SASDYSTON. TAUTAC. WE CAN PLEASE S THE YOUHG LIAfl k5 Tlic l'oung Man's Clothes must be exactly right for he is always posted on what's what how long the coat should be, what's the latest cut in Waistcoats whatts the correct width for Trousers, etc., etc. We're after these young men who know when clothes are right. New Spring ideas the natty .and handsome Scotch effects and Fancy Worsteds, single and double breasted. Lots that's new to lc seen here now. Such moderate suit prices as these prevail: $5.00, $7.00 and $8.75 1 J. Clothier From East Stroudsburg, A SEASONABLE REMEDY Emulsion of Puro Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphitcs of Lima and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. Preftcrlptlon crlptlona II p r" 0 O Hretf Str. iVoMdid Hi l. L.m6rson & uo.j po?ni Com tJ0 Next Door to Clean and Pure brewed BEVERAGES Beer, Port, Ale . like those of THE DEER PARK BREW COMPANY Port Jervis, N. Y,, are healthy and highly recommended for both Sick and Well I Our -DR. J. KELLY, Hilford, Piko Co., Pa. Who handles our beer Exclusively will cheerfully take all orders for our famous Keg and Bottle Goods Our Beers are Bottled at the Brewery Premisos, Steamed Therefore free from any Germs, Strength ening and Palatable. We send them with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers. THE DEERPARK BREW CO. Port Jervls, New York. Long Distance-Hudson River-Phone Xlo. 433. ' Port Jervis Local Phone W 271. NEW SlKJiER GOODS LAWNS, PERCALES, SATEENS, SEERSUCKERS, GINGHAMS, &c. A New Line of Shoes. All Prices S Sizes CHINA AND JAPAN MATTING HATS & CAi'S COLLARS & CUFFS Select Groceries HARDWARE PLOWS CULTIVATORS LISTER'S FERTILIZERS WINDOW GLASS PAINTS & OILS Devoo's Puro Lead end Zinc Paints W. Ct G. MITCHELL'S, MILFORD, PA. r- 9 5 'i . ;i7 mnm uoous Of Cvery Description at Too Busy Selling them to specify. Call and inspect the stock. 1 .1.. ':r;,, SILVERMAN, $ Head to Foot. ' Penn'a. 2 Hotel Fauchere. friend Wall Paper Ponn, Klavlus Warner of Newark Is sipii(iiii(r n fortnight with his n rents nt Ilalwsvllle. Flaviua Is conductor on a trolley line in Newark, but Is not looking as if the Newark atmos phere agreed with him. 8usnex air will put him all right. Ralph Vanslekle rikI Bertie Kint ner, both students at the state normal school, returned to their homes cn Saturday. The Bnndyston Hoard of Education met on Saturday last and engaged teachers for the coming school year as follows: Rhaytown Dot Shay. Fullers Lura l)epue. Fishers Frank Btoll. Flatbrook Valley Klin Hursh. Tut ties Corner Kmma Ilursh. . Ilalnesvllle Alonw) l)epue. Hevans Josle Layton. Lay ton Vacant. Almost every overseer of roads has a method particularly his own In working his piece of road. The supervisor of the road leading from Layton to the Dingman bridge Is doing a splendid Job while the boss of the road from Layton to Revnns piles the dirt on top of the hills and everybody is cursing the job. As an old veteran, I was in hopes that a Post of the U. V. Union would be organized at Newton, but since our application was filed, nearly a year ago, nothing has been heard from it. Work Is steadily progressing on our new road and It will not be long before the wood will bi cleared away and work on the road Itself begun. It cannot be completed too soon. There will be no more grumbling about dry weather for gome time to come. The rainfall for Thursday and Friday and Saturday aggregated 6,71 Inches. Some dnniage is report ed to roads, especially the one leading from the Van Etten farm along the Big Flatbrook and that Is completely washed away. State Secretary Board of Agricul ture Franklin Djv, after a visit to the southern part of this state, says the truck farmers of that section are loud In their complaint of the depre dations of the robins on their fruits, and recommends legislation to pro tect the fanners from their ravages. Just put them on the shooting list and that will end their trespasses. Some time ago an Aberstown party got a sentence