Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, November 13, 1903, Image 3

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HFm's FA
We believe there is not a man in all Pike
County who would not le delighted with
one of the' suits we arc showing at.
$4.00, $7.00 or $10.00
forget the priee fjr a moment, and you'll
think these suits worth far more than wc
ask for them. If ever these suits were
worth the money, these .$.1. 00, .?(. 00 and
$8.00. Suits arc Cheviots, Ilomsepuns
and Worsted Cassimercs cut as the lest
merchant tailor would cui them.
Bring: your Suit
Trouble Here
for wo are hero to show as well as to sell
and as willing to do the one as the other.
Reliable Clothing House
East Stroudsburg, - Pcnn'a.
Emulsion of Pure Norwegian
With Hypophosphitcs of Limo and Soda
A 12-oz. bottle for 50c.
Presort pt Ion
ST H. E. Emerson & Co., ZZ
XT Next Door to
A New Line of Shoes. All Prices & Sizes
Select Groceries - Wall Paper
Devoo's Pure Lead and Zinc Paints
Hew Spring Goods
Of Every Description at
r!rm.; wa wmm
Too Busy Selling them to specify.
Call and inspect the stock.
i fe KTi
l tiewLI
M il ford,
; ? : ; ' r :i M 1 ' 1 1 f i t S 1 1 ;
k-J i w is i a C I I V. t i' W J
"anufuclurcr'i ond doalura in oil
Lincio. of Lumber,
Contractors and &ui!dcrc.
"otirnattjr; ma do ; pcraonal atten
tion r':"tv":n iinc! vorl; guarantee?.!
Broad Street,
Hotel Fauchere.
Tim Mittnmorus Choral Union met
nt the Hi liool tniiiilinii Momlny rveil
illg. Tll'TP XVI TO HljOUt BO llK'tlllHTH
I'.ri'Mint. The V'nion hns rontnl a
new plnno ntnl used It Mnndny night
for tin' fiit time. Mrs. St. John has
an artnrnonn dnsri for young jtirlsHtnl
hoys which meets Bt 4.30 p. m.
Mr. Julia Ciii-tH died nt 10 o'clock
Monday morning nt the home of her
son, Mntliew, jMntiunorHS. l'('PHel
whs horn in County Mcnth, Irclnnd.
Khe Is survived by her son, Mttthew,
nti engineer ami three l)rolhers, John
nnd Christopher Clin k of Ht. Iionis,
Mo., nnil Tliomtis of Ireland. The
Into Miithpw CInrk was a brother of
the deceiiseil. Mrs. Curtis wns a
member of St. Joseph's church, this
villnge, and nil excellent Christian
Irving Oourtrlglit 1ms constructed
the new ferryboat for fobt passengers
that runs from Pennsylvania avenue
to Pike street, across the Delaware.
(irafton Crane, an employe in
Itellevue Hospital, New York City,
and who lias been very ill, is now
able to sit up.
Messrs. Sherman Skinner and Fred
Cor win visited Hrink Pond last
Thursday and Friday. They brought
home some nice game.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kelley of King
wood, N. J., spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Davy on Cookson
street, accompanied by their two
Miss Ida K. Westbrook of Colum
bus, Georgia, who has been spending
the month of October in Mntamoraa
and near Milford, has returned to
Columbus. She will visit a few days
in New York and Brooklyn before
she leaves for the south.
George Martin of the New York
City postolTiee spent Sunday in Mnta
morns. Two Ferries are now in oerntion
in Matamoras. A. J. Quick's at the
foot of Main street and one at the
foot of Pennsylvania avenue. John
Deckley has charge of the Inst one
mentioned. That Is just for foot
passengers and will rin all day and
all night also to accommodate the
railroad men coming from their work
in tho.night. Another ferry will be'
in operation next week, conducted by
John P. Van Etten of the Cona
shaugh House on the grounds where
the first ferry was established by the
late Judge Oliver S. Dimmick. This
ferry will be for wagons" and foot
passengers also. S.
