Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, February 20, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, February 20, 1903.
(Ink Year-One dulliir and fifty cents.
Bix Months .Seventy-live cents.
Kntc-"d R the pnat ofllon of MHfrI,
Plku County, Piniimylvnnin., ns ec-cond-oluss
in.itter, November twnty-Urt., 181S.
Advertising Rates.
Onn v ;inrp(iil(jht linos), one insertion -11.00
H1.. s il.ai'mli'nt lllfwrl.ion -6
R.xlnrail rati', flirntaliixl on application
Will he llowl yearly dvertlra.
Legal Advertising.
and F.Jociilora
nr. lcs - - - -
Ainlit-or'a notices
Dlvorm notices - - -
. . - 4.U0
rliorifr's siiIch, Orphan'
court anltsp
County Tro.-mnnir'd mill', County m-
mont on1 election proclnmaium ciiiug
by tlit' square.
J. H. Tan Etten, PUBLISHER,
MiKonl, Pike County, Pa.
It now seems highly probable that
the bill fixing the minimum wbros
to be paid school teachers will
puss ntid that the amount will be
f 33 n month. This will be a sub
stantial Increase and in tbis oounty
will mean that In nearly every
township teachers will roseive from
two to three fifths more wages than
at present. With this advanced pay
tho expense of maintaining schools
will be greatly increased hnd espeo
inlly so if the number of schools is
not decreased. It will now be In
order for directors to calculate
whether it will not be of great nd
vantage to consolidate some of the
schools and make provision to con
vey the children to them where the
distance is too great. Iu this man.
nur there may be a saving in ex
penso. The mtnlmnm school term
Is now seven months and this will
mn 245 for waees alone. That
sum would probably be more than
BufUcient to hire the ohildren of the
neighborhood conveyed to a central
school. There are other ad vantages
to be considered also in consolida
tion of schools, such as better olassi.
flomtion of pupils, a saving in ex
penses of maintaining buildings,
and in the cost of fuel and other
The voters of this sohool district
Tuesday by a substantial majority
of 44 authorized the issue of bonds
to build a new school building which
is generally conceded to be very
neoessary. It now remains with
the directors to do their part in the
matter, that of erecting a suitable
building on a proper site. There
has been much discussion over the
question and it is now settled so
far as the people ere concerned
inasmuch as the directors are en
tiioly responsible for the location
This, however, should receive ample
consideration by the board, and as
suggestions may not be impropor, we
would call attention to the lots ou
Ilarford street at the comer of
Fifth. There are four lots making
a plot 240x160. Tliey are as nearly
contrally located as may be and
have treos surrounding them. We
do not think a more advantageous
location could be selected aud per
hups none that would give more
g:ie.rai satisfaction in the end.
Tlmn, too, the vslue of thee lota
bus practically been fixed at . a
reoont publio sale and it is not
beyond what is entirely reasonable
for so elipibla a site.
Tho election results in the borough
a io evidence that the people broke
sway from the Rsng snd made their
own selections. This is a healthy
The voters decided Tuesday that
Cney want a new school house, they
ul.iO gave emphatic notice as to the
kind of men they want to oversee
H e job. ,
Varidermark lodge of Odd Fellows
r.tposo building a new hull on
llk'U fctreet to eo:.t tLUiOO.
Mrs. A. M. Kaiiouse is seriously
iil with pneumonia at thw home of
ln-r uiiisfhtor. Mis. J. E. Joiiett, at
1,. 'nebbing, Va. Hr extreme age,
0 .i t !0, is adverse to recovery.
A l,u: :l.;l.l of Uriah Mi. ('arty of
1 it J. ivis tbruM a liot linker in
l.i.i i ve i;f her t:vo yenr olil sioter,
1, : .1
Presbyterian Chrcniclings
(Hy lief . K. M. Sinr-n.d.1
Sabbath morning the discourse
will be tnknn from .Irnhs' Otililccnn
ministry. Tbis Is an imlcflnnte
agnonncfuncnt jx rliniw but In the
sermon an effort will bo made to
bring out the labors, teaching, and
methods our Lord during the yenr
of his greatest popularity. The ev
ening discourse will be direct and
praotlcal aiming to awaken and
quicken onr spiritual lives.
