) rnARRISOilsDALLEY; ;l -: ...NEW... r , . t We have picked from a dozen different manufactures the cream bf their stock and now have the finest line of suits ever shown in Port Jervis. ALL WOOL SERGE (I (I (I il ( II (I II (i II II II l II II (I II II II II H ALL WOOL FANCY MIXTURES $14.93 & $16.50 STILL BETTER ONES AT In buying1 we demanded from the maker the "best he can pro duce. We want our moneys worth. We admit your right to demand the same of us. v. A I- YOUR MONEY BACK PIKE STREET, - at the head A SEASONABLE REHEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for 50c. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co., S3f Next Door to Hotel Fauchere. I It's i.. ...-rM I G H 7 i S J 5 J 5 1 J JEW GOODS FOR WOOLEN DRESS GOODS OUTING FLANNELS WOOL FLANNELS LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR GLOVES ITITTENS HATS CAPS' UNDERWEAR SHIRTS HOSIERY RUGS MATTING LAMPS GLASS AND CIIINAWARE "o 7 y t LIS FELTS Te riTtMT C-.J !.".. ;i.y tn- ..i'.n,-l l.y Tn r.;: nT hi tui.il. V f r f BUCK, BLUE ft BROWN $9.98 11.98 i? pan 13.50 14.98 $19, $22, $32 & $39 IF NOT SATISFIED. of front - PORT JERVIS. Brond Street, Mllford, a When you want the BEST in Canned Goods get the White Rose Brand In Coffee H h VI Hill- Ml II IN r In Paints THE S. W. P. Serwin, - Williams - Paint T. Armstrong & CO. MILFORO, PENNA. THE , MTER SHOES ETC. ETC SUITS IfTGHELL'S, H. In Cruz E.Ernsrson, M. D. lclzr and Sur r; CmCF: wt:rs cn Lrci j ;on. MATAMOKAS. The Mnlmr.oras Frrry Company oponert us fprry iridny nnmit II o'clock. It is looted on Ailanis street, one street below Pennsyl vania avenue. Mrs. Langtnu and iier assistant postmistress, Miss Irene Kimble, of Mntamoras, havo succeeded in get ting the mails to and from Port Jervis every ttay since the Roing ont of the ioo. The mail from Mil ford arrived on Friday. A reception was tendered Rev. artl Mrs. Weidner Rt tbe Hope church pnronn;H Fri'liy evening. There was a largs attendance. They were handsomely remembered with a well filled purse. William Ppeidel made the presentation speech. The L. C U. furnished refreshments. Rev. Metxger, the new minister, was in attendance. Mr. and lira. Wold ner's friends regret very much to part with them, and nil trust they wi'l be pleased with their new charge. The L. A. H. connected with F.p worth church hold a "sock" socinl on March 17th at the homo of Mrs. E. J. Lord. Rev. Metzger, the new minister of Uope churcb, arrived In town with his family Saturday, and they are the guests of Victor Knots. Over 74 families took refuge in the alms honse in Matamoras on Tuesday night, the day of the ice gorge. At Hope church, Sunday, Rev. Metzger, the new minister appoint ed to take the place of Rev. Weid ner, preached both morning and evening. Harry Oneil foremnn tn tbe Mid dletown Times office, called on Matamoras friends Sunday. Messrs William and Duer Conk ling of Newburg spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Oliver Squires. They also called on their Bister, Mrs. Wui. Seybolt, Port Jervis. First Btreet ferry located on Adams street in Matamoras is now in operation night and day. People are taken over at all hours, Clark's ferry for wagons and foot passengers also is in operation. Trips were made on Sunday for the first. The merchants and coal dealers can get things over for the people iu Matamoras now. OBSKQUIES-FLORKNCE V ANDERVORT. The funeral of little Florence Vandervort took place Saturday afternoon at her late home at 2 p. in. Rev. Weidner had charge of tbe servioes, There was a large at tendance as little Florence was a great favorite with every one in Matamoras. Beautiful flowers were placed on the casket. -The remains were laid at rest in.Lunrel Grove cemetery. The pupils of the Matamoras school will dedicate the new piano Friday evening, March 18. A musi cal will be given in which thoy will be assisted by talent from outside of the school. The pupils and teachers hope to see a large attendance. Ad admission cf IS cents will be asked. Children 10 cents, Miss Nettie Corey and sister, Mildred, are, visiting relatives at Pompton, Pa. Mrs. JNiclioles Walsh and son, Frauds, returned home on Saturday evening from visiting relatives at Monroe, Suffurns and Passnio, The graduating class of the Mata moras High School of 1904 bas organized by electing tbe following officers i President