Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 10, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, July 10, 1903.
PUIITjIHIIRIJ kvf.hy fkioav.
One Yp.a r One (iollitr and fifty renin.
Bix Months Seventy-live cents.
filtered at the post nflleo of Mllfnrtl,
flltfj County, Fennnylvtiiili, na second
olu-ia matter,' Sovombur twenty-unit, 1WK).
Advertising Rates.
OuesqunrelelKlir II noxl.nnn Insertion -11.00
Kt.vM subsequent insertion - - .t0
Reduced rules, (iinilHhcil on nppliuatloii
Will be allowed yourly Advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator' and Kxociitor'i
notices .... 3.00
Auditor's notice! 4 .IK)
Divorce notices ft. on
Hlierlfl's sales, Orpliann court onli'S,
f.'.iinitr Treii-nirer'a sales, t'olinty state
tii'.Mifc and election proclamation clmrtfed
by the square.
J. II. Tan Ettttn, PlIBLISHKH,
MUford, Pike County, Pa
Of coiirne bars could be put across
the windows of the postofllco depart'
merit, but this would make it a too
comfortable jail.
The "enemy's country" has spread
all the way from New York to Iowa.
All Mr. Uryan has to do now is to
cross his stale line.
.Senator llanna can now bo said to
be comfortably ensconced upon the
Iloosevelt Hand Wagon, with the
band playing on coming victory.
The kodak friends certainly do not
go after J. Pierpont Morgan in the
hopes of getting a newspaper-prize
contest landscape scene or a Mellln's
Food baby.
John Jacob Astor is said to have
been the first American millionaire,
In 1820. New York today is credited
with having 1,320 million and multi
mere are always a good many
men, who, knowing well that they
could not under any circumstances
get the nomination, loudly proclaim
that they could not possibly afford to
accept such an office as the vice-
rresidency ol the United Htates.
It Is just possible that there are so
many congressmen who have been
taking active interest in securing
postofiice contracts for their constit
uents, that the question of appointing
an investigating committee may
never come to a vote.
Hon. John Barrett who has Just
appointed minister to Argentine has
traveled 45,000 miles in his trip
uround tho world in the past year
and has interviewed fifteen kings Rnd
emperors, largely in the Interests of
the Bt. Louis exposition.
A new York burglar received a
sentence ol four years. Upon damn
ing the Judge therefor, he received
two additional years. For further
cursing this style of justice and
assaulting a by-stander he received
three years more from the judge. He
may now conclude to bo good.
The Louisville Courier Journal can
be counted upon to shortly deliver
another scathing broadside against
Mr. Cleveland, Mr. Bryan and the
New York four-hundred; a Kentucky
warehouse fire destroyed a million
gallons of tine whiskey and the smoke
and heat has damaged some of the
best mint beds in the state.
The American squadron, so right
royally entertained at Kiel, Germany
is next the honored guest of King
TCdward In Knglish waters. Courtesy
and hospitality given or received, do
not lessen an individuals ability to
care lor or defend his own; on the
contrary an Interchange of courtesies
frequently prevents the necessity for
such defence.
It has been a long time in coming,
but we have It at last. Kx-Uovemor
Pattison of Pennsylvania brings for
ward the slogan for the next national
campaign, "Turn the rascals out."
Inasmuch as the rascals will be not
only turned out, but most of them
turned in jail before even a meeting
of congress, at the hands of republi
can administration and investigation
It is a little difficult to see what the
democrats could gain by their shout
ing. The report of the Inter-State Com
merce Commission shows a net
Increase in railroad earnings for the
fiscal year ending June 30th, 11)02 of
$52,000,000 over that of the preced
Ing year and estimates are made of u
further increase of $10,000,000 for the
year of 1003. This tremendous
increase in lailroad business, indicat
ing of course highly prosperous con
ditions of trade, conies In spite of the
fact that mont of the railroads have
been spending enormous sums of
money in permanent improvements.
