Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 11, 1903, Image 2

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Triday, Dooembnr 11, 1903.
One Year One dollar ami fifty cents.
Hix Months Heventy-flve rents.
IT.iiberwl tlie p ofticfl of Milford,
Hike County, Ppiiiisylvwiln, nn fmciniil
olrnw matter, November twent.y-flw, lwrt.
Advertising Rates.
OnBqiiBn(i'lrhtllni,nnelnii(irtlon -HOO
K'xrh BiilWMiui'lit Insertion ------- .M
Ki-dutwil rntJ,fiiriillcI on application,
will be allowed yearly ailvertisura.
Legal Advertising.
Afltnlnlntrator'a aud Kxeculor'i
notion 8. 10
A ndlLnr'fi notlci!
lllv-orrc notion B.II0
SIutIIT's siilvn, Orplims court siiliw,
I'.iinitv I'mnilinr'n H:llfS. CoillllV 8t:Hl'
niHiit anil election proclamation oliargi'il
by the square.
if. H. Tan Etten, I'UBLIHHRB,
MUford. l'lke County, Pa.
Small pox, that fearful winter
scourge, and diphtheria, the dread
of every mother, are prevalent in
nearby sections. People should
exercise the utmost enre, not only
in the houso'jold but In every way,
to prevent any contagious or In
feotious disease from gaining a foot
hold here. An ounce of prevention
is worth any number of pounds of
"Elijah" Dowie whose Zion City
was in the bands of a receiver a few
days ago has sucseeded in rescuing
it and himself from the financial
diffculty. Religion Is a good busi-
ndjunct, but the professions of
Dowie nor those of any man will
supply the plaoa of good business
principles iu carrying on the affairs
of enterprises which must come in
competition with well managed
business oonoerns. When) Elijah
III attempted to inject bis socalled
religious tenets into his enterprises
as capital stock be failed.
The school directors association
held here this week will ro doubt
have beneficial results. Thedireotors
mingling together and discussing
school matters receive new l'eas
and tbo progressive ones, thoso who
are really fitted for the position, will
no doubt be profited by the mooting
Citizens in the several townships do
themselves Injury, and inflict
their children perhaps an enduring
injustice, by electing nion who are
unfit for the position of school
director. The oiTlce is without
emoluments, is oftentimes a thank
loss one and imposes labor on the
occupant, but the good citizen who
' earnestly desires the advancement
of the best interests of his township
and her progress in education should
sacrifice his leisure and give hi
best efforts to the Improvement of
the schools in his community. The
time for electing directors is ap
proaching and this matter deserves
the earnest thought of every right
minded voter.
Daniel d. evkritt
In the death of Mr. Everitt, which
occurred at his home Tuesday, Mon
tague, N. J., loses another of her
most respected and substantial cit
zens. He wns born about 80 years
ago and wns a life long resident of
the township. He was a member of
the Reformed church and in all re
spects a most upright, conscientious
and houoraHe man. He is survived
by four children, Roanna, wife of I.
W. Wood of Matamoras ; Harry C,
at home ; John A , of Montague, utxl
Mary E., wife of A. C. Struble, of
Brauchville, and one brother, Rob
ert H., of Lay ton. The funeral was
held today and iuteruient in Laurel
Grove cemetery.
Who Owns a Prescription f
Tbid may s.u like a novul ques
tion to have detarmiued by a court,
but in N'W York recently tt came
up for judicial consideration. It
was decided that the person who
took the prescription to be filled was
its legnl owner and that the druggist
Lad no title to it ; so with a photog
rapher's lu-yntiva the courts have
held that the patron who pays the
price owtih the negative.;
At the Sheriff's aula of the
property t Mrs. Hnlen E. lielKir
Tur.liy Helen E Ijuiehantio ba
Cvna the purchaser f'T the conside
ration of iO'J'J.
; Ucnl of llie
in ma.
Ed. McMnrry ii spending a week
down in Delaware.
George Mitchell made a business
rip to New York this week.
E. J. Cole njxmt n few days this
week nt Dingniana with friends.
It. Hmith of Nyack, a summer
guest herej whs in town Tuesday.
Herbert Hponcer, the grest English
philosopher and scientist, died re
cently. The ladies of the Presbyterian
congregation netted 38 at the sup
per last evening.