Tonight wo hope the elements will
be propitious and that onr friends
will enjoy with ns tho elaborate
supper which the gentlemen are
serving. They are bountiful pro
viders and there are no rules ii(jlnst
wholesome appetites. Tbis cold
wave that is passing over nt this
writing should turn our tbOQght to
the warm, cheerful parlors at the
church and the well ladened tables
thero to be spread.
The normal class for Riblo study
will have an opportunity to take
examination upon the first thirty
three pages of the book next Thurs
day. The pastor has made a littlo
analysis of this work gone over and
will be plensod to give one to any
who may think of reviewing the
subject preparatory for tlie oxamlna
tinn. The examination paper might
be looked over by yon whether you
propose to try it or not. Come and
see what the paper is like. Any
that have not studied in onr class
will be welcome to try the examina
tion with ns. Next Wednesday ev
ening after the prayer meeting the
pastor will give a final review of the
lessons to be covered by the exam.
ination and those who wish to tube
it should be present. Further an.
nouncementSBS to the time, plnceand
method of the examination will b
given later.
Next week Friday evening will
occur our regular quarterly prepnr
atory lecture for communion. Coin
munion service one week from next
Sabbath morning Thoso thinking
of nniting with our church at that
time will please irform the pastor
at your earliest convenience.
The pastor may be out of town
Monday and Tuesday but will return
for Wednesday evening service
This prayer sirvioe will be an im
portant one as It occurs in the week
of the preparatory lecture and the
topic is "What is a Christian?"
The pastoral visitation has been
greatly retarded by the severe storms
and weather this week but will be
taken np again as soon us time and
circumstances will permit.
Supervisors P. (i. Shields, David
School directors Geo. A. Kneal
ing, George Cox.
Judge election Frank Killer.
Inspectors .-John Marqaart, John
J. Unas.
Auditor George Haas.
Overseer poor Peter J. Hess.
Clerk Frank Keller.
Collector Matthias Hinkle.
Supervisors John Singer, Chas
School direotors Alva Qulok, T
8. Bartleson.
Collector B. F. Ktllam.
Judge election Miles Rowland.
Inspectors G. W. Wilson, Georgi
Auditor G. N. Kellam.
Overseer poor Leonard Simons,
Clerk Walter Vetterlein.
Supervisors John R. Vennie
John Ploss, William Hitton.
School directors Daniel Ilatton
! years, Charles Young 3 years, E
R. Unzen 3 years.
Collector E. R. llazti.
Judge election Edwin ll izin.
Inspectors Clarence Dillin
Charles F Howell.
Auditor E twin Howell.
Overseer poor Johu Ploss.
Treasurer and clerk E R. Unzen
Supervisors Ed (Jilnin, William
Wolf, John Buchter, Frank Fii'nolo
Christian Puffo.
Sohool directors Victor Corey
Collector George Heberlitig.
Judge election li. F. Kipp.
Inspectors Richmond Bortree
Peter U hi.
Auditor J. R. (iilpiii.
Overseer poor Richard B irt'eaon
Clerk B. J. Dickerson.
Governor lVnnypaeker has ap
pointed Hon. N. 1J. Criuditj,dd of
Somerset secretary of ugriaultar
in place of I'rof. John Hamilton
Mrs Dr. John C Price dove over
from Liraiiehville jvst ji day , briug
110.' home ilia Alu'a Biker, who has
Leu'"visiting her tor several days.
Mrs. F. X. Jardon nnd daughter,
Lulu, who have teen vii-i'ir.g in
New Yoik, returned homo tnis
week .
Masses Ii'a;irhn Cross cud Jemima
mo visiiie in -','eAi hi, ,Nr J.
Methodist Church Jottings.
( My Km-, c. K. smniMi.)
Till topir- for next KlMkiHi morn
ing is "The 1 1 ntninii V of .lesus"
the t li ird in I hr oerii-s on tin- A post !
reed. In t he evening t he topic is
il."sns Hi-lore I'iln o"
A !nre liible dictionary bus been
ncliled to the Hlnniy of tho writer.
This bus been pniehascd with the
money given n u Chi i-tm is present.
The droop Ho My nt Spnrrnwbnsh
lm been postponed till M uch IO1I1,
ccsnse of the storm Hint prevented
the meeting on hist Tuesday.
