j f r "7s j HARRIS 0 U D ALLE Y : ...NEW... Q'D'D ri"rTf QTTTrf'Q r We have picked from a dozen different manufactures the cream of their stock and now have the finest line of suits ever shown in Port Jervis. ALL WOOL SERGE J (t (t (I (i (( (( (( (I (( (( , it II 1 1 II ci . r'v 1 1 if ti ii ii J . . ALL WOOL FANCY MIXTURES $14.98 & $16.50 STILL BETTER ONES AT $19, $22, $32 & $39 In buying we demanded from the maker the best he can pro duce. We want our moneys worth. We admit your right to demand the same of us. fj YOUR MONEY BACK PIKE STREET - at the head A SEASONABLE REHEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. Prorlptlon Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co., "3; gJSf Next Door to '' NEW GOODS . . . FOR THC . . . '-LW INTER WOOLEN DRESS GOODS OUTING FLANNELS WOOL FLANNELS LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR GLOVES MITTENS HATS CAPS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS ' HOSIERY RUGS MATTING LAMPS GLASS AND CHIN A WARE FELTS m ? t r luj 1 , BLACK, BLUE BROWN $9.98 11.98 12.98 13.50 14.98 IF NOT SATISFIED. of front - PORT JERVIS. l of Lime and Soda Broad Street, rd, Hotel Fauehere When you want the BEST in Canned Goods get the White Rose, Brand In Coffee THE WHITE HOUSE In Paints THE S. W. P. Serwin, - Williams - Paint ,0 T. Armstrong & CO. MILFORO, PENNA. I ETC. ETC JELl H. E,E:ner$on, f Prysiciin end Si cmcr. D. - a SUITS M ATA MORAS. Mis Kf-ttR lyord rvns very plens- milr OMrjinscil Sntnrdiiy evening ly iboul 25 of Imr young friends who wlio asRembleil at her home at 7.60. V. H. Allerton, the Tort Jervis mit, has jiresmitetl to Alulnmoraa school n fine pnnoranilo vk w of the villnfje of Matamoraa and 1'ort .TerviB. Miss Jennie Tt. RiilRewny, a grand Inuphter of Warren Ridgeway, met with quite an au accident Thursday morning as she was on her vray to school. She uli pped on the lee and fell, ilinlooating her ankle. j. B. Eighmy, the driver of Oeo. Hnpp, Jr's., bakery wagon, met with quite a serious acnident on Thursday morning on bis way to Milford. Just before lie arrived it James Hose's place the sleigh was overturned by a high gust of wind. l'he sleigh was broken some, an 1 Mr. Eighmy had a fow scratches on liW hands and his hip was injured a little. Miss Jennie Ridgeway was very pleasantly surprised Monday even ing at her home by a number of her young school mates calling on her. She was equal to the occasion and entertained thetn in fine style. Re freshments were served which whs very much enjoyed by all. Various games were played. The young people loft early, all wishing Jenut-s many more pleasant surprise parties. Mrs. George Slrait was very pleas antly surprised at her home Monday evening when about 8 o'olock 20 of ber most intimate friends called to congratulate her birthday. She welcomed them in and gave them a pleasant reception. The evening in a very pleasant manner. Refresh ments were served and all enjoyed a birthday surprise. Miss Hazel Uornbeck, substitute teacher of the Matamoras school. taughf the pupils iu Miss Van Akon's room Monday, Miss Van Aken being absent on account of sickness. Bhe returned to her duties Tuesday. 8. PAUPAC. A. L. Bishop and wife and Mrs. Gilpin of Hawley spent Monday with C. E. Williams and family. He joined another phone 'box to No. 3 line, and the Williams' are now "right in it." May and Benjamin Wilson of Philadelphia, after spending a couple of weeks with their brothers, Horace and Charles, in Chicago, arrived in this place Saturday last. They are now visiting their parents, G. W. Wilson and wife. Mrs. C. A. Pellett, who has been visiting in Scranton, returned home Saturday. The entertainment at the Red school house, on March 5th, is to get a library. At the last meeting of the Eastern Stars, in Hawley, Mrs. Wiliner Uopps and Lola Clark became mem bers. The sick list seems to be increas ing, although at prenent all are do ing nioely. Mrs. B. F. Killam and daughter returned from Scranton the 22ud SILVER LAKE Dan Smith, who la employed near Porter's Lake, visited his mother at Centre a few days last week. James Ilensley of Inhman was here lust Tuesday and Wednesday, Harold Seeds of Philadelphia made a brief business trip here recently. The ice on the lake is now 2J feet thick. Abratn Bradley of Coles made a trip to Camp Iiuriston last Friday, Mrs. August Mercier is recovering from a severe cold. Maurice Young of Coles Corner called