Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, September 18, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, September 18, 1903.
On Yfak Oh e dnllnr and fifty renin.
Bit Month? Hevetity-nve cents.
Kntcri'd at tho post offlon of Mllfnrrl,
Piko County, IVnnsylvjinlft, M accord
oluas matter, November tweuty-flrat, Is.1.
Advertising Rates.
Onnsonnn-folitht linns), nnn Insertion -M.00
K ic-h sulm.'iut,nt Insertion .60
KoUuot'd rates, f iii-iiIi;Iuh1 on application ,
Will bo allowed yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
and Exoenlor's
A uditor's notices - - . - -Divorce
3 1X1
4. if)
5. (0
Shc'trT's Boles. Ori'liana court
merit and election proclamation charged
by thu square
J. H , Van Kttwn, VcPUHHKn,
Mllford, Plko County, Pa.
The republicans of this district
have nominated for the position
of president judge
NOX- Hon. W. A. Erd
PARTISAN man, not particu
JIIIX1ES lnrly because ho
happens to have
boon an adhorant of that party, but
because ho has beon triod In tin
place and found to be qualified both
by ability and temperament for it
The office is one of vast luiportanci
to the people. Prop orty rights come
bofore the courts for adjudication
and personal liberty Is often in
volved. A person whether in the
oivil or criminal court can only
demand, and should be ontirely sat
isfied with, a fair trial before an
impartial tribunal. A judge on the
benoh should, in his administration
of justice, know no politics, creed,
sex or color. All litigants should
stand on an equality before him,
and their causes receive the same
Impartial and candid consideration.
Parties may feel safe in their rights
when assured of such treatment.
A non-partisan judiciary is becom
ing more popular with the people,
whon fitness and worthiness are
recognized in an incumbent there is
a growing tendency to retain his
sor vices on the benoh. A near by
illstration of this doctrine is shown
by the fact that in Wayne county
Judge Purdy, nominated by the
demoorats, has received the endorse
ment of the republican convention.
Judge Erdraan has received his
nomination without a contest. No
bitter feelings have been engender
ed, he has no friends who may ex
pect a reward and no opponents
who may anticipate punishment.
He is entirely untrammeled by
promises and wholly free from per
sonal obligations to repay political
favors. His position in the canvaB
is ideal, and he should receive the
unqualified support of all men, no
matter what their political predileo
tions, who beliove that a judge
should be non partisan in his ad
ministration of justioe.
The act of 1903 requires county
commissioners to issue their pre
oepts, to make the
AS TO triennial assessments
ASSESS- of property, to as
MEXTS sessois before the
socond Monday in
September, and assessors are requir
ed to complete and make return of
the assessments not later than Dec.
81, 1903. It may be said without
foar of contradiction that assessors
heretofore in this county have
notoriously disregarded their oaths
and recklessly disobeyed the express
directions of the precepts sent them.
Thoy have boon paid for work done
not in aooordance with law and
their solemn oat hs. What the com
missioners may do now iD respect
to this we do not know, but iuas
louch as it may be absolutely neces
sary in future to increase the gehool
tax in some townships by reason of
the law roquiriDg teachers to be
paid not less than 'J5 a month,
operative after Juno, 1904, it miyht
be wise for the asnuissors of the
oounty to meet in geriHral conven
tion some time in the near future to
diacuhs the important mutter of
future Krtsustmieiiis and agree, if
poti.iiiao, on, tome uniform nu ll ol
which bhull be equitable throughout
he county.
It we only had tbnt mil road tip
the vallov, Instead of our resorts
closing n r v ,
thoir seas o n
would li about
vr ix the
half over. The influx of visitor
who have been at the sea shore ami
who desire to end their summer
outing by breathing for a few weeks
the invigorating air of the monn
taina would no doubt bring a lnrg-i
number hore. What could be more
enjoyable to one who has pnssed
several weeks on the board walks
than to oome up hore where the nir
is hriieinir. the chancing verdui t
resplendent with autumnal tin
and nature Inviting to rest ai
ronreation? To ride, to walk, to
row, to fish to hunt, there is
more inviting place than this section
affords. Only let its merits hfl fu'
known and easy fauilitios furnish.
for its approach and city peov1 !
oonld not he content to remain aw: y
during this the really most attractive
season of the year.
