Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 29, 1903, Image 4

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denier In (roods, wnre, nierelmndimv coin
modulus nnd effects of whatever kind or
nntnre, whether of tho growth, indnee
mill manufacture of the Tnltnl States or
of any foreign ntnto, and all millers biuI
coal dealers within the County of I'iUo, In
the State of Pennsylvania, that they are
classified ami assessed by the appraiser of
mercantile tnxes In said county for the
year 13 an below given, and that they nrc
Hpvera ly required to take out a license nt
thn office nf thn County Treasurer at Mil
ford on or before the flret day of July,
If not ptiid on the a born date suit
will be brought as per Act. of Assembly in
such ensses made and provided.
Blooming Orove Township
DeGront Denms Store
Ielaware Township
Albright Allen L. & Co Store.
Allerton W. H Photographer.
hirink Thomas M Store
Pusenberrv Wm Produce
Fulnier Philip F., Jr., Hotel
KlntnnrK. H Butcher
Mender Francis Hotel.
Morgan Reader Butcher.
Van Ktteo R. K Sons ..Boarding H.
Van A nken George B Store
Vnn Uordon Hannah L Hotel
IMngman Township
Bolllntat K O Hotel.
Dalloz Iieontine Uoartllng House.
Metz William Hotel.
McCarty Charlos Store
Schanno Anna Hocel.
Schanno Jos. K Boarding House
Greene Township
Belsher Peter Fertilizers.
(illpin Bros Store.
Hames F. G Store.
Houck J. C Store.
Lowe Kdward F Store.
Selg C. F Store.
Wilson Edgar Boarding House.
lackawnxen Township
Alman Samuel Hotel
Hurcher .7. l Storo.
Courtrlght Jason Store
Courtrmht V. B Store.
Dellert Edmund Store.
Klston O. A Hotel.
Klwanger Phil Store.
Faust Kdward Store.
Kreenwald Clans Store
Hankius R. H Butcher.
Holhett J. G Boarding House
McMnhon Thomas Store.
Jlyer John F Hotel.
Rowland G. F Store.
Rowland A. G -. Hotel.
Hettstadt Mrs. Chas Hotel Butcher.
Smith John H Store.
Smith Fj. M Storo.
Smith Bros Store.
Schott John Storo
Tlgue Kva Amelia Store.
Van Akin S. L Store.
Lehman Township
Bensley H. T Store
Bach M. L Hotel.
Deitier James Storo.
Nyee Brothers Store.
Ottenheimer Clara Hotel.
Ottenheinier Clara 9 tables 8 mos.
Peters Kdwlu F Boarding House.
Peters F.dwin F 2 tables 8 mos.
Smith Clinton. Store
bchlaefer George P Store.
Milford Borongh
Aimer J. E Storo.
Armstrong T. & Co Store.
Armstrong CO Drug Storo.
Beck Fred A Hotel.
Back John C Hotel.
Hoyd J. E Butcher.
Hotirnlque P. N Boarding House.
Bournique P. N. 1 table and 2 alleys 3 mos.
Oornellm, Betty Bazaar
Dingman Kate V .Storo.
doBerhle Louis Bicycles.
Kmerson H. K. & Co Drug Store.
Frleh Louise J Hotel.
Gumble & Rydor Butchers.
Hafner L. F Harness.
Hornbook 1). H Bicycles,
Kelly John I)r Hotel.
Kytfl Benjamin Store.
Kloln T. H. J. & Son Hardware.
Myer J. A Photographer.
McCarty John Store.
Mitchell Mary : Millinery.
Mitchell W. & G Store.
Kills P. M Hotel.
Nllis P. M 1 pool table t) mos.
Kvnian & Wells Store.
Struble V. T Milkr.
Thornton J. R Hotel.
Tlssot Marie Hotel.
Wallace A. Q Storo.
Palmyra Township
Brink Thomas Hotel
Cross P. K. Store.
Jones Edward L Store.
Lahes Clara Hotel.
Wilson G. W Store.
Porter Township
Cortrlght C. W Hotel.
Shohola Township
Fuller Mary Boarding House.
