Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 27, 1903, Image 3

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    If you calculated on paying ton dollars
for an overcoat,, ulstor or now suit put
live dollars away, bring us tlio otlior
five pickout what you want from our
Finshod stock taking and
we're overloaded. You got a
opportunity for fine goods at
and less than halt price on the same.
liig reduction in coats,
capes, tailored suits, etc.
fel East Stroudsburg, - - - Penn'a. O
Emulsion of Pure Norwegian
With Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda
A 12-oz. bottle for SOc.
5f H. E. Emerson & Co.,
fffi" Next Door to Hotel Faucliore.
Clean and Pure brewed BEVERAGES-Beer, Port, Ale
like those of .
Port Jervis, N. Y,,
are healthy and highly recommended for both
Sick and Well
Our friend
DR. J. KELLY, Milford, Piko Co., Pa.
Who handles our beer Exclusively will
0 mm a . K M M
Keg and Bottle Goodo
Our Beers are
Bottled at the Brewery Premises, Steamed
Therefore free from any Germs, Strength-
ening and Palatable. We send them
with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers.
Port Jervis, New York.
Long Distance Hudson River-Phone No. 433.
Port Jervis-Local Phone W 271.
he Big Store
A few pieces of dress goods
that sold for 25, 30, 3o cents
reduced to 12' cent a yard.
Outing Flannels in light and
dark colors reduced from 8 t Gl,
9 to 7, 12 to 10, 10 to 8.
Eiderdown reduced from 30 to 2oc.
Grey dress flannel from 7G to Goe.
Black dress flannel from GO to 50e.
irmstronrr &
wife l
-:- Valley
Table in Efcct Oct.
15, 1:
1 o .
1 4.1 lii i:
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Daily Kxofpt
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M.'.lM.hc 1
, Phlirtli'lliliiii. IVniit
Rust M tMlHl-hurtf
Kiint St Kinif.lnmr. I) , L At VS'.siu
D.-iiwmv 'llt J tilii'tlm . .
( rrtltf's Mi'K'luwil
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Turn tim
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.:lltnml 1'uwllKtT Ui ll.'S OlM'ly to
Iiiinlcl I'l. Vnn Kttcn and
I ( rkertown lmve I'l'i'ii
I'ricmls here.
Mrs. Willimn Kmrry of Itrniich
vllln litis Ucn viHlting her imrcntH
K. V. Kmriy hml the nilsfortimp R
ffw dnj s Ago to lose a flue cow.
One of our nioft sum-snful cpg
lirndureM nler refully cnlculnting
the exi('nses tliia winter figures tliat
every cI07.cn of prrs he Bold nt 30
cents nwt liim 70 cents a clown.
Many of our farmers had all the
expense and no epRS.
Joseph Snyder lias fliiblieil his
lumber job nt Smiths'.
W. li. Layton will return from
Long Meadow where he has taught
the past winter to his place near
Centre the first week in March.
We are ahead of Ijickawaxen In
business even though we have no
railroad. There are here three gene
ral stores, and two to spare on the
same street.
t'ow buyers are looking around (or
fresh milkers. Two from Sussex
wer; here last week.
Those who mounted tiie school
house bell on the building had the
good sense to hermetically seel the
cupola with tight blinds. Prolmbly
this was done to protect the ears of
town people from the discordant
sound the bell makes. A twenty
shilling dinner bell would give a
louder peal and be more musical to
the car.
William Custard exeets to move
on a farm in New Jersey this spring.
We hope he will do well but his
friends do not like to lose his genial
Kd. Darragh's saw mill does not
allow moss to grow on the logs. It
cuts them up in lumber very fast.
The letter of "Veritas" was very
edifying to taxpayers, but quite dis
tasteful to the faithful who have
orders not to read papers which give
Inside information of their methods.
If the republican committee does
not notify voters when and where the
caucus is to be held hi this "township
in future many of them will not
consider themselves bound to support
the ticket.
Tammany had quite a set back
here this spring. In future it Is
expected there will be no old parties
recognized In putting up candidates
for local offices, but a citizens ticket
with good men for each place and
then voters will select according to
the capacity and honesty of the men
presented. Some of our supervisors
who tried to crush the taxpayers with
a 2000 stone crusher found them
selves ground up at the polls.
