Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 25, 1904, Image 2

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Friday, March 25, 1904.
One YRAn One dollnr nnd fifty cents.
8ix Months Heventy-five cents.
Knterort nt th post oftlrw of Mllford,
t'ike County, Poimflylvnnln, m a.,nnl
Olaiw matter, November twenty-lint, lswt).
Advertising Rates.
Oneqimrnol(rhtllnt),nnn Insertion -1.00
Eoh subsimnt insertion .60
Ki1upmI rates, funilHhtMl on application,
will be allowed yetirly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
AdmlnlRtrnior's and Kxocutor'B
notices - 3.10
Auditor' notlee 4.(0
DIvonT notli't' 5. CO
Sln'rill's Pairs, Ori!mns court shIpr,
Ummty Treasurer's sales, County state
ment and election pniclamation ohnrireit
by the square.
J. n. Van Etten, PUBLISHER,
Mllford, Pike County, Pa.
If our hotel nnd boarding bouse
keeper would unite and make con
certed effort-to advertise this sec
tion It wou;d no doubt prove a great
benefit to them all. They each
spend a considerable Bum every
year in advertising their own
particular house nnd send out in
dividual circulars or booklets which
may or may. not attract tha fancy of
a proposed visitor here. If it does
not he seeks some other re3ort, per'
haps without further investigating
this region, and his visit and influ
ence is thus lost. If on the contrary
those interested would unite and
send out a booklet containing views
of this Bection with a page devoted
to each house the person receiving
would have before him a panorama
of the situation and could perhaps
make a satisfactory selection of a
Bummer home.
If advertising is done in city
papers it would be more attractive
to have all advertisers in this valley
take part of a page together bo that
the reader could at a glance see just
what was offered. We call atten
to this because we believe that ad
vertising in this manner would be
cheaper and much more effeotive.
Do not try to make city people be.
lieve that yours is the only place
here, help each other by advertising
each other.
It would be an excellent idea to
have a meeting and discuss this
matter. Suppose you who are
directly interested meet and talk it
The Monroe county Mountain re
sort Association recently had n
banquet at which a number of
speakers, among them Hon. C. B.
Staples, A. Mitchell Palmer, Esq.,
and several representing the D. L,
& W. R. R. made addresses. All
united in the idea that to succeed,
advertising must be done and the
better way was to unite the efforts
and combine for the general welfare.
Should this be done here it might
have potent effect in inducing some
railroad to pusu its way into this
valley. Arouse attention to this
neetion as the Monroe county people
are doing for theirs, and the rail
roads will feol enoournged to assist
Better rates might be secured ud in
every way this valley would be
profited. We have the good roads,
the pure air and water, now get city
people here to enjoy them. It can
be done and the uncertainty which
every year pervades as to what the
Anson's business may be will be
rendered certain by the crowds
sebking for accommodation. Who
will first move in this most import
ant matter.
The Grand Jury at this week's
term of court recommend purchtts
iiiS the aqueduct acpuhd the Lucia
wuxen river miar its uiouih for a
bridge. The communities on both
eidus of the river would be greatly
benefitted by such a con venieuce,
ami it would only be justice totney
to afford it. Other sections of the
CouMy enjoy county bridges for
LuU the pimjiia of thut hamlet
Lolp pity, hud when an opportunity
i-t aCjr.luJ to rejijirocttte it tUoulil
La prouo ;!y met.
it is uiii'. Mt tood that O.e structure
tun be him . t f'.-r uuf'.liijoht nominal
Slid in View of tho l.ellej;;.
j lie iid.jJ. 1
tnots from an easy way of crossing,
the purchase of the aqueduct by the
county would settle question which
has long Imrti agitated nnd ho an act
of justice to the people of Lncku
wnxen. Inasmuch ns the Democratic meet
ing h(,ro did not express any presi
dential prefcrnnoes, it is assumed
the delegate will go uninstructod.
Why can't he present one of Pike's
favorite sons. There ought to le
timber enough here to make a boom
of some si7.p.
It was declared at the same uuet
ing thntsome democrats were trying
to carry water on both shoulders.
This is a palpable mistake. Tliy
did not carry any of that fluid either
outsU'e or in and those who wu e
around town thatsameeveningknow
this for a positive fact.