Sunday last Mrs. B. F. Killam
returned to her home after spending
two weeks in Philadelphia.
Olive nnd Kate Ansley spent Sun
day with their parents, Geo. Ansley
and wife.
John Singer moved on the farm of
the late Herman Gumble, which he
has rented, the first of the week. The
house vacatQd by Mr. Singer will be
occupied by Joe Houver.
The box social held on the 6th wns
well attended nnd over $18 was
captured. If there were any who
didn't have a good time they ought
not to complain as it must have been
their own fault.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilpin of Hawjey
were visitors in this place Sunday.
Mrs. II. F. Adams returned to
Klmira Saturday.
Our Squire's party had the good
luck to kill two deer the first day of
deer season. No others have been
killed to our knowledge, although
several have been seen. Acx.
Mr. Ilanna's post-tlectlon state
ment of bis attitude on the question
of the presidential nomination should
be conclusive to those who have
persisted in pulling bis name forward
for that honor. At a time when the
eyes of the country were centered
upon him more than any other one
man, by reason of his overwhelming
victory in Ohio, he quietly and
positively reiterated his announce
ment that lie would not be a candi
date for tiie presidency.
In sentencing a Texas dude for
insulting ladies, the judge said:
" hen you get out oljail you will
take olT your hat to women and keep
your bunds in your pockets." Quite
a clever performance, even for a
Texan. It would make as interest
ing a picture as Boine of the recent
candi. lutes running for office.
It may not bo generally appreciated
even by the ttmii-uiids of camera
enthusiasts, that the kodak trust is
second only to the Stand.trd Oil trust
in wealth, puwer and crushing ability.
( mucins nnd photographic supplies
not U in'.; a necessity nf the people
the lout liiiiatioi.s of this cuitceiu are
not u'jMi nt.
lrAN l 1.I1-FAI THKt'L rt RSON TO
I ll.lVil Hl.vt bli IJ.'I V Irtrt hillV Ut b.tlftt
t: hth! iiuo.1- r i; h . t i. mo fur 111 ,t ;i n I -.o-Itirlng
ln;'i-i-. ,-M ! illy li I bul.i; t.'MM tt
wcil. mut i'Ai- n.- .-.ilni v' i- u,l w.-. kly
Ulilt iXii-lt.-.!, i 17 rtilVill.H'l I'O'Vlollft
iMrl iti!, U ill,, n.w v l.o, nt til llli.'t y.
I l'i.-1 11c ,r tr . 11 i l' --li ! n (i,-niittii lil .
1 . li, t n..1 , ,1 r. . ! 1 0 -,:.rd , ni, 1 n. 1,1. u ,, :"i 11
Iri ,1- lit. 0.1 lK.li i"l u BLJi-i. '.'iiic-,
Flection is over nnd gone and for
once everything passed off very
quietly. The w orkers for each party
kept at w ork until the polls closed.
Very few remained to hear the result
when the votes were counted, thus
showing there wns liftle int'rost.
Jacob D. Price for senator received
70 majority, llifT for assembly 611
majority nnd l)emnrest for surrogate
02 majority, ntnl nil three were
The bunting season opens In New
Jersey Tuesday of this week, nnd
every hunter ha li gun In working
order. Shooting has been altogether
too frequent the past week, and the
large amount of game that will be
brought in the first day of hunting
will substantiate that fact.
Com husking is making rapid
progress nnd this week will see most
of it in the crib. The yield is the
poorest in years, and it will be some
thing of a rarity to see a crib chuck
full this fall.
Charley Cortright of Montague and
whoisnttending the Newton Business
College spent Saturday at his home
near the Brick House. Charley is n
Jolly all round good fellow and I
wish him unlimited successr
Edward Adams and friend of
Bloomfield, N. J., came up Monday
for their usual hunting trip and are
stopping with H. E. Montross at the
Layton hotel. Hunters are of the
opinion that there Is a scarcity of
gniue, especially quail.
