A MVTJ. V A AN WT I A man mny bu just ns thankful in liis old clothes as in new ones but he doesn't look it. WEARABLE TO BE THANKFUL FOR WINTER OVERCOATSS, DRES SUITS, AND BUSINESS SUITS, rivaling the most elegant productions of the exclu sive tailor at Thanksgiving feasts and society events. THANKSGIVING HEADGEAR ALPINES, : FLORA DORAS, DERBYS, ETC. THANKSGIVING FIXINGS DRESS SHIRTS, DRESS NECK WEAR, DRESS GLOVES, fie. Plenty of dressing to go with your turkey where ever served. Reliable Clothing; House East Stroudsburg, - Pcnn'a. 11 At. ..jfl .iflt.. -UASl .-.ilV, .4r. "jJlM' .,UA w A SEASONABLE REHEDY Emulsion of Puro Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for 50c. Prescriptions iVo u n d Hi Ea E IT 6 a Com Sf Next Door to ew wmm goods . LAWNS, PERCALES, SATEENS, A Mev Line of Shoes. All Prices & Sizes CHINA AND JAPAN MATTING HATS & CAt-S COLLARS & CUFFS Select Groceries - Wall Paper HARDWARE PLOWS CULTIVATORS LISTER'S FERTILIZERS WINDOW GLASS PAINTS & OILS Dcvco's Pure Lead and Zinc Paints W. Ct G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. DO YOU EXPEPJ TO BUILD? THEN SEE a ii nnnrfp nfj Qnn . ?J. UUUl'y'L.' CillU uUS, Marufacturorr and dealers In oil klndti of Lumber, Contractors and Guildcm. 'latimater. mndo ; personal atten tion i',viJ n and work Guaranteed Ci fir:, Crown's Cuiidin;;, Milfcrd, Pa When you want the BEST in Canned Goods get the White Rose Brand In Coffee THE WHITE HOUSE In Paints THE S. W. P. Serwin, - Williams - Paint r 1 M f T. Armstrong & CO. MILFORD, PENNA. TS 0 H S C0 ylva'nla Hotel Fauchere. SANUYSTON. Tlio younp folks of Ijnvtnn will hi)Ul Btnr of Hthlilipin snpwr In the Lnyton M. E. church Chrlstnmp five. Yon buy n box of enndy for 75 fonts nnd In tlio box Ir the nnrae of the hilly you tiiko lo supper, all for 75 cents, supper, girl nnd comly. Everybody Invited. Our first real snow on the even ing of the 10 inst whs a success so fT us quantity whs concerned. About 10 inches wns the depth. At the adjourned meeting of the directors and pntrons of the Bovnns creamery nothing wns definitely settled as to whether Mr. Fulboam was to have the creamery another year. "Another meeting will be held soon. Albert Emmons, a veteran of the Civil War, died Thursday last at the residence of bis sister Rt Andover, N. J., of a complication of diseases. Deceased was born at Lay ton 59 years ago and was the chum of the writer until the war, when deceased enlisted In Co. D. 15 N. J. as drum mer and was discharged thorofrom in 1864. Soon after his discharge he again enlisted in Co. M. 1st N. J. Cav., but was trnnsfered to Co. F. where he served until Mny 25, 1S(15. Comrade Emmons was Jolly and good natnred and I can truly say he had not an enemy In the world. Of the large family, of which he was a member, only a sister, Mrs. Margaret Grover, of Andover is still living. A warm friend and a brave soldier has answered the last roll call. Two funerals were held at Haines ville Saturday last, that of Edward Hotnlen of Ilalnesville was Held in the forenoon. Deceased was about 50 years of age and was sick only a few days of pneumonia. lie is survived by bis widow "and two children, a son and daughter, at home The second funeral, in the afternoon, wns that of Mrs. Hannah J. Handle, wife of Peter Rundle of Sparrowbush, N. Y. Deceased had been iu ill health for a long time, and is survived by her husband and one sou, Byron, at home. Her age was 63 years. Roy Dopue of Chatham, N. J.,' is spending a few drys visiting friends and relatives in Sandston. There is some talk of having a bank at Branchville, and I heard a man (who had the stuff) say that whenever they started a bank at that place he would take one half of the stock.' Now let the oitizens of Branouville do some of the (tame kind of talking nnd the bank will be an established fact. I announced iu my last that Jas. Fnllor, Jr., had rented the farm of Mrs. Anna Mettler. I am authoriz ed to say Mr. Fuller has backed out. This is a good farm and there should be no difficulty in securing a good tenant. The snow is here and hunting Is at a stand still for the present. There Is a mistaken iden among hunters that they can hunt any where for foxes. Better stay off, boys, or you may get into trouble. Your compositors last weok made me say in the item referring to Messrs Vansickle and Kitchon as the firm of Kintner aud Vansickle when it should read Kitchen and Van Rickle. Everybody is liable to mis takes and I suppose compositors re no exception. Miss Norah Bensley of Jersey City