Judge Staples at his first term
here created a very favorable im
pression on the bar and publlo gen
erally. His manner was proaipt at.d
his conduct of business expeditious.
When rules of practice in our courts
are formulated, they are now in n
rather chaotic condition, no doubt
the judicial machinery will move
with smoothness and celerity.
The Court at its session here thin
week directed a new practice in
divorce proceedings. Heretofore nn
examiner has been appointed to take
the testimony, in future a master
will be appointed to take the evi
dence and report a decree to the
court, founded on the facts in the
The ice in the rivor hore behaved
in a very modest way. It just laid
quiet until the sun warmed all the
vigor and push out of it and then it
went down as water, which was n
very sensible and natural condition.
A long pud, a strong pull and all
pull together is what is wanted to suc
ceed in any public affair and especi
ally in the summer boarding busi
ness. Try it!
The Book of Mormon
The Honesdale Citizen in a brief
resume gives the following facts
concerning Mormonism and quotes
an opinion of the Bethany Inquirer :
President Smith, in his evidence
before the Senate investigation, said
that the revelation on which plural
marriages are based was written at
Nauvoo la 1843 by Joseph Smith,
and was taught by Smith to Brighnm
Young and others. But owing to
fierce opposition and violence by
mobs which resulted in the martyr,
dom of Smith it was not publicly
proclaimed. BHghaui Youn;r took
the revelation to Salt Lake and it
was publicly proclaimed in 1852 as a
doctrine of the churoh. What was
t nought of the Book of Mormon in
1830, when it first appeared, may ho
inferred from the following article
which appeared in the Bothany
Inquirer in May of that year. It
will be remembered that it was at
Lauesboro that old Joe Smith had
his vision and started the Mormon
nonsense :
Blasph em y -The Book of Mor
mon, alias The Golden Bible. The
Book of Mormon has been placed in
our hands, A viler imposition was
never practiced. It is an evidence
of fraud, blasphemy and credulity
shocking toa Christian and moralist.
The author and proprietor is one
Joseph Smith, Jr.. a fellow who, by
some hocus pocus acquired such an
influence over a wealthy farmer of
Wayne county, that the latter mort
gaged his farm for 13,000, which he
paid for printing and binding 5,000
copies of this blasphemous work.
The volume consists of about 600
pages, and is divided into the books
of Nephi, Jacob, Mosiab, Alma,
Mormon, Etter and Helauian.
Cheap Excursion to Pacific Coast $67
On account of the General Con
ference of Methodist Episcopal
church at Los Angeles, Cal., and the
National Association of Retail
Grocers of Ihe United States to be
hold at Sim Francisco, Cal., in Slay
ltfOl, the Erie will sell special excur
sion tickets from Port Jorvis to Hiin
Francisco or Los Angeles, Cal.,
April i'2:ni to 301 h, 1B04, bo;h inclu
Hive good to return np to June 30; h.
1904, at the low rate of tS7 for the
round trip. 4 15
Si-li ial R K.i'Ui'tKMiiivit in this
county aod adjoining territories, to
reprer-ent arid adveilir-o an old es-tL.lii-lied
business houn of solid
tioanciul kliiiniiiig. ri.ilury t'l
weekly, with rxpciixes, advanced
each Monday liy rtiee.V direct from
piiifleit. Hortta and bui'i-y
f bruit.
md when Ijee.e.s;iry ; po.-olioa
ent. Addrens liiew Bros. .V
jiiuti t:.!Lr , Chlci-L-o, 1.1. i
George E. Norton of Branehville,
N. J., Is in town today.
William AnglH is attending con
ference this week ns a lay delegate.
Prof. M'lXwell Stirniiiervillo and
wife sailed yesterday an the French
liner La Suvole for Franco.
Mrs. H. J.. Westfnll of Montague,
N. J., is now in Rome, Italy, and
expects to return home this summer.
Asocial was held last evening at
the home of Mrs. W. II. Aimer under
tho auspices of the Ladies Aid of the
M. E. church.
Honesdale Borough with a popula
tion of 2,864, three and one-fourth
times larger thnn that of Mllford,
pays its secretary t50 a year.
Henry Tissot returned yesterday
from Roseville, N. J,, where he bus
been for several days visiting his
wife who is recovering from ' a
serious illness.
Out of town attorneys present
here this week were John A. Kipp
of New York, Harvey Hoffman,
E-q , or Btroudshurg and B, F.
