nrrp Ay It is ' Putting Off" Till Some Other Day that Causes so Many Sudden Deaths. If Its for the kidneys, liver, blnrtiler or blfiod, rheumatism, dyspepsia, ihronic constipation, or the weaknesses peculiar to women, the most efficient mcrtitinc known to the medical profession is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, d a very simple way to find out if you ueed It, is to put soma m ine in a glass tumbler and let it aland 24 hours ; if it has a sedi ment or a milky, cloudy appearance, if it is ropy or stringy, pale or discolored, you do not need a physician to tell you that your kidneys and bladder are badly aiTected, The Rev. Theodore Hunter, pastor of the Presbyterian Chv.rch, Greensburff, Ky., writes us the following: "It gives me much pleasure to state that 1 have received great benefit from the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Some time ntjo I had a severe attack of kidney trouble, but a few bottles of 'Favorite Remedy" have entirely removed the malady." "Favorite Remedy" speedily cures such dangerous symptoms as pain in the back.frequent desire to urinate.especially at night, burning scalding pain in passing water, the staining of linen by your urine. It is for sale by nil druggists in the Haw BO Cent Sir and the regular 1.UI size bottles 1ms than a cent a dose. Sample Mtlerntturh ftr trial, free by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondaut, N. Y. Dr. !tH Kmni"r' "" Hh""" Tmm cures Oil Sorea, kl and fkrornloai DUeaaea. Wc. Six werks more of postofflee in vfstigHtion is the outlook. In the meantime there is absolutely no predicting wlmt fiiets my be un cni'theii or who tuny be implicated. That some persons of hijjli istimdiiifj will be, is known. It is .stilted tlmt the government bus pnwnted tliti-I'u- fully All e:ses to the grand Jui'J nml (lint nmonp; them tire immo Hint will cmise no little surprise if indictment, nre found. Mr. Cleveland though recognized its pos-essing the courage of I i i . convictions mid as n public character el high personal Integrity would, by reason of his association with the vast national industrial disasters of IH',13 1SH5, be as ea-y a victim at the polls ns Colonel Bryan proved to be in IS!)fi and 1 !)()(). Needed in Every Home AND ENLARGED EDITION OF WEBSTER'S IllTEDNATIONAL Dictionary A Dictionary of ENGLISH. Bloartphy, tiaotrapbr, f Iction.atc New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Fbraaea and Definition Prepared under tlio direct super vision of W. T. HARRIS, Ph D., LI..D., United Slates Commissioner of Edu cation assisted by ft larjre corps of com petent .specialists and editors. Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto Pas S000 IUualratlona Jf Z7ie International wn first itsued in iS!0. anrceea inn the "f naoruiqea. Tht jVeif and Enlarged Edition of thf International teal innned in October, WOO. Oi t the Intent and b't. AVo also publish Webster's Collealata Dictionary .vithOloeaaryof Scottish Woritsftml i'tii-tmes 1100 PagM. liOO lllDBtralloM. Site 710,1 64 inckm. "Flryt-elftssln qiiBllty, aeenml-clHsa Inside." HiKN'traen iaK, etc. of I, nth buokfl sent oil acplieatlou. G.GC.MERRIAMCO, Publishers, Springfield, Mass. 0 WfPHR"S COI-LEUlATt X IKJtVJO IF - YOU are the proprietor of a hotel or bonrding-house ' your cl.icf is to Fill Your Rooms Tliern is a lareer il-'M for Kuosis in lirooklyn Xew York than in any other eitv in America. Ki'ht in the heart of that, city the, Brooklyn Daily Eagle maintains two lurgo Information Bureaus that distribute and Kive free ii.Ivum regarding hotels, etc. An ad. in the at Eairl in ooniii'i'tioit wnh fron Imr.'au nnrnce will n-.