Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 20, 1903, Image 3

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CUT $10
If you ciilciilnlcil on paying ten dollars
for mi overcoat, ulster or new suit put
live dollars away, bring us tlie other
live pickout what you want from our
Finshed stoeli taking and find
we're overloaded. You get a, rare
opportunity for fine goods at half
and less than halt juice on the same.
ladies' Wear cut
I5ig reduction in coats,
capes, tailored suits, etc.
Clothier From Head to Foot.
East Stroudsburg, - - - Penn'a.
Emulsion of Pure Norwegian
With Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda
A 12-oz. bottle for 50c.
H. E. Emerson & Co.,
Next Door to Hotel ioln-r
. O are. fully
Clean and Pure brewed BEVERAGES Beer, Fort, Ale
like those of
Port Jervls, N. Y
are healthy and highly recommended for both
Sick and Well
Our friend
DR. J. KELLY, Miiford. Pike Co., Pa.
Who handles our beer Exclusively will
cheerfully take all orders for our famous
Keg and Bottle Goods
Our Beers are
Bottled at the Brewery Premises, Steamed
Therefore free from any Germs, Strength
ening and Palatable. Ve send them
with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers.
Port Jervls, New York.
Long Distance-Hudson River Phone No. 433.
Port Jervis Local Phone W 271.
The Big
A few pieces of dress goods
that sold for 25, 30, 3o cents
reduced to 12' cents a yard.
Outing Flannels in light and
dark colors reduced fromS to G'v
9 to V', 12 to 10, 10 to 8".
Eiderdown reduced from 30 to 2.k
Grey dress llannel from 7(5 to G,"c.
Black dress llannel from 00 to 0e.
Jim a
Daily Kxn.'it
sT"e "i"a "
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Tim ImritiK of Doiml'.'sona now
t(niiiit. houo rmint lmvn )ccu tlonp
by an Iiiccmi lim y, nstio fire lid yt
b'f!ti built In It. The masons wpre
I.) liciiii? plnt'turlnR n?xt 1ny. A. A.
Albriirht, tlm ciirp"tjtr, lost $lfiO
worth (if tooln.
Johpi1 (.'untie, who l ofToring hi
furm for Bain, Intonils to remove to
thn city to tnke up his trade of
wntrh ensn maker.
Hinoo Rnotlmr party liore has
boi;:n linyinit ties the price hsii
Hvntirnl, which shown that com
lTiiin!i Is tlin life of tri!e.
El. D;irrnli is doing a lnrgs
,inount of ctiMtom work, both at his
S:vr nnd gr'st mills.
A law should be nmsod directing
Unit candidates for public office
should niakn an nflld.iit that they
rc honest. Then If people bimined
the records they would know
whether they were fit to ImentruBted
with the position aouifht nnd if not
they fright be fi'd at the publio crib
dowu the river Instend of ntrhorue.
I'erhnps if our three churches
woul.1 cniiiliitiR wo might have one
good ooiigrpg.ttinn here and be Rblo
to psy a preacher fair li Ting
The raise in furo on the T). V. It.
K. ln.st week does not disturb us
much. We are waiting for the
rood to come up here.
Martha North bs returned home
from Urnnhvillo on account of the
sicknl'ss of her uncle.
W. Jnggerof Branchvllle attended
a dance hero last week In honor of
his birthday.
There is some discussion over an
article recently published In a near
by paper about two young ruffians
entering the Centre school honae
and Bssuliing the toucher and child-
ren. The fa'jta are that some of tha
children, as is quite common, at
noon time nr.d recess will throw
snow hulls at those passing by and
one of the acousod young men was
hit in the neck by a piece of ice and
he remonstrated at such treatment.
Both the young men were entirely
sober. It la aggrevating, however,
to bo hit by a snow drop.
Mrs. George Bunnell, on Addmg
street, is ill at Uor homo.
Ilev Rhoop gave a fine sermon
Hunday evening. He preached on
"Abraham Lincoln." There was a
good attendance.