Kellam, Esq., of Panpac.
Hon. Mini C. Lilley was this week
nominated for Congress iu the 14th
district, nnd Hon. E. B. Harden
Imrgh of Wayne nnd Hon. C. F.
Wright of Susquehanna delegates to
the national convention.
A team belonging to Robert Find
lay narrowly escaped drowniug at
Matnmoras yesterday.' As it was
heing driven on the flat the chnin
holding the scow to the shore parted
and the horses were thrown in the
river. By cutting the harness they
were rescued.
"The Senate will be in order,"
exclaimed president pro-torn Frye
for the second time in his sharpest
tones, accompanying tho words with
a second resounding thwack with his
ivory gavel. But the Senator from
Pennsylvania (Senator Quay) could
be heard in those thin, piping tones,
alternating in an earnest dialogue
with the aggressive, penetrating
voice of the senator from Rhode
Island, Mr. Aldrioh, who has been
designated as the "Boss of the
United States." The two senators,
their backs turned to the presiding
officer were oblivious of the repri
mand. Mr. Frye repeated the warn,
ing again ; then ngnin, but without
effect. At Inst the wheels of legis
lations stopped entirely. A dead
silence reigned in the Senate cham
ber, broken only by the absorbing
conversation of the republican leader
of the Senate and the republican
leader of Pennsylvania. . Finally
Mr. Aldrioh looked around and the
colloquy ceased with great abrupt
ness. Hearst's ingenious activity is pro
ducing trouble which amounts to
almost consternation in the demo
eratio ranks. Siuce the Rhode
Island delegation was instructed for
Hearst the democrats are wonder
ing which of the old reliable com
monwealths will go next. No sec
tiou seems immune from his malign
and systematio machinations. The
easily made claim of the old line
democrats that Hearst's hurrah
labor game would only result in
getting a few western delegations
instructed has been knocked iuto a
cocked hat nnd it has had to be
admitted that whether he can possi
bly receive the nomination or not,
he will be an element at tho conven
tion capable of creating great dis
turbance if not havoc.
On the southwest corner of Harford
and Mott streets, in the Borough of
Milford, Pa., will lie sold on favorable
terms to the purchaser. Tho !iou.e,
comprising an o'ii hall, sitting or
reception room, parlor, dining-room,
hollers puutry fitted'witli hot mid cold
water, etc., and kitchen with range,
boiler, hot and cold water, etc., on
first floor six bed-rmms and a bath
room with hot nnd cold water and
other modern conveniences, on second
fl.xr an ample garret, and storage
and closet room throughout also two
largo rooms, suiUiblo for billiard,
sewing and children's plav-room, or
other similar purpow.H a gixid mil
and dry cellar, with coal and wood
compartments entirely soimrnte,' there
from, welt lighted and conveniently
arranged .n-wi olil-fitei foiled ojtrii
fire itttrex all latent ajiimred ojni
I'tiunliiini. Plotisnnt porches on three
idiw the w hole thoroughly renovat
ed, newly painted and pajtered and in
lirst cla.v- condition. Sjnifimin jin,m'ir
surrounding, all in neat feme, with
niacailaioij-d drive-way, beautiful
lawn, highly cultivated' garden, old
liuit trees, flowers and shrulvt in
central jMrtion of the Borough, on u
main street, within thret' mhmu
Walk of Pest otliee, churches and
stores. Apply to or i;ddros-i
!i v. T." 1!aki K, .Miil'ord, Pa.
March 1, l'.iot.
First Ten Day Excureion to St.
Louis, Mo.
At 18.00 for tho round trip will
leave Port JervU on Thursday, May
lutli, l'jui, Lear this in mind and
along. 4 is
Tired Feeling :
Is a Common Spring Trouble. '
It's a sign that the blood is deficient
In vitality, just as pimples and other
eruptions are signs that the blood
Is Impure.
. It's a wrnlng, too, which only th
hazardous fall to heed.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Remove it, give new life, new cour
age, strength and animation.
They tdeause the blood and clear the
Accept no substitute.
"I felt tired ll the time and could aol
Sleep. After Ukln Hood's Barsaparllls
a while I could aleep well sod the tired
feeling bed gone. Ihla (met medlclp bai
also cared me of tcrofula." Mil. C. M.
