Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, January 09, 1903, Image 2

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Friday, January 9, 1002.
Onr Year One dollar nnd flfly rents.
8n Months Seventy-live cents.
Entered the post office, of Mil font,
Plko County. Fennsylvnnln, s second-
class matter, November tweuty llret, lSHti.
Advertising Rates.
One squiirefelKht 11 n), one insertion -in"
Eiieh subse.tient insertion - .5)
Reduced ritten, furnished on ippllcBtlon,
will be allowed yenrly miverti-crs.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's nnd Exoc 'tor's
notices S.'Xi
Auditor's notices - - ------ 4. no
Oivorce notices - - - - - ' 5.00
HhertfT's sales. Orphans' court sales,
I'nini.tr Treitaurer'a sales. County state
ment and election proclamation charged
by the square.
J. H. Van Etten, PlIBLIflllRR,
Mllford, Pike County, Pa
N. C. Bohneffer, state superin
tendent of public Instruction, is da
sirous that children must attend
school and to emphasize bis
determination has notified borough
school directors that be will Impose
on them the penalty of the law if
they do not see to it that the child
ren of their districts between the
ages of 6 and 16 as required by law
attend public schools.
Susan, wife of James N. Ilowell
died at Pen Argyll Tuosday She
was a daughter of the late William
Place of Lehman and was married
three times. Her first husband was
Henry Dopue and for several years
they kept a hotel at Kaymondskill.
He dying she married John Barlow
and after his decease, Mr. Howell
who survives hrr. The funeral will
ocour tomorrow at Bushkill at
2 p. m. v
For State Treasurer
Auditor General E. B. Harden-
bergh has announced that be will
be a candidate for state treasurer at
the republican state convention nest
summer. His uniformly polite and
courteous manner In dealing with
the many people who have business
in his department has made for him
many warm friends throughout the
state. Mifllintown Republican.
Mrs. Ryder of - Ardtornish, Dela
ware, was in town yesterday.
Samuel O. Peters of Bushkill was
in town yesterday.
Miss Gertrude Hipsman of Sho-
hola is visiting her sister, Mrs. "D.
There will be a meeting of the
managers of the company for erect-
ing a bridge over the river Delaware
near Milford, tomorrow -at 4 p. m
at the office of the secretary.
It Is now learned that Senato '..Mor
gan's statement that "we will beat
Mr. Roosevelt for president if he is
nominated," referred to Alabama.
It is believed that conditions are such
that, with hard lighting;, Alabamt,
in the next presidential election, may
go democratic
Uncle Sam's annual dead-letter
auction sale was such a success that
the post-office department Is prepar
ing for another one to lie held In Feb
ruary. The sale netted the govern
ment about 3,01)0, most of the bid
ders being of the fair and gentle sex
It is hojietl that those meitdw-ra anil
senators who live iu country districts
and went home for the holidays, be
came stuck in the mud in some of our
rural roads. They might then tie In
duced to vote for a little less "pork"
In the river and harbor bill, and de
vote the resulting saving to the bet
terment of public highways.
It is the custom of the government
to embellish its paper money and its
iiostage stamps with the busts of dead
war heroes or statesmen. Uncle Sam
is now undecided whose likeness to
put on the new Sd-cent stamp. Why
not make an exception and take some
living statesman or bureau officer?
T here are plenty of them who are
sitid to look like that.
Mr. liij au is making himself some
what ridiculous by goin to Mexico
and teiliiig the people bat a mistake
thev Vtii! make by adopting the gold
htaiid.ird. The failure of all his pre
dictions in his own tvuntry as to
uhut would happen if free silver weie
not aillded as a standard, will sea fit
ly t.-ini to place -linn in Hie i.n.m
of an hiiiiurt.
1 t.roi'hel in a forelirn
iand. The Mexican stak-nioti, while
treating Mr. iSryan wilh distioguiali-t-,1
i- ,.ut-y, hie diiilUc.s Huilling l'i
their !;.-. Ve- lit the eratuilUOIH e.l-
c : ,,f i.,e ,i; .,-i,iue 1 an I di-'arde-l
IS- :;0'T:i'.;e i- -. r,
. - i
Jtchinr Skill
Ilintreofl by dny and nipltt
That's tlie complaint of llinrw? who
ars so mitortmmto ns to or nimco-u
with Eczema or Knit Hlieum and out
ward applications do not cure.
