V PIKE COUHTY PRESS. Friday, March 13, 1903. I'U1H,IHI1I'.I) FVKRT FRIDAY. OFFICE, BROWN'S Bl'ILDINrt BKOADBT. fit'RSClMi'TION: One Year One dollar and fifty cents. Six Months Heventy-five cents. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Entorotl at the post officio of Mtlford, Pike County, Pimylviiiila, im nr-cond-class mutter, November twenty-urnt, 1HM0. Advertising Rates. OnnqviH'cluM linen). ono Insertion -H.no Eiu'h nuhsiqiiRnt Insertion ------- .50 Keiluenl rote", furnished on application, will be allowed yearly advert: jera. Legal Advertising. Admlnlstmlor'a and Exeoilor's notice 8.00 A udltor'8 notices nivoree mit.lctm - .... . 5.) Sheriff's sales. Orphans' court Bale, Couutv Treasurer' sales. Comity state ment and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Kllen, PuBLIHlIRR, Mllford, Pike County, Pa. The Prkss may not be "the best paper going" bnt a number of new Bnbsoribers evidently think it the best paper coining to them. Owners of fast horses in this section seem to be preparing to "cut" the turf this season. What Will become of the Driving Park? Turned into an athletic association, perhaps, where the stockholders can somersault with the problem of making it pay dividends. The trout season under the state lnw opens April 15th and ends July Slst, both days inclusive. It is said the laws relating to game and flab are to be strictly enforced this season and prudence will dictate that anxious sportsman have a care not to make themselves amenable. Mrs, F. Leclerc is quite ill at her home in this borough. H. W, Adams of Hunting Towers was a visitor in town Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Jones of Nameless, Va., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H Van Etten. A. D. Brown and daughters are expected to return from Florida about April first. Mrs. Fred Gumble was called to Wilsonville yesterday by the illness of ber mother, Mrs. Horace Kipp. The name of the road proposed to be built from the west across Pike to tidewater is to be the Peoples' railroad. Ex-County Superintendent George Sawyer, who went to California a couple of months ago for his health, is now at San Jose and is improving. The republican congress honestly redeemed its campaign pledges with the exception of statehood in all - instances except those where demo cratic filibustering made it impossible. Forty-three years ago yesterday, Thursday, March 15, lb'60, the steam boat "Alfred Thomas" which started to run up the Delaware river ex ploded Just after leaving Easton. Out of thirty-six persons aboard thirteen were killed or died soon after from thoir injuries. There are eight survivors yet living. Mr. Bryan urges the organization of democratic bi-metallic clubs to protect, as he says in the Commoner, "the rank and file from the designs of those who desire to emasculate the democratic platform." Mr. Bryan is evidently as far away from a coalition with the sound money wing of the party as ever. A bill has passed finally requiring school tax collectors in boroughs and townships to make monthly statements to the secretaries of the school boards of amounts oollocted, dates and names of parties from which collected and pay the tax monthly to treasurer and providing for mooting of school directors and tax collector nd for the collection and payment -of all school taxes to the treasurer on or before the first Monday of April in each year. Danger of Colds and Grip The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneu monia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Kemtxiy tukun, all danger will be avoided. Anions the tens of thous ands who have used tins remedy for these diHoMsus we have yet to loam of a single case having resu'ted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that ilia a certain preventive of that dungorous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in lesb time thin any other treatment. It is j)leHnt and sate to take. For eio by Balch V Son, Matumoras, all general bMius in Pike county. fOH SALE. One to seated feur- rey wall top, one lit'ht runabout witjiiii, otict fet Millie hurius, one vci.i' M. m ruin., t wo borsa bi.inkots an J two I;) n brtj. i.iKjiiire at the 1 UI-.