Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 17, 1903, Image 3

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i i
The Young Man's C"l1 lies w- bo
exactly right for lie is always posted
on what's what, how long the coat
should be, what's the latest cut in
Waistcoats, what;s the correct width
for Troiuers. etc., etc. We're after
these young men who know when
clothes arc right. New Spring ideas
the natty and handsome Scotch
effects and Fancy Worsteds, single and
double breasted. Lots that's new to
be seen here now. Such moderate
suit prices as these
$7.00 and
Clothier From
East Stroudsburg,
Emulsion of Pure Norwegian
With Hypophosphites of Li mo and Soda
A 12-oz. bottle for SOc.
1 H. E. Emerson & Co., "
23?" Next Door to
Clean and Pure brewed BEVERAGES Beer, Port, Ale
like those of
Port Jervis, N. Y,,
are healthy and highly recommended for both
Sick and Well
Our friend
DR. J. KELLY, Kilford, Piko Co., Pa.
Who handles cur beer Exclusively will
cheerfully take all orders for our famous
Keg and Bottle Goods
Our Beers are
Bottled at the Brewery Promises, Steamed
Therefore free from any Germs, Strength
ening and Palatable. We send them .
with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers.
Port Jervis, New York.
Long Distance Hudson River Phone No. 433.
Port Jervis Local Phone W 271.
A Jew Line of Shoes. All Prices & Sizes
Select Groceries - Wall Paper
Dcvoo's Pure Lead and Zinc Paints
1:317 bor-irw bOOOS
6 wr
Of Cvery Description at
i t !
i i i
! J iSi
Too Busy Selling then to specify.
Call and inspect the stock.
. it a v.-'
, . . , . s ... ,
Head to Foot.
- - - Pcnn'a.
ronrfl Street,
Hotel Fiuichore.
i w L2 W L.-3
O f' "m
i 3
Miss Ruby llimling of Mont
goinory is the gunst of lur mint,
Mrs. Williiiin Luwiriieo. Hie is
lieru for the stmly of stenoi upliy
with Prof. Lomsclio of Port Jervis
Miit. Frvil Wulfii or Norwich, N.
Y., Hiriveil in town Kiitnttlny and is
tho guest of lior mother, Mrs. (Jims.
Smnpson, Ht Port Jervis. Mrs.
Welsh will visit her oister, Mrs.
Cileries Cook, Mutiiinorns, before
returning home.
Mrs. Lillian Davis of Unverstniw,
N. Y., Is visiting friends in Mnta
morns. Miss Duvis was a former
resilient of this village. Her young
friends nre nlensetl to see her ngnin.
Miss Nellie Wiinoress of Pnssnic,
N J., oiled on Mittaniorns friends
this week.
Mrs. M. Bonnell, who has been
quite ill, is improving. Her many
friends are pleased to hoar of the
Miss Mary Beybolt has gone to
Otisville. N. Y., to visit relatives
for H week.
Miss Susie A. and sister, Miss
Emily E. Price, of Port Richmond,
Btaten Island, are visiting their
sister, Mrs. B. C. Totton.
Mrs. Mary Hurnnt, In company
with two grand children, Helen and
Charlie Durant, returned homa Sat
urday evening from a visit with
relatives at Monroe, N. Y
Miss Nellie Westfall, who has
bean on a visit at Orange, N. J.,
returned home Saturday evening.
Misses Maud nr.d Anna Ileotor, of
New York, who hnve bpen on a
visit to relatives and friends in
Mataironis and Port Jervis, return
ed to the city Sunday afternoon.
Gilbert Remey, wife and two
children, who ha ve been on a visit
to relatives at Pittsfleld, Mass., for
the past two weeks, returned home
Saturday afternoon.
Alfred Billman, wife and daugh
ter, Mrs. Harry Lilly, and little son
Alfred returned home Saturday
evening from visit to New York,
Jersey City and Coney Island,
Miss Verna Derrenger of. Paterson
who has been the gnost of her
cousin, Miss Maud Crissman, at
Port. Jervis for the past week re
turned homo Sunday afternoon.
