PIKE COUNTY PRESS. I Friday, August 28, 1903. PUIIUSIIWI RVEHV FRIDAY. OFFICR, BltOWN'8 Ilt'll.lMNH HKOMRT. pi'HWHUTiojr: Vra r l)iio dollar mid fl n v cents. HlX Mqnths Seventy-live rent. STHUTI.Y IN AUVANCK. RhUtoiI nfc tlio post riffle of Mllfiml, 1'lfce County, rVnnftylvmiln, ns Hf-onil-olasfJ luntwt, Novauibor twenty Hrt, lns. Advertising Rates. Otiernnrfl((lffhtli!ifl).nnelnwrt!on -$1.00 1C uli nt)mntnl liHr(,i'in .fJ HttUii-.'d rtit.'s, fimilslu'il nn nppliotitiun will be allowed yearly mWertiswra. Legal Advertising. Atlmlnlfitrnt-or' nnd mMw9 A mlitcir'a ikiMrps Dlvnree nntieefl - - - - ... - 8 00 4.1 - - 5. no Sheriff's suit's, Orphnmj enlist fifties. Cmintv Treasurer's Rules, County BtuM' ment nnd eltiitioa prooltnimtinn charged by the squarn. ' 7. H. Vnn Ktten, PcBLlsHKR, Mllfiml, riko County, Ta. Wo arcs in reooipt of nn invitation to attend the sogqut centennial celebration of the formation of the county of Sussex, New Jersey, at Newton, Woilnoaday, Sept. 2. Ko doubt the town will put on a gala nttire and that a large number of people will attend to enjoy the occasion. Our neighbor will livo long and may she always prospor. The notice, which appears else where, of the Philadelphia School for Nurses calls attention to a valuable work in behalf of young womon in small towns and rural distriots. The occupation of a train ed nurse is remunerative, there is a constantly growing demand for their services and the employment la not precarious to those fitted for the duties. Should any one desire fuller information it may bo obtain ed by addressing the central office in Philadelphia. There seems, on the part of some people, to bo a thoughtlessness or carelessness with respect to persons and property which sometimes causes one to remark where and how they were brought up. Aool dents from banana skins or orange peel thrown where people walk are almost as frequent and painful as those from guns and pistols "not known to be loaded," yet some will persist in dropping such pitfalls In public places. Another class will wantonly mar either publio or private property without regard to the rights of the owner, and one wonders if suoh ever had any bring ing up amidst careful surroundings Others will soattor papers and other refuse not only on the streets but also in places frequented by the publio to the annoyanoe of al possessed with a disposition to neat nee and order. A proper regard for the comfort, welfare and righ of others marks the true lady i gentlemen, whether in children i adults, and the lack of it donctes that which would offend if charao teiized in plain terms. A Progressiva Euchre Mrs. T. B. Morse Is entortiiuina this aftornoon at her handsome colonial residence on Fourth street a selooted oompany of Milford ladies at a progressive euchre. She will ba assisted by her mother, Mrs Weaver, and her sistor, Mrs. Eoa, and nieoe, Miss Uoa, of Philadelphia, That the affair will ba one long cherished by the participants as a most delightful memory, no one who knows the vivacious hostesses can for a moment doubt. The prizos for which the ladies will earnestly contend are a pillow, a Japanese teapot, a mirror, a plate, a table cloth, a pair of slippers, a Venetian glass comport and a cup and saucer, hrtioles all near and dear to the feminine heart. R. V. Slivuson of Bowling Green, Ohio, is making his annual visit with relatives in town. Mrs. Briard, who has been visit ing with the family of James Slauson at Caudor, N. Y., returned home this week. Ilurvey Huffman, Esq., of Stronda burg came np yesterday with an uuto on a busiuoMd trip. Mrs. Leonard Duffrd of Lester Blare, N, Y., is visiting her nncloa, Dunham and George Gregory. Lack of wind yesterday" prevented uishni! the rai'e between lielianco aiul fc.humro'k 111. Tho former yacht was in the li a j. Notj J-elveni.'un's iicw uJ. Presbyterian Chronicling (l)y Her. K M. Piupnd ) The bulletin fur the coining week g as follows : Sunday 10. HO a. m. preaching, 'The blessings of Trouble." 