Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 15, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, May 15, 1903.
One Year One dollar and fifty cents.
8lX Mostiii Seventy-live Vents.
Entered nt the post office of Mtlfnrd,
Pike Comity, Pennsylvania, nfl pei'oml
olafts inattur, Novomber twenty-flint, 1H',1.
Advertising Rates.
One qnnre(eliiht line). "ne Insertion -11.00
Kivh subsequent insertion .6''
Riilnoeil rnto, furntrthrd on application,
will be allowed yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
AdmlnlRtrutor'g ami Kxecator's
notices .... 3.00
Auditor's notices - 4 'XI
LHvoree notle,es - ... - 6. (Hi
Sheriff's sales, Orphans court sales,
County Troitsurer's sales, County state
ment and election proclamation chnrgiil
by the square,
J. H. Tan Etten, VtTBLIBTlKR,
Mllford, Pike County, Pa.
Governor Pennypaeker -whose
candidacy was aided by many news
papers iu the state and who since
his election has received may warm
words of commendation from them
because it was alleged he was a
Jurist of high character, ft man of
fair instincts, untrammelled in
mind, not subservient to the dicta
tations of passion or one who would
listen to the cajoling or threats of
partisans, has utterly abdicated, and
renounced adhesion to the high
principles which have been attrib
uted to him. Not only has he put
many friends to shame, but he has
descended to such a ridiculous trnide
In approving the Stilus Grady libel
bill that one stands in utter amaze
ment that a man of his presumed
Intellect and sense could be so pue
rile, churlish and absurd. His
reasons read more like the nonsense
of a school boy than the argument
of a statesman. Ho is a veritable
Sancho Panza, out with his master
fighting windings. Heseems to have
an impression that his dignity has
been offended by the cartoons pub
lished representing him as a parrot,
or as a ridiculous little dwarf stand
ing alongside a printing press and
he proposes to get even. He will
go down in history not as the gov
eruor of a great commonwealth, but
as a soolding parrot wearing ances
tral boots. Hn has erected his
monument, written his epitaph,
sung his requiem, and the news
papers of the state will see that his
memory is kept green.
Those members of the legislature
who amused themselves by voting
for the libel law will have their real
fun when they come out for re
election. Will there be any more owl and
parrot cartoons? and will Pussy no
longer adorn the pages of the news
papers? The weekly papers are not men
tioned in the new libel law. Perhaps
they were not worth considering.
The governor will look like the
proverbial thirty pennies before the
dailies finish op with him.
"Let the galled jade wince our
withers are un wrung."
A fl ad weighing 11 pounds was
caught in the Delaware below Phil
adelphia this week. It is the big
gist, according to the rooord, ever
landed and brought $28. With Cali
fornia cherries $3 a pound, shad t2
a pound and Cuban water melons
tl.50 a piece, living ou delicacies
comes high.
George A. Elstoa of Lackawaxen
was in town yesterday and obtained
a stay of the writ as to his personal
property advertised for sale by the
sheriff today. The hearing on the
application for stay will be held
May 20th.
George H. Buchanan of Seymour,
Ct., is iu town to look after his farm
iu Dingman township which is for
If troubled with rhe uiuuMhui, give
Chamberlain's Pain llulm a trial.
It will not cot-.t you a cent if it does
no good. One application will re
lieve the pain. It also cures spruius
and bruises in cue-third the time
required by any other treatment.
Cuts, burns, frost bites, qninaer,
jhi'.us iu the side and chest, glaiidu
litr iuul other swellings Hre quickly
cured by ppplving it. Every bottle
wan anted. Priee, '5 and til) cents.
i:.:K U V Matnmoi as, all L'Hiierul
s-', s ;n Pike county, 6 i'i 30
Presbyterian Chroniclings
(By Hev. K. M. Pinmid )
The topics for the morning and
evening sorvieos next Lord's Day
are as folio wit: Morning, "The
Lossons Taught by the Dulugo."
Evening, "The Leavening Influence
of the Kingdom." All are most
cordially invited.
