PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday,' October 21, 1902. IMTIIIJMIIKIt KVl-'.MY t- KID AT. office, nmiws'n nt'iMiiNii iihoadst. hi HMciiirrioN: Osk Yka h One dollar and flfi.v ei-ntw. HlX Months Seventy-live cent. RTllllTl.Y IN AhVA NCK, Kntrrrd nt the it, offlun of Milford, Pike Uomity, LYmwylviinln,, rtn st-cnm! olasn mntterj Ni)vninler twmity-Ui lit, !w. Advertising Rales. Onos'timriiclit HiKWl.'inr Insert Urn -Ills K L-h milist'intiMlt, iinuTtiim - - -ft') RciIijcimI Ttiii'M. furiiKtitft nn n pliciiMon will tw allowed ytfiu-ly tlveiti ra Legal Advertising. Administrator mid F.ii"'iliir' notices AiKlitor's mit.lees OH Ittviirce notice S.'HI SheritY's Kales, Orplmns' court pales Count? TrenHiircr'fl sale. Comity Rial1 mailt and election proulamat Ion chnriKt by the iMiimre. J. II. Tan Ktlrn, I'I Bl.lsllKIt, MM ford. Tike County, Pa. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Uovnrnor, SAMUEL V. PF.NNYl'AC'KER, of Fhiliideliiliin. For Linutminnt Oovornor, ' WILLIAM M. BROWN, of Lawrence c mnty. For 8ocret:iry of Intomnl Affnira ISAAC B. BROWN of Erie county. COUNTY TICKET For Conjsr-.'ss", FRED NEKBiTT, of Eiiaton. For Protlionotnry, Register mid Recorder, VICTOR COREY of Greene. For County Commissioner, PIERRE M. NILIS of Milford borough. For County Treasurer, ROCKWELL O. HEIDENTHAL of Mntuuiorns. For County Auditor, AMERICUS II. DOWN of Palmyra. For Representative, ALFRED S. DING MAN of Milford borough. The engagement of Miss Mabel Armstrong and George Wheeler, of this town, has been announced. Note Johnson's new nd of Douglas shoes. They are stylish, good wear ers and cheap sellers. . There won't be an old pan or any thing much with which the small boy can make a noise, excepting his mouth, if weddings keep coming, The marriage of Mi.ss Nellie Swep enisor and Frank Schorr will occur Wednesday, Oct. 29,th at her home ou Fourth street. Prof. Maxweli Sommerville of the U P. who has been spending some months in Paris, will sail fir home November fifth. Robert Findlay and wife will re turn home thU evening. Messrs. Louis Martin and L. Hunt, with their wives, pissed through here yeHterday and wore guests at Hotel Faucheie. They are touring the country with u Panhard auto mobile. The iincHiiio is lfl-horse power, weighs 2,000 pounds and cost over t4, 000. It was driven from Port Jervis here in 14 minutes. Unclaimed Lottar. t Last of unclaimed letters remain ing m the post otllee at Milford for the week ending Oct. 23, 1902: . Miss G. E. Allen, Walter Perseell, EkA. Duly, Da via C. Emery, M. D , Al Signor Capancechi Salvatore, foreign. Persons claiming the above will please say "Advertised" and give date of tills list, Ciiaulios Lattimoi:k, P. M. W. S, Ryman has just returned from New York where lie has been purchasing a lot of new goods. Ste the nym.ui Si Wells roade is. ftol EUt&U Transfer- Sheriffs' doeds h-ive hcen recorded to John F. SehetVer for h'X acres Lehman. -'i!0, to C. W. Hull for land in Diuginnu, l."4 acres, ,"ii)0. Sarah B Wostbrook, executrix, to Benjamin C. Tolten, lots Nus. and 210, : lot No. 144, and other coli.-.Ueni!mi:. FOR SALE. Ouo two seated sur rey with top, one Pj'lit runabout vvai' -n, one s, t single liainess, ore vuit sum ro!,e. tvo te-rsd blinkets and two l.i ; rolios. i.iepiiro ut the : - e! e. tf O.iroi lms. I I'Ci at d in us ,c j er yard 1 1 U 1 1 in V Presbyterian Chron ictinps (!ly Ilcv. F.. M. Sin-ad.) The theme for next S ibleith morn ing t "t rayer for l.nrrst. s rung- loin" "Thy hingi'om come." The pastor is pleased to hear from differ ent ones that this series upon the Lord's prayer Is so enjiyt'lile. Doubtless next Sunday's sermon will be as good, if not n little better. than the average, lhe evening topic will be annonneed at the morning service. On account of the teachers' insti- tut o next week our normal class will takfl the time usually devoted to the prayer m ieling. That is, we will combine both meetings in such ,. .1 a in inner us to omit nouiier mm so as to dismiss the class by 8.30 promptly. The normal lesson cov ers the first two chapters on Old Testament history with a general review of what lias been gone over. May there be us few absent from these meetings as possible. The pastor has again had the pleasure of performing the marriage ceremony for one i t tiie inowt choice young women of the congregation. Miss Katherine F. 8. Klein, now Mrs. Edward J. Blood, has served as the able and devoted assistant of Miss Huldah Bull in the primary de