in this vicinity last week. Thomas Whittaker and wife of Millord visited iu this neighborhood recently. Julm Heater has purchased a new horse. Joseph Judd of near Coles had the misfortune to cut his foot recently. and had to have five stitches taken In the wound. K1MDLES Louisa Dodan of Lacka waxen re turned home Monday after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs George Daniels. Mabel Schick nnd Carrie Peitun of Hawley were guests of Elir-abetD Calkiut) Sunday. Ktitio Kciktudali returned home last week Suturday after spendine two months with Scranton friends. R. W. Kelly filled his ice house lust week with ioo twenty-two inches thick.. E. S. Jones of hcrauton with hi paymaster was in town last week Wnli.i-ndiiy to pay off his employee f r Jiiiim.ry, the pay roll auiutiutud to 'iM ) doiiurs. Spring Humors Come to mwt people snd cmiee many troubles, pimples, boils and oilior rnptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, 15s of biliousness, indigestion and headache. The sooner one gets rid of them the better, and the way to get rid of them and to build np the system that has suffered from them is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in combination the Spring Medicine ar excellence, of unequalled strength In purifying the blood as shown by unequalled, radical and per manent cures of Scrofula Salt fthaum Scald Head . Bolla, Plmplea AU Klnda of Humor Paorlaala Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Eta Accept no substitute, but be sura t get Hood's, and get it today, SANDYSTON. Thomas R. Clark, who went to California sometime ago, has re turned to Jersey. Tom has seen a good deal of the Paoiflo slope and speaks in glowing terms of that oountry, but prefers Jersey every time. ' Ih the rnstle at the dance at Lay- ton, a Pike county youth lost his watch. His coat was found in one place, his vest in another and his watch 29 feet from either garment The watch was handed to mo to be properly identified and the owner may receive his property. A petition has been liberally signed and forwarded to the Court of Par dons asking the parole of Andy Conklin from prison. The petition was sent on Wednesday last. Miss Cora Belle Shay, formerly a resident of this town, but latterly of Monroe, N. J., was married to Chas Luck of that place on February 21st. As her teacher at one time 1 extend congratulations. The Sussex County Historical Society is now an established fact. On Friday last, at the meeting, of ficers were elected and a constitu tion and bylaws adopted. There are many historical facts connected with the county's history, and these will be compiled and preserved. Mrs. Edna Day of Montague has been engaged to teach the Lay ton school the balance of the school year She began her work this, Monday, morning. I tie school Has hail no teacher for the past month or more Daniel O. Hunterdon, the mail carrier from Lay ton to Flatbrook, ville, is fragile and feeble yet Danny" has stood the recent severe cold and storms almost as well as a more robust man. He reaches Lay ton at 8.30 a. m. every morning, varying only a very few minutes at any time. Fred Layton, son of Win. Layton of Bevans, while at Hainesvillo on Friday fell breaking his collar bone He is doing as well as can be ex peoted. Bert Dalrymple is investing in a fine lot of goata, and now has on his place near Tuttle's 'Jorner about sixty of those frisky animals. understand that J. J. Van Sickle will stock one of his farms with those animals this spring. The prospect of having an exhibl tlon at Layton is being talked over If those talking It don t get a move on pretty soon there won't be any exhibition. Town meeting matters are getting much warmer than they were last week. While it may be aomewbat, exciting, the voter should not lose sight of the fact that only taxpayers should hold any town office from poor master on up. The chicken pie supper held in the M. E. church, at Layton on th 23rd was not largely attended. It is getting rather lute in the season for those things. Prospective buyers should not forget the R. T. Layton vendue on the filh of March, as it will be the biggest sale held in this valley in years. John J. Van Sickle returned to Jersey on Sunday evening, and will remain here a few days before go ing back to Ohio. John B. Rosenkrans , onr miller is iu receipt of a car load of corn and will be able to supply his patrons in the line of feed stuff, . Advertise iu the Pkkss. Good Pills Ayer's Pills are good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular. cure constipation i C AyftF Co , Want your moustache cr beard a bedutiiu! brown or rlth bUk t I'te nUCRIHGHMVS DYE THE NEW FIRST READER. Veracious Account of the Artist and the Dairy Maid. ,Ah! What have we here?" "It Is the l'nlt(t Rtates sun rllnr ea a farm scene In New .Jersey. The grass sparkles with dew, the songs of the lark plnrtden the hesrt, snd the cows In the barnyard chew their cuds la pflfe as they wait for the dairy maid to aiM'ear with her pall." Is that the dnlry maid trlpnlna; Hdlitly down the path toward the bars?" 