J la.. 5 Johnson' Shoo Storo TlieLaFrancch PHmni FIT because the liusts they're iniulo on were planned by experts. They keep their shape, because the workmen who made them arc experts. They wear be cause their leather was selected iy expert;. Our footing as a shoe man has made us lit to lit the feet. Bring in yours. We'll fit 'em. 4' 4" (. i r r 4 4 4,. f t'AV ViVv uiv -v vvv AC- JOHNSON, FITTER OF FEET. Port Jervn, N. T. SEARCHINQ TH1 PIVEFt BOTTOM. 1 V' i' to We know what all pood doc tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc tor and find cut. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. f Att' Clierry Pirtinl Is vlt kniwn In OUT f'Hntly. V e think It ! the l.'-st lueillclue In the world r roitph mid i-oliU." Katib I'KTKKulf, l'etatnma, Cel. for . c. athr r I Hard Coughs Ort9 of Ayfr 8 Hills f"t hecHime will nation recovery. A uenuy inxauve. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. the hotol pnr PXPnllrMice of tho cnpHM iO -ivU'd within one block of th Whir H me and directly opp,situ the Treasury Ftnnst tnhlu In the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL A fiunovm hotolry, rctimrkntde for It1 hUtoriml rtHoitvttoim mid loncr-snsfrtincd popularity, llt'ivnt ly renovated, repalntt'd nnd purciiilly refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL landniftrk among the hotels of Wnnh tnj?tot., patron'.wd in former years bj presidrntR and hltfh oftlriiila. Always ti prime favor, to. Recently remodeled ami timdnred btttir than vtr. Opp. Pa. H. K d.'p. WALTKK BURTON, Res. Mrr. Tht-ae hotels are the principal political rondtizvom of the capital at all times. T twy are the best stopping places at rea sonable rates. "0. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DCWITT,Mancr. THE LANE INSTITUTE, THE LAN E INSTITUTE CO. II 3 S Broadway, St. Janrtaa Build. Ing, Now York. For th Treatment and euro of LIQUOR, OPIUM AND WORPHINE HABITS. NO HYPODKRM1C INJECTIONS. A PSRFKOT HOME THRATMENT OH SAM TARIUM ADVANTAGES. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE: In Drug Store on Broad Street Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. ling's !cv; Discovery Fn'.'r..l,,"o", SHERIFF'S SALE Bv vlrf no of a writ ot Fieri Faola Issnfd nt of the Oiwtrt of ('amnion Pleas of Pikt Joimtv. to me direo(tl, I will expose ti nl hv nnblio vendno or outcry at ilu -MiorliT'ii UlUco In the ilu rough of Milford, m SATURDAY. DBCKMHKR Ittth, Km it 9 oVloek In the nfternonn of ntti day. All tliat certain d.cim;. parcel or tract of land, !' uate, lylntc and beiner in the town- hip of Lnrkawnxen, county ol 1'iltn ami tato if Pennsylvania, rontainlnir nbont wo htindird nnd seventT-fiv iw-n-H, be thv a?ne tnor or less, surveyed In the wnrran :po nnmen of Ann Shee and John fjardnpr. nd nbont two in i Ins from hackuwaxen lepot and fronting on the Delaware and Hmtrion ranal. It being the sime property ipon which John A. linsman, late oi ijackawuxen township afonriiild, resided it the time of his death, ami the title t; hich became vested In Bertha Richter, a; 'y reference had to the deed made ami executed bv Carl Riulitnr to Baid Bertha Kichter, dated October 1, A. D. IS. t-econled in oilice for recordin -. deeds in md ftr Pikecniutylu Deed Book No 41 it Page DiH. etc., will more iully appear. IMPROVEMENTS I'pon said land are erected a good two -tory frame d we' ling honae, one lartz" barn, one small barn and othe: out build iiifjT!, a numl er of acres are Improved excellent garden with large and small fruits and the land In timber is valuable This property is desirably located belnp tbout ntiti wav between Inckawixen and Rowland stations on the ftrie Railroad. Sei.'