A Typical Smith African Store O. H. Larson of I?fy Vi'ln, Run clny River, C'npe Colony, conduct n store typical of Month Afrirn, nt which crm be pun-lumed nnvtliinR from the proverhml "noodle to Bn anchor." This utora is eitnnted in ft vnlloy nine miles from tho nonrest railway station and shout twenty five miles from the nearest town. Mr. Larson snys, "I nra favored with the custom of farmers within n ratlin of thirty miles, to many of whom 1 have supplied Chamber lain's remedies. All testify to their value in ft household whero a doe tor's ndvien is nlmot out of the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve months, no less than four teen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. This must snroly be a record." For sale by A. W Batch and Son, Matamor hb, all druq; and general stores in Pike county. The finest assortment of full and winter millinery poods aver offered for Aale in Milford. Latlies', misses', anil children's' hats aud baby caps at Ryman & Wells'. The best physic Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by A. W. B.ilch and Son, M-ita-moras, all drug and general stores n Pike county. Incorporation Notice Notli'P 18 horoby glvt-n, that an applica tion will ho mail; to the (invm-norof the Commonwealth of LVnnsylvnnln, op tlu twelfth dav of November, h--J, by Ktlwin McCoy, Vi'llinin K. M;iuk. W. T. C. flin ders, Alliert Jefl'eryR nml .7nnes I.. Urtiss tap, under tho Act of Assembly of the Conimonweulth of Pennsylvntiiii, entitled "An act tn provide for tho incorporation nnd regulation of certnin corporations," npproved April "f. 174, and tho supple ments thereto, for the charter of nn Inten ded corporation to be culled "Keystone Telephone Company of Philadelphia," the character and object of which is construct ing, nmintaininir and lcasinx lines of tele graph for the private use of individuals, firms, corporations, mini eipul or other wise, for (rcneral business, and for police, fire alarm or messenger business, and for tho transaction of any business ill which electricity over or through wires may be applied t any useful purpose, including the maintaining and operating of n gener al telephone system mid telephone busi n as, aud for these purposes to have, pos sess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and firivileges of Iho said Act of Assembly and ts supplements. K. O. MICH KN kK, 11-7 Solicitor. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Ktfir of Win. H. dmrtrlpht. dcconRod. Letters of mlmlnUt nition having been irrnntcd to the uiifltTOtirtieii, b11 persons in dented to the Biiid estate are reqneHted to j present tho sumo without dchiy to LOULSA COl'HTKIGHT, Administratrix. Milford, Oct. 9, 1902. p " t mt TOBACCO SPIT You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily be made weil, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vipror by taking NO-JO-B AC, that tnalcea weak men strong. M;iny p-.un ten pounds In ten days. Over 8 00,000 cured. All dnigpsfs. Cure euftranied. book let and advice I RER. AiMress STKRMmS kKMMDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. Clean and Pure brewed BEVERAGES Beer, Port, Ale like those of THE DEER PARK BREW COMPANY Port Jervis, N. Y , are healthy and highly recommended for both Sick and Well Our friend DR. J. KELLY, Milford, Piko Co., Pa. Who handles our beer Exclusively will cheerfully take all orders for our famous Keg and Bottle Goods Our Beers are Bottled at the Brewery Premisos, Steamed Therefore free from any Germs, Strength ening and Palatable. We send them with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers. THE DEERPARK DREW CO. Port Jervis, New York. Lon Distance-Hudson RiverPhone ,No. 433. Port Jervis-Local-Phone W 271. A SEASONABLE REMEDY Emulsion of Puro Lorv.eisn COD LIVER OIL Wit!) Ilypophocphitcs of Lino end Soda .2-02:. bottle for 50c. II. E. Emerson 5 Co., .Next IX, jr Methodist Church Jottings. - (Hy Hw.v. C. K. Si t ni-KR ) The tonio for noxt Ratibnth morn (or isi "Christian E Inflation." Thp institute will draw the attention ot the people to the educational idea, and it is ft fitting tim to show tin necessity of religion If education is to be nsrxl snfely and to positive ad vantage. An eduoatod scoundrel in a jmhlic enemy. Better for It 1 in am' the commnnity had he been fool. The evening topic is "Forsaking n Destiny ot Good. 