Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, December 19, 1902, Image 2

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Friday, December 19, 1902.
Onk Ykar One dollnr and fifty cents,
Bix Months -Seventy-five cent.
Kntcrod it, th post office of Milford,
Plfa (oiintv. Prnnsvlvniilft, ft second
class mutter, November twenty-II rat, 1SKI.
Advertising Rates.
OnsqiiRr(nlrlitllii0,onilnsiirtii!n -H 00
Km-h iihm(iuent lnrtion .W)
Hfxtuont rnU'H, furnished on implication
will be allowed yearly advert!- ira.
Legal Advertising.
Admlnlnt, tutor'"
nnd Free ior
notices - - -Auditor's
lllvorce notices -
Hhnrifl'a sales. Orphans' court
County Treasurer's sales, County
ment and election proclnumtlon chftrgi-d
by the square.
J, n. Van Klten, PUBLISHER,
Milford, Pike County, Pa.
Hotel nnd summer boarding house
keopers should be prompt to avail
themselves of the opportunity of
fered by the Erio to advertise free
of cost in its book of summer homes.
Lot the city people know where you
are and what attractions surround
your place. Get them here, they
will all go home and speak a good
word for this section and so make
its merits more widely known.
George Buchanan is visiting in
New York.
Representative John C. Houok, of
Lnanca is in town today.
The borongh council will hold an
adjourned meeting tomorrow, Sat
urday, evening.
Madam Tissot is in New York
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Percy
Lyman whose health is not good.
Wm. J. Bates a fireman on the
Erie, residing at Main moras, was
caught in a wreck near Georgetown
on the Wyoming division yesterday
morning and besides loosing a foot,
was badly scalded. He was pinned
between the tender and engine for
nearly nine hours before he could
be released.
The grand jury of Monroe county
has indicted Sheriff V. O. Mervine,
Deputy Sheriff John Morvine, a son
of the former, and W. H. Reinhart
the watchman. The sheriff and
depnty have givon bail to appear at
the February term when they will
be tried, but Reinhart has not yet
been arrested.
A mere comparison of the amount
of wages paid the workingtnan now
and during the last democratic ad.
ministration, and then a further com
parison of the cost of the necessities
of life during the two periods, do not
truly indicate the condition of the
laborer. The excess of days which
the employee works during times of
prosperity over hard times must be
considered as "increased wages" also.
The Massachusetts Bureau of labor
recently presented some intertating
figures showing the present compara
tive full employment of labor.
The average number of days of
operation of all the industries of Mas
sachusetts, including those not affected
by any possible change in the tariff,
was 297.83 in 1892. It dropped to
278.40 In 19H3. It was but 281.03 in
189G. It was 292.78 last year. This
difference amounts to an increase in
The total amount paid in wages In
the typical factories under review by
the bureau was $137,972,501 in 1892,
1122,405,937 in 1893, $130,845,551, in
l89o, and 17ti,861,715 in 1901.
In spite of freight blockades the
railroads broke the November record
last mouth. And the railroads, how
ever much they may lie anathematiz
ed, are a sure barometer of the busi
ness activity of the country.
The old-faahioned Democratic
Commercial Appeal suys thut the
democrats "will have to try a new
deal." Perhaps it would be better
to throw away the present deck and
go back to the old one with which of
yore it was able, once In a while, to
take au unimportant trick or two.
A scintillating thought from the
pitri'.griijili ediior of a Kansas C ity
paK-r liiels expression in the sug
gestion that Professor Garner, the
African baboon expert, should read
the campaign predictions of the lion.
Jim Griggs, and see how his imported
monkey talk compares with the do
mestic urticle.
Holiday opening at I'yman &
Wul'.s titoro. The best of every
thing for Christmas. Come in and
look the goods over It will you
you to awe our display this season.
l)iti.-,s making iu ull branches.
Will j;o to the house or do the work
fat huin-i. A:?J;'.-s M.UiY Lflwn,
J.ir":el street, M 'f .pi.