Thev rnn't.
The source of the trouble i in tn?
l,l,l mnltp that Hiiro nnd this urid
ine, burning, itching skm disease win
I wn tsken with an itrnin on rny
arms which proven very manioc, a,,..-, i
mncl'trieil It. WHS salt rlie.im Bll in.OL-Ilt a
bottle or tloort s Mirsnpanns. in iu
.(... I hnn lultiiiff it I fell better anil it
wns not lone Ix-fore I vols cure.i. iiuva
never hnrt anr skin d'sense since." SIM.
In K. Ward, Cove Taint, Mil.
Hood's Sarsapanlla
and Pills
rid the blood of all impurities and cart)
all eruptions.
Progress and Prospority
In spite of the great coal strike, the
eountrv run ook back on Ultra as a
year of unparalled progress and pros
perity. Our Imiiieiwe crops are nil
returnine Erood prices. Iron and
steel production has been record
hreaklnc. I'ltf-iron alone made an
output of over lM,(Ml(),iiiu tons.
During 18!4 the plg-lron output was
only about one-third of this figure.
The 1!02 railway earnings and
bank clearings were the largest in
history. Tlie government postal
business and the insurance, telegraph,
and telephone business have been the
largest on record.
For the last five years the country
has enjoyed this Increasing prosperity,
The upward trend from depression to
activity dates from the election of
William McKinley and the passage
of the Dlngley tarifriaw. With every
man who wants to work, supplied
with a job at good wages, the buying
capacity of the people has been enor
inous, and demands for our varied
products have Increased even faster
in some instances than the supply
could be furnished.
Of course, there are a few pessi
mists who can see no good in any of
it. They view the situation with the
usual alarm and would like to change
Nevertheless, they are
themselves better off in every ma
terial way than they ever were before
in their lives.. And the bulk of the
people realize the splendid perform
ance of republican administration.
The Monroe Doctrine
The Venezuelan trouble is still the
topic of the hour among Washington
statesmen. Many senators who are
not alarmists, see in the attitude of
Germany and England, and especial
ly Germany, far more than appears
on the surface. Should the great
European powers, by their interfer
ence with the importation of war ma
terials by the government of Vene
zuela, and the destruction of her
source of revenue, the customs, enable
revolutionists pledged to British and
German Interests, to overthrow the
existing government, the result would
be practically the same as though
these countries made actual occu
pation ot territory. While maintain
ing the letter of the Monroe doctrine,
e should not permit ibi violation in
spirit, to any extent
Oh, there are no trusts to bother
lu those islands far away,
Where the natives never scurry
After dollars and ne'er worry
Over bills such as the butchers
And th grocers make us pay.
There they loiter in the shade,
Caring uot how money Is made,
Never thinking of thn frightful oosc uf meat
Never fretting o'er the price
That la charged for coal anil Ice,
I Plckinir aouare meals from the branches
' . ,. ,,,. .
And then sitting down and resting while
the bugs crawl o'er their feet
Oh, there are no trusts to squeeze them,
' Tbey are free from buying hats,
And Ihcy pay no hard earned dollars
Out or siilrta and cutTs nnd collars,
They are not compelled to huddle
Up iu six -by-seven flntst.
Tailors never make them wear
Ugly, baggy trousers there, thrive;
And they slave not that the milliner may
With no mergers and nu rings
Adding to the gloom of things,
They sit resting, curing nolhin for the
wealth for w dch we strive,
They but loll and hunt the woodtle.k
a-'d are glad to be alive.
Chicago Kccord-Ilcrald
A Kansas paper wants to know
what has become of Aguinaldo. We
do not remember to have heard of
the gentleman. O.i second though t,
we would suggest writing to la-ying
Winslow, U istoti, for full information.
