Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 14, 1903, Image 3

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mast norr:
1 vS
The Young; Man's Clothes nubt lo
exactly right for he is always posted
on what's what how long the coat
should be, what's the latest cut in
Waistcoats, what4s the correct widlh
for Trousers, etc., etc. We're after
these young men who know when
clothes are right. Xew Spring ideas
the natty and handsome Scotch
effects and Fancy Worsteds, single and
double breasted. Lots that's new to
1h3 seen here now. Such moderate
unit prices as these prevail: $..00,
$7.00 and $6.15
Clothier From Head to Foot. r3
East Stroudsburg, - - - Penn'a. sO
Emulsion of Puro Norwegian
With Hypophosphites of Li mo and Soda
A 12-os. bottle for SOc.
elsSS- H. E. Emerson & Co.,
Next Door to
Clean and Pure brewed BEVERAGES Beer, Port, Ale
like those of
Port Jervis, N. Y,,
are healthy and highly recommended for both
Sick and Well
Our friend
DR. J. KELLY, Milford, Pike Co.; Pa.
Who handles our. beer Exclusively will
cheerfully take all orders for our famous
Keg and Bottle Goods
Our Beers are
Bottled at the Brewery Premises, Steamed
Therefore free from any Germs, Strength
ening and Palatable. We send them
with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers.
Port Jervis, New York.
Long Distance-Hudson River-Phone No. 433.
Port Jervis Local Phone W 271.
A- New Line of Shoes. All Prices & Sizes
Select Groceries - . Wall Paper
Devca's Pure Lead and Zinc Paints
iei7 bpnng boocis
Of Cvery Description at
Too Busy Selling them to specify.
Call and inspect the stock.
Armstrong u
Broad Street,
ivi i irora,
Hotel Fanchere".
f 1 r s r - r 1
5 1 I 1 I 1.11
Now tint onr pipers nro tnlkinq
nf tliM nmn nnd timt for Remittor
from Hu'iSK I mitjlit itnriio one
whom I ltnve frequently lionnl In
connection with the office nnmcd
wliosn rejiutniim is fur nttovp
reproach and v.lto commands the
respect of nil irrespective of party,
nnil that mnn is Dr. Jnoob Price of
Bni null villii .
John Ij. ('reveling bos niRila lentil
cliiini for soma monies left by his
wife, nmounting to something liken
thonsnnd dollurs, well money come
tmiuly nt nny and nil times. Mrs.
('leveling died "Aup;. 31, 18U2.
Would it not be ft good idea to
hnvo n meniher of the society for
the prnvention of cruelty to minimis
in this town. Quito frequently
some chnp goes through onr streets
for nil his horse is worth nnd urging
the nnimal to greater speed with
voice nnd whip. Something ought
to be done In this mutter.
Cranberry Lnko ns a resort of the
D. L tv W. II K. according to the
Newton papers is one of the worst
places on earth nnd now that the
Sunday schools of Deekcrtown will
hold their annual picnic nt the lnke
on the 12 inst whnt will the Newton
press say aborit that.
The social at A. S. Stolls at Bcvans
on the ovenmg of the 5 inst was the
most largely attended of any yet
held. Everybody bad a good time
and nearly twenty dollars was
added to the treasury. '
Feople driving the turnpike across
the mountain complain that the
road is very rough. In anticipation
of the new road, little or no monoy
was voted to keep the present roHd
in passablo order. A recent ride
over the roid convinced tno that
something should bo done nnd Hint
without delay. No need wniting for
the new road for that wont be done
before Christmas at the rnto it is
progressing now.
This community was shockod
when the news of the death of Lewis
McDanolds of Drnnchville wns an
nounced on the 3rd inst. lie bad a
large circle of acquaintances in this
valley and was a genial wholesouted
good fellow. He loaves a wife nnd
one son 8 or 9 years of ago.
The steamer excursion from New-
ton Friday was not very largely
attended from this side of the
mountain. The threatening oon.
dition of the wenther deterred some
from going and yet it turned out to
bo a beautiful day. The Erie gives
excursions to N. Y. aud Coney for
tl, but the steamer gets a good
crowd at $1.76.
On a trip through Walpack Sun
day last I did not see what one
could call a good piece of corn along
the route, nnd if froHt comes early
what little there is will be a goner.
Hiram House removed from the
John P. Ilcnso farm Wednesday last
to the farm of Mr. Hull of Newton,
better known as the John Wood
Those usually keoping city board
ers in this valley now have their
rooms full. Hiram Unnkins near
Oovans has all he can care for aud
has had to refuse quite a number.
The Lake Orinnell pionio comes
ou the 15th inst and tho farmers,
mechanics and tradesman at Culvers
Lake on the 22 inst. The former's
attendance from this soction will be
smnll, but the latter isalways large.
ly attended from this valloy.