Brother Wood and myself apvee
precisely upon the subject of union
services on all occasions that are of
general public interest. Last year
we did not unite for the Memorial
Day sermon or for the hncciilanreate
sermon. If I am at fault I can only
beg the public's pardon. This year
Mr. Wood has both services and we
all want to hear him and show him
our sympathy and interest. It is
hoped that these two services may
be largely attended and to this end
that we all unite in them.
We are very glad to see our peo
ple returning to us again after a
winter's absence. Mr. and 8. T.
White of Brooklyn, who worshipped
Willi us last year, are among the
number of those whose faces we are
pleased to see, They worship in
Dr. Cadinan's church when in the
city and take an active part in the
church work.
Those who do not have a Calendar
for this qurrter can secure them
from the pastor or Arthur Mitchell
at the door when passing in or out
of the church services.
Our deep and sincere sympathy is
extended to Mrs. Noyes and her
daughter in these hours of great
brenvement. A patient Christian
sufferer has gone and there is com
fort in the assurance "neither shall
there be any more 'pain, for the
former things have passed away."
This death is the crowniifg time of
right living and what - a blesed
thing it is to see those whom we
love in earth going forth to their
rewards. We mourn their depart
ure, but faith in a risen Redeemer is
the most precious comfort a soul in
this world can have at such a time
Of course, if defeated, Mr. C'leve'
land could start a paper, orivenwrite,
a book.
They are throwing more things nt
Cleveland those May days thnn they
are nt Hill.
The Col umbian government has
yet to ratify the canal treaty with
this country appears to have gone to
sleep. Or hns it been put to sleep?
Of course It is possible that while
on shipboard together Mr. Carnegie
succeeded in convincing Mr. J. Pler-
pont Morgan that it is really a dis
grace to die rich.
A historian who Is attempting to
prove that Captain Kidd was the
victim of treachery, and was in
reality not a pirate, will earn the
hate of the country's youth.
There is about as much chunce for
the democracy to beat Hoosevelt as
there Is that Colonels Wattersoh and
Bryan will come to the enthusiastic
support of Grover Cleveland. Yust
California Excursions
The Erie will sell a special excur
sion ticket from Port Jervis to Los
Angolos or San Frnncisco, Cnl.,
daily, from Mny 11th to 17tli, inclu
sive, good returning to July 10th, at
the low rate of 67 for the round
trip. Here is an opportunity to
visit the Pacific Const at less thnn
the first class one way rate.
Me-ovv. A public school teacher
in the city of .New-York, who wished
to select a sololtit from among her
pupils, took three of them to her
private room, and, art quality of voice
was the only uetion involved, said
to the nrut little Kin. "Hinir one
verse of any hymn you have learned
in school." The child broke forth:
"Lend, kindly light, Hinid the encircling
Me-ow, me-ow;
"Tho night Ih dark, and I Hin fur nway
from home,"
Me-ow, me ow.
The deacon said: "Now wo'll sing hymns;
You should rise when singing Mrs. Symns"
But the sister Btuyed sot
And h ul: "Rise I will not I
I can't; I've got crumps iu 1117 lyinns!"
Huston Post.
'Strondshnrg hns voted by a uia.
jority of 12 to bond the borough for
129,000 to buy out a sewer system.
It is claimed cement rock bus been
found near Bushkill and rival seuk
ers of options are mukitig prices of
real estate jump.
Too Great a Risk
Iu almost every neighborhood
someone h;is died from an attack of
cholera morbus, often before medi
cine oould jt procured or a physician
sumnuinr:d. A reliable ri-inndy for
these! diMSUstS bliould lo kept at
hand. The risk is too great for
anyone to take. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy has undoubtedly saved the lives
of more people and relieved mote
pain and buttering thuu. any otln-r
medicine in use. It cur. always be
dejH'ndcJ u;m.ii. For sale by iwlch
ct b n, Matumonis, all general
stores 111 l'ike county.
Methodist Church Jottings. I
(liy Kf.v. V. A. Woon.)
Subjects for Sunday, May 17th.
