SEMI-ANN CLEARANCE SALE The edict lias gone forth ! Out goes every stitch of the remaining lines of our SPUING' AND SUMMER STOCK. No matter what the lows, we are determined to close out everything left. In a nutshell this gives you the reason for this tremendous sacrifice, PRICES ARE CUT TO POINT whence buying is irrcsistalde. Thrifty rticn will buy for next seasons use, if they have no need for clothing now. No event of a like nature ever offered up such rich "plums." The stock embraces all our lines of Clothing, Mats and Furnishings, and an assurance of "lightness"' in every particular Here are some of our prices and we feel that they will certainly attract you to this great sale: Men's swell summer suits, Blue Serges in gorgeous array. These suits are regular 12 sellers and bonanzas at that. Our special price - - $8.50 Men's Suits Here's a good all-around suit for either business or dress combines all the beauty,- fit and wearing qualities of regular $10 suits Our special price - - - $8.00 A grand assortment of Men's Suits. All the late cuts and kinks and brand splinter new $10. Our special price $7.50 Take a look 1 Take a look 1 "Togs" for the youngsters. Three piece or double breasted Boy's suits, age 3 to 15 years, patent waist-band, good trimmings. A bargain at $3.50. Our price $2.50 You can't turn around here without bump ing into some good things. You know a LITTLE MONEY goes a long way at i i i iiii j it i! it ii ;v Reliable Clothing House East Stroudsburg, - Ponn'a. A SEASONABLE REflEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for 50c. cL3S; H. E. Emerson & Co., &" Next Door to Hotel Fauohore. NEW SUffiER GOOD LAWNS, PERCALES, SATEENS, SEERSUCKERS, GINGHAMS, &c. A New Line of Shoes. All Prices & Sizes CHINA AND JAPAN MATTING HATS & CAPS COLLARS & CUFFS Select Groceries HARDWARE PLOWS CULTIVATORS LISTER'S FERTILIZERS WINDOW GLASS PAINTS & OILS Dcvoo's Pure Lead and Zinc Paints W. Ct G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. Kew Spring Goods Of EI very Description at 'iM-fii; V iYt K'l'OJy Too Busy Selling them to specify. Call and inspect the stock. ".Uford, UAL Vall Paper f'enn, SAXDYST0N. Tim Farmers, Mnoriatilos nut! TrndiiBtnons picnlo Bt Culvors Bntur riny linil Rplnndid wonther and the crowd atttMidiiiR was immense. Everybody hud a good time and It wns tlieir own fnul j if tliey didn't. If reports urn corroct hnrd older was vfry much in evidence. Prnf. L L. Roannhrans and family of Leonia, Jm. J , are spending a fortnight visiting friends and rela tives in this town. Lester is gotting grny along with the rest of us. Edward Adams, wifo and dangh ter came np Saturday to spend tlieir animal summer onting at Alsacia Farm, Mr. AdaniB is an electrician residing in Bloomfleld, N. J. The steam thresher of Samuel Snook of Frankford is at work in this town. He has a good machine and has all the work he can do. Miss Bowman of Elmira, N. Y., who has visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hughes at Layton, returned to her home Friday last. Edward Rasor of Sandyston and Miss Sadie Garrison of VValpack were married Bt the residence of the bride, Aug. 13, Rev. Samuel Jones officiating. The sheep damage of this town so far will aggregate nearly 1100, and every owner of a dog should be compelled to pay his dog tnx or shoot his dog, and shooting the dogs would be about the right thing anyhow. Beth Shay and Claud Depue are spending a few days here visiting relatives. Both are conductors on a Newark trolloy lino. The loose stone In our roads are getting pretty numerous and the law compelling their removal once a month is being ignorea. Those attending the picnio Saturday found plenty of thorn in orossing the mountain. The proposed new road up along the Big Flatbrook was surveyed and staked out Tuesday last by tSamnel Fuller surveyor. Work will com mence on building this road as soon as all legal requirements are com plied with. Soaled bids or proposals will bo received at the court house in Newton Aug. 25 for macadamizing pieces of road in Sparta, Andover, Stillwater, Vernon, Hardyston, Wantage, Byram, Sandystou and Montague townships. The pieces are from a half mile 10 two miles in length and making a total of 10 miles. Anyone familiar with the map of Sussex oounty will readily see that those piecos of road are miles and milos apart. Leter Sylcox, Jr., the little son of Lester Syloox and wife of Tutties Corner, died Wednosday last aged about 7 months. ' Somerset oounty, this state, is moving in the matter of circulating petitions to obtain Ave per oent of the voters to submit to the voters of that oounty the question of having three commissioners to perform the dutios of the board of freeholders. The Hunterdon Republican says "It will not be many years, we bolieve, before most counties la the state have adopted the act and