Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, June 05, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, June 5, 1903.
pr nscmiTlos:
One Year One dollar mid fifty cents.
Fix Mouths -Hevent.v-llve cents.
Entered . the poit oflleo of Mllforrt.
I'iko Cuumy, iVniisylvtinin, wrontl
uluss manor, Novumbtir twenty-lint, lbWV
Advertising Rates.
I Inn squnre(olslit nr.csl.nne Insertion -tl .00
I', ten HU!iseliem, m'Minni -------
Hilneel nitep.fuenlslied on nppllcntlon,
will be nllowed yearly nuverti-ors.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's find Eieeilor'i
noti(Ms 8.00
Auditor s notices - - 4.0
llivorce liotieeft - - - - 6.00
Sheritl'f) Rnles, Orphnns court, union,
(Jiunty TrraumnT' sulci, County stute
tii 'lit nd election proclamation chargid
by the qnro.
J. H. Van F.tten, PijblISHKH,
Milford, Pike County, Pa.
Dr. V. B Kenworthey yesterday
took his family down iu Monroe
omnty to spend a few days, but will
himsolf soon return.
Mrs. Edith Mott Allen of Ellen,
ville, N. Y., spent a few days in town
this week.
T. B. Morse of New York, who is
having his residonce on George
street completed, visited town Wed
nesday Mrs. O. B. Van Wyck and eon
George of Washington have returned
to their cottage on Ann street for
the summer.
Our neighbor in a card announcing
his conclusion to run for jury coin
missioner rather dispatches the other
democratio candidates.
Dr. L. de Plasse of New York hss
nponed an office in Port Jervis and
it is said will give particular atten
tion to diseases of the lungs and
heart. He is reputed as taking high
r ink as a specialist.
Assistant Cashier Dudley Ryman
was taken ill while New York last
Kundny and since has been confined
to his home here.
A dense smoke, said to arise from
forest fires In New Jersey, prevailed
here yesterday.
A fire broke out on the Milford
cemetery Wednesday and burned
over part of the wood land.
Top buggy and Bingle harness for
sale. Inquire at Methodist pnraoti-
There ore some indications which
point to another strike of the mine
workers this year.
Ninety thousand worker in the
textile nulls in Philadelphia were on
strike this week and praotioally 600
mills are idle. The strikers want a
deorease in the number of hours
work, but no decrease in pay.
George E. Ilorton and wife of
ranchvillo were in town a oouple
of days this week attending to
business matters.
The school directors of the inde
pendent school district of Milford
organized yesterday by electing G.
A. Swepeniser president, Dunham
Gregory treasurer, and Dr. R. G.
Barckley necretary. The other
members are W. T. Struble, Banj.
Kyte and George Peroz.
William Van Horn, a cosmopolitan
from New Jersey, was arrested last
evening for general disorderly con
duct. Thii morning the chief bur
goss sentenced him to get ont of
town in half an hour. He promised
to exile himself
The residence of John H. Dewitt
in Port Jervis took fire early yester
day morning from an exploding
lamp and was completely destroyed.
He was seriously burned as was also
Miss Carrie A. Dewitt iu an attempt
to rescue goods and valuables.
Twelve hundred dollars, partly in
checks, the property of the Port
Jervis Building and Loan associa
ted n, of which Mr. Dewitt was sec
retary, were lost in the fire.
Rainbow trout were placed in a
dam on Brodhead's creek at Exper
went Mills by Senator McPhorson of
New Jersey a number of years ago.
The dam broke and the trout escaped
to the river. Since then they have
occasionally been caught in several
stream and last week three weigh
ing over eix pounds were taken by
Leon Bohano in the pool at tho foot
of lower Itaymondskill rails. The
largest was 20 inches long and
weighed over three pounds.
"I have been troubled for some
with indigestion and sour stomach,"
e-iivs Mrs. Surah W. Curtis of Lee
ilu.stf. , "and have been titking Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
winch have helped me very much
no that now I can eat inuny things
that before I could not." If you
"ti.ivoaiiy trouble witn your etomach
why not take these tal lota nud et
well? Vor r.:ilrt by i-.-ilch -S..o,
M i lam ii us, all gem?rul Moi't-s i"
i'li-0 county,
The Reu1t Estimated if He
Not Indulged Hi Appe
tite for Fruit
Mr. Editor, will yon n't iw nio to
adapt for public iti'in nil srtiol '
which I dime ncoss recently discins
ing that problntn Important to his
tory of "Why Father Adam Ata tho
Apple." This arllolo considers but
one of several reasons but that on';
reason will be soon to bo important.