-d and taken In execution as tlw property of Bertha Richter and will he iold by me for cash. UKORGE GRKGORY. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Mil ford, Ta., ) Novembtr 17, 11W3. ( 5eci.M I A Perfect Tor AU Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottl fr. SHERIFF'S SALE Br virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pike County, to me directed, I will expose to snle by public vendue or outcry at the therm s omce in the Borough ol mrord, on TUESDAY, DECEMBFR 8. 1W3, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of snid day. The following real pstnto: A 11 that cer'aln piece and pnmil of land situate in the Borough of Miltord in tne county oi Pike and State of Pennsylvania bounded and descrioed as follows: Beginning at corner of Harford ar.d Fourth streets, on the west side of Harford street, thence down line of Harford street seven' v-six feet to coiner and line of land of James S Waliaee, deceased, thence along lino of aid Wallace's land ninety feet, thence at r-nht angles and parallel with line of Harford steet two feet, thence at right angles and along line of said Wallace's land to brow of hill, theneealong the brow of said hill to line of land or A. K. Jewh I'riiHtte, thence along line of said Ijewlf about V.i'i feet, thence east and parallel with line of Harford street to line of lot Xo. 248. theneealong lino of said lot 24 about I.M feet to line of Harford street and place of beiri'ining, being lot No 243 ami pnrt of lot M3 aud other laud adjoining. IMPROVEMENTS Large dwelling bouse, barn and out buililintfs. Seized and taken Into execution ns the property of Heieii K. Heller, and will be sold by me for cash. GEORGE GREGORY, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Milford, Pa., j November 11, 1W0& j DIVORCE NOTICE r EXPERIENCE V i i v 'J40 Copvhights Ac An?ni:e f!i V-.g & ilipt'-ri 'irl r(.. np-i-.c nmT n ! ' 1 v . ' i our ! 'i.:i- ti f r.'c y. t.-r u l.,s .-.'L :i ir- in -(, ,y u,;:;' ,i: ( , .,, (1 u-. If-'-' hi te; -m.-V r--rt;ML. ..R.!t- . C : " i i i r i v Vfttt .3kbi. J s.Hl kv0. A hlr.(nnp!T 'T--rrt-nt frt WfHV, t nnrttmt 11?. 1 M' i.'S, (L. L-j ail' 'ir-M Matthkw McConnell 8. El.lZ AP.KTI1 McCONSKLL I N PTKE COUNTY COMMON PLKS L COURT. No. fl. June Term, lin.1 In 1)1 voice. Suhpoeim and alias Buip4ma ti'turneil. He- ftpoudetit DOt f o u " d In i lie county of Pike. To K'l.MAKKrH Mi'CoNNKIJ,, Kepondent. You are hereby ntt(ii-d to be and ap pear hi onr Court of Common Plea- to be held at Mtiford on the third Monday of Di'i-ember next (It being tlie return day ot our in xt term of court ) hiui atinwrr Hit eompliLint of the Jaht'llant liled in tU aiovo case. GEORGE G ME'iORY, Mientl. Sheriff's Offiee, Mil font. Pa., I November . liKW. li 4 AUDITOR'S fiOTiCE Strange Way of Making a Living Adopted by Two New Yorkern. Thflre nro ninny p.'rnlinr rrrurft tiiiTis fo!(ir.