Our road machine, paid for by the
taxpayers, has been left to rest In the
bed of Decker's cieek under the
canopy of some large hickory trees.
That would probably be the fate of a
stone crusher and engine If tax pay
payers were saddled with their purchase.
A little stranger came to the home
of Alonzo Crone a day last week. It
will be a voter in time.
Calvin Cron will have nearly 3,000
ties on the river bank this spring.
The stork brought a little daughter
to the home of Henry Cron a few
days ago.
Jinny here are taking life insurance
with the Prudentitil company, six
more names were added to the Hat
last week.
George Snyder will build a tenant
house this spring on his lately ac
quired farm.
Those who went to the front during
the rebellion are now enjoying pen
sions. The letter of Harvey West,
from the soldiers home in Illinois,
does not make some of those who
went to Canada or took to the
wilderness ut that time feel very
I). ). I5rodhead surprised every
one by driving up to the poila election
day, but ne showed his spirit by
The defeat of the Tammany candi
date at the late election Is attributed
by some supposed by well versed in
its workings to arise from a shortage
in the whiskey vote, the lack of a fat
pocket book and some one capable of
stirring up entbuniasiu with a certain
clans of sull'rugista and showing them
how to vote.
John II. Vatcr died Feb. 21st
t-cincer of the stomach, aged about 55
years. The funeral wasi held lust
Iuvid Jagtjer is again on the sic
A scrilMi In a contemporary papc
wails that it is no honor to be
democrat because the regular ticket
here was defeated. The rexiilt ut the
pulls shows that there are honorable
democrats w ho will rebuke crooked
work at the caucus. They deserve
poll SALE. One two eon tod aur-
rey willi top, one light runabout
wniiu, olii) feet B 1 1 1 ! t) Imr lle.-is, olio
wolf Bkiu ii.lw, two hnr-ie blankets
and two lap robes. Luquira at the
I'ili -S C !l.'.e tf
I ant ploasncl to report that Win.
Clark, who w seriously hurt by
falling from a loud of buy, is much
better. From tho way he fell, it is
A wonder he was not killed.
Well, well, it Is 'Bquire Ludwig
now. Justices over here are getting
rloU from the proceeds of the office,
and I oonRrntulato tny brother
justice on hia successful candidacy,
and when our pile pets big enough
wo will go to Europe, or somewhere
else on those proceeds.
It is about time for the candidates
for town office to get a move on
pretty soon, as town meeting comes
on Mnroh 10th, and that is not far
away. Very few offices are to be
There is bill before our legisla
ture requiring that the Declaration
f Independence be printed in largo
type and placed in every school
room in this state. That is not so
very bad, but compelling teachers
to rend that instrument the first
school day of each week is a little too
patriotic. I'll bet the father of that
bill never smolled powder other
than from a shot-gun.
Joseph Johnson, who was serious
ly hnrt by a falling limb, is said to
be on the mend. Jot) has had more
than his share of misfortunes, and
he is a young man, too.
Our trusut officer has bad no
business sinoe bis induction into
office, bat last week he was ordered
to notify a family of the penalties
ttached to the offeuoe of not send
ing their children to school, and no
doubt they will obey. There are
Just look at the long list of delin
quent taxpayers attached to the
statements of each township. I hear
that Pennsylvania has a law, that
taxes must be paid a certain number
of days prior to eleation, and I hope
New Jersey will copy that law. Am
right as to the Pennsylvania law?
Ed McCracken and son made a
flying trip to Washington N. J. last
The severe cold of the past week
has been something remarkable.
The readings were taken from the
New Jersey weather service instru
ments. The 18th marked 16" below,
19th 6 below, 20th 12 below, and
the 21st 11 below. It is hoped that
we have seen the last of such
weather. J
The New Jersey school law says
that every school house must have
wo outhouses and that the board of
education may ordeic the assessor to
assess a sum sufficient for the build-
ng of said outhouses without sub
mitting the question to a vote of the
people. As it is today I do not
think there is a single outhouse In
this township that fulfils the re
qnirements of the law, and the
trustees should attend to this matter.
The long looked for Colonial Car
nival took place on Monday evening
at the residence of Doctor Hughes.