For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's, i
Sioinaeh and Liver Tablets. They I
invigorate the liver, aid the diges- ;
tiou, regulate the bowels and pre- j
vent bilious attacks. For sale by j
Ilulch & Sou, M.ttumoii'.s, all general
Stores, ju Pike county,
Presbyterian Chroniclings
(My Hev. F. M. Pmend )
Preaching services next Sunday
morning and evening at tho hours of
10.30 and 7.30 respectively. All are
welcome and the seats are free. The
subjects of the Sermons are : "Our
Talents, their usn and abuse,"
litigious Fervor."
The prayer meeting topic for
Wednesday evening is, "Fleeing
From Known Duties "
Plans are being made for a union
service one week from next. Sunday
evening The service will be, in the
interests of tampprir.ee. The speak
er, who is very highly recommend
ed, is Mr. Emmet t D. Nichols, E-q ,
of Wilkesbiwre, Pa. Further men
tion will be made next week.
The pastor 1ms Just come upon a
good suggestion in one of the church
papers and which may prove of some
value to our renders. The article
speaks of a "Go to Church Band"
which is organized among the chil
dren of the Sunday school of the
Westminister church of Brooklyn.
Our superintendent offers a prize to
all the children of our Sunday school
who do not miss a Sunday's patch
ing service each quarter But might
not this suggestion for a band of
church goers be extended to the
older people? Why would It not be
a good idea for some one nt the
different hotels and boarding houses
to do some work In this lino for
their respective churohos? If you
favor our church lot the pastor know
of yonr willingness to aid him in
this direction and ho will bi very
happy to render any assistance
within his power.
This Is the time of year when
informal tnusicalos and entertain
tuents have been given ut the differ
ent hotels for the bnneflt of the
church. These occasions have
brought tho guests in our village
and tho church people together in a
social way and wo hope that it has
been beneficial to nil parties con
oerued. We will be pleased if any
thing can be done in this direction
during the remainder of this month
or in August.
The pastor would be very happy
to meet and to render any services
desired to those of our denomination
and who may be sojourning in
Milford for the summer or a briefer
period of time. He would appreciate
the honor if approached as freely as
suoh would ga to their own pastor
if he were here.
Methodist Church Jottings.
(By Rrv. V. A. Wood.)
Subjects for Sunday, July 12th
Morniny, "The Holy Trinity.'
Evening, "Bolphaz.ur."
Wednesday evening prayer meet
ing, a "White Servioe." Lesson
"Purity." References: Is. 1 : 18
Ps. 51 : 7, Itev. 3 : 5 and Rev. 7 : 14
Questions: "Is anyone naturally
clean?" "May all bo so?" "If tho
heart is deceitful above all things
and desperately wickod how may it
be purified from sin?" "Philoso
phically what relation has the blood
of Christ to our cleansing?" Ladies
will please, if convenient, dress in
white. Bring white flowers aud
white drapery early and let
make the room delightfully attrao
tive for this servioe.
On Tuesday evening the Sewing
Cirole of the League was delightful
ly entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Durling. The young
people were out lu force and bad
lively time.
The question : "Why don't man
attend church?" seems to hnve
excited considerable interest of late
V hy may we not hear from the
men who do not go to church? W
are sure the Editor of the Phess will
give more space for a discussion of
this important problem. Is it
possible that men are too lazy? Ia
tliero really no attraction? Are the
themes discussed from the pulpit
of no practical value? Lot us hear
from you, friends. Your suggestions
may be helpful.
The Epworth League will hold a
Festival, July 16th, on the grounds
adjoiniug the church, from 4 until
10 p. m. Fancy articles for sale
Refreshments, etc In case of rain
the occasion will be postponed until
Friday. All are oordially invited.