Morning, "For .Testis' Sake." live-
mng, special sermon to the fcpworth
League, "Our Motto." Leaguers
requested to occupy tha front seats
of central aisle. Do not forget the
league meeting at 8.45 l) m, Let
us have a large rally preparatory to
the service up stairs If you have
forgotten your sacred pledge in
joining the league that you would
'attend, so far as possible, the. re
ligious meetings of the Chapter and
the Church and take some active
part" now is. the time to renew it.
Your pastor and the ollicers of the
league are anxious to see it become
a power for good in tho church..
e should bo pleased to see at
mid-week service next week all
those who "never think of going to
prayer meeting." Tho last meeting
was every whit as good and helpful
as the preceding. The record of
testimonies held steady All who
took part were "cheerful givers" of
cheerful testimonies. The Lord
loveth all such. We will consider
at our next service "The Need of
Watchfulness "on the part of Christ's
most intimate disciples.
Our sister churches are invited to
join with us in tho "Special Patriot io
Service" Sunday evening, May 24th
and the clergy to assist. The Grand
Army Post of this place will attend
in a body and occupy the front seats
Everybody welcome.
The Sewing Circle of the League
passed a delightful evening, Tues
day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. 8. Ryman. The refreshments
served were a delightful foretaste of
joys to come during warm weather.
Several young ladies have, of late
taken to scattering five dollar bills
about on the sidewalks of the town
In remarkable profusion It is too
bad they are "fakes !"
The pastor will be away on Friday
attending the excursion to Albany.
ue win return baturday morning
bringing "his better half" with him
A friend, Miss Jennie Wilder, of
Cleveland, Ohio, is contemplating
coming east with Mrs. Wood to
make a visit here and with relatives
in Plaitifield, N. J.
The service last Sunday afternoon
at Union school houso was partlcu
larly interesting and largely attend
ed 6a being present. An extr
bench had to be improvised to ac
comodate this number. Brother
Angle can make use of more teach
ers. This is a part of our church
work. Cannot more come and help?
Copies of this year's Conference
minutes may be obtained of the
pastor at 25 per copy.
Mrs. F. Gumble and Mrs. B. E
Brown made a successful canvas for
a day's supplies for the Deaconess
Home of Jersey City. Thanks to
the generosity of the contributing
friends. t? 40 was raised with but
slight effort.
That civilization has made some
progress In the world is evidenced by
the fact that it Is possible in these
days for a monarch to visit an adjoin
ing country or make a tour of several
of them and return to find his own
nation at peace and not torn with
internal fitriie with half a dozen
rivals intriguing and lighting for the
Speaking of storage butteries, Sena
tor Ilamm Is said to be storing up his
energies for the extensive campaign
which he Is booked to make through
out the lluckeye country before the
"frost is on the pumpkin." The
senator will tour Ohio as a part of
the republican program in this year's
campaign. The fight may be a lively
one but the knowing ones at Wash
ington assert that there are wide and
derp democratic chasms in Ohio.
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must cat the
right food for growth. Hones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littledoses everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow logs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness conies to the soft
rorg food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Scud for free sample.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE. Chemists.
4GU-4 15 Hearl btreut. Naiv York.
SfK. ruJ(i ij; all ,lut:!.i.
To Itself
In what it is and wltnt it docs con
taining the best blood-purifying,
alterative and tonic substances and
effecting the most radical mid per
manent cures of all humors nnd all
eruptions, relieving weak, tired,
languid feelings, and building up
the whole system Is true only of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
No other medicine acts like it;
no other medicine has done so
much renli substantial good, no
other medicine has restored health
and strength at so little cost.
"I was troubled with srrofnla nd cams
ear losing my eyesight. For four months I
eould not e to do anptbint. After taking
two bottles of Hood's Rarssparllla I could see
to walk, and when 1 had taken eight bottles I
could see as well al aver." Sl'sl A. Haibs
ton. Withers, N. O.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
cure and keeps th promise.
Mrs. E. II. Kalbfns of Shohola was
a Ciller in town, Friday, Inst week.