By 8.30 the house was comfortably
filled and an half bonr later it was
oiowded to suffocation, over 200
being present. The music both,
vocal and inst rumental, was especial
ly fine. Dr. and bis genial helpmeet
made all feel at home and everybody
without exception had a good time
Geo. Darragh of Dingman '8 persona
ted (Jnole Bam and filled the bill
exactly. Miss Jenkins of Montclair,
N J., sang "On a Sunday After.
noon," and that tioklod the writer
greatly. The receipts were about
S3 dollars. ;
In a Carefully Prepared Ar
ticle recommends Dr. D.
Kennedy's Favorite
In a recent inue of the New York
Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene, tu
recognized authority on all matters per
taining to health, Jamoa H. Montgom
ery, M, D., aayd editorially :
'After a careful Investigation of Dr.
David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, a
pecific for kidney, liver and bladder
trouble, rheumatism, dyipeptia and con
tlpatloti with Its attendant ills, we are
free to confei that a more meritorious
medicine hai lever come under the exam
ination of the chemical and medical ex
pert of tho New York Magazine of Sani
tation and Hygiene. In fact, after the
most searching testa and rigid Inquiry in
to tha record of Dr. David Kennedy's Fa
vorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to re
commend its use In unequivocal term to
very reader of this journal whose com
plaint comes within the list of ailments
which this remedy is advertised to cure.
We have obtained such overwhelming
proof of the efficacy of this specific have
0 satisfactorily demonstrated its curative
powers through personal exiieriments
that a care for the interests of our readers
leadaus tocall attention toitsgreat value. "
It is for sale bv all druggists in the
NW BO Omni Slltt and the regular
$1.00 sire bottles less than a cent a dose.
Samflt kottUnpufh for trial, frer by mail.
Dr. David Kann4y Orprtlon, Rondout, N. Y.
We have bad good sleighing for the
past week in this section.
Miss Emily Jugger ha returned to
her home at Chatham, N. J., after
visiting relatives and friend! here for
the last mouth.
Mix Margaret Shepherd of Milford
spent last Haturday and Hunday with
her parent, she was accompanied by
Misa Isabella Nil is of the Crissman
Htoll Jugger and wife are visiting
relatives In Lehman township till
Martin Hazen will soon move to
Dingman township to what Is know n
as the "Hutcher Brown farm,"
It Is said that John Heater will mov
to the Nichecronk House.
George Heater, who dislocated his
ankle about three weeks ago, is able to
be around again.
Adam Bros, are doing quite an ex
tensive lumber -buniuens this winter
gel'Jng ties aud logs.
It Is rumored that Wm. Itctulli
will build au addition to bis houxe 1
the spriug. Joti.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, vour stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver riht.
tasy to take, easy to operate.
t. All iufint.
Tr. -Da. I BitBVt Clterrv Ralmni h.t tnt
Cells, Ca ks, UuaniUoa. Kc, Wc, tlDO.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dunn have
left Mnlamoras and gone to Bing
hamton to make that city their
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lord on Pennsyl
vania Ave., will change their resi
dence and will soon ocenpy the
rooms vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Dunn, on Jefferson street.
Allerton Wilkin, of New York,
spent Sunday at his borne on Jeffer
son street.
Rev. and Mrs. Weidner loft town.
Monday morning, for Reading, Pa.
Conference convened at that city
Tli'i second night of the men's
annual supper, connected with Ep-
worth church, took plaoe on Friday
night at the ohurch parionate.
There was a large attendance. The
supper was fine. The gentlemen
made it pleasant for their friends.
The proceeds amounted to 20 $40
both evenings. Miss Ruth Lord
sang a solo, as did also Miss Delia
Isklnner. botn were very much en
joyed. Mr. Eaton gave some very
fine selections on his graphaphone
which was very much appreciated
The teaohers' local institute will
be held in the high school room on
Saturday, Feb. 28th. The exeroises
will be of a very interesting nature
Very entertaining exercises were
held In the primary department, ap
propriate to Washington's birthday,
at the Matamoras school, Friday
afternoon. Miss Sarah Remy an
Miss Emma Billman have charge of
this department.
Miss Katie Byoe of Sparrowbush,
N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Wbi. Clune.
Miss Tillie Kransbach and Messrs.
Edwin and William Uackett, all of
Rutherford, N. J., spent Sunday
and Washington's birthdav here.
They all returned home on Monday
Mrs. Frank Corwin has been very
ill with the grip. She is some
better now.