11.45 n. m. Sunday school, lesson, 'David Spnres Saul." fl.45 p. in. Christian Endeavor, topic, "Our Duty to the Stranger, 7.30 p. in, preaching, "Our Words." Wednesday 4 p. m. Woman's Missionary meeting. 7.30 p. ni. preparatory service for Communion. The first Sunday in September brings nrotmd again our quarterly communion service. As this is the regular time for the reception of membors it is most earnestly dosirod that paronts should impress upon their children's minds the value of church membership. To be sure it is necessary that they should have given their hearts to God before this step can be taken. But if there are any that should be brought forward at this time we shall be clad to confer with them. Two persons are expected to unite with us by letter and .if there are any others we hope they will present themsolves and their letters next Friday evening. Through the assistance of Mr. Bnd Mrs. S. T. White and Dr. and Mrs Barcklo the pastor arrangod an en tertainment which was given at the Bluff House last Saturday evening We wish to publicly express our most sincere and hearty apprecia tion for the assistance of thoso who took part. It was hastily gotten up but tho quality of the work done by the performers showed no signs of it. The program was as follows : Orchestra. Solo Miss Brecht. Duet The Misses Uuild nnd Cowlos. Tenor Solo Mr. Beutoll. Piano Solo Miss Cunningham. Solo Miss Houson. Comic songs Mr. Ganzenmnllor Orchestra. German dialect reading Mr Newell. Solo Miss Cowles. The not receipts wora thirty-two ($32). dollars which will be applied to the fund for lighting tho church with gas. Mrs. Jardon ts planning to give a social evening for the benefit of the church Saturday evening preceding Labor Day. Please bear this date in mind that the event may be sucooesful in every way. Methodist Church Jottings. ; (By Rkv. V. A. Wood.) Subjects for Sunday, Aug. 30th Morning, "The Imitation of Christ.' Evening, "The Commission of the Pew." The paBtor being away Kov. J. A, Cole of Halsoy Street church, Newark, will oooup the pulpit at both services. Brother Cole hurdly needs an introduction Be sure and bear him. One of the brethern will take charge of the next prayer service Sept. 2nd. Subject, "What Can We Do Townrd Winning Souls for Christ." The pastor and wife expect to visit Mount Vornon the last of this weok and possibly Ocean Grove next week Tuesday with an outing party we visited Twin Lake Camp. Dr Ryman caught a 2X lb. blaok baas aud others of the party landed smaller game. Miss Crocker took the 10.15 train for the west Monday night. She is to visit parents and relatives in Oberlin, O., this week and enters upon her dutios as teaoher in the publio school of Geneva, O., nox week. V Rev. C. Hanson Arpo, evangoliat. expects to be with us Wednesday Sept. 18, to conduct a two weeks series of meetings. The pastor will hold two meetings preparatory to his coming. Prof. Fenner of Port Jorvis, th well known musician and leader will give a concert in Brown's Hall Thursday evening, Sept. 3, with hii full band, consisting of 21 pieces, Tho professor will also favor the audience with a violin solo. Th this will afford genuine pleasure ail lovers of good musio is agsur from the established reputation of Prof. Fenner. The concert is in the interest of the Catholic church. Tickets 50 cents, children 23 cents. nmi no 5 P B UCJS 1 SC0TTS EMULSION rvt u a ki-Utt to carry trie wtikencd and Urvcd lystcia along until It on find l.nn in (port i ord.iuu-y food, Scud lor frc feting!. SCOTT A KOWKS, Cl.muu, r4'S ' I ! Yoik. jj i t.uo-t all dru.U. PA UP AC. I-mliol Ansley and Gertrude Pol- let are fliwndine thoir vacations at their homes. Mrs. Elsie Martin of Scranton is making a short visit with her father, Jacob Zimmerman. The cemetery lookr a gret deal better Binco it was cleaned. Sarah Wilson and Rnth Guest are spending a week with the tatter's aunt, Mrs. Atborton, at Dunuiore. Miss Adolia Woodard is visiting at Ilawlov. Florence Cooke spent 8 fow days with relatieves. Bibles are arriving by the whole sale, two more boys landed last week, one at Conrad Gumble, Jr., and the other will occupy the home of John Singer. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Pollott of Patter- son called on friends in this plaoe last woek. Mrs. Bell Pellott of Wavorly is visiting her brother, C. A. Pellett Mrs, II irry Anise is also visiting her parents, C. A. Pellott and wife There was a very pleasant party hold at the home of Emit Gumble Friday night, Aug. 21st. A targe number was prosont and all had more thin a good time. Isn't it a rather small if not contemptible pieoe of business to refuse to send a tologram over the 'phone to a neighbor, thereby caus ing much Inconvenience and possible loss? City Chappie Got any good cigars? Mr. Vanamaker Yes, good for the price. Well, I guess ther-e good enough to smoke in Paupnck. Yes? Aux. LEDGEDALE. On Tuesday, Aug. 18, Messrs. Clarence Morss, Lehigh Morss, Miss Minnie E. Morss of Scranton and their cousin, Miss Ethel Aitkin of Carbondale, left Scranton for pleasure drive. They reached Mt Pooono the first day. Wednesday they drove to Water Gap -and on Thursday to Milford, Pike oonnty Friday night they reached Ledge- dale, the home of their childhood stopping with Mrs. Kellam until Saturday afternoon when they left for Scranton well pleased with the trip. Mrs. Helen Simons and son, Leland, of Hawley were guests of Mrs. Friend Simons last week. Miss Margaret Roidy and her friend from Yonkers, N Y,, are visiting at Patrick Reidy's on Pike county side. O. E. Simons and wife attended the Fisk Buttler wedding Wednes day. Misses Blanche Walker of Peetona and Laura Edwards of Hamlinton visited at J. W. Robinson's last week. Mrs. J. Wesley Robinson was a visitor in Hamlinton Saturday and Sunday. Earl Cross attended the M. P, quarterly meeting at Mt. Cobb Saturday and Sunday. James Kellam of Panpao and liis sisterinlnw, Mrs. Charles Kellam of Brooklyn, N. Y., called on Mrs. I K. Kellam Sunday. The revenue cutters are doing full duty at Sandy Hook. There are men there who are trying to get away from America a silver cup. "Emphasize your opportunities Instead of your grievances" Is Booker Washington's advise to the negros, Epigramatlc, wise and potent with possibilities. Of course this has no reference to the chicken question. It is conceded that should Senator llanna tail of election, that failure would lie the greatest political sensa tion which has happened for very very many moons. But no one anticipates any sensation this year, Colonel Bryan's purchase of a span of fine 11200 drivers Indicates that for the saddle exercise ho proposes t continue riding hobbies. After all It is only natural that Hon. Adlai Stevenson should 1 indifferent about the nomination. "L'ncle-Adlai" is a decidedly sub stantial old citizen of the republic and was never known to take any thing worse than a hundred to one sliot. Governor Pennypacker and Mrs. Carrie Nation were attractions at the Grangers picnio at William's Grove this weok. Not Over-Kiss There is an old allegorical picture of a K'rt scared at a grass-hopper, but iu the act of heedlessly treading on a snake. This is paralleled by the man who spends a large sum of money building a cyclouo ouilur, but neglects to provide his family with a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints, whose victims outnumber those of tho cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is everywli3re recognized as the most prompt and reliable