PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, March 18, 1004. rUnl.IHIIED EVF.RY FNIDAY. OFFICE, BROWK'S BUlLPINfl BROADflT. Hi'BsrmrTioN: Onk Ykar One (tullnr nnd fifty rents. Hix Months Seventy-five oentn. STRICTLY IN ADVANCK. Knterwl A th post office of Mllford, Pike County, iVntiNylvftnlft, Bfcimd cImi matter, Novombor twenty-first, 1S5. Advertising Rates. Oneflqn(re(elftht Hnm),onBlnR'rtion -1.00 K:M'h Hnnsonmrnt inwrtinn .60 Keducrd raU'R, furnlrtlunl on application will be allowed yearly advertisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's and Exceptor's notices - - - - ..... 3.00 Auditor's notices 4.tx Divorce notices 5.1KS Sticriff's enles. Orphans court snl County Trrnsmvr's" wiles, County stilt nii-nt and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Kttsn, PuBLIHHKR, Mllford, Tike Connty, Pa. Every one will be interested in watching the progress of the Russo Japanese war and also in t he political campaign about to open for the eleo tion of a President. Ia .order to accommodate the opinions of those holding with either of the great parties we have arranged to famish with the PrtKSS either the New York Tri-Weekly Tribune for $2.25, or the Tri-Weekly New York World for 2.00. With the Prkbs and either of above named papers you can keep yourself fully informed in both local and national and world news. It is a good thing to inculcate the reading habit in children and to have them lnterefcted in and informed of current topics.' The world is now forming history which they will find useful to know in the years to come and it would bo of great advantage to have them learn it ootemporaneons with the making. As the Matamoras railroad bridge now lies it is probably an obstruc tion to the channel and unless broken np or moved by the ioe yet to come down the river might seriously interfere with raits. It is said there is considerable lumber to be rafted this spring and i' the bridge interferes with navigating it eafely a question of li ibility would naturally arise. The experts who built the structure originally and who have this winter monkeyed with piles and other things could no doubt, if given ample time, do some thing in the matter of spending more money for the unfortunate railroad company. What the outcome of the Sinoot case may be cannot of course be foretold, but it is certain that the investigation into the beliefs and praotices of the Mormon oburch will lay the foundation for some future action to further restrain and repress this menace to a Christian civilization The whole thing is a disgraoe and the evidence of the a pout lea proves that they manufact ure their so-called religion and beliefs to suit their own personal idea of morality. It only needs a revelation for a man to marry a few more wives. The town oounoil exhibited more liberality this year than last in the niitter of salary of secretary. Last year it was $30 and this year is increased to $75, and this in face of the fact that all offer was made by a perfectly competent applicant to do the work for $10. It would seem that the Council had more solicitude for some personal ends of their own than for the interests of taxpayers. The decision in the Securities case applies a? well to tll other no-culled trusts, or combinations which have etublilud monopolies by destroy ing competition and the Coal Trust, the Standard Oil Company and the lieef Trust all cumu within i!s scopa. Kopubliran primary elections will be li.Ud Saturday, March Jit',, at tbe usual p;a.M.s lor holding elections in tliti bevoiul tuw ijaliipb. Work is Overtime t hour laws are U-nontd by null's hr. W. M.!ii.ns are th..:, t ; w . i :: : j (in-u-.-s, lw :' i.eY Llfrt i'iiiH va dt vioi k, ir. a lii.hcfftuon, l "it, li: a ! Hi., liVl-l nnd I, . I . lit and day, llwliMle.-.. CUtl ,ir!i') ttl'd hii .vi 1 iroui.ii . , tiuto. Oiiiy IMPORTANT FACTS The Anti-Trust Law Altogether the Work of Republicans If the following Btntomont of facts had originated in a republican newspuper tdoy would probably be obarncterizfld by the democrats ns political clap trap gotten np for campaign purposes, but, corning from such an eminent democratic paper as the New York World they must be accepted by the party as true and the credit given where it properly belongs. That organ of democracy says : 1. Too anti-trust law was framed by a republican, was pas9od by n republican House and a republicai Senate, was signed by a republicai. President. 