'Oh, no. That Is sn artist from New Tork, who has arranged to spend two weeks on the farm to study animal life according to nature. H Is pnlns; to paint a picture with se- en or emnt cows in it, una ne win call It. 'The Mornlnn Mild Stool; or. How We Worked the Kacket on the Innocent. Cows.' It haB been his nm bltlon for years, hut he Just got around to It." 'But why does he carry a pail and a stool?" 'Oh, he's golntr to begin on the ground floor and work his way up. lis reyer milked a cow, but always thought it would be so romantic. He 111 carefully Bhidy the hlnrt legs oi Itossy as he tills the pail. II any critic Rives him a roantins; on tus painted cows he can pet back at him by Bayin he has milked a cow anu ouRht to know which way her legs crook." 'He seems undecided which cow to bPfrln on." He's stmlylnK attitudes and wisn. In he had his ski'-h hook at hand. There Is far moiv grace in a cow thin he ever dre med of. Now he approaches a cow and takes a grace ful position on the milk stool, xne cow looks at him queerly, as you will observe, but that's because she's far row and being fattened for market. It's about a year since any one sat down within reach of ber hoor. I can no longer see the artist, for the cloud of (hist. Is he still there?' "Oh. no. He left ten minutes Ago and broup-ht up against the old wag on box under the shed. He has corn cultivator down the hack of his neck, an old fanning mill Jabbed Into his ear, nnd his legs are tangled up with a patent drag and a potato planter. The kick, won't Mil him though. He will continue lying there until fully rested, and then go to the bouse to arrange his canvas. "Will he ever be a blithe and nan ny artist again?" "Oh. yes, but not In the cow line. TTo will probably turn to mules or hogs and give cows the go-by, and In due time he will be able to get the porous plasters "off his back and call up nerve enougu 10 appruscu n w within half a mile without being sea sick In the knees." Detroit Free Press. Our Friend the Pirate. The pirate laughed gleefully as h hoisted the .Tolly linger. "Ha! ha! ha!" he cachinnated. "What's the matter?" we nervous ly inquired, wondering meanwhile whether he had Just hatched some fiendish and diabolical plot regard ing our Immediate future. "Ha! ha! ha!" he repeated. "Mabe he's an Englishman and has Just seen the point of a Joke that he heard on his last crulBe," mut tered .Tabez. (Jabei would crack Old Nick himself over the pate with a Joke.) "Ha! hal hs!" the pirate continued. "What is it?" we begged. "See that Jolly linger?" Inquired the- pirate. "That belongs to my mother-in-law. It's (ha! ha!) her pettb coat. And she can't come out of her cabin till the cruise Is over because It's the only one Bhe has on board." Whereupon we all laughed boister ously, although we noticed that our friend the pirate blanched fearfully whenever he chanced to hear the out raged cries of the old lady rising shrilly above the pealing ebullitions of our mirth. "The Light That Failed." Bhe They don't seem happy togeth er. He once told mo that his wife was the light of bis life. Fie Ali -but the 1 was alwas gning out. Hhe (catching the idea And le:iT..:g him entirely la the dark. Punch. It Saved His Leg; P. A. Danforth of L'lUrango, U., suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Buckhm's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five day: For ulcers, wounds, piles, its the best salve in the world. Cure guar, auteed. Ouly 25 ceuts. Sold by all druggists. WANTED Married man to milk wagon, retail route. drive MUHt be a good milker, no field work, W'Hges 6i a mouth and house. Reference required. Hk.khkhT M. Nicholson, Morehantville, Camden Co., N. J. F OR HALE Tpii shares stock of the r'lrnt National Bank of Mil