It is the opinion of all who believe
the Bible that, mankind would have
remained Immortal if Adam had not
yieldod to Kve's cntreiitioa and taken
a bite ol that incious-appie in me
Garden of E Inn. SnppooiiiK, how
ever, that ho had retrained from
so doing, where in the world wonld
we find room for tin) immortal gen
erations that would have come into
boins since his oioa'iou. Lot us
figure a few minutes to get some
dim ide'i of how ninny people the
world at the present dny wonld be
obliRod to provide for. To keep
within moderate bounds we will
suppose each married couple to have
had hut three children. Suppose
also that each man did not enrich
the world with a little citizen until
30 years of age. Also let ns suppose
that but 6,000 years have elapsed
since Adam's creation.
Now by tho nso of a formula and
an equation of geometrical progres
sion solved by the use of logarithms
we discover that the number of
people who would be living today
would be 661,108 quintillions. You
pronounce this nnmber mechanical
ly with bnt little comprehension of
its moaning. Think a moment
A few examples will show whether
you have the idea. The surface of
the whole earth (soa nud land) con
tains 9,000,000 geographical square
miles, or not quite 5,347 billions ot
geographical square foot. The as
tonishing fact at or.ee becomes
evident that we cannot allow this
mulitudo of people even a square
foot of ground (or water suface)
piece. What shall we do with them
then stack them up? Very well
Consider then that 123 trillion poo
pie are after the foot of ground on
whioh you are standing. We must
heap them all on your shoulders.
Suppose the average height is only
four feet, how high up will they go?
492 trillions of teet or 20,000 billions
of geographical miles. Remember
that all around the world there
would be 5,347 billions of such living
columns of people, the foot of each
ooinmn occupying one square foot.
If your youngest grandson were at
the top of yonr column he would be
distant from you 1,000 million times
farther than the sun.
This multitude of columns we are
imagining would displace not only
the sun and moon but all tho stars
we can see. Does this make you
dizzy? Then we will use bnt one
illustration further to bo sure you
sompreheud tho immensity of the
figures with which we started.
Suppose, now, that under the
weight of the column youara' sup
porting you feol slightly depressed
today. You have just finished read
ing your paper and think yon will
send a telegram to your youngst
grandson on top of the column in
quiring what he is doing up there.
You telegraph him Bay at nine
o'clock in the morning. About
what time will you look for a reply?
The answer i9 simple. We know
the eleotrio spark is a very fleet
mossengor and runs 60,000 milos a
second. How much time is required
to make the jump of 20,000 billions
of miles that exist between yon and
your youngest grandchild? Quick !
It is hardly worth reflecting upon
Yonr grandchild will receive the
message in 333,000 millions of sooouds
which make 10,000 years. If your
grandchild answers immediately you
can easily ascertain in 20,000 years
what he was doing this morning. It
is to be regretted that at that time
he will not be the youngest grand
child but an old man 20.000 jea-rs of
age and very likely he will be about
one trillion times grandfather him
self !
This is enough. It is sufficiently
shown that you hardly understood
tho meaning of the figures 601,180
quiuiilltons 1 It is also sufficiently
shown how tieeeshary it was for
rather Adam and Mother Eve to
bite the apple, otherwise they would
have causfd us an innumerable
number of iucouvenieuces.
(Adapted from an article credited
to an Iiuugariun paper.)
V. A. Wood
WANTED Faithful person to
trnvel for well established houe
in a few counties, culling on retail
merchants and agents. Locul terri
tory. Hillary tH'-'l n year and ex
pense, payable f 19.70 a vterk in
cash and t-xpeiihes Kiivnueed I'oni
turn permanent. Business nuiv.eas
fjl and ruidiing. Standard House,
334 Dearborn St. Chic-tigo. 61-3
Invs making
iu a!l blanches.