(l ly thiisp pncnrM In (ralitln? ft IlvelihfH)(l In ant! around Npw York. Thlnrs which tlio ni.cirlly of jioa plo tlirow awny as rubbish arp pnth prpd lip by Itall.mn ami ntbor forpl.irn ern sr.r! sold. A look Into (bp ,1"rik Bhops Rlong the rivpr front will Rive one a little lrloa of tho thousand and one thlnps that have found th'ir wny thiUipr aft"r bolnir ili:;rnrdcd by their oxnors. The lunkmpii do a thrivlns; br.r iiipps Rnd oftpn ninUe fortunrs out of tlie stuff tbpy handle. Anions the many unknown ways by which a subsistence Is Rained Is one followed by two innri. who, year In and year out, In minshlno or In rain, enn he ppen rowinst on the Kast or Nirth Rlrer. While one keeps the snitill boat In position tlio other, with grappling liook and poles, dracs the bottom of the stream for whatever of EHle may be pulled from the depths, rieees of ropo cr machinery anil a variety of stuff, good or bad, la prist to them. Nothing Is too pinall to be rejocted. and It must Indeed be worthless If, after examination. It Is reti rued to the water. The men hiivo been at the bno'np fr many years, and long practice has made thorn experts at handling the discard ed nrtlclo that former owners had consigned, to the river's depths. Tho "finds are sometimes quite valunble. Several years ago they ramo across a water-tight box con taining valuable pnpers and jewelry which had been lost overboard In a collision between two steamers. On returning it to the owner they re ceived a handsome reward. The re covery of the papers put a sudden end to a big law 9ult which the own er would otherwise have lost. At times the men pull up other things than those they seek. Not in frequently they have brought to the surface the bodies of drowned per sons, who have either committed buI cldo or met their deaths through ac cident. In some case3 tht; bodies Indicate that murder has bean committed. N. Y. News. a Esit StroudsDurg, Pa li. ,'ii' ir lair N .r.nal (Viit-m-s, nmt ?"l". :.t! I '.l't!!l'll(i-llf i i )' , w.' ci. M. HI Art. 1 M.i vv iti !.'. 1 z i'"' i. '"!. ; FHt'i: TUITION . t y. : - i.i. i-T .,k. ; I i i,..n., . I HI iif.V tiiii- J- all , '1 .! ..... i.r ; , t. ..in l .r i t ..: .a . LZ. L.. Kem;, A. .!., ; In llicinalt4'rof llu'i'stale i Tn tho Or;.linn I'KIKU A 1... yi KK, ('mlrf. of l'il;c llt'iVANi'd. Sl'milllV, 111 II Tlii' uiult-i'-.iiui-l lm'iili ln-.-ii itppnillli il liy lilt; court, "lo ln;iki d'.-itntr.n um of I he tunu-i iu hauiU ul' llit luciaiiil.LliL i.iti.1 '-X'-rul i ix, iti liic iilmvd clulc us shown lv ti. r nalil llrsl ami purLtal lice in n I , ' ' Mt c, vmII liita-t ail piti luri iiiU-rrnU for thu pi 1 1 an of iila nfiinr.nt iimmiI at Ins l.iw iilllre III Ihn Hnro!ii.-ll i( Mlll.i:cl an M,.n iImv. tlt litlk iImi of Iffc-mb-!', A. t. lllli:l, Kt a aVIock p. ui , at w lii. li l line all i.ir: iim hiivini.' fi , ptni lili-Mi tin1 fenils or iiit'-r,.--! I ill I ho Ull rii.u I i. Ol Kuroof iuilt n':io.ir 1 niol prove. Ua-ir i-lalot or m; (l.-h.u ro..l Iioiii 1 Cilliilig IU lipoil sal i Ulll l-i ! '.' U. !,! I.I,, Aiuliior. .Miifoii!. lu., Nov 1 1 American Nerve. A German physician who once came to this country to practice was soon so bewildered by various nervous ail ments he came in contact with that he bunched them all together, and called Amerlcanltls. It Is commonly Bald that Americans overwork their brains and bodies, but it would be truer to say they ml3use their bodies. If they run to catch a train; if they start out for healthful exercise; even if they lie down to sleep, they throw so much wasteful energy Into these acts that they actually im pede the muscles. This is pre-eminent ly true of American women, and ot American women of leisure, at that (Jenerally a working woman learns tome economy of energy because she realizes that she cannot go on by waste. In the matter of lying down to rest, how rarely you see a woman who lies supine like a little child, who allows the bed to take the