Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 16, 1903, Image 4

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I mm m
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use It
today more than ever. They
rely upon h for colds, coughs,
B bronchitis, consumption.
I They will tell you how it
heals Inflamed lungs.
T hM ft yry hnil cnoeh for tbrpa r.
Thn 1 trll Ayftr'ilVrry l'"Mn'. M.-re
lunirt were aoon healotl and mj oouKb drotpd
M KB. T-KACL HYD1I, GnthTta fntr, Ik.
S.. Wc, pi on.
?.',,"r . for
Old Coutfhs
One y?r' Plt t brl"Tie Insures
a natural action next morning.
Good Bye at $1 Time.
Th (rrpnt ship wan just about to sail
away when the worricrl-looklng busi
ness man rnirriod flown the pani? plnnk
nnd approacliprt a mnn who lnokprl an
if hs hart conslrtp.rably more time than
money to spare.
"Like to earn a half a dollar?" he
"Can the moon shine," was the orac
ular reply. "How's it to be done? "
"Ton see that lady dressed In black,
BtandlnR at the ship's side? Well, that
Is my wife. She will expect me to
stand for twenty minutes and wave my
handkerchief to her until the ship Is
out of sight. I have no time to waste;
my wife Is very Bhort-sighted, so It
will do just as well if you take my
"S'pose she looks though an opera
glass T"
"Bury your face In your handker
chief as If overcome with emotion."
"That wil cost half-a-dollar extra."
"All right! Time is more valuable
to me than money. Throw In a few
hand-kisses." .
The money changed hands. The
merchant's business was attended to,
and his wife got her farewell. What
wonders are worked by strateev!
Yon cannot dream yourself Into a
character; you must hammer and
forRe yourself one.
Humility is the virtue all preach,
Bone practice, and yet everybody is
content to hear.
The Press
Is prepared to do any
kind of ordinary
Job Printing:
Bill Heads,
Note Heads,
Letter. Heads,
Or, whatever you may
need. THE STOCK is of
good quality, THE WORK
MANSHIP neat, and the
respectfully solicit a trial
order and will then leave
you to judge of our claims.
Thrice-a-W eek Edition
Road Wharvr tha English
Language I bpoksn
The Tlirieo-avWotsk. World was a bril
liant smioebs lu the bi-ginning and hat
btvn suimlily growing evor since. Tina
1b the tudt of all tilling, and iiuh s4 Lie miul
of approval on the Thi-iii-a-Vevk Wurld
which tt widely circulated in every stale
and territory of the Uuiun, and wherever
tuoro are people who cuu read our mother
Ti;ia paper for the coming winter and
the year lia, will make ila iitiwa aorvice,
if p.wHlble, more extensive than ever. All
events of importance, no matter where
they htipMiai, are reported accurately ana
The Bubaeribor for only one dollars year
gets three pajert everv week and more
liewg aud g'-nera! reading than moHt great
datheri cuu t urninh at five or bjx timett the
Tiie Thrloe a We k World U absolutely
flr in itri p.iluieal news. Jurtmau huts 1
liever ailoved to afbrrt its news columns,
und dmotjrul aad repui)Ucan alike i;nu ob
tain in us p.i-ri truthful account of all
the great t'-!uii! (iinii-u'iruH.
In u i -. 1 . t : i -1 1 to nil the news tile Tlinoe-tt
V . k in ii; fUMiUh.-a the biat aerial lie
tlm, eialfnaie inaiket reports and other
irliUlla "f iiiL M -t
TI.eTt.iirt u V. k .rl-.l'ir.Mil.irgu!
brrii.lu.u nri. e it, ui.Iy fci p;-r -;.r and Oils.
pjys tor l.Vi p:in-rs. W u oTI.rthis tin-.:-qu,.i.il
ltrw .-!.-i,.: r an j the l'lke I'l'iinlj
l'i.-i l.'tj. tii.-r one e.r tul I J.
Tie lv.;: il- Hit i.e .-rH'lkiU lirlvei uf tie
The Ready Answer of Passenger en
a Coastwise Vessel Was Grats
ful to the Seafarer.