Get the JJost
Out of Your Food
Yon don't mid can't if your ptomnch
is weak. A weak stomach does not di
(tp?t all that is ordinarily taken into it.
It (tets tired ensily, and what it fails to
digest is wasted.
Anion the signs of a weak stomach
are uneasiness after rntinr;, lits of ner
vous headache, and disagreeable belch
ing. "I have tnken Hood's flnrsnosrills at
dlflcrent times for atomarh troubles, nnd a
run down condition of t lie system, and have
been Rreatly benefited by Its use. I would
not be without It In my fmrlly. I am trou
bled especially In summer with wejik stom
ach and nausea and tmd Mood's f irsnparllia
Invaluable." K. B. Hickmaw, W .Chester, l'a.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Strengthen nnd tone the stomach and
the whole digestive system.
Methodist Church Jottings.
(By Rev. C. K. ScrniiF.n )
The topics for next Sabbath will
be concerning the incarnation. In
the morning this theme will he dealt
with as one of the great facts of the
Christian religion, ami ir. the even
ing the appeal will be tinned on the
Divine gift to men our obligation.
to give ourselves in rtturn.
The Christmas service will be held
on Ulinstmas rigiu at ine uoine
ohuroh and on Christmas eve at
This is a season of the year that
thousands are made happy. Why
not? There is a close sympathy be
tween heaven and earth, so that the
joy of God in giving is the joy of
men in receiving. As we give our
presents to our friend-j, shall we not
receive in open spirits the gift of
gifts, the Lord of glory ?
Let us keep in mind the revival
services to be held after the week of
prayer. The demands of the Christ
mas season will then be over, and
we will have time to give ourselves
to the work of God, without inter
We have moved the organ in front
of the choir, leaving the entire choir
(oft for the singers. This has the
advantage of giving us tho mucn
needed room. It also brings the
organ nearer to the congregation,
and places it out in the room so that
it will be in a muoh better position
to lead the singing.
The time may come of course some
day far ahead when some democrat
can be found as a presidential candi
date who will be acceptable to a few
of his fellow democrats.
A contemporary remarks that
there is considerable regret over the
approaching retirement of Senator
Wellington, of Maryland, the regret
being that it is to take effect at the
close of the present session of congress
instead of at the beginning.
Mr. Cleveland is believed to be
brewing another cask of his P. P. P.
(persistent putrid panacea) for all ills.
The effect of this emetic is always to
turn the tariff Inside out, can the
country but be induced to take it.
Much to the disgust of the S.ige of
Buzzards Bay and Princeton, the
people refused his nostrum last month;
but he can be relied upon to have the
dose ready for any future opportunity.
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia ?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
f v ' .
Send for free
B Hire tint this pi, lure in
the t. .ini of ft UIjcI i on tiie
rap; r r ot evri y butt C ul
43? Pea. I St.. N. Y.
JDc nJ $! 1 !l druajUta.
Presbyterian Chronicling3
(Ily Hcv. K. M. Sineiid )
Next Lord's day, Sabbath before
Christum, it is fitting that the
themes should Imnr upon the Bethle
hem manger. Christmas sermons
accordingly will be preached and it
is the earnest wish of tho pastor
that a large congregation may be
present both morning and evening.
Last Sunday It was quite impossi
ble to best the large .room fur ser-
vic?s and the parlors were used for
all the meetings of the day.
Christinas services will be similar
in character to those ot last year.
Announcement of the program in
detail will be made Sabbath.
Since our last writing in those
columns a new board of trnstces has
tieen elected. Of the former board
Messrs. William Mitchell and Tobias
Nelson have retired nnd Messrs
George Mitchell and Frank Cross
have taken their places. This makes
tho new board as follows : John C.