The bud weather was against ns
lust Monday niht, Vet a f.'iir hiz.vl
Hudienco came out to hour Mr. K- ni
hil) recite the pooms of James Whit.-
comb Riley. The final entertain
ment of the course will be held
March l?th. Dr. (iilbcrt will then
give ns bis lecture on Courtship
and Marriage."
The ninny statements of npprectii
tion that have been made poneerniug
the recital of Mr. Ketnlile nro grati
fying to our EpvrorMi hcaiurs.
Personally I hnd known very little
of Riley, and this entertainment has
added another interesting character
to those whom it has been my
privilege to study, Entertainments
of this class add something perma
nent to the equipment of lifo, nnd
give us good entertainment ns well.
The entertuinineiit that is to be given
by Dr. Gilbert will deal with a more
general type of thought and I tun
sure that nil who have entered the
state of matrimony, and all who
anticipate, such a step, will gain
profit by this lecture, on 'Courtship
and Marriiigo."
Communication has been received
from the secretary of the layman's
association, asking for the appoint
ment of two delegates To attend the
annual conference nt Ne vark. Tins
calls to mind the fact thaT in the
Methodist church, a 'larger place is
being given to hivmnn. This is
right,. They are as muvh interested
in jho progtess of the church as are
tho ministers, and they should have
a voice not only in the nltiirs of the
local church, but also in the general
workings of the church- A more
thorough understanding of the work
of the tumuli conference will be of
grent value to any layman. Wi
wish that nil our people ' might nt
The Trust ft'jttion
Die trust question seems to hi
losing Interest in congress. The pas
sage of the department ol commerce
bill with the provision for the bureau
of corporations ami passage of the bill
to expedite trials by the government,
and also the passage of the appropria
tion bill providing iiildition.il funds
for government trust prosecution
cases are looked upon ns highly
satisfactory trust legislation.
It Is a subject of comment that the
general trust ipiestion lies not been
debated in the senate. The democrats
have evidently recognized the iuex
pediency .of opposing any of these
republican measures. It is stilted to
be the program of democratic lenders
to allow the republicans to enact
whatever legislation they want, sc
cure in the belief (lint it will be inef
fective nnd that thev will then be
able to attack republican legislation.
The republican leaders are perfectly
satisfied wild such 9 program realiz
ing that perlect trust laws cannot be
framed at the llrst attempt but believ
ing that they will be measurably
elfoctive and that they enn be amend
ed as they are proven to be lacking.
r" "
Don't forget the old mai.
.vith the fish on his back.
'-For nearly thirty years he
ins been traveling around the
vorlJ, and is' still traveling,
wringing health and comfort
.vherever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
' hildren he gives rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pule persons
he oi-."s now firm (l.-sli nnd
lich red Mood.
Children who fiit saw the
id man with the 1l-.1i are now
'.n'own up and have children
of their own.
lie stands for Scott's F.mul--,ion
of pure cod liver oil a
!cli-h.tful food and a natural
tonic for children, for old folks
and for all who need lh.bh and
. cOTT EoVVtve. Ctt-lsts,
10' '1 i : I . ., 1 ' ' 1. . 1 , Iv . York,
tuc. una 3 I Co; .id.''L,fc..'i.li3.
- f
1 n 1
..J I
licking SL'in
ThntV tlio CHiiplninV ff thoa wfio
aro bo infnrtnniitf ns to Itf uMlirffd
villi FrRprna or S'nlt Jilie nm nnd out-
arrt ixifilirntitiit.q do not euro.
Tlu'V rnn't,
Tiin poiirrp df tfio trnuMo ji in tho
blood nmkfi 4hnt nim Hnd tit is urnl
burning, itrhing fliiu di.-'oaMC will
dif-J' f prr.
"I wis tflfcmi fin U-htne on my
Brmi whicli provf1 vrt 1 i w r fi I 1. I
CHiCil: Nil It SHlt rtl'-MTll a T I 4 I'OliL'lit (i
hot f lf of H(xft'fl S ir.'i p:ri Hr. In two H:iyi
ftT I IL'Mti tfikinq H. I f.-lt lii-tliT and it
frns ti(tt lour boro 1 f?ii rtirfl. Hve
(icvfr 1ki-1 Hiiy ?Uln rtlfufe Rtncc." Wh.