Gardener Stephen St. John Store.
Higby Edwin 4 Store.
Maiwell F. D Store.
Voght John Jr Hotel.
Voght George Barber.
Westfall Township
Allen D. B Hotel.
Baluli A. W. & Son Store.
Bevans F. K Hotel
Duner Gustave Store.
Fe.r.z Peter Store.
Heller Martin Store.
Kcslcr F. A Store.
Langton G. H Store.
Leicht Martin Hotel.
Mueller Christiana llowd.
PreHcott J. C Store.
CJuiun MauriceS Hotel.
Seymour C. H Store.
Todd Mrs. M. B Store.
lTch Michael Butcher.
Van Gorgon J. G Store.
Wit: term ute Itiaac .Store.
YVchingor Goorgo Butcher.
Agreeably to the Act of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, panned April U, lhiti, entitled "An
Act relating to the appointment of mer
cantile appraisers and graduating the
duties up io wholeaie douiers and mer
chandise, etc., and the supplements ther
to," aud "Act of May a, lyw," under
signed appraiser of mercantile taxoti uf the
tlounty of Pike tlttr hereby certify that
the foregoing are dealers in foreign aud
uumestlu murchandiMi in said couuty that
have come to my knowledge and that
tiiev are classed aiwortting to iaw.
Witness my bond tms -tUi tiny of May,
A. D. iifia. . K J. DAkliAl.il,
Mercantile Appiui&yr.
An Appeal will be held in the Court
House iu the Borough of Millord between
i he bourn of U a. m. and i p. m.t on Eriuay,
J une 6, llio;, when and where all person.
iiiUireited if the aforchaid anKttibiiient and
description limy attend if lliev proper.
h. J. UaKRAGH,
M-'tvhii t !e Appraiser.
G. A. PWtl'r M.KK,
County 'i'lcahuier.
A 11 deuicr In the above li:t are nUehted
to li.wo tip t':"tr li'-ines i.l tl.e C'lmnty
1 I'eun.O el o u'.ii OH or in foie J Uly 1, ;-l,
Ktl -r V. ll tliey V.U1 be jiv LI to a JUbli
ol l'ie i i, fM e l'.-r coileri :-n
U. A. ,- , i- l'KMSKK,
t.'.-iiiiiy '1 rcjtotuor.
li'.-. titi- btjt'iiird by j Jg
,!f..i. A a o, j Jr.
In a Carefully Prepared Ar
ticle recommends Dr. D.
Kennedy's Favorite
In a recent issue of the New York
Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene, th
recognized authority on all matters per
taining to health, James H. Montgom
ry, M. D., says editorially :
"After a careful investigation of Dr.
David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, a
specific for kidney, liver and Madder
troubles, rheumatism, dyspepsia and con
stipation with its attendant ills, we are,
free to confess that a more meritorious
medicine has never come under the exam
ination of the chemical and medical ex
perts of the New York Magazine of Sani
tation and Hygiene. In fact, after tiie
most searching tests and rigid inquiry in
to the record of Dr. David Kennedy's Fa
vorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to re
eommend its use in unequivocal term to
every reader of this journal whose com
plaint.comes within the list of ailments
which this remedy is advertised to cure.
We have obtained such overwhelming
proof of the efficacy of this specific have
o satisfactorily demonstrated its curative
powers through personal experiments
that a care for the interests of our readers
leads us to call attention toitsgreat value. "
It is for snle bv all druggists in the
Naw BO Off nt S'rn and the regular
1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bpttlcentiurK for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Knndy Corporation, Readout, N.
Tlr. TnTM KrnneAy's Chrrr ftslfnm best for
Colds Couf he, Contain ptlon. It5c, 60c, $1.U0.
News from the fur east continues
rather disquieting, despite the assur
ance ct Russia that she is sincere in
approving the open door policy in
China, and that she' has no ulterior
motives in retaining control in Man
churia for the present. Korea, un
tioubttdly inspired by Japan, lias
demanded that Russia vacate her
territory and remiss the Yalu river.
