k M-V!)MNT TO TMF, cn-iT?Tr J 'iios rKoposKM 'i 'iHK(.;irt- 7! AH 'F THIS C(MM;V K-AI.'I H H THMR AiMMlOVAlMt H K.I H 1 ION BY Til K, liKNKH A I. AHSKM III Y OK THK, niMMitNWKAUH OK I'KWSYTA'AM , ITBMHH M HY OH UK K OK THK KKl'KKTAH Y K TiUr, COMMON WKAL'LM. IN I'l HSH A NCR OK AKITCLK XVIII OF 1 1 I K CON.S1ITUTION. A JOINT KKOLCTION Proposing nn nniendment, to peetlnr. ten of nrliele nite of tiia Const it titinn, ho thnt n ditM'hiirpn of n jury for fat hi re h nTe or other in'C'Sflniy cause slmM not work an Si-tIoti 1. Ho. It resolved by tho Feniite and House, of B"prrRrntatvef of the Com inonwenlth of IVnnoylvnnlrt in (rnnerti! Assembly met, Thnt thn following lo ro poiifHl m nn ftnienrtmenfc to thn Constitu tion; tlmi in to any, thnt seeMon ten of ar ticle one, whleh rends ft follows: "No person shall, for nuy lf.tlletnWo of fenso, lm proceeded titrnlnst criminally by lnformnllon, rxcept in cases nrlNtnjir in the Jinrt or navnl forees, or in the niilltm, when in ftotiml s"rvl -o, in time of war or pnhlie danprer, or iy leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor In oiliew. No person shall, for the fmnie offense, lw twin put in Jeopardy of life nr limb; nor shall private properry be taken op npnlied to pulilto uku, without authority of law and without Jnst compensation being first made or secured," bo amended io as to read afl follows: No person shall, for nny Indictable of fense, be proceeded nr;ilnst criminally by information, except In cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or puhllc danger, or by leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor in ouVe. No person shall, for the same offense, be twice pot In jeopardy of life or limb; but charg of the Jury for failure to Hirrre, or othr necessary crura, Mltn.Il not work an nc(itlttnl. Nor shall private property bo taken or npplied to public use, without authority of law and without Just com pensation being first made or Mecured. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. 4-iRI kst, Secretary of fchu Commonwealth. AMKNDMKST TO THK CONSTITU TION FHOPOSK!) TO THK C1T 1KNS OK TiU COMMON V KA TIH KOK THKIR At t'ROVAI, OH KfUK TION HY THK (iKNKKAL ASSKM 31, Y OK THK COM MON YK A IPH OK V KNNSYIA' ANI A, PI' HUH UK!) HY ORDKR OK THK PKCKKTAKY OK THK COMMON KALTH. IN PURSU ANCE OK ARTHJLK XVIII OF THK CONSTITUTION. A JOINT KK.SOMJTION" Proposing an nmendment to the Consitu tion of the Commonwealth. Portion 1. Ho It resolved by the Pen ate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Hen nny 1 vania In General Assembly met, That the following 1r pro posed as an nmendment to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, in accordance with the provisions of the eighteenth article tjicreof: Amendment. Add at the end of section seven, article three, the following words; "Unless before itsh.ill he introduced in the General Assem bly, such prtmosed special or local law shall have been first submitted to a popular vote, at a general or special election in the locality or l'ocalities to be affected by its deration, under nil order of tho court of common picas of the respective county af ter bearing and application granted, and ahull have been approved by a majority of the voters at such election: Provided, That no such election shall ho held until the de cree of court authorizing the same shall have been advertised for at least thirty (;W) days in the locality or localities affected, In such manner as the court may direct. A true copy of tho Joint Resolution W. W. GRIKST, Secretary of the Commonweulh. Washington Hotels. RI6GS HOUSE. The hotel par Picellence of the capital, located within one block of the White House and directly opposite the Treasury. Finest table in the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL A famous hotel ryt remarkable, for its historical associations and long-sustained popularity . Recently renovated, repainted and partially refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL. A landmark among the hotels of Wash ington, patronized in former years by presidents and high oflicials. Always a prime favorite. Recently remodeled and rendered better than ever. Opp. Pa. H. K. dep. 