is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Bensley at Layton for a few days. The Sussex county courts will convene Tuesday of this weok and quite a number of people from this town have been subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury in the murder case. Wusu Dopue, who has purchasod a lot in Branchville, has his new store at that place up aud enclosed, and will soon bo ready for occu pancy, lie has sold his store and lot at HainesvDle to John W. John son of that place for 11,500. The Fanners Institute is being huld today (Monday) in the church at Layton. The churoH was full, the speaking was very instructive, aud thy singing and music by the choir was most excellent. VVhito Bitting at the Brick Houso for tho Rendington Insurance Co's, nasessment on Monday, I called upon tlio school at that place. Mr. Flazelton is the right uuin In the riht place, ably assisted by Miss Layton. The pupils were studious, and recitations were vury good. Sammy is all right. William B. Kenworthey, U. 0. rbysician and Surgeon. Onlee anil rekiilrtu-e Hronrt itroct 1 eit Oourt iloue. MIL OKI), PA. lrAN'l'tH-FAITIIU't, I'KRSOM TO If travel Bed snpi-rviNe force of Baled- nuihg !nme. r-traiLJiit f.;il..ry v :o m wt-vkuiul eApeeM-ri. .-alary 1'aiu weekly j ahil ( Hjii'Ufti liailit y uitvaiuu il. l'revloui ! 'x ;,-rn-iii-.: n . ui.:,'t-r.ai'V. Local t.Tiltory. IW-olu-t (,,.li',, Jul. J'UMtloli per milieu I. Klc!-r,e S'-ir a itircnAt;.! etivtleSMi. iilioi'lll Ic.'Ut lit, J-l Ueurboru Blruet, t hlcn i. r7 " " . . . 4 w . Plor, Bull or Horse hide, Calf skin, Doc; skin, or any other V.ind of hiile or skin, and let us tan it with the hnir on, soft, light, odorless and moth-proof , for robe, tug, contor gioves. Put fir.t frrt rtiir Cnttoffiie, IfMnfr price, nti'i otirRl'tppinjj ti'ffflanri instruction!, ho ps to avoid nminkr. v e also buy nw furs ami Ritnenu. THE CPOSflV rwspiAN ri'H COMPANY, ' 116 Mill 5trr-:t. Kochenter, N. V. UINUMAN'S FERRY. The evening of Nov. 20 some scala wag fired an untenanted house belonging to Miss Sarah C.'ortrlglit, situated on her farm. Corncribs here are afflicted in the same way complained of by Sandy ston. Now that the county is well sup plied with bridges would it not be well to have watering troughs ercted at convenient places for public use. The wholesale price of kerosene has gone up 1 cents a gallon, and It Is reported that a store has advanced the price 6 cents. If that Is true people should look out there for other rises. The supervisor in Lehman has done a lasting and excellent work between Egypt Mills and Delaware by filling the depressions with gravel. St'hanno's was a good market for farmers to sell their chickens, and If the new owner doubles the size of the business, poultry fnen down this way will be pleased. . It will save them the time of going further. . Miss Prlsciltd Layton, whose ankle was broken some time ago by an unruly heifer, is improving. It Is well when buying real estate to see that the title is clear. The shady spots will show In time. Nichecronk pond is fished out it is said, at least John and Ed Darragh recently had no luck there. Will Richards has signed a contract to return to his profession, the theat rical stage in Chicago, and if his arm which was broken last fall is sufficient ly healed he will leave about Christ mas. Ho Is an amiable and Jovial citizen, one whom we regret to have leave us. - It would be more Interesting to know whether Ann is a good cook than to know her age which is nobody's business! Since the failure of Eilenberger there Is no opposition here in tie buying and the price has been put down. As a result some will not cut their ties and others will haul them to Bushkill. Opposition is the lileof business. Frank Downs, after spending a few months vacation here, has re turned to Jersey City. It is feared that with the raising of the assessed value of real t-state the mills tax will not be correspondingly lowered and if such is the case many claim they will not be able to pay their taxes. William Campbell Is happy having come into his. share of money left by the desease of his mother. The face of the check he received Is 110,000. Anna C. Van Auken, nee Snyder, Is very ill with consumption, and her recovery Is not considered probable. The Prudential agent was around last week collecting monthly dues. K1MBLES G. W. Kimble and R. W. Kelly attended the funeral of James T. Rodman last week, Tuesday, at Hawley. Several of the young people of tho Hawley Baptist church attended