-ult in Filling Your House I h'. nd at onco for ijl.a t:i.i -: iMiiiniiniiN in umi in i.i.w inn v i u.i i; liluxlb I. NM.W 1UKK T3 FiiriJ C.J L'. I,. ,y sc. -.i. 1 I v i.L i a.lm n i- nnnr it -i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 if 4 4 ! Where Chance Intervened A j o I llj milium V,'1 Kaiiie. J ov ' lx"i. ll'i'l, fJ A it ;ioi S i nui' -ft'. .) KATE JIAIION found lier friend Jessie t oel'vnne'n loier nn inter csi'iifj stmiy. It is to be presumed $hr fell to conip.lrisniis. and Hint in tlie process n eeiinin stuiwnit votnm in:in of her n fur u u ay in t he east did not suffer. Plie convinced t li n t n!li Dinte vietory wnuM rest with eilher I.ieut. Tloraee Mansfield or Mr. Jnmen AVnrren, nml the lone odtls were nil in fnvor of the nrmv ollieer who wns fresh from the laurels of a Sitntino rnmpaifrn. It did not. hurt the rnp of Mnnslield tlint lie had neeident nl'y come into eoilision with a Mtiuser bul let while lie was on bis wnV up the hill to the Spanish intrenehnient a on thrtt f r al day wnen so ninny blue coated bids went to their dentil. In fnet, unless Miss Panton puessed wronp-, it lent to him a roninntie pinmoiir whieh was seriously Inrltinj? In the person of that uiirninniitie business eiilian Wnrren. rrolmbly the lieutennnt was quite nneonscioiis c.T plnvins; the hero, even thoueh he had a pood deal to Buy about Cuba, but Jessie Coehrane in her ininpmntton dressed liim for the part nnd set him on a pedestal whether he would or not. When the four of them started on the eojr rond for tjje summit of Bear's peak one morning the smiles were for the pentleman with pold buttons, and James Warren was quick to reeojrnize that faet. He was a prosaic man who fneed the faets of life, and the one that stood out to hurt him now was the certainty that the scales were dipping- In favor of his rival. Vet though he wik not enjoyinjr life that mornlnp; he showed a wooden, unper turbed face, and forced himself to talte part in the pay chat. After a time they fell to telling stories, and Warren offered as his contribution the well-worn anecdote of the old lady who was riding on the cop; road and ;reiv nervous for fenr of an accident. She stopped the conductor to ask him what would happen if the cniip!hir pin should brenk. That official reassured her by exphiininir about the air brake. And If the air brake pave way? In that case there were other emerpencj ., '.:: THE SOLDIER WAS MUCH TO HE It LIKING. brakes wdiieh niiht be relied upon to check the car. jtut supposing these too broke, whnt would then lieeoine of them? "In that case," the con ductor told her, gravely, "it would depend upon the kind of life they hud been leading- The talk drifted to a discussion of the nbjeet terror and panic fear which sometimes Bveeps over a crowd at dangerous moment. The lieutenant believed thai such moments were the touch-Ktonea to test the quality of 8 i roan; if one flinched then he was i coward, if not he might be snid to i have won his spurs of manhood. War i ren had not much to say about it i He stated that he had never been in ft panic, and in consequence he couh ! not tell how he would behave. lie I supposed he would be in a dreadful j funk, lie had known men with pood deal of fand lose their nervf : et times, and he did not think thev i were necessarily cowards on that ac count. The younfif volunteer oilicei disagreed with him in toto, and it was plain that Miss Cochrane accept ed his decision as final. Indeed, hei friend from the east thought she looked Mr. Warren over rathe cavalierly and that his defense of the iinheroic man hud lost him ground in her esteem. The lieutenant appeared to hav much to buy to Mi.-s Ji.Saie of a pri THte nature after the party mid ar rived at th suuiinlt of the Peak. Tht W5aJaJSBEiIMir!ll' "My hair was falling out and turning pray very fast, but your Hair V.or stop; rd the falling and restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benonime, Colioes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair ! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vi:or. In less than a month your gray h;ir will have all the Uar'., rich color c-f youth. Si ;- a boule, A'.l dint. an. I i ,, (-if-. ...C I,.. I O jj J. .. i:i.:. .., -.. ... ... . - -". fti'.? J& Bi - H. E.Em erson, f, D. ! Physician end Surgeon. iCFFICE in Drug Store cn 1 Strtet. 'read 'V 'Mi' ft n yea.:;.. . . - Mm f i nil km r- other two diine-1 that they would rather be alnne together, and thonph Warren limped for eyes in back of his head he did not once let them (:rt within his vision. The way he phrased the situation to himself was that I he lieutenant oncht to have his chance just ns he, Wnrren, had hnd his, nnd if the. soldier were, more to her lihine he hoped he was man etiou;h to take it as a gentleman should. 'The soldier was much to her liklnp that day at. all events. They were havinjr the irayest. kind of a time, and their cavety had In it the shy ripple of hnppir.rss easy to be detected by an Interested oliservcr. More than once Miss 1'anton nnd Warren passed close to them without bcinjr them selves noticed, nnd both of them were conscious that the affair would reach s crisis before iiijrht. The (rirl from the rast liked the imperturbable manner in which the civilian accepted the de feat which was inevitable, it was the way of the Anclo-Saxon, and a good way too, she told herself. She wnnt- d to tell him that some day he woirtu ml a pood woman to appreciate him, but she reflected that it would he Im pel Uncut and refrained. It was on the way down that chance intervened. J tie lieutenant ami jessie Cochrane were a lill.e (piiet. ana W hen their shy eyes met they did not hold h other long- It was Miss Dnnton and Warren on the seat behind I hem who kept the conversational ball roll ing as the train moved slowly rounn the curves of the steep mountain edpe. 'resent ly the pace quickened percep- Mansfield, looking for a moment far out of the big windows, drew in his head to say: "We're srolnir pretty fast. I don t know what the engineer can be think ing of. We are right at the steepest part of the grade, and he ought to go easy Instead of sending her along like this." Still the rate of speed increased ominously. The ear swept round a curve at a fUce which threatened to hurl it from the track over the precip- tous edge of the mountain. The driv- ng rod of the engine had broken Ivy one of those niiscnances wnicn nnjj pen once in a thousand years. Wom en began to cry out hysterically, wringing their hands nnd moaning. Men looked at each other with white, frightened faces, then made fur the doors and the big windows in panic terror, everything forgotten except the horrible feur of death which was clutching at their hearts. The tradi tions of the Anglo-Saxon race were gnored, and they were bent on saving themselves, no matter whom they trampled down in their wild rush for safety. Kate Danton ws conscious of no fear, only anger and disgust at the selfishness and cowardice of the men who were intent on getting out at any- cost. She saw Jessie Cficlirane clutch at the arm of the lieutenant Instinct ively, and noticed that young Slaas- fleld turned on his sweetheart a face sick with horror. Terror was knock- at his heart and sponging clean the slate of those things a man must remember. Another instant, and he had thing himself out of the window to the mountain slope outside. James Warren looked into the angry eves of 1he young woman beside him then at the white-faced girl huddled on the seat in front. The one to whom his heart went out in that moment when life and death hung in the ha I ance was the one who needed him most. He rose in the swaying, pitch lug car, and stumbled forward to the place beside her. Conventions were all forgotten, lie remembered only that the woman he loved was close to eiernitv, and