'WALTER BURTON, Hot. Mgr. These hotels are the principal political rendezvous of the capital at all times. They are the beet stopping places at rea onahle rates O. O. 8TAPLf. Proprietor. O. Ue.WITT,Manag0r. State normal School kast fiTKornsiu Ro, l'A. LOCATION This popular State Institution Is located In the mitist of the Delaware Water Gap and Mt. Pocono .Summer Kesorfc Region, the-most healthful and pictureMuu iu the tate, and one that is visited by thousands of to a ri. sis aunuully. COURSES OF STUDY In addition to the departments of the rejfiiliir IS' or iiml Course, we have special I Jeprtrtnients of M usic, ftlocnlion, A rt, lrwinir and Wutor Color, ami a full lol-I'-e prvptiniLory depariiuent . You oun Have an entire year in your college prepar atory work by coming here. KKKK TUITION Tuiton is absolutely free to those com plying wit h the new ;u law. This pives a r;ire opportunity to thosedesirlnw a com plete txhieutinn and should bo taken ad vantage t;f at once, as thm law may be re pealed by the next Leyilature. COST OF HOARDING Joardiiitf expenses are W fit) per "week, whieh ineltnlei fiiHy furnirvd and car-M-wni rooui, heat, electric liiriit and lann-iirv- The tktidtiouai i'Xkii-n i l-et with ub Lhuu at most any otiior tk-houl. 1M 1'KOVK.HtMS A m on jjf tle-e ftre anew Oymnasbtm. a line .!.. i:ie Liftit i'ituit. Hild It le w Ke,-i-t ill ion li.ill liiiiiK crrrli-.i W ti h h Wl II l'Ittiit?! Id lee il lit !, fully f 'tipi-ii recjuu U'li n Minis, l a ii.in i - .n, it u id rooms will be npln-i.-i-vl ami li u d up liiul Viiriir.tti vUleT ci.'.it'i'-H liiiulu 111 the II )riiiil-'tE ftr ihe tutibt-r riuotiirt. and Ci-avuiiu til i i.e. pi;:( t.I Lie m Jh-I. M Y ( V .i.O(.l K Uilbtlejoy f-.r 10, fjlves full 1 1 1 f r 1 1 1 1- tl' iri ,ut U I Iiiilltii) i ' wh's. l;.)"ti-Cfi nf hi :;:-. a!.d u! ',-r I.. i In ui liiU-i ewl. and U li b.' i" I . M i i j ; 1 1 ri.,t i to t Mi ih-r: r nb' it. i mi 'I vita i-i't-it i-u-iulr'( bt ii. i; rJ Is, Hi l! A. M l'i io ii"' There Are ' more feel Best ! CJ JOHNSON A Fmnll boy wiis pMit to the shop one dny liy liis motlitT to bnve n new bIctc put in tlie milk Htrnim-r. When he rnrne lmck with the mended Rtrnin er he pet. it on a ehnir nnd poured some milk into it. Of coirse the milk ran upon the floor. Then he looked up nt his mother nnd said: "Why, mamma, It leaks just as bad as ever." C'iiicin'Kitl Fnqnirer. NOTICE The nnnual meeting of the Stockholders of the Forest Lake A ssorint Ion for the election of n board of directory nnd the triinMetlon of anv InisineHfl whieh mny lawfully eomo teore them, will ho held at the i:iub ITou?e of t!ie Association, in Lncfcnwaxeii Township, Pike County, Pa , on Tuesday, Uutoter 14th, at one o'cloc k p. iu. WM. C DAVIDSON, Clerk. Mew York. Sept. 15, liH)2-10--3 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary upon the estate of Prescott It. (-rorman, Into of Rreene township, deceased, have been granted to tho undersigned. A II persons having claims itjruiiHt said estnte will present them nnd th-se indebted to said deeedent will pleaae make Immediate pavment to IDA H. (idUMAN, P. H. CROSS, Kxecntors. Crowes, Pa.. Sept. 22, liria COURT PROCLAMATION State of Pennsvlvaula, i County of Pike Notiej is hereby ven persons Ixuiud by reeopntzanee or otherwise to ap pear that tho October term, lKtfc?, of the several courts of Pike county will be held at the court hous. In the borough of Mil ford oa the third Monday (tfith) at 2 o'clock p.m. and will bo continued one week if necessary. GEORGE GREGORY, Sheriff. Mllford, Sept. 25, 1902. REGISTER'S NOTICE The followlntt nocouuts have been filed with the Ri ulater and will be presented to the cotti't for continuation oil tho third Monday of October next: Ktti of Priscilla V. Quick, dee'd Ac count of Heorge E. Hortrm, admlldstrator Kstate. of Sarah J. Cole, deo'd. Account of Fanny d)nrvea, ex.