Jha E. Wahii, Cove iVint, Md.
Hood's Sahaparilla
and Pills
rid the blood of all IriipuriUea a)4 Stfe
a'l criol oris.
TTi f.awr VYIim I wn oV
fcT I hid to TvasU tl; wlndowf aid
VTFep thp fleer.
Thf Offlef JI,,TVtll, flat jnit ilovi
jrtr r!t. tip kids nowaday Bin t gn
Ci ndTant0rps dev hatl in yur ti irvai.
fli Ijnjfr (oitritinian) How
Tin. Office Pot Why. if I rlls a.r
clranin' around dia loin!, (jp Amalaa-
mated Windcr-t'lranpra an' de Jani
tors' union would put jtr buaiaata on
it bum! I'm k.
flUn't llkp hl RtylP at all
Hat atill she rentieri and took Mm;
Hi fortune ana hla w'.t were amall.
Bat to hr lot fate lt him fall
Hpt rival trlpri to htKilc lam.
Chicago Kccord-Hpratfl.
ho iiihtxtio.
i r r
Manat;pr of "fVoak" ?liow live I
(rot a vacancy for n fiant? Why, you
don't look flip fpet !
Candidate Yf y. that's just it. I'm
tha amallcat tri.int on record! Finch
When rntn had come, flirt thef nleet
Their latlh? No; tint ft bit!
They pr.iyed for rnin, And 'hen It raln4
Tlipy prayed for It to unit.
Puck. i
Tak Lif r.r.
niglirrtower--Jlyfirat ditu-liter titr
rid u port, my second an urtltt and
hit third a rich merchant.
Dimhleton Anif wLlctf cortple is tl
mott forturwite? .
"Oh, the UrFt tn of them, -Ttieyara
aiipported by the, buiband at tha
vniru." Jit-Uits. '
la tlie Taairtrnaan.-
"Tour honor and fentletnrn of tl
juryy' I aeknowleda the referent- of
counsel of the other aida to my jrray
hair. My hair U fray, and It will
continue to be gray an long aa X
Hi. The bait' of that gautlfman ia
black, and will continue to be blnek
ao long 11a he tlyea." N. Y. Tlia.
HI Flmt onTaaa.
"Those are my Hist biscuit, dear,"
aid said, proudly,
"Oh, wll, I'll forfire yon, then,"
he Biiid, holding his jnw an Ida teeth
wouldn't drop out; "I auppnae you
anade a mistake, ' and got hold of
recipe . for dog- biaeuit." Yunkeaa
Am rnlaaiablc Tlteavr.'
Tluchand You gra naturally of aa
unhappy dUpoftiiioa, that'a all that'
the matter.
Wife That'a'yonr theory, la it?
Husha tut ( never aa w you happy.
Wife That's huute you neter saw
raa hefore I met vwi. N. Y. Waekly.
Knaranosaa- Waal.
"I wonder,", aai the man of a ita
tlatica turn, "how much powder U tla
atrTi eil daily in Uselet fcalutea."
"There must he a lot," replied tha
frivoloui pirl, "hut, I snppoke. woman
rhii go on kis-inj,' wile anoijier jut the
wa-oie."--Tit-Pita. : .
Ipvrrc Teat.
"Ilata you gut any asked the
hungry maD, who bad culled fofnearly
avery thins; eise ami fulled Io yet it.
"On, yen, id the ailr,
"We can
fill any order for epg, tir
V..., .nV VV-ll hnrnr . 1, t .
hard boiled, in jut one minute " Chi
...... . .......
cugu Tribmia.
Had I. oil Mia 1'allh.
First Trump lo jou believa in
Second TrampNo more; 1 hufea't
had a bite to eat In 24 hmira.
"What has that to do wiih 1(7"
"A good deal; l're been up og.iliikt 20
Joor mHt to-day with the ord 'W el
oiiBt'' on 'em." Yoiikera l;itei(UftU.