Charles Behanno has gone to New
York to undergo an operation fi r
cataract of his eye.
It is rumored that Mrs. Jennie L'..
Westbrook of Ridgewond has bought
the G roach place In Delaware.
H. O. Kipp attended a banquet uf
the agents of the New York L.la
Insurance company for this distri. t
at Sorauton Tuesday.
Mrs. Elword Blood and young s .:i
of Cuddebaekvllle are visiting wuU
the family of her father, T. 11. .1.
Klein. Both are iu ill health.
The state superintendent of fls'.i-
enes has expressed the opinion that
fishing with tip-up3 is illegal unless
a person uses only one. Ho thinks
that Hie use of sevoral by a single
fisherman is in violation of liw.
We ordered and received a set of
the f olid electrio silver spoons from
the Duquesne Silverware Co., their
advertisement appearing in auothei
oolumn, and found them to be all
that Is claimed. These snoootis are
Prof. Langloy's air ship was
launched at Washington Tuesday,
but immediately broke in two and
became a total wreck. Prof. Manley ,
who was in charge, was nearly
drowned in the Potomac. Congress
had appropriated a considerable sum
in aid of the experiment which
seems to be a complete failure.
Rev. J. D. Grull was examined for
ordination at the se Bion of the
Classes of Orange held at Port Jer
vis Monday and passed in a highly
satisfactory manner. He will havo
charge of the churches at Dingmans
and Peters Valley and will be or
dained December 29th.
Dr. H. E. Turmbull, editor of the?
Sunday Bohool Times, died Tuesday
at his Philadelphia home of apo
plexy. He came of a noted Con
necticut family, of whom the orig
inal Brother Jonathan was one.
His age was 73 years. In 1858 he
became a missionary of the Connect
lout Sunday 83I100I Union and all
his life he has been oonspiouous and
influential in Sunday school work.
Governor Ponnypacker, it is said,
will resign his office, and will he
succeoded by Lieutenant Governor
Brown, who will hold office for the
unexpired term and will then be r
candidate for the full term. Tin
program is to nominate Governoi
Ponnypacker for Supreme Court
judge next April when the conven
tion meets and he will, if elected,
which is a forgone conclusion, take
bis seat January 1, 1905.
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the trength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at
fullest in strength
it3 best,
least in
Young women in their
" teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of tlie
blood which shows itself in
paleness, weakness and nervous
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion.
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness' from
which so many young women
We will bt i4 to tend
sample to suy tutrtrtr.
t? n
He sure Out tVit pi'iurc la
tlie limn ul a Ul.'.: t on Ilia
".'i'ri ol t.ciy bolikc .1
iui.i -:s )uu l.u;.
- y 1'tMil St , Nt w York.
(Contlntunl from First Pfip)
and not by conquest, tlie vast realm
over which our fli? now floats.
Prof. Dolph is strongly of the opin
ion that in every instanoo Uncle
S'ltn has been n shrewd investor
and the farms he has added to his
domain have been in every instance
profitable investments. California,
for which we paid fifteen million
dollars, bad in thirty-five years after
cession produced over one billion
dollars in gold and is now producing
it nt thrt rate of twenty millions a
year. Since the conquest of the
Philippines a large trade lias grown
up with the islands, one of the ex
ports being Manila, from which
ropes are made, which are supplant
ing all other materials for the trans
mission of power. One rope having
recently made over 2,500 feot long
without a splice.
At tlie Tuesday morning session
Superintendent Westbrook took up
tlie subject of a uniform course of
study for ungradod sohools. He
said changes in teachers necessitate
grading or classifying the school
and as the new teacher has no record
of previous studies or the grade of
the pupil to guide iu so doing the
work, is ofteu poorly done and the
pupil is put in the wrong classes
Directors should adopt a u: ifurm
graded course of study for use in
the county aud a record should be
kept of classes and pupils so that
t he succeed nut teacher would be
able to begin the work intelligently
and properly classify the scholars
With a graded course there would
be an object for pupils to strive for
somethine to stimulate them to
complete the course.
Prof. D. L. Hoiver of Wayne
county said examinations Bhould be
the lost of promotion and that the
questions should be prepared by the
oountv BUDeriutendent. A record of
these examinations should be kept
so that succeeding teachers would
be Informed of the progress of tbo
pupils. Children using first and
second readers should be able to
read in them just us well as the
teacher. The reading part of 1
oh'.ld'seducation should be thorough
On motion of 8. D. Wells of Sho
holtt, seconded by W. T. Struble oi
Milford the matter of grading the
schools was referred to the commit
tee on resolutions.