-ciurix. Katate of Maria J.. Peters, elee'd. Ac count of Humucl (i. ".d W'm. N- I'etora, executors. Ksiate of Julius Sharff, dee'd. Account of Kva Amelia Tiune. administratrix. J. C. WESibltOUK. JR., Sept. 80, lima. Register. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS The following appraisements set apart to widows have been filed with the Regis ter and will be presented to the court for confirmation and allowance on the third Monday of October next: Kstate of Jacob H. West brook, doe'd Inventory and appraisement Bet apart to widow, Sarah O. VeM brook. Kstate uf Charles Ctt, deetased. Inven tory nnd appraisement set apart to widow, Margaretlm Ott. Kstate of Peter A. Jj Quick, dee'd. In ventory and npprulsement set apart to widow, Catharine A. 'ilck. J. C. WKSIBROOK. JR., Sept 90, HegtsUjr. NOTICK All hunting flshing or other trespassing on the preni of tlie under signed, In Dlnmnn Tuship. on Ray momlskill and Dwarfhk 11 Crorkg, is for biuden under penalty oi the law. Ac. J. linlLKAD, Dlngman Twp., N. Hoilkau May 17, lm. JiwKl'H i)' RoiLBAD . FOR SALE. A small farm located near iMatniuorirt, known as the HeiiHel or Keinhardt plikce, containing 'il aena. Finely bx ated, well watered. Houne and barn. Fruit, of all kinds. Part impiyved. Title clear. For terms, price, etc., aldreti8 Lock box G Milford. Pa. TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby giv,n that trespaMHing upon the pro perty i f the Uudetntuuvd iu Muinid town hhip Pike county, Pa., for the purpose of hunting, tifhmg or any other purposus in Bti icily forbidden under penalty f the law. Mum. S. M, CltAtT, rj-KKSPASS NOTICK. Notic Is hereby X given that tn-.-tpuHslng on the preiniou ot'ilie undersigned, Kit uateU iu DinH'iuau townhtp, tor any pui'iot;e wliatever is hli-iel ly foi bniden. and all ulft iniers will Ihj pnnnptlv proswiiWU. lUA il. CAbB. Oct. au I:. !id;:ey. diseases rc t!.e most fatal of all c?b eases. i U i i:z:t ct tr.cr.cy rcfunii. Ccr.tAlr.3 rimiJ;.-s rsccrJzjJ ty en-J-rent j!iys.'dans as the bat for Kii.iey and liladJer trotitlcs. I1UCE toe aai $1.00. ' CA.HOV CATHARTIC r i . " .... ;-aB " 1 unuttM. tcauin U;i.(kJ C. C C. Nvr In U, fctWJf uf tlit diuU'r vhu tritS to ivU 'er;i.t!ii:;ij just u tjuoU." mlo l'"if lK.tfttU t II li ( urn Nr.: a s.. is a, Ui l, , w . .i.a More Douglas Shoes I Traveling around town than any other make. They are numerous because men ' most at home in them. in the world at $x and ,)) '50, 0ver three million satisfied wearers. Sold only by FITTER OF FEET PORT JERVIS Of More Importance By JULIA TRUITT BISHOP. (Copyrighted bj Uliy Story Pub. Co.) T AD Y to see you, Kir." Jj The doctor looked 11 p from It is book with a shade nt annoyance cross ing his face. Ladies could be seen at any time, but If he lost the thread of this Investigation, now "Ah, Miss Willoughhj " he gave her the chair opposite, and sitting down looked nt her with grave professional interest- "isn't it rather enrly for you to be otit ? You know I told you " "Yes, the girl interrupted, hastily; "and I did, stay in the entire time al most." A wnve of color had swept over her face, nnd he been me eon scions of it, even while he was fingering anxiously at the leaves of the book he hnd just been rending. "You certainly have a good color." lie remarked, professionally, "No fe ver, 1 hope. And he bent forward and laid cool fingers on her wrist. "There it Is again,' he added, muMngly. "I have often noticed a peculiar irregular ity about your