Miss Derrenger called on Matamoras
friends Saturday evening in company
with Miss Crissman.
Mrs. W. McFariane and daughter,
Surah, of Waterman, 111., are guests
of Archie Van Etten.
Andrew Flood and wife of Wee
hawken, N. J., are the guests of
Ed Lord on Cookson street.
Mrs. Lizzie Clark and daughter
Regiuia returned home Monday
evening from New York City whore
they have been spending a few days.
Miss Lottie Kilpatrick of Port
Jervis, in company with her two
cousins from Now York, Miss Alice
and BeKsiu Adams, called on friends
in Matamoras Tuesday afternoon
Mi3 Mabel Walker, who has been
visiting friends at Silver Lake, Pa ,
for a few days, returned home
The following persons from Mata
moras and other places left town
today to encamp at Westcolang
Lake for a week or ten days : Mr.
and Mrs. ZiUard Lord and family,
Ed Lord and wife, Andrew Flood
and wife, John Simpson and wife,
Miss Lrtun Ackerson, George Rueg
ger and wife, Mrs. Emma Lord,
John Davis, wife and son Archie
and Miss Sadie Bloken.
Rev. O. J. Shoop, pastor of Ep
worth church, left town Tuesday
morning to attend the International
Convention of the Epworth League
at Detroit. Mich. He will be absent
until August 1st.
William Sampson of New York
City spont Sunday at the home of
Joseph Palmatior, River View
Harry C. Eberson and wife of
Jersey City spent Sunday with their
cousin, Miss Hazel Palmatier. S.
Otto O'Donnell and wife of New
York City visited the latters bister,
Mis. August Wereier, last week.
J. V. Sloan and wife of New York
city arrived at their cottage Hunrtny
evening. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Sloan's mother and brother,
S. W. Lippincott and family of
Avundale, N. J , spent last week
with their node, R. Shepherd.
Mr. Ruftb is busy repairing pianos
in this neighborhood.
Tho board of school directors
fulled at. Ilie nuethig Tuesday to
secure teachers for the schools in
Delaware as there weie not bullieient
CIiks. (i. WixkI of Milf.ird, accom
panied by a fi lcuil, tailed on friund
m tills piaeu Kumhiy.
Conrad (Jiovrt had li.id a !ai!?e
dmk limit m the luVo ncir hi.-
r'.s ill this h.-('!ioii t..oks Koi.,1
Fru.wt lvw but i Uub Laying.
Hay and harvest i now in full
swing and the only drawback is the
scarcity of help on the farm. Several
reapers hnve been brought into the
township and it will not be long
before almost every I'.innei- will have
his own reaper, the scarcity of lab r
compelling the use of machinery.
(ienrso Hursh, Jr., while In the
pursuit of a snuinel. in a tree, mis-ed
his footing and fell to the ground.
His injuries were thought to be fatal,
but nt this writing he is steadily
The loss of David llartrim, whose
barn was struck by lightning and
burned last week, was adjusted Fri
day by Director Thos. Armstrong of
Deekei-town. Prompt adjustment of
losses Is a feature of the Readiiigton
Insurance Company.
Rev. C. W. Demings, former
pastor on this charge, preached at
Hainesville and Dayton Suml iy last.
He is manager of the Stanhope, N.
J., baseball nine, one of the crack
clubs of Northern N. J.
F.ITort is being made to purchase,
of Dr. Martin Cole, an acre of laud to
enlarge the school ground at Lavton.
The price, 200 dollars, Is pretty Meep,
ami condemnation proceedings may
be resorted to.
The Lnyton school has no teacher
us yet, and at the last meeting of the
trustees, it was proposed to refer to
the county superintendent for a
teacher. The one hired for this school
has decided to remain at Mill Rift,
A meeting of our board of school
trustees was held Saturday evening
and the contract for repairing the
various school houses was awarded to
Shay Vanness of Hainesvillefor 1;!5.