This request is said .to he couched
in most vigorous language. As
Japan is working day and night
preparing war supplies something
more than a more harmless disagree
ment among diplomats is expected.
There must be some good In our
present postal system. Notwith
standing that the entire post office
department apparently and most of
that branch of the treasury depart
ment which has to do with postal
affairs are Investigating each other,
we seem to get our mail pretty regu
larly and without delay. The Wash
ington Post remarks that Postmaster
General Payne is on the right track.
This is fortunate since if he were on
the other track there might be danger
of a collision.
The latest news supplemented by
photographs from the scene of the
Jewish massacre at Kishenef, Russia,
show the affair to have been more
horrible than was indicated by the
early telegrams. In this massacre
Russia is described as having lorn a
leaf from early Roman history, when
a massacre of Christians was often
suggested to engage the attention ol a
province about to rise in revolt.
Notice Is hereby Biven that an annllca
tiou will be mode to the Governor of
h'cnnsylvalila, on Wednesday, June 17th,
A. 1). 1X113, by Kdward B Labar William
C. Clune, Henjauiin C. Totten, Frederick
Drcyer, John Cluno. William M. Iiw-
rence and Michael Uch. under the act of
asKembly entitled "an. aot to provide for
me incorporation ana regulation ir certnln
corporations" approved April SJilth, 1874,
"The corporation act of 1871" and the
supplements and amendments thereto, for
the charter of an Intended corporation to
be called "Matamoras Citizens Water
Company," the character aud object of
which is thekupplymg water lor the public
In the township of Westfnll, comity of 1'iUo
ana state m rennsyivanla, and to persons,
partnerships, and association residing
t herein and adjacent thereto as may desire
the same, aud f r this purpose to have,
possess and enjoy all the rights, benellls,
and privileges of said act of assembly aud
supplements and ainetiiiitients thereto.
11 Y. T. BAKKH,
Milford, Pa., May 14, 1U03.
IF - Y0H
are the proprietor of a
hotel or boarding-house
your chief iutertiHt is to
ill Your Rooms
There is a larger fluid
for guests in Brooklyn
New York than in any
other city in America.
Right in the heart of
that city the
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
maintains two largo
Information Bureaus
that distribute literature
and g'.va freH advice
regarding hotels, etc.
An ad. in the
in coituoctiuu with his
free Bureau service will
result, in
Filling Your House
Bfiid at otit'o fur rates
IliUMIIviiV l4II.V I Kil i;
llKOOli 1 V S-Nr V Volifc
ShnnM Srnntsp !'Kfn serve ont
trip term fur whirh lie, v;s rerenllv
rlr-ctn. he will linvp lirit(M nil rec
ords of prrvice in the t'nitfd HIMpa
fennt linving- brfn n member of
"Hint nn trust itndy since March 4, 17.1.
lie mid Rt'ntitor ,lones took tnrir
srn ta nt the ph me t ini1 n ml the In t -tor's
term would hIso have been
temlel six yenrn more had be con
sented to ( rve.
Consul (Jeorp-e Pawter went to
Guayaquil, Ecuador, to take the pot
left vacant by the death of Thomas
Nnst. Arriving there, he discovered
that yellow fever unf rniint? nn 1
imm(lintely took paesajre back lo
the l'n i led Strifes. On landing in
Mew Vork he found that nnothpr of-fir-c
had eei peeking" him in bis nb
penee. M'hile still nt pen he had been
nominated by President Roosevelt ns
an nsslstant appraiser of merchan
dise nt the port of New York.
Secretary Cortelyon is one of the
few remaining- men in public life
who affect the pompadour style of
brushing' the hair. Fifteen or eight
een years ago it seemed as if all
mankind had the pompadour craze.
When "Pompadour Jim" came on the
stage every sport that was n spoil
wore his bristles rampant-. The style
very becoming" to Cortelyon. It
enables him In serious reflection to
run his fingers harrowlike over his
head without disturbing its contour.
Several senators were talking- In
Mr. Hoar's committee room, the sub
ject, being- Senator Movgnn's wonder
ful ability ns a Imtp-distance talker.