The two bridges to be built on the
now McAdam road wore sold on
Saturday last by the freeholders to
a Mr. Castorhne. Ilia one was sold
for 515 dollars and the other for a
little less.
Hubbits wore never more plenti
ful than this soason and go whore
you will you can sea t lie little
fellows skipping about. Dogs were
hustling them around Sunday, and
tho owners know thoir dogs are
violating the law.
In looking over tho statement of
tiio school monies of this town I
find nothing ronaidinj? the tuition
fees diio from the adjoining town
ships. Last year it amounted to
nearly or over 00 d.illnrs nnd there
must boa mistake somewhere. We
need nil the fee money wo can get.
Miss Rotta Losey started Tuesday
last for an extended visit among
fneuds and relatives in and about
The sick st Bevans are nmch
better and the little folks of that
hamlet havo bad a bard time of it,
dysentiiry having been epidemic
there. Kolit. 11. i.veritt has been
very ill with pneumonia is, at this
writing, on tho road to rocovery.
Our school houses are being fully
repaired and put in condition for
school which is barely threo weeks
away. Tho school room at Lay ton
has been oeib-d with hoards and
with ample nlato blackboard will bo
thoroughly up-to-data. The law
required two outhouses to every
school ground, aud 1 cannot see
why Supt. Decker does not enforce
this law. The one at Lay ton is a
disgrace and another for the opposite
sex should bo built.
Friend H. L. is evidently worried
over the ttlrtiek question. Just
move over on tho Jersey side, then
yea inn keep an eel-pot in the water
the year round an our laws r.llow
them Mud sot iu the right pl.tce you
would get et.ough for both of us.
Mntnmnrna has ft new physician
Dr. Arthur Wolfe of Philailf Iphia
He Is located nt MapleLnwn Cottage
on Pennsylvania avenue.
Frank Kerr nnd wife of Newark,
N. J., nre tho guests of Mrs. liuth
Quick nnd Mrs. Frank Gunsalls.
Wintleld Beybolt, wife and child
of Middletown are visiting relatives
iu this place nnd Port Jervis.
Albert Nichols of New York is nt
his home for his summer vacation. J
Tho L. C. U. connected with Hope
church will hold an ice crenm social
in Mrs. Staton's store on Third
street near Pennsylvania avenue on
Saturday, Ang. 15. All friends are
invited to be present.
Harry Caddy of Ituthorford was
in Matnmoras Friday to visit his
aunt, Mrs. John Gordon, who is
vory ill.
Misses Margaret Dorncy and
Josephine Heiser of New York City
arrived in Mntamorng July 25th nnd
have been the guests of Mrs. John
Sheen on Madieoti street. They
returned home Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Thomas Mead of New York
arrived in town a few dnys ago and
is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Matt
Miss Blanche Watts left town a
few days ago nnd is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Harry Moore of Jersey
Epworth Church's C. E. society
extended an invitation to the guests
of Eddy Farm (all talented vocalists
and niusians of New York " and
Brooklyn) to give an entertainment
at Epworth church on Saturday
evening, Aug. 15, in Matnmoras.
All friends are invited to be present,
Admission, 10 cents.
John Corwin of Weehawken, N.
J., arrived in town Saturday even
ing, and is visiting his mother, Mrs.
Helen Corwin on Cuuninghaiu St.
The wedding of Miss Emma Bill
man and William Hnckett took place
Wednesday evening, a full acoount
will be given next week.
Mrs. Fred Niles and daughter,
Flossie, and son, Herbert, returned
home Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Anna Peat from Now Haven,
Conn., is in town visiting her friends
Mrs. A. McClune and Mrs C. Y7.
George Martin, of the New York
post oflice, arrived in town Saturday
eveniug in company with his cousin.
Master Cyrus Back, also of New
York city, aud is going to spend a
week at Mrs. Jessie Martin's, on
Adams street.
Cards have been received in this
plaoe announcing the marriage of
Miss Julia Austalder, a former resi
dent of this place, to Charles Ungor
of Middletown, N. J., which took
place in that city Sunday, Aug. 9th.
Miss Ida Condeii of West Orange,
N. J., is visiting at the home of
Mrs. Ephratn Shay.
Mrs. M. Zimmerman and son,
Arthur, of Newark, N. J., are the
guests of Mrs. Ephratn Shay. B.
Charles Killam, wife and sons of
Brooklyn are guests at the home of
George N. Killam.
B. A. Francis and family, May
Wilson and brother Benjamin are
visiting the hitter's parents, G. W.
Wilson and wife.
A festival is to be held on the
spacious lawn of Mrs, M. N. B.
Killam Wednesday evening. Pro
ceeds for the ministers salary.
Two cinnamon bears, accompanied
by their owners passed through this
place Tuesdoy much to the delight
of the youngster who wituessed
thoir performances.