Wallace, George Mitchell, Jacob
Klaer, Dr. Robert, G. Barcklay and
Frnnk Cross. When the now board
organized and selected their oflicers
Mr. Wallace was made chairman,
Mr. Klaer secretary, and Dr. Barck
lay treasurer. Personally we ap
predate the faithful services of the
two that have retired and are
pleased to make this announcement
of the personel of the present board
At the last business meeting of
the Christian Endeaver society the
following officers were elected and
have accepted: Rev. E. M. Smead
president; Mrs. Georgia Petrikov
sky, vice president; Miss Emily
Mitchell, secretary ; and Miss Lydia
Brown, treasurer. May thes-e of
fleers have the whole-hearted sup
port of the members. Plans and
effoi'la are being made to increase
the interest of the society. If those
who are assigned the leadership of
meetings would take their turns and
those who are not leading will be as
loyal to their leader as they shall
hope to bo supported themselves
when their turn comes then the
whole problem of interesting meet
ings and a good winter's work will
he solved. The society expects each
and every member to do his or hei
The pastor has been very happy
for having received an excellent set
of books (twenty-five volumes)
which he has desired for a long
time. They are the well known
expositor's Bible and are considered
a very valuable part of a minister'!
A feature of our work for the first
quarter of 1903 will be the first ap
pearance of a quarterly calendar
announcing our services and the
topics for the Christian Endeavor
society with the leader for the ev
oning and the topio for the rognla
prayer service. It is hoped that
this now departure may receive the
hearty approv il of our people and
that it may render real assistance to
the life and spirit of our entire
Reformed Church Notes.
(By Rov. A. J. Mover of Montague .)
One of the prettiest weddings of
the year was solemnized at the home
of Gustavo Page, Wednesday after
noon of this week. The contracting
parties were Miss Charlotte Wilson
iiaugnier or airs. 1 age Dy a lormer
marriage, and Abraiu Cole Lundy
son of Mr. and Mrs, Jame Lundy of
Port Jervis. After the ceretnony
sumptuous repast was served to the
thirty guests present. At the begin
ing of the supper Rev. Andrew
Meyer mado a short speech, present
ing the bride with a oheck for
twenty-five dollars from the bride
groom and the bridegroom with
check for twenty dolhirs from his
mother. The gifts from tho guests
were numerous and useful. The
voung couple will make their home
with Mr. Lundy at 181 B dl street
and tho b:t wishes of their friends
go with them to speed them ou in
their married life.
The Ladies Aid Society of Monta
guo met Thursday at the home of
Mrs. L. A. Marthes.
The topio Sabbath evening will be
"When Jesus was Born "
I'rrllailnarr kl. 1 rm I. h.
Tramp Hev youse a ax liundv,
ma'Rni ?
I.uily No; we have no use fur ona.
-"Tht-n nit-lihv V0U.-.0 liev a wood
saw ?"
"T'anKa, nia'um. Would yous
kindly K"m11 Huii!tbin' ter rat?"
( liicit,'-. liaily News.
A lluNtianil'i Troulilv.
Rraiul'le Y,.ti don'l iu to he rn
joying y,,ui-!-lf while your wife is
Mii.v. ior.n't liberty agree with
Thorne What in liberty without
money? It n,Mx ail 1 eiin fcernpe to
gether to keep my wile at the eea
hliore llroohh n I,ife.
SALE One two seated sur-
ii y with top, one JiLht runabout
WB""n. one si-t ungle harness, one
wolf tkin robe, two hoiso I ;nki-ts
dtiii two lap robes. Enqniieat tiie
l'I.K-s ollice tf
01 1 Iornellsville,N.Y.f I lands
Down an Important
Jude Jumps H. Cluncy n Horticlii-
ville, N. Y., and one of the most prom
inent members of the bar in that historic
town, decMed recently that as against
Blood and Liver trouble, Dr. Invid Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy was worthy of
the highest praise. He says :
"I have used Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy nnd strongly rec
ommend it for its tfood effect in my
case for liver trouble and blond dis
order. It built 'me riht up and I
improved greatly in health."
Geo. H. TilTtof 873 River street, Troy,
N. Y., suffered from liver trouble and his
blood was all out of order and after using
"Favorite Remedy," has this to say :
11 For anyone suffering from that
run down or tired out feeling, caused
by blood or liver trouble, J r. David
Kennedy's -Favorite Remedy is the
best medicine you can buy. I have
used it and I know."