responsibility of holding her up. Instead she holds on to the bed, she grips the pillow, draws up her knees, tightly clenches her teeth. In her busy brain she goes over and over again the little round of her day, or she tastes In anticipa tion the troubles of to-morrow. Rapid Stenography. At a meeting of the Incorporated Phonographic Society the other day It was stated that to write stenograph! cally a the rate of ino words a min ute involves hearing on an average 750 distinct sounds consonants and yoweJs in the course of every min ute, and managing to represent or In dicate 12 12 of them every second. Writing at 200 words per minute means hearing about 1,000 sounds In sixty seconds and representing or In dlcatlng rather more than sixteen of them In every single second. OUT OF THE MONTHS OF BA PES. First Mttle r.lri - My pnpa's a broker. econn i.niie tiit i - nun, tmhi. s d'o In'! My papa's always broke. Little Nellie was out riding one dfy with her mother, and as they pnssed a cemetery, phe asked: "Mitnma, how long does It take fnr the tombstones to come up after they plant people?" "Bessie," said the teacher to a small pupil, "can you tell me what memory Is?" After a moment's reflecllon the lit tle one replied: "Memory is the thing people use to forget things wilh," A pupil in a village school who bad been requested to write an essay on he human body handed In tho follow ing: 'The human body consists of ths head, throax, abdomen and lpgs. The head contains the brains In case there are any. The thorax contains the heart and lungs also the liver and lights. The abdomen contains the bowels of which there are flve-a. e, I, o, u, and sometimes w and y. The legs extend from the abdomen to the floor and have hinges at the top and mlduie to enable a fellow to sit when standing or to stand when sitting." Chicago Tribune. Manners for Musical "At Homes. Don't, when asking any one to sing or play, casually close the piano while so doing. It Is a simple act, but one most discouraging in its effect. Don't, upon hearing Some one con sent to perform, throw yourself back in your chair, after the manner of on about to have a tooth extracted; and don't, during the progress of a song, glare at the carpet, or keep clenching your hands. Neither should you draw in a sharp hissing breath when the accompanist mislays his fingers. Don't, when asked to oblige with a selection, go through your entire reper toire. Even a cornet gets wearisome If played badly and a great deal. Pon't, when accompanying, try to cover the defects of the voice by crashing out big chords of your own Invention, and never, under any cir- cumslances, grind your teeth audibly during a singer's inadvertent wander ings from the key. Don't whistle while a song Is being rendered. Even If you whistle the same melody and in a similar key, the effect is Irritating to those around you, Punch. The Victim Knew. "Tell me what people read and I will tell you what they are," said the self- confessed philosopher. "Well, there's my wife," rejoined the , dyspeptic party. "She's forever reading cook books. Now, what is Bhe" "Why a cook, of course," replied the philosophy dispenser. "That's where the spokes rattle In your wheels," said the other. "She only thinks she is." Chicago Dal. !y News. HIS STOLEN CHICKENS. The Merry Minstrel. The merry minstrel suddenly glinted his eye and began as follows: "I can always tell a married man from a single man. Do you know how professor? Well, now, the slng'e men sit up straight