2, The law remained a dead letter' on the statute bjoks aunug tne entire second term of Orover Cleve land, a democratic President. Through those four years of derin: cratio administration all apiwals an' all efforts of the World to have tip law enforced were met with sneers. jeers and opon contempt from i, democratic attorney general, Riob ard Olney, who pretouded that tin law was unconstitutional, and who would do nothing toward prosecut ing violators of it. 3. The first effort to enforce the law was made by Theodore Roose velt, a Republican President. The first attorney general to vigorously prosecute offenders and to test the law was a republican attorney general, Pnilander C. Knox. 4. The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, given as a finality from which there is no appeal, upholding the law as per fectly constitutional and absolutely impregnable in every respect, as the Worid for twolve pears constantly insisted, was duo to five Judges, every one of whom is a republican. 6. The dissenting minority of the court included every democratic judge of that tribunal to wit : Chief Justice Fuller of Illinois, Mr. Justice White of Louisiana, and Mr. Justice Peckham of New York. All these distinguished democrats not only voted 'against the constitutionality ot the law but denounced it as a danger to the republic S. Under these circumstances it does not seem probable that the democrats can make great capital in seeking to monopolize the anti-trust issue and charging the republican party with the crime ot being owned body and soul by the trusts. It-is just as well to reoord some plain truths, however unpleasant or surprising. A Word for Parents In an article in the April Delinca tor on Growing up with one's Chil dren, wnich is filled with sensible advice to mothers. Mrs. Theodore W, Birney has some exoellent re marks about the treatment of cb.il dren that are grown. Many parents will do well to take to heart the following paragraph : "There isonethiug parents should recognize : that their children are growing up and that their authority as such grows weaker every day, while thoir influence waxes stronger in proportion as thoir government has been wise, tender and just. Many a household is discordant because parents insist upon treating their grown sons and daughters as though they were still children. They issue commands, critioize and find fault, forgetting apparently that the season for training is prao tically ended, and, were it not, such methods would result in more harm than good. 1 know a family in which are two daughters, both past twenty-five, and a -eon in his thirties; they seldom, if evor, leave the house without being questioned as to where they are going, when tbey will return, why they go, why thoy wear such a garment instead of some other, wouldu't they best take umbrellas, are thoy warmly or ooolly enough dressed, as the case may be, etc, eto. Personal liberty is such a precious possession, and life i so much sweeter and happier in households when there is mututil confidence and where trivial personal questions are regarded almost as a discourtesy." Farm for Sale An opportunity is uilered to any one desiring a f..iui suitable for dairying, with large meadow, 103 acres ia farm, double barn and 8 room houo. Or for any one wish ing to locate a suiuuuer resurt. Large fi-tti ponds may bo cheaply made, lii-autitul falls and ulen on the premiums. White pine lumber and building materials on t lie place ttudiiMHiil. for ail repair ami new work. 2 in ilea from S.ttidurs'u'a now ii.ili pon it and propo Hid club houne. A luilo of Ufi ker's rret-k runs through tha land. The farm iorati d in iJchiMsi'u tuvi ni uJTui'ed ciuap. h'O A r. f-.l h: r 4 ii ,-heS t i.:;-U and t Axieps If your blood Is thin and im pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich biood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that bring3 good health to the home, the only medicine tested end tried for 60 years. Adoctor'smedicine. "T ow my Hfrt, wHhon dnnM:, tn At"-' PnrfipiiriHrt. It In th nmt tvimiif-rful rm-'ll-C'Tif t tt t I'm w-rtrlrl for firrvnimiiit. t v cure is ptrnuin'ii', aid 1 rnmit tt-auk vm fmih.' M its. Delia McW kll. Newark. N. J. . Tsn v. i-i-i for- Poor Health Laxative dose9 of Ayor's Pills each night greatly aid the Sarsaparilla. THE GUAR.LE3 BILL A Non-Partisan Measure to Protect Government Timber Lands A slmrp fi 'ht marked the opening of the campaign in Congress to se cure the passage of the (j iarles bill which provides for the repeal of the timber and stone act. Sana tor Gib. son oallM the bill up in the Public L'inds committee and moved that the onm.nHtee report the bill to the Sennte. The battle was on in an in stant, the members of the committee lining up sharply for and against the bill. The chairman, Senator Han8brough, immediately assumed vigorous opposition to the consider ation of the measure and refused to bring the question to a vote. This unprecedented action caused ex treme bitter feeling. It quickly be came apparent that a majority of the committee favored the reporting of the bill. Several senators characterized