Tho Epworth League Rally last
night was tolerably well attended
for such a warm evening, but more
of our people ahould have heard
Rev. W A. Chadwick's magnificent
and Inspiring address. Brothers
Slioop of Mntmnoras aud Fowler of
Otisville were present with quite a
Dumber of Leagueisfroiu Slutuinoras
aud Port .lervia. The next rally
will be at Otisviilo about tho last of
; ;
bridge to cirry tht wukencd and
(Urvtd system along until it cm find
firm support in ordimry food.
Send fui free uaipla.
IWl sued, .Nc York.
$ v tut! t.oa j all druuu.
ill KEN TO W.N.
Howard Gilpin and family were
isiting friends in Pnnpao Sunday.
Harry Sanders and Will Croker,
who have been working at Scranton
were home on the Fourth.
Arthur Hopps of Peranum is visit
ing in Greuntown.
Anthony Hloss and Sherman
Fowler have returned from Sullivan
county where they lmvo been en-
gteed peeling buk and will peel a
ib f r T, 8. Bartleson.
Georgia Baslny has gone to Mil
ird for the summer.
Frank Gilpin and Win. Ssvepeni-
7.sr, who have neon working in
llawley, spent Saturday and Sunday
with relatives In Greontown.
The picnics at Houektown and
East Sterling were well attended
and a good time reported.
Flovd Fowler and Joe Williams
have the tiwisols.
Joseph II. Bromley, wife nnd son
Joseph arrived lit tho lako on Sun
lav. They made the trip in their
Jacob J. Seeds and family are now
occupying their cottage.
Several large rattlesnakes have
been killed in this vicinity this
A few city guests are being enter
tained at Huntingtower.
Allen L Albright, the Dingman'B
Ferry merchant, makes a trip to the
lake twice a week delivering
groceries, bto.
Edward F. Hoffman returned to
the city on Tuesday.
Charles B. MoCarty, tax-collector
of Dingman township, called on
residents of this place Tuesday.
Miss Ophelia Gohlo visited Milford
last week.
Miss Hattie Bradford of Woodtown
passed through this place Tuesday.
The repairing of Win, Lit tlefield'
house Is Hearing completion.
Several residents of this place
spout the Fourth in Milford.
we wonder now many or our
farmers expect early crops? Etc.
The undersigned will sell on the
Premises, Wednesday, July 15, 1903
at 2 p. in. The farm known as the
Ira Mulock farm, about one mile
north of Sjutu Centerville, part in
the town of Greenville and part in
the town of Waywayanda, Orauge
county, N. Y., containing about 137
acres all good tillable land and well
divided botween plow meadow and
grass land and about 11 acros
wood land of good growth. This
farm will keep 25 cows aud 2 teams
all the year round. Lnnd is very
fertile and in a high state of cultiva
Hon. A good dwelling house of
rooms and 2 big halls. Good eleva
Hon and splendid views. A new ice
house built this year, barn and
wagon house 60x30 ft. with lean
20 ft wide. A young orchard. Tho
best of water. Near good markets
also good roads. Sold because In
herited from owners mother. Said
owner being in other business.
James E. Cleahy, Ovvner.
Sale rain or shine.
Sustaining Diet
These nre the- enervating days
when, as Bomehody ha.i Biiid, men
drop by the sunstroke ns if the Dy
of Fire hud diiwned. They aro
fraught with danger to pooplo 'vhoe
systems aro poorly sustained ; nnd
this leads us to sny, iu the interest
of tho less robust of our renders
that the full effect of Hoo :'s Sarsa
parilla is such as to suggest tho
propriety of culling this medicine
something besides a blood purifier
and tonic, say, a sustaining diet.
It makes it much easier to bear the
heat, assures refreshing ttleep, and
will without any doubt avert much
sickness at this time of year.
Chnrltis B. McCiirty will have a
d;iuce at Raytuondskill, July 15th.
(Joo. It. Jenning and f:innly of
Brooklyn wore at the Homestead
over Hundiiy.
A. C. Rupreuht and family of
Brooklyu Bie Kiiests with the family
of .lamos P. Van Etteu.