in their seats and the married men sit with their backs bent." The merry minstrel's eye ap prehensively roved over the aumenee. "Ha, ha!" he laiiRhed. "See 'em straighten up! See 'em straighten tip"' Tls true. Hut there is this to be said about It. They straighten up only that thev might take better al n with sundry small vegetables and anledlltt vlon ej:R8. How the merry minstrel cursed the management for Including thtt precioua tit-bit of humor In the company's repertoire! Why, man alive, Noah told that old gig in the ark! WIDOW'S AFPRAISE'.' E.NT ! The f-olowiii ii;i:;r,iiMon lit t ipart to t V!OoW it - iioa-ll Olit Willi lill- K.-l'M.fl ' t'M vi !' 1 U' pi . li! - d Lo ! he i ..il' I ,.i II,,. J i hlril .'o .o-l v ot ih-o-inlxr lo xt (wr co.i ' lil n, alio', in i i,atiroal. i I'-lilliOil li'-illilT ,.J,li..V.i-.... A ... l. li.il.i.v, ; i it . 1 I " 1 C. 1 ' ' .1 It N i M, l.'o. I.. :..,i Jane In a Stew. The new servant maid was helping her mistress to prepare dinner, and all went well uniil tho macaroni for the pudding was produced. The girl looked in surprise as her mistress untied the packet of long white sticks; but when sho carefully placed them in water the girl gave a choking gasp. "Did you say, mem," she eald. In an awed voice, "that oii waa going to i.ml-.e a pinldln' of that ?" "Yes, .liine." siid her mistress, "that Is so. liui yon seem surprised. Have you never seen macaroni cooked be-fiu-e?" "No. nioni," said the girl, "I ain't! The lu-n place 1 was at we alixjl ufed them things to llKht th) gna Uh." I H.I..W I III. --I II. 111 tt'.l til If l 'la -, .!'.-: , ,'..:.. .:.! a. frur t4 lvHil Culit If you have a bail col.l you need a r..lv,l.!rt oil loir, n II I; l I ') im . KnrliOn'u I ' ' ......-.a . ...... ! jiut'li Uoijirilv to loo-C'ii unci relieve it. Hiui to hl!y tna irritation aiiil in i f . .filiation of tho throat f.riil lunnH. ilm snot )i:ii! HUii ho.ilnitr iroa-r-tlol nf thlii ioine.lv hi i '.I tho quick euros A'h;cli it i-fii-cts miiko it a tuv iiritu e very s In i o. i or wile by linli li .V hull, Miltnlnoi IIS, El 1 1 gn-UOMt! stoi v.s Hi i 'ilu county. Bought Back of a Pair of Jersey Darkles. A farmer In southern Jersey was re cently attracted to a sale of chickens which he was going on In front of the post-ofilce of a Email town "Dey certainly is a rare lot of birds,' said the colored man, who, wl'h an as slstnnt, another dusky brother, was offering the chickens separately to th highest bidder. A large basket on the back of an old phaelon held a dozen or more. Squire Rogers, as the man from the farm was known, edged up close to the talka'ive darkles and said to a neigh bor in the crowd : "Them birds look powerful Ilka 'otn I've got over on the farm. There are very few like 'ein in the county, I'm goln' to buy a bunch of 'em. and then, gol darn it, 1 challenge anybody to show a better lot of chickens than I've got." The squire bought ten. He bid them up to fancy prices Just to show his friends that what he was "sot on havln' he was goln' to get." He tied Iheir legs together securely, put them Into his carriage, and during the long drive home kept congratulating him self on his shrewdness and picturing Samantha'a delight over the splendid addition to the chicken yard. Upon arriving nome he was surprised to see Samantha come rushing down to the gate. "Oh, John," she cried, "somebody stole twelve of our finest chickens. 