'Will ye also gi away.' " Those evening Rcrvico. will be made evnngelitio. It is the pnrpose of the gospel to save. II any dosire to know about the exper ience of salvation we give them spocinl invitation to attend these services. This is a, fitting time to state thai the church nnd school nre closely relatod. If a religion without thought ts an absurdity, an eduoa tion without moral principle is a monstrosity. The two things repre sented by the school and church are brought together in tha unity of man. It, is the moral province of the school to teach tho fundamen tals of religion, and it is the duty of the church to give enthusiastic sup port to tho schools of tho commun ity. The lecture given by Dr. Wilding last Friday night was great in mote ways than one. We regret that it came on the night of the installation of a brother minister in the Rebek ah Lodge. Two great events cannot he attended by the same persons at the same time. The attendance was not therefore what we had ex pected. We sincerely trust that the 21st of November when Miss Nor ton gives as her widely known re cital no great counter attraction will be in town. The trip to the convention at Dockertown last week was a very enjoyable one. It did us good. To be in the services nnd enjoy the speaking such as we heard makes one feel that life has a larger mean ing and the desire is enlarged to live a nobler and more useful life. We were all very much impressed with Mr. Sned, the president of the convention. It was our privilege to open the institute with devotional exorcises. We look upon it as one of the spec ial providences of life that we can add a note of positive Christianity in the presence of those who for good or ill are shaping the destinies of the rising generation. One week from next Tuesday the musical in the interest of the Sab bath Bchool ChriBtmas fund will be hold at the church. At this musical a free will offering will be taken. Let ail interested in the Sabbath school come and as many other peo ple as wish to enjoy an evening of music . Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia, Bro i ftrat, Ism ilfunj, to livid tuu. ; At, c-3 HALF 711Z COST has better strength and flavor than many so-called "fancy" brands. Bulk coffee at the same price is not to be com pared with Lion in quality. In I lb. air tlrht, ealcd package. PAITAC. Quaker' are in town and we are having rniny wpnther. This is in. stitute week, too, and it is to be lioed thnt it, will lot np so that oar toucher's may have a pleasant tune. Our schools are closed and the small boy is enjoying a short vacation. In one of our schools the scholars were desirous to know what the teachers did at institute. They were told that they listened to lectures, and were told how to teach. A little one said, "Teacher, you just tell 'em you know how to teach and they needn't bother to tell you." Benjamin Wilson aud his cousin, Miss Bessie Wilson, of Philadelphia will make a two-weeks' stay with his parents, O. W. Wilson and wife. B. F. Killam and wife spent the greater part of lust, week with their (laughter, Mrs. Edwin Greene of Seranton. M rs. Kate Warner returned to her home in Milford after spending a few days with friends in this place. The marriago of Eunice Kimble and Joseph Blocum will take place at her home on Wednesday. Mr. Wilson, proprietor of the Paupac Wanamakes store will spend a few daya with his sons, Horace and Charles, in the Windy City. Miss Mary Gumble is spending her vacation at her home. There was a dance held at the home of Conrad Gumble, Jr., last week and all reported a good time. Messrs. Willmer Clark and Edwin Kellam made a business trip to Milford Monday. Mrs. Elsie Martin is spending a short time in town. j Frank Gilpin of Green town passed through this Tuesday on his way to Milford. He