Thoso who may be tempted to
slightly infract the game laws thi.)
season, if there are any such in the
countv. should bo careful. The
game wardens are unknown and
they may appear at any time or
place to the aunoyance and possible
future discomfort of any found vio
latiug the statutes. Ignorance will
not be an acceptablo excuse.
Edna and Henry Ivlaer have re
turned to school at Blairstown, N.J
Dr. J. M. DoKay of Luzon, N. Y.
has located at Matamoras for the
practice of his profession.
Chriasie, a son of Charles Ilormai
fell from a swing last Saturday and
received a severe scalp wound.
A marriage license has beon issued
to Redmond Drake of this countj-
and Mary O'Brion of Scranton, Pa.
Moses Doyle, a former Milford
township farmer, now residing on
Long Island, visited town this week
George Bournique, who is amploy
ed in the Brooklyn , branch of the
grocery house of W. A. Lcggett
Co.', will soon become a Bonedict.
W. C. Cortright and wife of
1-ackawaxen are in town today on
business connected with the estate
of the late Bradner Wood of Shohola.
Elder George Mitchell expects to
attend the next stated meeting of
the Presbytery of Hudson which
will be held at Cocheeton next
A. M. and T. U. Wolfe of Glad
stone, Mich., Glen of Lake Ariel,
Pa., and George and Charles of
Pleasant Mount, Pa., have been
visiting their brothers, I. L. and E.
S. Wolfe in this borough.
Hon. John G. Carlisle, who is now
located in New York practicing law,
will likely occupy the house of J. W.
Pinchot, 2 Gramercy Place, during
the coming wipter. Mr. Pinchot
and family will probably spend the
time in Washington.
Denver, Colo., and Return $40.25
On account of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew convention to be held at
Denver, Colo., October 7-11, 1903,
the Erie will run sell special excur
sion tickets from Port JjhM. to
Denver, Colo., Ootoberlfrd and 4th,
good to return to October 30th, at
$48.25 for the round trip.
The populist state convention in
Iowa was a great success, there were
eight delegates present anil the only
other memlier of the party in the
state sent his congratulations by
Like the running brook, the
red blood that flows through
the veins has to come from
The springs of red blood are
found in the soft core of the
bones called the marrow and
some say red Llood also comes
from the spleen. Healthy bone
marrow and healthy spleen
are full of fat.
'Scott's Emulsion makes new
blood by feeding the bone
marrow and the spleen with
the richest of all fats, the pure
cod liver oil.
For pale school girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin and pale, Scott's
Emulsion is a pleasant and rich
blood food. It not only feeds
the blood-making organs but
gives them strength to do
their proper work.
beiid for Irrt kui).!t.
l.t llll-t.
f-t w York
all dtUM!,U,.
. lite 4i go
Farewell, ye noble trees and rocks.
hen next your beauties 1 behuld,
"i'wlll be the lime v. hvn nature locks
All 'nouth the snows so white and cold.
The tree thi.f now filand tall and Rreeii,
Wi! then be brown, lealless nni bare.
What now niakes an artistic scene,
' then lie neither bright nor fair
The rocks that now rle rouh and cmy,
From out the streamlets stonv bed.
iicarinK above the water's play,
(Jrnmlly lifts Its jafjsrod head.
'1 He shallow, softly gliding stream.
Whose melancholy music thrills
The heart of thoso who come to dream
About tho future's good and Ills.
VUl then be silent and Ice-bound.
Its music stilled. Its beaulv fled
The leaves upon the maples browned
The golden-rod and daises dead.