puls-e and yet there is nothiir wrong with your heart not in the least. However, I am glad you have no fever." And he surreptitiously snatched 0 glnnce- into the book. Girls with n fine color were plentiful., but this treat ment for diphtheria, if it should prove successful "I didn't come this time for profes sional advice." he heard the girl say ing, in a very timid manner. "I I came to ask you about something M Rhe seemed to have lost her voice, and paused to regain it. When she raised her eyes, presently,' lie wai aware of their color for the first, time. They were gray, nnd they had black lashes. ITe had not noticed thnt before, though lie had treated her profession ally for some weeks. "You must make allowance for my great loneliness," she cried out, deso lately. "I have no one really belonging to me no one in the world. My guar dian. Mr. Pond, Is a good man but you know how old he is. and troubled about many -things. Sometimes he doesn't see me for weeks at. a time. The others are servants, or dependents how could I go to them withconfidenccs, or nsk their advice?" "Not to be thought of," murmured the doctor, looking at the gray eyes very steadily. Clearly, there was gome thing in the world outside of books and perhaps an orthodox something in hearts that he had never found with the ntethoscope. "And bo I have none," went on the desolate girl, with a look of timid ap peal. "And I have have learned to know you so well have learned to trust you w ill you mind very much if I ask your advice your friendly advice in a matter that concerns m3self Klone?" The gray eyes drew him on, end made him my things that surprised him. They made him reply, without the least reference to tlie big books and the treatment of diphtheria. "Why, surely I will be only too glad to assist you any way In my power." And he said it frankly, and cordially, too, leaning forward nnd looking at her w ith eyes that had begun to be non professional. Really, she did have a lovely color. "I have received an offer of mar riage," she said, with her eyes down again. "You know I had a little money left me only a few thousands and my education and other expenses have almost exhausted that, if I dun't ac cept this. this gentleman, I must go out into the world as a bread winner In a little while a very few months, if I should marry him, I would be very wealthy so rich that it would al most frighten me, I think," she added, with a wistful glance at the attentive fuce. "My guardian has set these two alternatives before me so many times that I know them, word for word. He member that I am all alone and tell me what to do as j 011 would tell your sister or any friend for whom you cared a little." Her fingers were twined together In her lap, and a man who was not study ing out a treatment for diphtheria would have seen how tight the clasp was. This, perhaps, would have mude him delay a long t inie in his answer. "Thee are difficult quest ions to de cide for another," he said Mt last, ju dieiully looking out at the window. "My opinion would be that it would be wier to nuirrj the gentleman who Is a gentleman, I t a ke it f or gra nt ed than to go, out into the strujr(le with tlie world. IYrhona I !y , I don't like to t-ee women in biit-inehH, if if it can be avoided and in this instaiu-e it t-eems t hat it can," he added, w ith a iwifv look at her face. At bib ti t t calm w ord s h e had bhrunk as if from u blow, and now the arot and turned toward tiie door, her eyes h- tr j ed. "'TUi nks -wu are very kind," she iuui nuiid He mw her put out her tiaiid hii f ct 1 f nr t he k in 'n, as though f i.niei li ir 5 blinded her. but be wa Ihci e ht f ore her, look ii g :t t the dow n-th-opot-d f:ie. "I I 1'ii'iiiiJ to a .-k ore 'ie, r ion . .e f-.