seems quite interested in the institute this year. Aux. SANDYSTON. Corn husking is all the go Just now, and very few will be through by election day. Kalph Decker, the newl appointed county superintendent for Sussex' schools, visited the schools of this town on Tuesday. John Kyte, one of the ohiest citi zens of this town, died on 8aturday last at his residence near Halnesville. He is the last member of a large family which at one time were num erous here. lie Is survived by his widow and several children, all married. Our merchants have Btocked up ammunition, and on Nov. 10th the poor quail and rabbit will have to lay Tow. Black powder will be but little used, nitro being preferred. Charles Spangenberg, an aged resi dent of Frankford, died on Thursday last. He leaves a widow and several children, all grown to adult age. Election day is not fur away, and no one appears to care much how it goes, candidadates excepted. It seems to be anybody's race so far, and one side has Jusi as good a chance for election as the other. On my trip to Hunterdon county last week I noticed that the farmers of that sectiou were more backward with their work than here. I saw several large fields ot corn uncut on Thursday and the heavy frost of the 22nd ripened that. Like everybody visiting the city I tried to get in to hear the Moiineaux dial on Friday. Wilton Ben net of Fort Jervis and I tried but no une, the big policeman at the door firmly bade ua get out and we did. Bod Coughs "I bad a bad couch for tix weeks and could find no relief until 1 tried Ayer'a Cherry Pecto ral. Only one-fourth of the bonle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Aycr's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as yourcough begins. A few closes wiil cure you then. 1 i. t . A i r it I ' , V.wMuil. . MAT A MORAS. The L. A. ft. met this week at the home of T. J. KetoVmm. The leetnre delivered by Dr. Jessr 8. Oillwrt on "Courtship and Mar- rinse," bus been postponed from Nov. 8th to 15th. This lecture if Riven under the auspices of the C. E. 8. and will be given at the church on Nov. 16th. FJvnry one is invited. At Fpworth church Sunday oven, ing the pnslor, Rev. Mr. Shoop, rle livered a fourth sermon ill the series on "Men and Women You Ought to Know." The snbject was "From Prihon to Prime Ministry." The text was from Genesis, the 39th chapter and 20-21st verses. The sermon was of a very high order. Every one was pleased. ThPre was a large attendance. William Haekett of Ruthorford was the guest of the Misses Billman Sunday. Harry Florence of Goshen was the guest of his friend, John Corwin, Sunday and called on some of his Matamoras friends Harry is al ways a welcome visitor to this vil lage, his former home. Mrs. Alfred Billman has been ill for the past few days. She is some better now. Dr. Bkinner was the attending physician. Mrs. J. P. Jeffries left Monday to visit friends for a week at Lacka waxen and Hawley. The prayer meeting at Hope church Wednesday evenings will now commence at 7.30 instead of 7.40 as heretofore. Miss Mildred Wright left town a few days ago to visit friends at War wick. The young society people of Mata moras are making great prepara tions for a Hallowe'en party on that night. Prof, and Mrs. C. 8. Houck loft town Saturday to visit Mrs. Houck 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frey, of Hawley. Prof. Houck will leave there on Monday to attend the Pike county institute at Milford. Mrs. Houck will remain at Hawley for two weeks. Arthur Cotton of Boston, Mass., who has been spending two weeks in Matamoras as the. guest ot Mrs. Fred Wickbam, has retnrned home. Miss Nellie Lungton left town last Friday to spend a week with relatives at Wnrtsboro. Miss Sadie Bloker, who baa been visiting relatives at Wellsville, N. Y., for two weeks, retnrned home Saturday. '" Mrs. J. W. Cottrell, who has been visiting friends and relatives at Waldwiok, Nyack aud New York for the past week, returned borne on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Speers, who have been spending a week with relatives in New