Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, October 03, 1902, Image 2

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Friday, October 3, 1902.
si' use iition:
Onk Ykak nc dollar and fifty cento.
Bix Months .Seventy-five rent.
Kl:.Vl.i IX IjVNCK.
Kntnrnl at the post office of Milford,
Pike, County, FViiimylvHtiln, m aee-ond-olnsH
mutter, November twent.y-flrnt, ISMtt.
Advertising Rates.
One tqrmre(Rlfrrit linen), otifi Insertion -11.00
E,vih subsequent Insortlon - - .60
Kiilueeil rates, uirnimiea on implication
Will ue allowed yearly advertiser. .
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's and Exoo ItOT'i
notions 8.00
A nditor'a notices - ------- 4.00
Divorce notices - .... . 5.00
Sheriff's wiles, Orphans' court sale,
County Trrawnrm'i sales, County state
ment anil election proclamation charged
by the square.
J. M. Tub Etten, PUBLISHER,
Milford, Pike Connty, Pa.
For Governor,
of Philadelphia,
For Lieutenant Governor,
of Lawrence oounty.
For Socrotnry of Intoro.nl Affairs,
of Erie county.
For Congross,
of Carbon County.
For Prothonotary, Register and
of Greene.
For County Commissioner,
of Milford borough.
For County Treasurer,
of Mntamoras.
For County Auditor,
of Palmyra.
For Representative,
of Milford borough.
Admiral Schley passed thronght
Port Jervis west Wednesday.
Invitations have been issued for
the marriage of Miss Paulina W.
Bourniquo aud Robert W. Findlay,
which happy event will ooour at the
Church of the Good Shepherd Oot.
15 at 12 m. The ceremony will be
performed by Rev. O. B. Carpenter
E. W. Pierson of Blooming Grove
expeots soan to remove his family
to Hawley where he has employ.
mont as a carpenter.
Charles E. Thornton will start to.
morrow with a team of horses
owned by Fauohere Hotel guests for
Philadelphia. He will be accom
panied by Walter L. Angle, who
goes back to resume his studies at
the U. P.
District Deputy Grand Master of
Odd Fellows George Daumann WM
at Lackawaxen Wednesday evening
to install the officers of Minisink
Lodfce No. 352. Mr. Daumann is
most proficient in the work and his
addresses are very instructive.
The coal strike oontinuea and
President Roosevelt has requested
the leading operators and President
Mitchell to meet him in conference
today at Washington.
Charles Clark and wife rejoice
over the advent of a present whioh
the stork brought this week and
August Metz aud wife are also
thanking the same bird for a like
Theodore Tuthill shot and killed
Miss Joanotte Sohroeder in the
Welsh building, Port Jervis, Tues.
day evening and immediately turned
the pistol on himself inflicting a
wound from whioh he soon died.
The alleged reason is that the young
woman refused to renew Lor engage
ment of marriage with him which
she had broken a few days before.
Thomas V. Tuft, an old and high
ly respected citizen of liawloy, Pa.,
died at his home Tuesday.
Miss Lizzie Bull is ubwmt on a
visit with friends in Orange county,
N. Y.
Miss Ikir'ha Williamson left town
tiid.iy for her now home in Ilranch
viile, N. J. Blie will be greatly
iiiiKwd in church work and particu
larly in the C. E. society, of whkh
(.Ue wtd an aotive and enthusiastic
Miss Xenly Paddi'k and MUs
Mary Collins of Atlantic City aro
vs. itiiiK Mr. tin J Mis. Howii'd JM k
fur n few d iys.
Tn V-r-Glass
of Vaster. -
Put handful of glared I
teffr in a gU" of WBtrr,
wh ofl the cotitinir, t
look Bt it; smell ill Is
It fit to drink I Give
the nme trit. It leaves thf water
bright ntl clear, because il'tjuit
fvrt coffee.
T sVRir limra ulfora
Qoftlur and. bMlucMk
Presbyterian Chroniclings
(By Rev. E. M. Stnoail.)
The query has come to the pas
tor's mind whether the announce
ments each Lord's day morning are
looked upon as a mere matter of
form or whether it is a real bonoflt
to the ohuroh and congregation. Do
more people attend the Sunday
school, Christian Endeavor socioty,
and the evening service than would
oome otherwise? We most sincere
ly hope that all the sorvicos; of the
Lord's house may roooive our
thoughtful and prayorfnl considera
tion throughout this winter. The
pastor's heart is very much disturb
ed at times because the young peo
ple are not more active in their
brandies of our work. It would be
a most humiliating experience to
see the Sunday school and Christian
Endeavor meetings take a backward
stop. Let "Forward" be our watch
word all along the line.