Sandyston board of education met
Saturday evening and sold the con
tract for carting the coal for the
schools for the coming winter. Mr.
Bellis of Walpack got the contract of
carting at $1.G0 per ton.
A few nights ago a skunk took
refuge under the front stoop or Mrs.
Rosenkriins In Centreville. The boys
made up their minds to capture that
skunk, and they did, but my, what a
Winter is almost here, nnd the
mercury Sunday morning marked
20 above zero making ninny believe
it was really here. The fire felt
mighty good that morning.
Miss Allie Gunn, after a brief stay
in Orange, N. J., is now visiting
relatives at Perth Amboy.
Some people are flattered at getting
their photo printed In sensational
papers in connection with the recent
murder. That is one way of achiev
ing unpleasant notoriety, but it sells
the papers. -i -
I am told by one of our freeholders
that the new -road will be completed
in twenty good working days. I
hope this will prove true, for the old
road is in a terrible condition and
provocative of a deal of profanity.
The extra meetings at Layton
closed the pfst week and our sinners
are still sinners Notwithstanding the
efforts ol the clergy. The feature of
(he meetings was the singing of Miss
Campbell of Ware, Massachusetts, a
mission worker and estimable lady.
The remarks of Prof. Koehler at
your recent institute on Written
Test Work are only too true. Pupils
using pencil and tablet writing
out their work are only too apt to
disregard correct formation of letters
and consequently become poor writ
ers. This habit may cling to them
through life and this habit of rapid
writing gets worse as time goes on.
To receive a nicely written letter
correctly spilled and punctunted Is
the exception more than the rule.
The remarks in the Press of last
week in regard to sensational 6torles
of the Bevan murder are pertinent.
Our press is printing much that is
detrimental to the accused and will
have an effect to prejudice the" public
mind! Every accused Is presumed to
be innocent until proven guilty.
Tuesday morning the discharge of
guns was incessant and to an old vet
it puts him in mind of the skirmish
line down In Dixie.
Eston Vansicle Is at home for a
week from his duties at Newton and
is nursing a case of bloodpoison In
the third finger of his right hand. It
is hoped that it is not serious.
John C. Snook, one of our oldest
citizens, is very ill of kidney trouble.
Mr. Snook has been a hard - working
man and now past the three score
years and ten his age is against him.
John Murphy, who moved to Port
Jervis some time ap;o has moved back
on his place alon the turnpike.
Dre:,s making in nil branches.
MaryLudwkj, Broad St., Milfoid.I'u.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your biliousness,
and regulate your bowels. You
need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable;
p;c-nt!y laxative. L
Want your tnoijstac'ic or tcard
a bmet ii i'l brown or rich blck? L'kc
oycr.i::G!!M.rs dye
A rniirm of lri'nns in Ttihl" fltli'tr rnn
(lncti',1 liy Hoy, V A. Woml mi Munilny
ev.MiliiKs at the MrMiortlht l'BrsminKc
Division 1. Head Gon. 23 24. In,
chapter 22 -we have God's severe
test df Abraham. Does God fost us
unnecessarily? (1 Pet. 6, 7.) Did
Isaac display fuith? How was the
ram prophetic of Christ? (Note John
8:56.) Cliapter 23: Death nnd
burial of Sarah. Acts 7 : 4, 5 shows
how scant wns Abrahani'o earthly
inheritance Was Epbron aa gene
rous as be nppenred? The price ot
Maehpelnh was about f 250. Chapter
24 : A Wife Sought for Isaac.
Abraham wished his Bon to marry
in his own tribe. Why? Who act
ed ns messenger? Why so great an
equipage? What influenced Laban?
(v 30 and 53 ) Isaac according to
custom recoived Bebekah as his wife
before ha had soen her face. Was
he disappointed?
Division 2. Rend Luke 4:14 to
end of chapter. Then Matt. 5-7: 27.