Senator Morg-in Is in receipt of a
"roasting" fro:u thn tlaiiiiiij; -locked
Ourimtclv, of Tennessee, because be
had the temerity t,; say that ta xation
and not the tariff is the true way to
curb the trusts. If there is any
virtue in being on the wrong side of
a U-tiou, then is the da..ling Car-
inack a man of virtue.
Senator Morgan will go down in
hi dory us the .sle.nlfa-.t champion of
I the Nicaragua canal route. He ha
ami-iuueeU thai tie will louneaialeiy
inli-e.hi.-e a resolution providing for
the "..-ii.-(ructioii by' the pre.-.ii!ei'3
direction of a canal by the Nicaragua
route. 11.-" does not believe it po-.si-).,'.
to.-ccuie the Pntmma roule.
Presbyterian Chronidings
(l!y Hev. K. M. Smead
Next Lord's tiny wn will consider
the fourth le-ison from the life of
(inr L'iril, namely: His Il'rnhl,
John Tiip'ist. There is no more
remarkable hntnnn clmrnetcr in nil
the scriptures) tluin this rutin nnd it
is hoped thero may bo n hirge eon
gregation present to bo benefitied
by the tlisens- ion. In the evening
the pastor preache" id the M. E.
church upon ''Tim Outlook of the
Christian Chnreh." It will bo a
union service and all our people ore
urged to be present.
It was with the greatest sitt'.sfao-
tion that the pastor observed the
marked increase in attomlano at the
morning service ltist Kunday. Let
this standard be kept, up the rest of
the winter. The enthusiasm of any
pul)lt mit h(J foeml BnA miR
tained by the pews or it is sure to
die away. It ia our earnest prayer
tliat great imnruvemeiit may be
made along all lines and the people
should at lenst do what they can
The week of prayer is progressing
very encouragingly. Both the at
tendance anu interest, seem promis
ing. Mr. Scudder's sermons and
thnt of Dt. Wright on Tuesday ev
entng have been interesting and in
structive. is not the jLiord among
ns? Shall we not hope and pray
for some tangible results?
Last Saturday evening occurred
the marriage of Miss Lila B. Van
Etteu and Xenophon P. Hud.ly at
the bride's home. It was en inform
al but decidedly pretty wedding.
These two yonng people also dem
onstrated that a "secret" might be
kept for many of the guests never
dreamed they were attending a
wedding, as they gathered to see Miss
Van Etten off to her school again.
as they suppofed. But the surprise
only added to the pleasant, occasion
and all wish Mr. and Mrs. Huddy a
bright, happy, prosperous long life,
The pastor leaves for a day or so
at Owego next' Monday. Ho ao
companies Richard Nilta to his
school and will take great delight
in introducing this young man to
his former instructors. The Owego
school system has a very high
standing not only as a finishing
school but as a preparatory school
for the large universities. Cornell,
Yale, Harvard and Princeton have
had many students who prepared
there and who have graduated from
tnese universvues wiiu me niguosi
honors. We hope great things for
and from Richard.
The announcement comes with op-
parent authority that when Justice
Shirifs retires in February from the
United States supreme court, he will
he succeeded by Judge Taft who has
so ably heudcl the Philippines com
mission. It was the intention of
Justice Shiras to offer his resignation
to the president on January 1st, but
he was persuaded to defer the act
until the following month. The
Philippines will lose in Judge Taft an
able and excellent executive olilcer,
while it may be said that the supreme
court will receive in linn a distinct
"When the butter won'
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
I 1- 1 1. 1
wulK- ""C "as ever
i . , , ,
tOld Why,
When mothers are worried
because the
children do not
anrl fluch .a
say give them Scott's Emul
sion. It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treatment-
We will send you
the penny, . a
sa:tip!e free.
Pe sura ll.at tl,U ptaure in
tl, l. in ul ULci is ..a tti
.M.e.cr of c.ciy bulU et
l.U4uliun yju buy.
f COTT & cownC
4 r Pearl St., N. Y.
5.yr. aud Ji oo ; all aiuis
coffee could only be I
bought in bulk. The i
20th century way is the 12'
...OH GOIvft:
il way sealed pack
f . ages, always clean,
fresh and retaining
its rich flavor.