-U Aii V lA liwiu, urou
d St., Milford, Pa.
Presbyterian Chroniclings
(Hy Ilev. E. M. ?mfnil )
Sarvtops morning and evening next
Lord's D.iy. At the morning srvirf
a brief s -rmon Will tin prnaclied and
he L nd's supper ccloln utml. This
s tli) customary timr for vecidvinjt
new mmubmu if any shall present
hemsolves. The evening service
will bs an appropriate closing for
the day.
The preparatory loctnro will be
held this evening at 7.30. It is
earnestly desired that a larga repre
sentation of our membership be
This ii the seas-iu of the year
when our friend.-) bein to arrive
from th city for the summer or for
a brief Titration. We are glad to
welcome all who com.i and worship
with ns. Let this paragraph bo our
most cordial invitation to those- who
may read it and who are sojourning
in Milford over tho Hubbath or upon
any day or evening when we hold
services Come with us and we will
endeavor to do thco good.
The paper re:id by the pastor nt
the Port Jervis Ministerial Associa-
tion meeting was well recoived. The
earnest discussion which followed
the reading ot the paper was most
enjoyable and profitable. These
monthly meetings are very valuable
all the wayaround.
Practice for Children's day one
week from next Sunday is being
held twice each week. Please see
to it that the children are sent to
those practice meetings and that a
goodly ollerlug is provided for this
service Sabbath sohool missions
are doing a wonderlul work in the
west and other neglected fields.
They are the precursors of what
have afterwa'rds become strong
flourishing churches. Make as good
an offering ns you cnu.
The treasurer of tho church
informs us that the subscriptions
are in several instances smaller than
last year and that all are slow about
coming in. Can this not be rema
died in some way? Pleaso see to it
that our church work is financially
sustained. We consider this word
The Commencement exercises de
serve a word of commendation from
us. The children did very well
indeed. The music was especially
fine. The graduates deserve par
ticular mention. Their productions
were very creditablo und showod
origiuality. We hope these young
people may acquit themselves as
well in life's school ns they have in
their Milford school life. Our con
gratulations aro extended to them
with our best wishes for happy,
useful, Christian lives.
Plans aro being formed for a
musical iu tho church parlors next
Monday night under the auspices of
the Y. P. 8. C.E ami for the defray
ing of the publication of the church
quarterly calendar. If this arrange
ment is consutnated we will have
the pleasure of hearing Mr. Raab
play his violin and also a considera
ble of our local talent, instrumental
and vocal. Announcements will be
made at the services next Sunday,
morning and evening.
Mr. Crosb was woll and favorably
known in Greene, died of pneu
nionia May 28tu and was buried
May 31st in Gilpin's cemetery, Rev.
T. 11. Hooper had charge of the sev
vices with members of G. A. R. Post.
Tho funeral, held in the M. P
church, Hollisterville, was attended
by a large number who assembled
to pay the last tribute of respect to
a neighbor aud friend, and extend
sympathy to the family. lie is
survived by his wife, a son, Edward,
and a daughter, Isabel.
Mr. Cross was born at Taylors
ville, Bucks county, in 1838.
lie was for many years a resident
of Dreher, Wayne county. His last
place of residence beiug Drinker,
Lackawana county.
With other Of our patriotic yourg
men he enlisted at Milford in Co. C,
7th P. V., Nov. 19, 1801. He con
traded measles in camp Cadwalader
in Philadelphia which altogether
destroyed the sight of one eye and
brnke down his previous robust
health. He was honorably dis
charged Fob. 17, 18G2.
l tie Kaunas a. id -Nebraska tornados
and cyclones this spring are almost
equal to the 18UG products.
W j-V i f ii tl it i
Those who Bre gaining flesh
an i t.u -to, k-Ui by nruular treat
ment wth
Scott's Emulsion
phoui.) continue the treatment
Bi.iin lliu4 cool n.Hx v.itn It Mill
CIO eey Wit'i any cojeotlco
Vvhirn Is alt n.lit.1 Ui lall iiro
Oui la uuriiiM tha iieatad
S 1 t LtC ,.:t!.l..
S '"ll A hjtie., Llie.i.eu,
!'--! 'Mirit. New Yurk.