York and Brook lyn, returned home on Monday. Mrs. Jennie Kohl, who has a dress making establiuhment on River street, will leave town today to visit at Philadelphia, Wilkesbarre and Seranton. Mrs. Josephine Stelgerwald of New York has been the guest of Mrs. David Cole for a few days She returned home on Wednesday. SILVER LAKE Josoph H. Bromley is having a fine rnstio wall built near his cottage. Mrs. G. S. Garretson of Dingman'e and friends enjoyed a pionio here Wednesday. Jacob J. Seeds of Philadelphia drove to this plaoe on business one day last week. Frank Schorr returned to Milford on Thursday of last week after sur veying the club property. Judge Bottler and wife of Phila- delphia reoently spent a few days' vacation in their cottage on the lake shore. Hiram Rake passed here en route for his home at Notoh, Pa., on Wed nesday. William Heater seems to be the champion raccoon hunter in this vicinity. He captured three in one night. Harold Seeds spent a few days' outing in this vicinity last week. Win. Sinley and Edward Emory are doing some puiuting for J. II. Bromley. Mabel Walker closed school on Friday to attend institute this week. Mrs. Kate L. Japger of Port Jer vis is visiting friends in this neigh borhood. - D. O. Brodhead of Centre, who has been very ill, is improving. Ueo. Meakin is suffering from a severe atUick of inflammatory rheu matism. Dr. Keiinan i atteuditig him. Samuel Jagger of DiiiKiiiac's Fer ry is HiHMiiling the week with his brother, btull.' Joe. Larj;ijt lot of flannel blankets and eonifort.tt.-lHS ever uffxred for sale in Mi'.f ird from 50o to $1.&0 at Hyuiau 6f WVIU . Kiy DjscasD Kills, ItsVictimsNumberedbythe Hundreds of Thousands. Klrlney cUspine should be attended to t once, for almost 90 per cent, of our un expected deaths of to-dny are from thnt cause. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Ig the only sure cure known for diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic constipation. It Is marvelous how it stops that pain In the back, relieves the neces sity of nrinatins; so often at right, drives awny that rwlfHnjf -ninln ptipsin water, corrects the bad effects of whiskey and beer and shows its bsneficinl effects on the system in an incredibly short time. George L. Smith, foreman of the Hol ler Manufacturing Company's Works, Lockport, N. Y., says in a recent letter: "I have used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy with the most bene ficial results. I waa troubled with gravel and kidney complaint very severely, It bothered me a Rreat deaf, and have found pfreat relief from its use, and cheerfully recommend ft." " Favorite Remedy " is the most suc cessful medlcina ever discovered for kid ney, bladder, liver and blood diseases. Its record of cures has marie it famous in medical circles everywhere. It is recojr nired as a specific. It purifies the blood and dissolves the excess of uric acid in it, clears up the urine, restores the kidneys and bladder to their normal condition, and gently moves the bowels. It is for sale by all drujfists in the HW BO Cant Slxo and the regular $1.00 sire bottles less than a cent a dose. Samflt bcttlitnouxk for trial, free by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Dr. llBTli Bnnri7'i doltee PUMrrn etrenpth n Natcles, removs pain anywhere, 16c each. WNT.MAiYS FEKRY. Plenty of potatoes but too sin ill to be salable. The weather has been fine since the crops were harvested. If some one doesn't steal our tur key we will have a thanksgiving. The season has been favorable for Ardtornish farm and large crops have been raised. The land lies high and the excess of rain did no injury. G. W. Donaldson and wife arrived in Boston Oct. 23 after spending ten months in Europe, and will arrive here about Nov. 1. A large danoe was held at Isaac Smith's last Thursday evening. Miss Emily Lattimore will bogin as teacher in the primary depart ment in the academy next week. Mrs. John C. Titman of Wostfall recently visited her father, D O. Brodhead, who has been very ill but is now improved. Henry Schuyler has oommenoed