Freak Weather This Week
Though wo had some quite warm
inys tlio first of this week the
vetther did not display the freaki-
noss which marked its conduct in
ither sections. Down on the South
Atlantic coast a storm which cost
several human lives, hundreds of
ifeads of citlle, nnronfod and other
wise damaged houses and ruined
temporarily orange groves and
wheat fields, prevailed, and the
money loss will run up into the
millions Out in the Northwest in
some places two feet of snow came
down and tolep-rnph wires were
generally out of business. Grain
was covered with snow and 8 Inches
of raiu fell in 48 hours. Rain, sleet
and snow prevailed all over the
Northwest Monday while in Phila
delphia the thermometer was 86 and
hero it was 80 at noon in the shade
Excursion, Extraordinary, to Lake
Ontario and Rochester
To meet tho wishes of tho general
public who cannot leave business on
working days the Erio Railroad
Company will run a grand excursion
to Rochester and Ontario Bench
starting from Port Jervis Saturday
evening, Sept. 19th, arriving in the
"Flower City" early Sunday morn
lng; special train returning same
evening. The "Maple City" Band
of Houesdale, Pa., will furnish
musio enronte. The greatest excur
sion for sight seeing and pleasure of
the season and the cost is the
lowost ever offered. Train will
leave Port Jervis at 7.40 p. m. Fare
round trip only 13.50.
Radium on Exhibition
The American Museum of Natural
History, at New York, has placed
on publio exhibition two grains of
the newly discovered element,
radium, which was presented to it
by Edward D, Adams. It attracted
the largest orowds in the history of
the museum and is being used in
experiments by gem experts. These
two grains cost about 1300, being
extracted from the metal pitch
A Free Scholarship
There is a free scholarship in the
School of Industrial Art of the
Pennsylvania Museum due this
county to be filled by the Govenor
on or before September 21, 1903
no applications are received from
this county the vacancy will
filled from some other locaiifyj.
Bids will bo recoived by the Sec
retary of tho Milford - Delaware
Bridge company up to Thursday
Sept. 24th, at 10 a. m., for the putting
in the joists and laying down plank
on the bridge.
J. H. Van Etten,
There was a severe storm down
along the .Torsey coast and iu Now
lorit weuncsday. The wind was
70 miles an hour and considerable
daiYnrgwwaB done to hotels and
houses. lA. number of boats belong
ing to the yacht club at Stapleton
were destroyed and other craft sunk
or damaged at Staten Island.
The horse trotting record has be
lowered at the rate of about a second
a year for the last fitly years. The
Wn-hington 1'oMt has figured out that
if this rate is kept up, without any
breaks in a couple of hundred years
first class horses will be doing a milt
in "less than no time."
!"OR -S ALE Fresh cow, 5 years old
with calf, one week old, by her
side. Apply to Joski'H Cannk, near
Centre. I . O. address Dingmnn
The Proper Treatment for i Sprained
As a rulo a mui will fool
satisfied if ho can hobble around
crutches two or three woeks after
spraining his anklo, and it is usual
ly two or three months before ne has
fully recovered. This is an unneces
sary loss of tune, for in many cu.-es
in which Chaiu'Dcrlaiu's Turn Balm
has be-n promptly and freely ap
pliei, a complete cure has been
eftiftel in less thnu ono week's
tune, and in some cases within three
daya. For sale by Baleh A- Hon,
Matamorus.ull general stores in Pike
Fanin rr
In the loins.
Ncrvou?mss, nni cfresb'nt; sleep, despon-
It is time yon were dolmj something.
The kidneys were anciently called the
reins In your crso they are holding the
reins and driving you Into serious trouble.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Acts with flip most rtiroct. bpnnflrlal pfOrt
on U.r ktiltieys. It i-oinnins t!i best anti
s.iff-Mt nuhtn!U'-! fnr corrfctins ana inning
tliese orpiuis.
Hie young Mr. Hearst presidential
boom has not yet exploded.
It has not yet rencheil tlm point
where they say, "Who the Is
Some of the Missouri politician"
are running for otllee as usual; others
for Hafoty.