We regret exceedingly that so
many are to be away from us and
our work for the winter. They will
be greatly missed but we hopo for
their prayers and their sympathy
even as they shall have ours in their
absence. It was a most sad meet
ing last Sunday evening when one
of our most willing and able young
ladies, Miss Bertha Williamson, an
nounced that it was her last meet
ing with us. Mr. George Mitchell
spoke in behalf of the officers of the
church in regard to their Apprecia
tion of Miss Williamson and her
labors and the pastor added a per
sonal word to the same effect. We
all commend Miss Williamson to the
affectionate regard of the Christian
people of her new home.
The recital by Mr. Edward A.
Mead last Monday evening was a
great success as is indicated in an
other article in this paper.
From ail reports it would seem
that Ootober Instead of June is the
wedding month for Milford. If
Cupid has been so busy in our midst
as we are led to suppose then con
gratulations are in order. We would
not bo presumptuous but if any
have a "seoret in their hearts" we
shall be most happy to share it and
those that have Indulged our curi
osity may be assured of our most
hearty good wishes for the future.
The missionary box for the Albion
Academy of North Carolina called
forth a generous response from a
few of our members and seventeen
dollars worth of things were for
warded as announced last Sabbath.
A normal class for Bible study was
organized! Ut Wednesday evening
after prayer meeting consisting of
twenty-two members. The class
will meet every week after the
prayer service for recitation and
conference upon Biblioal themes.
The pastor is pleased that the out
side work has begun for the Manse
improvements. This is a much
needed step. May the work soon
be completed.
Reformed Church Notes.
(By Rov. A. J. Meyer of Montagus.)
The sacrament of the Lord's snp-
psr will be ohsorvod next Sabbath
morning. The pastor would be
pleased to have any one call upon
htm who wishes to make confession
of faith in Christ. To express at
God's altar our hope in Christ is a
solemn duty and should bo upper-
tnowt in our thoughts. A sossion of
oonsistory to receive members will
be hold in the church parlors at
10.15 Sabbath morning.
At the church service Sabbath
morning in addition to the sacra
meut of the Lord's supper there will
also be infant baptism. The pas
tor's younger eon will then lie bap
tized aud a most cordial invitation
is extended to all Christian parents
to 'ulQll their Chriatiau duty by
having their children baptized.
The topio Sabbath morning will
be "Tlie Fourth Commandment.
Evening topic, "Witnessing for
The Dorcas society of Hainosville
met yesterday at the residence of
Miss Mary Young.
The Ladies' Aid society of Monta
gue will meet next Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. L. A.
FOR SALE. One two seated sur
rey wit n top, one liylit runabout
;oti, one not single harness, one
woif biiin ru!e, two borne blanket
and two l.ip robes Emjuire at the
J'ttt.-.i otV.ee. tf
Methodist Church Jottings.
tliy Kf.v. - K. f-eene' K )
The topic fe,r n-xt- Sulil'iil h twvn
ing Is "Divine Law," mil for tin
evening "tlnllio. Who Didti tt'aie."
Tho Autumt nl sorvir,o will be
held this year on tho 18t!i of Octo
ber. The old jMiopie's service will
be held on that day in the movsiin''.
The books for the norni.'l cl.i -s
have arrived. We are greatly re
joiced that so ninny of our yontur
people nave expressed a desire to
take up this systematic study of tint
The musical -that- was postponed
because of the storm but week
Thursday wilt bo held some time in
the latter part of October. The spe
cific date will be made known next
It gave us great pleasure to attend
the recital at the Prnsbytei inn
church given by Mr. Mead. We
wish to express our appreciation for
the very excellent way in which he
rocitod both serious and comic selec
tions. At the meeting of the Epworth
League held Tuesday evening it was
decided to have a led are course dur
ing the full and winter Full par
ticulars will be given late.-. At
present we can say that the services
of Dr. Wililim; have bcei secured.
He will give his famous lecture, "To
the Top of Mount Hood." Dr. Wil-
ding is a man who sees the funny
side of things and combines valua
ble information with real wit. Dr.