Summer boarders are still arriv
ing and occasionally we hear of the
arrival of others that are not
summer hoarders. One of tho latest
of which we have heard is an infant
daughter at the home of John Ziui
uiermnn and wife Sunday.
A handsome monument was erect
ed in our cemetery last woek to
mark the last Testing plaoe of M. N.
B. Killam.
The usual weekly dance was held
in the dancing pavilion at Honry
Gumblu's lust Saturday and was
attended by the usual "select crowd"
all report a splendid time and judg
ing by the number of people w ho
were awakened by thorn as they
wended their way homeward in the
woe smnll hours, we are quito ready
to believe their report. Dkkacto.
xour LiWer
Is it acting well? Bowels
regular? Digestion good? If
not, remember Ayer's Pills.
The kind you have Known all
your life. j.o.4oo..iweii.MM.
Want your moustache or beard
a bcftutitut brown or rich black? Une
It is a mistake there nre no
mugwumps in Delaware. Our
democrats are only becoming more
independent and propnse to do their
own thinking and voting in future.
They will not have a gang of selfish
politicians to whip them tip to the
polls and vote them any more. If
this resolution remains firm there is
good hope that we will have n much
better class of officials.
Unless we have summer weather
in September and the frost holds off
in August there will be no corn.
With the exception of very few
pieces the oat crop will be small.
Buckwheat is like Joseph's cont
patches of all sizes and colors but if
the frost does not catch it there may
be a good crop. Potatoes look well.
Howey is having a truck mnde
for bis horse power, after thnt he
will be ready to do threshing at
short notice. He is a hustler and
can be depended upon.
Whortleberry parties hnve boon
numerous this Benson, Calvin Cron
and family while out one day killed
three rattlesnakes, when they con
cluded to come home and leave the
field to the snakes.
Centre school is yet without a
tenehcr, the one employed has
accepted ft situation elsewhere.
That White Elephant, the Mott
street bridge, is now open to the
public, the next step is to remove it
and place it whore it should have
been in the first place aoross the
stream near Wells' dam.
The town is now well filled with
boarders. The streets present nn
appearance at times of a county fair
boing iu progress.
Shady Lawn Cottage under the
management of Win, Dnsenberry is
filled to overflowing nnd many have
b.ien turned away. High Falls
Hotel and the Bollevne House are
also well patronised. One difficulty
is experienced thnt of finding
sufliciont female help.
The merchants too are vory busy
attonding to customers.
Extensive preparations have been
made for the two dnys fair in the
M. E. church.
H. H. Sanderson is having his
swamp lands surveyed with a view
to building a dam and forming a
lake if the topography favors. This
might attract city guests.
Alpheus Bensley had Willian
Campbell before Justioe Frazer
recently charged with shooting and
killing a sheep. The verdict was
not guilty. After the trial a onreful
examination of the case might
indicate that the sheep had been
struck by lightning.
Connshaugh Spring House is at
the height of the season and is filled
with a lively party of city guests
who apparently get all the pleasure
possible from their pleasant sur
James P. Van Etton is doing a
hustling business with his auto and
expoots moa to got one which will
carry a dozen people.
Cabbage will likoly be scarce this
full, as most of it here is attacked
with the club foot disease. One of
the largest growers. Samuel De trick,
recently took out in one day over a
thousand affeDtod plants and many
small fluids are being entirely palled
Dysentary Cured Without the Aid of Doctor
"I am just np from a hard spell of
the flux" (dysentery) says Mr. T. A
Pinner, a well known morchant of
Drummoud, Tenn., "I nsod one
small bottlo of Chamberlain's Colio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
was cured without having a doctor.
I oonsidor it the best cholera medi
cine in the world." There is no
need of employing a doctor when
this remedy is nsod, for no doctor
can proscribe a bettor modicine for
bowel complaint iu any form either
for children or adults.' It nevor
fails and is pleasant to take. For
sale by Balch & Bon, Mataoioras, all
general stores in Pike county
The railroad age records now only
Ave unimportant steam railroads,
from four to twenty-eight miles in
length each, which have failed to
meet the interest on their obligations
during the past six months. This Is
a different showing from that made
ten years ago when railroad receivers
were being appointed every few days.
Boy Cured of Colic Alter Physicians Treat
ment Had Failed
My boy when four years old was
taken with colio and cramps in the
stomach. I sent for the doctor and
he injected morphine, but the child
kept getting worse. I then gave
him half a tenspoonful of Chamber
lain's Colio, Cholera aud Diarrhoea
Remedy, and in half an hour he was
sleeping and soon recovered. F. L
Wilkins, Hhell Dnke, Wis. Mr.
Wilkins is book-keeper for the Shell
U-ika Dumber Co. i'or sale by
li.ilch & Hon. Mutamoras, all gonorul
btures iu Pike oouuty,
Miss M. Cotniery, whose father
was Secretary of Legation during
ex-proshlent Cleveland's term, is
staying nt the Dabron home.