Boot, Glleed, Conn. ,
Hood's Srprtll promise to
Our and koopa tha ptramlaa.
The Republican primary election
throughout Pike county will be held
on Saturday March 26, 1904, from 3
p. tn. to 8 p. m. for the nomination
of candidates for the following
offices, to wit :
One Sheriff.
One Coroner. .
One Representative iu the Geueral
One Pelpgnte to the State Con
vention. One Congressional Conferee,
Seven Members of the County
Committee.' -' -'' ' '" ,
One Town Committeeman in each
election district..
Twenty (20) days before said
election each candidate shall notify
the County Chairman of his enndi
dacy and pay his assessment of one
By order of tho County Committee.
Wm. A. H. Mitchbll,
F. B. Tiiraix,
Milford, Pa., Feb. 23, 1804.
Farm for Sale
An opportunity is offered to any
one desiring a farm suitable for
dairying, with large meadow, 103
acres iu farm, double barn and 8
room bouse. Or for any one wish
ing to locate a summer resort. Large
fish ponds may be cheaply made.
Beautiful falls and glen on the
promises. White pine lumber nnd
building materials on the place
sufficient for all repairs and new
work. 2 miles from Sandersoo'f
new fish pond and proponed club
house. A . mils of Decker's creek
runs through the land. The farm
located in Delaware township is
offered cueap. Address Joseph
Canne, Dingmans, Pa. tf
"Brynn Sees Henrst" is the first
columu headline appearing in a
recent issue of the Washington
Post. It is further stated that a
long conference has taken place
between the two at Chicago and
that an alliance is rumored. If such
an allinnce has been consummated it
is more probable that Hearst has
seen Bryan, and probably to the
tune of several thousand plunks.
Consumption is a human
weed flounslijirig best in weak
lungs,- Like lOther-weeds it's
easily destroyed while young;
when eld,' "sometimes im
possible, i
Strengthen the lungs as you
vould weak' land and the
vceds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
; i good too, but it is very hard
o digest.
The time fo treat consump
.ion is when you begin tryinp
o hide it from yourself.
Jthers see it, you won't.
Don't wait until you can'l
leceive yourself any longer.
Jvgin wiilt the first thought
o take Scott's Emulsion. II
t isn't really consumption sc
much the better; you will soon
.'orget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump
tion you-can't expect to be
cured at once,-but if you will
begjn in time - and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
ie.it all you can, eat all you
can, that's the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free.
Bt uir tSat tl.is pirtura fr.
ll.a fcMm mt a Utxi H uu IU
.dt-r ol cvciy bull A
LmuiMua yuu buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c. tod IJ adl dnijtj.
Osth of the Country Editor Whoth
Ethth Were Thtolen.
"We are thorry to tliay," explained
the editor of the Pkeriiink Weekly
.News, "that our cnmpnthlnfr rora
wath entered lath nlt'ht by Ihoine un
known thrmimlrRl who thole every
etb In the ethtanllthnicnt Rnd thliuc
ceedfid In making hlth e'hcnpe unde
tected. "It IirMi been lmmlhllle. of rourths,
to procure a new Ihupply (It ethetta In
time for thltli Ithue. nnd we are thuth
conrpellpd to ro to preth In a thltua
tlon moth emliarrnthlng and dlthtreth
Imr, hut we thee no other court h to
purthue than to mnke the betht. thlRR
get we can to (tot rIudk without the
mlthlng letter, and we, therefore print
the Newih on time regnnlleth of the
loth thuthnlned.
"The motive of the mifherabla
mlthcreant ith unknown to uth, but,
dajktleth, walh revenge for thome
thirppothed Inthult.
'it thall never be tliald that the
petty thplle of the thmall-lhonled vll
Uln hath dlthabk'd the Newth, and if
thlth meet the eye of the detethabla
rRtbral we beg to sthure him that he
nnderethtlmatrth the rethoiirceth of a
firth plath newthpapcr when he
thlnkth he CRn cripple It hopelethly by
Breaking Into tho alphabet. We take
occathion to thay to him. furthermore,
that before next Thnrthday we will
hare three tlmeth nth many etheth
ath he thtola." Illchardson (Tex.)
The Britlth Museum Lottery.