Gilbert will come also, a man highly
recommended by Dr, Wright, our
presiding elder. Mr. Keinbie, who
has been a great, success wiih his
recital, "James Whitcomh Riley,"
will also come. The fourth man
has not boon seourod as yet. Keep
your eye on this column nest week,
At this mooting of tho League del
egates were appointed to attend tho
district convention nt Dockortown
to be held Oct. 23d, A quartet from
our choir, consisting of Miss M try
Quick, Miss Lillian Buchanan, Mr
Dudley Ryman and the writer, will
furnish special uinsio for the day.
Mrs. Thomas Armstrong w'll be the
aocompanyist. Mr. Angle was ap
pointed one of the delegates.
Always Full of New
The Philadelphia Press has one
of the strongest news sorvicos in
the world. Special correspondents
in all the capitals of Europe and the
important cities of this conn try ; ex
clusive correspondents in all the
cities and towns within its circula
tion ; exolusive privilege of using
all news reooived by the New York
World, the New York Tribune, tho
St. Louis Globe-Democratic,, tho
Boston Journal and the Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune ; and tho ser
vice of the Associated Pross keep
Philadelphia's Great Homo News
paper full of the latost reliable news
every day. The Press at onn cent
daily is within tho reach of all, and
you can hardly do without it.
O. A. B. at Washington
On account of the National En-
campmont, Grand Army of the Re-
publio, to be hold at Washington,
D. C, tho Erio railroad company
will soil special excursion tiokets
from Port Jervis co Washington, D.
C, on Oct. 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, nt
$9 for the round trip, good return-
ing to Oct. 14th, except by deposit
ing tickets with the Joint Agent in
Washington between .Oct. 7th and
14th, and on payment of u fee of
fifty cents at time of depositing
ticket, an extension of return limit
to leave Washington not later than
Nov. 3d may ha obtained.
Dress making in all branches
Will go to the house or do tlio work
t home. Address Mahy Lvi'V to,
Broad street, Milford.
t i .- . t '
Jt .V
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion, and by tak
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished.
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma
terial. Some pay more, some
less, some get nothing for
their money, you g t your
money's worth when you buy
Scott's Emulsion.
Vc will send you a little
free. -
SCOTT & llOW.N'K, CiiiMisf,
409 IV, 11! Stu-ct, Nw Yoik.
50c. and t i.oj ; u'.l diu;t.
J A 11 St iff p
r.t's t'e c
leipy ?11.lM-rS
i ibe T-tiornay.
m i'd in r.lear-
( e e;i e' ( J,r;!( y in r:, j .11
in the he:id p.n l t" re.it
nniiil'i r.Tiiirli cvincs hcadtelip,
impairs t!)t tavte, Fine'.l and In-nring,
pollutes tlie I.rei lh, th r-rT's the stom
ach and p f-"' s tl-e up' " 1 i'e.
To rue c.MT:h, I ' .1 ' :ii' '.it mn-t le
con r-v.H'tu.S itlirtV.c !"d tuc.
-1 v.vs B'.i'i' :r. r. :!h :'irli. I took
rne-'.:' I'v-l iff ilefinn! !; t'v!'!7 P'l' h
n (nlr trial; hut rnitlii eiy etcj werne until
I mold Hitdlv lienr. t:i -'e nr siceU. 1 Hun
retif huleil to t ry lleoi'a S.-iJ s ii.in iHn. bikI
nfler tn'On- tlvt' hoif.; 1 van curei! nttti
liavo oot ti.nrl nny r'-hlrn of tlie ctiM'i.ie
since.'' Keonr-'F. Konai s, J.eNinrn, Kfin.
od's Sn rs n p a rilla
Cur.-? catarrh if r' "th. 3 stud strength
ens the niucoitp tncoilirane and builds
up the whole "vatetu.
Field's Minstrel
The cntortiiin'hont last evening in
the hull by a band of juvenile min
isttvls was well a'tetuled. It would
be invidious to specially mention
any onn part when all wero s well
taken. The troupe combined shows
siinch talent and furnishes an oven
ing of laughter. If they come your
way bo sure and hoar thorn fot the
Ainusouumt is both novel and sur
prising coming from such a band of
, Rout F.ntutn Ti an.-.f..'rB
Taey b". .I noe-t to M ireus IT. Vi.
sioy, ii'iit claim, releasing ,right to
support, etc., U'j acres, Lacka waxen,
1. '
Marcus II. Lnsseley to George ('.
James, acres, pirfc of Samuel
Roberts, Ltcka wax'-n, 1.
J. W. Robinson has purchased n
steam well drill and expects to drill
a nnmbtr of wells this fall.