-.1 f!:.. v. If Presbyterian Chroniclings (Hy P.ev. K. M. Hinend ) The theme to bo discussed next Sabbath morning will bo "Jesus the Unlit of the World " This Is a familiar pulpit topic but there are always "now things" to be found in the word of God and therefore this subject should bo as helpful and interesting as though it were sel dom preached from. The pastor observes with gratifi cation the improvement in attend ance at the regular services of the church. Empty pews take thezea) out of the pulpit. It is discourag ing to prepure all the week for a service that may be poorly attended should there be cloud in the sky or only 'en drops of rnin fulling. On the other hand, interest always be gets Interest and where, all do what they have pledged themselves to do and can do the work of the Lord is dispatched with pleasure and profit. May we not see those back in their places next Lord's diiy who have been absent of lute. Any person or persons who have not made their offering to the cause of the two church boards of "Aid for Colleges" and "Education" should do so at once. The church year closes early in April and all these offerings bavo to be reported ai that time. Mr. George Mitchell will be pleased to receive your offering. The last of the bi-weekly social evenings, held by the ladies aid society, was held last evening. The pastor has enjoyed these evenings and has been pleassd to have had the opportunities thereby offered for social contact with his own peo pie and those of the other churches who have attended. The church to be sure is not a social club nor is it a money-making organization but at the same fluid the social and the financial questions have to be met in some way. We feel very sure that the ladies aid has not overstepped the bounds of its true relationship to the spiritual welfare of our work and I wish to commend the society, its officers, and all those who have helped to make these evenings so interesting and beneficial. The meeting of the Christian En doavor society announced for hist week was postponed until nextMon day evening at the home of Miss Emily Mitchell, Last Wednesday the pastor was again called to the house of mourn ing and Mr. W. II. Eno was laid to rest in the Mllford cemetery. He was sixty. three years of age and before departing this life made profession of his f ith in Jesus Christ. Our heart felt sympathy is with the widow and children who have lost a father so far as this world is concerned but who also have the blessed hope of a heavenly reunion through faith in Jesus. The text of the discourse was chosen from Psalm 31: 15. "My times are in thy hands." Examinations were again held this afternoon at two o'clock for those taking the normal course of studies. There are three examina tions leading np to a diploma. The class is doing very nicely mid several will probably get diplomas this spring. The Bibles for those, having lenrn ed the catechism havo come and will be presented at the Sunday School next Sabbath. They are very excel lent books and well worth the effort the children have made. These Bibles should encourage many other children to try to learn the cate cbism. The conditions are that the child be under eighteen years of age and that they learn nil the answers to the 107 questions within a year and are able to recite them without assistance to the pastor. Let all come and soo these Bibles and begin to earn one for yoursulves. The, Panama Treaty It is understood that Senator Mor gan does not intend to consume very much more time in discussing the Panama treaty In the senate. If this is the case there will be an early vote on that treaty with no question of it ratification. A good deal of uncertainty exists as to the extent and character of the opposition which is to be made to Cuban reciprocity treaty. There i no question that there wilf be a very strong and decided opposition, altho there is undoubtedly a jj vole in it favor in the senate. The new senate, gained several votes for this treaty, notably Mr Gorinun, who succeeds Mr. Welling ton. There is alo one from Idaho, one troin Washington and two from Delaware. The hope is indulged in that the dt bate on this treaty can la completed during the present month. And now where is your republican bunting (if the trusts'' shoutsaChinL'o pap. r. It might be remarked here j that the republican party never ex j prcs.