F. i. P.
We heard a.mnn siy tbn otbir
tuoruiiik, that t,hn abbreviation for
J'ebriirtry-FtTb.-Mieans frcri overy
body, and U:;it man bvked fro.on in
his ulster. It was npjui rent that be
ueedoi the kind of wnrtntli that
slays, the waruith that reach km from
boat to foot, all over tha lxidy We j
oould have toll bin) from jx-rm.il
knowiode th.it llood's S.irijapnrill !
gives purmaneut wniiiith, it iuvi j
prates the blood and spoods it along i
through artery aril voiii, and reallvl
fits men and women, boys and gi' l-.
to enjoy ool.l wj.itUer and resist the
attacks of diMii. It gives' the ri iif
kind of wr:utU, slim
rSl, I"!
tslmir. '1'iiio'
itrnnirthens at the sa
all its bene its ai'tf 1,
ui iy ho a .!- .'stiuii in tins for y-oi,
rn flit 111.
rstl'di- -nil. I hot adorr
oet:. Wlinl n 'id, 4-iul1'iit gipiri-t-i'in
Mr t .one hi ) r l is,
Mr. Seei r t-ehu p umild h:ivr a
r-tnl, s ; o : ! f 1 1 ! i'X,r.i ii-,n. ti.n. if ..it
wop ill for lehiiil in yar lni;oil
bill as he . . W.-r klv.
lr l.ftusaH.
'Yps, John left rl ici unr nf tli hrt
girts I fvpr miw. SJ.p'll iti:ile liini an
px-i'llent wife."
"!t'i n 'pity h' n lomo'l v. in't it ?"
"Iiti. 1 tl iil n't l new oil If it lipr."
"I rlnn't, bat vnn siy rhe'g tn goed."
( ldi-ago Ki-T-nrH-Hf t-Rlil.
l-'iifiv Fir.
aprrtiv pII. ihl ttiud. ho are
yon fueling to-day ?
W r ay - I- ! n1. 1 rr pfcp a nit
1it hnd ,a-t hrcii "C.i nit a f.ilnl lil.nv"
b, the giivfrntnrnl ! - hot Augc-lct Her
'I noticed that there wua a man
rued Overall on the Yala tra k
ttnm this aprirfr."
Well, what of it?"
"Oh, I tih .iiint wone'li a- If he'a
a juniper, that's all." N. A. Thuet.
Ho Tiaiter.
"Old SVyntlint'H imo fear is prema
ture burial." Raid the doctor.
'Huh!" remarked Sl-ynfUnfs tieiph-
bor, "hi burial ctuildn t he too pre
mature to anil ua." - I'liiladelphm
I.OTP'a Teniae K-rf.
Harold How do von know you real-
It love me, Henriel ta?
Henrietta O Harold! Since X have
known ymt ! have come ti adtrire oaira
tkat atand out. Turk.
Kt Parae.
n f really beliee that ou enjoy
j!itlng with me.
Hi WiT? Nell, I don't Vnmt. I
would enjoy it more If there km more
auTiey in it. N. Y. Herald.
A Paat Vaatrr.
J.iClea Has ynnr wife'a doctor
much influence iiTftr her?
Walea I sJiould say to! Tlecurad
kar at an inirjioarj li.- 4(. Judge.
A. W. Raich and Son, Mn'nriiorns,
all drug and general stores in Pike
county guarantee every bottle of
Cliamberlnin's Con ah Jtcmedy and
will refund the money to anyone
who is rot sntiFfied ntter ns no two
thirds of the contents. This is the
lest remedy in the world for la
grippe, coughs, colds, croup and
whooping cough nnd is pleasant find
safe to take. It, prevents any ten
dency of a cold to result in pn.'u
monia. 2 20 (Kl
The First Nntionul Bank
In the Pate of rcnni-vtvanlri. nt tho cloin
of huaiiies, l-'ehrutu i' (iili, tiio:l:
Ijontis nml discounts . . . .... t 2l.r-' TS,
tlvt rdr.ifls, M-enred A nest curi'il hi Sh
U.S. llollds to Bit'lire elrclllalioll r, .tn sli mi
Premiums 011 I'. 8 lionds lr;.ri O"
StuckH, hCcurl'.ies, ele 41.l;i;l 7r
Hnnkiiifr house, furnilure and
fUMiro 5O0 Oil
Duo from National H.tnk (not
reserve ngents) 0,001 10
Duo from approved reserve
etrcnis 2m o
Ctiecks and other ensh IteuH lot) lie
Noles from other National
Banks 3W ft
Fractional paper currency,
nickels ami e.t'tifs 55 lt
Lawh'i, AIonkv Kksfuvk in
Hank, viz:
Specie ?';.ti:t!i Id ( , ...
bcynl tender notes. .. . 1 M" ihi ( "''
Kedi'iiiption fond with I'. S.