Carry Nation hns now joined Mr.
Bryan in assailing President Roose
velt and his ncls.
The free trade net is iK'ing nprcad
again but a good many sad rents are
discerned in its folds.
Senator Hanna's trouble has been
diagnosed as a fever. His opponents
usually have the chills.
A photographer at Bristol, Tenn.
has been jailed on a charge of larceny
He was probably taking a picture.
Senator Uanna is announced as
preparing for the political "light of
his life" once more. How many
lives has the Ohio statesman?
Mr. Bryan might suspend fighting
republicans for a brief period and
transfer his attention to the Balkans.
The Los Angeles Saturday Post
has an article on "Decay of Oranges."
This places oranges and Bryan in the
same category.
A political convention in Hawaii
was broken up by r free distribution
of ancient Pirgs. During the speech
making some excellent hits were
It is not believed that students at
Mr. Pulitzer's college of journalism
will learn anything that cannot be
drilled out of them in a week or so
by any good practical newspaper
Thercis small chance of Cleveland's
being nominated and none of his
being elected, but what a huge Joke
it would be on Col. Watterson if lie
should be nominated and should
carry Kentucky by an old time
democratic majority.
"The democrats cannot hope to
w in on deatl Issues," according to an
announcement some time back by
the Hon. Tom Johnson of Ohio. And
yet Thomas Is 'now standing on the
Kansas City platform. Does he
expect to win?
To cook vegetables, be sure that
the water is at boiling point before
putting in the vegetables or their
freshness will bo lost.
Dress making in all branches
Mahy Luuwio, Broad St., Milford, Po
Stomach Trouble
"I have been troubled with my
stomach for the past four years,'
says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook
Farm, Greenfield, Mass. "A few
days ago I wns induced to buy n box
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. I have taken part of them
and feel a great deal better." If
you have any trouble with your
stomach try a box of these Tablets
You are certain to be pleased with
the result. Price 25 cents. For sale
by Balch & Son, Matamoras, all
general stores fn Piko Co.
in tin1 Kt.nte uf PnnnHylvtnift, nt the clo&
of busluoBS, September Wth, W6
Loans and discounts .. .
I 4 2l)rl 14
Overdrafts, secured nnd unse
cured -
V rt. Hoods to fieenre circulation
PremitimH on U 13. Uouda. . ..
Stocks, securities, etc
Hanking hoube, furuituro and
Due from National Hanks (not
92 So
an . ( no
4i1,lia 75
600 OU
reserve HgonU) . li,877 71
Due from approved reserve
atrniita 80,X7 18
Chocks and other cash Items..
111 -ih
Notes of other National ltanks. .
Fractional paper currency, nick
els and cent
Lawful Money Heserve In Hank,
Specie 4,155 05 I
Leriil tender notes . . 8,O40 ()
Ki-Ceinptton fund with I; ,S.
Troaniirerto ft of circulation)
1,H06 00
50 01
7,1'jo 00
l.iino (X)
tlou.iSS 3i
Capital stock paltj in I W.orfl on
Surplus tuisd 6,Oo-0 Uu
I'n.ilvici.-d prolltH, leu expenses
and leu h paid 1,f.s.'l 8
National Hank uoteaourstandlng SiO UtO lie
line to other National li.'inks 4)d 15
individual d poalts subject to
deck lua.e Oi
Ieio and cert i Ik ates of deposit l,lu W
Ccrl.lied chvcU 7 hi
lifJ.iKtf )
State of Pennsylvania. County of Pike, as:
I, John C arner, ('ashler of the above
naile d tiauU, do solemnly bWc-,r that the
alovc ..t.iieioeiic is trutj to the beet uf my
knowh-d;e and belief.
JOHN" (J. WARN EH, Cashier.
Hubscrlli'-d anu sworn to before mo this
1 o L L day of f?epten:ber, i'.o;i
Nuturv JJu Ijlie. I
Corre.-t --Att-st:
A I). HKciW'V. )
.K W. W UvNKU, Directors. I
K WAHNh.it, )
Three Dollars Better
Than Thousand
Hr. Kennedy's New Medicine, fal-rura
elvent, IMd More limn .Many Itiiitiir.