5 i.afi.oo; kli dit-'fcu.
Jill Humors
Are Inipiirs mntteri which th skin,
liver, kidneys and other organs rn
not take care of without lir'p, there i
such n eeeuinultttioa of them.
They litter the whole ytem.
Tiinples, bolls, ecMina and otlvr
eruptions, low of appetite, that tired
fe.ch.'q, bilious turns, flu of lndijss
tion, dull headiieliag end many other
trouble! ere due to them.
Hood's Sarsaparilta
and Pills
Remove all humeri, overcome all
Itheir efffcta, strengthen, tons and
Invigorate the whole BTitem.
"I hud salt rhenm on my htndi ttut I
eonld not work. I look Hood's Brsprlll
end It drnre out tha humor. I continued
tts ub till the sores dlssppoered." Mms.
Ika O. Browii, P.nmford F1U. Me.
Hood's Sarsaparllla pramlses to
our and keeps the promise.
Methodist Church Jottings.
(By Rsv. V. A. Wood.)
Subjects for Sunday, June 7th :
Morning, "Ashamed of Jesua.'
Eveniug: "Enthusiasm." Wednos
day evening prayer meeting, ''Duty
and Obedience," When the church
bells ring on Wednesday evening is
not this God's call to you as well as
to others? Oar last service was an
inspiration and we are looking and
laboring for even better resulta.
Children to be baptized may be
presented at the Children's Day
Service, Jane 14th, evening.
Remembflr the Quarterly Confer
ence Saturday evening. The meet
ing will be open to all. Perhnp9
the elder will have a few words for
Remember also the Group Rally
Thursday evening, June 11th.
Brother Chndwick of Port Jervis
will have a good message for na.
On Monday, June 1st, 3 p. ra., the
pastor conducted tho funeral service
of Mrs. Lena Krahner, aged 53 years
Interment at Dinenians.
The pastor was well pleosed with
the Commencement exercises Tnes
day. All who took part showed the
commendable result of excellent
training and are to Ijn congratulated
on their success Brother Smend's
address whs particularly appropriate
and in an age when carelessness in
the selection of reading matter is
predominant, his advice to read few
books, good books and those that
enthuse us for the best work in life
is worthy of out- 'careful considera
Amzl Smith of Madison, N. J.,
spent a few days last week: with his
lather, Isaac H. Smith.
David O. Brodhead has hud a new
roof pat on part of his house, aud
Mrs. North has improved some out
Miss Nellie Cauneof Milford spant
last week with her undo Joseph.
Miss Lucy Luttimore of Summit,
N. J., was a guest lust Suuday with
her mother.
William Emery and wife of
Branoh ville, N, J., visited with
relatives hero a couple days reoently
Miss Louise Jagger has gone to
Log Tavern Pond for the sum-uer.
Nathan Emory is suffering from
Bert Smith has gone to the Homo
stead at Milford for the season.
Ellsworth Hunt of Middletown, N.
Y., is a visitor with relatives in this
Wallace Beusley of Lehman is
building a cottage at Edgemare.
Froderiok Mink of Lehman called
on friends here and in N. J. last week
Charles Martin Is abla to fit up
and the stitches will be taken from
hts scalp next week when he will bo
removed to his home.
Hopes are bright of a rather plen
tiful supply of blaok and whortle
berries, so if the hay crop does fail
we can fall back on them. If the
drouth does no further damage here
there will be sufficient applos to
make quito a few barrels of older.
Fall pippens and Ben Davis' are
well wet and so are tho old standby
cider apples.
Because General Milcs's full report
did not appear iu the newspapers, he
jumped at the conclusion that part of
it had been suppressed. The general
could not really expect the correspon
dents to telegraph t-i x or seven
columns of rather uiiiiitere.-.ting re
hashed mutter.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
The uiform success of this remedy
him iniido it the ino.-it popular pre
pn ration in use for bowel eoinplui ntn.