The Salvation Army of Port Jerv
Is will nave charge of. the morning
servioe at Hope church on Sunday
March 8th. B.
l: A
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Don't invest
money in a monument be-
investigating the claims
' Nf-r nn.Lr.QAD
Corrected to Date.
ara frnlls, (.'tmutnii'jiin Lake, C'levelniid,
Chirnirn and CJImilnmiH.
Ticket, on sle at. Port .Ti-rvls to all
points In Mm West and Poiithwrst. nr, lower
rates than via any other flrst-clans lino.
Trains Now
IjFAvk Pont
Jervis as
of White Bronze. Write
nformation and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Act.
Milford, Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
Houri's am! Lots nnrt lots without Houses.
J)nier lu nil kinds of Property.
Notary Public
Office Wells Building
Bolow Dlmmiik House
Milford, Pa.
No. 8, Dnllv Kiprosn 8.24 A.M.
" , Iliiiiy kxiinns 5 lft "
K, Lf ill Kxt'cnt nwlay.. 8 ISO "
40 .. 7 4 11
"itj, Way Pnmlnv Onlv 7 53 "
HO, LikhI Kxic'pt. Sumlny.. 10 30 "
AN" ny tidily exc'tSMiuilay 11 M "
4, Dully Kxpipss 13 4U P. M.
V(4, Siinilny Only 1 Hi "
21, Way dully exe't Sund'y 8 S3 "
2, Pally Kxprpsn t B0 "
7il, Way Smidny Only 4 40 "
7H8, Local Sunday Only 6 07 "
i. Way dally exe't Sund'y 6 25 "
H, Espri'ss Dally 10.05 "
No 7, Dnlly Fipn"; 13 80A.M.
17, Daily Milk Train 7 Hf "
1, Daily Kxfirrs 11 84 "
1 lit), Knr llii dale K'pt Pun. . 12 10F.M
' 8, Expri-sst hiraito lhn rial 6 15 "
1 2.. Local Exiiri'Si. Sunday.. 5 50
' 5, LliniU'd Daily ExurcBs. 10 16 '
Trnlns lenvo Chainhprs strop. Npw
York, for Port. .Torvia on wpek dav- at
II 80, 7 80, 9 00, 0 .16, 10 80 A. M., 1 (Ml, 8 00,
ho, o ho, 7 HO, 9 IS P. M. On Snndiys,
80, 7 80, 9 00 , 9 15 A. M . , 1U 80, 8 80, 7' 80
15 P. M.
tt. w. Cooke,
General FaiwenKr Agent,
New York.
Here Is
Vour own Water
Works, which
you run have by
conftiiltlnir J. C, ,
Mainmort., Fa.,
who In prt-pnrcd
to (rive (fltimateft
nt any time.
Write him at
onco or fall and
see hit stock of
Matamoras, Pa.
Wp promptly ohtnin II. H. and Foreign
.-iff. . i2- .
rtud nuxlel, Sktc-tWi or iii oio oi invvntiou loi
free rope rt on pnt.'iitHl.thty. For frre book,
1 1 4i IX 1 1 III i icbdi
l j t J ill e fcjs
U. S. Patent Office
Tendency el the Timet
The tendency of medical science is
toward preventive mfwunres, Tim
beet tbongbt of the world ia being
given to the subject. It is easier
and better to prevent than to cure.
It baa been fully demonstrated that
pneumonia, one of the most danger
ous diseases that medical men have
to contend with, can be prevented
by the nse of Chamberliiiu's Congh
Remedy. Pneumonia always results
from a cold or an attach of influenza
(grip), and it has been observed that
this remedy counteracts any tend
ency of these diseases toward pneu
monia. This bus been fully proven
in many thousands of cases in which
this remedy has been used during
the great prevalence of colds aud
grip in recent years, and can be
relied upon wi Ji implicit confidence.
Pneumonia often results from a
slight cold when no danger is ap
prehended until it U suddenly dis
covered that there is fever and
difUculty in breathing and pains in
the chest, then it is announced that
the patient has pneumonia. Be on
the safe side and take Chnmberluin's
Cough Remedy as soon ns the cild
is contracted. It always cures. For
sale by Balch & son, Matamors, all
general stores in Pike county.
Tradc Mbk
Copvriohts Ac.