Floyd Kilpntrick of Morristown,
N. J., Is visiting bis sister, Miss
Lottie Kilpntrick, on Hammond
stoeet. Port Oervis. Hia many
friends iu Tort Jervis nnd Matn
moras are pleased to see him again.
Mrs. M. A. Coykendall of Hart
ford, Conn., is the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. William French.
Milton II. Gabriel of White Lake,
N. Y , arrived in town a few days
ago. lie has sccurod 4 position , in
the car shops at Port Jervis and will
make his home in Matamoras.
James H. Wilber of Stain, Carter
county, Tenn., ppent Wednesday
with his friend, John Davis, on
Washington atreat.
Archie Da via is now employed in
the machine shops at Port Jervis,
Miss Freda Kessler of Matamoras,
a teacher at Haven, N. Y., baa boon
ill for the past week but resumed
her teaching on Monday.
A valentine social was hold under
the auspices of the L. C. U. Tuesday
evening at Prescott's Hull. A night
cap drill was given in which several
lady members of the society took
part that afforded a great do"! of
amusoraont. At the elosa of the
entertainment ice cream and cake
wore served. The social was a sno-
cess, botu tlnaiicially ana socially.
A neat mini wan realized for the
There was only a morning session
in the Matamoras schools Tuesday !
owing to the snow storm.
William Howlot appeared with his
snow plough again Tuesday and
made pathj for ttie citizens and
8chr.ul children. We trust he km
remembered nicely for his labor.
The iiiers supper of Epwortb
church took place at the church
parlors the evenings of Tbuntday
and Friday of this week. A very
pleasing program was rendered.
llev. C). J. Khoop, pastor of Ep
uoitii church, took part m the
services of t tie Epwortn rally Tues
day evening at the M. E. church,
Mr. Harriet Pray left town Tnes.
(lny niurnintr to vinit her sister, Mrs.
ICiauter of Owi'ko who is dangerous
ly ill in that city. 8.
liight while the Judge Parker Ixxnn
fur (iioiiliiit i.-i rolling along with
iiiiiiv or hi fptt-d, culm s the Willie
K. Hfi1r.1t Iiimiiii, looming up into
n.itiuiiiil piuiiiiiienec. This loni was
1 ,1 ii ! . 1 1 1 1 w ith u loud spht-.li ut the
nn nt Ji 'li r.-uii lumpirt hi Ciillliiiljus,
I hiu. ( li '-.i.-iiiii vmis (il.so taken by
t uluiiel lirynn ut tins bumjuet lo
vi;."Muiilv lii-noiinie thor-e ileinocrats
win) rilUMil to i!i.iiort the liryan
wing of the (h inner. icy ill 1 'J6 aii
Malvort Ilotalon ft former resident
of Snndyptin ijHint n few days Inst
wook visiting with V. C. Gunn nt
Lnytnn. Malvnn has railroaded for
40 years, and Is still running on the
Erie. Ha resides at Warwick, N. Y.
The adjourned veudao of Richard
Lay ton, in Walpack, on the 12th
Inst brought out a large attendance.
The stock, esjiooially, brought good
The meviels are epidemic in the
vicinity of Lnyton, oompelllng the
closing of the school for one week.
Those not fortnnatn enough to have
had them years ago are having their
turn along with the little folks.
Those engaged in taking a part in
the colonial red, white and blue
festival at Dr. Hughes on Monday
evening, Fob. 23, are working hard
to perfect themselves in their re
spective parts, and the vocal and
Instrumental inusio will be a rich
treat to those present.
It is reported that there are chil
dren of school age In this town
whoso attendance at school is so rare
that their names should be dropped
from the registers. We have an
eioellent truantoffloerand he should
be notified to act In this matter of
The tenant house of Mrs. Dayton
Deirue in Layton and recently vacat
ed by Mrs. Major will be Occupied
by Daniel Utter, Jr., after April 1st.
J. Linn Roaenkrans of Norfolk,
Va., made a brief visit among rela
tives herelast week returning to Va.
on the 12th Inst. He and brother
are proprietors of the most elaborate
laundry in that city.
James Decker and Eugene Major,
both heavy weights, got falls on the
ice last week. The former is con
fined to his home from bis Injuries,
and the latter got off with a badly
skinned face.