Compulsory atteuduuoe nud how
it may be enforced was the topic of
an excellent address by George R
Bull. Esa. rhis law has been in
force in some of the European oouu
tries for many years, and thirty
states in this oountry now have it
ou their statute books. Massaohu
setts, 50 years ago, was the first
state and Pennsylvania the last, in
1895, to adopt it. Irregular at
tendance of scholars destroys the
efficiency of the school, causes dis
tnrbance iu the classes and imposes
extra labor on the teacher. Mr
Bull want into the details of the
law and explained its operations and
the mode of proceedure to enforce
it. The better way to enforce the
law is by making the sohools at
traotive so that children will wish to
attend and in this the teacher Is the
most important faotor.
The law should be enforoed with
judgment and care should be exer
oised not to impose its penalties on
some family where it is almost
imperative that the child assist th
A disousssion of law followed
participated in by G. A. Swepeniser
who spoke of the law regarding the
assessment of children of school
age and that the work which oost
tha county from t-50 to 1300 a yea
should be carefully done
A. K. Kellatn of Palmyra spok
ou oalm ios of toaohois, and though
that the t'.i" dollar minimum salary
would be burdensome iu sparsely
sot tied distriots. He thought direo
tors should have a discretion in
amount of wuges paid teachers es
peciiilly whare schools were smll.
The salary should bo graded accord
ing to the ability aud experience of
the teacher. Centralis ition was
not feasible in all districts and some
would be compelled to keep the
usual number of schools open and
of Oourse pay the increased a'tlaries. i
His paper evoked some discussion !
which was participated in by Prof. ,
Uower who thought that centralize- j
tion was tlie one way out and that j
in his comity where it had been I
dopti-d iu several districts it had I
proven greatly bt-neueiul. j
The auditing ooniinittee. Dr. R
G. Burckley mid S. D. Wells, report
ed thirty directors present aud re
ceipts from county treasurer of $30,
expenses of instructors, lower and
Dolph, f.'j ; janitor, 5 ; total, $30.
It was on motion resolved that the
pnper read by J. H. Van Kiteii be
published in full tor the edification
of directors not present.
A committee 011 by-laws, consist
ing of G. W. Pierson, G. A Ki.eiil
ing and (ore Darmgh was lip
pointed with instructions to report
Pains in the Back
Are nyntpt'iTTifl vi n wonk, torpid or
fMPgnntit rnndjtinu oi th kuinryg or
liver, funl nrp a wnrninR it ifl extremely
liAZfinlmiii to neglect, bo import nut
ia ft hfMiHhy notion of those ortanrt.
They are commonly attended by Iors
of enerpy, Inrk of courage, and some
times ty gloomy foreboding and do
ppondenry. I had pHins in my bnrfc, could not Bleep
and wfin I pet np In the rooming Mt
woMPtliHn Hip niL'ht t'cfore. I henu ink
m Hwrl' HnrpHTnriil and now I ran
leen ami art up irlhnr rested and aMe to
rto my work:. I attribute my cure entirely
to Hood s Pfirsfiprtriiln." Mrr. J. N. V vm b y,
core II. S. Copeluinl, l'lke Hod, Ale.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Cure kidney and liver troubles, relieve
the back, nnd bmld up the whole system.
to the next meeting of the Associs
tion ths first Monday of December,
1904, to which time the meeting
Milford, Pu , Deo. 8, 1903.
To the Offloers and Members of
the Directors Associntion of the
County of Pike :
Gentlemen! We, the undersign
ed committee appointed to draft
resolutions, respectfully submit the
following :
Itrmlred, That we, the directors of
he sohools of Piko county, Fa., now
in session, approve and recommend
toonr county superintendent, Lucian
Westbrook, a graded study course
for our county, and ask that he put
into operation such a study course,
and furthor ask him to prepare 11
uniform plan of examination ques
tions, these to be used twice a year
in examinations throughout the
oounty. We recommend to every
school distriot of tha county and all
school directors that they make an
appropriation of twenty-five cents a
year from the school funds to
defray the expense of printing and
mailing the examination questions
to every teacher in the county
teaching school. This we believe
will be a proper step in advancing
our school system.
llinnhvl, That thanks be extended
to the county 8 apt r. nfendent, Lucian
Westbrook, for efforts In arrnng
ing for this, the first" meeting of
school directors in Pike county, aud
congratulate him on its bucccss.