The one sure cure for diseases of the
kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheu
matism, dyspepsia and chronic constipa
tion, is Dr. David Kennedy s Favorite
It matters not how sick v"U are, how
long you have suffered, or how many
physicians have failed to help you, Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will
cure you it a cure is possible.
it is ror sine oy au uiukims iij me
Now SO Cent SItO and the regular
(1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dre.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free py mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Ir. OatM KmnrdT!! oMpb Plnntrri strength
en Huvcles, remove pain anywhere. 16c each.
Lawrence Oliphant, the tinlhor and
traveler, is Bald to have first introdui-eil
the cipnrette into Knglaml about the
year 1S44.
The Morning Herald was the firt
English newspaper to employ a war
correspondent. This was Mr. (Jcorge
Borrow, who wrote of the ( arlist fiirlit-
infj in Spain in 1S:9.
In a letter to the Iloston Transcript
on the subject of misquotations a cor
respondent notes that Uov. Hell of
Texas begana Thanksgiving procla illa
tion tlnis: 'Jow is the winter of our
discontent made glorious summer,' In
the words of holy writ."
Jerofne K. Jerome, who aspires to
the Ilritish parliament and who is con
testing the southern division of Ox
fordshire, is, of course, by no means
the first novelist to seetr parliamentary
honors. Hut not many eople' nowa
days remember that Thackeray stood
as an advanced radical and was badly
beaten, owing probably to the fact
that the men of Oxford could not be
persuaded to take a mere novelist
seriously. Anthony Hope, Sir (iilbert
Parker and Sir Couan Doyle are other
well-known novelists who have wooed
constituencies in Knglanu
-rr- :
"Onto" is not historically correct,
but it is forcing its way into good use!
It is estimated that Londoners
spend over 150,000 a day on newspa
pers. At the Philadelphia free librarr
books are circulated more economical
ly than in any other library in the
world, it is said. The cost is seven cent
a volume.
It will be news to most Americans to
know that the Koyal academy of Great
nriiain owes us i ou nil n l inn to an
American Henjamin West, whose con
nection with it is outlined in the Liter
ary Kra.
ii is not geneTauy Known tnat it was
the historian Thomas K. Watson, of
(Jeorgia, who introduced into the house
of representatives the first resolution
to appropriate money to carry out the
scheme for free rural mail delivery.
Otto (iildmeister, three times mayor
of lirenieu, made that city a seaport
and had time besides to devote to
study. He translated some of Shake
speare's dramas, all of Hymn's works
and Dante s Divine (omedy, this last
especially being an excellent specimen
of workmanship.
Coughs and Colds in Children
I me nnd prescribe Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for almost nil obsti
nate. constricted eougliR, with direct
results. I prescribe it to children ol
all ages. Am glad to recommend il
o all in need and seeking relief from
ooldH and coughs and bronchial nf-
fictions. It is uou-uarcolio and safi
iu the hands of the most unprofes
sional A universal panacea for all
mankind. Mrs. Mary 11. Melendy,
M. D., Ph. V., Chicago, 111. Tint
remedy is for sale by A. W. Baleh
imp Son, Matatnorfls, all drug and
general stores iu Pike county.
ftot a Swindler.
Daughter That man who adver
tised ail the latest popular vong for
one dollar is a swindle;.
Old Man Kb? Didn't he aend any
thing -or your money? I'll report
him to the authorities at once.
"Yh, he sent the latest popular
Bonfra, lost as advertised, but they
were only the worda. No music at
all. I cuu read' them, of course, but
1 can't sing them."
"My dear, that man is not a swin
dler. He is a philauthroput." i. Y.
A. J. Suei wanted to attend a party,
but was afraid to do so on account
of pains in bis stomach, which be
feared would grow worse. He says,
"I was telling my troubles to lady
friend, who said: 'Cljuiubuiluiu's
Coke,, Cholera uul' Diurrhoea Remedy
will put you in condition for the
paity." 1 bought a bottle and take
pleasure in staling that two doses
cured n e and enabled me to have a
pood time at the party." Mr. tsnell
is a icsiil.-nt of hummer Hill, N. Y.