The repairs will be limited to what is
actually necessary, for It Is only a
question of time when a central
school building will bo built nt Lay
ton thus doing away with the other
seven schools. It will cost somethimr
to do this, but it will greatly be to
llie advancement of school work.
Mrs. Carrie Marshall of Chicago is
spending a few days with her parents
w. c. Uunn and wife nt Lnyton.
Port Lnyton purchased a new
reaper and binder and it works fine.
Henry B. Miller of Jersey Citv has
been visiting friends and relatives In
this vicinity for a fortnight. He
left for his home Friday evening.
Will Major, and wife returned home
Wednesday last. Tliev visited his
wife's folks In Southern Illinois and
Will is delighted with what he saw
of the great west.
Application is being made to the
court for a new road along the Big
i iatbrook In place of the one recently
washed out.. It will pass over lands
of the Flatbrook club and Mrs. Maria
Van Ftten.
I see by an extract from the N. Y.
Sun that Wnii M. Vansickle foi nierlv
of Sandyston but for many years
supervising principal of the schools of
vest JNew ork. N. J. has been
removed from his position on the
ground of too much activity in
politics. Well, Turin is a rattling
good teacher anyway.
There Is such a thing as having too
much of a good thing, and some one
may have to emigrate if all reports
are true. Look out
The verses, "The Reason Whv"
In your last issue, contains a pile of
facts and sums up the question at
lsue correctly.
TaftoD was visited last Monday bv
several Ku'ghts of Columbus.
M. J Lynn, who has been visiting
in Scrauton, returned a few days
H. Sommors has gone to New
York to seek employment.
Frank Mauley and sistor, Mamie,
1st LietU. Frank N. Cliutick of Fort
Meyer, Va., and J. J. Mcflalo of
Scranton are visiting here and are
guests at M. J. Lynns.
The wedding of Miss K. Manley
and J. Slutttry both of Harrison, N.
J., is expected to occur in a few
The Minneapolis Times say9 that
there is a clean tplit in the republican i
party in Wisconsin that may help the
democrats if there are men among
ihein w ho are shrewd enough to lake
advantage ot the di'ind of thtir
enemies. Hut there are none. The
democrats of Wisconsin are nun;
than ordinarily iiuiiinkulllsh.
ili ous?
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? it's your
liver! Use Ayer's Pills.
Gently laxative; ellvc'rjtablc.
ioOl J
for G'J years. iSJ:a2:
Want year raoustache or beard
a bout.iul brown or rkti bl-uk t Lot
And Representative Cannon Could Not
Temnt Them,
T?cj)rrr"T!tnMve Cannon, si qnntpj
ly the C'hlcneo "Int.' r Orenn," Buys
that ihirlntr a lot nummer flay ha
fotmlit rc;t In a linmniork beneath
tlie sennf l-a-1n rf tin old. tree that
t"od at the corner of a down-State
"1 hart no poourr ptrctchol myself In
thu Iwiiniix-k." Mr. Onnon ssid,
"than ' these lti.-; attacked me. Reem
i)?ly by the million. It was Intolera
ble, ami In no pleasant frame of mind
I looked up tho proprietor.
".'What do you lncp.n,' I demanded,
'by stretching your linnimnrk In that
fly-haunted held ot torture you call s
"'I know the flies bio lad out there
now,' he answered, 'but, Mr. Cannon,
you ought to use the hammock dur
ing the hammock linurs, and you'd
have no trouble from the flies."
" TYhnt are hammock hours?' I In
quired. "'From 12 noon to 2 p. m. dally, he
reri'ert. 'Darin there hours flies will
not attack you In the hammock.'
"I was much Interested In the man's
Pocrntic skill In evading the Ipruo,
aid, wishing to draw him out, I atked:
"Why are there no flies around tha
hammock between 12 and 2?'