The water is very high again and
in some places bridges are carried
Houck brothers, at Houcktown
have sold their null and factory.
Samuel Simons expects to move
back to the stonj house again this
Wo are triad to lo.arn that Laura
B-irtleson is speedily recovering
from a severe attack of appendicitis.
The Wayne county fair was not
hold on account of tho continued
rainy weather.
Syiioeym tViintfil. ,
Society lvcpoytor Then I'll Ray:
"Several beautiful fouits wore ren
dered by Miss I'orklcy."
Hostess Well -ft- -ih n't sny "ren
dered." Vnu so Jier father made nil
his money In hird. Philadelphia
1 ress.
A Creature of Ilulilt.
"Oh. yes, hjf's a shue to habit," as
sorted the well-inferaied man. "Why.
he's so accustomed to raisincr prices
that he has sold out, his coal hnsinest
and boupht a cont rullinfr interest ia
nn ice company." t'hicairo Post.
Insult to Injury.
-"Such an ontrajre!" exclaimed the
anarchist, "when tliey took me to
court I was handcarTed t-o a thief."
"Yes," replied the. warden, "anil the
poor thief pot five 'years besides."
Philadelphia I'tvsk.
What They Needed.
Pilas Uow is your son, th' builder,
gittin' along?
lv.ra-Well, he would do fust rate
ef he only had more patience.
Silas, So would my son, the doc
tor. Chicago American.
A S1iih In l'olnt.
Bill Do you know it spoils a cigar to
le-t It go out?
Jill - Well, souiehody must have let
that one jiai'te smoking go out a gouci
many tunes before you got it. Yon
kcrs (.laze! te.
Kutat llfjirt Won,
Dora lie w many times did you're-fu-e
Jack before von accepted him?
Kt hel Only ohs-e. He fccemed so dis
oonrieM d 1 war atraid t.u try it again. .
N. Y. Weekly.
Proud of .
Preacher Ho you swear, little boy?
louimy tau'to iui ,mi; oui, say,
you oiiL;ht to heur my dal. N. Y.
Henry L. Shnttuck of Shull.sburg.
Iowa, i cured of stomach trouble
wilh which ho had boon afflicted foi
years by four boxes of' Chamber
lain's rtomach and Liver Tablets.
He had previously tried other reme
dies and a number of physicians
without relief. For sale by' A. W.
Balch aud Son, Matamoras, all drug
and general stores in Pike county.
A Novelty, Anrnir,
"f've the p-rentest jitea you ever
heiii'U of for sucniiuu pl.iy," declares
tee v.iiin author. -
"What lire von (roinr to dramatic
the cook bo.,k?" we ask wiih tine
hurras in. '' '
")niuii(ti.-.e nothing!" he retorts
"Ihis lb to hi purely and ei.tiicly and
ariiainly nri; ii:al. l iio heroino i
to be a iiiotl.er-'u-l.iw anil the hero t
Luseball iciiiiire." -.Iihlge.
Tho best i.hyiic Chamberlain's
Stomach find 1 ,1 v.;r TaMc's. liasv
to take. Pleas it. t in rtT.-ct. Foi
( .'ile l.v A W. li'i'c'i (in,! Kitii. M'lta-
I m'.-iM, all diiiej and gorier, il stuis
iu Pike county.
1 - AXTl 1 1 A Hit on ft, wT.'.inr -vo-n
I V an to !,i io w .sli .n il iron le
il.e v, e- U v. 11 .1 1, .1 1 . .' i ,r he
: d cl.!.r-: :' t . I w.it io i1'.-
I rie .t J . 1 1 y Mll.r'l.r. 1! V.M I..VC-
homes a?;o:;g THE TREES.
" Vrrvm!lK T)rlr for I hpiti Fn
1 lil... H ... I l:'mr !o-nter In
I1 11 1 111 I I In ! 1 nic-l..
lie-re is iii iM'.uiy tocry frimilv a
i !. ;.: ini f ev it home u it h shinic a round
i- nmnnrt of city dil raet ion can
r 1 aoilvlcly liill It. It mny plumber,
1 111 it tHonr ilics. It is bred in thf bone
ted horn in the blond. In many cases
I ypr-ks it drirc of II own volition.
