MAT AM 01! AS. SASDYSTON. THE GIST OF THE BIBLE A man may bo just as thankful in hi old clothes as in new ones but he doesn't look it. WEARABLE TO BE THANKFUL FOR WINTER OVERCOATS, DRESS SUITS, AND BUSINESS SUITS, rivaling the most elegant productions of the exclu sive tailor at Thanksgiving feasts and society events. THANKSGIVING HEADGEAR ALPINES, : FLORADORAS, DERBYS, ETC. THANKSGIVING FIXINGS DRESS SHIRTS, DRESS NECK WEAR, DRESS GLOVES, Sc. . Plenty of dressing to go with your turkey where ever served. u. ylLv iii Reliable Clothing; House East Stroudsburg, - Penn'a. A SEASONABLE REHEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. Ion a IS H. E. Emerson & Co. Compound SS"" Next Door to 7Wi NEW mmm LAWNS, PERCALES, SATEENS, SEERSUCKERS, GINGHAMS, &c. A New Line of Shoes. All Prices & Sizes CHINA AND TAP AN MATTING HATS & CAPS COLLARS & CUFFS Select Groceries HARDWARE PLOWS CULTIVATORS LISTER'S FERTILIZERS WINDOW GLASS PAINTS & OILS Devoe's Pure Lead and Zinc Paints W. Bt G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. n?vf Sit I J to b I Of Cvory Description at en mq mm Too Busy Selling them to specify. Call and inspect the stock. i I M -- fc -m a-, gxM O HllxlbikOn u uO, B i S a L'.iSford, DO YOU EXPERT TO 3 it a. II i. .-' b ' 'vy y 0,-" and dealers In oil Uindci of Lumbor, Con tractors and uildcrc. tlo tlmatea tnndu ; p eroonal atten tion ::ivun and work (;uariiituod erne:, c rein's r-jiiiir-, r.:;ir.rj, Pa Broad Street, Milford, I Pennsylvania Hotel Fauchere. G ' Wall Paper OODS mng Good s Penn. BUILD? THEN SEE F ' " it 't v. i i 'v.y G ' Tlie 15 cr-nt Tea vmilnr flnsjiirps of tho L. A. H. cnniioctccl with Kp worth clinrch tonic piano nt the home of Mrs. Frank IlalHtrnd Tues day evening and was quite well at tended notwithstanding thu unpleas ant weather unci a nice little sum realized fur the society. Everett Mend's dnncinst elnsa met Tuesday evening at I'resoott's Hull. About 2j wore present, good music wns furnished. The choral union met Monday nitjht and quite a number were in nttiMidfince. George Bunnell, the postal clerk who W119 injured some months ago, is now nble to walk out with the aid of crutches. Josinh Hilferty, who hns been ill nt his home, is slowly improving. Mrs. J. A. Bunnell, who hns been very ill nt her home, is now able to sit up in a chnir a few hours eneb diiy. Invitations are out for tho wed ding of Miss Rose Cotton of Boston, Mnss., and Hoy Scott Gilchrist of tho same city, which will take place nt Miss Cotton's home on tho even ing of Nov. 2Cth nt 8 o'clock. Miss Cotton was formerly a resident of Mitumoras. Uor young friends here tender their congratulations. Miss Leola Sterns is vieiting at the home of George S.iwyerof Mill Rift. Mrs. Sawyer has been very ill but is much better now. Mrs. S. S. Spears of Main street lias returned home from Brooklyn. She was acoouipanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. Arthur Ivy. Mrs. Win. Knapp and daughter of Hnwley are guests of Mrs. S. 8. Spears. , A flower drill will be one of the features of the last evening of the L C. U. fair at Piesoott's Hall, Nov. 20, composed of 14 young ladies. This alone will be worth the price of admission. Mrs. Fred Peroival and daughter, Rachel, are visiting relatives and friends in New York City for a few days. John Corwin of Weehawken epent Saturday and Suuday with his mother on Cunningham street. Ge3rge Martin spent Sunday in Matamoras. Mra. Reuben Ball has just return ed from the Stroudsburg Normal school where she has been visiting her daughter, Bjrtha, -who is a student there. A great many from Port Jervis and Germantown visited the ferries Sunday. Little Alfred LilTy, son of Harry Lilly on Front street, Port Jervis, is