medi cine ia use for these diseases. For sale by liulch & Von, Mutamoras, all general btoies in I'lke county. lljicumatisni Wlmt In thf use of tHIInff the ftiPiinmtlo tlmt hr rVflfi an if hU Joints wfre focinR tils located T He known that his nffrlnp are rery mil h likp (lif tnrttirr ot tho ttwk. M hit hp. vnrtft (n know n Imt Will pfT ninnpnlly euro hin (ituf-rnp. Tout, fumnlltiR to thousands of grateful teal Inioulala, Is Hood's Sarsaparilla It promptly pent!!? Hip hHH In th Moi-,1 on which the disenso depend?, com pletely pltmltiRtes II, and strengthens the system against Its return. Try iiood's. rho charges of fraud in the dis position of Indian lauds have been seized upon by democratic issue searchers and attempts have been made to Involve the secretary of the interior perwinHMy. The frauds have been discovered and they are being carefully and thoroughly looked Into, but creditable papers can make only trouble for themselves by palpable misstatements. The principal charge against Mr. Hitchcock was that he had deposited government funds for Indian improvements with St. Louis trust companies In which he is inter ested and that the work has been delayed so that the trust companies could have the benefit of the use of the money. Instead of this being the case such moneys have immedi ately been deposited by the interior department In the United States sub-treasury at St. Louis. When Colombia finds that the United States Is really in earnest in preparing to dig a canal through Nicaragua, she will likely make all haste in recovering the plum before it rollB down hill out of her reach. As a matter of fact It would probably disappoint but fewf people to see the Panama route discarded and the Nicaragua canal built. The latter was the unanimous choice of the Panama Canal commission, until the question of the mere cost of the undertaking arose, and if Colombia thinks that the people of this country are wedded to her route and that they consider that they must have it at any price, sho will likely have a quick and sad awakening. A "legal violation of the law" appears to be Governor Poekery's (Alissouri) definition of robbing a corporation. WANTED AT ONCE Waitresses. Railroad fare paid. Apply to Forest Lake Association, Pike Co., Pa. F. A. Dam, Supt. PARTITION NOTICE Kstate of . I In the Orphan's Peter A. L. Quick, 1 Court of Pike County deceased. J Pennsylvania. To Catharine A Quick, Lafayette W. Quick, Flora Conner and R. w. Conner, her husband, Macule A, Nyce nnd John W. Nyce, hor himbiuid, Kuiinn J. Bnelling and Geoige H. Knelling, her husband. Lena A. Talmnere and I). Sherlll Tal mntfo, her husband, nnd John C. West brook, Jr. Guardian ad litem of Frank lin C. Kanb, John W. Nyce, Jr., and Peter Quick Nyco, minors. You are h wby notified that the Ornha nn Court of Pike County awarded an inquest to make partition nnd valuation of oertaln real estate, whereof Teter A. L. Quick, late of the township of Delaware, county of Pike, Pennsylvania, died, seized, con sisting of and comprising the following urit'oy ucsigiJULeu pieces OI land, to wit FIRST A certain .piece of land, situate in tiio cowusmp oi iHtiawnre, county of Pike aforesaid, containing In the whole thoreof nliuut W acres after deduction therefrom all lands sold by Peter A. L. Quick In his llfetlino and land previously soul, nnu excepbou in tite uoetis oonveylng saiu land io nun feter A, Li. Quick a part of this land comprises the homestead property nnd known as "Manor Hall" anil upon wnicli said decedent, futer A. It Quick, resided at the time of bis decease. BECOND A piece of land sttui.te In the township of IchiunD, county of Pike aforesaid, originally comprising; two wnoie tracts oi land surveyed In the war rantee name of John U. Hansey. each oo.'i- talnliifr 4e acres, more or less, nnd n part of one other tract