Mink's pond, over In Pike, Is the
Mecca for Jersey fishermen. On
Friday last Abram Boss and 11. E,
Montross visited that pond, and
came home on Saturday with 85 fine
Valentine Day passed without
being the recipient of the tender
missives of the day. Tho best and
most prized valentine I ever got was
on Feb. 14, 1865, and it was a United
States discharge for three years
service, and come to think that oc
curred 38 years ago this Valentine
While on a load of hay and Dear
the residence of Mrs. Jacob Kyte,
William Clark, who was on the load,
fell to the ground and was quite
seriously hurt.
Our hoard of education met with
thd county ruperiDtendent one night
last webk, and during hia talk to
the board said that oar school
houses were not strictly up to date
and in that he is correct. Most of
the outhouses are a disgrace to the
town and I doubt very much if there
is one that is what it should be.
Montague, if I remember correctly,
will vote 600 dollars school money
for its 4 schools, while Sandyston
proposes to vote 600 dollars for its
8 schools. Why not make it 11000?
The people will kick just as bard for
one as the other. The remark that
Sandyston pays the lowest wages,
I thin is not quite correct, as Wal-
pack pays its teachers (25 each while
Sandyston pays a little more
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 11
and 12, the Wayne Baptist associa
tion held its semi-annual meeting
with the Lnckawaxen Baptist church
Besido organization and business,
sermons were preached by Rev. W.
S. Percy of Damascus, Rev. 'C. L.
Percy of Honesdale and Rev. W
Gibson of Holllstervilie, Rev. W. E.
Lawton, pastor of the church, was
chairman of the meetings. The
musical program was in charge of
Mrs. George Holbert and Miss Eaura
Shannon. On Thursday evening Rpv.
W. S. Percy gave an illustrated
temperance lecture on "The House
that Jack Built" before a crowded
house. The attendance at all the ses
sions was very gratifying. U. W,
Shannon generously entertained the
ministers and delegates.
James L. Curtis and wife of Wilkes'
Imrre are visiting Mr and Mrs,
George Holbert. Led,
TOR SALE. One two seated sur
rey with top, one light runabout
wagon, one set single harness, one
wolf skin robe, two horse blankets
and two lap robes. Enquire at the
t'HEoS ollice. tl
Dees your head ache? Pain
back, of your eyes? Dad
taste in your mouth? It's
your liver! Aytr's Pills are
liver pills. They curs consti
pation headache, dyspepsia.
23c. All druggliU.
1 ir ttrd m buulul
Li r 1 Y I '
r vr f ir the
.1 0 L 1 L Vn riikiver
And ice if your Kidneys
re Diseased.
A very 'mple way toihitermlne wliKthnf
yur kl(lnTt or bladder are diseased Is to
put otnc of your urine in glnss tumble!
and let It fltnd 14 hours ; if it htis a srdl
aient or a cloudy, repy or stringy nj'iear.
atice, If It In pale ai discolored, you do nut
ee9 a phytic! to tell you that you n;e
in a dcjriui condition. Dr. David
Kennedy's Fevorite Remedy ipeedily
ur mick serious eymptomt us psin In
back. Inability to hold urine, a burning
scalding pais la pawing It, frequent da
atr to urinate, especially at night, and
the atainlng of linen by your urine.
Tie Rev. Aaron Coona, D.D., pastorof
the M.E. Church of Rhineclil7,N.Y.,anys:
"I rtiett sincerely believe that Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
it the bt kidney, liver and blood
medicine made, and urgently rerom
mend It, for I know bv enpericnce it
will do all that la claimed for it."
"Favorite Remedy" l vegetable help
to the itumach and bowels in pel funninij
their duties properly. It overcomes .mil
permanently curea dyspepsia, Indigestion
DrltoueneM and rheumatism. It is abso
lutely harmless and purelv vejretnble. It
contains no narcotics or mineral in any
form, no dangerous stimulants, no mer
ury or poisons, and Is the only kidney
aneniclae that does not constipate.