Frank Daniels of Brooklyn return
ed home Bnnday nfter spending a
week with his parents.
Sixty-flvo car loads of railroad
ties, mine ties, mine enps, stone,
lumber, wood, etc., wore shipped
from this station in the month of
April .
E. S. Jones was in town last week
on business, he shipped seventy. five
car loads of railroad ties, mino enps,
lumber, wood, etc., from (Hen Eyre,
Kimbles nnd Hawley in April.
M. C. Rowland has bought the
stock of goods iu the store of E. S.
Jones and will conduct tho business
on his own account.
O. L. Rowland, Esq., of Honesdule
spent severtil days here taking an
inventory of the stock in tho store.
Elizabeth Calkins is visiting
friends in Hawley this week.
Superintendent of free delivery, A.
V. lUnchen, of the postofilce depart
ment hns been suspended. This is
the outcome of the investigation
which has been made in postofilce
matters, and Is thought to be the
beginning of the end. As the deposed
superintendent hns many friends iu
public life it is expected he will
inaugurate 11 big fight.
The wholesale massacre of Jews in
Russia is an evidence of t lie high
state civilization has reached in that
country. 1 It should be ti cause of
pritle to say that our relations with
the Land of the Hear are so close that
we cannot all'ord to incur her enmity
by interfering with her hlgh-lianded
methods in China even though they
interfere with our trade rights.
Mr. Cuttler of Yale University has
been gathering statistics of lynching
in this country. His investigations
cover a period of twenty-one years,
and showed a total during that time
of :t,!:t. Of these 1,081 took place in
the south and 1,51!) in the north. It
would appear that the south can claim
no monopoly of the rights of barba
rism. lA't us cast the mote out of our
own eye.
President Roosevelt has been visit
ing and speaking nt Redlands, Cali
fornia, that beautiful little southern
California city where tho oranges
grow side by side with the pome
granate, the grape, anil the fig a
fertile paradise -today through the
agency of Irrigation derived from the
snow covered Kierrns, but a lew years
ago a desert waste. 1
' A Sura Cure
It is said thnt nothing is Hire ex
Otit death nnd taxes, but that is;
not altogether true. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption is !
a sure cure for all throat and lung
troubles. Thousands can testify to
that. Mrs C. Van Metre of Sheph-j
erdtawn, V. Va., says: "I had a;
severe case of bronchitis and for a j
year tried everyting I heard of, hut :
not no relief. One bottle of Dr. '
King's New Discovery then cured
me absolutely." Its lnfallnble for1
croup, whooping conch, grip pneu. i
omnia, and consumption. Try it. i
It's guranteed by all druggist. Trial '
bottles free. Kegnlar sizes 50o, 1 !
No candidate, says the Nashville
American, who sticks his head in Use '
sand and keeps his mouth shut when
great is.-ues nre at siake, should be
given the votes of the people. If
Judge Parker expects the democratic
nomination therefore, he must, when ,
he gets his head in such a situation, !
open his mouth. j
A Farmer Straightened Out
"A man living on a farm near lien
came in a short time ao completely '
doubled up with rheumatism 1
handed him n bottle ct Chamber- i
Iain's Pain Iiiilm and told linn to use
it freely and if not tatisiied after
using it he need not pay a cent for
it." mvs C. P. H.vder, of Pattens!
Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he j
wnlketi into the store as straiulit as '
a string and handed me a dollar say
I ni.', 'k'ive me another bottle of
t'liiiniberlain's Pniu Balm. I want
it in tlie bonne all the time for it ;
cured me.'" 1'or sale by lialch & j
Son, Mntumoras, all gonetal stores;
m Pike county. '
"lYnchm-H cxninlnntlnn for 1tKi;l will li
held n ftillowB:
Uintninn, I'nimi, Jnnp 2
Millnitl, Academy. .Inn 3
1 JcIji ffrirc, An tit 'in y, J nun ft
I.t'litiMtt, Memliiw Hrnok, Juno i
W'cstfail, MnliiiimrHB, .1 u Tin H
Slmliolft. Sin 'lioln, .Tune W
1 mcV:hwmh(mi, V HI i iiik n, .In 'it? 10
111 ii mi iny, Grove, "Wrst h rook's No 1,. I line 1 "i
l nlnirra. Hctl No, 4, ,!uiip l'i
liicnip, Kipptown, .June 17
A II exnnilnnU;ma will brain promptly nt
9 n. m Directors nnd other Interested
pintles ore curdlnlly invited to nttend.