ill at his home. There will be a chicken supper the first night of the L. C. U. fair, which takes place Thursday at Pres cott's Hall. The ferryboat for wagons that is to be used above the iron bridge arrived at Matamoras Sunday. It is fitted up with side-paddle wheels propelled by a small gasoline engine. By the last of the week the ferry will probably be running Both wagons ana toot passengers will be carried. It came up the Delaware river Sunday. E. J. Lord . wns very pleasantly surprised Saturday evening at bis home in honor of bis birthday About 15 were present. DIXGMAX'S FEURY. There is dissatisfaction among the patrons of our telephone with the way it is managed and rumor says a number will put up private wires having a central at Dirrazh'g While Miss Darragh had charge of central she rendered excellent serv ine but since tho removal customers have been disappointed in tho way business has been conduoted. By reason of the poor health of his wife John Van Etton will remove from his farm at Longmcadow to Dinguians. lhe biddies are still on vacation and in consequc-uce our- merchants pay 'iot a dozen for the few egp; brought in. Irving Alible is with his nephew Italph, nnd team busy getting out nnd husking corn iu tho swale on Will Hornlietk's farm. The stouts came down with the flood mixed with fence rails, timber and trash and they have quite a job but are petting some very tine corn out of t lie debris M. B. Pitney, who bought the drift Corn on the Shoemaker plane for tU), bus t.iken out ovur 100 bushels. Biriis, cellar and oorn rrit'S Hi e seitntily tilled this tail. Due firmer along therwer whniuUcd U'. bushels potatoes thinks ho will liiivr) to buv for bis own Use as bi.s it i e all rot i iug. Hill potatoes, tho f.iw there are of 'belli, fceelli to be kiieping quite Weil '.'her whs quite an eeiti;!unt hero lust Saturday evv.ning when a bln,e bimi up from t!jo Ardiorniwh to nil w hieii lighted up thu Hur round- j ing fnui.ti y uiiiil bv iiit-iiiis of the ! I l.olH: It V. HS leil 11.1 d tO 1)0 H 111VJ pilii of ruM.i::,h LlllljlUj.' tllO g'ltj t;rouv!i. 1 The Supreme court of this fittitr handed down n decision Nov. nth in the New Jersey Zinc Company enne of taxation "The court set aside the action of the Sussex county board of assessors In increasing the assessment of the New Jersey Zinc Company In that county from f 1,1 l'i,ono to t V 815,000. The court holds that the Constitution does not permit any tax exemption to persons, so that todays decision applies equally to veterans of the Civil War, their widows nnd members of the National Guard who have been allowed exemptions nnd, exempt firemen." The decision re lating to the zinc company of llardy ston will give us high taxes, as the county will have to pay the amount assessed upon the higher valuation. Mrs. Mary Simpson of Chatham, N. J., spent a few days visiting in Sundyston the pst week. Victor E. Kevans is now able to go out of doors and will soon be able to go about as usual. Ft May after eating he felt something hard in his mouth, and upon getting it out with his Finger found it to be a buckshot well battered up. The Farmers Institute will be held in the Centreville church December 7 and 8th. I have not received the programs yet, but they will be here in a day or two for distribution. They are very interesting for all and I hope to see a largo attendance. I had a pleasant call from Thomas Clark Sunday last. He disposed of his personal effects Saturday, and Is ready to start foe California about the 2;lrd inst. Tom's many friends wish him success in nis new venture. It was amusing to see the antics of two callow youth parade up and down the road awaiting the appear ance of their girls who were