Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, March 27, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, March 27, 1903.
runrjRiir.u rvkrv fkmiay.
One Yeah One dollar and fifty centa.
Hix Months Heventy-flve rents.
Knterml at the post office of Milforrt,
PtKe Comity. Penimylvanla. fin wind
cinss ninvturj Novimibor twenty-lint, lnsl.
Advertising Rates.
OnBwinRrelolphtllnwO.onelnw-rtinn -II no
Kimli Mihiwoiient Insertion .60
Koduwil rt', furnlHliiil on application,
will be allowed yearly Ruertlni.
Legal Advertising.
AiV.ilnUtrnt.m-'n nnd Executor's
Auditor's notions
LMvnrcn notice
Sheriff's Riilr-d, Orphnns' court sules,
Pmnitv Treasurer's Slilcs. County stutc
mint ami election proclamation ohnrgcd
by the square.
Mllford, Pike County, Pa.
Mrs. B. Classe, Mrs. P. Eckbart
nd son. Harold, of Bhoholo, are
visiting Mrs. D. Gregory.
A piece of ateel flow in Milo Gib
bona eye yesterday severely wound
lag it.
George Slauson and wife have
returned to town after a prolonged
visit with friends at Attloboro, Mass
Charles Mayno of New York was
a visitor In town yesterday.
A. D. Brown and daughters re
turned home from Tampa, Florida,
Mrs. P. D. Brisco is visiting friends
in this vicinity.
Clarence Angle has sold his setter
dog to H. H. Palmer of Monticello,
N. Y., for 1100.
Bills passed finally, one to enable
county commisaionen to borrow
money for current expenses and
another providing that advertising
of names of applicants for liquor
licenses shall be paid out of county
funds and not out of fees paid in by
such applicants.
A. T. Beoley has put op a neat new
picket fence in front of his residence
on Broad street.
Will Ryder of Pond Eddy was a
guest with his brother here part of
this week.
The stork has presented a boy to
Chas. C. Tyler and wife at Atlantio
Miss Edna and Henry Klaor are
home from Blair Hall on a vacation
The Ladies Aid of the Presby
terian ohnroh expect to have a sale
of all sorts of bags in the near future.
Frederick Mink, who for the past
two years has been living in Sandy
ston, N. J., removed to his former
home in Lehman where he will
reside with his family.
The marriage of Miss 8. Elizabeth
Bull and George Mitchell, both of
this village, occurred last evening
at the bride's residence on Broad
street in presence of the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor of Olivet
Presbyterian churoh at Easton,
nephew of the bride, assisted by
Rev. Edgar M. Smead. The itu
mediate parties to the contract are
well known residents of this town
prominent in church and sociu
arraira ana they nave the sincere
wishes of all for future content an
happiness in which the Pkess most
cordially joics.
Statehood Again
The question of statehood for Ari
zona, New Mexico anil Oklahoma
will come to the fore probably early
next December. The esteemed editor
of the New York Journal and other
sheets, is preparing for a fight in the
house of which he wilt then be a
member. Mr. Ileaiat is getting up a
congressional party to make a tour of
the territories in April. The party
will consist of a large number of both
republicans and democrat. Mr.
Hearst's property Interests are said
to be extrusive in both Arizona and
New Mexico.
' Dinger of Colds and Grip
The greatest danger from colds
and grip is their resulting in pneu
monia. If reasonable care is used,
however, and Chumhtrluin'a Cough
Remedy taken, all danger will be
avoided. Among the tns of thous
ands who have used tliis remedy for
these diseased we have yet to learn
of a eiuulo case having resulted in
pneumonia, w bich shows concilia! ve
ly that it is a certain preventive of
that ditugerous disease. It will cure
a cuid or an atttck of the grip iu less
tuuo. th'ia any other treatment. It
U pli'iiM.ht and fcnfo to tnka. For
fcitio by 1- Ji'U tV t'-iii. Mittumortis,
e'.i f' liijj iil ston a iu Tilt) county.