his arm encircled her to ward off harm If might be All this was a matter of seconds only. Presently the air brakes caught, the wheels ground into the iron of the tracks, gradually the speed slackened and the train jolted to halt. There was plenty of excitement. Kvervbodv was talking at once, ex plaining and questioning. The men who had played the lesser part were showing speciously just why they had lumped. It appeared that they had intended to get at the brakes some how and that their minds had been full of saving the women, though when it came to details their explana tions halted a little. Warren ex changed a grim and cyniVal smile with Miss Danton at all this voluble talk One might have noticed that the men were really feeling sheepish and that their eyes met each other only fur tively. . As for Lieutenant Mansfield, he of' fered no defense, hut chose the man lier part of bearing his shame in si lence. lie was white to the lips with his disgrace, and he hated himself with a loathing that was exceeding hitter, lie dropped into the seat be side Miss Danton and rode the rest of the way in silence. By tacit consent the accident was a tabooed topic. The young army otlicer had shown the white feather, and all of them under stood that he was prepared to accept as his punishment the loss of his place in the regard of his sweetheart. He was ipiite out of the running, and he knew it. The day was one long agony of shame to him. It was seared into his consciousness beyond the chance of healing that after he had won his love he had lost by reason of his own .'owardice. It did not help matters that he had only dune what fotir ttfths of the rest of the men in the ear had dune. 'Hie point was that he had lliiichcd where Wiirren had stood firm. Three months later Miss Danton was chief bridesmaid at tho wedding of Jessie Cochrane to Mr. James War ren. 'The ufTair pasi d otf wi'h great eclat, but one army orlicer in the 1'hil ilpiiics who read '.he newspaper ac count fi.ui.d the reading somcthin'T less than en jo n l.le, i f one nii; Ut jude ! y L.s while, U'u.-e fact. CV.;, Brunei and Burn Quickly Healed ChnnibiTlain's l'nin Hilm is jin ann. ptio lininuMit, anil when np piici! tu cuts, bruscs nnd burns, causes them to hen! witlnmt matu ration nnd lunch more quickly than by the usm.l treatment. For su!. by li.'. li tV Sm M itiiiii iias, all goiicial -tu i'S in l'i l.ei county. Ao vei Tibt Hi tLo I'l.t-d. IN THE REALM OF POETRY. Frntir I to He. Thf frt h ti n j' 9 It s I :i si ( r tnorn. All hrtf in Hiitl iipt'l' ; Thff f1;t1 it n vrs n) n tit ;t I j Jr cling In w fin j lug unt tat. Tht w In tf r n nrm!, fit )1( Mpsh. Iliive nwf o' r l'i 1 m it dnle. Till Nutiirt fn.-f 1? 'Isolate. Aini DvJin-'.d nlih trout n mull. The n !ld stream" lutft (ti Ir Iron bunds. And cm in or tow urn the w a, Rt--(9 Mother Kurth so pull? tit!, For Kusut in to be. The rrsurrertlon of nil life, Tfcnt hifHen Is, or lest ; Urr at hnrt of On.!! to hear, to wnlt 'I hit in the Ka?u r cost. And human hf art ? muM Icain to f' el Thf comhiK Knster joy, 'Mid darkm n nnd rrtd srming df ath. And nil llle a vnst Hlloy. Dear Mothfr F.nrth! thy children learn Life's lessons nt thy linpe; Talk nre 1 0 bt ar nil s t -mi tig wrong; For Kat er Js to he. Km inn MliK'.