-iid. " I o tlo j nu love thin- irh n "Dnesi It mn1ter7 No!" she replied, as Fhe wr-nt out. Pot he had seen her ryes. Tl nt down nt the table nnrl looked at, the puge be hnd been read ing- last- looked nt it until the after noon had waned and night hnd pet in. It is a singular fact that while the eyes of the body can go patiently read ing linea nnd pa rn gra phn and pnffea of learned treatises, the eyes of the mind can be looking steadily nt a gray-eyed girl with her fingers twined together In her lep. True, here is this investigation carried on successfully to thin interesting point; but why was It thnt h went awny so noon? nnd her eves now why should there have brn tenrs there? And she would go nwiy and marry the rich man he had advised it. Well, why should It concern him? The doctor puddenly arose, leaving his books scattered on the table, and went out Into the street for air his office waa insufferable. Where lie wna going he did not know. ITe was not conscious of any reanlution until he found himself in the door of Miss Willoughby's little sitting-room, nnd a girl with a very pale fnce rose up from the chair before the fire. Her eyes were wjde with fear what was he going to say? What had he discovered ? "I was forced to come," ho said humbly. "I know you will be angry perhaps you will be amused at the fact that I a poor student, a physi cian who has his thoughts on you, when you have an opportunity to make a wealthy and distinguished nujirringe. I knew at the firt that there was no hope yet I felt that I must come. It only remains for you to tell me ro, yourself, mnd then I will go bnck to my work nnd have done w.ith tle dream." No, it wns ft mistake about her having been pale; for when she leaned on the mantel with her face turned to the fire she was as rosy as the morn. "Yon are too considerate to tell me outright," he said; "but . I see what must be. Of course it is in sane the idea that you could take poverty, and the struggle fof life with me, when wealth and ease are offered you. It would not be possi ble, unless you loved me so devotedly that your love would set all other considerations aside " He paused and gazed at her miser ably; and without turning she half whispered a faint suggestion. "I I might learn," she said. He turned white and leaned against the table for support. "Learn-Ienrn to love me?" he asked, in a daze. "It Is impossible." "It will be difficult but I am will ing to try," said the arch-hypocrite with the gray eyes. When he went back to the office, several hours Inter, with the step of one who walks on air, he found a number of book a scattered in most unseemly disorder on his table. "Itenlly, John is growing insupport able, he said to himself. "All these books lying around but I remember now, I wns studying about oh, yes diphtheria. Well, there's plenty of time for that." llnliitK of the Robin, Let us hide behind that clump of blackberry bushes and watch the parent birds as they come to feed their young. There comes the father robin now; you can distin guish hhn from the mother by his darker plumage. You will notice that in coming with the food he nlighta on a particular twig, hops along a particular branch and alights on a particular sidetof the nest. If you watched him for a week yon would probably see him approach the nest in precisely the same way each time. Now, here comes the mother a lighter-colored bird, with gray on the back of her head. You see that she reaches the nest by quite a different route and alights upon the other side of it, and she will do this over and over again. Like men and women, birds acquire habits which they rigidly adhere to, unless something happens to prevent them. Ernest Harold Baynea In Woman Home Companion. THE SUBMARINE TORPEDO. Aa Intertatlnir Eiptrlmemt Reeradr Mat to llrlrrmln. It Aetal Force. The results of a recent eiperiment In a oiisxon, representing a section of the French coast defense ship Henri