"Coming lip from New Orleans" to
New York on ono of the Tiixt frolKhtrrs
thnt entry pasencera." paid ft man at
the Antor Vnae, "1 trot on preMy good
terms witfl the first mato-which 1
someihlnR of an achievement, by the
way, as tho averace senfarlnft man has
even a arealor contempt for tho land
lubber than the cowboy has for the ten
derfoot. Perhaps It was herause he
took me for a phyalc'an. One of the
passenpera had been aimiRtnu himself
hy trying to gueaa the oeeupatlonR of
the o'hera through their casual re
marks In the course of conversation,
and on the BtrenKth of something 1
had said the word wns pipsed arount:
that I was a doctor of nioillctn.
"The mate had something on hit
mind, and one day he took me liuo hi.
ronfldonce. 'On our lust trip to New
York,' he said, 'there was a chap from
Cincinnati In a pretty bad way wltl.
boore. He began to see spiders ant.
things, and It made me sort of unoasy.
as there wasn't a doctor on board
Pretty soon he pot violent, and I hat
to do something. So I pot the Irons ol
him, and gave him a good big dose o.
morphine to kind of Boot he him, ant.
then locked him tip In my own state
room. I couldn't have done more fo;
my own brother, could !?'
"I silently assented.
"'Well, would you believe It?' sale,
the mate, In an Injured tone, 'when 1
went to get him tip, the chap was
"'Dear me! what did you do?" I
" 'Do,' echoed the mate. 'There
wasn't but the one thing to do. We
sewed him up In tarpaulin and sank
him. Kind of a wet grave, too, for a
chap that had been so set aainst
water when he was a-llving. But, say,
doctor, I want your honest opinion.
Do you think that I did all that I
could do In reason for that man?'
" 'Of course," I assured him, 'of
course. The orthodox treatment for a
man with delirium tremens Is Irons
and morphine.'
"Then the mate left me with a clear
He Could you learn to lov me U
I were a millionaire?
6he I certainly would like you bet
ter were you well off say a thousand
miles or more.
Oh I Boston.
An Oklahoma paper pfints this
tory: She was from Boston, he from
Oklahoma "You have traveled a good
deal In the West, have you not, Miss
Beacon ?"
"Oh, yea, Indeed in California and
Arizona, and even in New Mexico."
"Did you ever see the Cherokee
There was a painful silence, but
finally she looked over her glasses at
him and said: "In the first place, sir,
I deem your question exceedingly rude;
and, in the second, you might have
been more refined in your language by
asking me if I had ever seen the
Cherokee disrobe." Exchange.
She Carried the Argument.
"Do you mean to tell me," he said
to the little wife at the breakfast ta
ble, "that you really believe In a per
sonal devil?"
"Yes, dear," was the confident reply;
"I've always had supreme faith In
And then he said that he'd bettr be
going, for he was ten minutes late,
anyhow. Atlanta Constitution,
- Sorry He Spoke.
"Oh, we have some very strong men
in England," boasted the new arrival
from London.
"How strong are they?" queried the
American citizen.
"Oh, I've seen them lift cannons,
trucks, and even ears."
"Indeed! Then it is strange that
none of them can life such a small ob
ject as the yacht cup." Chicago News.
Woman's Narrowness.
Mrs. Buttercup I wish I had a mil
lion dollars.
Mr. IJjttercup Thunderation, wo
man, haven't you any business acu
men? What do you want to stop at a
paltry million for, when you can wi3b
for a hundred millions Just as easily
and with just as much prospect of get
ting it?. No wonder we are poor!
Kansas City Journal.
Could Move.
He (at an art exhibition) Well, ho
do you like Brown's picture?
SheThat oue? Why, I thought it
was yours! Very Lad, isn't ItT
Pusch. "Mamma," queried suail Bobby,
"may i h.ve another niece of nie "
"bul you hue son. on jour plate
yet," replied LU u.oiLet.
"That ain't Lis," ai.t-wtrtd Hubby
scirij!u!ly, "that's cruet."
For u plua.tut ijhyio take CLa'u
lioilain's ;-'kimi(')i null I .ivor Tiibiutd.
i:t?7 to t.tU. ri.-ttoui.t in t-tToc't.
I'.ir ..! t.y A yn. Mat alliums,
nil n.-iu! f (i'-s in I'.lto comity.
Drowi iimkiiig in nil lu.inchc.-j.
a uitLi'twi'i, r rvt ist., v. . ; fu j , r.
I ff W i
Those who met Mnifrnrct Ixiwry in
the busy whirl of society pnid she was
a coquette. Those who had boas'pd
of her friendship for many years and
who knew her kind heart and spirit of
?ood will said she was not appreciated.