County Snpnriutuiidont Luciaa
V.'estbrook ami Isaaiah Horn bock of
Delaware wero iu town Wednesday.
J. E. Lagdiimno, a cousin of
Aguinaldo, and a rotega of Govern
or Tuft, o the Philippines, is iu
New llavfii propnring for a course
iu forestry at Vale and it ia under
stood ho will vUit Milford Boon.
C. S. Cuatia, Jr , expects to open a
shop at Ii v'ntou, N. J., for paint- '
ing and repairing wagons and al.so
iu connection a blacksmith shop,
lid will pvobably leave fur his new
place of lusiui's-s Monday. '
In (lie loins.
NtTvoinnr, rmrpfrftilnK ffl'T, despon--n
I( Is time you were dolnc ?"mothlnir.
The klrlnryn tvitb nmiently rn lied the
rMn In yrmr cn"f they an h'tMIni? thft
renn ami drlvliiR yon Into pcrloiis tnmljlff.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Act with thf nmt dlrfv-t. hpnpfiHrtl fffot
on -the Hdnpy. It coiitnln the txt nnrl
mfpt fMibHinnces fur correcting ami toning
Could Afford to Hold Life Cheap.
"He'll kill tilmselt,'' tho Major
With haughty look and a!r.
"One life may go," the other paid,
"But, then, he's eight to spare."
Somewhat Sarcastic.
He Here's this Invitation to the
masquerade ball tomorrow nlRht. I
wonder what disguise I had better as
sume? She Why not just look plcasautT
Omaha World.
On the Scrub.
's, sah, when Ah was at Tale, Ah
was. on the scrub team. Ban!
'What! Did yon play football?"
"No, nah; Ah was connected with
the Commons laundry, sah! Yale
He Knew Better.
"I want Rome bird seed," said th
customer In the seed store.
"No, ye don't, smarty," replied the
new clerk, recently acquired from
the country, "ye can't Joke me. Bird
grows from egga, not seeds?" Phila
delphia Press.
Not He.
himself In
book s V
"No," sniffed Mrs. Newrlch,'
husband has clerks to do that
him." Detroit Free Press.
The San Francisco Wasp, which
stands at the tfuteway of the Orient
nnd look hack across the country at
the Ilear-t string of KatTion colored
journals, tho San Francisco Kxaiiii
ner, the Chicago American, the New
York Journal bivi associate.'', in
speaking of Mr. Hearst's recent
marriage ami his social and presiden
tial aspirations remarks that "You
cannot oe ft sncces-'tul newspaper
publisher, a successful candidate for
office, a member of the social smart
set, and au ally of all the anarchists
socialists, demagogues nnd agitators
in tho country at one and the same
Excursion to Denver and Colorado
On account of jlio International
Convention United Society of Chris
tian Endeavor, to be hoik at Denver
Colo., the Erie will sell special
excursion tickets from Port Jervis
to Denver, Colorado Springs, or
Pueblo, Colo., on July 6th, 7th and
8th, good returning to August 31st,
at the low rate of 142 for the round
Brutally Tortured
A case came to light that for
persistent and unmerciful torture
has perhaps never been erjnaled
Joo Golobick ot Colusa, Calif, writes
"For 1C years I endured insufferable
paiu from Kheumatism and nothing
relieved me though I tried every -
tiling known. I came p.cross Electric
Bitters and it's the greatest medicine
on earth for that trouble. A few
bottles of it completely relioved and
cured mo." Just ns good for Liver
nnd Kidney troubles and general
debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction
guaranteed by all druggists.
Bought and Sold for Cash
or C rried on a Mar
gin of 3 per cent.
Yon will find that the ser
vices I render you ns a Broker
and the facilities and conven
iences I can furnish can not bo
surpassed elsewhere. It is to
mv interest that you make
money. All business Mrietly
confidential. Correspondence
and telephone orders given
careful attention.
L R. Carpenter,
Front St., Port Jervis, N. Y.