housekeeping in the house recently occupied by Mrs. Mary Frazier of Leuman, Mrs. Edwin Drake of Dingman spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bradley. Mrs. Harriet North, after a visit of two weeks in New York, has re turned. While absent her chickens were reduced 40 to 1', her garden was also levied on and some ties taken. Reformed Church Notes. (By Rev. A. J. Meyer of Montague) The consistory met In session at the Montague church previous to communion a week ago. Marlon Simpson Black was received upon confession of faith and R. Seeley Hutchison was reoeived by letter from the First Presbyterian ohuroh of Belvidere, N. J. Jacob McCarty was eleoted dele gate primarius aud Obadiah Bevans was eleoted delegate seoundus to the session of the Classls of Orange. At the communion service Mal colm Rudolph Miller Meyer, the pastor's younger son, was baptized. A mite social was held last Thurs day evening at the house of Joseph Hornbeck for the organ fund. The number present was very large for such a dark night and a mrst enjoy able evening was spent. A vote of thanks is due Mr. and Mrs. Horn beck for their delightful hospitality. The Ladies' Aid society hold an interesting mooting at the home of Mrs. Jacob McCarty last Thursday afternoon. The midwinter fair was the chief topio ot discussion and the date will be later announced. The meeting of the Dorcas society at the home of Mrs. Cbas. Grau was largoly attended. The preliminaries for the turkey supper to bo held Nov. 26, Thanksgiving eve, were settled. A most toothsome menu is being arranged. The funeral of John Ifyte of Uainesville was held in the Halnes ville church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. In the death of Mr. Kyte the community has lost a man who was held in universal esteem. A member of the M. E. church, he was, in the best sense of the word, a Christian. His uprightness and probity of character, his kindliness of word and act, won for him a large circle of friends who earnest ly sympathize with the bereaved family in their aftliction. The topio last Sabbath evoning wa "The Force of Prophecy as a Confirmation of the Bible." The topic this Sabbath day will be the "Fifth Commandment." I wish to take this opportunity to thank Hev. C. E. Shudder of the M. E. church for his courtesy in send me complimentary tickets for the league course. The lecture last Friday evening left nothing to be dcMirud and no doubt the remaining three wili be us much appreciated. Mr. Soudder is to bo congratulated on his prcressivene.-ts in offering audi an excellent course of lectures and I trust the result will be fruit ful intellectually, socially and fluan-eutlly. i Artistic Monuments IN WHITE BRONZE Cost no more than plain ones in stone and they are more durable. Don't invest money in a monument be fore investigating the claims of White Bronze. Write for information and designs. J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt., Milford, Pa. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Agent. rlounes and Lots and lots without Houses. Dealer lu all kinds of Property. Life Insurance agent and Notary Public. ALL BUSINESS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office on Broad Street, Below Crlssman House. Milford, Pa. Hare ! SOMETHING YOU NEED! Ymir own Water Works, whtrh you can have by rcitiflttitlng J. C. PR K SCOTT of Matumora, Pa.t who Is prepared to give estimates at any Mine. Write hhn at once or call and see his stock of FORCE PUMPS J. C. PRESCOTT, Matamoras, Pa. Wp promptly obtain It. 8. and ForHfrn : jjfcajioji - - .a, jS'SiV i t II f ii I un f Hand mniei, sketch or piioto ol iiiTeMioo tor . . cm 1.1 mi iruriiiri.iMity. xor IT? DOfU, PPosita U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. 