1 heard a noise in the coop Just after you left, and then saw a carriage dash away down the road." John was laughing by this time. "Whst do you mean by nnickerlnii chat way?" dpmanded the Irate wife. "Gol darn It ali," replied the farmer, 'the same fellers what took the chick ens took me In. I've got all but two of 'em back again. I bought 'era. I rec ollect now, that there was something familiar lookin' about 'em." lll Cis::s3 Kill ItsVictimsNumbcredby the Hundreds of Thousands. Museum Colloquy. "Yes, when the stranger grew too familiar wl:h the fat lady the manager called his bouncer." "Big husky fellow, I s'pose?" "Oh, no; merely the India rubber man." Kansas City Journal. I. it le Wlllle-Pmy, pa, what's a co quette? Pa-A coquette, my son, is a woman who pretends to be indifferent about geliit.g married. Kidney diseases should be attendee! to at once, for almost 00 per cent, of our un expected deallis of to-day are from that cause. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the only sure cure known for diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dysjiepsia and chronic constipation. It is marvelous how it stops that pain in the back, relieves the neces sity of urinating so often nt night, drives away that scahiingpainin nassinsr water, corrects the bad ettects of whisker and beer and shows its beneficial effects on the system in an incredibly short time. Georcre L. Smith, foreman of the Hoi- ley Manufacturing Company's Works, Lockport, N. Y., snys in a recent letter : "1 have used Or. I avtd Kennedy s Favorite Remedy with the most bene ficial results. I was troubled with gravel and kidney complaint very severely, it bothered me a great deal, and have found jyreat relief from its use, and cheerfully recommend it." "Favorite Remedy" is the most suc cessful medicine ever discovered for kid ney, bladder, liver and blood diseases. Its record of cures has made it famous in medical circles everywhere. It is recog nized as a specific. It purifies the blood and dissolves the excess of uric acid in it, clears up the nrine, restores the kidneys and bladder to their normal condition, and gently moves the bowels. It is for sale bv all druggists In the NtwBO Orrni Slro and the regular f 1.00 sixe bottles less than a cent a dose. SamfJt battle--moufh for trial, frtt by mail. Dr. Dnvld Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Ir. Patla aiui-.flT' flrla Pin. ten itren-rlh- tn Haicl, remova paia anywhere, l&c each. Those tletnocratie wise ones who want a presidential candidale who Is ust as different from Mr. Roosevelt is possible would probably have a little difficulty In finding one who Is list like him. Just prior to his sailing for Europe Mr. Bryan Announced that he had no political opinions that would interest any one. Say .what the politicians and demagogues will there are points upon which Mr. Bryan is undeniably right. Now Hint congress is getting ready to think of getting down to work the Hon. John T. Morgan will doubtless call the attention of the country to the isthmian canal question in a few concise words. Mr. Clark, who, we understand, WB9 running for some office in Ohio that of Benator, we believe declares that tlie increased republican Buckeye vote was due to Tom Johnson's activity. If Mr. Bryan had only staid with Tom the republican vote would have been unanimous. It Is understood now that Russia will not leave Monchuria until she is pressed to do so by China. Cases have been known before this where a not over-vigorous waist pressure by the wrong party has resulted in a sound licking. The nestor of the