visiting Sunday afternoon. Abiut sundown the girls appeared, and the little boys walked right along, I suppose as far as the Dingmnn bridge. Well, it was really laughable. This town is literally overrun with city hunters, something like 25 being located so far. All report game as being scarce and those returning to their city homes were purchasing gamej a pretty evident fact that they killed little if any game themselves. Boundary lines were ignored, and they hunted anywhere they wished without regard to posted notices. The first fox killed, bo far as I can learn, was captured by Floyd E. Coursen Saturday last. It was a red one. it- William Campbell ofJPort Jervis visited friends in this town the past week. Will is a member of the Port Jervis Salvation Army. Goo Warner has removed from the farm of his father near Bevans to the homestead of Victor E. Bevans. The new road up along the Flat- brook Is in process of building, and cflorts will be made this week to finish it. Bert Dalrymple, of Tuttles Corner, is going into the goat raising business and be now has 12 fine specimens of the goat family. J. J. Vansickle will go Into the business more extensively the coming spring. PAUPAC. Miss Adelia Woodard wns called to Hawley to attend her Bistor, Mrs, John Ames, who is suffering with a severe cold. We are sorry to hear B F. Killatn had the misfortune to lose bis grey horse Sunday Inst. Fred Killain spent institute week with his parents in this place. The fashion Boll's for the school houses. There will be an entertain mont and box social at school house No. 4 Saturday, Nov? 21st, to raise money to got a bell Mrs. Josoph Slocum is visiting her parents A. J. Kimble and wife. Mt. and Mrs. Edwin Killain, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin, Charles Bouimer and Lizzie Crump all of Taftoii spent a very pleasant evening last Thursday at the home of G. W. Wilson where a graphaphone entertainment was furbished "free of charge." They were so amused by the sayings of "Uncle Josh" that, the hours seemed all too small ard they returned home in the early morning much pleased with the evenings entertainment, Henry Bennett hns bi nil left for Scruntou to make his fortune. All wish him the greatest, auueesj. B F. Killam and daughter, olande, visitdd bis duuj-:u ter, Mrs E lson (ireeu, in Serautou a couple of days lust week. Ai'x lo;r Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Pills. The kind you have known all Want jour moustache or Utiri n t cant iiu I brown or rkti t Us rsUGKUlGllMVS DYE fA rnurqp rf les.nrm in Tiiltlp ntwlT p.-n-(lu'-t'-l by )tcv. V A. Wood nti MotuIiit ermine nt thv MetliorttRt Tarn'mntf1'. LKKSON VI Division 1. Gen. 25 3(1. Mark the most important events as follows and be able to describe them in your own words: (1) Ago, death and burial of Abraham rh. 25. (2) Enn selling his birth-right ch. 25. (3) Isaao's wealth nnd wnll- diguing ch. 28. (4) Jacob's strategy to obtain his father's blessing ch. 27. (5) Jacob's dream nt Bethel ch 28. (B) Jacob's marriage to Leah and Rachel ch, 29. (7) Jacob'sflight and Lftban'e pursuit ch. 31. (8) Jacob wrestling with an nngel at Peniel ch. 32. (9) Meeting of Jacob and Esau ch. 33. Division 2. Rend Luke 5. Miracn Ions draught of fishes. How long had the fishermen toiled? With what, result? How many fish were caught whon Jesus was present? Under what conditions will revival efforts bo successful? The leper heBlod. What Is leprosy? Was any disensn Incurable to Jeus? What nbont the leprosy of sin ? How was the cleansing wrought? The para lytic honied : Describe the event Which did the man need most, henl ing or forgiveness? Whose faith brought the healing? V7hnt fault was found with Jesns? Did the healed