Methodist Church Jottings,
(Ily Rbv. C. K. Pci'Kimn.)
Nest Kahhath will cliwo this
conforenee year.
Tho manifest
tntorest taken
in the church in nil
opartiuents of its work has heen
nd is, a source of constant pleasure
to the writer.
The topics for next Sabbath are,
The Resurrection of the Body and
the Life Everlasting," the last ier-
mon on the Ados ties Creed, aud
The Divine Presence." The oven
ing service wilj be appropriate for
the closing of tho year.
Are the presont relations between
pastor and people to he continued or
is there to be a change f This qnes
tion has boeu generally asked among
our people and it furnisiies an
opportunity to give some facts about
the Methodist Episcopal church, and
the way appointments are made.
In the first nhice we might say that
the bishop is the appointing power
Since he does not know the churches
and their requirements, nor the men
and their abilitv. he needs some
men to advise with him and explain
tho work. This brings into view
the Beooud factor in the making
appointments, namely the presiding
elders, who do tho nominating
They visit each field three or four
times a year, or oftener if needed
and in consultation with the church
officials of each oburch and with
the individual pastors, learn the
needs and wishes of all and nominate
men lor tue cnurcnes wnere, in
their judgment they can best serve
the church and advance the Re
deemers kingdom. Sometimes this
brings about changes that the poo
pie do not desire. For example, a
pastor may be doing good work in a
small field and the people may wish
him to remain The elder, however,
may see that this pastor can best
sorve the church in a larger field,
and may nominate him for -that
field, or he may havo a difficult
field for which some minister is just
suited and for that reason make a
change. There is .however, another
factor in the making of appoint
ments, and that Is the local oom-
mittee. When a church wishes to
consult with the elder In a special
manner about a pastor a committee
la appointed for this purpose If
this committee is not satisfied with
the pastor offered by the elder it
may go to the bishop aud protest,
and ask for some other man. Then
it is for the bishop to decide. Aftor
the bishop has all the facta it is his
duty to appoint. He has a given
number of churches to supply with
pastors and an equal number of men
to place. Some men no church
wants, and some churches no man
wants. The bishop has to do tho
best he can. These facts yoa can
readily see, make the appointment
of any man to any field, uncertain
Personally I have the utmost
confidence in our Elder Dr. Wright.
He is a spiritual father to his pas
tors, and an instructor in holy
things to the people. He will do
for both pastor and people that
which is best. He has suggested a
promotion to the writer, and from
that fact has arisen the uncertainty
about the continuance of presont
relations. Whether he can bring
this about to his satisfaction at this
conference is, at the present writing
unknown. Whatever his nomina
tion and .the bishops appointment,
it is the duty of both pastor and
people to accept as the best that can
be done and remain true to the
work of the church which is the
work of God. The Methodist
church has grown to the first place
among the protestant churches of
America, undor this system, and
that is its justifioation,
Lead me,
la Thy wny. Oh Father,
Hour by hour ami day ly day
Lend lue, guide me, all the way.
Guide mo,
Throu h the woild, Oh Father,
Through the trouble aud the strife,
liuhle tue, sure me, all niy life.
Pave me.
From uiy foes, Oh Father,
Foes without and toes within,
ave me, free uie, from nil sin.
Free int., .
From the dangers near. Oh Father,
From temptations mighty power,
Free mo, help uie, every hour.
Help me,
Ui'ttr my woes, Oh Father, '
To Thy will submihaive bow,
Help me, love n;e, eveu Dow.
Love ine,
lu tho truest sense, Oh Father,
Send wlmt'er thou tee'st beat,
I-ove me, give me peace aud rest.
Mllford, Mart-h, l'Ktf.