Methodist Church jottings
. (By Ks. Ct E.iFcuiiufii.)
The topic for: lie tf' Sabbat 11 morn
ing is, ''A Prayerful Call for Work
ers. In the evening . tile sermon
will be preached by Kev. Mr. Sincad
The tonic will be "The Outlook of
the Chnreh " This will close, the
nmon Herviees. Then will follow
the special services, to which nil are
invited. We nrge n prayerful con
9Ulpra!ion of Mie a, n,,etls. Kliall
not all Christian people put forth all
possiblo effort to rench the. unrnved
and so insure spiritual growth for
themselves? "tie that giveth a cup
of cold water in the name of a (lis-
ciple shall not lose bis reward."
We are very greatful to Mr. F. F.
White for bis motto calenders, that
be presonted to each scholar of the
Sabbath sohool that, was present on
last Sabbath. We wish with him
that the year that started so aus
piciously, may increase in interest
during the entireyear
The presence of Dr. Wright among
us was a source of ,piich profjt. II tj
occupies In our chnreh much the
same position as the bishop does in
the Episcopal church. Elder Wright
has sixty-four churches under his
caie. The problem of supplying all
these with suitable and eflicient pas
tors is no small one This problem
is all the more complicated now thai
the time limit ie removed. There
are many who argue that the five
year limit was , bettor than the
present system with the limit off.
The following Are Some of the argu
ments. It is urged that the removal
of the necessity of any change
makes it all the ;more difficult to
pluce the men and please the church-
es where changes must be made
For example, it .is easier .to ndjus'
the appointments if there are fifty
changes than if lOidy teu. If only
ten then a mqn.. receiving , 1,000,
mtgut Una it necessary to move
when no churohif his jrrnde would
ue open, ii inerej werenity change
inai wouia noi ue imeiy io Happen
Anything that complicates the mov
ing of thd men anso complicates ;h
work of the chfttches in 'securing
pastors, If no Hllin is released who
is willing to serVe a certain field,
then arbitrary power is required to
adjust matters, and that is not often
pleasant. The elders, the ministers
and the churches are more perplexed
now tnnn with the five year limit.
There seems to be a growing unrest
in the church since the limit was
removed, and many of our strong
men believe that the next general
conference will replace the limit
My sympathies aro with the timo
limit because I believe that the argu
ments for the remov il of the limit
namely, greater elasticity, has prov
en to be nntrue. We had greater
elasticity before.
Reformed Church Notes.
(By Key. A. J. M ror ofj Montague.)
The New Yearlt'eve social at the
home of John Clark was very
largely attendee?, - Miss Cora Clark
made a verv charniinur hostess
Progiessive guinea-were played and
I'1"" refreshments were served
Ev,,y one Present seemeu highly
An old fashioned chicken pie
sutpr will be sei vwl iu the parlors
of the Montague Reformed church
next Wednesdoy evening, Jan. -14
A cordial invitation is extended to
all. Should this invitation reach
the eye of "II. h." he may remem
ber an iteip inserted by him in the
Phiuss soma time ago, in which he
lamented the fact thnt chicken pie
suppers had been relegated into the
background. Now an opportunity
ia offered him to partake of an old
time delicacy and we trust, lie. will
utiiie it and brinij bis friends .
Our regular quarterly communion
service will be 'htdd next Sabbath
nomine. TTieasion of coiifixtory
will tiske place1 at 10:15 Sabbath
morning. - The topic of-the sermon
will he "The Ninlh Commandment
Daniel I). Evejitt, one uf our most
respected residf ats, is setioasly ill.
Mrs. Towcsend, a generul favorite
in the community, broke two" srnull
bones in her wrist Jnt Monday
afternoon. . - c '
Miss Winia Miller, who has beer,
visiting at the parsonage, returns
to Albany this y. eek.