mnn keep silence? Should we b silent about, what Jhuh does for us, or is witnessing a duty? (See Acts 1:8) Feast at Levi's home: Why did Jesus say his disciples should not fast? Division 3. Read Rom. 11 and 12. Discussion in chap. 11 is concerning the nnal snlvation of all the true Israel inoluding Gentiles. Whnt faithful remnant of Israel in Elijah's Jimer v 4. Word "jealousy" v 11. Cf. Deut. 32: 21. Do verses 1 and 15 agree? The "casting away" was but partial and temporary, vs 17 25 are a warning almost vain pride on the part of the Dontilos because of their acceptance with Dod ond Israel's rejection. For what does the apostle adore God? Chnp. 12 treats of the dntios of believers Underline each duty for study. How many apply to your own life? What grand summary to these exhorta tions? v 21. SILVER LAKE George Wheeler and wife of Mil- ford visited at Huntingtowor a day last week. Mrs. Andrew Snyder and daugh ter, Millie, of near Dingman's spent Sunday with Mrs. August Meroier. W. H. Layton, our school teaoher, has moved from his plaoe at Centre to H. W. Adams' house. Miss Emily Jagger has returned to Dingman's. Warren Van Gordon of Dingman's ana a party ot menus were on a hunting trip in the Nioheoronk Like vicinity last week. The Misses Winans have olosed their cottngo and returned to As toria, Long Island. Francis Meroier of Dingnmn's is visiting his son, August, this week John Dundas has returned to Philadelphia after spending a month with his parents at Coles. Stepped Against ft Hot Stove A child of Mrs. Goorge T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepping back against a hot stove which burned him severe ly. The child was iu great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain a Pain Bairn in the house, she thought she would try it. In loss than half an hour after apply it the ohild wns quiet aud asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic liuiment and especially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by Balch & Son, Matamoras, and general stores In Pike county Now that things have gotten around again onto a clean and honest basis in New ork it is not im possible that the health of the Hon Richard Croker may demand his return to this country. According to ex-candidate Clark's (Ohio) speeches of four or five weeks ago, we should lie in about the first stages of convalescence from his pre dicted national financial collapse. The Heat Keioeily for Croup from the AtvhUon, Kan., Daily Ulobe. This is the season when the wo man who knows the best remedies for croup is iu demand in every neighborhood. One of the most ter rible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost us sure to be lOHt, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burglars. There used to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and tolu, but some modern mothers say that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is hotter, and doeii not ooit mi niuuh. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and givut rolief in a shorter Hum. Vnvo tins remedy as soon as the the eronpy couh a p pours and it wiil prevent the attack. It never fitils aud is ple.tnaut and wifa to take. For fcisio by llulch & Hon, Matamor as, all general stores in l'ike county. WAN TKD-FAtTflt VKKSoX TO ll tniu'i nnd bupt Jv fuice uf Diitr people ;i(ul mnkt' uoil'-t tiuaw iur imuitif (to taling houeo. Mnii;;tit hahiry ui a v-i-k aiul uiu-!iJH'i. ftitnry n-A wcKhly ami foil mi luuut-y ttl vniiot 4. VrnviiHiB f X HTlriM! U 1 iiiV'-ajiii'V, 1 .ofttl teTl lltll V. htini iit-M niiai ill i'o-ill mil iK-t'limiirlit. KiH'lunt) (M-ll it-lili-n?cti fllviU.n. fniroHu ARE YOU t OUT? I i When yon a re out. remem ber that we carry an ex cellent