In o'"t instances it lias to be stirred
to net ion. A id Ihtc is w lit-re the com
pnniee that dioclop Inrjre tracts of
land in or near cities do good work,
mivs the Xi-w York World. The fHct
that responsible men enn tnke mnnj
acres within n short ride of the busi
ness veetton, build fine streets and
pavements, put in waler mains and
pus nnd electricity, spend lnrfre sums
in ad'ertil-inL'; and then ell lots that
will MitPiee for separate houses, with
a few shade trees around them, at
comparatively small sums nn easy
terms, shows tlint after all land near
a city is not so expensive w hen handled
on a htre scale.
In or around all cities settlements
built up in this way have become val
uable and beautiful. Thousa nds have
obtained their homes a inontJ the trees
A (renernl pood that follows these en
terprises is the regularity of the
streets. The average city in it
growth followed old roads and thin
its streets became t wist pd.
More Altnnt Mnrf,
Mrtry hail a little nose
Thit 1 urn rt up at Ihppoir.t,
lint 11 tittle baby brother came
Ami put !t cut of Julnt.
( bli i ko Tribune.
Must He True I.ove.
Torn Are you sure she loves you?
Jack When I told her I hnd no
money to ntnrry on she asked me if
1 couldn't borrow some. Chicago
America n.
His r-ixperlence.
First Hoarder A man can't live up
to his ideals.
Second Hoarder No. At any rate,
he can't board up to hig ideals.
A rtiitolMiitr,
Estelle Ah! His proposal was jus
like n dream.
Atrnes Wclk vnu imcht to know
dear. You've been dreaming- of thnt
proposal for years! tirooklyn Life.
A Typical South African Store
O. R. Larson of Biy Villa, Sun
days River, Capo Colony, conductsn
store typical of Houili Africa, at
which can ho purchased anything
from the proverbial "needle to an
anchor." This store is situated in a
valley nine miles from the nearest
railway station and about twenty
flvo miles from the nearest town
Mr. Larson says, "I am favored
with tlie custom of farmers within
a radius of thirty miles, to mony
of whom I have supplied Chamber
lain's remedies. All testify to thoir
value in a household whore a doo
tor's advice is almost out of the
ouostion. Within 0110 mile of my
store the population is perhaps
sixty. Of these, within the past
twolvo months, no less than four
teen have been absolutely cured by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This
must surely be a record." For sale
by A. W Balch and Son, Mntamor
as, nil drug and general stores in
Pike county.
Domocratio papers, which wore
quoting statistics to show the de
creased foreign trade Tor August, as
oompared with Inst year August
thus indicating, as it appeared, a de
creased industrial activity, are not
saying so much whon they discover
that tho decrease related principally
to crop products due to smaller than
usual yields, and that the exported
products of manufacture showed an
increase. The bountiful yields of
this year indicate heavy exports for
the coming season.
Ciianiberlaia's Cough Remedy Saved His Boy':
"I behevo I saved my nine year
old hoy's life this winter with
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
says A. M. lloppe, Rio Creek, Wis
"llo was so choked up with croup
that he could not speak. I gave it
to him freely until ho vomited am
in a short time he was all right."
For sale by A. V, Balch and Son
Matamorns, all drug and general
stores in Pike county.
Tho Commoner lias boon enlarged
to 16 pathos and will bo usod in fu
turo, as heretofore, to thwart plu
tooracy, to prevent the domooracy
from rnnking any wild rushes into
tho arms of tho money lendors
either silver 01 gold ones and par
ticulnrly, wc aro iuforhiod by tho
editor, ''to thwart the plans of those
who would use the democratic party
for mercenary purposes." It would
bo well, it is sut; jested, to subscribe
st unco since the pulp trust may at
any time lieccsst iato nn increase 111
tho price of the iiowspapcr.
You as.sumi) no risk when you buy
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. A. W. Balch
V Son, Matamoras, all drug and
goiicr.il stores in Pike county will
refund your money if you aro not
sati-tlnl after using it. It ia every
wb -ire admitted to be the most suo
Kssltil remedy in use for bowel
com, 1 lints and the only one that
never fail-. It is pleasant, Hafe and
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures cuSJi, prevents pneumoali.
It is " Putting Off " Till Some
Other Day that Causes so
Many Sudden Deaths.
If its for the kidneys, liver, bladder or
blood, rheumatism, dysjrepsla, chronic
constipation, or the weaknesses peculiar
to women, the most efficient medicine
known to the medical profession Is Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and
very simple way to find out If you need
it, is to put some urine la a glass tumbler
and let it stand 24 hours ; if It has a sedi
ment or a milky, cloudy appearance, If it
is ropy or stringy, pule or discolored, you
do not need a physician to tell you that
your kidneys and bladder are badly
The Rev. Theodore, Hunter, pastor of
the Presbyterian Church, Jreensburg,
Ky., writes us the following 1
"It gives me much pleasure to state
that I have received great benefit
from the use of Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy. Some time bro I
had a severe attack of kidney trouble,
but a few bottles of 'Favorite Remedy'
have entirely removed the malady."