The Ihcori.-iS will prove the a.lvim-'
li.'.i of free 1n.ie, bur unvarnished
bt.-tory iii.-clo-.es Unit every flee tr-.nle
t criii.i nt (tie country li.i-.ever trie.l
Iih. re-ol.e.! in nil era of bai.l limeir
if Hot .h-ii -u r. ' '
The ctiinnwnre belonging to Kir-fl
Kiiivard is valued ill if .'.e'ie,lir,(l ami il
is yii:irilcd with the most scrtipulou.-
(J'ncn Alexandra
: in. oulil like to 1
of .Napoleon's villa
if Kughiml, it la
"come t he ovi nev
m the isliuid of
Two billiard tnbtcs nnd nil the flt
tit'jfs for the gaineR of pool, pyramids
and snooker pool were purchased by
the shah when he was in London.
The shah of Persia Is probably the
best chess pitiyer of royal blood in the
world. Kven when in I'nris be found
time' to indulge in the game every now
and then, but he says thnt Europeans
cannot play it. "It is a royal pnme, a
divine pint1," he is reported to have
said the other day, 'but it in a frafne
'.hitt was not made for I'hrif.tians."
The sultan of Turkey, according to
an ohicinl announcement made in t'on
stahiinople, has flnnlly dismissed Knis
Pushn, the vail of Aleppo, notorious as
the organier of the ntrocities at Pia
bekir in 1S'.5, when 2. MM) Armenians
were massacred. For more than two
years the liriiish embassy, supported
by French nnd Austrian representa
tions, has been constant in itsefTorts
to have Knis removed.
King Edward's second daughter,
Princess Charles of Denmark, Is miili
inga success in literature from a roynl
ist standpoint. She has written a book.
but it has not been prinled. H ia cir
culated in manuscript among the
crowned heads of Europe. Not to be
outdone by her royal literary aunt.
Queen Helena of Italy has written a
poem, which in to appear shortly in
the German review, Herliner Lehen.
It is entitled, "The Other Crown." and
gives the reverse of the medal of roy
alty as usually seen by popular eyes.
Tona of I. pail Ore Fired at the Artful
Uixlarer n He nini Hla War
The snipe, properly Wilson's snipe,
Uiillinago Delicatn, but commonly
known as English snipe and wrongful
ly called half a dozen other names, is
a widely distributed species. It visits
every state at some season; its north
ward migration extends within the
sretic circle, while it is known to go
southward to northern South America
snd the West Indies. Comparatively
few of the birds which move north
ward from February until May breed
south of the international line. It Is
quite true there are breeding grounds
at various points, of the northern
states, but the great breeding range
extends from latitude 42 degrees
north to some undetermined point
much nearer the pole than most
spnrtsinen will venture.
Some time in September the first
south-bound birds pass below the
Canadian grounds, and soon most of
the suitable nialshy bits of east and
west have their shnre of long-billed
prizes, then Degins an astonisning
attack which extends from ocean to
ocean and generally sweeps south
ward from Canada to California.
Probably tons of lead, half of which
is wasted, are fired at the artful
Teacher Now, if you take three
from ten, how many remain, Dolly?
No answer.
Teacher Well, suppose I take away
three of your fingers, what would you
have then?
Dolly Oh", no more music lessons.
Hla Idea or a Good Time,
"What kind of a time did yon have
at the reception?"
"Fine," answered Mr. Cumrox. "My
wife didn't discover a thing wrong with
the way I was dressed, and nobody
tried to get me into a conversation."
Washington Star.
"Some time ago my daughter
caught a severe cold. She com
plained of pains in her chest and
hnd a bad cough. I gave her Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy according
to directions and in two days she
was well and able to go to school.
I have used this remedy in my fam
ily for the past seven years and
have never known it to fail," says
James Prondergast, merchant,' An
nato Bay, Jamaica, West Indian
Islands. The pnins in the chest
Indicated nn approaching attack of
pneumonia, which in thia instance
was undoubtedly warded off by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold
toward pneumonia. For sale by A.
W. Halcli and Son, Matamoris, and
all drug and general stores in Pike
The Rrtlchter Side.
Joy and soriow, and storm an.1, tl.le ,
Over the world! so wilol and v.id"e.
lixil ever that dreiim of the brighter side
In ft. heuutlfui, beautiful morning!