assortment of stntlonery. It Includes everything that taste or good form demands. Our stock is kept fresh by the nddition of new ideas as fast as they come from the originators of what is best and most stylish. Attractive papers in boxes or tablets, 5 to 50. We sell stationery sup plies of all kinds ; pens, pencils, ink, mucilage, ernsers, etc, etc., etc, i t i c. o ARMSTRONG L DRUGGIST. i L R.' CARPEriTER BROKER STOCKS, GRAIN, ETC. BONDS, COTTON, ETC. Bought and Sold for Cash I or C. rried on a Mar- gin of 3 per cent. J You will find that the ser- 9 vices I render you as a Broker J and the facilities and oonven- iences I can furnish can not be surpassed elsewhere. It is to my interest that you make money. All business strictly confidential. Correspondence i nnd telephone orders given f careful attention, I L R. Carpenter, 9 Cor. Ball and Pike Sts. Port Jervis, New York. Kepresenting 1 Oreullch, Martin A Co. Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write for information and designs J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt, Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. rlouuPB and Lots nnd loU without Houses Dualur lu all kinds of Property. lotary Public ALL BUSINESS CIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Below Dimmtck House Milford, Fa. t (inimjil y olilitin (' H afni i'lUfik'n - - - - . Jk .lU Ulvi.lLl, i) I. llU, t! Ltt-trti( It tl lk;. iHr;.i,.iv, nr tree iMMik I il ,1 I f ! I ,- . I Ul)-u.i U. L. I Via9l WASHINGTON D. C. TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Pnlld Pullman trains to Buffalo, Nintr arn hnllii, ('Imntniiqim Lake, Cleveland, Clilcuffii nnd Clncinimtl. Tk kctB en mlo nti Port .Torvln to all point. In Uib Went nnd Prnitliwi'st at lowiir rateii than via any other flint-clawi lino. Trains Now Lfavr port Jkrvis ai r oLixiws. EASTWARD. No. 8, Dully Fxproim B 21A.M. H, llnlly Kxprefm 5 15 " Wl, Local Kxcept Hundny.. 6 HO " . ' 7 40 " 7eJ, Way Snndny Only 7 S8 " 8", Locil Kxccpt Pun'dBT.. 10 i0 " SM. WnyilnHypxo'tuminy 11 ft5 " 4, Iliiily knjiic is) 4'.'p. m. Tin, Smuliiy (inly i ( 24, Wny dully exe't Sund'y 8 S3 " 8, Dully Kxprras 4 20 " 7KI, Wny Sunday Only 4 40 " 7H, laical Sunday Only fi.(i7 25. Wny dully e-xe't Sund'y 6 40 " 14. Rxureng Dally 10.05 " WESTWARD. No. 7, Dully Kxpn-s 19 ROA. M i"in jiiiiK i riitu t ' 1, Dully KxprrBn 11 (11 " " 115, For Ho ditlp K'pt Sun . . 18 10 P.M. " B, Kxprcsnt hlt-HRo llin dnl 6 15 ' " 2(1, Loral Kxim-sHSundny . . 6 60 " " 6, Llinlled Daily Kzprrfi. 10 16 Trnlnn lrnvn Cbnmbrrs stroot, New York, for Port. Jprvin 8 80, 7 80, 9 on, 9 15, 10 BO A. M., 1 (Ki,'8 00, 4 SO, 6 80, 7 80, 9 15 P. M. On Sundivs, 8 80.7 80, 9.00 , 9 15 A. M , la 80, 9 80, 7.80 9 15 P. M. I. W. COOKR, General Pnimrnffpr Agent, New York, Here Im -.i S SOMETH NG YOU NEED! Toar own AVntr Works, which you run )mv by cnnmiltlnr .F, C. PRESCOTT of AlRtamnrHd, Pn.( who In prt-pnred to (tive pfltitnateH at any tlnin. Writ Mm at once or rail and see his stock of FORCE PUMPS J. C. PRESCOTT, Matamoni, Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Baver In the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE . CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. Now Era Radiators, Two Fires In on rT ARD WARE. CTJTXERY, TIIT, AGATB WAKE, ETC. TIN KOOFINOAND PLUM1INO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styloa. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing ;-neatlyDOne. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFxXER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. undelvuc P ko tog raphe R AND DEALEU IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike fctreet. Port Jwvis, N. Y Su Wrib t'jx the i'l'-ia. SuWrite tit tlie Phk.-s,