One man expressed the opinion that
the ng-ed Alabama statesman wn?
about "talked out,' but Mr. Tloai
scon led the not ion. saying-: 'Why.
show him a penknife and he'll tnlk
for nn hour about it." Just then Mr.
Morgan cnine in and one of the num
ber showed him a curious knife.
Sure enoug-h, the old man began a
long- discourse on the subject of
knives, cont inuiiig- until all slipped
owny except Hoar, who was nodding
iit a chair.
"Death months' are March and
April for adults and July and Au
gust for children under five years
of age, according- to the statistician
of the twelfth census.
A freshly cut slice of pineapple
laid on a piece of beefsteak will in. a
comparatively short time cause soft
ening", swelling- and partial dig-estion
of the meat for a considerable depth
from the eurface.
The government of the Pun jab has
undertaken to immunize 700,000 in
habitants ag'ainst the plague. The
laboratory of Hoiubay has been
asked to provide daily 50,000 doses
of nnti-plague scrum to the physi
cians of the Punjab.
Tuberculosis was not known nmong
cattle in Denmark until the impor
tation of Schlesw.ig'-Holsteins began.
It then spread so rapidly that a
g-overnmcnt commission which tested
144,000 head with tuberculin found
one in three affected.
The deaths from pneumonia per
10.000 of population in 1SG0 were
4.40; in 1870, 10.24; in 1880, 12.58; in
1890, 18.84; in 1900. 19,78 an ag-gre-g-ate
increase of 349.6 per cent, of
pneumonia, as compared with an ng-greg-ate
decrease of 39.5 per cent, of
The so-called "defective classes of
society" the idiotic, feeble minded,
Improvident, habitually immoral, in
ebriate, criminal, insane, and other
impaired persons are ns a rule vie
tiras of arrested or otherwise im
perfect development of brain, at
tributable largely to malnutrition
both before and nfter birth.
When completed the Liverpool mil
seum wilU Sir V. It. Korwood says, be
second only to the JSritUh museum.
The most delicate scale is- made by
fixing one end of a fine thread cf
g-lass. The atom to be weighed it
placed at the free end and the de
gree of the bending of the thread
under it is noted. This has to be
done under a glass which magnifies
100 times.
Treatment by chemical rays has
not yet made o great progress in
the United States a.s in some of the
Kuropean countries. The thera
peutic effects of the violet and ultra
violet rays have been shown to be re
markable, and in France, perhaps,
this form of treatment has reached
the highest stage of development at
present attained.
The mapping of the world will be
mostly an achievement of the twenti
eth century. The great map of the
United States begun 20 years ago,
will require about a hundred yearn
for its completion, and the chief of
the hydrographic office reports that
the 1,250 chart plates in his posses
ion represent only about one-third
of what are necessary before the
seas, of the world will be butlieiently
chartered for safe navigation.
" I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weik tor 12 years. The
doctor my nooj was an
turning to water. At last 1 tried
Ayer's Sarsapsriiia, and was soon
feeling all riht apain."
Mis. J. V. FiaU, Hsdlyme, Ct.
No matter how long you
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
Ayer s Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
sway everything else.
l , V' ft 0"UI
pj s-h T'-i r Hu'-or ilni.ki ol iter's s
SI i? ""'j. i'. A i Kit L,,t-U, I
'Cilverrin lins the property, extraor
dinary among llipiiils, of not evupor-
In the conrwc nf n century nn acre
of constantly coliivnteo! land loses
no icb9 tliau 12,000 pound weight of
A law hna been passed in Frnnce
forbidding the tttlture of vegetables
Intended to be eaten raw on all
sewiifre fnrma.
From observations of ftl occnlin
tions of stars by the moon, (1. V.
Hough divider the phenomena into
four classes. In one curlou cIhpb
the star appears to be projected upon
the moon's disc for some seconds be
fore lta final dnppeaianoe, the cause
Rpcmimj to be the passage of the star
behind a depression on the ede of
the disc. In the occultation of a close
double, the atur was seen apnin after
its first disappearance, and a second
disappearance was recorded four sec
onds after the first.