The Washington lost savs that
Mr. Bryan's "Commoner" limy be
depended upon to throw a harpoon
into those democrats who got together
at Chicago the other day hih! disclos
ed plans for reviving the faded out
in the astute Senator Gorman of
Maryland the democracy has at last
found a genuine iea.ler. All that is
needed imiv lo luake of it a real parly
is tliif discovery of an i.-Mie.
Presbyterian Chroniclings
(lly Dev. E. M. Fmoml.)
Next Kuhlmth v.i'.l bo the lant in
onr peclesinstieal year. While the
present pastor was installed in June
still the first year of the pastorate
closes on the first of April. It is
hoped that all members of the
church and others who have the
church's best interests t heart will
attend the morning service. The
themes both morning and evening
will be of interest and seasonable.
Next Sunday morning will be
taken tho offering for foreign mis
sions, No one fails to appreciate
tho needs of the home land and our
church but- wo have obligations
undor God's blessing to the foreign
field ns well. Let there be a gene
rous offering. Piido, if nothing else
should stimulate us to come up to
the record of the church in the past.
A letter from the superintendent
of the normal class work in this
state writes the pastor that his
class are passing their examinations
with great credit. No paper has
been marked as low as 60. This
places the work done by the class
as high as the best students are
doing in the state. This should bo
a matter of groat prido to those
taking these examinations.
Tho Ladies Aid society have
novel plan before them and which
we hope may meet with universal
oooperation and approval. The
ladies will hold a "bag sale" on
April 16th in tho parlors of tho
church. Cards of solicitation have
been sent to the different homes
already. The greatest freedom is
afforded to thoss who contribute as
you will see by those cards. Refresh
tnonts will bo served at the church
Fuller accounts will be found in this
column next week.
The second quarterly calondar of
the church will be distributed at the
services next Sabbath. We are
pleased to announce that the young
people have assumed the fiuoncial
obligation of the publication of these
leaflets. They will give an enter
tainment in tho near future for the
purpose of raising their funds.
Another very pretty wedding oo-
ourrod last evening at the home of
Mr. Rosencrance C. Bull when his
daughter Lizzie wos morried to
George Mitchell. Both are most
highly esteemed and active church
members and have the best
wishes of every one. Certainly
bright and happy future seems to
await these two and we sincerely
hope that only the best of life'
happiness shall ever be theirs. The
Rev. Harvey Klaer performed the
oeromony assisted by the Rev. E
M. Smead. Only relatives and one
of Miss Bull's most intimate frionds.
Miss Betty Cornelius, were in at
tecdnnoe. The wedding ceremony
was promptly at seven o'clock
Many choice presents were received
President Raima of Cuba expresses
himself as much gratified at th
action of tho United States in ratify
ing the reciprocity treaty. There
was nothing much else for him to do
Consumption is a human
weea nourisninpf Dest in wea
lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young
wnen old, sometimes im
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott s L.mulsion. Salt nor
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest.
Die time to treat consump
tion is when you begin tryin
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won t.
Don t wait until you can t
deceive yourself any longe
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for th
treatment. It it is consump
tion 'you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you wu
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
inent you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh ai
rest all you can, eat all you
can, that's the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
v e will send you
a liule of the Lmu
sion free.
Pe (ir tl.t tH, picture
tlio t- .i in ui a LiLl t on ll.
r.l-r ol every bmle
tu.u..n.'U yuu bdji.
40 Pearl St., N.
j 50c. aad f I; all f!';';'
Jlpril, May
There Is a best time for doing
everything Unit is, a time when a
thing can be done to the best ad
vantage, most easily and most ef
fectively. Now is t!i best time
for purifying your blood. Why?
Because your system is now trying
to purify it you know this by th
pimples and other eruptions that
have come on youv face and body.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Are the msdieines totake-thfjdo
the work thoroughly and agrseably
and never fail to do it.
Hood's are the medicines ytro
have always heard recommended.
'l cannot rwomm'Mt' Hoin SartTr11!
ten highly n s Niirinf Tr9(1IHn-. Nbw
It In itif .-prt l l! fr'l hfttrtlrourn
U lunmiT." ilss. 8. 11. istAL, Mi Cikti. i-s.