substituted the smaller and less expensive boards of freeholders." It is safe to say that a board consisting of three members would not be putting here and there a piece of good road, as is being done in this oounty and the good Lord only knows when those pieces will be connected. Mildred, youngest daughter of William and Laura Major, died Tuesday last after a brief Illness. The sympathies of this community go out to the bereaved parents in their affliction. The girls who wont tooting horns to the picnio Saturday attracted general attention, but as they were bareheaded I cannot say whether tho hats were on straight or not, but their white waists were as beautiful as a pipe dream. City boarders do not seem to realize tlio fact that horses got tired. Sunday a load containing twelve of these "don't know what a load la" passed through Layton on n pleasure trip, aed the horses looked as if they would drop from exhaus tion. Whether the party reached their destination I do not know. In repairing the various school houses in this town it was found that the desks and seats of the Beva us school were the worst cut and defaced of any, and that those of the Ilainesvilla school were in the best condition of any in the town. Why not hold the teacher responsible for destroying the f uriii ture of our school rooms. Notice has been given that all interested will pleas) turn out on Saturday next and assist in clearing the Ijiyton cemetery of brush, weeds and so forth. Those having relatives lying there should look atier the monuments, as many of them are roady to fall. Tee hoard of education will meet in the l,iiyton school hous Sutur day evening to transact such busi ness as luuy come before the meet- 51 ATA MORAS. Mrs. Elizabeth Wosffall left home Tuesday to visit friends In Bradford county, Fa., and Binghnmton, N. Y. Oliver D. Squires, wife and little daughter of Highland, N Y., spent Sunday with relatives in Matamoras and Port Jervls. Miss Katie May of Fremont Cen tre, N. Y., Is the guest of Mrs. John Freldonstein, River street. Alfred Westfall, of Phelps, N. Y ., arrived in town Tuesday and is visiting the family of John Van Akin, on Cunningham street. Mrs. D. Lord of Lordsvile, N. Y., Is vicltlng her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord, on Cookson street. Mrs. M. Hankinsonof Middletown, N. Y.,, and Mr. Ileddor and Harry Balmos, of Montolair, N. J., are guests of Mrs. Robert Skinner, on Adams street Mrs. Delephine Robertson and William Middeau are are visiting Mrs. Tim Jordan. Rev. D L. Saylor, Presiding Elder of the Philadelphio District, preached at Hope ohuroh Sunday morning and administered the Holy Communion. Thero was a large attendance. Misses Bessie and Blanohe War ner left town a 'ew days ago for a visit with rolatives and friends at Glen Spey, N. Y. ; Mrs. H. B. Holbert returned home Saturday from Hoboken, N. J. She was accompanied by herdaugh tor, Miss Canute Holbert, of New York, who will visit her mother for a few days. Mrs. George Soybolt and little daughter Olive of New York are visiting at Hulet Seybolt's. Mrs M. Boughton and Miss Dorothy Coykendull from Hartford are visiting at Mrs. Wm, Frenoh's. Ephraim Kimble and wife of Kimble, Pa., and' daughter, Ger trude, are visiting Wm. Kimble. Mrs. C. II. Loeffler of Brooklyn is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Palmatier. Mrs. M. Owen of Montioello and Mrs. J. Tillotson of Cuddebackville spent a few days last week with G. H. Langton. Lewis McKeeby of Orange, N. J,, spent Sunday at Mrs. J. Westfall's. Mrs. McKeeby and little daughter, Florence, will remain some time yet in Matamoras, Misses Tessie. 'and Kate Biggs of Paterson are the guests of their friend, Mrs. Edward Lord. John Durant, aocompanied by his frUnd, Robert Lunn of New York, returned Sunday from camping at Twin Lake. They report having a very pleasant time. Miss Sylvia Eastan of Otisville, is is visiting Miss Nellie Wright, on Adams street. The Epworth ohurch Sunday sohool picnio took place Tuesday, at Tttinan's Grove. The was a large attendance. Mr. Allen conveyed the children to the grove in two large wagons. Everyone bad a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Titman made it very pleasant for the the children and teaohers of the Sunday schools. 8. liKEENTOWN. The ladies aid of Laanna held a fair, Thursday, August 27. Miss Eliza McMunu of Campbell Hall is visiting at P. R. Cross this week. ' Cor.) Bortree has been visiting at T. H. Gilpin's. David Bortree of California is visiting relatives in Sterling. Ethel Ueadly, whose parents lived in Greentown some years ago but who have lived near Lake Ariel the last few years, will teach the school at Greentown the coming term. The home of Horton E. Cross was lately gladdened by the birth of a young son. Miss Grace Buttler of Sterling and Arthur Fiske wore marriod by liev. Thos. Hooper at the home of the bride's parents Aug. 19. The people of Simonstown will hold a sooial at the house of T. N. Cross, Thursday evening, Sept. 3, AH are invited. Almost everyone is through hay ing at last and ali are looking hope fully into the dim future when corn shall be cutaud buckwheat harvest ed, either by the farmer boys or King Frost. Tuesday a heavy shower passed through this place accompanied by high wind which blew down small trees and limbs across the roads. Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver 1 Use Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. Sold for G3 years. LIX&Z Want your moustache or teard a bcaui.'ul brow u or rk tibia., k? Use BOG!(l!!G!!i'J.i'S DYE LINISMAS'S FJEKUY. If all the gamblers who break the law by following that business were sent to jail naturally every farmer would become an Inmate of thai corrective institution. The gambler stakes his cash on a horse, a card or some other nneertnln event and the farmer places his capital and labor against weather and if that remains as it has been this season he loses. It is nil a gamble. Mrs. M. M. Depew ot Philadelphia has been viniting her mother, Mrs. Jane Angle, the past week. If it is a fact that sohool directors are paid for meeting this township will haveqnite an expensive board. The weather which should be nice and warm for the sake of the orops is really growing colder, Sandyston and H. L. should not quarrel ovor the speed of Milford horses, The 2.15 gait was ouly a figure of speech, The only fleet footed being in Milford is the one who arrests outsiders to make thorn help fill the town treasury. There a few cabbages down here so the club foot does not trouble us. If we cannot have a county fair we might have a mowing contest. Jacob Vandermark is considered the champion in Delaware and William Campbell in Lehman. Let the sportsmen put up 125 for a scythe race. The hay crop is turning out very good. A oookiug school for women and girls should be started here. All who do or expect to keep boarders should know that a first class cuisine is necessary if the business is to be successful. Our 'Squire has been quite busy lately. Law suits have been prolific. Mrs. I. M. Smith has had several more sheep killed by dogs. Tho culprits were traced to Gabriel Cronos and two canines will have to be shot. Charles Martin, who was badly injured in an npset last spring, is around again and about recovered. Chestnuts will probably be scarce here this fall. Few trees have any burrs on, the old hickory trees will bear a few nuts but the young ones none. Connty Commissioner E. Vander mark favored us with a call recent ly. The dam which will make a fish pond on the Sanderson lot has been commenced. Wallace Bonsley has the oontraot. PrisoillaLayton while" driving a cow last Sunday had her log broken and her ankle put out of joint by the beast becoming unruly. LACKAAVAXEN There are ten cottages on Westco lang Lake, in Lnckawaxen, and all have been occupied this season making lively times in that vicinity. The Deer run club house, Wesley Grifiln proprietor, has been well patronized this summer. Mr. Scott and family are now occupying their fine cottage. J. G. Holbert's large boarding house at Westcolang has been, and yet is well filled with boarders. , W. B. Lockwood has a large gang of workmen in his quarry and is shipping very fine stone. Dyuntary Cured Without the Aid of Doctor "I am just up from a hard spell of the flux" (dysentery) says Mr. T. A Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummoud, Tenn., "I used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was oured without having a doctor. I consider it the best cholera medi cine in the world." There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used, for no doctor can proscribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form eithor for children or adults. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Balch & Son, Matamoras, all general stores in Pike connty It would be a great relief if, in the coming congress, the democrats should devise something positive, instead of merely opposing. It would be such an innovation that the country would be thrilled. When the question of platforms comes along for settlement it will likely be found that the silver plat form is pinned down with two or three big pitchforks. Boy Cured of Colic Alter Physician Treat ment Had Failed My boy when four years old was taken with colio and cramps in the stouueh. I scut fur the doctor and he injected morphine, but tho child kept getting worse. I then gave biiu half a teaspoonful of Chamber. Iain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemody, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon reoovered. F. L Wilkina, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is book-keeper