of 7 years for violation of law and now that parties residing In that vicinity are repeat edly violating the law they may get a dose of the same medicine. Those selling cider to those parties are as much to blame as the persons drink ing It. And go some one is using a net in Ashing and pretend not to know the law. Well, Well, and then to think no one saw them. Better put that net away. That is a straight tip. Only 64 hundredths of an Inch of rain for May, and up to Sunday night we have had 7 33-100 inches this month. It was too dry and now it Is too wet. MATAMORAS. The lawn social of the L. A. S. of Epworth ohnrch took place Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Crine and Mrs. Bounel and was very well attended. Over f 12. were realized A local union of the C. E. S. of Port Jervis and Matamoras took place at Hope church Tuesday even ing. . There was a large attendance from Port Jervis and a pleasing program rendered. Rev. N. Mac kenzie delivered an address. At the close of the service all were tnvited to Presoott's Hall where ice cream and cake were served. The evening was spent pleasantly. Miss Lavinia Green of Middletown N. J., was the guest of her friend, Miss Ola Quick, last week. Mrs. Dewitt Barley and son Sever of Whitfield, N. J., spent Sunday with her uncla. Zachariah Quick. Mrs. J. J. Markle and daughter, Mrs. Charles Fridenbnrgh of Whit field, N. J., were guests of J. Quick last week. Mrs Helen Corwin, who has been visiting relatives at Fincbvillo, N J., returned home Saturday. Andrew Lsloker and wire are eotertaining a little daughter who arrived a few evenings ago. ' The Group Rully which was to have been held at Mil ford last Thursday evening, wm postponed nntil further notice on account of the inclement weather. Quite number from Miituuioras expected to attend, but were disappointed Mr. and Mrs. itat llornbeck, on Kuider street, are entertaining very pretty little daughter which arrived a tow evenings ago. Mias Hazel Pdlmatier of River View Villa, Jefferson street, is quite ill witu tousilitia. Mis Grace Beybolt of New York is visiting her pareuis ou 6th street Miaa Emma ISillinan, a teacher in the Matrt'.jiorHS chool, who has been viBitir.g in New York, Kutborford aiid.luibey City for the pant two wwks, rtturuad home las week. Thomas D. Romk and wife loft town last wiH-k fur tliuir new home t Liih-t 11 utiurd, Coiio. K, PLNGMAN'S FIRRY. Looking over the Holds since the late tains we see coming up with yellow leavoa the result of cold. Worms, ants and other insects are plentiful end doing considerable damage. There is hope, however, for a good crop yet if the weather is warm and favorable and if far mers make determined efforts to destroy the posts. Frequent work- ing, fertilizing with salt, lime or kainlt In the hills will drive away the destructive insects and give the plants strength and vigor. If left to take care of itself the" crop will be a failure. Oats look poorly along the river, but on the hill on good ground thny appar fairly well and a reasonable crop may be expected. Much that had not sprouted is now coming np. Potatoes have struggled nobly for existence and came ont of the dry spell looking tolerably well and healthy. Some fields are very un even, but good cultivation and a little tonio may yet bring a good crop. From appearances this town, ship seems to be one of the best In this section for farmers. Let them take good care of growing crops and show that they are up to date. There have been no forest fires in this township this spring. We were fortunate in being spared. G. B. Van A'iken has opened bis new store with a good stock. About 11000 has been subscribed as a reward for the arrest and conviction of the party who fired his building some 10 weeks ago. Isaac Smith is so improved in health that he can now walk about bis house. Boarders are beginning to populate in town for the summer. Butter is 25' a pound here but the stores do not like to buy as there is little demand until boarders