Head's Sarsaparllla promises ta
cure end keeps the premise.
Poeono Pin' Assembly
The first season of the l'ocono
Pines Assembly, Naomi Pines, Pn.,
as announced for the sea-on of 1W3,
will be particularly attractive. A
amp conference and the federal con-
ention of the Brotherhood of Andrew
nd Philip will be held July 8-12.
A number of prominent speakers will
lie present.
A conference on Bible study and
Sunday-school work will be held July
14-2(5. Dr. W. W. White, principal
if the Bible Teacher's Training Col
lege, New York City, will conduct
laily Bible studies. Among the
eminent speakers and instructors are
Kev. James A. Worden, I). 11.,
Superintendent of the Sulilmth-scliool
work of the Presbyterian church,
with several others distinguished in
such work.
A course of summer schools will be
conducted July 27 to August lfi, with
a popular educational and entertain
ment program. There will be de
partments In pedagogy, music, Eng
lish literature, history and civil
government, mathematics, modern
languages, nature studies, and kind
ergarten work. Dr. M. O. Brum
baugh, of the University of Pennsyl
vania, is Chancellor, and among other
instructors will be Prof. E. Ij. Kemp,
principal of the normal school, Eail
Stroudsburg, Pa.; Dr. Isaac Kharpless
of I Iaverford College; Prof. William
Owen of Lafayette College; Joseph
Walton, Prof. II. It. Iligley, Prof.
John W. Ilarshberger of tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania; Prof. Cogswell
Illustrated lectures wfll he delivered
on the Canadian Iu.'k'ies and the
Doukhobors by Mr. Joseph Elkinton;
Prof. J. E. Woodland on absolute
zero and wireless telegraphy; Captain
Richmond Pearson: Hobson 011 the
American navy; Hosani the juggler
and humorist; concerts, etc.
The location of the l'ocono Pines
Assembly is on the highest plateau
of the PoconoMountuins with an
elevation of 2,000 feet overlooking a
lake three miles long by one-eigth to
three-quarter miles wide, In the
midst of hundreds of acres of pine
Persons desiring further informa-
tiou or to enroll as students should
address tho Registrar, Miss Hurrie
Boewlg, Biological Hall, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
The Chautauqua Inn and the
auditorium will be wcupied for the
first time. Naomi Pines is 125 miles
from Philadelphia; 112 miles from
New York; 40 miles from Wilkes-
Barre. "
Slate Agreed Upon
At the republican state conven
tion, to be hold ou Wednesday, May
27. the following ticket will be
nominated :
For state treasurer, W. L. Ma
thues, of Delaware county.
For auditor general, W. P. Hny
der, of Cheater couuty.
For judges of the Superior court
John Y. Henderson, of Crawford
county. Bud Thomas A. Morrison, of
McKean county.
Senator Morgan will now go home
satiwlied in the knowledge that hi.-t
remarks have given employment to a
large number of type-setters and
AT 8 P.
This combination cornea LigUy
rec'Communita 1 as giving iu all re
ut'cts a oienn nn-ts-ilito pnigraiu
wbith consists of Mimum! Ki'eitai
Sul 1 )H , li t'M (It 1 , g s and Co mr J y , A
tine Violinist is one of tho attractions.
liESKKVKD SKATS, 35 & 50
Healed bids will bo received by
the Board of Hcliool Direerors of the
Independent Kcbo.,1 District of Mil.
f n d, for the f ui nif hinK of materials
and eieeiion to .completion of a
shool house building to bo erected on
Catharine strtet in the Borough of
Mil ford, Pa.
The plans and specifications for
said proposed building may ho oh
tnined by parties interested from the
secretary of the school board on
Saturday evening, March 28th, and
at any thereafter to and including
the fourteenth (14!h) day of April
following at which time the bids
will be closed. Tho school hoard
reserve to themselves tho right to
reject any and all bids.