What of th crosses, and what ol thecares .
Phadow a that darken tlie flight of t he j ears?
Sut.sh ine will Klin, me r thruh even lova's
In a bi-au'.Iful, beautiful murnlrif!
F. Li. titantun. In Atlanta Constitution.
Rev. J. M. Yingling, pastor of the
Bedford St. M. E. chnreh, Cnmber-
iiintl, M.I., says: "It, affords me
ereat pleasure to recommend Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar,
rhoea Remedy. I have used it and
others who have never kuswn it to
fail. For sale by A. W. Bulch and
Sun, Matatnoras, and all drug and
general stores in Pike county.
Kdoiat Tour Bowola With Cearcta.
t'nn.ly (-i.Oite-tlc. cure const'pauun forever,
tuti. &o. if C U- fail. aruttrf.u t-eiubd uiuuan.
i 3 Lfw..wll T u Li CrJ.J 1
Seven M Ilio boxes acid Li ut 1 2 mmntb..
Vyckoffs Hew York Storo Ncv::
Rummage Solo On
Opened tli in week, but, on account of t ho
con tinned pressure of business weave unnMc
to go fully into details this week. Puflice
it lu re to say that the juice lowering on
Cloako, Suito, Skirts
, DroGG Goods, &c
lias been literal. Facts and figures next
week. You know of old that when llie
New York Store reduces things there is a
genuine saving. - In outer garments the
pruning is more evident lceause all are
this year's productions, popular material,
popular trimmings, newest cut.
Satnples Cheerfully Given
Gtroudsburc, Pa.
9f )
Headache Is an nl-
trost nnivetstl ail- I
ment; 86 per cent have 1
it, at least occasionally ,
11 ;
Headache Could al
ways be relieved by
means of strong
opiates, bnt drugging
a pain is not curing it.
It is now possible
to cure a headache
quicker than an opiate
will relieve it, and to
eure harmlessly by
lemoving the cause.
Armstrong's Head
ache Powders are
perfect remedy. Thev
cannot- harm. Thev
relieve the severest
1 head ches in from 20
't to 40 minutes. Price
1 Fifteen Cents.
t nmTfifiTST.
Ryman fi Wells.
A Good Reccomendation
"I have notice that the sale on
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets is almost invariably to those
who have once used them," says
Mr. J H. Weber, a prominent drnpr
gist of Cascade, Iowa. What better
recommendation could any medicine
have than for people to call for it
when again in need of aueh remedy?
Try them when you foel dull after
eating, when you have a bad taste
in your mouth, feel bilious, have no
appetite orwben troubled with con
stipation, and you are certain to be
delighted with the prompt relief
which they afford. For sale by A.
W. lialch and Sou, Matatnoras, ai d
all drug aud general stores in Pike
1 f
1 Li t
' -"j rir vA
Mail Orders Quickly Tilled
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel.
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Our tee returned if we fail.
Any one sending
ketch a ml description of any invention wil
promptly receive our opinion tree concerning
the patentability of same. " How to ObtRin a
patent" sent upon request. Patents secured
fhroiiKh us advertised for sule at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive jiecfa
notice, without charge, in The Patent Rkco.'.b,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send tor sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evars Building-, WASHINGTON. A- c
Blue Front Stables,
. Port Jervlsi, N. Y.
Adjoining Gnmaer's Union House
Road, carriage, draft and farm
horses for sale. Exchanges made.
A large stock from which to make
selections! CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
'm. caveats.
Ttilrty-one ye .rs fctv practice. Opinion a to
validity and patentability. Write fur Utok nf
Instruct man.) references. EDSON bKO&92J
f Mnat. Washington. U fi
ll. E.Em erson, K. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
Fire Insurance.
Chariest O. Wood, Agt.
S.wMor ttt J. J. Hart.
TUTOfTiee In rearof Residence on Ann St
Milford, Plka Co., fm.
William B. Kenwithey, H. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office anil residence Broiid street
I eit Court Honoe. MlLiOKU, PA.
Cures Crip
io Two Days.
cn every
r 1
ar" a.iC