I bis n ioi ily is for sale by A. W .
Pah li Hi d hull, Jluianu.ras, all drug
and gi in nil Molt in Pike county,
iHA Ij.Hlllill nUillll I
llui tusk of pirkitiR holiilny
V'iftn is fly when the right
i. ot tils nnd tho ripht people find
eneh other. Wo wtint to sn ve
tunny n fruitless oenrch this
uenson by stifles! ing now 1 1 1 n t.
precisely whnt you wnn, is fo
be found in our stock. It is
bippor thim ever before, eon
tnins move new, novel or benu
tiful poods. Our entire holi
day stock Is now rendy.
Where en n you find better gifts
thiinin such linen ns these:
Sterling Silver Novelties,
Fine Impottcd ( hitm Pieces,
Handsome Toilet Articles,
Fancy l'ipes iv Smoking (Hoods,
Fountain and Oold Pens,
Exquisite Perfumes,
Cnndle Sticks,
Ryman & Wells.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at'
Harford St. Milford Pa.
Thirty-one yeTfl active practice. Opinion u to
validity and patentability. Writ for lxk of
Inrtnic -nsan.l reference. EPSON BKO,92f
F atnet, Washington, LI. O.
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
rhysician and Surgeon.-
Ofllcc and residence, Brond street
i ext Court House. MILKOHD, PA.
Twentieth Century Aeclicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
tar ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never gold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
To Get Rid of a Troubiesom Corn
First soak it in warm water to
loften it, then pare it down as close
ly as possible without drawing; the
'dood and apply Cbamlwrhiiu's. Pain
Malm twice daily j rubbing vigorous
ly for five minutes at each oppliea-
ion. A corn plaster should be worn
for a few days, to protect it from the
hoe. As a general limiment for
prains, bruises, lameness and rheu
matism, Pii in Balm is unequaled.
For sale by A. W. Baleh and Son,
Matamoras, all drug and general
stoieb iu PiLo eouuty.
Tela Laxative Eromo Qmnmo Taints.
Li Seven MiUionbo.es oi a past 13 months. TLI3 ElJature,
Under Full
The holiday trade of 1902 is now ander full headway.
The force of our foresight in preparing for this the great
est selling time of the year is most apparent. Every
section completely equipped with the useful, the orna
mental, for gifts. The biggest volume of business is yet
to come but you'll find us ready for it. Just this now
and here, you can ill afford to pass this shop when bent
on Christmas buying.
THE RALE OF We've prov ki
ll AN DKE1K 'III I'.FS ed for the
wants of our
handkerchief buyers as never before.
Mote than double the selling space.
Done everything toward making choos
ing easy. Men's n II-1 ii ion hemstitched, '
l()c to fiOe; all-linen initialed. l"c to i",c.
Ladies in endless variety, fie to fl.fitl;
children's from 3c to Ltk'.
(1 () () 1) Whntbettereompativ
PEltl- I'M Ell Y handkerchiefs or giv
en singly than some
of the best pet fumes? Colgate's per
fume here in bulk and in fancy bottles
at oc to a $1. None better. Toilet
waters, bay rum, line soap, sachet
powders, etc.
Poc ketbooks,
coin purses, card
cases, new wrist
bags, liead bags. All make useful and
appreciated presents. You'll find
arguments very powerful.
No stock in
our store busi
er now and
better repre
sented Kid gloves, mocha gloves, lined
and untitled, wool golf gloves, fleece
lined kids and mochas, silk mittens
and gidf gloves. Every conceivable
glove want can he satisfied.
A (I H E A T The fur provision
CHRISTMAS for gilts is most
SALE OF Fl'KH complete.. Special-1
ly procured lines
all uii-to-date. We know ot no gilt
more sensible than furs. An exception
al opportunity ate three near-seal
jackets, elcgenily silk lined, f 15 each,
worth $i5.
S I L K AN D Nothing gladdens
MEKCERIZEl) the hart of vour
PETTI COATS wife, yoi.r niotheror
your best girl more
than a genuine silk petticoat. Manu
factured from the best tafl'eta and priced
on sale with cheaper goods. The
mercerized look like silk but lack the:
swish. Trimmings plain or elaborate
as you may wish.