Co. Hnpt' f SrtioolR.
Dingnmn's Ferry, Pa , Mny 11,
Slnle of Pcnnsvlvnniii, )
Comity of I'ike (
Notice in hereby piven to nil p.'rntts
tfluiid by recnifnizini'o or otberwise to
nl'iir, tlmt the .hint- term. 1 : :t. of the
Kevin-ill court of l'ikt county will be held
nt the court houxd In the borouph of Mil
ford on the first Monthly Hut) lit i o'clock
p. in., nnd will be coniiiiueu one week if
Mllford, Pit., Mny 4, 1'nKl.
Tho following nroounts linve hoon filed
with tlit? Kcpistcr and will 1k pri'smlt'd to
the Court- for miiilrnuitUm cm tho first
Motulny of .Tunc nest:
ftslnte of .tohn Hess, dorotisod Tho Ac
count of Lou!(i C. IIi'sb, Administratrix.
Ktatt of Peter A. I,. iih k, dee d First
nnd partial ticuouut of Lemi A. Quick,
Kxecut rix.
May 4, UKtS.
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
rhypician and Surgeon.
Oflk'o nntt ropltlonco Broiul Afreet
1 ext Court HotiBi'. MILKOUl), PA.
It would be unsafe anyway to
wager very much that the lion.
(I rover Cleveland is not a receptive
candidate hetvuse, while such candi
dates fremiently refuse to allow their
mimes to lie used ns nominees, they
are the easiest kind of people to b(
Our fountain is now open
for business. We can't
say our soda is better
this year than last its
bard to improve on per
fection but wo do know
thnt we shall use the
purest nnd finest mater
ials that money can buy,
and shall omit no effort
that might make this de
lightful beverage more
delicious still.
X 8
are the proprietor of a
hotel or boarding-house
your chief interest is to
Fill Your Rooms
There is a larger field
for guests in lhooklyn
New York than in any
other city in America.
Right in the heart of
that city the
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
maintains two large
Information Bureaus
that distribute literature
and Rive free advice
regarding hotels, etc.
An ad. in the
in connection with this
free Hnreau service will
result in
Filling Your House
Send at onoo for rates
liltllOK IVN'-NfcW" 1IIKK
Tda L-iivc Cranio Quinine Ttiicts.
t,.. U;i!U. tn,u mil in t 1 1
Vyckoffs New York
n n 1 1
Wc iiim io lxi definite in our advertising; try to have
something to say and say it in sneli a manner that
you ean understand it. Advertising space is too
expensive to waste in generalities. Those who have
gootls to buy want to know where they ean buy ,
them to the best advantage. AVe have goods to
sell; just the things you want to buy. By
making delinite statements concerning these
goods, the styles, the qualities, iho prices,
we arrest your attention. If investigation
follows then it's "up to ns"' to satisfy
an old customer or make a new one.
A Purchase of
Our women's
Shirt Waists
wnisr section will
be a bnsv spot if
prices mean anything This pur
chase is at your disposal ns follows :
One lot limitation of linen, pleated
front nnd buck, nt C9c ; lot of fnncy
mercerized at 90c, good value nt fiOc !
more. Offer special line of InwnlTwo lines of "Peter Thompson"
waists, tucked aud Hamburg trim
nied nt 40c np, with choice items in
embroidered Swiss at 12.50 to $3.75.