Joseph Dilger. Vice President William Martin Secretary Miss Anna Dunker. The following pupils are in the graduating class: Annie Dunker Lida Seymour, James Welsh, Willie Martin, Lee Nevin, Elizabeth Kelly and Joseph Dilger. KIMBLES John Brown and wife of Soranton are visiting the i.ttter's parents George Cron and wife. Levi Perry celebrated bis 14th birthday Feb. 29. lie was born in 1844. John Maddigan and wife of Jersey City are spending a few days with the Jattura ttuut, Mrs E. Muluue. E. L Docker of the U. S. S. Michi pan at Erie, Pa., callod on his many friends in this place last week. J. E. Dodan of Lackawaxen and Henry Deitt of Rowlands were in town lust S.iturduy on business. Abe I'arr and wifa of Hnwley are visiting the hitters parents, I.evi perry and family. Freddie Perry, aired 16, died a tiio home of his mother, Mrs. C. l'tirry, in Htiwley lift week" Wed nesday. Il is survived by his mother, one Pinter und two half DHtura. lis remains weia brought to tins place for interment. Uuv. Ik. C. tiiuipklii oliiuiuted. While all our other colonies were fi,;ii;iii the I m I ut nt, S iliiain lVmi lived w i'.li tin ill iu perfect peace. Spring jJcdicina There is no otliT srsnon when pood medicine is so nim,h needed a in the Ppring. The blood Is Impure, wenk and Impoverixhcd a condition indicated by pimples and other eruptions on ths fare and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack of strength, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Make the blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength and animation, and cure all eruptions. Have the whole family begin to take thsm today. "Hcxxt'i Rarsaparllla bus been need tn onr family for some time, and always with Itood results. Lat aprltif I waa all run down and got a bottle of It, and aa amial received great benefit." Mm Biclah Botcb, Stowe, Vt. 4' Hood's Sarsaparilla promise to Cur and keeps ths promise. liKEESTOWxN. Mrs. Abram Simpson, who has been ailing for some time, died at her horns in Dreher, March 9. Rev. 0. W. Clewell officiated. A husband five daughters and one son r.re left to mourn their loss. Mrs. Annie Simons died at her home in Sterling, March 7. P. R. Cross attended the closing sessions of the M. P. annual con ference. WTe are glad to learn that Rev. Thus. Hooper has been returned to this place for another year. Leonard Bortree spent Sunday with his mother. On account of high water the mail was nnable to get to Crosses on Monday, March 7. Miss Georgia Basley has gone to Stroudsburg. Miss Anna Simons has beeu in the' neighborhood doing dressmaking. Miss Olive Cross is home from Soranton visiting her parents. Mrs. Burrus, an aged widow of Palmyra was taken ill Sunday, and Dr. Gilpin was called. Wesley Cross of Austin, Potter Co., is visiting relatives in thl9 place. Another light snow reminds us that winter is not over and we may expect a few days sleighing. Mrs. P. R. Cross and son, Carl, expect to go to Stroudsburg to at tend the funeral of the formers aunt, Mrs Helen Piphor, who died March 13. -0 DIXGMAFS FEHRY. The County Commissioners have kopt their promises as to a reduction of mills for county tar. The rate is now 7 mills as against 10 formerly, but it is only an apparent reduotion Take cows formerly assessed at 110 now at (20. Last year the farmer would pay a tax of tl 00 on a oow this year he will pay 11.40, or really 14 mills on last years assessment Wont such reduction make him happy. There was no feed famine here by reason of the rail road bolow sup plying that commodity. David O. Brodhead foil on the ice one day last week and, was consider ably bruised. Numbers of ties hore haye not been delivered at the river because of the deep snow. ' August Meroier will remain at the Silver Lake Club House the coming season. W. H. Layton is preparing to re move his family from Silver Lake to his home at Centre. ' William Kilsby in view of possi ble floods lias removed his cattle to Jersey and his horses to Dingmaus Some fear that Cave bank this spring will follow the railroaland slide down into the river. It made a start last year. Farmers are somewhat discourag ed because of a scarcity of seed of all kinds. Potatoes are scarce and high. la the barn yard : iEsthetio Boarder to Old Lady "Of course you know, my good lady, that tbe hen belongs to the galliuacea." Old Lady "Not