-. In Pprlnglleld A1afls.) Kt imbiii an, The Wind. The wind Is tapping at my w Indow pane; it be has come and he v. itl come Halri, Stfklni? to win an entiance, but in utn. I'oor lonely wind ! Nnuftbt but the froen tarth around bft S' es. Hp phivers A he pauses throtifrh the trees, Not Ion k no he w .is n ha i my breeze. Vror rhnng' d wind ! If I were now to opp my window wide. To 'let you in, what should 1 loe beside-?' The very warmth fur which you long have siKhfi, Foor frozen wind! 80, It I seem your plendinRa not to mind And on j our sorrow turn a giatice that's blind. Kememher, if I could, 1 would be Kind, And help, uu piteous wlnu! Westminister Uasetle. Farewell to llmrn. DHwn on the harbor, wan and very till, A glimmering gray upon the quiet dt-tp, vv line tne great heacilunds seem crouch, nnd creep to Closer beneath the shelter of the hill. AH the night long we at and talked our fill Of boj hood daB, the talth we vowed to kei p; We thrust alde the wooing arms of sleep. And vnrtu memory wove our words at will. One hand-clasp mote, a step upon- the quay. ivnu ine itRnt boat goes springing through the foorn. Leaping with Joy to greet the freshening g:tle. Then, t turn to seek my lonely home. Athwart the biaek ship' Iretttd fortslrv The Bitnlipht flash s on your far-borne pall. Waiter Thuckwell. In Chumbers' Journal. The Rape Anliit Time. This Ls the trouble, this day. with the rhy me: It'll a race against Time! We try for the sumirlts that few of ui climb; It's a race against Time! This Is the trouble the trouble sublime: It's a race against Time! And this one has innocence that one has crime; It's a race against Time! But Time, that's a tyrant, will know that the g.uom Of the world's weary winters will drift into nioom, And God, for the Innocent, yet will make room Tn the race against Time! F. It. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution. The I, out Through all tho lonely dread, liar. day I walked In The w orld had lost the charm it once pos sessed; A thuueand dangers seamed 10 loom ahead. A thousand borrowed troubles tilled my oreasi. Upon the morrow, beautiful and brleht. The sun with newly added splendor rose; jyiy irouuies nan uepai tt-u with the niRht, And, free, I saw them all Imagined woes. I halted the new, the splendid day, with gie; But who may ever figure up the cost Of that fear-haunted, gloomy day to me, The day that mipht have gladdened whK h 1 lost ? S. K. Kiser, In Chicago Record-Herald, The Secret. Rhe tried to be happy by day and bv ninht She bought evej thing that could give her ueiiKtit; She went to the places that people called gay, Yet soon was so bored that she hurried away; She struggled and strove, by land and by sea. To make herself happy, yet. never could be. since I cannot be happy myself, I will try To brighten some other as the moment's nit by," She cried in despair; and then with all speed. Forgetting herself, she was happy indeed. r arm Journal. The Man of One- Idea. "We sneer at folks with one idee, . Hut mebby, in tht end The chap with one idee may git Where you arid me ain't dumb to ylt. Nor ever will, my friend. . 'I knew a chop with on idee A-rattlln' In his pate; We laiiRhed In them old days because Of thlnkln' what a fool he was, But now, by gosh! he's great. "It ain't so bad, Jist one Idee, Provided that It's good And stuck to rlxht through thick and thin, Jii"i one iiiee made earli man win That Ht the top has slood." a. K. Ktsur, in Chicago Kecord-Herald. Ilia little. "I will not ask the world fur much," A a. tne declared one day. 'For he ho.-e wis) es are immense Way never win, they say, "I'll ask the world for little, then It may be sooner had. And w h He they sith v. ho ask for much I'll have mine, and be glad." lie got Ms little, yet was not Moie happy than before, For ai a s hi n his nut e he got lie craved a little more. S. K. Kiiier, in C.l ago Record Her ald. r.orrnt, When Lorena hoc away, iven if for one day only, Li-tiK and divary set. him the day. Ail the rooms ar dull and looels. Then I seek h-r plants to dreas, I-tnt my touch 1 rot Arena's; And I on,) make a i.r-s Wnh her ros- s and verbenas. But when she comes back at night, How she'd make the dish fi clatter, 6;l the, strike a liyhi, harm me 'h her merry rhattf-r KuriiH C. Dwison, in Good Uuum kpi:ig. Tht B est Cough Medicine I wll more of Clmmoei Inin'g Cough Remedy than of nil Hiniiliar jirepnr tio put tufjethor and it givcg tin; best fcKtisfueth.n of Buy medicine I evur Hiil.l, I guarantee every bottle of it. i C - Jiiiimth, Inlard, Mii-1). This roiiiedy for said hy linlcli A' Soil, Mutaiiiorits, all guneial utores iu l'iko (.'