Ir Is everywhere recognized as the
ono remedy that can always bn de-
,.u,.,l...l ,,1 V..i it- u ,.l..,.o,. r
to take. It is eepoeiaily valuable
tor summer dinrrhota in ohiidien
and is nudonhrt:dly the means of
hiii tha lives of a treat uianv i
childi-oii eiieh ' year. I or bale tv i
lii.U ii Ac Sun, Matamoraa, bli general i
stores iu l'iko county. '
Pfinnmn After More Money
A coiiilil ion of nllnirs pci-nis ap
proaching which may warrant the
president in schi-ting sonic canal
route other than the rnnntint, Con
g ess agreed to pay f Kl.OlMi.OPO for
the I'mi uiiii canal and f -iri),tui) a year
to Columbia for ever. Jt Is now
understood that move money must be
foi'theoiiiing. Hostility is being
aroused in Columbia agaln-d nil
onu-lal.-i who favored the Ilny-Herrnn
treaty, a Columbian congress averse
to the treaty Is scheduled to be elected
and 0,000,1)00 Is the additional sum
which It is Intimated will secure the
favor of this new boilv.
Why did not Senator Tillman con
tain his soul a III tic lunger? lie
would undoubtedly have drawn a
pri7.e In Mr. Bryan's next announce
ment of good subjects for presidential
tinilier; but here be has rushed off
impetuously and declared that he will
support Judge I'nrkcr. Mr. Bryan
will have to scratch Tillman and
look for some other great name.
Of the eighty-seven brokers of the
Ijondon Stock Exchange who under
took the oilier day to walk from
Brighton to Ixmdon, a distance of 52
miles, seventy-three finished the
distance and ten of them made it
within ten hours. The weather was
rainy, and the roads bad. Yet we
think that some of our own Wall
street boys in times past have set as
swift a jiace as this, though perhaps
the percentage of stayers was not so
Constipation Cured
Dr. Dnvitt Keiim-tly's New Meillt-lne
Ciirt-d lllm Promptly
Constipation Ii-.-iiIh to worse. Often It is
tho cause of npnenlciitis. Always It lends
to (lanncrous chronic dlscnse. It should
not be ncplncted, nor should It bo tempor
arily alleviated with drastic inirgatlvpc
Here is n case In point:
Mr. V. S. Osteitioudt. of Hnrrytown, N.
Y.,wns distressed with indigestion, chronic
cnustlpatloti and kidney trouble for years.
Ho tried many medicines without relief.
He heard of Cal-cara Solvent, I)r Ken
nedy's new ineiilelnn, nsud it and begHii
to improve rapidly. All of Ills old coin
plaints havo disappeared nnd he owes
everything to Cal eura Solvent.
Write to tho Cnl oiirn Company, Ken
nedy Row, Readout, N. Y., fur free
sample hntrle.
Itemomljer: (inlv ono ur. uavlu Ken
nedy ever lived in Readout, City of
Kingstou, N. Y., and he uuie yon get his
u. -v mi tl lntesit medleine. which Is Bold
only in 1 Oil bottles.
Tonchers' ex aininatimiq for 1903 will be
held ns follows:
DlngniHii, I'liluii, June 2
Milford, Aciideiny, .lime 8
Ilelawnre, Ac. demy, " Juno 6
Lehman, Meiuluw Brtxik, June
Wefilfall, MiilMmnras, June 8
Sholiolrt. Shohola, June 9
Luekawnxen, Williamson, Ju;ielo
IlliMinihiyCiruve, West brook's No. 1, June Ifi
Palmyra, Red No. 4, June Hi
Greene, Kippr-owu, June 17
All examtnutlons will begin promptly at
9 a. m. Directors and oile r interested
parties are cordially Invited to at tend.
Co. Supt. of Schools.
Dlngnmn's Ferry, Ph., May 11, I'Mi.
Any sponge will do for
bathing, but some are a
good deal better than
others. Texture and
toughness must be right
for bath satisfaction. Wo
have an ample, line of
true bath sponges, and
prices are as low as they
can be.
c.o. Armstrong
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
Physician nnd Surgeon.
C) Hire u ud iVbltieu e ti n tntl sf rtf '
let iurk UtJUsO. MLLbOftl), i'A.
j f
; H
To Cure a Cold in Ono Day
LcLT-iivc Ercmo Qt;!rJnc Tsiicts.