Anyone nendlns a akelrh and description may
flnli'lcly KSeprt.-im nnr opinion Free wninner au
Invention lit prntutlilT pimoitiilile. ( oniitiunl'-ii-tlnnnntrirtlTfonnitentlHl.
llniiitliook on PHlenla
aunt free o'Mi-nt Mt-eni-T fur Miciinni: uateinn.
I'iiteiitn iHken tliionih Muiin A Co. receive
tptrUU mtiict. without cloitve, in the
Scientific Jlmcrican.
A rmnclrtomply mtmtrntefl wwMf. I.nrtmut rt.
CHlrttlMll (if SIIT H IuIHiHc' jfl J Til til . T'TIIlB. k
T.-iir: f"iir ni'iniiis, L (iolUbytill newnm-Mer.
trdNI & Co.3918"'"'' New York
- biauita Ofilca. H25 F St.. WanhlDHlon. O.
Thrice-a-Week Edition
Road Wharavar
Language Is
the Enatllsh
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
BoHt Heater and Fuel Saver in tho
New Era
Two Flroa In ona
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. J. Klein & Son,
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CAUPJAGE
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Milford, Pa.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y
i ll lock Y In
f "nV
. .-...i O 1 1 C V hlKera
ANTED Faithful person to
travel for well e-itrtblihed boum
ia a fiiw oouutieu. onllm on reUiil
merchautu arul (.t-VMitt 1ch1 terri
tory. 8iilry lluiil a year und ex
poiibc. iayable 19.70 a week in
ct.h aud exixinseH advauced 1!
turn irumnbtit. liusiiKn aucot -bs-ful
and ruLinj. fetaudard Housh,
34 Uvarboro fct., Chici0. 6-1-3
The Thr.;c-arVei:k World waa a bri".
ltuut fuccfti iu the beginning and h
been Btmlily growing ever since. Tiint-
U the Ut of all 'hiiifcru, and hntt net Its wn
of npprov.il on the Thrice-a-Wtvk World,
whirl) 1h witinly ciirulnUMt ia evnry btat
Hiid U'rritory of tin I nion, ttmt whtnvtr
Llurre me peoplo who can r.uul our mother
!lhin paper or th conitng winter and
the yei.r will make its new fcervu',
if po-iiil)le, more xteuitt than ever. All
eventi of importance, no matter where
thy happen, are rt puiUd accurately una
The Mihscriher tar on'y one dollar a year
get three pupera every wet-k and inort
news and general reading than immt grt-at
dailieu can furm.iii ut live or kix tiniei the
The Tlu-lce-a Week World 1m tdwolutely
fi.lr in iiu political new. Pai titan btai lb
never allowed lo alft-et it.s newit coluinna,
and UeiHourut and rcpuhlicau alike can ul
tutu in iiH paeti Iruttilul aceouulM of all
the great- poiiucal catnpi. ignt..
In ud'.iltl"H lo all the iiihvm the Thrico-n
We.-k World fiuiilhrt, tiie b t wn.il tji
tiou, elultorute nmi ket tcporitt and ulher
ffttt iiivs of interest.
'i he Thi ice- e k World', regular sub
H:ripi ion ru e i ouly $1 per year aud tliia
paM for i -Vi papt-ii. e olf--r Liiif unu-qiiah-d
newspaper and the Fike County
Vn- together one yuar for i
'.' he regular bubauriptlou price of the
( vu papei'k io
Sour Stoiiieoli
' A flr I wm 1nlu-e4 to try CA
RR'VH. I wilt iifvertt) wtlliout tliuiu in the tioiite.
Mr Hvwr wan In a Ttry bait tipe, and uif ticud
clioti and I hiitl iiua(-b troubi4- New. miici lak
iik t'ttcareu. 1 fotjl due. Mr wife Hub bUo uo4
ttiuiu with bfiteiicial n-jj-iiu for our Btmuacb. '
JUA. kUl-ULlAU, mi CuuKfttM at., bt. Luuit, Ma
Pnlulituia. i iii(, TKKe tion1.
ulLsf U.smOs Cvair, l kls0, Mutntl, Mtnt Xurk.
K3-T0-EA3 fl
rid uruiirnni-(1 hv ml rlnm.
PATEXT Coed Id. a
uiy l ncurf4l by
Our Aiii. AitilrcMt,
64UtriUUJiH) Lu lti fi.Lt.Ut EVJJtl fi.WUvi huuMi