.ju'jIj. Her rinn. " sin srrii, "In follow Mr. ;ni jiihI (iive in rnnrllj bs jm-ik! on litest. II'RFwh a n cntiniiliiig," 'I inieml.' Mm l-iry'ft p! miH'li as I t- gra tmI iilcn. It's n frood tilnji," lie n f in i I rJ . "! thir.k yon upend tno inucli on clrf3. ati v a "WImiCb that p-'iL to do with It?" he tlrmamlrrt. "Why. Vfitt'll divide 3nir wnrdrohc niniM'v, win't ymi ?" "Ortn in l v not, I expect, you double it." Brooklyn Life. to The rrnnfinh nnd Others, devtesho rvm uny evnlt ,5 a rg .hifwaro eht ta hT di a wrof oe ot rdro 1 1 1 ?jbw rthto el- s) toO ,3 n j dn A devrcsbo ifVft uo fviiM nhw plpnr p r-mnfl ylttnxe rrawrof o'l ?od fiL'hsilnarc eht N. T. Pun. A iik ti. si' ritHArio.t. Mrs. Bcnlinm Don't you think thin new dress of mine Is a creation? r.onhain Well, there's nothing like It described in the book of Genesis N. Y. Times. The Sf-nnona Chnnve. W'liPn wlnlr-r iacj.fs out, Comff sii1mk w ith all her grace; Ttie siibwt.nll has to go. The mothbull takes Us place. Puck. Monopoly. A lady once asked a little girl of five if ?lie had nnv brothers1. 'Yes," raid the child, "I have three brothers." 'And how many sifters, my dear?' asked I he hidv. 'Just one sister, nnd I'm it," replied the small girl. Little Chronicle. Cnrert Him. MYe." the jctinp; man in the cordu' Toy kincUerhoekers was saying, "my father always iul ended me for the min istry. When I was about 21, howeyer. he (rave up the idea." 'What made linn change his mind i 'Well, he heard me try to preach once. linen iro I riljune. Prnetieii! I'ltlln nt li ropy. The Kid Are jou.-e one of them philanthropists? J he Millionaire Fr I hope o, my boy. The Kid Well, don t waste no libra ries on dis town. Wot we want is a football ground. OrKnnlaeil Flme, Airitatinp Abe- If any fruy starts trampin' widout jninin de union we II follow him up till we find a job an den make him take it. I'luL'-Cut Peters Pat's de way talkl Ills scm trampin' is just ruinons to de prevailing rate of craft! Puck Terfeet Lord Huron. Fudire There goes a man with a jrreat mind. Judge He don't look it. In what way? "lie minds his own business and that's a erent mind." Huston Journal Afrnld. must hare "Biirgleston past." "Why?" shady "He says something ought to be done to curb the newspapers." Chi' cago liecord-IIerald. ..t ( 1 f Had. "Say, those eggs 1 got yesterday were nearly all bad. 'Is that so? Why, the lady that brought, them in said there weren more'n half of 'ein bad." Chicago American. Hki He Uiirked Out. rat lence And you Bay the engage ment is off? Patrice Oh, yes; shewas imprudent enough, one night, to inform him that she came from good old fighting stock Yonkers statesman. I iiflKrainnmt IchI. Dusty lihodes Will you please give me a dime to gef some! bin' to eat with? l'unker Hill' My good man, joucan not purchase a set of false teeth for ten cents. X. Y. Times. Reirnrd of Kdaratloa. "J)o you believe in a college educa tion'."' "Well, it . made young Kpendit country gentleman instead of a farm er." Tow n Topics. Hi l In, slow Oat, "Ko you don't thiuk it's so bad to run in debt V" "No, not bii bad as it is to try to sneak out of it. Philadelphia bulletin. A Good I'lacv for It. She iJoctur, is tvtueedunk a good place to go for rheumatism? Doctor Sure. Thai's where mine. Chicago Journal. I got Her Method. "Slie eulls her cook a Vfcef.' llow b- aurdl" "Oh, I don't know! Perhaps that's how he gels her to slay " Puck. The fronted Hand. "Yea. and after the refued me alia waved her hand in farewell." ".Sort of coid wave wusa't it?" Cleveland I'laiu lJcalcr. C'liHinlieiliiiii's