the chairman's position as most unusual, arbitrary and unparlimeutary and Senator Berry threatened to take tne bill In onto the floor of the Senate and ask the committee be discharged and that the bill be placed before the Senate. Such a bitter fight over a strictly non-partisan measure is regarded as most singular and it ia freely as sorted that there must be 'some strong incentive to warrant men in going to such unusual lengths in their efforts to prevent any action whatever upon or even discussion of a measure reoognized as one which will save the publio lands of the west from private absorption, A majority of the committee favors the Quarles bill and will undoubted ly insist upon getting it before the Senate. Even should any compro mise measure develop a majority in the Publio Lands committee, the minority will bring in a report which, as one senator stated, will be an eye opener to the Senate and to the country as to the legalized land frauds and land grabbing practices now in operation in the western states under these three laws. Cheap Excursion to Pacific Coast $87 On account of the General Con ference of Methodist Episcopal church at Los Angeles, Cal., and the National Association of Itetail Grocers of the United States to be held at S:in Francisoo, Cal., in May 1904, the Erie will sell special exour sion ticket from Port Jorvis to San Francisco or Ljs Angeles, Cal. April 22nd to 30th, 1904, both inolu sivo good to return np to June 30th 1904, at the low rate of $67 for the round trip. 4 IS DESIRABLE BESIEENCE (hi the southwest corner of Harford and Mott stiwts, in the Borough Milfonl, Ph., will Ix; sold on favorable tcroir to the purchaser. The hou.-. coniprir-niiT an oix'ii hull, tsittui"- or reception room, parlilr, dining-room butlers pantry fitted with hot and cold water, etc., and kitchen with range Itoiler, hot and cold water, etc., on first floor six Ixtl-moms and a liath room with hot una cola water anil other modern eonven!eiioti, on second floor nn ample garret, and stor.i and closet room throughout also tw large rooms, suitable for billiard. sewing and children's pUiv-room, or ther similar purK a good cool and drv cellar, with coal ihuI wood ipartnientw entirely separate there from, well lighted uud duiveiiiei.l arranged ztn-rut ulr ftisin'juttl tin fit'? iiltu't $att tittt tt (tntn'ui't rf (iJh I 1,1 II inh'ldtl . I'll'!-.:!!!! Oori'iieS Oil till'lt' - - i - sides the whole thiroU'dilv'rei;ovat I, newly painted and paired and i lir.-.t eI.i.-& condition. Sarutu yruuit'ih suniMimliir' all in mat dnee, wit inai-adanii.iil drive-way, beautiful lawn, highly cuilh ated garden, old fruit trees, flowers uud shrill. ivMiul .rtinn of the Hn'oiigh, on main street, wuhin three iiiinal waik of 1'ot-l ol!i.-e, church) k and -ton-.-. A. 'V to or a I 11. 'J'.' llAKl-.r, Mar.-h I, li'ul. r.l, I'u. SEEDLES3 APPLES DEVELOPED Look Like Navsl Oranges and Grow on B)osimlf-s Trees After experimenting for seven years, John F Spancar, an old frnit grower of Grand Junotion, Col., has succeeding in perfecting a seodloss apple. The apple looks like a naval orange. Its inside is entirely solid and there is a depression in the navel end very siinilnr to that oi the seedless orange. Spencer is preparing to qraft his seedless buds on every sort of apple tree, and asserts that he will be able to develop seedless apples on every variety. The trees on which the seedless fruit grows is unusual in that it has no blossoms. A Snake Destroyer Cuba is said to be overrun with the mongoos, a small animal of East India which was introduced into Jamaica to kill snakes, but which was found to prefer chickens and has become a terrible pept. The mongoos is a prolilio breeder and the Agricultural department states that if it should onoe establish a footing in this country, it would cost the farmers millions of dollars. It Is believed that the democratic leaders will have nothing to do with the suggestion of bribing some republican to introduce the mongoos and thus destroy American farming which could be charged to the republican party, thus making an issue upon which Mr. Hearst could ride In triumphantly to the White House. The Susquehanna county republi can convention tendered the nomin ation for congress to Hon. C. F. Wright, the present nietuhtr, who declined and it then endorsed Mial C. Lilley of Bradford As these two counties have a majority of delegates iu tho convention he will be the nominee. Wayne . and Wyoming will wait their turns until probably about the same year that Pike has a member. There Is a proposition on foot to increase the salary of the vice-pres ident of the Uuited States to $15,000 year. This little would in a marked extent overcome the disin clination of many eminent and pa- triotio statesmen to allow thoir names