for the Shell Luke Lumber Co. For sale by liulch & Son. Matamoras, all general stores in Pike county, f 1 lllallh l i ivfp pii i I Imlm Most of the so-called liver pills are made np of dras tic cathartics that leave the system worse than they Cud it. They BfToot the liver not at all. They are apt to derange the stomach and weaken the bowels, which condition is worse than tho one for which the remedy was taken. Dr. Hoffman's Dandelion Liver Pills area real liver pill. They stimnlate and strengthen the liver. Are purely vegetable, and mild and certain in results. Cure constipation, biliouFness and headaches, and clear the complexion. PRICE 15 CENTS ...For Sale By... ALL DRUGGISTS Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write for information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt., Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. Houses and Lots and lots without Houses. Dealer In nil kinds of Property. Notary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Below Dimmlck House Milford, Pa. jHrfiid uiiwiel, skuU'U or photo of invention (or r freereport on ittontnl n lity. For free book, rrirm 'Opposite U. b. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition Raad Whsravfr tha English Unguag Is 8poko Tho Thrice-a-Week World was a brll. Unlit (uccuaa In the beginning and has been steadily growing ever since. Time U the tet of all thin?, and hnn set Its seal of approval on the 1 urlr.e a-V eek World whluh is widuly circulated In every state and territory i.f the l aiou, and wherever there are people who can reud our mother tongue. This paper for the coming winter and the year Umb, will make its news service, if pobtiioie, more extensive limn ever. Ail eveurg of importance, no mutUir where they happen, are reported accurately ana promptly. The snhtfcriber for only one dollar a year gcu three papers evcrv week and more news aud general reading than most great dallle. can. turnhsh at live or six times the prhm. The Thrioe-a Weck World Is absolutely fuir In its political news. Partisan bias is never allowed to alT,;ct IU news columns, aud democrat and rcpuiuuan alike can ob tain In its pities truLhful accounts of all the great political campaigns. Iu adiiiuon to all the news the Thrioe-a-Wet-k World furnishes toe bent serial tio tiou, elaU:raie market reports uud other features of iuU?reht. The Thrice-a- V cek World's regular sub scription price is ouly l er year and this p;.ys fur l iO pajK-rs. We uftVr tills uue- inaled newspaper and the Pike Couuty PrtH toKeiher one year fur fri. The regular subecriptlou price of the t o paci-B lo 00. 0 WVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-VVVVVVt We promptly obtain V. 8. and Fnretsrn f i7 nn.LT.0AD TIME TABLE. Correoted to Data. Bolld Pullman trnlna tci HofT.iln, Nino ara Falls, Chniitnnqnn Lake, Clevelnnd, Chlratro nd (Jlnctnnntt. Tn kpt.R on nl nt Port Jprrln to nil points In the Wwtand 8nthwwtiti lower ratei tlrnn via nnj other flrgt-cliua line. Trains Now I.wavh p0rt JR7i Follows. EASTWARD. No. 8, IMIlTFxproBd 8 WA.M. " 6, IMily KnpniM! 6 16 " " m, Local Except Sunday. . 8 80 " " 7(Hi, War Sunday Only 7 53 " " 8fl, Wal Except Sunday.. 10 90 ' " 22, Way dally exo't Sunday II. Mi " " Dally Kxprrwi 18 " 704, Hominy Only 1 10 " " i!l, Way dally exo't 8und'y 8 IN " B, Ilaily Krpnm 4 80 " " 7M, Way Sunday Only 4 40 " " 1H, Local exoent Sunday!. . 6 OH " " 708, Local Sunday Only 8 07 ' " i. Way dally eio't Sund'r 8 40 " 14, Express Dally 10.08 ' l WESTWARD. No. 7, Dally Fxprpss 19 0A M ' 17, Dally Milk Train 7 in " ' 1, Dally Express n M " " 116, ForHo'dnleE'pt Snn.. 18 10 P. If. 1ft, HinR'ton, exoept Sun... 18 90 " " 83. Deposit Saturday only.. 4 49 " " 8, ErpressChloaffollmdal 5 15 " 29, Local KxpressSunday.. 5 50 " " 5, Limited Daily Expresa. 10.15 Trains leave Chambers street, New York, for Port Jervls on week days Bt 3 80, 7 80, 9 00, 9 15, 10 80 A. M., 1 .00, 8 00. 4 80, 6 80, 7. 80, 9 15 P. M. On Sundavs, 8 80, 7.80, 9.00, 9. 16 A. M., 18.80, 8.80, f.80 9 15 P. II. D. W. COOKE,' General Passenger Agent, New York, ( v J SOMETHING YOU NEED! Your own Wntmr Worki. which yon enn have by eonnnltlny J. C. PHENCOTT of MiitsmoraA, P(u who Is prepared to eatlmmtM at may tlm. Writ him at once or U and hit stock of FORCE PUMPS J. C. PRESCOTT, Matamoras, Pa. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fnel Saver in tho Country, CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiator. 4ARDWARK. CUTLERY, TIN, AOATM WARS, ETC. 'IN ROOFINO AND PLUMIINO A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARNESS Of All Kind and Styles. Blanket3, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing:-11. Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. "undelvu,c P Vio to g raphe R AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 79 Pike Street, Pgr Jeyvis, Jf. Y,