60 YEARS' ft 1H I tiMMWtM tavm Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvnne nendlnaf a skfttrti and rtBTtpttnn may 4t1-tiiy wren h tu our opiniun free whfttipr nn Inveiit'ton in prnhitMy pntnthte. i'nnmniiitra. tlouftfltric'lrromiiltM'tlrti. Hmn1 rok on I'atHUl iit free Oli1rrt humh-j for nerunnn patent. Patent tan en tlKMtk?h Munn a Cu. racttlra Ipfcial notice, without chirire, ill the Scientific Jlmerican. A handnomelT HltintmtM wiwhly. Lntvert rir. CiilHtioii at any m ientitlc Journal. Term, $( a f rnr ; f nr niont Us, U Soid by all newciealriu I'ONN&Co."'8-"-'-New York Asthma Can Bo Cured Fro Treatment. Free Medical Advyoe. We Have Cured 7,000 Catttt. Why Not Your? This ilrt'ud disease which has caused more unboid ftgimity than words can de scribe, has at last received Its death blow Medical tide lice iu recent years has found a remedy thnt tucceasfully combats all tbe aggravated symptoms duo to this distress ing aMliction. After many years of pa tient study and research, Dr. A. B. Clark, the welt known specialist, has discovered a positive remedy that cures the cough, gives Immediate lellef and eradicates every vestige of the disease. So confident Is the doctor that his Asthma Knmedy will effect a cure iu all stages that he has Instructed the Clark Medical Co., of Pitta burg, 1'a., to forward a complete treat ment to every sufferer of Asthma who writes for symptom blank. This Is a very Uberul offer and shows the confidence the Chirk Medical Co. have til the merits of this prepurutioij. If any of our readers are a ill it-ted with Asthma they should write tho Clmk Co at ouoe for symptom l Uwik. Why suffer when a cure Is wllhiu ear hi ft A N N H FI OA i.vn fi tL!4hi. .t r I'M i tWi SlAILnOAD TIME TABLE. Corrected to Date. Rolld Pullman trnlna to Kiiffnln. Nlnif. arn Kails, t'linntanqua Lake, CU-Tcland, Clilr-iiRo nnrl Cincinnati. 1 i-krta nn mlo at Port .Tf-rvln tn nil piilntaln the West and 8outhwnst.nr lower rates than rla any other flintclasi line. Trains Now I.kayk Pout Jkrvib as 01.L0WS. EASTWARD. No. 8, PmllyFxnreKa 8 94 A.M. t IS " 8 80 " T 40 " T.M " 10 80 " 1165 " 18 42 P. V. 1 10 " 8 22 " 4 ) " 4 40 " (17 " 5 " 10.05 " Dally Kxpmw BH, Local Except Sunday.. Wi, Way Sunday Only 80, Iiocal F.inept Bandar.. Si, Wny dully exo't Bununy 4, Dally Kxp-i-sn 7U, Sunday Only 24, Wny dully eic't Sund'y 2, Dally Kxpreaa 7t, Way Sunday Only 71, Ijoi kI Sunday Only 8. Way dally exe't Sund'y 14. Express Dallr WESTWARD. No. 7, Dally Kxprefw J9 BOA.M. " 17, Dally Milk Train 7 85 " " 1, Daily Kxpreaa 11 84 " " 115, For Mo dule E'pt Sun . 13 10 P. M " 8, Expn-ssChloBKollindai 5 15 ' " SW, Local ExnresfiSunday . . 6 60 1 " 6, Limited Dally Express. 10.15 ' Trains leave Chambers street, New fork, for Port Jervis on week days at S 80, 7 80, B 00, 9 16, 10 80 A. M., 1.00, 8 00, 4 80, 6 (, 7 8(, H 15 p. M. On Sundiv, 8 80, 7 80. 9.00 . 9 15 A. M . 12.80. 8.80. T.80 9.15 P. M. I. W. COOKK, General Pauenirer Agent, New fork. Stoves and Ranges. THE Round Oak For Wood and Coal. Best Heater and Fuel Saver in the Country. CAREY'S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING FIREPROOF DURABLE & CHEAP. New Era Radiators, Two Flrss In on dARDWARE. CUTLERY, TIN, AGATB WARE, ETC fN ROOFINOAND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Jobbing promptly attended to T. R. J. Klein & Son, BROAD STREET MILFORD, PA HARNESS Of All Kinds and Styles. Blankets, Robes, Whips and Horse Outfitting gen erally. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. Repairing ;-NEATLY Examine my stock it will please you. The price too. L. F. IIAFNER. Harford St. - Milford, Pa. undclvuc PKotograpKcR AND DEALER IN Photo Supplies, Developing, Printing & Repairing DONE PROMPTLY. 78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. 1ST FOB IS, DOWELS If yon h . van a ft reru(a.r, b.aitliy rooTtmmt of th buwii. everj dir. jrou'm til ur will kv. Knp youi tKiwela oiMJfl, nU bm wall. For-a. In tha ahairoof lt lent iihyptc ur I'll1 polion, U dnntroui. 1 tie wnoottv oiJ rn.ua clM to U CANDY EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY PlnaaatiE, ra.Utltl, Potent. Taatt OcnkI. Do Q nod, Nfel btvkfit. VrM.oO, or bill', . W (K-r bus. Wrli tut tr Muupl. mM-A u VisHLI.Itf 1U.BKUT COBFAJIT, CHH mt lit Toil. KEEP YDU3 ELGC3 CLE.C1 s V. nTj PATEXT:cd Idias uittv be McurMi br Our ftili AaartMMk, THfc HAl&NT HfctOKD, C-nvuvm w ftiil Htwf4 l-.-0H t--i.