Treasurer (o't uf clrculntion) 1,260 00
Total 1117,974 27
Capital stm k patd In t 2."i.Wi 0ft
Surplus fnrd l.mxi ii
C'nilivlded proflta. leaa exficnt-cs
and taxea paid 4.500 If
National liuuk notea outatand
liia: 8t,fl"0 Of
flue to other National Banka. . . U4 04
Ihvitte-ids unpaid . U-l ui
Individual depofdtrf auhject to
Cheek 80.RT 40
Denmnd certifloiitna of deposit. . 1 i'5 ifi
CVrillled rherka I 1 "ft
Total 117,'j74 27
State of Pt'iuu-ylvanift. Ctaniiy of Pike, us:
I, John C. Wainer, Assiinnt Cashier
of the Hlwive-nalned hatik, do solemnly
swear that the ftliove strtri-ment. Is Hue to
the best of HIT know Inlje and In-lief
JOl'lN C V'AKNKK, Cashier.
, Puhscrlhi'd nnd aarorn to before mo this
I3tli day of Veliiunrv. Iwes.
Notary Puhlic.
Correct Attest:
K. W A HNER. )
CO A KM.-'I HONT., I)lrect.ra
HKNHY H. W Kbl.ri. S
Stii'' of fVitn- iviiMi;-..
( wui.ty nf JU;.
htit.i'il hv i t-t 1.4.1 i.n -'i it ln-i v. 1"' t
djrtM-Mr. 1 iiir i h S n
ll l. i III. !., .. of the
ei Ulii v will lie In hi
" t t He CO II I t lH . I ! ' I II I 1 .. ' t '" I .'I . H Ol X. ', I
fonl -u the ttvjMl
niil i 4
ilUrd OIIL
CO It V,
O elo. k p III . in,l vill he euu.
e.-k if liee.-hlirv.
i.r.or.i.K a;:!-
Milford, Pii , H, l'.-'i).
ViH' foi.itwinir Nccnimt Imvn Ihmh tt-i
vtih fin- Kt'rie'T pint v iil lc inc.-.-iir. -.1
in i i.i' i 'tu i fi -r i 'it l1 1 1 nut it u on ih tliinl
Mni.ti.iv ol M.irt h M' v :
K-t.itv Jcr :. if JI..-1'h. flr( i :-t fl. Ac
Ci'iint of -v ,1 ...'(h V" Tn-i i'V.r-ili,i'
I'rnt" t-i rlitn l !i V .in (i-irn- n. il.-rr--iN.tl.
Ttir ui-rotlilC uf ii.liliah L V ;.U Ourdt'li.
rttitiiinil rrti rix-
K"iHtt "f Hi Minn KiniM1. cWu-pii-wfl.
Firt ami ljnnl Hi ro'.int ol ti.ti !it: ti Kiuuw.',
JOHN' r VVKSTliRiH)!. .Hi.,
Vi h y H, lim;t 1
5-ff T03ACCOr!T
- i our u.cawjy!
V'"n can rr rtitt f fr:n ot u ''j..rci t. -1 1, -f
ea. 'iy, te uu.ie v -II. slvc i. "i- ' t t iH -i'
Lie nd ii i l.y J U-tJs.
th.it in j W- - ii.r tl . i. .
U u p-u;nla in it .1 Uj.'S. uvti SfJtj,Otj
I t eml a.l.u i ll!"!-:. A-I.-i.-. li.Kl.l.M
1 1 :
! Tela Lr.?;clivc Ercmo OulnboTaiits.
fSevea M'nioa koiw o!J la past 13 mentis. V.S tlZ-VTt
Vyc!xfi's ll cm York Storo licws
A lvpcINl) 1)0, OK
l A.SOjX A r.JL1? 3PJ?6I
At this season it's the useful bargains that tempt
the prudent buyer. That the dozen items exploited below
ARE bargains tin. re is no gainsaying, bargains in every
stnse of the word. Our buying public are intelligent
enough to know real bargains when they see them.