They said that she liked society for
the amusement It afforded and thnt if
hearts were broken and hopes were
shattered by those big brown eyes it
was not Intentleniil. And so the two
sides argued and raged over the mat
ter. For Margaret I.owry wns as
much admired sb she was disliked.
The young women of the circle in
which she moved took great rains to
impress on their men friend? the fact
that Margaret was a henrtbrenker of
the ruthless kind that leads you up to
the very threshold of love and Just as
you are about to make the lenp slams
the door of her heart before you and
shuts you out. Yet Margaret had the
Itxrgest following of admirers of any
young woman in town. The society
leaders knew this, and bo did the socie
ty editors of the newspapers. And
whenever there wag a social function
It was "Miss I.owry who po'tred," nnd
the newspapers seemPd to take particu
lar pride In printing pictures of Mar
garet In her finest gowns.
As for Margaret well, she enjoyed
the distinction of society's favor and
she revelled truly In the hearts which
were flung about her. It was her de
light to think of the lovers she could
But it changed. When Henry
Thorpe came on the scene society
noticed a change In Margaret Lowry.
The henrtbrenker seemed to pause in
her mad career of breaking hearts.
Everybody liked Henry Thorpe. Not
only because when his father died and
loft him to support his mother and
two sisters he had gone out into the
world and had carved a place for him
self In the rock of fortunes, but bo
cause he was manly and trne.
"Don't you suppose yon will ever
fall in love?" asked Margaret of
Thorpe one night ns they were Bitting
out a dance apart from the swinging,
swaying crowd In the ballroom.
"Yes, I fully expect to fall In love,"
waa the candid answer. "But not until
I find my heart's equal."
"What do you call your heart's
"A woman who Is constant In her
affections ; whose love must be pure
and holy; who will come to me because
she loves me from the heart and not
from the social side of her character."
And then Margaret Ixiwry hnd an
Society wondered at the change In
her. Margaret herself found It was a
hard struggle. It was the battle of
the true emotions against the super
ficial feelings which society builds up.
Henry Thorpe worked his way
through the social field for two
years. The Uonl'.lng of society amused
him, but did not change him. Then
Thorpe and Margaret Lowry sat again
apart from the gay music of the dance.
"I have had an ambition and I have
worked two years trying to realize it,"
she said.
"Have you succeeded?" he asked.
"I don't know," she replied, and the
red glow on her cheeks bespoke more
to the young mnn than worlds of
"Margaret, will you be my wife?'
he asked abruptly. Everybody knew
that Henry Thorpe was business-like in
everything he did, but no one thought
he would carry It into his love affairs.
"Are you sure you have found your
heart's equal " she asked.
"The heart true and constant beats
within your breast, and the love pure
and holy is that which I feel is within
you," was the reply, nnd then It was
the old story of two souls with but one
Margaret's ambition bad succeeded.
It Is Both Food and Medicine, 8ay Its
Enthusiastic Admirers.
Many advocates of the use of the alli
gator pear, that lustrous green stranger
with the tough skin, say that It has the
merits of both food and medicine and
Is remarkably nutritious, besides hnv
Ing that quality of flavor that seems
nicer the more you know about It.
It can be eaten one morning plain,
the next with pepper and salt, like a
salad, the next with lemon Juice and
sugar, and the partaker cannot tell In
which guise it Is most delicious, being
so satisfactory in all.
Then it can be served with madeira
or sherry as a dessert and made into a
pie if need be; only connoisseurs do not
especially recommend pie, except for
those pie enthusiasts who can be
tauirht to know and love a strange
trim only through that familiar med
ium. It gains lu popularity In New
York yearly.
It is said the oil in the alligator
pear has superior r ''rltlve value to
the olive oil or to thai yielded by pea
nuts, and that It is almost equal to a
fresh epg lu food value. It Is lu reality
one of the laurel family, not the pear.
Few people of the tropical cities
would willingly do without it, and it Is
valued and beloved both in M xl.o and
In China. A small orchard c. ihs fruit
Is bearing do An by I'aliu I'.eacli, Fla.
It was founded by French growers
who anticipate great success. Call
foruia now has several orchards of it.