Stomach and Liver Tiibll arc jut wlmt you ncerl when yoa have no iippctite, feci dull after catnip: and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will Improve your iippi-titt), clfQse and invigorate your (.toiiihcli and pive you a relish for your food. For eala by Balch & Hon MataiiHu an, u'.l gt-ueial stores i, - f ":? la Pike county. ICS'. When ITcllo !0ST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE YEAR DO YOU EXPECT TO A n RRnWN and SXti Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Contractors Estimates made tion given and work guaranteed OFFICE, Brown's Budding:, Milford. Pa Delaware Valley R.R. Corrected to Date St'-'-Ct1-1 --'- : A - (X 0 . , S t. if i Ti Tt 5 z to --55! - t" -r tu -o o-. 3s 3; a 30 jc 2 x 30 ; o. in it r c ; -1 5 f ?.a job il .da S : : : : CO t. i - a a a a - J. I- A S S: - ? ' Vt -it ; a a S S X 3 3 S i - - - ? S : T; ; i; " t 31 1 ' 71 h :C 35 W 5 ! l i.iiJ.K 'a,l.ui,L Washington- Hotels. RIGGS MOUSE. I'he hotel inr exeellence of., the. caiilinl, .n.',Hte(t wiHttn one hUeU of tho While H iueaiut iti nut ly o.aite the Troiwury. Kinertl tutle in Ihe city. WIILARD'S HOTEL A , ffHitouR htlry. roiiiiirknlde for itt. hNtori) il HfHrt,M-iiuioii nml luntf-snstiiijiftl p.i(ainiry. Ki'ntlv rnntviUeii, repitintHl nnd pm'tially njfaruUhed. NATIONAL HOTEL A landmark among the hreU of Wtudi ittKton, pninm'zfd in farmer Tenm by prtNitu in.i mill hih ofticiuiti. A'wny H prtino Cnvorttt. Rrtijtly renHHitlini ttiid rntifr.l lnr I -r thnu evrr. Opp. k. It. K d.p VVALTKU HL'KTON. Htm. Mr Thuhe luitiM aro th priiicipnl pliLKul rcrnli-zvuiis of the CHpitnl hC tUin-s. Thf are. the beat Mtoppiug at rutv j:i;ille ratlin., m O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor. O. DWlTT.Mengr. bubdcrib for the Pum. s i s -p.s.;ir. 12 CE '' I ,(uo Airpi.Tis " ' i -Oa m I i.t'H.K'.l.'"l.l, I : c i j I "BEST OF ALL FLOUR. ' FEED, MEAL, BRAN, OATS, and HAY. in need of any to No. 5., or coma to SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD. PA. he New York Tribune Farmer lfl A nut lomil illhitrfitcd nirrUMilrnrnl wvi'UIy for farm'rs nnd their fjunitlcs, Hint stniuU it tho head of the ntrrioul tuni! preM. It Ir n pnicriciit ptipcr tnr prnctirnl fnrmcrs, helping tht'in to stc tiro the possihlf prollt fiiim (ho fnrsn tli roup: h prarticnl methods. It Is ent'crtilninir, intrnrtWe nnd prmirlrally ncfal to tho fnrinpp's wife, sons and drtiithtrs, whi.wo tutrcts It oovtTK In an attmctlvo iimnnnr. Tho regular pi W-ti a $l.(.Xt pnr year, lint for a limited time we will r elvn your finhscitptlan for THK NKW YORK TRIDLT.sK VAHMRH and nUn for your own favorite local newspaper, THK IKKSS,, Fn. - Both Papers One Year for $1.65 Send your oder and money to THE PHKSS. Your name nnd address, on n poital card lo TIIR NKW YORK TRtHUSK KARMKH, Ne-.v Y irk City, will bring you flea sample copy BUILD? THEN SEE Lumber, and Builders. ; personal atten Most Women Can tell a good shoe when they see it. This illustrates one of the styles of the "La France." We have five others. All cost $3.00. If you will look over the town and compare every other Three Dollar Shoe with this one, you can't help buying the "La France." johnsoh, -m, SOLE AGENT. .r, THE LANE INSTITUTE, THE LSNC INSTITUTE CO. II3S Broadway, t. Jams, Build . Ing, New York. For tha Traatment and cure of LIQUOR, OPIUM ANO MORPHINF HaBITS. SO HYPOHKKMIC IN.IKl.'TIONrt. A PMKFKCT HUMS TKFATMKNT OH SNI TAIIIlM AllVANTAGKa. State Norms! School East StroudsLurg, Pa Rifrn)nr State Norma Courses, nd Sin't iivl I)cpiirtnit'iiiH of Mu-ii. hiu cutioti. Ait.. Drawing. Sti'iiontphy, nnd Typewrit in ; y'roug Col lego .trt' juratory lit-pHriTneiir.. FREE TUITION Doiirdliifr ti.H'iiwi $;( (V) per wi-k. r.iiUH auinutt'd utHny tinm. bull Ttcni opintt tSupt. 7ih. Write for cHtal'igim. EI. L. Kemp, A. M.t Prlnil.