"'Oh, he rejoined, 'at that time
they're all In the dining room.'"
A Senatorial Fish Story.
"X told a fish story In tlio clo:ik
room of the Senate tho other dry,"
said Senator Clarence Clark, ot Wyo
ming, "that was received with every
manifestation of disbelief on the part
of fellqw-senntors. I said that In
Wyoming men frequently catch the
game and wily mountain trout by
scratching them on the stomach.
Trout abound In tho streams of Wyo
ming, and the beautiful speckled trout
Is found In every stream. In many of
the narrow streams running through
natural meadows t lie grass on each
side Is very tall "and screens a man
from tho view of the fish. I hnve
often known men to crawl to tho edge
of a stream and carefully reaching
through the tall grass, put one hand
In the stream and under the edge of
the bank. When the hand came In
contact wlih a big trout the man
would slowly hein scratching the fish
on the stomach. This has the effect
of making the flsh curl up and appar
ently thow great delight In the
scratching. Slowly the man scratches
along the body of the fish until he
reaches the gills, when he runs one
flnirer Into the gill and hauls the la?.y
flsl. out of the water. This is fre
quently done. When so much disbe
lief was expressed at the time I told
the Btory Senator l'rye came to my
aid by saying that he had known the
same thing to be done In the trout
streams of Maine. Washington Star.
Don't Ring the Night Bell.
A well-known doctor tells this as
as actual experience: "One night I
wss aroused by a loud rapping at'my
door. Leaning out of the window, I
sa.v a person standing on the step
ba lg away. "What's the matter
d there?' I cried. 'What do you
w V
T!s me ould mother that's tuk
bad, docther,' replied the man.
"'Your mother Is ill?'
" 'Faith, an' she is tuk terrlbie,
" 'How long have you been there?'
"'In faith, docther, so long that I
would be ashamed to mention It.'
" Then why didn't you ring the
night bell?'
" 'I was afraid of dlsturbln' your
honor,' was the Irishman's perfectly
sincere reply." Tit-Bits.
A man does not object to a woman's
vlsdom, If she will' let him think the
hits obtained It all from him.
Governor I'ennypueker of I'ennsyl"
vania forced through the IcgUIatitre
an anti-cartoon law and thereby
made himself an object of scorn and
ridicule. Jle has a brother who has
done better. The latter is the mayor
ot West Chester and he has stopped
the salo of liquor to habitual drunk
ards In that town. Ills course could
be followed with great credit and
profit by the mayors of every small
town in the land. In his capacity as
head of a community tho vnrim s
drunks and disorderlies are brought
h.'foie him. lie knows them all,
and where they are 'luibituals" he
semis their inone-i to every liquor
store in the place with a wurning not
to sell llieoi liquor under penalty of
the law, mid the penalty Is revocation
of licence. Mr. I'eunvpac ker dots
not pretend to he a reformer. lie Is
simply working to abate a nuisance,
save the municipality money, and
help out the drunkard's family.
Very Remarkable Cure o( Diarrohea
"About six years ago'for the first
time in my lifo I bad a sudden and
severe attack of diarrhoea," says
Mrs. Alice Miller of Morgau, Texas.
"I got temporary relief, but it came
back aaiu and aain, and for six
long years I have suffered more
misery aud atouy than I can tell.
It was worse tlm;i death. My
husband spent hundreds of dollars
for physicians' prescriptions and
treatment without avail. Finally
we moved to Bisque county, our
present home, and one diy I h ip
pound to see an advertisement ol
Chamberlain's Culic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimon
ial, of a man who bail beeii cured by
it. Tho case was so similar to my
own that' 1 concluded to try the
remedy. The result was wonderful
I could hardly real i; '.a that I n.is
well a'ain, or believe it could be so
after li:VTn(5 buffered fc ) lonjr, bin
that one but ll'j ul medl'-nie, C..Miie;j
but rt few cents, cured me." V i
sale bv Hal.-ii iV Sou M it ,in ,ias. nil I
onral etiore iu I 'iko county.