rd. Enquire at 1'Hki-w otlice. Dress making in all branches, MAhvLuuwui.BroudSt., MiifgrdjPu. Ill I ft . V" 1 if j,P iL'llt ..ir.iponTANT.. PUBLIC SALE ! I For the benefit nnd on account of ind to close and suttlo the Estate of Pf.tfr A. L. Ot'K K, deceased, on TUESDAY, MARCH 0, 1904 In the front bnll of Court House, In Milford, Pike county, Pennsylvania, it 2 o'clock p. m., of valuable real estate, comprising six separate par. eels of land or farms nnd a number if town and Borough lots, in differ. out portions of said county, all with improvements thereon erected, to wit: dwelling houses, barns, etc., one of which is a large brick building suitable for n hotel 01 Miarding bouse, known as "Manor liall" near Dingmans Ferry, and ippurtenant to this property is s nagniflcent growth of heavy timber f all kinds, covering a largo area. At the mune litne miif tw'e, will also oe exposed for sale, vatiKiblr scciirilien, misistinp; of ten (10) shares of stock if "The First National Bank of Port Jervis, New York" nine (9) shares if afock of "The President, etc., Company, for erecting a bridge over the river Delaware, near the town of Milford, Pa.," eight (8) shares )f stock of the "Milford Water Company," etc. Farmer, llnlrl men, Imiibernxtn ind inrextor, may well observe this aotice and attend the sale, reference 'icing had to hand-bills, posters, etc , for terms, etc. LENA A. TALMAOE, Executrix. Milford, Pa., Fcby 15 1904. Further Information may be had by addressing Hy T. Bakrr, atty., Milford, Pa. If you want folders for leap year parties or dances, The Prkss has handsome ones at an easy price. Just remember we do any kind of printing from n large post. -r down to a beautifully engraved card, and at reasonable rates. Will be glad to have orders for vendue bills. MORPHINE What is To Become of the Con stantly Increasing Number of Drug Victims? CAN THEY HE CURED? This quostion is agitating the minds of the best ministers, doctors and thinking men of today. There are over a million drug users in the United States alone, and the number is rapidly increasing. All unite in saying that a roliablecure is the only salvation. This is no ordinary dis ease and yields to no ordinary drugs or methods of treatment. We now offer our treatment which we guar antee wi'l cure any case of Morphine, Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine or other drug habit or refund your money. To any person suffering from this dreadful disease we will send a trial package of our treatment absolutely free. Write toils y. All correspond ence strictly confidential in plain envelopes. Address, Manhattan Therapeutic Association, Dep'tB., 11 Jo Broadway, JNew York City. Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no mors than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't inves money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write fo information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt, Milford, Pa. J. C. -CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses and Lota and lots without Houie Uvialur lu ail kinds uf I'ruptrty. notary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Milford, GOODS FOFl THE t i TOILET f There is mnnv a toilet 4 aid or convenience to be had here which ii not obtainable elsewhere in this vicinity. In the more common lines the assortment is also super ior to that ordinarily carried. We have n completo assortment of combs, hair brushes, bath brush es, nnil brushes, lather brushes, toilet powders and lotions, soaps, per fumes and toilet witers You got all of them at lowest possible prices i with the added advant- ' ago of a large variety 1 from which to choose. , CO. ARMSTRONG DRUGGIST. SOMETHING YOU NEED! Your own Mter Work, whlh you run hnve hy cofinltinff J. C PKESCOTT Of M atntnorfiii, Pet., who In prepnrl to give ntlmMea nt any Mm. Write him nt once or nl see his tock of FORCE PUMPS J. C. PRETSCOTT. Mttamorati Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiators, Two F 1 r in oni HARDWARE. PHTMCRT, TIM, AGATE WAKE, KTC. IN ROOVINO AND PLUMBINO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARN Of All Klnda and Stylsa. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE . TRIMMINGS. Repairing ;-NEATLYD0NE. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. PViotograpKeR AND DEALER IK r- Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 rike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y,