paitment of our Sunday school for sixteen years. IIr faithfulness and efficiency has been most remarka ble in every way. It will be very hard to find one who will take np the work she has done so well. But while we are very sorry to lose her from our work, Bhe was active in all branches of our church work, still it is with our most sincere congrat ulations and ft Godspeed that we see her go, Mr. and Mrs. Blood are to make their home in Cuddebackville. The pastor is in receipt of a letter that will interest the congregation because it announces that our organ is to be retimed and repaired next week After this work is done we shall have the pleasure of some so los from Mrs. Beeley, who has been unable to sing of late because of the condition of the organ. A word should be spoken here for the flower committee for this month. There are few flowers to be had now and the difficulty in this direction is ouly beginning, but the church looked very pretty last Bun day with the bitter sweet. Many thanks to Miss Mima Bull and her mother for their work. The pastor takes this time and place to recognize the kindess of Mr. Scudder in presenting him with a complimentary ticket for the League course. This course is a step in the right direction and should have the support of the entire community. May each lecture be very largely at tended and may the course prove a great financial success. Methodist Church Jottings. (13y Rev. C. E. Scuddeii.) The topic for the morning service next Sabbath morning is, "The Heart Life of Mary." For the ev ening, "An Undivided Life. 'Wilt thou be made whole?' " The great lecture of Dr. Wilding tonight. If you miss it you will have something to regret. The death of Miss Mary Walls, has taken from the church one of the faithful workers. Her life of quiet service was greatly missed during her illness and now we may well pray for workers of her loving and devout spirit to be raised np iu the church. At the Eoworth League next Sun day evening an account of the Deck ertown convention will be given by the writer. If conventions are of any value some truths and some in spiratiou ought to be brought home to the local Leagues. We will see how much helpfulness can be re ceived and passed along. It was ft passing pleasure worth noting that the Rev. W. R. Neff, former pastor, was with us at the prayer servies and spoke in his us ual earnest way. He is now in the construction wink building a new church. Wo wish him all possible success In his important field. It was the pleasure of the writer to attend tiro ministerial meeting at Port Jervis lust Monday morning and to listeu to another chapter of the great book by Prof. Orr entitled "The Christian View of God and the World." The discussion that fol lowed was a rare treat to one who has the limited opportunities afford ed by tbeo rtiril towns for contact with the the. lingual world. Big thoughts are not easy for lis all. It is a great privilege to have some one sticnuhi'e the activity of the mind to aid it in grasping the truths that ti ll for God and His kingdom in the world. Educate Your Rowels. Your bowels can be trained as we!! as your musi its or your bruin. Cas Ciirtta Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do rij. Lt. Genuine tuUcts stanij.ed C. C. C. Never suli in bull.. All dru; Ist. ioc. Li;n(ii;iALK. M ins Laura Hat tleson and sisler, Mrs. Nina Mi-Kane, srn visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Mary G. Simons, and aunt, Mrs. Ijinra Giles, in Pleasant Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Warner of Chicago, III., are visiting their r.ieco, Mrs. Friend Simons. They spent Saturday evening with their old friend a id neighbor, Ira K. Ke). lam. They were raised in Paupac, Pike county. Miss Louisa Cook of Rernnton is visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Cook. Mrs Alvin B'sbing and son, Sam uel, of Reran ton were guest of Mrs. Gillett Saturday night, having coma over to attend the funeral of Elmer Stevans at Noble.town Sunday, be being a nephew of Mrs. Bisbing. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Eunice Pe'lett Kimble of Panpao and Joseph Slocum of Scran ton, Pa. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William I). Martin on Thursday, Oct. loth, a daughter. The Lodgedale property has been Sold once more, J. II. Becker having sold his interest to Gillett nnd Si mons, possession taken immediately, 'JUMPING THE DEER. One of the Mi wit Thrllllnjr ICprl rnrn hleh He full the Hauler of II lw Onme, "Jumping a deer" is a lilglily-nt tractive phrase, quite npt to initio a tingl'ng in the back hair of tin tenderfoot who hears It for the first, time. Jl is also InteiiKely Batisfuc tory to lhe chap who always has t' Bhnve hi fore wooing nature, says Out ing. Vmi miiy, indeed, get a good hot in thia way, nnd It is generally the only way to Bee the grandest of all th j sights of the woods deer ruiininir throuirh a windfall. To Hee the glossy curves of fur curl over the lofly logs that lie piled on eneh other tn boundless confusion is well worth a trip to the woods, while for hiin who hues the rifle as I do, more for what cannot be done with It than for what (.an, there is no guch target elsewhere. But for the tyro who is dying trj get that first deer "jumping a deer" generally means out of sight and out of hearing both. For the deer that goes off to lie down after feeding does not go to sleep, hut to ruminate and take life easy. Onee ill a great while one falls Into a done, but almost always the head Is well erect and all senses keen for danger. And even If one is In a doze It may flip awny without your sus peeting its existence, for sleep dead ens little of the senses of this wary animal. The man who "wouldn't shoot such an Innocent creature lis a deer" should by all means see one getting out of a heavy windfall, while the man who loves game that can get away can here find the attraction of the woods at its climax. WOODEN INDIANS MUST GO. Tfflnrro gtore SHsn Tht Are Con demned to Retirement In New York Illy. One of New York' busy municipal commissioners pays the wooden Indian must get off the walk. If the cigar dealer needs him in Ms business he will be obliged to take him inside and piv him house room. Anyway, he cannot be allowed to encumber the sidewalk gaytheC'leveland Plain Dealer. Of course It mav be possible that the commissioner is moved by an honest de sire to keep the walks clesr, and then again he may be under the influence of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Aged Wooden Indian!.' And, really it must be admitted that there are cases where interference would seem to lie justified. There are wooden In dlani? of extreme age who are till forced to do their servile duty at all seasons of the year, and In the meet Inclement weather. With cramped muscle and ossified limbs they have s-tood on guard for many dectides. Many of them are gray and dingy and weather beaten, but they never complain. Some of them have cracked open and lost their feathers, and warped their fingers. and dropped their wampum. Why, there are cigar deal ers s-o unfeeling an to refuse them even coat of paint whn the mercury drops to zero. SDMLGffl Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flcsn. l here are many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion Is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feedi the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. ror nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a coupls of Otiincs fiee. RCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 40K-4I5 1't.ai l telrext. Now VorK. IvM M kvM Kin. Insurance Companies would not insure the Rev. J. W. Yeidey because he had Kidney Trouble. Mr. Ypislry wnjt tmtrh riismiir;it;rr1 till a friend recommmnled I.r. I);..viil Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy and it cured him. Mr. Yeisley writes : "My kidneys and livr -were In had condition nnd I was nr. sinus for relief. I had tried many remedies without suet-ess. 1 lumht a VMtle of 'Favor ite Remedy' wiifeh(ictivr1y proved it:i merit. The U-M Hf (flat it has O'tnph'tel v cured me is my recent ac ceptance f:y four different life insur ance companies." The Rev. Mr. Yelsley is the pastor of the First Reformed Chun h of St. Paris, Ohio, ami is as wH the editor of the St. Paris Dispatch. ' ' There is no question that Pr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the best and surest medicine in the world for dis eases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic constipation, as well as tHS weaknesses peculiar to women. It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold trrine and the necessity of petting up a number of times during the niht and puts nn end to that scalding pain when passing urine. It is for sale bv all druggists in the Wow BO Cent Slrn and the regular $ l.Od size bott les less than a cent a dose. Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Dr. DarlA Krnnrfly'R flirtr KbItp tT U jUiteaaca or IntUmmfttlou tf U Eje. VCc Our two Btnrfs hnvfi iiRvnr lim-n so well filliul with new Roods ns this full. We lira oiTorinj? lots of bur pniiiB in evory di'pnrtuimit.. Conic nrnl got some -Uyilinn fe WuIIh. Stricken With Paralysis Ilondorson Orlnintt of this plnci was striclioh with inrtinl mrHlj,i and comiilntely lost the use of om urni find side. After being t renter! by an eminent physioinn fur quite n while without relief, my wife reo ommanded Chninborliuu's Pniii Balm and lifter usiiiK two bottles o! it he Is nlinost entirely cured. Geo R. McDonald, Man, Logan county. W. Va. Heveral other very remark- uble cures of partial paralysis havi been effected by the use of this lini ment. It is most widoly known a a cure for rheumatism, sprains and bruises. For sale by A. VV Balch and Son, Mutant tras, all draft and general stores in Pike county. Table ' Dainties. r r-. : Fresh groceries. Canned goods. .Meats iu eVery form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysterd and vegetables Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Harford St. Milford Pa. our Steer, Bull or Horse hide, Calf skin.. Dog skin, or any other kind of hide or skin, and let us tan it with the hair on, soft, light, odorless and moth-proof , for robe, rug, coat or gloves. . But first net our C.Ulofrue, rtTlDK price., and out shipping iHftsaiirt instructions, so as to avaiflmlstaa.es, we also raw tuts. THE CROSBY FRISIAN FUR COMPANY. 116 Mill Street, kochcater, N. V. DON'T TOBACCO SPJT and SMOKE Your Lifeawavl Yrt can be cured of anr form uf loliaivo using easily, he ma.le well, slronic, n:rtrnitir. ftiMof new lile and vltjor liy Ukinu htt-TO-BAO, that ten pounds in ten Uays. Over BOO.OOO cured. AH (iruKiVs. Cure Ruaruuu-fil. li.N.lt- kiiMh.OY CO., Chicago or New York. 4J7 Incorporation Notice Nt.Tict ,m lierchy ivn, tlmt an Hppllcn tioii will Ih) niHile tu the (iovcronr of thp C'oimnnn wealth of I'ennsy Ivfinin, on the twelfth di.y of NoVfimlxT, lT,', hv Kdwiii McCoy, illiMiu K Mark, W. 'V. C n (ItTH, Albert .Irffrryu nnd Jmut'A Ij. Uruss t m r, umlrr th" Act of AsfHti.hly of the ('oiiiinonwciill h of P( -Htisy kvanm, potirlcd "An ret fro priivirit" for tin lnruri oraihtn and rKti)nti.ii of cf-rtain corpor:iliu:.Nt" npprovid April LMt, nnd tli-j Hiippli loriitK thcrt tu; for tho churter of nn iott n dd rornniti(n to im raihfi "Kcystom Tiilfplioiie (nnpnny ut I'hilmlclphiH," the (duinictrr nnd nlijt-i'V of which tw chum nn't itK, liirtititiininK and h 'lni inu-s of teh--wiMph for the pi ivfrto "iisf of itntivuituils, iiiinw, oorimi ii loim. mini tiipul or other vist , for gfii'Tfil buHiiienH, anit tt police, firt) alarm or iiieHM-iier hiiHiiiehn, mid for the- ti HMfiiet ion of nny lni.i;i.e.n in whirl) td.vlririty ever throiiwh wireM may tx applied to any n tul pii'po-M-, itu ltutin i he nihintaioniy and opeintiiitf of a 'Mier al telephone h ileo and telephone h mi ll f, Hint for lie -:e purposes to luive, p, i es and enjoy all tht ritfhtf, U-uciua nnd I.rivn. -tit- ut the t-aid Aei of A.en.l!v and Ui t-uppie:aelitii. K. O. MH'liKN KK, 1 1 7 bolicitor. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE K.title of Win H ('utirtritfht. tlret ?l.seil. I .U-lieiH of adiiilnltrale'ii haviOkf lieen rrHof'it to the iiitderltiied, all t.mii -iifi'ie.) tu tne -siinl estaie are rtvjuc-nd to; lujiV, e paVMe nt at.i) thoe iinina claims to nt Ijie -..tine wli hoot delay to I laul. i.-A Cut k I'MiiHT, I Atiininutrnti 1. ' M'Uuid, Oi-t. U, lA-J. HO A C017, vrrw.Viw&xwjmmtmwm&ximm0)iJi m ummvmi i sinaim n m irBrnriwrmiinnwiiiinW wi i n?"iir i inn i i mi i n up ihhiiiwhh w.iliiiHi'iwaiiwPwuiwiiwi.W!iiMW''MipuBuwiji SWYCKOFF'S MEW YORK STORE 0 onto Carlo Coats Tailored Suits Walking Suits Skirts Children's Garments Wrappers Monte Carlo The "Monte Coats Ciulo"' is si ii easy first in (lie jnlvct outfit of this sea son. Nol'bv ixnrinonts, fine ly tailored and inodesflv priced. However, tlie box coat, half fitting hack and the short jacket are still in evidence. These we have In the plain Kerseys nnd Mon- tagnacs. Some of the Ker seys are in castor color, with line fur collars and ro vers, loud he surprised at the values vou get in the .