In connection wim the contemplated
extension of the Prltlsli Muffeum at a
cost of about 200.000 It is interesting
to note that the original funds for tha
establishment of the Institution were
raised by a lottery. It was authorised
by an set of parliament passed In 1753,
and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the
lord chancellor, and tha speaker were
the managers nnd trustees, each of
them being authorized by the act to
receive an honorarium of 100 for the
trouble. The amount of the lottery
was f.'tOO.ooo, raised by f3 tickets, to
provide 200,000 for prizes varying In
alue from fio.ooo to 10, and 100,
000 for the purchase of the Ploane col
lections and the Harlelnn Library-
the nucleus of the museum and for
the provision of suitable rases for
such acquisitions, end of house room
and attendants. The operations of
one "Peter Ieheup, Esq.," made the
lottery notorious. He fraudulently
"cornered" the tickets, 0,000 or so of
them passing by his aid to a Sampson
Gideon, who sold them at a premium.
An Inquiry Into the matter Instituted
by the House of Commons resulted in
the prosecution by the attorney gen
eral of Lebeup for a violation of the
act and breach of trust. The penalty
was a fine of fl.ooo, but this, It would
seem, was by no means excessive, as
40,000 was Leheup's estimated pro
8ts from the fraud London Daily
Few Pas Muster.
The work of the recruiting station
for the United Stales army in Pitts
burg, for one. month, indicates that
hl(rh standard Js required of the men
who carry muskets in Uncle Barn's
service. Of those who applied as re
cruits twenty-nine were enlisted, six
declined to enlist after successfully
passing the examination while nlneTy
flve were rejected. Of those who were
enlisted twenty-seven were Americans,
one Englishman and one a German,
twenty-six were white and three color
ed. Of the 130 applicants only twenty-one
were aliens. Twenty-nine men
were "rejected for drunkenness, nine
teen for Impaired vision, eleven be
cause they wore aliens and had no
papers, eight for poor physique, six
for doubtful age, five because they
were minors, three for bad teeth, and
one because he was married. Pitta
burg Press.
Stole to Get a Husband.
At Uuilapest recently a servant girl
absconded with HOO belonging to her
employer. She was subsequently ar
rested hut no money was found on her.
She has since confessed to tba tbeft,
but states that she paid- the money
over to a married woman named Hau
ser, who consented to sell her hus
band to her for the sum In question,
the girl being madly In lova with tha
man. When she found out that tba
had been deceived nnd that the mar
ried couple were keeping the money
and enjoying themselves with It. the
girl made a full confession. The au
thorities have ordered a thorough
searvh to be made In the house of the
Hausers, In the hope of recovering
some of the money.
An Odd Injunction.
Many peculiar Injunctions have been
Issued by Omaha Judges but the one
granted by Judge Klabaugh of the
District Court. Omaha, la considered
a record breaker. By Its term John
MsRae, a well known citizen ft en
Joined from speaking to bis wife or
any of his children. He was warned
by the court that If he failed to ob
serve the order lie would have o pay
the penalty of being in contempt.
It Is said that this Is the first In
junction of the kind ever Issued by a
court in this country.
Mrs. Mclioa has Instituted divorce
proceeding! apalnst her husband,
charging cruelty. Chicago Inter
Got an Ad.
,La Montt Hlowman found a good
Scheme to let people know ha bad a
new bathtub.
I.a Moyne What was It?
I.a Montt -Why, be sen word to the
reporters that he was almost drowned
In It. Chicago News.
The man who is satlbned with him
self does cot want much.
fwnator Furaktr b,ilievn that the
decision of theUuited StatesMupreme
Court sustaining the lower court in
its findiutts against the Northern
Securities "merger", is a distinct
strengtheniiiK of the hands of the
administration, and that it com-
plutuly takes the wind out of the
democratic trust hot air has, since1
no one can point to a curbing of j
truNts or even atleoiids at trunt
curbing under any democratic nd-j
VyckofTs riew York Storo Vcckly news
Mot OiiDoiliities
Tlio atmosphere of Easter pervades the whole store,
the stock of New Spring Goods are most complete. In
your Easter outfitting you will do well to take a careful
look through the many lines of new season's merchan
dise. You'll find every item right. You'll find prices
tempting, you'll find courtesy nnd prompt attention, in
a word, you'll find this store fortified at all points for
the official opening of spring business.
Easter in tllO Everything
narmont Sort inn ere 7
dress parade
the new solts, new coats, new shirts.