The Brazilian variety Is pronounced
finer than either the Chinese or Mexl
ne who knows not that he is vic
timized uud knew not that he knows
not, ueeds a guardian. Adapted.
Special One Way Colonists Tickets
The Erie Lu iiiuceJ ou bale daily
until November U'Jth, very low
Cciluiiut ono wity tickets at Port
Jcrvis, to iKiii.U in the Fur West,
aiiii any ono cop.U'ini'iiiting H trip to
the VM:.-)t Would do wull hy droptiinn
a II'.kUiI to Kilo ticket (.nice, Port
Ji-rvitt, and receive hy return mail
tuiy depiiud iiik.rniutien.
T'ir New York piano innkrrft'
-dike is noted tin nn element of
The hit rsh, (rnnvsoinp sound henrd
lute tho other ninht wns simply the
death rattle of the Parker presidential
Oetoher 8th in the day pet for the
eviicuiiUon of Manchuria ly Russia.
Now let's see what will happen
Oct.. her Kth.
It was Romethiii(r of a Joke for
Mayor Carter Harrison to Innocently
declare thnt the. Chii-nxo Hty h is
full of grafters.
Since the president's return to
Washington ho has been pursued
more stiemiiiitsly than the biggest
game he ever himself chased.
The quarterly statement of the
I )i rector of the Mint shows nn a vera ge
Increase In the value of silver .03197
per ounce. Mr. Uryan should take
It is reported that Oeneral Blinder
will run for mayor of Kan Francisco.
We would appreciate a profile snap
shot of the gcnernl during the per
formance. How does it happen that t!ie dis
patches regarding the Massachusetts
democratic convention made no men
tion of the Hon. George Fred
The Hon. Tom Johnson now de
clares that he does nut know when he
is licked. His November punishment
will therefore be hut a slight shock
to his system.
"Wanted, silver-chases," is the
advertisement of a New York firm.
The edition Is practically exhausted,
but there is still a small choice stock
left in the vicinity of Jiincoln, Neb.
The Sublime Porte has jailed an
editor because he made n typographi
cal error. There are a good many
proof readers who need killing regu larly
with every issue of their papers.
Why is there not right now n good
opportunity for the Hon. Webster
Davis to proceed to the highest peak
of the Balkans and scoop in enough
profits to build another apartment
Richard Croker is to return he is
coming home; the Washington Post
does not know whether to take part
in the New York election or to escape
being drafted Into the new Biitish
The Colombian government should
follow Castro's example and create a
floating debt to foreign powers of
15,000,000. Then each country could
float its own ships right across the
Our democratic friends are not
flaunting the fact in the face of their
enemies that Premier Balfour is
urging the adoption of a protective
tariff in England as a means of
smashing trusts end hostile combina
tions. The murder trial of Lieutenant
Governor Tillman of South - Carolina
who shot Kdltor Oounales has de
veloped the fact that Gonzales was
unarmed and that Tillman apparently
coolly planned his murder. The
testimony states that Tillman made
numerous thrents to outsiders that he
would "kill him like a dog." There
are about twenty lawyers, including
the most prominent- In the state,
connected with the case.
The resignation of the chairman
ship of the republican national com
mittee so kindly tendered Senator
Ilanna by certain would-be party
managers, has been declined with
cordial thanks.
The Royal Month and the Royal
Sudden changes of weather are
especially trying, and probably to
none more so than to the scrofulous
and consumptive. Tho progress of
scrofula during a normal October is
commonly great. We never think of
scrofula its bunches, cutaneous
eruptions, and wasting of the bodily
substance without thinking of the
great good muny sulferers from it
have derived from Hood's Sarsnpa
rilla, whose radical and permanent
cures of this one disease are enough
to make it the most fumoui medicine
in the world. There Is probably not
a city or town where Hood's Sarsapa
parilhi has not proved its merit in
more homes than one, In arresting
and completely eradicating scrofula,
which is almost as serious and as
much to be feared us its near relative
Every mother should teach hei
daughter to cook savtngly. It will
be useful in years to ootne.
f State Normal School
2 East Siroudsburg, Pa
Hrjmjiir rotate Nornml Courses, fttid
to Sp'i'liil llrpnrtliient, of Muiu, li.Io- &
0 cuil-m. Art, i Iriiwlntf, SlenoKrnphy,
mill T uewritinir: unuitf College ir
i'reiiirauny i)eimi-t:nent.