It Is for sale by all drtiirt;lsts In the
tfwBO ffmnt Sir and the regular
1. OS site bottles less than a cent a done.
Simfh lttf Hf for trimi, frtt by mail.
Sir. teIS Kenneev Oereoratlen, Rondout, N. Y.
r. PyI4 Baar'l Msrle f.ft Sslrf for all
ilnam et lallueautioaii ef las Kjf. c.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Friable,
Feb. 6th, l!Mm, a son.
Itegina and RumcII Wultz luivi
been sick with bad colds.
Mrs. Thoinns Gilpin anil son, Cluir
lie, spent Sunday with Mrs. ). K,
David II. Kellntn and Mrs. 1.
Kellam visited Mr. and Mrs. 1
Kipp of Nobletown last Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Robinson vis
ited Mrs. Edwards, sister of the
former, one day last week. She has
been very stick with pneumonia.
F. B. Simons had the misfortune
to badly smash a finger last Tuesday,
Miss Howe, teacher at this place,
went to hor home at Lake Ariel Inst
Friday and returned Monday.
The young people had a pleasant
party at Chester Daileys, Tuesday
The Misses Malone of Indian
Orohard have been spending a week
at their aunts, Mrs Harts.
Mrs. R. Hnnkit)s is entertaining
her mother, Mrs. Gobloman, of
Howell Johnson aud his father
were both quite sick lust week.
Tendency ol the Timet
The tendency of medical science is
toward preventive measures. The
best thought of the world is being
given to the subject. It is easier
and better to prevent than to cure.
It has been fully demonstrated that
pneumonia, one of the most dauger
ous diseases that medical men have
to contend with, can be prevented
by the use of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Pneumonia always results
from a cold or an attack: of influenza
(grip), and it has been observed that
this remedy oonnteraots any tend
ency of these diseases toward pneu
mooia. This has been fully nroven
in many thousands of cases in whioh
this remedy has been used during
the great prevalence of colds and
grip in reoent years, and can be
relied upon wi,h Implicit, confidence
fneomonia often reHiilts from t
slight cold when no danger is ap
prehended until it is suddenly dis
covered that there is fever anil
difficulty in breathing and pains iu
the oliest, then it Is announced that
the patient has pneumonia. He 011
the safe side and take ChamlMirlHin's
Cough Remedy as soon as the culd
is contracted. It always cures. For
sale by Balch & son, Matainors, all
general stores in Pike county.
"Extravagance In' tlie Whl'e
House" "with its endless enteit-.iin-
ment.s," etc., ad libitttiii ml ikiuwuih,
is the democratic cry in the linue
this week. Unfortunately for the
weepers the president pays his own
bills, and as yet, with the exceptiun
of bills fur repairs and inaintt'iiiince,
there has tiei-n no dirert cull upon 1! e
treasury for funds to pay fur the
"mimicry of the courts of F.uiuie."
Your average democratic opposition
ist and cur 1 iUt seldom troubles him
self to obtain the facts of any subject.
Get a foe sample of Chamberlain's
Ktiiimicli and Livdr Tablets ut linVli
& Hon, Matamoras, all general stores
in Pike county. They are easier to
take and mure pleasant in elTert
than pills. Then their use is m,t
followed by constipation as is often
the case with pills. Kegulur kiz",
twenty flse cents per box.
WANTED Faithful person to
travel for well established house
in a few counties, calling 011 retail
merchants and auents Local terii
tory. (Salary a year and ex
penses, payable flD.70 a week in
cash and expensus advanced Pool
tlou permanent, business suc.vss
ful and rushing, (-tanilaid lious",
oJl JJoarboro bt,, Chicasro. 0-1-3
Artistic Monuments
Cost no mors than plain
ones in store and they are
more durable. Don't invest
money in a monument be
fore investigating the claims
of White Bronze. Write for
information End designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt.,
Miiford, Pa.
Real Estate Agent.
li'ils it'i'l 1 it v itiioti' Houses,
1 in nil kJii-lh ol l'lLpi'i ty.