-, 10 and $12 garments. Newest Prime picking in Furs fur stock comes with early pur chasing, that's why we bought early and got the choicest. Bought heavily, full season's supply. Selling is rapid on them and your prompt attention is needed if you're interested. Offer ings comprise the Isabella, marten and sable, in single and double scarfs. Especial fur line for misses, ten to fifteen years. The Tailor It has leen Made Suits more of a problem for us to get the suits this sea Wyckoff's New York Store Stroudsburg, Pa. Fall Style of the Douglas Shoe fAf Payroll $ a6.B00.00pawttKv T s..'r-.""' . ... ft JOHNSON i5 .i... i ii III nn Or ILDUCill Our (all ttock of rubber goods is hers nd they ira the kind of goods that everybody wants the kind )0u elxays pay for whether you get them or not. Ibese sra high grade goods, made eiclusmely by makers arlio have reputation for turning out reliable prodjets. A little difference In quality makes s very great different in duraoiluy, so get the best. Cost you no more than the poorer sort. Bulb, Fountain and Combination Syringes, Hot Water Sollies Nursing Supplies, Ete. g l"1 S ('. 0. A mm Druggist. 1 jJTtJJjg Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bUJJcr ribL fcubecribo for the Fiit. !is., , , p . t c ) i f , ' L. u r .1 TliE SHOW OF OUTER GARMENTS You are invited to attend this showing of hand some, ready-to-wear apparel. You are invited to in vestigate the styles, to note the materia s, the fit, the fini-li of this representative collection. You are invited to buy, if so disposed, and what you buy will be right in evry particular. son than it has been to sell them. Never in our suit his tory have we sold so many and never have we offered better values. Our New York buyer has been kept busy supplying the lines. You can easily save a $5 bill on one of the $10 or $1) suits. at Have You a The past Mackintosh? rainy season has brought the mackintosh more in use than for a long time, conse quently makers have liecn rushed with orders. By hard pushing managed to kee our stock in good shape Dame Fashion has her de crees ncre as wen as in other garments and the automobile coat is a promi nent feature in the mackin tosh trade. Nevertheless tlx Tuxedo garment cape nnd velvet collar still holds strong place. Wreppers A good wrap . per stock is as great a necessity in a dry goods store today as any other feature. Flannelette and cambric are here in profusion. AW full sizes, well made garments and at a price you know is right. Walking The utility of the Skirts walking skirt is leyond question. This season's styles eclipse all previous efforts in skirt building. In this depart- "T"?' -r. V- 1 FITTER PORT vORLD LAVA'S fyrf'y JT? OF FEET JERVIS Do You Know? . '?', inat we, are offer ing real Bargains In Shoes ami footw ear for men, women and children? Give Us a Call and See -or .curse... Ryman & Wells. for Yourself. Have you hJ any of oar men's S-ii' nlnirti. If not it will jiny you to gf t soma before they Hr nil 80U. Hyuiau ii W'vV.n. ment, as well as in suits, the hard problem has been to get the desirable stuff as tuyers gladly pick them al most as soon as received. Little is the wonder when vou see what can be done in the line between $2."0 and $5. PetMcoats Of silk and mercerized Ratteens, the latter all black, but the inake-iip is as mar velous as the finest silk and less than half the price. Our silk petticoats at from $5 to $8 may not sound as cheap as some are advertised but they have the wearing qual ities. In black or colors. The Misses and Children's Garments no not think w e ' v e ever had as fine a showing of these items as now, and we feel confident in our ability to please the most fastidious taste. One feature of the new fall equipment is the long black velvet coats. These are so made, in being lined and interlined, that they have all the comfort of heavy Kersey. Not expen sive either, $1 to $5. There are as radical departures in the misses' garments those of T to IT years as there are in the older people's. Ornamentation and cut is different, the Monte Carlo feature showing strong. Just Received ! I 5 Urg ire ; t3.E0 5K0l facto rti "f-'T'lt,! 1 1 1.' liWJjiimiit ,Uttt oni wi -----u. .l AGENT William B. Kenworthey, M. D. riiysician and Surgeon. Office unit rfeldenre It run 'I strrot leit (;our( House. MILKUKU, PA. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad . Street. Fire Insurance. OLD KH.I.t H1.K COMPAMKS. R.sTK-J KKASONAKLK. Charles O. Wood, Agt. duM:ssor to .1. J. liarr. s?OITlci Iu n-nrof Keslil.tuue on Ann St . Milford. Piko Co.. Pat. STLI5HtB CAVWHTT. .1 ' l8ELS.' Thirty-one T-f tlve prmrtlee. Opinion m m vamiity kiid (mu-nutuilily. Wrtc for t-ok. of h.-trm-l n r j1 f-tf rrite. fcl'iN UKU V& P mt. VVaMtiloUte U. (3. Foley's tloney Tar cures coJJs, prevents ptieumaol