The collapse of a bop- from over
growth is a rather st'rprisinp- ard
very dramatic phenomenon. The 30
or 40 feet of depth of n Inrpe peat
boir, states li. T.loyd Prnep-er, ia made
up of n fairly firm surface deposit
of intertwined plnnts, nnd a quite
dense bottom biyer of decomposed
matter, with a layer of thin mud be
tween the two. A heavy rainfall or
obstructed drninape mny dilute the
mud ami swell the ho to the burst
ing point. Near Killnrney, on Decem
ber 2, 1806, a lnrpe bog, 7."0 feet
above sea level, became ruptured
along a turf-cutling, ami poured
dow,n the valley to Lake Killnrney, H
miles away, killing eight persons, and
destroying much arable land. The
flow continued Intermittentlj for five
Senator Frye once refused to write
his reminiscences for a magazine, de
claring himself opposed to the telling
by public men of "tales out of
There are 03 committees In the
house of representatives at Washing
ton, nnd only one of them wns entire
ly exempt from the effects of last
fall's election. That is the committee
on expenditures in the treasury de
partment, of which -Hob" Cousins,
of Iowa, is chnirman. Every other
committee lost from one to five mem
bers through itefeat in convention or
at the polls.
AVhen the newspapers began to dis
cuss customs frauds in New Vork a
young newspaper correspondent
asked Secretary of. the Treasury
Shaw If he intended starting nn in
vest igntiim. Mr. Shaw replied grave
ly: "I once knew a fellow who hunt
ed foxes with a brass band." Here
the secretary paused and looked over
some letterB. Then he added: "He
didn't catch any."
Police Commissioner Greene, of
New York, has taken in hand those
policemen who filch peanuts nnd like
viands from the wngona of the afreet
peddlers. He had issued an order
against this mean form of small
blackmail and directed the captains
to read the name twice to the men
under their command. "I appeal to
the honest and self-respecting mem
bers of the force," lie saya, "to co
operate with me In driving out the
men who thus disgrace their uniform.
If this petty Mealing ia regarded In
its proper light by members of the
force they will not associate with
anyone suspected of it."
A few years ago quartz mines that
would not yield $50 to the ton were
despised and rejected as unprofitable.
Now, with improved methods of ex
tracting, ore containing as low as $3
a ton pays fair dividends to the stock
holders. The cost of cyanide treatment of
ore in a typical southwestern Colorado
plant, where about. 125 tons are
handled duily, is stated to be 70 cent
a ton 35 cents for cyanide, 20.5 cents
for labor, 3.5 cents for powder and
fuel, aud 4.5 for zinc.
The gas used in the modern pas en
gine performs nearly, or quite, double
the work obtained from it when used
for steam-healing purposes-. In time
the gas engine, in utilizing the blast
furnace gases, will make pig iron pro
duction more than doubly profitable.
"Ilig Hen," the world famous clock
in the tower of the house of parlia
ment, London, is being lit at last by
electricity, so tha-t its time may be
read during the oecasionalelenr night.
It is fctill unreliable, however, not hav
ing been cleaned since '88, and its
weekly winding takes two men 12
A Venezuelan railway, from Cara
cas to Vuleuciu, has bo tunnels in 55
A. C. Hird, the new traftie manager
of the (iould raUwuy lines, raceives
a salary of $50, Out a year.
In the state of New York there are
approximately 8,143 miles of railroad,
with 10,037 higliwuy crossings, of
which 8,5'J9 are at grade.
One of the lius&iun railway com
panies has built n special Pullman
car, containing luxurlotibly fitted
dining, smoking, silting and sleeping
compartments, for the sole use of
honeymoon couples.
During the year ending June 30,
VMi, 1S4 personr-, were killed aud in
jured at grade crossings in New York
staie; equul to 25 per 1,000,000 inhab
itants, lu Massachusetts, during
the sauie ear, 37 persona were sim
ilarly killed or injured, which is at
tiie rate of 12 per 1,000,000 inhabit
ants; less than half the percentage
for New York state.
When you want a jdeasant physic
try Chauiberlaiu's Stomach, and
Liver Tablets. They ate easy to
take and pleasant in effect. For
sulo hy Huleh & Son, Matamoras,
all gentsra! htoros in Pika county.