BouritlilK eilH nea t-i iV per week.
iX.itruiiiK exiKiina .) per wee.
1'i.plla ttUii.ut'-'l t any time hull 4
Term i..M.n bent. iih. Write for i
l iilaj' ijl ue.
l C L. Kemp, A. M..
ft RrlnciDal. SI
A Sure Sign of Kidney
Trouble. Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy will
cure you.
Tain In the buck is a never falling sign
of kidney disease ; another sure sin is
the condition of the urine ; rf you have a
pain in the back then look to the condition
of your tirlne. Take a glass tumbler and
fill It with urine ; after it has stood S4
hours, if it has a sediment, if it is milky or
cloudy, paleordiscolored, stringy orropy,
your kidneys and bladder are in a danger
ous condition and need immediate atten
tion, or the consequen ces may prove fatal.
F. C. Wilcox of 5r,9 New Britain ave.,
Hartford, Conn., says :
"I had a frightful pain In my back,
tho result, of kidney trouble. My
physician seemed powerless to relievo
me. I determined to try Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy; it
' helied me wonderfully, and in a short
time cured me completely."
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
Is the one medicine that really euros nil
diseases of the kidneys, livor, bladder and
blood, rheumatism, dyspeisia and chronic
constipation. It is wonderful how It
mak that puln In the back disappear,
how it relieves the desire to urinate often,
especially at night, and drives away that
scalding pain in passing water and makes
you well and strong.
It is for sale bv all druggists in the
flaw BO Cent Sixa and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
SamfU bcttlttnoufk for trial, frte by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Hondout, N. Y.
Pr. Inl! KcimreYii Ho" Jelly rndicsl onre
Csurtb, lUy Ferer ui luid la Hcs. Due.
(Continuod from First Page.) ,
From recent political gossip the
following is interesting as showing
the sentiment of some of tho people
of tho South against Presidont
Roosevelt. Mayor .Smith of Charles
ton snid in an interview, "The south
has no candidates. It. is anyb idy to
bent Iloosovelt, who is most oordial
ly disliked on account of his attitude,
on the race question. Formerly he
was popular with us. When he
was in Charleston during the expo
sition he promised mo, in tho pres
ence of two other gontlemon, that
no colored man would be appointed
to oflloe in our state. He hnd hardly
returned to Washington before ho
did the vory thing ho promised ho
would not do. Even If he named
his two witnesses Mayor Smith will
have great difficulty in convincing
anyone- that President Roosevelt
8ver made him such a promise.
Last Thursday the president had
as a guest at luncheon,- Attorney
Folk who has become famous
through bis relentless prosecution
of the St. Louis boodlers. Plans
were disoussod for adding bribery to
tho list of crimes montioned in the
extradition treaties with foreign
countries, Mr. Folk is deeply in
terested in such a measure as sever,
al of the men whom he had indicted
have taken refuge in Canada or
Mexico. He bolievod that the agree
ments with foreign countries should
bo made retroactive in order to
make it possible to got possession of
those who are already indicted. The
president showed muoh enthusiasm
for the plan nnd Seorotury Hay was
sent for, to whom Mr. Folk ex
plained his case. The secretary
pronilsod totakesuoh steps a soemed
practicable as soon as possible.
On October 8th, Mr. Congor our
minister at Pekin signed an import
ant oommoroial treaty with China.
Tho principal terms of tho treaty
are the abolishment by China of
the likin or voxatious intornal tariff
which has made trado with the
Empire so difficult, the recognition
of Amorica's right of residence
throughout the empire for mission
ary work j the protection of patents,
trade marks and copyrights ; tho
revision Of tho mining regulations,
so that Atnorioau and other capital
can develop tho immense mineral
resources of China ; the granting of
the right to carry on trade, indus
tries and manufactures in all open
ports of China ; the promi e on the
part of the Chinese governmont to
provido for a uniform coinngo which
will be legal tondor throughout the
Empire ; and the opening of two
ports in Manchuria.
Cuba is undoubtedly disappointing
the pessimists.. In his recent tour
of the island Projidont Palmer found
UfHucb. to encourage the hope of both
pormnnency and prosperity for
Cuban independence. The people
were at work, the crops showed
gool, the prices were trending up.
ward and peace prevailed. Cuba is
on the up grade.