senate, as sturdy and vigorous as ever is Hon. Edmund W. l'ettus for many years United States senator from Alabama. He is in his eighty-third year and has viewed and participated in the opera tions of the democratic party for a full two generations. There Is considerable current agita tion in favor of Increasing the pay of enlisted men In tlie army pnd par ticularly that of the non-commissioned officers corporals and sergeants whose responsibilities are considera ble. The remains of the pterodactyl and the populists can be found in certain of the preglacial deposits of the west. The pterodactyl was the connecting link between the reptile and tlie bird. It was of gigantic stature and had a great bill armed with sharp teeth, quite resembling tlie crocodile, par ticularly adapted for rending and tearing its prey. The remains of the populists which have recently been unearthed indicate a structure of jaw more particularly adapted for over coming and stupifying its prey through theexpulnioii of vast volume of wind. The Exasperated One I'm afraid, tlr. this town Isn't big enough to hold bo'h of us! The Imperturbable H'm why don't you siarl a suburb? WANTED -V I'l'V MIIIIM WANTED HOTELS AND BOARDING H0TJSE3 Balt'li & -So.), Mrttrtiiiiiraa, &uJ al-gHiu-nil f torvi m Piko comity guar anU-e evory butUa of C'lmiiiherlain V Cough n'my ntiil will refund tho money to anyone who is not saris hVd nfter vising two-thirda if the contents. This la the best reined? hi tho world for la grippe, conrl;e, eol.U, Ohiujj end hooping1 couh and is pl-d.-.Mnt uud inufe to tnke. It pro vent a any ti-nJeney of a eo!d to result ui im. uuiouia. Ji'i isi A Hatter of Advertising Proposed by the Erie Which is of General Interest to People Here TIip General PftflenKr Department of tlio Kne Ruilroml hn bn informed thnt the ax'oiiini(Klauuii fur iininier litmrtirni nt vnrlmis jiHh Along Its hue are luttdo qtmle to nitt't the denmniU. It Is propoM-il to more thoroiiRhly atlver tifvo t li if buntings iidit siwoii thtiii evur iHi'ore, ami t HecoiiimKhio all wtiotlettirt to locate m this moat iH(;tnrthq(.e. country, Ihr tutkcli whirl, the Kiia K.ilro4.l riio, t ey li'iOafrtl all who nre iiiiBrt-sU-d iu SuiiniitT li.'H riling butint;8 t-o Increase ttifir fitcilit i-.'H mul to improve their t cum hi'mIiI ion e-p'.iiiy in lite line of immtHry ct'iiilithi)i4 Whoie it in (MiriKiijle runiiiiiK .vnier niiii hmU room ftu:iluit' tshniiltl he installed in unlrr to promote mere hex 1th til eoiiiiitinim, tht-n;hy umkihg the loca IlniiH more (Icoi rtililo. 'i linhf w ho inO'iiti imtking Improvements or btnltiHig ie-w hotels or I mm ti 1 1 1 3 Ik-hm-, will plrnse notify K II. Hr,rto, 'i'mvelin K'4HM'Her Aenloi Ki'ie huiiroail, C hniu In:r6 Mnn't ,-o.i.on, Ne oik 1-Uy, Aho iiMtt charge o( the .Summer ii.jme buaiiii-. A ppln ti em nmtiktj for .pjc4) iu ueit SfitMiiiii oir.iiier iidloe Hook will bt- reiidy in ttmplu tni'e, Hiiit i-Hia 1j uboniH-i.1 frvrm there nenat Kiie Kuiiroad agent. 12 10 iie REGISTER fiOTICE The f'tllowltitf Recount his been filed with tho Krtftaier aijiA will be pt-esentfd to thv Court fT continual iou uu tlie 'ibiid M..!.uy of D-i-erntMT tiv.t. Kiinli' of i'hilit) F. tuhiir, dt'eeftMtl. t MM ami llintl )v otilit ot Kiiit li. b uloitr und I'hili.J K. iihiitT e.- (i(i-H. JoHN C. r..