Greuiich, Martin A Co.
Dress milking in nil branches
Mabv I.Vlwn, Uroud ht., Milford, l"i
Thrrp Is a fn mily in M ihvonkf ihn
pnu-tpucps the nr-rrM of proerps wlipre
iu ppnlkin wrnps urn! HiifTnlo robes
run n tnrule from thf ?Vt i n of a hefp.
The per ret tins Wen in the fnmily for
r:i!f, bavins- been Hiooverrd by a
member of th fnmily who worked tn
n tannery in Australia. Ily thin proc-rc
the finest furs can bp imitate by the
U"? of any old pt H w ith hair on it. Tie
says tbat in mnhinp a $nl kin jnrkpt
mil of the hi'lofi of 1-pljrinn bares the
Imitation -I n trood it would Vfy an
expprt. The change if in the dyeing
proren and the chemical action on the
hair refines it without Injuring it.
flallTrnr Trnvf I In rrrmniif,
Almost half of nil railway travel in
(Irmnny i third-la-e, ff.re pr.-f'cn-pcrs
use fount h-eliiss than second and
lens than one in i.1') rides firM-c!a?s.
A 11 nil llrrnrd.
Twelve per cent, of nil rirnths in
Switzerland, which is mpposed to be
a pnrndise for people iifllicTed with con
sumption, ore cunt d hy t tin t disease.
M'mtdrrfnl llnllilera.
"I hare built up a great many thin
people," Raid the nion with chin
"Mo you sell lirnlth food?" asked
the curious crowd.
.o, I ninke padded overcoats."
Chicago Daily News.
For rnlillt'n4lon Only.
The Inpenus What did the man-
nper say when yon asked him for a
ra ise?
The Eonlirette He offered to give
me a raise or nrty a ween in tne
preas reports. If I'd accept a reduc
tion of five a wfek in cash. Puck.
A I. utter I)i.r KnlatM.
May How did Jack Moiileigh
hnve when you refused him?
Maud Gallantly and courteously.
May Why, how?
M:md He Insisted upon kissing me
good-by. Town Topics.
TlRht Money
I!. Grnff Get the check you expect
A. r.lnff No; nnother one. Gover
nor said if I don't spend less 1 must
come home. Pennsylvania Punch
No (nnne foe llorrr.
Mr. llncon When all the fools are
dead, I don't want to tie alive.
Mrs. Bacon Well, don't worry; you
won't be. Yonkers Statesman.
ITefns the clock strikes 11) Is that
clock right? One of us must be off!
She I'm sorry you hnve to go!
Harvard Lampoon.
Three Dollars Better
Than Thousands
lr. Kennedy'd X'W Medicine, Cal-cur Sol
vent, Did, Mor Tbnn Many "Doctor
Your pocketbnok us well ns your health
rn-mls coislU'r;uiunf but tftrn buth suffer
through Inor:tnc(! of tho right thing to
buy. That wm the c:tsc with tho gentle
man who wruto tho following lcrter:
"I'lifiiumwia nf flnlliu-a l.nvf. I nuiil mir
J noiiaiitKU or (tolKtia Jine i pulil out
to doctors during my lifo ntiit I don't
co,,,,,!,!,, of the doctors; but Dr. Ken,.
dv's new mini trims Cal-tuim Solvent,
lJ..if. thPtn rII TI,..,Wtl(. ,f it miml
me Inst spring of hwirt trouble ftnd tt-rrl
bio pains In tho side, buck nnd head
Am bi-tturthtin for thirty years," H. J.
Hramlow, Jowott Centre, N. V,
Kor 0') Invested in Cnl-etira Solvent
Mr. Brnndow pot whit he had ppent
thousands for In vain. Your case may
bo like his. It costs only 1.00 for n bottle
of ('al-cura Sulveut t any drug store
Write to the Cal-cura Company, Ken
nedy Row, Kondout, N. Y., for a free
sample bottle.
j J
j J
Every home ought to
contain a line of every
(lay or emergency reme
dies feuch as Paregoric,
Camphor, Essence Jamai
ca Ginger, Peppermint,
Amtuonin, Arnica, etc.