IV.. have been made public through the Indiscretion of a French officer, says the New York Post. The caisson was anchored, and a torpedo charge was attached to Its side, about ten feet be low the surface of the water, the depth at which a torpedo is expected to strike a vessel. The discharge was made by means of an electric current worked from A barge at tfome distance away. The consequences exceeded all expec tations, as a hole of 12 square yards whs made in the side of the caisson, Vhlch immediately sank. Internally the fluiiiage extended to three longi tudinal partitions, which were in the position of coal bunkers in w- ships. The hoie in the first partition covered nearly 11 squnre yard; the second par tition was shattered, and the third, which has no corresponding pnrtition in the Henry IV., had two oval holes in it, one 52feet and the other x1'4 feet. The torpedo charge was the or dinary one of from 176 pounds to 220 pounds. It is evidence that the best defense again.t a torpedo is distance. Out of it. reach a vessel is safe. Con tact with it means annihilation. Spent More Thaa I1C05 V'. Y. Boiyr of Plainyiew, Neb., writutt: "My wife suffered 'rom lung trouble for flftoeu yeara. Blie triad a nutn)xr of doctors nd spent over J1000 -without relief. She be 0!iia vm-y low and loot all hor. A friend rBt'Oiniiiorulod Foley's iloney unj Tur and, thanks to tltih Krf.tt romo.ty, it suved her lif 3. t ho o iy-ya better lwiltli tlmn nl e hits know iu ton yetru." Il fa.-o feui.stiti tos. Svld at Armstrong' ti uk btore. Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting veil. You suITcr from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For GO years they have been the Standard I amily Pill. Small doses Yntrit fur m.'iipi. h.- r.r -ml beautiful brown or Trh Muck 1 Thru vt BUCKINGHAM'S DYEMAr. !n aitft (Int. Hewitt Every time Oruct comes to see me I'm oirt. Jewett Tint he saidhe found you at home the other evening. Hewitt Well, I was out. just the same; I played poker with him. N. Y. Times. What Killed Them. v Farmer (Ireene How docs Josh Whiflletree keep his tohocco plants so free of tolwceo worms? Farmer Hrown Kflsy nufT. He jes has his dude fi-on from Yale go out in th'tobacco Nt an' sinoke cigaret tes. Judga A Dozen Timet Night Mr. OwBti Dunn, of Bentnn Ferry. W. Va., writes ; "I have hnd kidney and bladder troulile for years, and il bncame so bad thnt I wan obliged to Ret np at least a dozon times a night. I never roeeived any pormnnent benefit from any medicine until I tried Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles, I nm cured." Sold at Armstrong's drug store. As Others S?e Clara Don't you think Mr. Cttmso has rather on arch look? Maude Yes, now that you mention It, he Is awfully bow-legged. Chicago Daily News. Me Knew. Bookseller Now, here's a good book. Tt entitled: "What He Told His Wife." Old-wed That's fiction; I wnnt poetry. N. Y. Journtil. Danger in Fall Colds ' Fall oolds are liable to hang on all winter leaving the seeds of pneu monia, bronchitis or comsntnption Foley's Honey and Tar cures quick ly and prevents snrinm results. It is ol3 and reliable, tried and tested, safe and sure, contains no opiates and will not constipate Sold at Armstrong's drug store. ' One of Two Thlnars. Sweller I introduced the count tc Miss Gotrox, whom he has just mar ried. Swatter Indeed. Now, I suppose, out of gratitude he will give yon a slice of her fortune, or she will ask you to help pay his debts. Town Topics. Never Ask Advice When you have a cough or cold don't ask what is good for it and get somo medicine with littlo or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foley's Iloney and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, it cures coughs and oolds quickly Sold at Armstrong's drug store. The Mjraterr of Secret.. Ella llelle told me thnt you told