that hen, ef you please I Some hens may belong to a gal in Asia, but these belongs to cal in New Jersey. "--Yonkers Ga fcette. ' (T7rnco ? Poor man! He can't help it. He Rets bilious. He needs a pooJ liver Dill Aver's Pills. They act directly on the liver, cure iMiiousness. .z. r Co., A. hi ... Want your moustache or beard a bmuliiul bruwn urrich bl&k list GUCKIilGIIAM'S DYE SAKDYSTON. Town meeting is pnst. The prin cipal flaht was over the office of freeholder and collector, The minor ofllees were not contested. The vendue of R. T. Lnyton took place in Walpaek on Ihe Pth and was to be continued on the following day when the horses and cows were to ho sold. The public not under standing this did notcome and there was no sale on the 10th. The next vendue will bo that of Will Bevan at which cows and horses and farm tools will be offered Tor sale. A grange has been organized ai Layton by Mr, Holly organizer for this county. I believe thirteen members are necessary to form a grange, and that number was seour. ed on Friday evoning, at the first meeting. An exhibition will be held in the Layton M. E. church on Wednesday evening of this week, and promises to be very good. Proceeds for ministers salary. The dnnce at Andrew Morris' on Friday evening brought together many lovers of dancing and they made the most of it for the Centre- ville load of young folks did not get home until 6 a. m. all happy with their good time. That veteran Hank" Westbrook handled the bow and it goes without saying that the music wag O. K. The condition of William Clark of Hajnesville has not materially ohanged since my last, and he is a very sick man. It Is hoped Mr. 'lark will he reetored to his usual good health. An exhibition will be given by the pupils of the "Fisher" (.chool on Friday evening of this week. Those things may be all right but not when the school is in session. Like oligion and politics, they wont mix. Miss Cora Hursh, who has been very ill, is now convalescent. Miss Fanny Snider is also reported much better. Mrs. B. D. Hursh and sister are pending a few days visiting G, E. Hursh at Layton. Mr. Baukins and daughter, Edna, of Cedar Grove. N. J., visited Dr. Hughes and wife lnit Sunday. Circuit Judge Garrotson passed sentence npon Goo, Jagger Saturday ast. The date of his execution was fixed upon April 22nd. Daniel B Lattimore moved to Branchvllle Thursday last. Daniel wont have to hoof it up the hill any more. PAUPAC. May and Benjamin Wilson return ed to Philadelphia last Wednesday. Mrs, Amelia K. llardonberg is visiting at the homo of C. Williams and family. Mrs. B. F. Killam was called to Hollisterville to attend her father, Mr. Hollister. B. F. Killam will leave for the above mentioned place the 10th, where he will spend a few days. The sick list is so far improving that Dr. Simons expeots, at present, to make but a f)w more trips. Frank Glipin and wife of Hawley visited relatives in this place Sun day. After making a few days visit with relatives in Soranton, Jaoob Zimmerman returned home last week. Wiloier Clark lost a cow last week. Mrs. C. A. Pellott and A. J Kimble are visiting relatives in Soranton. Honry Sommera of Tafton is favoring a broken rib. After visiting relatives in Green- town for a few days, Richard Phil lips returned the 13th. Mrs. Adams of Elmira is staying with her mother, Mrs. Augusta Bennett. Arthur Pellett is at present view ing the sights of New York. It will be many years before the Italians have reached tho American level. Tha othor day great conster nation was created in Florenoe, Italy, by the appearance of a donkey iu a ball room. Those Italians would probably be thrown in absolute hysterics should they attend the next national democratic con vent Ion. Mora Riots Disturbances of strickers are not nearly aa grave as individual dis orders of tha system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a roliabliablo remedy is immediately employed. There's nothing so ef ficient to cure disorders of the liver and kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a womluiful tonio, and effective nervine ai.d the greatest of all round medicine for run down systems, It dispels nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia a let expels inaalaiia germs. Onl 60o, and satisfaction guaranteed by all druggist. CHEAP HATF9 TO THE FAIR The frie Announces