Proas making in all bnunslips
Mahy Liuwni, BieudSt.1Milfyrd,ra,
rirat linU.Uim Tilth tilirrlrnn Coa-
venlenrcH nd Comfort Onljr
Recmtlr Preeted.
It is only of lute yenrs thai even
the more pretentious homes in Paris
would crente nny enthusinsm in the
minds of Americans, accustomed as
Ihey are to many conveniences which
are considered great luxuries in
trance, says the Architectural Ket-
It is no unusual thing to see a cart
with n yellow-painied bathtub aud a
tank of hot water stop before houses
In fashionable quarters.
F.lovntor.s have just come into gen
eral use. and, with tlie exception of
those of American manufacture, are
usually slow, uncertain nnd comiill
cated in mechanism. AVnx candles are
to be seen in the chandeliers as often
as electric lights.
Things are, however, changing, and
Inst year in the avenue du Ho'-s dc
Boulogne a model building was erect
ed, which combines French elepance
with all the American comforts. It
is of while sandstone, in late T.ouis
XV. style, with the entrance nt the
side through heavy iron and glasa
The building consists of two "ho
tels" or private residences, and one
apartment. The first "hotel" occu
pies the fn-ct two floors, the apart
ment the third, nnd the second
"hold" the fourth nnd fifth. The
rooms for the servants are on the
sixth floor.
The "concierge" or gatekeeper has
his lodge just inside the entrance.
He opens the gites and hna the sn
pervi Ion of t e general halls and
staircases, and nlso c a g of the
heating of tlie entire house in win
Sot Only Awakes the Sleeper, Dnt
Gives Htm a Jnvrlnff nt
the Same -Wine
"liing-n-ding-a-ding - a - ding! (let
up, you lazy loafer! It's seven
o'clock!" Those strenuous words,
preceded by the tinkle of a brisk lit
tle bell, caused a visitor in a West
Philadelphia house to hop out of bed
the other morning with immense sud
denness, says the Philadelphia Rec
ord. The words were so authoritative
that he had the same feeling of sub
mission he had when a schoolboy and
his fnthcr called him. So he jumped
up now without question.
What had nwakencd him was a
phonographic clock, an ingenious ar
rangement, devised by his host, which
was so set that the same spring
which started the alarm started, a
moment later, a phonographic at
tachment. The maker of the phono
graphic clock Raid he thought of
patenting it.
"You see," "lie snid, "the phono
graph, speaking to you after the
alarm wakes you, can be made to
say different things can be made,
for instance, if you have an impor
tant engagement, to tell you of It
can be made to state emphatically
lo you, don't you know, the reason
why you should arise. Usually my
phonograph says to me: '(let up, it's
seven o'clock. Get up, or the boss
will dock you for being late.' "
One Mflr Enjor Until In These Dmts
of sanitary Food Rod
There never was a time, perhaps, in
the history of the world when there
was such a determined effort to find
nnd keep good health as at present.
Young and old are beginning to real
ize, apparently, that something must
be done to preserve bodily vigor.
Foods almost by the hundred are of
fered as sure promoters of vitality
and attractive advertisements con
tain more or less learned discussions
upon the value of strong nerves, pure
biood and a clear brain, says the
Cleveland Leader.
Those who do not live upon health
foods are devoting much of their
time to physical culture and nearly
every house in which there are young
people contains its quota of gym
nasium apparatus. Outdoor and in
door sports have more devotees than
ever before. Golf, baseball, football,
tennis, basketball, bowling and other
forms of amusement which induce
perspiration and increase the action
of tlie heart are depended upon to
supplement more physical culture, so
called, in building up strong bodies
and laying the foundation for good
health and long life.
Rattlra of the Haltlesiiake.
The rattlesnake's rnttle consists of
a number of hollow, horny rings,
somewhat like quill in substance and
interlocked with one another, while
Ihey are so elastic as to permit of a
considerable amount of motion be
tween them. These rings are not in
dicative of age, as has been supposed,
since in some years several appear.
while in others only one ring may be
Allien Iprim.