Balch i Son, Matamora, All General Stares
in Pike County Will Buy it Back
Vou assume no risk when you buy
CbnmtierlHin's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Balch & Son,
Mntamoras, all goneral stores in
Pike county will refund your money
if you are not s'ltistiod after Using it.
it is everywhere admitted to bo the
most successful romody in use fur
bowel complaints and the only ono
that never fulls. It IS pleasant, sate
and reliable. 10 80
2 .1
A. D. BR0WW and SOF
Manufacturers and dealers In ail
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed
OFFICE, Brown's Building-, Milford, Pa
Delavare -:- Valloy -:- Railroad
Time Table in Effect October I, 1903
p. m Ip in
10 c;i
1 i(l l,v New York
13 lo " Philndelibl
la :
B 00
ffi L!
fit H7
f 13 M'.i
ns it
fr, ml
a ul
fr. in!
ID 4'."!
flli fil
" .Onk Grove
" Fruteheys 11
" Coolb.'iuh "
" F.eho Tjiiko. "
" Turn Villa "
" Shoemakers "
Ar Bushklll Lv.
irj ih
12 C7
f5 11)
f 2-.'
fs at
fn liH
5 an
6 sr.
fia fill
tl III
1 or,
1 10
p. m !p m
f Stops only on notice
Trains arriving nt Bushklll at 1.10 p. in connects with stage for DinRinan'ft
Ferry, Milford and Port Jervla.
I. SELDON CASE, Supterintendent, East Strcudsburg, Penna.
Washington Hotels.
riifl hoUsl par excollonco of tho capital,
.ocatd within one block of the White
Houm; and dirnctly opposite the Treasury.
Kinust table in tho city.
A famous hotelry, remarkable for Its
hlatorit-,nl associations and long-euKtalneii
popularity. Hctwritiy renovated, repaiuted
ind partially re f urn in hod.
K landmark amonpr tho hotels of Wash
ington, patronized In former yoars hy
presidents and hitfli official. Always fl
primu favariu. Recently remodeled And
rvndiTod better Mian ever. Opp. Pa. K.
K. d"p. WALT Kit BURTON, Res. Mfr
Theso hotels are tho principal politu-al
rendezvous of the capital at all times.
L'liey are tiiH )jbfc stopping places at rea
sonable rates.
O.O.STAPLCS, Proprietor.
O. DEW1TT. Manager.
jr.-'!-;. -vi -
II3S Brosdway, St. Jamaa Build
ing, Now York.
For tho Treatment snd cure of
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
. Street.
WflnD-' ai" I"''T1UV'' to furnish
VlUUL wood in move lentlm al
J a loud. F. F. Skit., Milford.
Tl'll'l'llOUt) COltlWtioll!j. If
and HAY.
in need of any
Hello to No. 5., or como to
to buy a postal enrd and send to Tho
New York Trlbuno Farmer, New York
City, for n free apeolmen copy.
Tho New York Tribuno Farmer 1b a
Nntlnnul Jllnatrn-terl Agricultural Week
ly for farmers and their families, and
F.VKRY ls--uo contains matter Instruc
tive and entertaining to EVERY mem
ber of tho family. Thoprioo is l.OO per
year, but if you llko it you can secure it
with your own favorlto local newspaper,
Title PitKss, Mllford. Tn., at a bargain.
Both unpers ono your only 1.(!5.
Send your order and money to tho
PlKR i.Ioi'ntv PliRss, at Milford, Pa.
p. m p m
I), h. & W. R It Ar
Hrond Street Station "
8 I
7 3o
Id 2,1
F.afit HtroudsburK Ar.
Delaware Valley Junction "
KhuIo Valley , "
Craig's Mend'jws "
Mnrxhaira Creek . .. "
4 :J6
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4 II
ft Oil
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to conductor or on signal.
p ni . Ip. in
;$rr: .,ir.
Shoo Store
FIT because the
lasts they're made
on were planned
by experts.
They keep their
bhajrc, because the
workmen v r omare
them are experts.
They wear lie
cause their leather
was selected by
Our footing as a
shoe man has made
us lit to lit the feet.
Bring in yours.
We'll lit 'em.
:. t
Port Jeraa, N. T.
-y-:. Av J.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Hon Discovery
4 US I uli. itat kuU
A Perfect For AH Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Monay back if it faila. Trrnl Bottioe fr.
allaaeiaPiiaii'ri'iaOT rtn i, A