-t-d ttiiy intention of undertaking ' ti u-t Lu-mi-'. Methodist Church Jottings. (I)y ItRV. C. E. . t'PliKu ) The topic for next Sabbath morn ing is, "The Communion of Saints," and for II e evening, "The Groups Around (lie Cross." He sine to come to the entertain ment given next Tuesday night at the church by Jesse K. Gilbert, l'h D., on "Courtship and Marriage." This is the hist of the course of entertainments given by the Ep worth League. This popular enter tainment was given not long ago at the Epwortb church, Matamoras. Dr Gilbert is a success wherever he goes. It is our gooil tortuue to nave him. Bo sure and come. New singing books have been purchased for our Sabbath school entitled the Gospel Chorus. It is a good tiling once in a while to "t'lng unto the Lord a new song." This book has some excellent new songs as well as the choicest of the oIl'. We believe it. will prove a valuable addition to our work. Miss Lillian Buchanan. Miss Murv Quick, Mrs. Seudder, Benjamin Benrdsley and the writer attended the rally at: tne Sparrowbnsh M. E church Inst Tuesday evening. The question box, conducted by Dr. Chndwick was of unusual interest llie answers tunc no gave were brief and pointed, just the kin; that are needed and that do good. The address of Mr. Shonn was full of good thought and was forcefully delivered. The moments of conse oration were most helpful. It did us good to go nnd we feel sure that it did the people of Sparrowbush good to attend such a service. It gives us great pleasure to wel come J. C. Fletcher back again to our church fellowship. We are glad to see him in the old time spirit, ready to do the work that falls to his lot. May his slay among us be a mutual blessing to himself and the church. Irrigation Appropriation Your "Uncle Joe Cannon" has various ways of heading off incrensed appropriations. Last year the irriga tion advocates ptole a march on the redoubtable chairman of the appro priations committee and got the amount for Irrigation surveys in creased from $100,000 to $200,000, This year Mr. Cannon, who has never favored irrigation, cut the amount dow n In committee to $100, 000. The irrigationists however rallied and got the $200,000 restored when the bill came up on the floor of the house. - And then "Uncle Joe" smiled and remarked that the reason he scared his Irrigation friends was to head them off from obtaining a further increase to $1100, 000, or to what amount he didn't know. This appropriation is of consider able general usefulness. It not only includes irrigation surveys for the west, but stream measurements and river gnugings in every other state which is of great importance to the east wheie the power of streams and rlvjrs is being constantly utilized for manulactui nig. Anil wherever new factory is built, and men em ployed at good wages, an additional market Is immediately created for farm and other products. When you can't cat break' fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a littleinore nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must ea fat. Scott s Emulsion is great fattencr, a .grea strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott' Emulsion increases them all bone, flesh, blood and nerve. a s ror invalids, lor con valcsccnts, for consumptives for weak children, for a! who need ftesh, Scott' Emulsion is a rich and com fortaLl; food, and a natura tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone "1 blood and nerve. We will send a fn.e sample. you Rt ant thst ftiii plcturt in tl.e form of label If on llie wrapper of evtty buitlt of Emulsiun ycu buy. SCOTT & BOWNE. CHLMISTS. 409 Pearl St.. N. Y. $!)c and V i 1! d.,K LOSS Of FlOSil Peculiar To Itself In what it Is nnd w hat it does con taining Uie best blood purifying, alterative nnd tonic substances and effecting the most radical nnd per manent cures of all humors and all eruptions, relieving weak, tired, languid feelings, and building up the whole system 3s true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla No other medicine acts like it; no other inedicme litis none so much real, Rubstiuitial pond, no other medicine lia9 restored health and strength at so little oost,. I was troubled with scrofula and mrae Bear losing my eyesight. For fnnr months I could not sea to do anything. After taking two bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla 1 eonld see to walk, and when 1 had taken eight bottles I could see ns wnll as arer." Susib A. Hints- Tow. Withers, N. 0. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Los 3 Two Strong Man The tiemoctrtts in the senate lost two men with the adjournment of congress who have for a loiiff time served with ayuressi veness and distinction. Mr. Vest ami Mr, Jones of Arkansas have taken eonspieious parts in all the principle national debates In the past eighteen years Mr. Vest owing to poor health voluntarily retires; Mr. Jones gives place to a successful rival. The loss of these two men, however, is prob ably compensated for by the aciiuisl- tion of Mr. (lormnn of Maryland and Mr. Teller of Colorado. Mr. (Jorinan is probably the niosf astute lender the democrats ever had and comes to the senate, in Mr. ellington's place, with long previous senatorial experi ence. Mr. Teller, a recently full- Hedged democrat, in addition to being a man of notable attaiumerts had the advantages of having been all his life a participant in the most important councils of the republican party. Both of these new senators' know all the "ropes." On the other hand llie republicans lose none of their strongest men. Senators Allison,Spooner, Fairbanks, Foraker, and l'latt of Connecticut oil enter upon new terms, till are accom plished debaters, wise in experience, and have committee appointments which give them great influence in legislative matters. The republican parly in the senate, while it may be met with foemen entirely worthy of its steel was never ii better sleipe to handle the great qut'stloils of the day for whose solution'the. parly stands pledged or for wlu'di If will' In held resM)iisible by the pHtple. V How to Tell the Evergreen White pine : Five needles in bundle ; scales of oono thickened at the top. Scotch pine: Two bluish-green, short needles in s bundle. Austrian pine: Two long, dark green needles in a bundle. Fir : Erect cone J flat, spreading needles scattered singly. Norway spruce ; Large, hanging cones; scattered needles point nil ways. -, Hemlock: Small hanging cones; flat spray. Larch : Many needles in a cluster, fall off each year ; erect cones. Red cedar ; Bluish berries ; sharp priokly spray. Arbor vita? : oones few-scaled, seeds under each. White cedar i I Flat ,,and branohes ; only two Amoa roundish with four to eight teeds andur each l'itcb pine: Dark Btiff needles arranged in threes, f 0 One Old Custom That Survive An ancient custom which still survives was to roll eggs down a hill, fho one which reached the bot tom iutuct winning .the rest. A survival of this custom is found in Washington, whore the children gather in the White House grounds on Easter Monday mid roll eggs down the grassy slope in front of the building. DrfertlT Vl.lo.. Crhnsonbeuk ily wife is the great est wxjiiiaa for chunking things around I ever saw. Yeast What's wrong now? "Why I never can find the keyhole In the front door the tame place two nighta in. - succcksiou." Yoni.e; s Statesman, - - ' Fujortd lllni.flf. "What lind of a time did you have t the party?" askt'd thd old 'friend. "First rate," answered Mr. ( um rox. Vou fcee, it, y.s a iJi'aquerade party, and mother ' and the girl, couldn't identify riie'and criticise mv grammar and duiortnient." Wash 'ngtun Btar. Grip Remedies ia Great Demand When colds and pun are jirfeva lent the quit kest and surest reme dies are in greut demand. Mr Joseph D. WiHiainn, of McDuff, Va.. says that he wa cured of a very deep and lasting attack of hi grippe by umiij; Chamberlain' Cout;l Ki-iiii:c'y after trying several otliei preparations wiih no effect. Foi nhi by l'.alcli it Hon. Mrttauiorns all g'-neial stons in Pike county. A 1tinitnM1p Sinter. Mrs. lict lino c - Sindi Impudence! Here's Pisler Matilda proposing to come here with both Iter children and lunke na n long vifclt. Mr. O. Put you spirit luilt the sum mer at her home In the country, and von had four children nnd a tinrse. Mis. tl. A different thing iillnpeth er. Fhe hna nn servants, but she knows perfectly well Hint vie have severnl and thnt every one nf them will get mad ud leave If the family Is increased. N. Y. Weekly. Ertnen-tlnnnl llclplln. I,itlle