come. Our merchants have not provided good storage places for it and as considerable butter is not sufficient ly worked it soon becomes rancid In olden times June butter was golden, solid and packed In firkins would keep sweet and fresh for months. Then farmers wives used plenty of elbow grease and worked every bit of whey out of the butter. This and salt Is one of the secrets of good sweet butter. Competition is the life of trade. A little better grade of goods and a little lower prices would prove to our merchants that they could keep the cash here Instead of having it go elsewhere. Many of onr farmers would buy a fow bags of kainit (German salt) if it could be bonght here. High water has ended shad fishing which has been good this spring. Three automobiles went up to Edgemere a few days ago and got safely there, showing that the machines are good hill climbers. Howard Parson of New York is visiting his cousin, Mrs. E. D. Ryder, at Ardtornish. II. II. Sanderson of Walpole, Mass., is here on business. Young pigs are very scarce and are selling at IB a pair. The M. E. churoh here has secured the services of a student for the summer. Sunday schools seem to be somewhat negleoted. SILVER LAKE A. R. Wiggan of Philadelphia and a friend, who have been spending a few days at the club house, returned Sunday. Mrs. Bosler of Lehman is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Jagger. An engine and a large steel tank were sent last week to supply water for the olub bouse. Wallace Bensley of Lehman and a force of men are erecting a large addition to Judge Boitlor's cottage. Mrs. Stoll Jagger Is on the sick list. Edward F. Hoffman is in the city on business this week. John D. Whittaker of Coles made a business trip to this place on Wednesday. If the eastern slo;e of the Rocky Mountains and the great plains and valleys included in its drainage area were irrigated, as it is claimed by government engineers U possible, I. e. 36 million acres this side of Rockies capable of irrigation, the present great Hood of the Missouri would be largely spread out over this vast area to water growing crops. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, t bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. JSC All drugg!t. 1 tin fnr th vbivl.iu.ln-!! O LILV. lu.o A r i The drought in this section lins been broken and broken with n vengeance. The hea vy rains of the past ton days have done much dam. apre to fields and roads. Corn and potatoes are, in some places, com pletely washed sway and in others buried several feet under mud. Our supervisor Is taking advantage, of the lull in farm work and has a largo gang of men working the roads and filling in the washouts. Yolande Kil'.arrt is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edsou Green, Scrnnton. C. J. Bchlner was a caller in town Monday. Lieutenant O. M. Earle of New York spent Sundny with his dnugh ter at the home of C. E. Williams. A dance was hold ot Henry Gum ble's on Saturday night. Several of our Blooming Grove neighbor's were in attendance. We are glad to note that Herman Gnmble has so far recovered his usual health, that his son was able to return to his work at Milford on Sunday. Miss Eliza Smith of Big Pond has been the guest of Edwin Killam and family for the past week. A number of teachers took the examination held by County Supt. Westbrook in this place Tuesday. We think our Sawkill correspon dent is mistaken in thinking St. Smlthin's day occurs in June. We think July 16th the correct date. Are we correct? Dbtacto. LEDGEDALE. Friend Simons, wife and son Rush are visiting William Kimble and wife in Pyberry. Miss Lizzie Gilpin was the guest of O. E. Simons and wile Sunday. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late I. K. Kellam were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Morss, Julian 8. Morss, Miss Cork, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Kimble of Scran- ton, Mrs. McKown and Mr. Crossley Sr., of Ilonesdale, Mrs. Harriet Atkinson of Ilawley, Mr. anoSMrs. George Kimble of Kimbles Station. Mrs. L. W. Morss and her friend, Mrs. Edward Jackson, of Scrnnton came to Ledgedale on Thursday,' re turning on Saturday. Wayne County. KIMBLES Albina Murphy and Katharine Curran of Hawley were callers in town last week Tuesday. Otis Rowland of Rowlands spent two days last week with his cousin, M. C. Rowland, and did some sur veying for E. 8. Jones. Mamie and Alice McCoy, who are moving from Hancock to Marlboro, N. Y., stopped off at this place and are visiting R. W. Kelly and family James Curran of the K. B. tower spent Monday night In Hawley with relatives. Hit Last Hops Realized ' From ike Sentinel, Ocbo, Mont In the first of Gkla hoina to settlers in 1899, the editor ot this paper was among the many seekers after fortune who made the big raoe one fine day in April. Dnr ing his traveling about and after wards his camping upon his claim, he encountered muoh bad water, which, together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diar. rhoea which seemed almost impos sible to check, and along in June the case became so bad that he ex peoted to die. One day one of hjs neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chaberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hopo. A big doso was given him while he was rolling about on the grass in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the pa tient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little worked a cemplete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggest this item. For sale by Balch & Bon, Matamoras, all gen eral stores in Pike county. A gniitleinan from somewhere, jreumitbly well known ami revert ed In that locality will probably receive the democratic nomination for the presidency, In which case he' will run on a iiliitform. the nliitiksi of .. . .. . ,,. . vtllllll nnu Dimming ill me yi 1 rnevttl forestH. This is about as fur as the democratic party bus gotten at the present writing. Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy The triform Bucceua of this remedy has m add ib the moat popular pre paration tn use for bowel com plaints. It is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can always be de pended upon and that it is pleaMant to take, it ia sjKX'ittlly valuable for nuuiiuer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a fcrettt many children each year. or sale bv iialcU & Him, Matamoras, all general stores in Tike county, fr - ' : - . Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write for information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt., Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. tlouso nnd Lots nml lots without Houses. Dealnr in all kinds of Property. FJotary Public ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Wells Building Below Dimink'k Houho Milford, Pa. Hero Is SOMETHING YOU NEED! Votir own Wtrr Works, which you chii liave by conttltliig J. V. 1 It KMC OTT of MiitHmonifl, Ph., who In prepared lo frtve etttimntes Rt RliV tllllt. Write him nt onr-e or rail ami see him stock of FORCE PUMPS J. C. PREGCOTT, Matamoras, Pa. tit; i id inoMet, sk'-u-h or cl invention tor r irveruport on pnf-ntnHiitv. Fi.r fiee book, Opposite U. S. Patent Oiiice WASHINGTON D. C. 11144 60 YEARS' V ff EXPERIENCE A . A Trade Marks Jir Designs 'rim i Copyrights Ac. Anronp srif11n(r a dketrh and rtMrrtnttnn mnf Qnli'klr aufwtitm rwr opinion frpe whether im ttiTHMtmn lit prebiit-ly jMlenf nhln. r:imin:nlr tlniiomricdyci'iiiiilntitinl. H.incihmk on t'Htenta sent frt'rt ON'! iiL'fm y for hc. tiring jiatiitn. I'ftleiitfl taken thr"Utrh Mumi A t o. fucelrfl) tpfcUU notice, without clmruti, m tlt Scientific Jir.criccn. A hnnflnnmolv IHtntnrpfl wffklT. T nrfreat flN rtiiitiHin of nhr Kit-Hi iKi1 Vnrnnl. Term, f'i a i-jtr ; f i iir in iti i in. tmlLyml )iwwaii iiUTM. Vi!iKHCo.",B'e,"-New York branch Cfrco. F 8t.. Wcshit.u(uu. D- NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition Read Wherever the Englleh Language la Spoken The ThrkVa-Wwk World wiu? bril liaut fiici'csa lu the beginning und has been steadily (?roviii4 t'VT simie.Tiiiie la the tost 'f nil thhiH, and ban sot its st-al of approval on the Thrice a-Vt'k World, which Ih widely circula!i'l ia every Btatw and territory ot tli I'niou, and v. hfi'i-v.