By order of the hoard.
W. T. r?TRrni.H,
Mllford, Ph., March 23, 1903.
Reciprocity With Cuba
Just before the adjournment of the
extraordinary session of (he senate
tliet body ratified the reciprocity
treaty wnn cuoa. The announce
ment of this action, however, caused
no gteat rejoicing among those who
lave been working for reciprocity
wan . 11 1 . 1 lie treaty now goes
over for action by the house next fall
It is possible that a special early
session of the house will be called but
as there will be elections and political
activity then, it Is not thought prol
able that the president will call a
special session.
In any event those who wish to
recognize the truth admit that the
demands of the president have been
practically ignored by the senate and
that If Cuba is to receive any help in
this direction, it will onlv be after the
fight is all made over again.
Cheap Colonist Bates to the West
The Erie is selling a very cheap
one way Colonist Ticket from Port
Jervis to many jiointa In the far
west, daily, until April 29th. Just,
think of it, only $50 to most any
California point, with no change of
depots enroufe. A postal addressed
to the Erie ticket agent, Port Jer-
', will bring any desired informa
tion as to the above tickets by
return mail. 4 10
Grip Remedies In Great Demand
When colds and grip are preva
lent the quickest nnd surest reme-
dies are in great demand. Mr.
Joseph D. Williams, of MeDuff, Va.,
says that he was cured of a very
deep and lasting ntt.ick of la grippe
by using Chamberlain's Cough
Hemedy after trying several other
preparations with no effect. For
sale by Balch & Son, Matamoras,
all general stores in Pike county.
In tlio mutter of (lio application of Thfi
M (ttuntoras v titer ooinpitny for an exten
sion of time under Its charter.
No. 7. March Term, li!03.
Notice Is hereby Riven that The Mtitn
moras water company inert Its petition
In tho Court of Common I'lens of Pike
Comity on March lhth, lii:i," pniytiitf for
nn orocr nmi 1'ee.ree, extemiinir the time
of such corporation, to complete Ub neces
sary hiiiltling, structures, property or 1m
provemen! s, fur n period of llveyenrB. from
and afier May 24, A. I)., huS. and that the
court hnve fixed 27th day of April next,
at 13 o'clock p. m., for heHrinK said appli
cation, when and where all persons Inter
ested can attend If they deem it expedient
and show cause npahmt the granting of
the prayer of said petitioner.
c. w. nvhij,
Sola Itnr for Petitioner.
Mllford, March , Htl.
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office and residence Broad street
1 ext Court House. MILKOKl), PA.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
March 3rd, 1303.
Mr. Gt:o. Oakley,
CoUiMihian Collop,
i'aU'iBuu, i. J.
Dear Sir:
Kor u nunibfrof year past the
Civil i-Vrvioe ('fmimUM.m hits ex
HTitinu'd roi.Mdt rahle difficulty in
securtiiK eimuKli inaki tilijriblt-a in
short h.nid and t'M'vvriiittK to uiett
t he mtnU uf Kit; hc . Um. 'J' he supply
of &ut h t-liinlt ii rultltiji from tho
semi-Minu.t.1 examination! In ttifnu
KMijt-M.t liHri not Lhvu equal to thti
ttnimnd. Hwrtlly, swvrritl special
Hiefitiurnfihy and ty wwrit iiik exam
ination J.avw tHt;ii held in th" larger
ciiiof, but witliouL producing i h
dcdri'd result. Th Comintr-ninn
would be pl-'nwd to haVoyou make
thU k riowu to young ineu a ha
may be interested
Yours respectfully,
John H. li;oi tor,
For further particular apply at
1'urt Jrrvm liuiu-a 1 until utu,
jHO. OAkUV, Principal.
I Tela LcJlivc Ercnio Qt:in:n3Taiicts.?