liirl If 1 was a teacher I'd make everybody belinve. Auntie How would you accom plish thnt? Little (Jirl Very easy. When girls was bad -I'd tell them they didn't look pretty; and when little boys was bad I'd make them sit with the girls, and when big boys wns bad I wouldn't let them nit wiih the girls. Tit-lilts. llrr nntr. Ilenpetlt (fditikiiip) My dear, there re bnt'dura in the house. Mrs. II. (determinedly) Well, we will hnve to ro downstairs and Fee. Henpeek (nc rvonslv) You po first, my rietir. The butplarswouldu't shoot a woukih. Mis. 11. (fitm') Never. It Is a wife's duty to follow her husband. Paltimore Ainericnn. Afmiil of Comment. "So you uou t want your consti luxury tuents to know about the you are maintaining-." "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "Some constituents are pretty aeltish. They'll think thnt if I have any extra money to spend I ought to pay it out for votes." Washington Star. Life Guards The liife Guards are two rcgimenls of cavalry forming part of the I'.ritish household troops. They are gallant soldiers, and every loyal Uritish heart is proud of them. Not 'only the King's household, but yours, ours, everybody's should have its life guards. The need of them is espec ially great when the greatest foes of life, diseases, find allies in the very elements, as colds, influenza, catarrh, the grip and pneumonia do in the stormy month of March. The best way that we know of to guard against these diseases is to strengthen the system with Hood's Sarsaparilla the greatest of all life guards. It removes the conditions in which these diseases make their most successful attack, gives vigor and tone to all the vital organs and functions, and im parts a genial warmth to the blood. Iteiiieinber the weaker the system the greater the exposure to disease. Hood's .Sarsaparilla makes the system strong. LIVERY STABLES. If you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassol, Comer Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. H. E.Em erson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad Street. Fir Insurance. II.I HKI.1AK1.K IIDII'AMK. RATKS KKASONAIII.K Charles O. Wood, Agt. Mucce.snr to J. J. Hitrt. sTUOflii'-cin rear of Hesidenee on Ann .St Mllford, Pike Co., Pa. Blue Front Stables, Port Jervis, N. Y. Ad joining (lumner's Union House Road, carriage, draft and farm horses for sale. Exchanges made. A large stock from which to make selections. CANAL ST. Hiram Towner. Oct tt-e rtrlui u.i il wei:.il. Anyone seudmu fckU M and (If-sc i ijitiou of any invention will promptly receive (ur opinion free coucerniuii I the p.iientarrility ni Siime. I!tw to GUaiu a , Fateut " beut uhu rtiuest. Patent ftecuied ihiottt h n m1 vet I w :-r Phi le at our expense. jjritciH9 t.ikni out thiou.:)) us) receive inoiul . fiotff, WlttWllt t ll.il ge, !tl 1'lIK I'AThNT khlO.'.U, j nil illustrated ami widely circulated journal, ; consulte d y M.i mifitct n ' r ' a ni Investors, Semi for sample copy FREE. AJJ:e:, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. i'utcnt Attorneys,) ?vrs Building, WASHINGTON. t- C DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Vnur I i t n u. a I You can t. cured of my form ol tobacco usnig iv w life and vtor by UMii H'J-TO-BAO. ! tt-u iunils in ti u uays. over BOO,UOO i imcu. .in u uii'!:--s. iure y iijrn;iii -.1. i li t i.l u Kite l-KI'.i;. A.i livwi s I i-;ki.i li..L- 1.1s. I 4jI II Teio Laxative Ercmo Qiymno Taiicts. i I Seven Mj'IHou Koxes told la pot 1 3 V - - VyckofTs Now YotkStoro Vockly Hows EVIDENCES OFTpmriG Evidences of sj i iiifj; can lo seen in every section of llie stoic. TIkvo evidences tiro strenjitlieninp:, nnd before lonj; llie whole simp will be tirrnyed in (lie bright, fresh iiierehiindise of the new season. More to talk about even now than sjiaee permits. You are interested in new goods. You'll be particularly interested when we tell you that these new goods are rightly bought and that they tire going to be sold on a very reasonable margin of profit. The New Dress Goods Among the first deportments t o Hhow business ac tivity at the be ginning of a new season in dress goods. We snow the new weaves early, so that you may get first choice of the market's best. A strong feature of the dress goods selling this season promises to