Your pocketbook ns well as your health
needs consideration, but often both HurTer
through Ignorance of the r,irli t th!n to
ty. That was the c.i-e w!'h thoKcntlo
man who wrote the fo) lowing letter:
Thousands of dollars have I paid out
to d et"M during my life and 1 .l.oi't
complain of the doctors; but Or. Kenne
dy's now medicine, Cal-rum Solvent,
beats thorn all. Throe bottles of it cured
mo last spring of heart trouble and terrible-
palrn In tho side, back and head.
Am better than Cor thirty years.' H. J.
Hranilow, .Icwett Centre, N. Y.
For f I Invested In Cal-cura Solvent
Mr. Hrandow got whit ho had spent
thousands for In vain. Your easo may
bo llko his. It costs only 11.03 for a bottle
of Ctil-cura Solvent at any dm,? store
Write to tho Cal-cura Company, Ken
nedy Row, Rondout, N. V., for n, fas
sample bottle.
To the Voters of the 43rd
Judicial District
I am informed that my failure to
electioneer causes manv persons to believe
that I am not a candidate for tho ollice ot
President Judjre. To correct any such
mlHundcrstamliriK I take this opportunity
of announcing my candidacy for that
offi'-e. If fleeted, I will perforin the duties
fif the oflice Impartially and to the best
of my ability, anil will require the business
before the (Joints to bo transacted av
rapidly as can-fulness will permit ami
with as little expense to thu taxpayers an
Practical Tests Better than Mere
Memorizing In Schools.
Educators are Krowlng fonder and
and fonder of the Idea of making edu
cation practical. In Brooklyn n new
plan has been adopted for examina
tions for graduation from high
schools, and student's standing la
based more largely on claBS work
through the year and less on the re
sult of closing tests. Each principal
conducts examinations at liis own dis
cretion, but the emphasis Is thrown
upon practical ability Instead of on tha
mere accumulation of facts. The class
work will be made to turn on the
power to think rather than to memor
ize. The Rrnolilyn "Eagle" saya:
"For Instance, In languages, the ex
aminations will be designed to tost the
pupils' power to read at sight and to
translate Into Idiomatic English. In
English literature a knowledge of the
history of literature and good taste In
reading will be counted rather than
knowledge of any text book. In Eng
lish composition the test will be the
ability to make a clear synopsis of a
composition, and to write clearly and
accurately, while the long-despised
and neglected spelling will be counted.
In science the number of experiments
performed and the student's skill,
neatness and accuracy In performing
them will hold first place, and In his
tory the knowledge of the soquence
of Important events and ability to
trace causes to. resultB will bo tested
by the examinations."
Everywhere there is n reaction from
the craze for bigness, and "quality,"
not "quantify," Is again becoming the
desideratum. Nowhere Is this change
more Important and more hopeful
than in the field of education. In trav
eling through life only such baggage
Is desirable as can be utilized for the
needs of the Journey.
Fashion Note.
In fashionable clrcleH It Is now con
sidered to be tho proper thing to
lonk out for a white automobile after
seeing an auburn-haired damsel.
Can Morphine and Other
Drug Habits be Cured?
It has beon long contended by
physicians that there is no ouie for
the drug habit. This is true so far
ns tho rank and filo of the medical
profession areconcornod. The reason,
thorefore, is that they aro ignorant
of the full scope and nature of the
disease; but fortunately for the cause
of suffering humanity we have dem
onstrated that the morphine or other
drug habits can be oured and guar
antee an absolute, permanent and
painless cure to those addicted to the
use of drugs if they will tako our
treatment and follow our instruc
tions. Each case submitted to us loceivos
individual attention and treatment
from an experienced nerve special
ist. We do not detain you from
business. Wo give immediate re.
lief. Appetito for drugs is destroy,
ed and appetite for food is restored.