( 'HHIST MAS The success of former
HOOK STOCK Christmas book sales
has encouraged us to
make the finest showing of books hi flu
stoic's history. All kinds of books foi
all kinds of people, and all pticed tc
clean the shelves by Chrit-tmas eve.
Worthy of special mention Is the stock
of children's books, many out of the
ordinary. For older mes two lots of
"padded" poets, 7c and 7-lc, worth $1
and fl.SO. Special values in llibles.
CALENDARS (food purchase of a lot
HOOK L ET S of fancy celanders en
ables a marking of
half price. Booklets embrace illus
trated poems of dillcrent degrees at
dill'erent degrees of price, 5c to li-'ic.
FANCY In addition to our line of
PILLOW pillow tops referred to be
T O P H fore, two' new lots are here,
one fraternity, Odd Fel
lows, Masons, lied Men, etc. Pillow
cords to match, all colors, and the
pillows to put inside.
Samples Cheerfully Given
Stroudsburg, Pa.
,7 v.Va.
1133 Broadway, t. Jam Build
ing, Nw York.
For th Traatmant and cur o
B!uo Front Stables,
Port Jervis, N. Y.
Adjoining Oumaer'8 Union House
Road, carriage, draft and farm
horses for sale. Exchanges made.
A larpe stock from which to make
selections. CANAL ST.
Hiram Towner.
H. E.Em erson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
-Jr' 'T fit 1
To Curo a Cold in Gno Day
WHY NOT After handling the
A SKWINU Demurest machine for
MACHINE many years we find It
merits all virtues credit
ed to it. Made of best material, good
workmanship, ball bearings making
it light running. The new drop bead
puts it in forefront with any machine.
Ten years guarantee.
A careful study
of your vwints
in this Import
ant item has
been made. Materials of the best,
handles selected with the greatest care,
prices are bound to please. Special
ntrong line of men's umbrellas for gifts.
Children not forgotten either, lc tofl.
For men, wom
en and children.
Women's with
capes or the new automobile rain coats
of the new water proof material, light,
comfortable and guaranteed water
proof. Can you think of a more ac
ceptable present than the above? To
the one who is out vdoois much
they're Indispensable.
FRAMED Fortunate purchase bv
PI CTC H EH our New York ollice (if
framed pictures puts the
price of high art on a par with the
cheaper sort. Hcautifully framed etch
ings, good subjects, at 'title, and 9(lc.
andfl.ijO. Have you bad a chance at
our tn cent picture sale? If not,
you've missed an opportunity. We've
wild hundreds. A new lot coming.
Hadn't you better look into the merits
of this ollcrltig? Sure to solve the
gift question here.
six. Kg
AND What more appre
(iOODS elated gift than a
new dress pattern
in wool or silk? or a fancy wool waist
pattern? Corduroy or fancy velvets
are strong sellers for waists. We'll
help you select such as you may want
iu (to It honestly.
The men folks
have been amp
ly provided for.
Things useful,
things ornamental, all gotten up with
an eve slnule to their adantahilit v for
; ginx Our stock of men 'b tics bus been
swelled for the occasion, price range
2.5c to Last is the swellcst of the
j -well. No more annronriate or aimre-
dated gift than an Eclipse shirt, suit
of pajamas for outings; in jewelory,
sleeve buttons, studs, watch fobs, etc.;
suspenders in fancy boxes, no extra
charge lor the box, bouse coats, collars
and cutis, silk niulllers, gloves.
THE HOST OF These we can only
OTHEH ITEMS hint at, but vou'll
FOR GIFTS find the inspection
of them profitable
and the buying more profitable still.
Handkerchief boxes, glove boxes, collar
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Mail Order Quickly Filled
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Our ice reiiirneti il we lull. Auy otic &euiti!ia
ketch and drscrijmL.il ot any invention will
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Consulted tty M .1 iiufacl ut r s aud Inventory
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