ohurch here Sunday afternoon. Rev. P. C. Card of the Hawley Baptist church preaches for us every Sunday afternoon. R. W. Kelly attended the election of officers of the James M. Thorp post Q. A. R. at Hawley last Friday evening. Dress making in all branches. Mary Ludwiu, Broad St., Milford,Pa. YA N T K n AN KN'TKRPRISINO f f b' A KM KH In Ihia section to canvrtrtH uuring the l.ilo (all toitl wi;itr antoiiii tlie fruliitir In Iiih vicinity. AiuHt I ttrtlve, onpnhlti ftiirt honest. Worlr will prove prolitiihte to a truo! innu arul can be mmt & sourct? of m:ui:ir n;id enslly ettriii-l ns much or a little time an tli-sin-tl. If liinrentid write AT ONCK In T. M. G., Box 4, Albiuiy, N. Y., 11W Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain bacK Of yOUT eyeS? It'syOUT livorl llri A1rpr'c Pillc Gently laxative; all vegetable. hoU for CO years. at.. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brownor rkti black? t'jt GUCKIIIGIIAM'S DYE n A J MATAMORAS. Erie Engineer James dross and family have chanced their residence for the winter nnd ore now located in Port Jorvis. W. Dnvey and family have moved to Port Jervis for the winter. Miss Florence Owens, of Ynlan, Sullivan county, N. Y., is spending the winter with Mrs. Alex. Ball. The services being held every evening at Ep worth church and led by Rev. F. A. Heath, the blind evan golist, assisted by tho pastor, Rev. Ora J. Shoop, are becoming more interesting enoh evening are being largely attended. Mrs. Peter Dewitt, who had been operated npon at the Deerpark Sani tarlum about two weeks ago, is im proving. Miss Fannie Dingman of Ding- uians, Pa., visited friends In Matn- moras Monday She was accom panied by her brother in law, Rev. Oarretson, who attended the special session of the Classls of Orange that was held at the Reformed Chnrch in Port Jervis. Frank Orce, who has been ill with pneumonia for the past month, is Improving. Mrs. D C. Stark and Mrs. John Simpson from Port Jervis called on friends in Matanioras Tuesday. Clarence A. Daily of the U. 8. flagship Chicago arrived home on Saturday from Boston where the Chicago is laid up for repairs. Josiah Hilferty on Wash'ngton street, who has been ill with typhoid fever for the past week, is ranch' much better, and is getting along nicely. s. PAUrAC. Mrs. C. C. Oumble was greatly pleased to entertain her sister, Mrs, Bloss, of Egypt Sunday. Our sick list eeoms to be increas ing. Geo Robinson of Big Pond ought to be happy with a pair of twin boys to sing him to sleep. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilpin of Hawley visited the latters parents in this place Sunday. One of our young men thinks after this he'll stand up when he goes calling Sunday evenings. Why? Because its too hard to get the varnish off. The Odd Fellows of Newfoundland returned their Hawley brothers visit last Saturday. Miss Crump's "right in it" fixing up the school house. Her last im provement is new curtains. Mr. and Mrs. Guest of Tafton called Inst Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin, who are still confin ed to the house. UREENTOWN. Saturday evening, Deo. 5, Howard Gilpin and wi'e were called on to monrn the loss of their five year old boy, Harold, who had been suffering with quinsy. A short service was held at the honse Tuesday morning by Rev. Williams, and the remains were taken to Cherry Ridge for interment. The sorrowing parents and family have the sympathies of tlie entire community in the loss of their dear son. J. W. Hause of Dreher has re turned from a months visit in the southern part of the state. Six schools in Greene have been closed for a short time on aooount of diphtheria. Samuel Simons and family have moved to the Flats. Wesley Akers in company with his wife and brother, Richard, start this week on an extended visit to California. P. R. Cross has sold one of his farms to a German family named Shoennagle who are now moving on it. How to Prevent Croup It will be good news to mothers of small children to loam that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A diy or two before the attack the child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peouliar rough cough. Give Cham berlain's Cough Remedy freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This rem edy is nsed by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, iu fact, the only rem edy that can always be depended upon and that Is pleasant and safe to take For s;ile by lialrh Us Hon. Matanioras, all gen'l stores in Pike county. Since Mr. Cleveland's withdrawal there has been a great deal of chest and girth measuring among the alleged democratic leu'ders. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion, try a few doaea of Chamberlttin'g Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Suit., of Detroit, Mich., says, "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved ma of a bloated fowling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of tlie bownls. itiere are people in this community who need just such a medicine. For sale by Balch tic Son. Matuuioraa, all general stores in Pike Co. Every box warrautod. t CHRISTMAS . . . . GIVING Often goes amiss. Not knowing what to buy sometimes Induces hasty buying. We invite yon to take yonr time In look ing over onr stock. . . . FOR HER Ta-d Perfnnips, Jlno Ponpn, Vrl.t Hhkd. 1'orkpt Hook, Toilet Br-tR, Hnlr Hnislics, Puff Iloxcr, Hand Mirrors. Tea SH. Clilnn Tea Von, (Mipt nnd Snuocrn, Fnni'y Clorku, Card Hwl.org, Fancy Plutim, Pti'rlliiR Sctwntn, ('old ('ream Jam, Gold Pens, Paper Receptacles, Cnndlo Sticks, Plntlonery, Confection ery, Books, Calendars, Curds. 'V FOR HIM V- Pocket Books. Pipes, Tobacco Poticlies. Cigars, Traveling Pets, Military Hnlr Brnslies, Stamp Roves, Fonntnln Pens, Coff buttons. Ink Wells, Collnr and Cuff Sets. Mlilc, Rmk Rncks, Pnper Wei bts, Calen dars, Hat Urinhca. ;C. 0. ARMSTRONG! DRUGGIST. L. R. CARPENTER BROKER STOCKS, GRAIN, ETC. BONDS, COTTON, ETC. Bought and Sold for Cash or C rried on a Mar gin of 3 per cent. You will find that the ser vices I render yon as a Broker and the facilities and conven iences I oan furnish can not be surpassed elsewhere. It is to my interest that yon make money. All hnsiness strfotly confidential. Correspondence and telephone orders given careful attention. L. R. Carpenter. Cor. Ball and Plk Sta. Port Jervis, New York. Representing Greulich, Martin Co. Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write for information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt, Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. tfoUaVPs And Lots and loti without House. Ihmler In all kinds of Property. Notary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Bulow Diminick Hoiim Milford, Pa. VtepmiTipcy oMhiii I' ri iul Korr.tr n 7 t y (;?ert--,i-6 ,n I'lu'lo Lil Hi VrllUoU !tr How u fWUft my. r--r me u.fc PAVaimvii ; opposite U. ij.. latent Omco WASHINGTON D. C. BuWribe for the fim-a. lU rmiUlQAD TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. PnlM Pullman trnlnii to TtnfT ilo, Klnff nrn KhIIs, Clmutnufiim Lko, Clpvelnnil, Clilncrn nnd (JlnclnnaM. Ticket on ln t Port .Tprvls to all point In tlie Wcntnntl Southwi-nt r limer rta thnn via any othor flrt-olnag line. TBAtws Now I,kavs Port Jervis as Follows. EASTWARD. No. 8, Dnlly Fvpmns 8 24A.M. " fl, Dally l:irwiii 6 lr " ftl, LhxiiI Except Sunday .. 6 ) " . " " " 7 40 " Wny Pnmlny Onlv 7.53 " 80, Iiix nl Eioept Pun'dny. . 10 20 " S3, Wny dally exo tSiiDiiny 11 55 " ' 4, Dully Kxdtphr 13 42 P.M. 7'4, Siindny Only 1 lo " " Si, Wnv dally eso't Sund'y 8 28 " 9, Dally Kn press 4 go ' " 7il, Way Sunday Only 4 40 " " 70S, laical Sunday Oniv 607 " " 1, Way dally exo't Sund'y 6 40 " 14. Kxpr8 Dally 10.05 ' WESTWARD. No. 7, Dally Fxnreii 13 ROA M 17, Dally Milk Train 7 95 " ' 1. Dully F.ipreufi 11 84 " ' " 116, For Ho'dale E'pt Sun . . 13 10 T M. " 8, Express (. hlraco Mm dal 6 IS " " tS), Local KxpresnSundr.y .. t CO " " 6, Limited DiiilT Expres. 10.15 ' Trnlnt Innv. f ' 1 , n ... ... . Ti- - V-...... vii.iiiJriB BllWl. iew York f P.rf Tnral. 1. V ' - - ... . ..b .... tt .-r iv iiuvn nt S 80, 7 80, 9 00, 9 15, 10 80 A. M., 1.00, 8.(10, 1 oi, u 1 mi, v 10 r. h. un punaivit, 8 80. 7 80. 0 00 . Q IK 1 u l in 1 mi ' 111. 9 15 t. M. 1). W. COOKE, General Pniuienr Agent, New York. Hera SOMETHING YOU NEED! Voa oirn H fttftr Works, which yoa enn hvo hy cofifttiltlnff tT. C. PR KSCOTT of MRtamormi, P.t who 1 prt-tinrprt to (five entimfttes At mny time. Write him at once or call and m his stock of FORCE " PUMPS N J. C. PRESCOTT, Matamoraa, Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak for Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiator, Two Flraa In one tTARUWARB. CUTLERY, TIN, AGATE WAKK, ETC. TIN ROOFING AND PLUMBINO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CAPJUAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing!-",, Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. "Luaclcl"Luc Photographed AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. V Subscribe for the Pu?:,