Not an on wort by offering in the
whole collection. Worthy of special
mention are our new' spring Jackets,
made o' covert cloth, with All the
new straps, fiat collar and quirks of
tha SpriiiR fancy, 5 to 115 The
new suits are gems, fl2 to t28. Boms
with walking skirts, some with full
length dress skirts.
The Easter Sale T h 8 Easter
of Kcw Hosiery outfit ,ieeaa "
a new pair of
hose to make it complete. Our
spring shipments are daily nrriving
The all over lace and cobwed stock
ings will be the popular things in
black. Prospect of tan shoes has
brought out importance of tan hosi
ery. t White snoes and white hose
seem to be in the same class. We
are ready for all, not forgetting the
boys and girls. Policy here is not
how cheap but how good.
Special Hints for- You'n fintl
Easter profitable
Not Classified rJ1"gbere'
The buying
yon will likewisa find profitable.
Every Item noted is of the newest.
Corsets, and stock were never better,
plain and fancy ribbons. Silk and
leather belts, now bags, handker
chiefs, silk and lisle gloves, new
stock and lace collars, perfumery
and toilet articles, jewelry, mil.
hrellas, eto.
Stroudsburg, Penn'a.
No connection with any store of similar name.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Fire Insurance.
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
Surceaaor to J. J. Hart.
aCaV-Ofllcola rrorof Residence on Ann Si
Mllford, Plko Co., Pa.
( C:ri!:3
i IK
!tt pcti'i kl
ill ycwi Itaa ta 1 poorly uxl ciek.hli. V 1
-'u aao of iiuu. ift ,t4ic Uai.ai, tuff I "
UmI aril M,II lullAY I..H-. ft A SV .
lilam tt I' -I UlwM ..' I dt ttwtk W
L.mmrw by fcVI,
4,.U.I. tirrtru.l. ,., Hi.,., 4 Ct.U Em.
t Iflaa.Utl r 1 rtal.ar4rr( U'ta
MT. .I.l iJUai, .t,aM1rf
l Ctirai ta
tat AV.4Mt
a : Ft.
Easter .' and 'ie m,w season's
Women's fir9t sho-ving of
Wash Waists thp 18 C(,r'inIy
fine, and the prices
very modest. Many points of differ-
ence bptween this and Inst year's
waists. Some with yoke effects,
some sloping shoulders, all elabo.
rately trimmed and well worthy of
your careful attention. Nice, tidy,
while waists at hOf, and then, by
easy stages, up to .
The Easter The Ki(1 Rie i-
Sale Of portations are all in.
Kid (iloves Qu"mit'8 ''Rht,
c61ors right, size
range complete, and prices ns nsual
absolutely fair and Just. We have
the exclusivo sine of the Centeruierl
kid glove Sold it for 28 years,
always with boat of satisfaction to
wearer. No glove at one dollar is
better than ours at the price. Guar
anteed. Black and colors.
Tile Easter Easter has Its dress
Sale Of demands for men its
Men's Wear Z,eU B9 "ouien-
What man of tasta
is there but likes to prink np a bit
for Easter Sunday. The prinking
can be done with great economy
here. New Eclipse shirts are here.
Their best friends are those who
liovo worn them before. .Tlie hue of
60 shirts is especially attractive,
some stores sell them at D9c. The
new Easter neckwear is being shown.
Line contains all that is proper,
made up in a way to suit your taste
aud priced to fit your pocket book.
Ryman S Wells
jji Have a fine line
. ii
vi wan papers
all new stock.
A store full of
other necessary
articles also.
Please call and
examine before
1 buying.
Milford, Pa.
The Table
We solve it by keeping
Fine Groceries,
Canned Goods,
Choice Meats,
Fresh Vegetables.
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jarvls, N. Y.
Adjoining tJuniner'n Union Houhe
Road, carnage, drult and farm
horw-s for sale. Ks hanes niade.
A larpe stock from whit h to make
m-lectious. CANAL foT.
Hiram Towner.
i William B. Kcnworthey, M. D.
aa rJ
H &
IrSJ -8
I '5
I r9
rl t
5 I NU
! CaO
rhysician and Surgeon.
Office and rfaiileuee Urond itrett
i eit Ciiurt Houob. HILKjKl), PA.
Advertiae iu tlie THtaa.