her that secret I told you not to tell her. Stella She's a mean thing. I told her not to tell you I told her. Ella Well, I told her I wouldn't tell you she told me so don't tell her I did. Tit-Bit. Bronchitis (or Twenty Years Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111., writes: "I had bronohitis for twenty years and never got rolief until I used Foloy's Honoy and Tar whloh is a sure cure." Contains no opiates. Sold at Armstrong's drug store. A strong and honost effort is be ing made, says a Chicago paper, to rescue the country from the quaking morass of Bryanism. Not so! On the contrary tho country is pro gressing and paying no attention to Bryanism. A, few of tho old time wheel horses of tho democracy are trying to pull their party out of the mire, but that is a matter of littlo interest to the country. "Watch the Kidneys" "When they are affected, life is in danger," says Dr. Abornethy, the great English physician. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys. Hold at Armstrong's drug store. Americans are not, as has been stated, the sweetest toothed people in the world. Home govern ment figures just issued show that the per capita consumption of sugar in Great Britain is 91 pounds, while i:l the United States is 65 pounds for every uiau, 'womau and child. In Italy the consumption is only 6 pounds for each inhabitant. No danger of consumption if you use Foley's Iloney and Tar to cure that stublxirn cough. Sold at Arm strong's drug store. Notwithstanding the inactivity of the coal railmad. the August fig ures from the railroads of the coun try show increased earni' gs of 500,000 over August of last year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures cough 4 au.l colls and prevents jvii-ii ii 1 1 ii : :i . Take no sulir-iitutes. teoij Kt Armstrong's drug Bture. 'if 9 - J via Wo arc now lo cated at tho cornor of Front and Sussex Streets. KANE, Telephone ftavv For Every Member Of Yho Former's Family. A SEASONABLE REMEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Mypophosphites of Lima and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for 50c. Presorlptlons Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co. Jt" Next Door FINE GROCERIES, FLOUR, PURE COFFEES AND SPICES, SELECTED TEAS, BUTTER AND CHEESE FROM BEST CREAMERIES, FRUITS AND CANDIES, CANNED GOODS IN VARIETY, SPORTING GOODS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Complete Assortment of the Delicacies Us ually Kept in First Class Stores. Goods Delivered Promptly Free of Expense. For Sale Dy Telephone CJI 62. DO YOU EXPEPJ TO BUILD? THEN SEE A jm m'iO'iii sod oOijj Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Builders. estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work Guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Building, f'ilford, Pa. r",. 1 v, J . 'r i vi(.y a iiuiury ana tur tvr thuJrt:n,&uf:,siiri. Ao vpiattm, "BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, Pi RAN, OATS, and HAY. When in nc.'il of jmy Hello to No. 5.. or como t SAWKILL MILL, MILFORD, PA T H F SHOE- MA N . Call P. J. 184. York b Mails Kstfililihcd in lsil. tor ovrr slxt r vwirs H was Uio SKW YORK WKKKLY TKl IH'X E, known nnd ivad iu every Stnto in The (:nion On November 7, l'.H'I, it wns rhanped to the New York Tribune Farmer, a high clnss. up t date, illnt-rittd agricultural weekly Tor the tanner and hU family PRICE $I.OO 1 year, luit you ran buy i( for less. How? liy siilisci :hiu t hnuijh v.mr own favor i to homo newspaper, I'MK i I for , I'm, li-th pape.-n one year for only ft ti.'i, Seiul your order ind money to Til K I'ltFss. Sample copy free. Send your ad dress to NEW YORK TRI3UNE FARMER, New York. BroH St root, M i 1 ford , j Pannftylvania to Hotel Fuuehore. Harford St., Gilford, Pa rs, ....., i-t . I'uitry i -iiiicy illrJ makes kldnevs a iJ SiifJitrrjW,