-1 bU'JOK, Jk., 'uy. 1, Keg isi vr. -w. yJ rvriVM 11 ten k rv TO HfLL ft II iO0l. K tliVK Oil tl.lTI A I'll Ol II' 1II1T i rAi im; Til lilt Will,, flcm! for Itf -1l-iil Itlniul, fltnt n llnniIa if Tinir ( nap 5Juy lir ifiiulf, I"r-e of hnr(!f, ly Our ilfcilU'iil IHrcctor. S. A. RICHMOND'S N E W R A D I C A L r i i 't-foiitV n . i t 1 l i. i IfleiitntralOf. t " T Tr ' r " T (7 v C K ----- t r- r -r - v R E G E N E R A O R WILL CURE YOU. Is a sovereign remedy for all diseases of the stomache, liver, bowels, kidneys and bladder, also a wonderful Vitalizer and Cleanser of the system, and is a powerful stimulant to the sexual organs. It has no equal for constipation, andrestores natural digestion. It is a valuable adjunct with our Nerve Tonics in the treatment of Epilepsy. Price, &1.2B per Bottlo. SEND FOR CIRCULARS CONCERNING OUR REMEDIES. Dit. S. A. Kichmond Co., 942 W. Van Buren St. , Chicngo. LiABOft ATOTtY, Tl'RCOLA, I IX. ofn m "BEST OF ALL FLOUR. ' FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. When in need of any Ilello to No. 5., or coino to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA. IT WILL COST ONLY mm v- 1 aaa i to buy n postiil cant antl send to Tho Now York Tribune Furmor, Nnw York City, fur a freo sppclmen copy. Tho Nu.y York Tribune Fnrmor in a Nntlunnl Illustrated Agricultural Week ly for farmers and their families, and EVtfRY Issue contiilns matter instruc tive and ontortalnlng to EVERY mem ber uf the family. The price U l .00 per year, but if you like it you can secure It with your own fnvorito local newapupor, The Piiksh, Milford. Pa j at a burgiiin. Both Dapers one year only $1.5. Semi your order and money to the Piki '.:oi;nty Pkess. at Milfurd, Pa. Delaware -:- Valley -:- Railroad Time Table in Effect October 1,1903 - - p. m p m 10 III U lui1 r m i XV UI :-f? tn :e.i fl 47 l i 4M tli fil fid 51 ID (? 8TATIONM p. m p. in . 1 lo l.v a 4o A r 6 no; 7 110 Lv. fa it! f7 oj " . f-i o. n oi " . fi IJ. 17 li; ' . 7 11" . 6 14 fr. Hi fft iu n in! 5 -a 7 -a-- lid iv fr -n n si- ti ui 1 v 1 to to ; 6 Ho 5 v 7 " . 7 X! Ar. . New York I). I.. W. K K ... .Philnilelphia Unwd Stn;t Stitllon Kast SrruiiilnburK "Delaware Valley ,ium;Llim Kisile Valley C'rui'a Meailowii Marlial I H (.!rH'k t.?;ik lil'ove Knitrle-y-i ( 'xil liilllM li ftdlO l.UKIl Turn Villa Sh'ieimikera llunliklll p. m p in p in If Stops only on notliw tieiiiidiiatiror on sisrnal l2" Trains arrivlnu at Busliklll at 1 10 p. m connect with auigo for Kerry, Milforrl and Port. Jorvia. I. SEtCOfl CASE, Supterintendent, East Stroudsbjrg, '.Ar.i 8 W: .... Lv. 7 to 10 i5 Ar 8 sr.! 4 -'ft fl li fs : f4 ;) frt si " fH HI f4 HI i frt 21 " fs -: fl i:i fit l.i " N w'l 4 11 1 1 ' fH i:i. f if.) m ml ' i fs lit f4 i W irt ' 8 HI 4 IM rt e l " fx 11 -ft el fH 111 " f l Oil 111 fill ffl fill " 8 Oil II .". t. fcii Lv. 8 on. 8 (V l 6 40 p m ! p in JJiiimun'g Penna. rf 1 V Our ir it-no iicl il we tail. Any u:ic nciiuuiu sketch oiul drt. i iii ion ol any invention will piumui'v re' cue oiir opuiiou f i cc ton- rriiiinj lite prttem.o.tiiiy ol s.:ine. " lbw to Ootaiti d I'rtienl" -nt ui' 'ii ir.iit--t l'.tttrtiti secured Jtcotik'h ui a.lvtrti-tL. -or s.ile at our ejeiiac, l',iici.t u out th:unii U4 reieive iucint jiuil'V, W ll n.j-it t ll.i 1 e. 111 lur1. 1'aTl.Nt klu.(i..l), mi llkiUrtitil and Hi'kty niouitUil joamal, CUI.U 1 1 ul t.y M Hllil:utll!-rs & Uii lll CIOI O. VICTOR J. EVANS A CO- . (i'utcut Attorney,) tr BuitOteg, VA3HINGTQN. D- C fTASLISHt3 I a art ? 1 KAUC " . U.ICNS. , MARK J. "C0PVRIGHTS. Thirty -on ve .r . tve rrcti;-. Oi.isin.ti M tn vtk ! ; i r V ami tt-itE.i (.1 lil y. W Htp f(,i t.tk !- n-' nn"-: nir'1 r,.f,rni..a. LbiTI b.Ua V ig r act. tfc ullltlUM! U