! I Sven Million boxes told In pot 1 3
Vyckoffs New York
There is but one true economy
store continually preaches it.
for Now
We have the
As a health safe
guard it isneeessary
to suit one's under
wear to the seasons,
proper weights for
now, our preparedness is complete
in all sizes, conditions, material.
If you have a pet theory in under
wear we can follow it out. Pay
especial attention to the department.
Here for men, women and children.
Just a Brief
in imying good rciiaoic merchandise and inlaying
for that merchandise the lowest legitimate juice
for which it can 1k3 sold. Every section of
the store teems with object lessons in money
saving. Not to test the truth of all this is
to Ikj careless of your own lest interests.
Hero now are the newest in tailor-made suits, suits and
walking skirts, silk and wash waists, dress goods, silks,
trimmings, laces, ribbons, hosiery.
MUS in Chantrincr seasons
and fashion's fads
Underwear seem to alTect this
line fully as much
as others. Time for cambrio and
nainsook underwear will soon arrive.
Ready with garments with low necks
and short sleeves; umbrella drawers;
light, fluffy corset covers and elab
orate skirts. All features well
looked after in our stock
phase, important, too, Is make,
finish, etc, of our underwear, it's
equal to best hand work.
New Things kf"" wppk we
iniuuun iv iijr-n, tmn wcru n rutin, roory 01 rue new
for Men S0o shirts just in. Careful search of the market con
vinces us they are the best to bet had. Pav too much
for them to dip the price a nickle or even two cents. Cuffs with them.
Ready for your Easter wants when you are.
Samples Cheerfully Giv-n
Stroudsburg, Pa.
I " "i
O It mav make no special J
difference to yon what J
kind of writing paper yoa
nse so long as it in good, J
Z bnt yon might as well be
in atyte when It oostg no J
more. It is apt to be 4
J quite a satisfaction to nse J
?aome of the attractive 4
paper that aro gotten J
S out from senxon to neo- 4
J son. We always have a J
4t nice line of the newest 4
J things in stationery and J
the price is always right. 4
Everything else you
J need in this line
pens, pencils, ink, Z
9 erasers, eta. Tablet 9
S papers of all kinds. Z
9 S
If you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
EducAt Tour Bowels With C'ucmrcts.
Cnr.tly I'athiirtic, euro eoimUpauoa forever.
tOc. ua. II C C. C (ail. druuiobi refund ajouex.
a o uuro a ioia in une uay
TII3 signature.'
Store Weekly flews
in money spending. This
This economy consists
1 1 -
Lace Curtains
Spring changes
call for change
in usual bane-
i n g s in the
rooms, new curtains for new rooms,
old curtains replaced by new cur
tains for old rooms. Stock is full,
price rnnees from 4Ne to $0 the pair,
plain and ruffled. Portieres, too, un
nsnally strong, all popular colorings.
Prise, easy steps, goes up to $6.
Comfort There is comfort
,Tr in a now wrapper
m Wrappers and our friends
know it. A large
invoice of these important articles
of dress has just been placed on
sale. Many new wrinkles in these
new wrappers as to makes and
trimmings of yokes, etc. Features
retained are the good ones of roomy
cut, in every direction ; full over
hips, larpo sleeves in the large
sizes. Prices run from 09 cents to
11.60; sizes, 32 to 46.
,lfl'l to t onr better shirts, the
Hail Orders Quickly Tilled
Nov; St Exclusive
tH ttJ ill
All Prices
Seasonable goods of
Every description
Ryman & Wells.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Mllford Pa.
Blue Front Stables,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
Adjoining Gnmaer's Union Honae
Road, carriage, draft and farm
horses for sale. Exchanges made.
A large stock from which to make
selections. CANAL HT.
Hiram Towner.
Fire Insurance.
Charles G. Wood, Agt.
&Ufioeao to J. J, Hart,
f -Office iu njiirnl Rrislilmuw nn Ana St
Mllford, Pik Co., P.
Cure Crip
in Two Days.
n every
tot. 25c.