Our stuck of Ladio-' Missus' and Children's Corit, is considerably
1 educed but prices nre si ill further reduced. Determined to enrry none
tivcr and oiler those retiinmiiiff nt ha'f original post. For instance A
UUiO coat fs.r j CO nnd a ..(!() coat for 2 50.
About a score of Hanncletto and Fercnfe Wrappers, nlFdarir"Hiid
medium eoloriiiKs, nently trimmed nnd
were 1 0(1, now 89 cents.
You may choose from about 20 part pieces of Dress floods, fancy
tiiTtiires nnd cheeks, nil excellent for either suits or skirts, these are
'educed from fiO cents to 25 crnts.
About l.lit.u yards of dark 1'erotles in this lot ;ifi 11:1 lies wide, mostly
dink colors, good cloth and neat flmires. The tegular price is 10 cents,
tie price now is 8 cents.
These will interest you : We have li ft aliont ten nil wool, FinimolottH
wnists, tiiio season's productions, prices have been ns high s 12.75,
von can . choose nnv one for fl fit)
A surplus lot of men's Flannelette nijht robes made of pood soft tinp
oiilinif flannel, neat striped, full sizes A most comfortable winter gar
on nf. Tho 111 ice was 48 ccihh to 98 cents, the price i Hit cents to 75 cents.
You may pick from a lot of Women's Black VVTTT.F Hose and fired true
economy .in pickititr Former value 2ao to 40e, present, price 1 7e to 25
The corset, baittmn advertised 8 short time hso was responded to
liberallv and the pile on the counter bns dwindled. If yon wear a size
from 25 to 'Ah your si.n is still here at hnlf to two thirds original price.
Ten dozen nine-quarter unbleached sheets, pretty good value nt 60
cents, but exceptionally good value at. present price 39 cents
About two or three dozen short Flannelette petticoats, ready-to-wear
some milled nnd hemstitched, were 25o nnd fiOo now 19o nnd 39c.
May be two dozen band-knit house slippers, sizes 3 to 7, good clorinns
in ln il 0(1 now 50 cents. .
For the men here lire some pretty, stylish. f,)ur in-hnnd nnd string
lies, vnine 25 cents to 50 cents, now two for 25 cents. Lot fancy bows
hive been 15 cents are now 10 cents.
i.tn'.p'u-s Cheeifu'ly Given
Gtroudsburg, Pa.
Geo. Oakley, Principal.
98t)a.ff3'ak.'ak. 0i J
ho Olio sidls i hem for
aimisempnt,. It's B 8er-
ious, iniporlnnt busini'SH a
on both sides A drug
Btorn should bnve two
missioiiH : One, to furn-
isli ilrui.'S Hint run bn a)
1 relied on ; tho other, to
! furnish them for what
1 they ore worth.
Drug stores exit for
the public pood. Know
ledge, experience and
progressive in d t li o d i
should murk their mnn
ngement. We endeavor
to keep step with the
progress of the nge, to
meet every requirement,
of tlie community, to
conduct a store tbnt will
stund for nil that a drug
store should
We wish to serve
those who want
accurate service,
high grade drugs,
and uniformly
fair aDd courteous
if you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
H. E. Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
, OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
To Cure a Cold in Ono Bay
carefully nindo. The price Bells
Mail Orders Quickly Filled
Ryman S Wells.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
&ueeiH.or to J. J. Hurt.
a-OOie' ill rem-of KttKitleuue on Ann St
Milford, Plks Co.. Pa.
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon. -
O til re and nhidtMJre Broad street
te.lCuuriHouM). MIL.I-UKU, UA.
Briataftta Tour Bowels With Caearti.
CBiidy riitharcte, cure onntutpauon form-ar.
lOo. 'Zbo. It C. C- C. (till, tIruMaiiaikrtiulid tuouisj
How Arm TNtr Mid Her f
Pr ITotihf' S.ara!iifi Pillsnirf-ail bit! nur llli.
bio IfiMi. AJl' itiiug lit uiktU y iAi.. t UiKm or
Cur Crip
in Two Day.
ca every
Tvr box. 23c.