"Favorite Remedy" speedily cures
such dangerous symptoms as pain in the
back, frequent desire to urinate, especially
at night, burning scalding pain in passing
water, the staining of linen by your urine.
It is for sale by all druggists In the
Haw BO Cent SIlB and the regular
ft. til) size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle eiorh fo trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondvut, N. Y.
Dr. Psvld Kfnnrar's Sslt tthrafn CrtRn cures
Old Sorei, Skin aai scrofulous Diseases. 00c.
That we?
are oner
ing real
In Shoes
and footwear for men,
women and children?
Give Us a Call and See
for Yourself.
S Wels.
c liivrri
t lies In buying tho cheap
j brushes. In tooth brushes econ-
j otnj comes In it least 1 medium
,V quality. We oan sell jou 1
rS brush for ten otnts that Is an
Nj actual baraln. But It's wiser
fw to pay mora Then you et
j reliable material and oonstrue-
?S tlon. You et brushes that wil'
N aotually save dental billa. They
iJ are I -.variably worth all or mora
fa than we ask for them.
1 n n)iKiTi)ATn
Stricken With Paralysis
Henderson Orimett of this place
was stricken with partial paralysis
and completely lost the use of one
arm and side. After being treated
by ati eminent physician for quite a
while without relief, my wife reo
ommonded Chamberlain'g Pain
liil in and after using two bottles of
it he is almost entirely cured. Geo.
II. McDonald, Man, Logan county,
W. Va. Several other very remark
able cures of partial paralysis have
been effected by the use of this lini
mont. It is most widely knovfn as
a cure for rheumatism, sprains,
and braises. For sale by A. VV
Buloh aud Son, Mutaiii jras, all drug
and general stores in Pike county.
Why do not our friends, the dem
ocrats, show how they smiiahed the
trusts ly their free trade polly-fox-ing
in lsi03? A few of the trusts
did go to the wall as the result of
that abortiou known as the Wilson
law, but tho gouerul experience was
that tho trusts stood tho strain but
ter than anybody else. The unor
ganized businesses of the country
were the ones that went to smash,
and busiuess was smashed so com
pletely that the democrats were
mortally afraid to go bof ire tint
country in lb'Jti ou their beloved U,
lit' issue, aud allowed Bryan and
frej silver to capture their party.
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
Physician and Surgoon.
Ofllee and residence Prond street,
ten Oourt House. MILFOIU), PA.
Dr. von dor Hoyde,
Brick House Opposite Vandernmrk Hotel
isroad street mutord 1'a.
OFFIOK HOURS: 8 to 12 a. tn. ; 1 to
p. m.
H. E.Em erson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
Fire Insurance.
BATHS ukasonvihk,
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
Sneoessor to J. J. Mart.
sTsOfnoeln rear of Residence on Ann St.
Milford, Piker Co., Pa.
A Backward
Our Screen Doors must Ihj
Tho bet fancy door with flxt liven eoinplVte
rrfftilnr price V1..10, Jj 1 "l o
To clofte for . . . . 110
A plRiti door complete, regular price (31
Vi.ifft, to clone for . . . .
Above are natural white
wood and varnished.
20e sic 16c
2oc size 18c
30c size 20c
Also extra high screens to
extend any width wanted.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
The Press
Is prepared to do any
kind of ordinary
Job Printing:
Bill Heads,
Note Heads,
Letter Heads,
Or whatever you may
need. THE STOCK is of
good quality, THE WORK
MANSHIP neat, and the
respectfully solicit a trial
order and will then leave
you to judge of our claims.
Eitnte of Hurinun Krunwi, deeeaneil.
LellerH Uiatuiiiuntary on tho ttliovu eatutu
hnvliitf Ikhiu urununi to tlui iinih.i,.
" nerwiin luiloliunl to tlio una u.u,ih ro
reo,ni-nU'il Mi niuKa puviie lit, nml th.M)
bavin,; i li ms tn nre-M-in, ti,, s, U i
lluliiy loMK.-S. 14 A K Li A KA K14AI K.
K leoiltnx.
M ii iciikii n, Tn,
Or (o our tttt-jmny, ALKHtu il Alt V