal to your sense of true economy. A most important article of dress is your underwear, to be changed with changing seasons. Don't jump from heavy into light but avail yonrself of our assortment of medium weight All cotton, ull wool, pare cotton and part wool. All sizes. WYCKOFF'S NEW YORK STORE Stroudsburg, Penn'a. No connection with any store of similar name. : ii !WE RUN THE GAMUT j i of : COMMERCIAL S l f SCHOOL Ji REQUIREMENTS 8 1 1 LET US HEAR Z j 2 FROM YOU. J ! t WE " 8 1 J SHALL t BE GLAD I' 2 TO ANSWER 5 YOU QUESTIONS PORT JERVIS I I BUSINESS INSTITUTES Z OPP. ERIE DCrOT LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth afreets MILFORD PA. Fire Insurance. 0LO KfcllAIU.E COM PAN IKS. RATES REASON A RLE Charles Q. Wood, Agt. Bu-'ceaaor to J. J. Uurt. f """Oflio' in rear of Re-iiili-nce on Ann Si Mllford, Plks Co., Pa. en v.n i HJ.'.Vt, n.e. I.C.I. Ltarn by mii. kii'iiirti. Hon, uit-e. t -n-fii ever t!:D ' j Ioo-t rMti kit 7 out hit tn a purty -aid clerk J.ip. -I Wt l:ii. ii. tut ik i neb ur n. u,- i,. im .icliu.c, l'-r I ( 1 j 1- -.im it.-1-...if hit i H'.'.Vt. n.e. I.C.I. i Store Weekly Hew: mmn 1 -vi f Just a Little Jutt tll,fl sps S to assertion. Never Dress Goods' WRS ,ho 8tork ln such fine shape to begin a season's business, never were prices more to your liking. Here's a few items for you to ponder over : A 30-ifich, all wool, Albatross at 39o, a fair value at 60o. Fancy Scotch Cheviot Mixtures at 50c, 08o and fl.25, unexceptional as to style and value. Mobuirs strong here, too. Curtains and Draperies Our stock of curtains at present will meet ideas in assortment and price. Notting- hams, 40 cents to f2. 75 the pair. In the latter are some with fancy bnnds and some with Rennaisiince lace edge. Finer curtains in Irish Points. Swiss Tamfored, etc Our stock of drnpperies and portieres, and printed values for upholstery, is particularly strong. Have cur tain poles and tash rods. Corner for 'URt BS p'"'eiii' io we the aitpr ,n mpn i'1 (ientleilien their department. New neckwearishero as well ns those famous Eclipse Shirts, which gain friends daily. Can't go wrong on an Eclipse Shirt. It ia the best shirt value you got for the outlay. Ryman S Wells Have a fine line I of wall papers all new stock. S I A store full of other necessary articles also. Please call and examine before buying. 1 fRymanSWells1 Milford, Pa. Supplying The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We solve It by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. EVERY THING FOR AN ELEGANT DINNER GUMBLE & RYDER Harford St. Milford Pa. Blue Front Stables, Port Jervis, N. V. AdjiiininfcGnniHcr'h Union House Road, ciirriHgH, drult aud farm tinrsi'H for side. ExO'iinoa imule. A lurpre stock from wliich to niaka selections. CANAL HT. Kiram Towner. William B. Kenworthey, M. D. Thysiciau and Surjrcon. Oillee unit reniiU iice lit uud mrtct .it Court House. WlI t OKU, PA. Advertioe iu the Fkkjs, ( 6