-r thnro r people who uuu read our mother tonniiB. 'i ia pnT for the coming In tor and the year l.n.i, will make iir news serviee, if ptiHioU, more exieiibivo fiuui ever. All events ot importance, no mutier where they happen, are reported a. curutely auU promptly. '1 ho uij.-eriber for on'y one dullar a year gets three papers every week and more news and grnentl rending than moist reat diiiites ca.u I uruish at live or il x limes the priet. 'the Thrh i-a Ve-k World Is abfioluMy fair In lia pohlw-al news. l'rtlMili hi an n never allowed to ut'teet its hews columns, ttod deiiuH'iat and repiibiiean alike ean ot- taiu in lis pai s ti uil.lul aeouuls o ail the gr-tt i.'olii leal eaiiipains. In audition to all tiio news tlui Thrleea Week World f o rni.-hes the het serial tio tion, wlaboi iJie mai U-t reports and oilier feat ores ot NUen--1. 'the 'I liriee a- Week World's regular my deriptioii ilee In only M per year and this pays f-.r 1 papers. 'e of! it ihin l"it uualed new -pii,.er and the 1'iLo County i'lvmt tfei her tine year for f .'. 'I he re 'tilar suhnertpUoU pl'ietj of tUo t AO jpui im W. 1 m 7 TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Pollrt Pullmnn trnlna tn PiifTnln, Nlntf !irn Kills, t liiintniiqim Liiko, Clevoliind, L lil'Titfo nnil (Jlnrlmmll. Tickets on sale nt. Port .Tcrvln tn nil points In tlic. AVcst nnil Southwest nr lower ratcB tlinu vlamty oi hct flrst-c lnsn line. Thainb Now Lkatr Port Jervis as Follows. EASTWARD. Sa. 8, Dally Klprcsd A.M. " , Dally Kxprcss 6 in " " i, Lorul Except 8umliiv. . 6 SO " " 4-', " ' 7 40 " " 7(, Wny Sunday OnW ! (: " " HO, Ducal Kxeept. Sunday. . 10 0 "' " 2-i, Way dally c.Tc't Snnilay 11 M " 4, Daily Kxptcss . 12 4:2 P.M. " 7U, Snnclav Only 1 10 " " at, Way daily px'e't Sund'y 8 S3 " " S, Daily Kxpn-KH 4 in " " 7ii, Way Sunday Only 4 40 " " I". Local exccTit Sund'ayH . BIN " " 7H, Docal Sunday Only n.07 " " S'i, Way daily exe't fcnind'y 6 40 " 14. Express Daily 10.05 "" WESTWARD. No 7, Dally Fxprcsn J2 ROA M 17, Dally Milk Train 7 S5 " ' 1, Dally Express 11 81 " " li."), For llo'dalc E'pt Sun. . Jd 10 f. m. " la, iiiiiK'tnn, except Sun,. . la 20 " " !):). Deposit, Saturday only.. 4 4SI " " 8. Express C hicaL'o Mm d'ni 6 15 " " 2tt, Local Express Sunday . . 5 50 ' " 6, LltnlU'd Daily Express. 10 15 ' Trains leave Chambers street, New York, for Port .tervis on week dnvs nt :i Wl, 7 , 9 HO, 9 15, 10 30 A. M., l .OO,'8.0O, 4 Wl, 6 Wl, 7 30, 15 p. M. On Sutid ivs, 8 30,7 HO, 9 00 , 9 15 A. M , 13 80, 8 80, 7' 80 9 15 P. M. I). W. OOOKR, General rassencr Agent, New York, Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak for Wood and Coal. Best Honter nnrt Fuel Saver ia the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiators, Two Fires In one HARDWARE. CIITI.F.RY, TIN, AGATE WARK, ETC. riN ROOFINO AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing;-NEAmYTOra. Examine my stock it will please you. Thex price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. PKotograpKcR AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y f' ' ' t . rrt . tie raoriln iy to 1 1 1 i. : i .: i ki. . t v - .j i ol K - v, CriOini C op yr V JtTl ;j OS iliona lj I. a; uioat . pu ur 1 1 li :';:' ci ii,3 !:::c'.3 10 S.'..i, II I.M.trutncnti.1 1 tv;':'? iic'js f:r Frno 0 -cc t i 'nt Ji tor J.S Cents, early Sui.-xripffont $2.00. Six iMuntns, $1.00. pi nne ''., ' run tr.'l Uf.'tr! v ,HK1 I'KiM ui M ueic, 1 ',i;,er.. i . iiS.I ,iiir tJ Pie- i-.- 'wrliie I'lf.uo. I: l. '.i. i u.iV Hi,! :c kt'i.-K tit eiie-l.uJ olf. ,V .(. !-1 ll.'1 . 1 1 1 .a .1 ol M l. J LP i f-c Miui.e A i l-1 ' Ti . i i - ' ! t (;"! II' I S t ll i'lBlld jl O. .t v i -,-n.l yimu tan i j ei op J. PEF?R, Publibher,