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Don't invest
money in a monument be
fore investigating the claims
of White Bronze. Write for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt,
Milford. Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
Ifousc ihkI Lots and hits without Houses.
Dealer in all kituls tit' Piupci'ty.
lotary Public
Office Wells Building
Below Dinimicl; IIouso
Milford, Fa.
Hero Is
Vonr own AVntcr
Works, whtfh
yon ran lmv by
cnnKHh Injf .1, (
Miitiimonifl, Ia.,
who Is prtpnred
to Ktve I'HtiniHteB
nt uitr time.
W ri to lit in nt
once or (till ami
nee his stock of
. 1 I Villi v
Matamoras, Pa.
f. ii 1 1-..
, :lv;ie
li'rlV t-l !
! ".'cm;--
'"( -'-'!i r l 1 "!u ul iiivt nlii u toi
t nil (uv-ihiMlity. l-or fire txx k.
"(lT1r!; pffP'Q v rite
l Opposita L
- - - - - .-nii,.sk-r
Trade Marks
t $ i $
Copyrights Ac.
AnvntiR epinlinft n (tktf h unci rtrwrrlpt tuny
OnI' W'v d!f'frl -t'M fmr (Murium t'rue w.': hrr nti
invent kiii ! pri'linttiv T;t(-( il ;tri!. '.ni i inn li'fi
tiniH i I'irf It "int1il';,ti,tl. 1 1 u I 10k nil 1'ftii'ritf
cnt fri til-h -l i:L'i"i''V f(.r Tcurili uttciiln.
l'.ilfiitft Ihr'pi HinniL'ti Mtinn to, fculv
l4--i-U u'Wicf, w!ifi'iutci)iri:o, in th
rtil'i'K'n i f mmt ( n-iii id'1 tiiiinifil. 'I riK. f t a
y.-i; ; ur ii".'. th, -l.Iuy.ili ncxv.Hiii-:iitr,.
Thrice-a-Week Edition
Road Wherever tho English
Language la Spoken
Tho TiirU-.-a-Wwk Wurltl waa a bri
Urtut iurVfis in tho bciMiing aiul b:i
bcnu stmidily growing cvt-r biuco. Tin e
Ls tho if.- i tf nil 'hlns n rid has st't 1:b bt'iil
of approval on the Thriru u-WVrk Worlil,
which U wiitfly iix I'V.-ry si.ire
it mi icriiitiry nf iu- I nhui, hik! win nvi r
ili:ro arc pnpio wiia t-;ia ind our inuth r
'I'ijii pMpHi- for tln cojitiiij; winter and
(he ywii- l. ;i. in.ikr its newt hcrvici',
if possihlr, more ex ti'iiMN n than t-vi-r. Ail
ifv.-ii!- of inip'titan.-i', no uiaUt-r whrrr
ih.-y happen, uro report d accurately anil
The sub-eriler fur only one dolhira year
els ! hive papers i' verv Week me,i lnoi-f
news nod eliecd readio th in ne-.it Kt'eut
dailies cm Im in- U ui hw or oii time Iht
pi lee.
The Thih ' -a y k -rid is uhwhiielv
f.dr in i; )'.; d oes. i'ai i i -an hia-. lV
nevet- all .. U it. nil et iu hi's ewlunin?-,
-ind deni.fci ,u .u I. i f. j'iili'ti'an uiiki - ran ';!
t tin in ii p l. ; i m and anounu uf ai-
ihe it p..li; i.- .1 eaiit .-,trt
in iid di i i.-ii l.. a I . i he o " i he Thriee-n
Week fn, ni-i... lii,- l-.l MTIhl Me-
M.ai, elm.o ir in ,n het iv.nii u uud oiht-i
e-f .
'i ho I 1 1 . i i - a- I'i'k W'oj-l'i'r, regular fule
l n e u onij, fei si ,tr a, id in
, lor I..
lli i l.e .