to be used in connection with the nomination for the vice-presi- dency, or as it is usually stated to be shelved" for four years. fcOTJRT OF APPEALS The County; .t'ommisBioners "will hold Court of Appeals in the following places on the days nd dates below mentioned, between the hours of 9 a in. and 4 p. in.: I,nckaw'n, Election Hoime, March 29 fcfiohola, " " Westfall, " " Delaware, " " April Lehman, JIhcIi .Hotel " Porter, " " " Minora lioro., Court House Milford Twp., !' " " Dingman, " " " THF.O. II. BAKER, Milford, March 2, 19u4. Clerk The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's whafthe doctors call them which in common English means long sickness. to stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of. weakness they need bcotts Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. bcotts Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be gSad to send you a few doses free. B niie ttut th-i pfcturo la 1 lot lit Ol ft Ui,ti U uti tl. i H-cr of e ti y lwUl d Sc'OTT & IiOWNfi, Che in I it i, 409 IVarl St., N. V. i'lC. (lid $1 All druSilH. It A Trinity of Evils. Cured by Dr. Kennedy's Ne Medicine, After Other Treatment Nad Failed TV r MurMn Mntitinmrrr. (if Pilvnrii. IViiii.. formerly of Koxhurv. N. Y,. writ vk to Dr. Dnvlrt Kennedy, of Kennedy Rnw, milil : "Your N K W u t vA 1 rl n n, Cnl - cn rn S 1 - vent, is Immense. It cured in of liver nnd kidney troubles, nnd then mnt linn, iftr n lot of wenry dosing with tlilnuf th tit did no good. It Is a record brenker nnd no unistiiko." Ai In Mr. Montgomery's: ease, rheu tntHm In often, indeed BlmoRt nlwnt-n. coinpliented with kidney nnd liver trou ble It, lq hern ii a Cnl-cnrn Polvent Bets on tliM kldnt'v nnd liver nnd at the snme rlrnflexpeln uric acid from the blood, that it is such n reiinlile remedy for rheuma tism and the nttondnnt diord"r.4. It run's iiy removing the puw, therefore, the cure is permanent, safe and sure. Writ to the Cal-cura Company, Ken nedy Row, Rondout, Jf. Y for a free sample bottle. Remember: Only one Dr. David Ken nedy ever lived In Rondout, City of Kingston, N. Y., and be sure you get blv new and latest inedinlne, which Is sold only tu $1,00 bottles. All druggists. Charles Schanno expects to go to New York today for an operation on bis eyes. This country bought of Switzerland last year nearly a million dollars worth of chwe. Counsel for George N. Jagger has filed a writ of error which will op erate as a stay of execntion nntil the Supreme Court passes on the exceptions raised. W. T. Strnble, lately elected assessor of the Borough, Is this week delivering to property owners notices of assessments for 1904 as adjusted and equalized by the county commissioners, acting as a Board of Eevision. The court of appeal will be held April 11th. Whales are becoming very scarce and in the last century the price ol whalebone has risen from $125 to $15,000 a ton. So rare is the article according to the men In the trade that at the present time four tons represent the world's supply. The Superior Court last Monday affirmed the judgment of Strouds- burg vs. Shlck. It was an action brought by the Borough to recover commissions on money received from the borough for liquor licenses by Shlck wlitn county treasurer. The court below rendered judgment against the treasurer and this bas now been affirmed. It will affeot all county treasurers In the state. The KaDsas City Journal says that Hearst is widely known througbont the nation on account of a freakish reputation like that of Dr. Mary Walker, Dowle, or the man who eats glass or swallows live snakes. Mr. Hearst in running for president is giving himself an agreeable sen sation and at the same time afford ing the public some amusement and also supplying some lndigeut politio lans with muob needed cash. First Ten Cay Excursion to Bt. Louis, Mo. At $18.00 .for the round trip will leave Port Jervls on Thursday, May 19th, 1904, bear this ia mind and go along. 4 15 Unclaimed Letters tist of unclaimed lottors remain ing in the post office at Milford for the week ending March 19, 1904: William Moor, Ilenry V7 heeling, Geo. Smith. Persons claiming the above will please say "Advertised" and give date of this list. Charles Lattimore, P. M, ELECTION NOTICE The Republican primary election throughout Pike county will he held on Saturday March 26, 1904, from 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. for the nomination of candidates for the following offices, to wit : . Ona Sheriff. One Coroner. One Representative in the General Assembly. One Delegate to the State Con vention. One Congressional Conferee. Seven Members of the County Committee. One Town Committeeman in each election district. , Twenty (20) days before said election each candidate shall notify the County Chairman of his candi dacy and pay his assetutmeut j f one dollar. By order of thoCountyCommittee. Wm. A. II. Mitchell, Chairman. F. B. Thrall, Kjcretary. Milford, Pa., Fob. 23, 1304. Tragedy Averted "Just In the nick of timeour little hoy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Watkius jf Piuusant City. Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sitd havoc with him and a terrible cough sot in besidos. Doctors treated him. but he grew woree evry. At length ) wo tried Dr. King's New Discovery ' fur Consumption, and our durliuu j was saved. He's now sound, and.'j wnll." Kverybody ought know, jit's the only uro cura for coughs, I oolils and all lung Uisi-astiS. (iuiir litntned by all driigglxts. I'rlOJ 6U? and $1 00. Trial bottles free. Vyckoffs New York m l mm "Winter lingers in the la p of Spring," but this faet lias not deterred ns from making full preparation for Spring. Everywliere in tlie store you'll iind conrlu she evidence that the new season is at hand, look-ahead people are busy making up their minds as to the nature and extent of. their spring outfits. This store. with its fresh bright stock of new merchandise stands ready to be very helpful to you in your buying. FashionB Newest iu Tailor Made Suits ami Jackets We've chased the styles down to the min ute the vory nowest suit concep tions are here and you'll find them justly priced. Fashions Newest in Children's A trifle early to wear, none to early to think about and buy. Wash - Dresses Every one new, make from fine material and tastefully trimmed, 50 cents to $3.75 Fashions NewfiRt They're made Offerings different from in Wrappers tl,e usunl ruD rechristened house dresses. Full sizes in skirt, bust and sleeves. Old prices prevail in spite of cotton raise, 75 cents to $1.48. Fashions Newest II'8 a popular in Plaid Tlihhnna fd to use broad plaid ribbons for hair and neck. Always becom ing to every one. Color comhina tions newest and prices the lowest. A New Deal We are selling the On Books newe8t b00k8 with the Tabard lun Library privilege really a life membership for $1.18. Books x- changeable at any Tabard Inn branch in the United States for t nlckle. Keep as long ns you want exchange as often as you want. VYCKOFFS NEW YORK STORE Stroudsburg, Penn'a. No connection with any store of similar name, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION THE PORT JERVIS BUSINESS INSTITUTE IS INTERESTED IN YOU. OPP. ERIE DErOT LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe -horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Fire Insurance. OLD KH.IAI1LK COMPANIES. KATtS KKASONAIILE Charles O. Wood, Agt. SuroeMor to J. J. Hurt. r-0!lim! Iu rear of KesiUeuce on Ann Si Mllford, Plka Co., Pa. ( r? cv:r i!:3 II your ht ti uooi ly (Mid t lm ttiip. . lor i,,t well b'.H I IMVIUHS. i.e.. ae Altc i 4l wuik to 14.11 .U. ft4 fl.d la. IwAvirvt By Itrhnultal, k...iUl. Klr.ui, f.7 I, M(,I.A,ui4l U. w Ad .u-u,n.-. MkMrt v... Store Weekly flews TTi I u Fashions Nowest when a dres in Wool gnodc wanti Dress Goods " your mina or stock is full of hints that are valua ble. All the newest things repre sented here and prices, as usual, in FaslliOllS NoWCSt Newest mem- Tllilimj ber of tho In Corset Covers il y with ns is a line of the celebrated P. D. and J. B., Corsets. In addition to these Is a full line of Thompnn's, W.B ,R &(i , F.P., and Loonier'sUnhrenkahlellip. Fashions Kewcst We thought Stocks the trado well Collars and Cuffs ppfwi i mesa out tne way they are going out proves our mistrke. We think the secret is in the newest np-to-date, styles nnd lowest prices. Fashions Xewest Five cnsPS of Shirt Waists fllirt Wais,a here just re cecf.ived, fresh from the best makers and best designers, clean nnd neatly made. Prices range from 50f to $3. 95. Fashions Newest T1,e Maggeo III Black Petticoat with Sateen Petticoats "dJ?,t- able yoke has features possessed by no others and prices are no hirhor than without the yoke. The celebrated Sorosis have all the merits they claim. The leading feature of all is the pro nounced flare, 98 oents to $3.69. Ryman & Wells Have a fine line of wall papers all new stock. A store full of other necessary articles also. Please call and examine before buying. iRyman&Vclls1 Milford, Pa. Supplying: The Table AN EVERY DAY PRO CLEM We golve i(i by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. EVERY THING FOR AN ELEGANT DINNER GUMBLE & RYDER Uarford St. Milford Pa. Bluo Front Stables, Port Jervis, N. Y. Adjoining Gumner's Union House Roud, carriage, draft and farm horses for ul. ExiOinnges mado. A Ihtko HtcK-k from widen to uitika Heloctions. CANAL hT. Hiram Towner. William B. Kenworthey, M. D. riiysician and Surgeon. Oftloe aud ri-Bitieuctt Bi'md Btrett i xt Cuurt Huiim. Mil. KOHL), PA. Advertise iu the I'Ktsi. rx : 9 m I 2 leS I k i f V K