Preaching and Miracles. Places
Nazareth and Capernaum. Sermon
on Hill above Gonnesaret. What
cnused the sudden wrath of his
hearers in Luke 4: 28, 29? (Compare
Acts 22:21, 22.) This first insult
agrees with Matt. JO: 38. What
fear possessed the demon whom
Jesus cast out? .Do demons control
men today? Note the last cruel
fling of enmity v 35. Why does
God Buffer Satan and his followers
to work mischief? Note in v 38
that Simon Peter was a married
mnn. Romanists deny this. In
Christ's sermon notice the number
of comments introduced by "Ye
have heard that it was said." Note
the letter of the law but the spirit
of it Is emphasized by Jesus.
Division 3. Bead Roui. 9 and 10.
The subject of "election" is treated
in chapter 9. Because of the faith,
fulness of many Israelites the elec
tion embraces the Gentiles. Paul
protests his loyalty to all Israelite.
(? 3) yet faithfully draws a sharp
distinction between yrorldly and
spiritual children of AbrntiKm. Note
thoughts emphasized : God's choice
v 11, His sovereignty r 20, dostrno
tiou of vessols of wrath v 22, exal
tation of vessols of meroy v 23,
few saved 29, righteousness by
faith v 30-32. Why does God re
quire faith for salvation? Will good
works tave anybody? Chnptor 10
further discusses how the - Gentiles
found salvation. Note difficult
verses for discussion in class.
That continual whirring noise Is
simply the wind whistling through
the legs of Carter Harrison as he runs
for the presidential nomination. Car
ter wants to be president and his
brother wants to come to Congress.
This would leave only the senate as a
check, and the people would never
take such chances.
'Editor Watterson Is still fulminat
ing over that !00 of which he was
robbed in New Y'ork. If New Y'ork
knows what Is good for It, it will
make up that 300 by popular sub
scription. Stepped Against a Hot 8tov
A child of Mrs. George T. Benson,
when getting his usual Saturday
night bath, stepping baok against a
hot stove which burned hiun severe
ly. The child was in great agony
and his mother oould do nothing to
pacify him. Remembering that she
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm In the house, she thought she
would try it. In less than half an
hour after apply It the child was
quiet and asleep, and in less than
two -weeks was well. Mrs. Benson
is a well known resident of Kollar,
Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic,
liuimeut and especially valuable for
burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For
sale by Balch & Son, Matamoras,
and general stores In Pike county.
The report of the commissioner of
the general land ofliee just issued
shows that during the last fiscal year
2,(100,028 acres of public lands were
taken up by private Individuals.
The.se enormous figures, taken In
connection with the current reports
of wholesale land stealing In the
west should cause the country to call
a halt on this rapid disposal of the
public domain, especially when It is
shown that but little of it goes ot
create actual homes.
The Best Remedy for Croup
Fruin the Att hUun, A'ut., Daily Olube.
This is tha season when the wo
man who knows the best remedies
for croup is iu demand in every
neighborhood. One of the uiobt ter
rible things in the world is to be
awakened in the middle of the night
by a whoop from one of the children.
The croup remedies are utmost as
sure to bo lost, in case of croup, as a
revolver is sure to be lost in case of
burglars. There used to be an old.
fashioned remedy for croup, known
as hive Byrup aud tolu, but some
modern mothers say that Chamber.
Iain's Cough Keuiedy is better, and
docs not cost so much. It causes the
patient to "throw up the phlegm"
quicker, and fcivn relief in a kliortor
time. Give tins remedy as soon a
the the croupy cough apjRiars and it
will prevent the attack. It never
f'Uis and is pleusiiut and Waftf to take,
i or f-ulo by iiiilch fe Son, Mataniur.
as, all geutrul atuu-ain Pike county.
fT II. w
When you a re out remem
ber that we carry an ex
cellont assortment of
stationery. It includes
everything that taste or
good form demands.