The sense of smell is mint Earry
allied to that of taste. Hearing and
seeing depend upon nerve responses to
vibrations in tiie air iu the eiher. In
order to taste a subject it has to be
wholly or partially dissolved; in order
to cmell a suhttauce it mutt encounter
the olfactory organs as a vapor, an em
anation, a cloud of particles arising
from odoriferous matter.
savage Vtld Creatures.
Speaking generally, wild creatures
inhabiting hot countries are more
savage than those of cold or temper
ate countries.
UANTED Faithful person to
travel for well established house
in a few counties, calling on retail
merchants and agonts Local terri
tory. Salary $1021 a year and ex
penses, payable tl9.70 a week in
cash and expenses advanced Posi
turn pel niancnt. Business sucjcss
ful and rushing. Standard Hous,
33 1 Poarbwo at. Chicago. 6-1-3
Dry Good, Fancy Waist Patterns,
Ginghams, Outings, Flannel
and Flannelettes, Denims
Drapery, Underwear,
Gloves, Hats, Caps,
Fancy Crockery,
Lamps & Glass
Ware, Felts & t
Ctc. etc.
A. D. BROWN and SON,
Manufacturers and dealers In all
kinds of Lumber,
Contractors and Builders.
Estimates made ; personal atten
tion given and work guaranteed (
OFFICE. Brown's Building, Milford, Pa
Most Women
Can tell a good shoe
when they see it.
ixus illustrates one of the
styles of the "La France."
We have five others. All
cost $3.00. ;
If you will look over the
town and compare every
other Three Dollar Shoe
with this one, you can't help
buying the "La France."
1 State Normal School
2 East Stroudsburg, Pa
Regular Sttito Nornml Courses, nnd J
Sirinl 1Vmh t lien t of Muio, klu- 9
cation. Art. DmwiuK, Munojf mphy,
Hiiil Ty piwri! inur; strong (Jul lego
J Preparatory Di-iim-tmtmfe. J
0 RonrrtiiiK t'liM-nwa fci 50 per week.
Pupils admit ut any time. Win
Ur Term tcnit Dec. &th. Write
tut titt.iiuguo.
El. L. Kemp, A. M.,
Principal. fc
I A " I
and HAY.
When in need of any
Hello to No. 5., or come to
The Mew York
Tribune Farmer
Isnimliiinnl llllitstratcd agricultural weekly for farmers
and their families, nnd stands at the head of the agricul
tural press. It is n practical paper for practical farmers,
helping them to secure the largest possible profit from the
farm through practical methods.
It Is entertaining, lntructlve and practically useful
to the farmer's wife, sons nnd daughters, whoso interests
it covers lu an attractive manner.
The regular price Is 11.00 per year, but for a limited
time we will rc.elvo your subscription, for THK NEW
YORK TRIBUNE FARMER anil also for your own
favorite local newspaper, THE PRESS, Milford, Pa.
Both Papers One Year for $1.65
Fend your order and money to THE PRESS.
Your name and address on a postal card to TUB!
will bring you free sample Copy.
Washington Hotels.
rhe hotel pur excellence of tho cnnltnl,
ocattxl will, la one block ol the White
House anil UirocUy opposite the Treasury.
Kinoat tublo In tho city.
A union hotclry, remarkable for Its
historical aMAoclatlons and long-sustained
popularity. Huccntly runovated, repaiuti'd
mid partially refurnished.
A. landmark among the hotels of Wash
ington, patronized In former years by
pichidi'hU and hih officials. Always a
prime favorite lu-.ee utly remudulud and
rendered better than pvcr. Opp. Pa. K.
R; dep. WALTER BURTON, Kea. Mar.
These hotels are the principal political
rendezvous of the capital at all times.
Thev are tho best stopping places at rea
sonable rat-'s
O. O. STAPLES. Proprietor.
.O. UEWITT.Msnster.
1139 Broadway, St. Jsmss tiulld
Ing, Naw Vork.
For tha Trsstmsnt snd our of
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
Sub:serib Tor the FuEsa,