be the Mohairs and Sicilians. These we carry from 2:in to fl.75 the vard lliger grade Bicili ins are a yard and a half wide. Our line embrac es too. wool Crepe do Chine, wool Pen a de Soio, Voile, Mistral. Corded Batiste. Albatross, Lnnsdown, eto. Shep herds' checks will figure conspicu ously in the coming season's wear. These well represent, 25o to tl the yard. The popular Venetians, Meltons, Broadcloths, Cheviots, etc., will be largely used. Laces and TI,i,J Wl11 nndoubt- . . edly be (be biggest IrimniingS lace season we have seen. I,nees of nil kinds are to be worn in profusion Separable patterns in medallion ef fects are very strong. Our stock was never in better shape than now. Lace all-overs in cotton and silk are ulso nitish used ; these from 25o to 2. Silk appliques in black and white, or combination of same, nrf still popular. Many dresses will be elaborately decorated with pendants in black and white. The Wash Goods Showing Had little to say about the wash poods business this season but the play poes mtrrily on in this line. Goods needed for next sum mer are Belling readily every day and little is the reason when you see the line. Every piece spick, span new, with a dash of originality that makes you buy. WYCKOFF'S NEW YORK STORE Sample Cheoi fully Givrn Stroudsburg, Pa. pout mm BUSINESS WICKIIAM Geo. Oakley, Principal. SURFACE TROUBLES Ttdl you when the blood is out of order. Boils, pimples and skin erup tions show that the sys tem is trying to throw off impurities. Skin erup tions need not alarm j the only danger is that some weakened organ may invite attack. Better be safe by using ARMSTRONG'S SARSAPARILLA a remedy that promptly rids the blood of all im purities. Cures all sur face eruptions and adds strength, energy and vitality. Price, 65 cents. jC. 0. ARMSTRONG : DRUGGIST. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. - Oysters and vegetables. William B. Kenworthey, M. D. Everything for an elegant Physician and Surgeon. dinnBLE BR0S Office unit renUlt'iim Brail struct rTfj o u j ti ieit(;ourttiouM. iin.i-uKu, va. uariora bt. Muiord Pa. Etaet Tour Bowtlf With Cwuami. UtwAn Twr&MHrtl CuiKlt Cruliurtlc, cure cormllpunon forever. fir Hubl' Minimum, PI ll r.irv all kuip.y ill. Rank lOti. 11 C. C. C. tail, uJUtftilbU rtluud WsiWaS, bl Xfwa. AUU. ouu uutf Uvu.ou cu.. t luiu m a. To Cure a Cold in One Day months. New Tailor En-li new season's kit j c -a. product pnls in the Made bUltS Kliade the product of the previous sea son. There's an indelible stamp of style about these new suits that is bound to impress yon. The col lnrless jacket is much in evidence in the season's offerings, giving oppor tunity for pretty neckwear now so much in vogue. Fronts of jackets and skirts In many instances are ornamented with long tabs, to which are attached the now popular pend ants. I he new full sleeve is ono distinguishing mark trom Inst sea son, if you see no other. Skirts are cut full and pretily ornamented, some without lining, most with drop skirts. Made from Cheviot, Voiles, Venetians, etc. On some we've maintained the collars and revers tor those of modest toste. Some 40 ond 42 in this style. For smaller women we have some lines of misses' suits, made np on the same lines as the ladies' suits. Alter suits and skirts free of charge. A Profusion of Silks Never before in onr business experienco hove we invited yon to view such beautiful silk weaves at such modest prices. You'll take pleasure in an early choice. Taffeta family of silks lead, ninny calls being made on them. China Silks, Crepe do Chine, Pean de Crepe and goods of such nature strongly nsed for Shirt Waists. Blacks embrace Taffeta, Peau de Poies, Fenti de Cygne, Royal Cords, ISiitin Duchess. Our prices bard to beat, quality, etc, considered. Stylish Waist Stuffs Hard to tell from silk are the uew mercerized white goods ; bettor for waist purposes, stockier and standing laundry. Oar line will surpass your fondest nrenms in point of varity & newness. Some prettily blended with colors. Mail Orders Quickly Filled BUILDING, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. New & Exclusive LINE OF E22E3 Ann All Prices Seasonable goods of - Every description llRyman & Wells. Table Dainties. Curt Crtp ia Two Day. rp en every roxrt cox. ;;c. P API? 13