Seven frIion koxe told In past 12
Vyckoffs iicv York
Our advertisements nre written to 1x3 read. They con
tain a careful chronicle of the store's doings; they
exploit and strongly emphasize lines of seasonable
wanted merchandise; they give you descriptions
and juices; they are written to impress you with
the fact that money spent here is well spent.
Just now our "ads." arc particularly interest
ing from the fact that there are big price
breaks in the market and we are on the
watch to get our share of the bargains. A
money saving purchase for us is a money
saving purchase for you every time.
Thin Underwear r nuaiiy
For Everybody n8kde0r!
wear Is supplemented this week by
the receipt of one case 40 dozen
of Men's Ballbriggan shirts and
drawers, full range of sizes, at 39.
These are the "run of the mill" or
slightly seconds, a drop stitch here
and there but all repared. They are
identically the same goods we're sell
iug as firsts for 60?. You would not
know the difference porhnpsifwe
were not honest enough to tell you.
pared with all sorts of materials and trimmings for dresses and fans and
kuickuacks for gifts. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear for the boys.
White Dress Skirts
Pk and Duck
Here are
speoi al
lots of dainty whit Pk and Duck
skirts. They'll cost yon about the
price of bare materials as sold over
tha counterand the making and trim
ming is saved. Materials this year
a re about the same as last but cut and
trimming is varied. You'll find new
features well worth your attention.
Summer Comfort
for Men
for vonr hot wf-ather
shirts, summer suspenders, proper neckwear, belts, the right Dollars
and cuffs, correct jewelry and such like needs.
Stroudsburg, Pa.
Washington, i. C.
March 8rd, 1908.
Mr. Goo Onklcy.
Columbian Colleen,
Pk torso u, N. J.
Denr Sir:
Fur a number of yenri past the
Civil Service Commission hs ex
perienced const dam hie difficulty In
Hpcurtutf enough male eligihles in
shorthand and typewriting to meet
the neodn of the sr, ice. The supply
of such clliblcs reftiilrintr from the
semi-annual examinations In these
subjects has not been equal to the
demand. Recently, several special
s tomography and typewriting exam
inations have been held in til- larger
cities, but without producing the
desired result.' Tha Commission
would be pleased to have you make
this known to young men vho
may bo interested.
Yours respectfully,
John R. Pkoctor,
Pre t dent.
Vor further particnlani apply 6
Port Jervis BhhIiwm Inntttute,
CrKo. Oaklly, Principal.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. D. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth utreetti
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jrvl. N. Y.
Adjoining Gumaor's Union Houttc
Road, ciirriiiKC, draft and farm
homes for mile. Exchnngea made.
A large stock from which to make
Htilecttoua. CANAL KT.
Hiram Towner.
mouth. TLl3 tl atOTe,
Storo Weekly News
Openwork They're mnoh
TTn5P fnr All c"llt,(1 fl)r tllis B"
iiose ior au 8())1 A fortnnnto
purchase of a line of ladies lace hose
the 25 quality allows offering at
19. We have a range of values in
those goods up to 75 the pair.
Infant's, Misses and Children's well
represented in stock. Neither have
been forgotten. Show them in
blacks, tans and slates at 12 to
48. Latest fad for men is French
Gray mixed, fancy silk clocking,
25 and 48 the puir.
One of the Important times in the lives of young
people is Commencement. Graduation calls for
special dress and special needs. We are well pre
Cool Wrappers
Shirt Waist Suits
A thin
lawn wrap
p e r Is n
great help to bear the bnrden of the
day during the hot summer season.
These are well made, liberal in cut,
light and dark colors. The Bhirt
Waist Suit is a step ahead of the
wrapper, made from same materials
and serves for house and street
woar. Prices 11.25 to 12.25.
Are you as well acquainted with onr gentlemen's
department as you ought to be? It's just a step
inside from the street and never better equipped
noods as now. Thin underwear, cool negligee
New & Exclusive
A P'rT'R
All Prices
Seasonable goods of
Every description
Ryman S Wells.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
KudceMor to J. J. Mart,
f l"Ottte, in rritrof Kuulduuue on Ann St
Milford, Plk Co., Pa.
Cure Crip
la Two Day.
oa every
fcox. 25c.