-. W . ..J' l),i u.-M -and
I -M- l-'ikt- t uiifil v
ripuon piico uf the
1 NO prt-i La i-i J'J,
Corrected to Date.
FulM riillliiaii tinins to HiifTnlo, Kinn
ii m I'nlls, C hnutnu'im Luke, Clovrlnnu,
C'liii ;urn nml ;in'inn:iti.
Tn ki'ts cm snli' nt Port. .Torvls fn nil
put ills in tin- WVM unci SmitliwcBtnc lower
rnlca tlinn Tla iiti.v oilier flrBt-i-liiBS Hue.
TliAlNS Now I.FAVR PoitT JKRVI8 it
K()l I.OW8.
N'n. 8, D.'illyK.Tiiri fiii 8 E4 A. M.
" n, Dniiy Kxprcsfl 6 15 "
" Wl, l.ncil Kxv.i pt Stindny.. 6 SO "
" I'.'. " ' " 7 io "
" Vii'.'. VTay Fimil.'iy Only 7 58 "
" ill', l.oi'iil Kxci 'pt Hnriiliiy . . 10. SO "
" S.-J, Way (lnlly txn't.uiKliiy 11 r.5 " .
' 4. Daily Kxpri'ss 12.42P.M.
" Till, Snmliiy Only l )i "
" L'l, Way dniiy i-xc't Siind'y 8 M "
" 2, Dniiy Kxpni-s 4 20 "
" Way Knmiay Only 4 40 "
' I'i, I.oi-al I'xiTiii, SnminvH. . 6 OS "
" Toi. I.n-al Sunday Only ,07 "
" 2H. ay ilaily o.yc't Sund'y 6 40
14. Kxpri'.ss Dully 10 06 '
No 7, Dnilv F-prc g HOI W
17, Daily Milk Train 7 S5 "
' 1, ll.'tiiy l-.Npr.-: 11 HI "
" 115, For Ho .laic K'pt Son. . 12 10P.M.
" 1". Hi im ton, except Sun. . . 12 20 "
" Deposit Saturday only.. 4 49 "
" !l, Kxpresst. hieniro'llln (lul 8 15 "'
" Eil, Loi n! Kxires.Sundny. . 6 50 "
" 5, Limned Dully KxureKS. 10 15 '
Tiains leavo CIihiiiIhts utreet, New
Vork, lor fort .lervis on imk dny nt
Ii HO, 7 HO, !l HO, 9 15, 10. HO A. M., 1 K," 8 (10.
4 :)o, W.sm, 7 :io, (I 15 p. m. On PumHvH,
3 :lo, 7 1)0, 9.00 , B.lu A. M., IS. 80, 2.80, 7'.80
9 15 r. m.
Genernl I'HMAenaer Agent,
New York.
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Ileator nnd Fuol Savor in the
New Era Radiators,
Two Flrea In on
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. J. Klein & Son,
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CARRIAGE
Examine my stbek it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Milford, Pa.
P ko tog raphe R
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y
Sold by all Newsdealers
1: .' ',';-:'!; " ,: 1 ' f,'
a"; ii.
fumlmhrn Mmhly t till luvnt
ii F2jcs el Pio:;i pslc
10 It DlrumeoUil
zi c::s!e f::c;j ror f::2
mmd 22 Paice ! Musical Lltcratur
One a Month for 25 Cents.
Yearly Subscription, $2.00.
Six Months, $1.09.
In one TP" you irttinrar!y HOO Ptemof M vintc,
CiiirtB!ii 2M i 4 j m vneUJ fioccis lur kliv ptuin.
if Mib'4a In uny fjniau: ur at oue uf ntf,
Wolil'l ti1-' i it tiU WiilSvud Uo'.lie iiKIJiV
mt it HI rev-. f iv Ih-flut ini-ii on lilt
Oi Uiti-bli, wu Vi 1 1 ! oejitl J uuamui l(uupy
J. W. PECPEH, Publlhr,