Jud. Klernnn nnd wife nttended
the funeral of Mr. Kicnmn's father
last week nt Smith Hill. P. Davis
and wife nlso attended the funeral.
John lioberts, bis son Will and
young daughter nnd sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Thus. Wright of Brooklyn have
been visiting Win. Ilankins nnd wife.
The funeral nf Wm. Bowers' five
month old child was prenehed in the
Ten Mile River Baptist chinch last
week by Kev. MeAlpine of Narrows
burg. The friends of S. J. Ilankins gave
pound party at his home last Tues
day night nnd were very generous ns
they have been ever since he was
hurt July 1st. Little Hazel is stay
ing at Nnrrowshurg.
Mrs. H. BrafTet of Nnrrowshurg is
visiting her brother, Wm. Hawk.
Mr. Kussell, a friend of MlssT'anny
Baldwin, is visiting her at the her
aunt's, Mrs. S. S. Crawford.
Mrs. M. Dabron saw some animal
chasing the chickens in the coop and
when she opened the door it caught
one of the chiehens under the wings
and she grabbed the animal by the
tail and killed it by striking its head
on a stick and found she had killed a
Lumber is being left at the. Tusten
railroad bridge to lie 'used later in
rebuilding the bridge across the
Berries scare, rattlers and pilots
abundant and rain more than seems
Advertise Incite Press.
If yoa have fniled ns yet
to try our delicious foun
tain speciality
You are losing a lot of
enjoyment and when the
season olosos you will be
sorry that you didn't try
them earlier. These
refreshing, toothsome
dainties cntch'everybody
nnd keen them cinnerht.
Try Ono Today $
8 Cents.
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Don t invest
money in a monument be
fore investigating the claims
of White Bronze. Write for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt.,
Milford, Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
Houses and Lots and lots without House.
Dualur lu all kiuda o( property.
Notary Public
Office Wells Building
Below Dimmkk Huuso
Milford, Pu.
Corrected to Date.
Solid Pullman trains to llnfTnln, Nina
nrn FhIIb, ('lmntnnqtm Lnko, Cluvelniid,
Chli'mw nii't Cincinnati.
Ticket on Rntn nt Pert Jcrvld to nil
points In tho Went nnd Southwest nt lower
riitcn than via nny other flrat-cliuu line.
Tkains Now IiHAVR FonT Jkrvib AS
No. 3, Duily F.xpremi
" li, Dully Kxprenn
J W, Loc.nl Except Sunday..
" T(W, Wny Sunday Only
" Ho, ,ncnl Kiccjit Sunday..
" 2:3, Way dully pxo'tSunuajr
" 4, Daily Kxprens
" 7(H, Son'day Only
" 21, Way dally ex'c't Sund'y
" a, Dally KxprcH
" W, Wny Sunday Only
" I'l, Local excent Sund'ays..
" 708, Loral Sunday Only. . . .
" U'l, Way dally pxc't Sund'y
' 14. Express Daily
8 24 A.M.
6 15 "
9 80
7 40 "
7 53 "
10. 0 "
11 56 "
18 49 P.M.
1 10 "
8 29 "
4.20 "
4 40 "
60S "
6.07 "
8 40 Jf
10.06 "
No. 7, Dally Express
' 17, Dally Milk Train.
. 19 ftOi.M
, 7 26 "
1, Dally Ksnress
1184 "
115, For llo'dalo K'pl Sun.. 13 10 T. M
15. WiiR'tcrn, exce pt Sun... 18 1 "
1 H.'t. Deposit Saturday oulv.. 4.4H "
' 8, Express C hirairn'lhn d"al 6 15 '
' 2U, Local Kxpress Sunday. . 6 60 "
' 6, Limited Daily KxDns. 10.16 '
Trnlns Ionve Chambers street. Naw
York, fur Port Jervis on week dnv nt
3 80, 7 80, 00, 9 15, 10 80 A. M., 1 00, 8.00,
.tf, o o", i oj, y. n r. m . un Minasvs,
8 80, 7.811, 9.00 . 9. IS A. M . . 18 80. 8.80. 7".80
9 15 P. M.
General PnRnpTig'r Agent,
Mew fork.
.A' . 'I
Your own Water
Work, which
you cftn have by
cnnaultfnff J. C.
Matamornii, V.t
who In prepared
to Rive estimates
at any time.
Write him at
once or call and
ee his stock of
Mutamoras, Pa.
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
for Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuel Saver In the
New Era Radiator,
Two Flr In on.
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. J. Klein & Son,
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CARRIAGE
Repairing :-NEATLYDONE.
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Haricrd St. - Milford, Pa.
- 1
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N, Y,
f ".Uford,