surveyed as aforesaid In the nnnin of Joseph Smith, containing: Wi ncres lstj perches, the whole of said laud containing 1 7ti acres 132 perches, excepting ther-ifrom about 104 acres, more or loss, sold to John Hers: by John Teturbersj (Hontcter Hern) March 1(1, 1863, lately known as the "Custard farm." THIRD A certain lot of lnnd, sltunte In the vlllnft" of Mntr.moras, township of Westfnll, county of l'ike aforesaid, desig nated on VYehlnpur'a map of an addition to said village as lot number eighteen ( No. IS) fronting: on VV'nHhinirton st reet, being 50 feet wide In front and rear and UK) foet In depth lately the property of Henry Van Horn. FOURTH A certain piece of land, sltu BU) In tho township of DinuMimn, county of Pike aforemikl, contiilniou in all Ml'i acres strict measure, nnd lately knows the "Glioert D. Williams farm." FIFTH AH the equal undivided three-(jUHrt-ors part of two certain pieces of lnnd, situate In the township of Milford, coutuy of Pike aforesaid, surveyed on warrants granted to Abraham Horn nnd James Mease, numbered respectively 111) and 113 uu the Commissioners' liooks of said county, containing in the whole thereof Mi-4 aces w I perches, with allowance, etc., excepting thereout lsJ acres, more or lehs. with usual allowance, taken from oil of the Abraham Horn tract. SIXTH All the following town lots, alt uaU lu the borough of liiiord, county of Pike aforesaid, and ntonUrcd in Kldrcd's map of au addition thereto, as numbers o, 2ti. 27, 28, A), an, 31, bJ and .14, comprising about two acres of land, deserilied In deed imw kdwiu U. fcldred aud wilo to Puu-r A. L Quick, rtwrsiml in Deed li..k No. 87 pajre 241 said lots He ginning at n punt iut a corner nt the junction of Harford nnd 'icnih strucib lu tiie bald Hnioilgh. And that said iuijiiest will be held on the premises above dua!inated, the jury to Uieet for said purioo at, the SherU's (mice lu the Horougu of Milford, Pa., on TUESDAY, THE SIXTH DAY OF OCTOEEE, A. D. 1903, at 10 oVhx-k in the forenoon, and prrvetd with thv inqiHist until coinpU-t'-cl, Ht which tinio HitU pitiv and tluriutf the couu mi ni icu of suit! iiiquubt you liio iV!iu'oUM.t ami litre. y i.uUlit-a to ottund, If you think proper. GKOHUK GKEUOKY, thtritT. Sfhcriff'i Otlieo, Milford, V,, j AUtfUbt li, llJtJ. j Dizziness and Weak Nerves jCured. N.illilliK Help.) nlll llr. Kennedy's New niedtrlne, 4'nt-eion Solvent, V4's Tftlten. "1 very much wish," writes I,oreHii J Vail, of Hopewell .liuietlon, N. Y., Hint 1 tnlRht he nlile In n few lines, without- put tltiK myself forward, to let tlin people mnlerstnml how vnlmihla Ctil ourn Sol vent, the new inedlelns dlseoyered by Dr. llavld Kennedy, Is in cities of linlirphoii mid tho like nl.ments. which nre so com mon Bnirtnn us. I suffered from n severe viwloty of liver eoniplivlnt, wllh dlrlnrss, mimhncss, nnd nn exceedingly weak and excitable state of the nerves. I employed tho best treatment within my reach, yet in thing really helped until I liegiui to use 'al cura Solvent, and that did. Write to the C'al cura Company, Ken nedy How, Hondotit, N. Y., for a free sample Itottln. Remember: Only one Hr. David Ken nedy ever lived In Hondotit, City of Klnfrstoii, N. Y., ami be sure you et hit. new and latest medicine, which Is sold only in 1.0(l bottles. To the Voters of the 43rd Judicial District I mn Informed that my failure to electioneer causes many persons to believe that I mn not a candidate for tho oftico ol President Judge. To ci rrect any such misunderstanding I take this opportunity of announcing my cnndldacy for that oflk-c. If elected, I will perform the duties of tho office impartially nnd to tho best of my ability, and will require the business before the Couits to be transacted as rnpldly ns carefulness will permit nnd with ns little expense to the taxpayers ns possible. WILTON A. KRDMAN. SHERIFF'S SALE Hy virtue of a speelnl writ of Fieri Facias No. 8 September Term. llio:i. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon nit county, to me directed, I will exposo to sale by public vendue or outcry on SATURDAY, SKPTKMIJER 5, KM, at tho court house In tho borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pcunsyl vanla, at lu o'clock a. in., the following described property: The line of railway of the Delaware Valley Railroad Compnny extending from Snylorshurg, Monroe Co!, Pn to Port Jervis and Alntnmoras In Pike Co , Ph., 13 miles of which, naiuelv, from East StroiulHbnrg, Monroe Co., Pn., to Hushklll, Pike Co., l'n.. Is constructed nnd the road lu operation, Including all wavs, rights of way, roadbeds finished and to be finished nnd nil materials collected for construction or operative purposes, all lands nt nnd near Kast Stroudsburg nnd nt the northern terminus of said lines of railway nnd each of them used or to be ueed for terminals or otherwise for the purposo of or In co-noction with said lines of railway, nnd depots and stations, depot grounds, and station grounds, gravel pits and real estate and also all station houses, car house coal house nnd other buildings of whatsoever description, nnd all water tanks, all fences, trusses, culverts, bridges, Switches, turnouts, crossings and sidings now appertaining to the said lines of railway abovo mentioned and nlso all machinery and tools now owned nnd used in connection with the said lines of rall wny, one locomotive nnd tender, one fi-eiizbt car, one nccoiniiKHlation passenger and express enr, two passenger cars, and nil other rolling stock nnd equipments of every nature owned by said corporation nnd necessary for the exercise of its frnn chlstis, nlso all implements, fuel, materials and supplies necessary for the main tenance, operation nnd repair of said lines of rnilway nnd all other corporate proper ties real and personal, rights, privileges, franchises nnd immunities of the said corporation, T he above Is sold subject, to the Hens of a trust mortgage for tiyn.iioo, which covers that part of the line of railway constructed and In operation between East Strouds burg, Monroe Co., Pa., and Hushklll, Pike Co., Pn. Beixed nnd taken lu execution ns the property of the Delaware Valley Railroad Company and will be sold by me for cash. VINCENT O. MERWINK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, Pa., I August 13, H'3. j L. R. CARPENTER BROKER STOCKS, GRAIN, ETC. BONDS, COTTON, ETC. Bought and Sold for Cash or C rried on a Mar gin of 3 per cent. You will find that the ser vices I render you a a broker and tho facilities and conven iences I can furnish can not lie BnrpnsHcd elsewhere. It la to my Interest that you make money. All btiHiness strictly confidential. Correspondence and telephone orders given careful attention. f L. R. Carpenter, Cor. Ball and Plba Sta. Port Jervis, New York. Representing Greulich, Martin a Co. William B. Kenworthey, M. D. riiysician and Surgeon. Office nnd residence Broad" street I eit Court House. illLKuHD, PA. To PiTEST Caod sn may be aocured by Our ftul. AiMrea, THfc PATENT HE CO HO. li . U A 4ubiM.rip(.iuiia to TUo fticul Bogrd ci.ju uex v.ini'' 1. I ' Seven MJiion boxes sold In fjut 12 Vyckoffs Key; York mi to BE If you arc prudent in your money upending, if you believe in practicing a wise economy, you can ill afford to ig nore tlic values which this si ore offers you. At all limes you get your honest money's worlh; just at this time you get far more than your money's worth. We're cleaning house so as to he in the best possible shape for the autumn selling which will soon begin. Trice re ductions are most prominent. Will you 1m; among those to reap the benefits. Tailored '"ve n few tailnr- Quia Hindu Htiits left, mostly i.i. in in Ti'iinuu o llM.n.7, Have nenrly all sizes ot some kinds Maybe your suit nmouR them, r'lices changed like tins: The 12. 