Our stock is kept fresh
by the addition of new
ideas as fast as they come
from the originators of
what Is best and most
Attractive papers in
boxns or; tnblets, 5 to 50'.
We sell stationery sup
plies of all kinds j pens,
pencils, ink, imirilngo,
erasers, elo., etc., eto.
Bought and Sold for Cash
or C rried on a Mar-
gin of 3 per cent.
You will find that the ser- J
vices I render you as a Broker
J ami the facilities and conven-
ionces I can furnish can not be
J surpassed elsewhere. It is to S
my interest that you make J
J money. AH business stdiotly 5
confidential. Correspondence
Z and telophone orders given
0 careful attention,
L R. Carpenter,
g Cor. Ball and Plka St.
Port Jervis, New York.
t Greulloh, Martin A Co.
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Dori't invest
money in a monument be
fore investigating the claims
of White Bronze. Write for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt,
Milford, Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
Houses nnd Lota nnd lots without Houses
Denier iu all kind of Property.
Jotary Public
Office Wells Building
Bulow Dttnmkk Huuae
Milford, Ta.
larht-jp III i
! -v ul un.u-i. tirw U or j 1 1 v io ui iijv-hu. u 1i
(r-triMJit u ji-iiinSl Lty. i ir tittJ btx b ,
Opposite U. tj. rdtent Omco
SuVn-ribe tor t I'i;i.a,
. ni
Correoted to Date.
Pollrt Pullmnn trnlns to nufTuln, NW
arn Kaim, Cimiitnuqim Luke, I :1civi1hii(1,
(JnlmcD and Cincinnati.
Tickets on imtn nt Port .TtrriR tn nil
points In Mm Went and f uuthwest hi, lower
rates Minn Tla any other flint-olam lin.
Trains Now IjFavr Port Jkrvis At
No. 8, Dully Kpr.-F B S4A.M.
" H, Dully Knptvsil 5)5 "
m, ImohI Except Sunday.. 6 80 "-
" 41), " ' " 7 40 "
" 7ii3, Way Pnndny Only 7 53 "
" 811, Ixh'hI Except Hiindny. . In sn "
' SU, Vny dully exo'tifunUny It 55 "
4, Dully KxpteHU 19 4j p.m.
" 74, Siimlny Only .. 1 n "
" U4, Wny daily ex'o't Sund'y 8 83 "
8, 1'nlly Expresi 4 o '
" 7i, Wny Pnndny Only 4 40 "
" 7iw, Ijih-iiI Snmliiy Only fl ir7 "
" l, Way dully exo't Sund'y 6.40 "
14. Express Dally 10 05 "
No. 7, Dnllv Fxnreqn 10 HOA M
' 17, Dully Milk Train 7 85 "
' 1, Dally Express 1184 "
" 115, For Ho dale E'pt Pun . 12 10P.M.
" 8, Expresst hlrno Mm dnl 6 15 "
" 11, IrfK-nl ExiiressSnndnT.. 6 50 "
" 5, Limited Dally Exore'ss. 10.16 '
Trains lenve Chambers street. Now
York, for Port Jervis on week rinvs nt
8.80, 7 an, 9 no, 9 15, 10.80 a. m., l .no," 8 oo.
4 80, 6 HO, 7 80, 9 16 P. M. On Fund its,
8 8U.7 mi, 9.00,9 16 A. M , 12 80, 8 30, 1 80
9 16 P. M.
r: xv. cook k,
Oeneritl f'AHfleift.r Agtint,'
New lurk.
Tonr own Wtr
Works, whirh
you can hnr by
conflnlHnjt J, C.
Mntamoritfl, Yn.,
who l prepared
to jrlve ntlumt)B
nt any time.
Write him nt
onoe or lull and
Me his stock of
Matamoras, Pa.
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the
Now Era Radiators,
Two rire In on
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. J. Klein & Son,
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CARRIAGE
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Llilford. Pa.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Btreet, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Bubscribtj tgr tlte rued.