the Price from Port Jervis to St.. Louis and Return The Erin Co. is first in the field In announcing the rates from Port Jerri to St. Louis mid return on account of tho world's fair to be held in the latter city from April 30thto Deo. 1st next. ' The tickets will be ou sale from April 25th. Following are the rates : SEASON KXt'URSIOH TK'KETS To be sold daily, with final return limit of Deo. 15th. Going and re. turning via same direct route j or going by one direct route and re turning via another direct route ; or going via direct route and returning via Chicago, or vice versa. Rate, 134 60-DAY KJCCTRStOS TICKETS To be sold daily, with final return limit of sixty (60) days, but not later than Deo. 15th. Going and returning via same direct route ; or going via or.e direct route and re turning via Chicago, or vice versa. Rate, 28.35. 15 HAY FXCTRSION Tlf'KETS To be sold daily, with final return limit of fifteen (15) days including date of sale. Going and returning via the same direct route. Rate, $23.25. COACH EXCURSION TICKETS To be sold only on certain days to be announced later, with finaVretarn limit to leave St. Louis not later than ten (10) days from and Includ ing date of sale j tickets to be good in day coaches only, on special or designated train going and on regu lar trains returning. Going and returning via the same direct route. One coach excursion to be run iu May ; date to be announced later. Rate from Port Jervis, N. Y., 918. SPECIAL NOTICE During the continuance of the World's Fair, the Erie Railroad will maintain, in connection with the Big Four Route (C. C. C. & St. L. Ry.), an attractive service to and from St Louis, Mo., via Marion, O. A new through line. Superb equip ment. Picturesque scenery. Fast time. Train schedules will be an nounced later. For further par ticulars, inquire of any Erie ticket agent. Cheap Colonist Rates to the West Commencing at once and oontinu ing daily until and including April 29th, the Ei ie will soil special one way mixed class colonists tickets from Port Jervis to any point in Arizona, British Colombia, Cali fornla, Colorado, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexioo, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, at very low rates of fare Just ttilnK ol it, only fSU to any California point. For routes and rates please address Erie ticket agent, Port Jervis, N. Y., and re member these tickets are on sale diily until April 29th. It Saved His Leg P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga. suffered for six months with i frightful running sore on his leg but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days For ulcers, wounds, piles, its the best salve in the world. Cure guar anteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't inves money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White bronze. Write for information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent, Houses and Lota and lota without Houus. lX'ttler iu all laud ol i'ruperiy. flotary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT AtlENTIQN OCke Wells Building liolow IMniiiiick. House Milford, lt. V . V. 'v. COLIPOUHD I t SYRUP f)F : WHITE PlflE I The Cough Remedy of which we have just spoken is a thoroughly Tollable family medicine. It is al ready in fereat demand among our customers. Many of them claim that there is no other Cough Remedy i t s equal. Our sales of it are constantly iucreiSiing on account of the good reports that our cus. tomers tell their friends. It is a safeguard to have in the house, 25r per bottle. I CO. ARMSTRONG i DRUGGIST. 2 Here le SOMETHING YOU NEED! Your own Wtr Works, which yon run hare by canxtiltlnB- J, (', PR E SCOTT of M Rt f mora a. Pp.., who Is prepared to ftlv efitf mates at any tftnn. Write him at once or rail and see his stock of FORCE PUMPS J. C. PREDCOTT. latamorai, Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Bayer in tha Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiators, Two Flree In dAKDWARI. PI7TI.F.RT, TIW, AOATB WAKK, KTC. riN ROOriNO AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARM Of All Kinds and Style. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairingi-DoxE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. EunclelvLic PKoiograpVicR AND DEALEKIN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port JmU, K, X