Aim, That thanks be extended to
the program committee for the
excellent program prepared by them.
Aim, That thanks be extended to
the able instructors present and
excellent advice and instructions
given by them.
Ano, that thanks be extended to
the county commissioners for the
use of the court room, and to the
people of Milford for the courtesy
extended to us.
Wo recommend that these resolu
tions be published in the Milford
Ulspatoh and Pike County Press.
Geo. W Pikhson, V Com
A. K. Killam
Methodist Church Jottings.
(By RKV. y. A. Wood.)
Subjects for Sunday, Deo. 30
Morning, "Are We Good Metho
dists.'"' Evening, "Bolf. Righteous
Brother E. S. Wolfo, local preach
er of the Free Methodist church, has
kindly consented to take cliaree of
next Wednesday evening's prayer
meeting in the abseuoe of the
pastor, s
Postponed moot Ins of the Official
Board will bo held .next Monday 8.30
p, m. at the parsonage.
Christmas exercises for the home
school will be held X-inas night, the
ZOth. At Union school bouse Wed
nesday evening, the 23rd.
Fight Will Ha Bitter
Those who will periist in closing
their ears against the continual
recommendation of Dr, King's New
Discovery for consumption, will
bare a long and bitter fight with
their troubles, if not ended earlier
hv fstsl termination. Head what
T. It. Beall of Ball, Miss., has to
say : "Last fall my wifo had every
symptom of consumption. She took
Dr. King's New Discovery after
everything else had fuiled. I
provement came at once and four
bottles entirely cured her." Guar
anteed by all druggists. Price 60
and $1. Trial bottles free.
txTKAOwiiNARY orriK
We have Becured. at a great bargain, a
laro numlit-r of Solid Electric Silver Mutal
W are and Nut Crai ka and i'icka. In order
to quickly iiitruduca ttiia ware we are
rnakii.g an yimeual olk-r tt Chriftni.ia
Hliui'ira. We will aend yuu, poatpaid, Ihia
ln-auuul i't of picks and nut cracker
HfTRASllVf-H W.A1B lCaottJ) I.15
lifcAVV Mi isnL " " .40
In the S-)lid 1- iciric Silver Mrtel n havt a
Sl-ect.'l Kiit-niii lo the hwlulny Hade 1lu
wait alwin" K" .1- I he iunc. never ueai s i.lt.
CwDcu.TtA SKkiNS, J3 15, HjII. $1.25
" " TAi;1 U " $4 0l. " J.25
Mniiey refiin.ud if not batislacUiry. I c
F U. or hii iw UlJtis
Duiiucfiw iilv;rai'C., K!lcbBV, Pi.
.1SJK-, immtmimmmmumii:
1 m !
The Big:
Now Ready
that has been done for you
everything is fresh and bright, and thus avoid the jostle
The Sale of We've provided 1
TTanHb-otvVuVf o for '8 wants of 1
handk e r o h I e f ;
buyers as never before. More than
double the selling spsee. Done ev-
erything toward making choosing
easy. Here are a few bints : Men sj pie, and all priced to clean the
linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, 10f shelves by Christmans ove. Our
12$, Haf, np to 40, with or without ! offerings contain all the latest copy
Initials ; ladies' plain and hemstitch-, right books, best all-ronnd values
ed and embroidered on linen, 5? to
139, with or without initial.
Christmas Tha faT provision
oaie 01 urs coinplet9. special.
ly bought lines, all np to date. We
know of no gifts more sensible than
furs. Fur scarfs, in single and dou
ble, made from marten, fox and
squirrel. Misses' and children's sets
are strong features in the offerings.
Come Take our advice and visit
Fnrlv 1 16 storo now. Htocks are
,t their best Don't nut
off shopping until the last moment.
The Host of Other
Items for Gifts
mirrors, single and triplicate; shaving mirrors, trays, smokers' sets, paper weights,
ink bottles, burnt leather goods, such a3 address books, calling books, books for kodak
snapshots, tobacco pouches,
soaps, toilet waters, handbags, jewelry, combs and brushes, gloves irt endless variety.