They may be needed any
hour ot the day or night
and when needed will be
badly ne ded. An outfit
of these, remedies will
cost but little if you buy
them here. Having them
on hand is pretty sure to
save suffering and may
save lite. Hummer is
the season of sudden ills.
Prepare for them.
William B. Kenworthey, M
rhysiciau and
n xt Court Huubo. MELt OKU, PA.
-. 1 Ttia La!:itivc Ercmo Jjuiniao Taiicts.
Seven Million boxes sold In past 12
' .
Viyckoff's Hew York
Is the time c begin to cull
our stock. Some lines arc
over-stocked, some not sell
ing well at a profit. These
incident to a business of
this size. They bring up in
each season certain matters
that need heroic treatment.
We don't stand on cere
mony, but we .npply the
knife where needed. We'll
be price pruning the next
thirty days. These things
arc to your advantage as
well as ours and you'll find
frequent visits will be prof
itable. Keep an eye on
this space.
Stroudsburg, Pa.
Our foe returned if we fail. Any one send t lift
sketch and description o.i any invention will
promptly receive our opinion iree concerning
fhe patCnlr,i(1iuy ef name. "How to Obtain a
Patent" sent upon reqt-et. Patent secured
J 'S'if "rial
votioe, withontch.irge, in l "he Patknt Rixo .n,
illuMratcd nnd, wKlely circulated journal.
consulted by Manufacturers nnd Investors,
beau lor sample copy r Ktt, Auiitess,
(Pareif Attorneys,)
Eves Bvlldin, vfflciHifjr.TON. D-
Washington, D. C.
March 3rd, 1903.
Mr. Geo. Onklny,
Columbian Collcpo,
Pnterson, J.
Dear Sir:
For a number of yenri pant the
Civil Service Commission lins ex
perienced confide ruhio dilllculty in
&4citrinK enough malo eliKihlcg in
Bliortliitnd and lypewritlhK to meet
the needs- of (lie er, ice. T!e supply
of such cliKihlefl reRiiliinff from the
Remi-itnmiid examinntiona in thce
subjects htm not been equal to the
deinunil. Recently, several special
srcntitrraphv und tyK-writiiiK exain
iniitions luivo lecn held in tie- larger
ciiien. but without producing the
desired res, tit. The Cnmmitsion
would bo pleased to have you make
this known to yomifr men who
may be interested.
Yours respect fully,
John H. I'ikhtok,
For further particulars npply fit
Fort Jervis liiilnitt Institute,
(jKo. DAKLkV, Principal.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jervis. N. Y.
Ad joining Gumaer'8 Union Houne
Road, carriage, draft and farm
horses for sale. Exchanges made.
A large stock from which to muke
elections. -CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
To Cure a Cold in Quo Day
months. i LIS SlyialUre,
Store Weekly Hews
i860. V 9 L A B r- L.
marks.- "
Thlrtv-one ye .r ft five prartfep. Opinion ns tn
Taliditv and pfHentiibillty. Writ for look of
lntmi nsanrt roUn-wnt. EtSON BKOS92
0 treet. Wubington, D-
Now & Exclusive
P A Pi? 1
All Prices
Seasonable goods of
Every description
Ryman 6 Wells.
The Table
We solve it by keeping
Fine Groceries,
Canned Goods,
Choice Meats,
Fresh Vegetables.
Uarford St. Milford Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Oi l) KH 1.4 HI E ( IHilMSItS.
Charles G. Wood, Agt.
NucoMor tu J. J. Hurt,
Ot!lee iu rearuf Keiileuce on Ann fe
Milford, Piko Co., Ra.
Cunt Crfp f
io Two Days. j
cr every
rvLrt box, 25c. j
1 Jfe"?-
' M A r"- -I'' 'r'- J