50 kind now S ; the f 18 now 12 ; the t.25 cow t5.50jthe f 15 ones now tlO. Silk Jackets "r previous snlo j ti- nearly cleared out and Raglans , bnt tllprp ire a few left. The 10 and tV Ittiglans aro now but f5. Silk .Jackets Hint wore 17.50 to $13 aro now fl to t-('0. Children's Wash These are ana vvooi ono sllson Sailor Suits as another, dyles chaiiRiiiR by little. Wash suits are now 1.25 to $1.75 that were $1.75 to $3.25. Wool Sailor Suits that were $1 to $7 are now 2.75 to $5.50. Ilipher priced ones nre the "Peter Thompson" suits. ADVANCE FALL NEWS While we are using every effort to push out summer goods at reduced prices we are receiving new fall goods almost every day. Our line of dress goods is nearly complete. A visit will find many things of interest. WYCKOFF'S HEW YORK STORE Stroudsburg, Pa. No connection with any store of similar name. Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sendinc Hketrh and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free conrernitiK the pnteutitbility of Fame. "How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured Ihroiifrh us advertised fr snle at our expense. Patents taken out throng" ns receive )n-rlal not U' ft without charge, in Tun Patent Rfuo:'.d, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consiiHed ly Mnnuf.irt urfre and Investors. beud for sample copy TREC. Adlresa, VICTOR J. EVAN9 A CO. (Patent Attorneys.) EviPft BultdlnR, WASHINGTON. O- C i WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A BUSINESS EDUCATION? A postal card request to tho PORT JKKVId BUSINESS INSTITUTE will bring a reply to this question Gbo. Oakley, President. B F. Smith, Principal Hubbard Bld'g,, opp. Erie Depot. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe " horses, good harness ' and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van T3sscl, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Blue Front Stables, Port Jervia, N. Y. Adjoining Oumaor'B Union IIonne Road, carriage, draft and farm horses for salo. Exchanges made. A large stock from which to make soloctions. CANAL 1ST. Hiram Towner. To Cure a Cold in Ono Day months. TLlS &:,nature, Storo Weekly Hews GHORED White Lawn seemed whon Wiicts wo '"'Kan our salo vy cusuj on thpse thHt WQ would hardly clean them out this year, but sweeping reductions les seneil stock materially. Still left such good plckitips as this : Thoso that wero $2.25 to $2.75 now $1.50; those that wore $3 to $1, now $2.25. Duck and White P. K. Skirts Season has been BHninst the sale of these, const quently a full line is left. Ducks are tnndo of host quali ty material, P. K.'s aro trimmed with insertion. Price of ducks that 8c to $1.48 is now 75o to $1.30. Tho white P. K. that were $3 to $4.50, now $2 to $2.50. Interesting to Tlie ' ot 25 Tr nnA down shirts that Men and Loys we pnt on gnlo at 35o has been culled freely, leaving a Rood lino of men's in moBt sizes. Some are oolored and quite a num ber plain whito Madras. All are now 25o each. .1 hi ' jf UtSiGNS. C0PVIIICHTS. MARKS. TMrtvnp ye -r tlf firarttoe. Olilnlnn u to VRl iliiv ami t.nnnitalillitv. Writo fur tuiok tt irionn-'-: ti aiir) n tcrciii ! EPSON KHO9U f tu-cct. Wuhlngtoo, D. t New & Exclusive All Prices Seasonable goods of Every description Ryman fi Wells. Supplying The Table AN EVERY DAY PROBLEM We solve it by keeping Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Meats, Fresh Vegetables. EVERY THING FOR N ELEGANT DINNER GUMBLE & RYDER Harford St. Milford Pa. Fir Insurance. OLD liKI-I-llil.K (IIIIIMMl.H. K UU K KA NONA III. B Charles O. Wood, Agt. Hrcwur t.l J. J. Hurt. "Ollici' lu renrcif lii-hlili iice uu Ann S Milford, Plk Co., Pa. Cure Crip ia Two Say. on every S' Js"S 1 0 fcVirY? i line: of nrsn Ann 1 a a VV i5