Wyckoff s Mew York Store
Stroudsburg, Penna.
Tlie statute of limitations is highly
prized in Missouri.
Chicago people are again hanging
onto street car straps inslead of walk
Majestic science now prances to tlie
front with the grave announcement
that several species oi "extinct ani
mals are still living."
It Is commonly reported that there
is no good drinking water on the
Isthmus of Panama. Milwaukee will
thus have the opportunity to extend
her fame even well into the tropics. I
tfTS want
Send for MnllrM Blkiik, tliiU Dlafrnnata oi
Your Case Muj be Mitdu, Vr6v of Charge
bj Our Medical Director.
Hot Flashes, Blues,
Hysteria, Headache,
Or That Tired Feeling.
Mais orvici
t A ii meruit r Mi W. Van liuru bl
il cul,A. CUIUAuo.
ca MUUoo koxe o!4 la past 13
C3 ,.'''
C5 If 1 1
Z5 TMkDI j iMARK 523
i '. o
)) -
This store is in complete readiness for the
Christmas selling. Every section displays it.-i
choicest wares; articles of use, articles ornamental,
just-those things that appeal to the gift givcr'.s
taste and economy. Never lias this store looked
brighter, never more cheerful and inviting. "Wo
cannot attempt to enumerate the hundreds of items
suited to the season, can only hint at them here
and there and extend to you a cordial invitation to
visit the store and make an early inspection of all
There's wisdom and comfort in early Inn ing, when
The success of for
mer Christmas book
ni, e-.i, mer Christmas book
JJUJ1V 0 1"-"-
snles has encouraged
us to
make the finest showing of
in ttie store's history. All !
kinds of books for all kinds of peo
ever given in books at 15 to 50
Pretty and moderate priced chil
dren's books, calendars, booklets.
Useful Silks & No more accept
Dress Goods bW, pi!.9 to
wife, mother or
to sweetheart than a nice silk waist
pattern or a silk or wool dress pat
tern, mercerized WHisting velvet or
oorduroy. If you prefer the waist
ready made from velvet, silk, flannel
or mercerized material, they are
here. A nice comfortable wrapper
or dressing sacque, flannel or sateen
petticoat are appreciated presents.
These we can only hint at, but you'll find the inspec
tion of them profitable, and the buyng more profitable
still. Handkerchief, necktie and glove boxes, work
boxes, stamp boxes, card boxes, clocks, vases, frames,
magazine and book covers; pictares, perfumes, fancy
Pleasant & Profitable.
Write for Particulars.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages' at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Bluo Front Stables,
Port Jervia. N. Y.
Adjoining Gumaer'8 Union House
Road, carriage, draft and farm
hornets for Bale. Exchanges made.
A larpe stock from which to make
selections. CANAL ST.
Kiram Towner.
Advertise in the Pkkhs.
To Ciiro a Cold in Ono Day
month. TLi3 Signature,
and worry of the later rush.
Try this Shop
A careful study
of your wants in
this imnortant
item has been made. Materials of
the best, bandies selected with M,
greatest care. Prices are bound to
please. You can't go astray on nn
umbrella as a present. Our line of
men's umbrellas are especially
strong at ft to $5 each. Dadies um
brellas, fancy handles, 75 to 14.95.
Children's 75 to $1.50.
Gloves for About asgooda
Old and Young iri!,,l
t as one ca n
make is a pair of gloves for either
man, woman or child. For theladies
we have a f 1 glove that is a marvel.
Men's Things Tue nR folks
for Christmas lmve bB,!n "'"P'y
Things useful, things ornamental,
all gotten up with an eye singled
to their adapability for gifts.
They are coming
and we have the
goods you want.
Grand Opening. Dec. I
Ryman 6 Wells.
Milford, Pa.
The Table
We solve it by keeping
Fine Groceries,
Canned Goods,
Choice Meats,
' Fresh Vegetables.
Uarford St. Milford Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Charles G. Wood, Ajjt.
HufrceiMior to J. J, Hart.
4T"OIIiOT In i-L-urof Resilience on Ann Sk
Milford, Plka Co., Pa.
Cures Crfo '
la Two Days.
ca every
Lot. 2 Sr.