1 r;,!i
Veils Building
Jtitnihifk llmi.-n
M.Iioid, ii,
Vntir ow n Wiitfr
W iirku, wlilt li
JMll (-nil ItHVs' ley
emi-Mltin .1. i
r it i;v ot r of
MiilmnnriiN, l'a.t
who Is pr jmrfd
tit glvti Htknintr
At Mfiy till! I'.
Write him at
mirr or nil nml
8f 1)1 stork of
Matamoras, P.
':Vml mo-l 'l.-in.-turi or i-l i.io ci ii.vtnliou lei
r frilliri'll irt Oil I H-.-nlll : itV 1-n, In a hrv.k
t How 10 KiuriiTfJ fl 'C !intf rllt
fntontH mul I Pir(Mr,"!'ll0 to
'.it-'-;!?, ,jt jv iz-trri
rn 1 7.1 i t .- 1
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Opposite U. S. Patent Oftico
Tsadc Marks
'rH ii'l Cofyrioht AC.
Anyrinp npndlne ahilrh and rti-ncrlptinn miif
qtlt'-KIT HSirlHOl lnir
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I V Lli 1 i Jt.
A In'.- 1 "!-!iM '-it -ir-ili-.t woV
. i.5 f St.. Wali.
Thrico-a-Veek Edition
Read Wherever trie English
Lansuege Is Spoken
Tim 'I'll
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tho yrar ll.-:l. will lnaku itri tiL'ttu hi-ivirt,
if pojiniblii, n.oro rxli-iiiie tlnm t-vi-r. All
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Correoted to Data.
Polld I'lillnmn triilns to Jluff.-ilo, Nln(?
I'.ni Kiill-i, ( li.-iulMiii.Mi Luke, I'li'velfiml,
riiimirn nnd (Jinrlnriittl.
'I irkt Ih on snle nr. Pnrti .Torvls to nil
I" il nt h ru Hiu i't 11 1 1 1 1 Souihwi-Ki m loner
rates tlmn via Hny 01 her llrst-cliitm line.
TiiAiNS Now
. . !.tlr Kxprrsa 3 fl A. M.
tl, Pally K.xiri's ft ir. "
li. I.ih ill K.ji-i it tllllil'ij-. . fl 110 "
l-', " " " 7 in "
7i(i, Way Siimlny (Inly HI "
II", l.oi-nl Kxri-it Sniiilny . . lose "
I'L', Way daily i xn't tlllliliijr It Wi "
4. Ilniiy H.ximii 1'2 45 P.M.
7m, Mimliiy (lnir 1 10 "
SI, Way ilally px'c't Snnd'jr 8 IU "
SJ, I'nliy Kiiiri'HH 4 1!0 "
7im, Way Piiinliiy Only 4 In "
7'i, I,oriil Suiiiliiy Only . . . . ti "7 "
D"l. Way dally oxn't Unrul y 6 !H "
14. Kxiirins Ilally 10 ufi "
No 7, Dally Kxnn'ns: JsanA.jf.
17, ImiW Milk i rain 7 Hh "
1, llnlly Kxprefii 11 Hi "
' ll.'i, Kor llo'dali' K'pt Pun . IS in r. M
' H. Kxpri-Mst lilr-nirn Urn dal ft Ift "
' Itli. I.iical Kxpri-NhSnnday. . 6 6n 1
' 5, LlinlU'd bully Kxprvits. 10 IB '
Trnliin lcavn ClmmhiTR atrcet. Now
ovk. fur l'nrt .leivls on week davn at
:m, 7 iki, H on, lft, m no a. m.. l.mi.'s mi.
4 im, B SO, 7 Ho, 9 lft p. M . On Sundwii.
:i so, 7 HO, 9 00 , 9 15 A. M . , 12 HO, 8 110. 7.80
16 P. M.
1. W. roOKK,
Oenrrnl I'aHBriii-r Agent,
Now York.
Stoves and Ranges.
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Heater and Fuol Bnver in the
New Era Radiators,
Jobbing promptly attended to
T. R. J. Klein & Son,
Of All Kinds and Styles.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CARRIAGE
Repairing ;-NEATLY DONE. "
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Miiford. Pa.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
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