Write today for our free booklet
and free trial treatment. All cor
respondence strictly confidential iu
plain envelopes. Address
Manhattan Thbkapkitio Ass'n.,
Dep't. B., 1135 Broadway, New
York City.
William B. Kerworthey, M. D.
I'll ysicia n and Surgeon.
Orti'-.e ami reawlcni-w rond atroet
icxl Court l.ouu. MiLtulU), PA.
To Cure a Cold in Oiid Day
Tela Litivc Ercmo Q::!,:ine Taircts.?
Srfven Kljlion boxes sold fa post 12
yckolfs New York
Fresh autumn (roods are very
much in evidence in different sec
tions of tho shop. To toll yet about
this morchan ise, to endeavor lo
impress you with its worthiness is
thn mission of this "ad." News of
this charncter is always of pnra
mount interest to our buying public.
Need wo again mnplinsi.n the fact
that styles, qualities and prices are
Just ns ynu would havo them? Need
wo ag:in emphasize tho fact that
first choosing Is always tho most sat
isfactory? .Stuck nearest comple
tion is that of Dress Goods, embrac
ing nn exceptional lino of new
Zibelinos, selling at 50 cents to f 1.48
the yard, latter, by tho way, having
greatest call. Closely second are
the Mohairs in tho Sicilian weaves
and fancy patterns.
coming in every day. The Louis
XIV style of jackets aro strong
features of the now suits. Many
miido of Scotch choviot nnd mannish
effects in cloth. Price ranfc n
110 to 2'i.
FURS are fairly well represent
ed, lines arriving every few days
and stock will soon be complete).
You know tho advantage of eaiiy
soloctions in furs which give yon
the best skins.
tumbling in ono after nroithcr.
Some departments almost filled.
Our interests lie in serving you
quickest and best.
Stroudsburg, Penn'a.
No connection with any store of similar name.
I n v iec rt-turnil if w fail. Any one M iifiint?.
skt-toh nod description of nny invcntii n will
pro.npily receive our opinion free conceruuiR
Th'1 imlentnlulity of natue, "JWw lo Obtain a
I'.ittiit" tent upnn request. J'atcnts figured
ihrmit-h us adveilKed for wle M our expense.
J'iU'Mis uken out through us receive xrlil
nrtfif, without chriri:e, iu Tiih Patft Hkco;:',
tin iUiut rated nnd widely circulnttd Joururd,
cn--.i1ted by Miiuuf u'tiim s nnd ifivcsl rs.
fcciid for sample copy FKE.E. Addiea,
ViCTO.'l J. fcVAKU & CO.
Patent Attorneys,)
But do not
Miss Getting a i
Education at the
Geo. Oakley, Pres.
B. F. Smith, Prin.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Blue Front Stsbles,
Port Jervis. N. V.
Adjoining Gumaer's Union House
R )ntl, carrint;i), draft and furm
h'li.soet fwr sale. Exchanges made.
A lar.71 stock from vvbicti to make
selections. CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
months. TLS SJS-tliTS,
Store Weekly News
umn s
t AAA .
Toinr r l.
T'iirtv-on yen ft!re practice. Opinion of ' i
n; i . ''it. W,tV I--..-. t
tns'ru.'i mandrel, renew. tt'SON bKObVK
F street, Wublng-taa, D. G
Wo reprossnt tho well-
known companies
of New York
of New York
of Philadelphia, Pa.
of London, Eng.
Keep Insured. You can
not afford to take the risk
for the small oost of a
Policy in a good reliable
Yhe Table
We solve it by keeping
Fine Groceries,
Canned Goods,
Choice Meats,
Fresh Vegetables.
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Charles G. Wood, Agt.
Hui!iw..or to .1. J, Hurt,
JSr-Ofiui- ill riNirof tWitnuuu on Ann St
Milford, Pika Co., Pa.
Cureai Ci ip
la Two r.iy.
c& every
tox.25c. y
y- r
A . IBM. 9T-. "