81' MM Kit MI.KS; I'M
Items of
Summer Silks
Here are some
lots of very
pretty summer
silks for you to pass judgement
upon. They are all extra values. A
new invoice of Ki-Kt or wnsh cord
silks are now on sale nt 3!)c ; popular
whites nre strongly represented
Plain Jap Silks in all nolors. Spec
ial values in yard wide white Hnbifi
at 60o. Line of plnin Satin Fou
lard at 35c. Our yard wide black
guaranteed tnffeta at 11.15 and 1 25
is just tho thing for n silk skirt or
jnckot. In the snme clnss is our 3(5
inch blacK Peau do Soie at 11.25.
Hare a Shirt Why n,)t take
lSToerl? time "y tlie fore
neeur ock Bnd mnke
your purchases from oui magnifi
cent stock of new Eclipse shirts?
Mnde from new fancy styles in
Madras, Percales and Cord Mndapo.
lans. Soma pleated bosoms, mostly
plain. All colors, kinds, conditions.
No shirt holds ns much vnlno iu its
mnke-n ns (lie Eclipse nnd none to
uintch it nt mice. No 50o shirt on
the market offoro more gonuine
goodness than ours,
Stroudsburg, Pa.
Washington, D. C.
Mnrch Ilrd,
Mr. Geo Oiikloy,
Coin in binn Cnllfgf
Pntoraun, N. J.
Dear Sir:
Kor a number of yenrs past the
Civil Service CoimniHrsi.in Iihh ex
perlrnced consUlt-ntblo (iifliciilty in
fitM'iirhitf enuiitfh mule eligible In
shorthand nnd typewriMriK to meet
the needs (if tlie 8u' ire. Tlie supply
uf such elitfiblt resulting from tho
seTni-Hnmml extimtnntioiiH in these
Bubjeet8 hns not been equal to (ho
(lmnnnd Recently. Revernl upeeiftl
fitenoifrnphy and typewriting exitm
imitions luive lnen held in the lftrper
cities, but without producing the
dnsired result. Tim I'oinniit-sion
would be pleased to have yon nrnko
this known to young men ho
limy be Interested.
Yours respectfully,
John K. Piuhtor,
For further pnrMculnrs apply at
I'urt Jervlft IliiKliieM Institute,
(tKo. Oaklky, PrincipHl.
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jervis. N. Y.
Adjoining Guniaer'a Union House
Road, carriage, draft and farm
horses for Bale. Exchanges made.
A large stock from which to make
selections. CANAL 1ST.
Hiram Towner.
To Cure a Cold in Ono Day
nnmliL TI 'i C ! T1" : frt" VjA
Store Weekly Hews
Sale of
wash dres
ses for the
little ones goes merrily on and rea
son is Bppnrent when yon see the
vnlne yon get nt 50o to f2.25, be
sides wont and worry saved witli a
chio style hard to Eot bv the novice.
nil wool
serge isailor suits, nges 4
to 14, at 5 nnd 17 that nre
lilt KM. A ItAltOAlNS
Some Umbrel'a If ya eeJ r
F?Arcrain intend to buy
bargains a npiw nrnbrel.
In just tnke a enreful look through
these lots and yo'll buy your
umbrella here nnd now. A bunch
of two hundred just received em-
brace some of the new things in
umbrellas; gun metal handles nnd
the now copper finish with a Inrge
variety of fancy horns and fancy
woods, sterling silver nnd pearl.
Prices range from 1 to 11.95 with
special values in many blue and
red gloria covers. Little folks not
Neckwear ;
Brief look at neck
wear might not
show chnmres in the
lines but there is our neckwear at
15o matches many others at 50o ;
for instance an all-silk Unrnthes,
blnck, with embroidered ends, at
25o is rarely met with. Our 50o
neckwenr looms far above ' other
lines at snme price. A men's
special is lace lisle half hose,
blacks, drabs nnd tans, at two pairs
for 25c that is honest value at 25a
the pair.
New & Exclusive
P A P'fi1 p
All Prices
Seasonable goods of
Every description
Ryman 6 Wells.
FiChh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for
an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Mllford Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
8ur.ci!Miur to J. J. Hart.
,t)HK: iu ruarof RtmiiUmcti on Ana St
Mllford, Plk Co., fm.
Cure Crip
la Two Day.
on evt ry
hox. 25c.
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