rhe Shoo that Amorico's best dressed women ore buying, wear ing and recom mending to their friends T A WO A The first shoe that has the style, the fit, the comfort, the good wear of the highest grade $5, $5, and $7 shoes i t a popular price. The La France Shoe is the product ot a firm who for twenty-fire years have been foremost among the best shoe manufacturers in the United States and have a national reputation for excellence of product. We saw this shoe, recognized its splendid style and quality, and secured the exclusive agency for this city. The La France Shoe Is $3.00 a Pair. You never saw a shoe like this one at anything like the price the graceful lines, swell styles, fine leathers and skilled workmanship make it worth much more. It's a bargain if ever there was one. We have a complete line of Street Boots and Oxfords. Let us fit a pair for you. The La France Shoes Have Rock-Oak Soles. ' ) A'",Yy) Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You sulTcr from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For GO yesrs they have been the Standard I amily Pi!!. Small doses cure. Aitd?J!ii.B. V ant jour pimmarhfi nr In-nrd a buulilul hriiwn or rrh htnrV ? Ttn-i: inn BUCKINGHAM'S DYE YJImt AVrelrh on Record. Husbnml (Idudlv) My dear, yon have nothing to wear, have you? Wife (with nlacrit) So', indeed, I haren'tj not a thing, l'l lie anltamed to be seen anj-'w here. My very newest party dress lias beeu worn three limes already. Husband Tf, that's Jtist what I told Itlifklns when he offered me two tickets for the opera to-night. I knew If I trxik them they'd only be wasted, so I just got one. You won't mind if I hurry off? Tit-Hits. 0 4 X I V 1 t A Physician Healed Dr. Ueo. Ewirp, a practicing phy sician of Smith's Urovo, Ky., for over thirty years, writes his person al exorionoe with Foley's Kidney Care: "For years I had been both ered greatly with kidney and blad der trouble and enlarged prostate gland. I nsoil everything known to the profession withnnt relief, until I commenced to use Foley's Kidney Cnre. After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured. I prescribe it now daily in my prac tice and heartily recommend it to all physicians for such troubles. I have prescribed it in hundreds of canes with perfect success." Sold at Armstrong's drug store. Port Jervis. Fitter of Feet. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. , The hotel par excellence, of tno capital, located within one block of , the White House and directly oppestte the Troosury. Finest table in the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL. A famous hotolry, remarkable for its historical asa.iolauons and long-sustained popularity. Recently renovated, repainted and partially refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL A landmark among the hotels of Wash ington, patronized in former years by presidents and hih ofilcluls. Always a prime favoritfl. Kywntly remodeled and rendered better than ever. Opp. l'a. R. K. dep. WALTER BURTON, Res. Mgr. These hotels are the principal political rendezvous of the capital lit all time. They are the best stopping places at rea sonable rates. O. O STPtr. Proprietor. . DEWITT,Msner. State FJormal School EAST RTKOIIDSHIKG, PA. LOCATION This popular Statu Instit ution is located In Hie muirtl of the IMiiwiue. Water (jap and ivit. I'ouoiio Aiiiiiiota Hi wi-t Ki'Kinn, tiie nio-it henlibful and pK-nin-Miuti iu tlie suit), and one that is vinitcd by thousands ol tourists annually. C'Ol KKS OF (il l 1V In addition to the departments of the regular Noruml I 'mirt.e( we. liave special Jlejuimni-itls of Mu-'C. Khu'ur.uiii, Art. Jlruwln and Wut'-r Color, and a full -ol lere preparatory d'-part iie-nt. You can have an entire year in your college prepar atory work by coming hero. rilLE Tt ITION Tuiton is absolutely fn-e to those com plying wtl h the new state law. Tins glvt-s a rare oppurt unit y to l hone deslriiif a com plete eduealson and Bliouhi lie. taken ad vanlaae of at uie-e, ab this iuw nuy be rc puiUcd by thu licit Lffe'lature. Cost ( IliAKIIN(i Isoan'inir exjienses are ? :l per wtnk, which includes fully fimuhrd and car peted ikiiiii, ln-iit, electric ii'lit mid laiin ilrv. '1 he aiiu.i luiial t-i(icii-e la li-ss wuh us tiiau at inont any oLuur sciiooi. i :u I'Kia ..u i i!i A-ieriii? !l;--se are a new ( yiunanlu in, a floe 1. 1--- 1 re: l.lcht t'iaut, aiui u new Kcel t .1 ion ill - il liovv lellli cl.-i I. -I. V hull ,!l ei.n'OU ti : I II lala-'c alei twliy ts!iiln-ii !"' ' Itiii I' 'I I Iwuilin. Ill .el'Ull'fl., Iili lull rooms will In- i.-plie.tert-d aiel t!ii;(l up cud -trlmis oiler ci,uu---e-, itm.lc in la d'riuu-'i e-B t"i- the turiie-r ciinfirt and l"ll l ll.i tu t ,,i llic pupl sot tlic ij. ieioi. vrw ((tii.ih.ii-: ( 'a: ,il( -uc for i'.i:.', gives foil infornia- I 1 1 i 1 1 a.-, It. It. l I llMiit, I I !--.-, Ciunx s ct -i 'i, i , hi. :-! (:- r t.ii s ol i m: i i t a oil wi il i 'i' ;i . : - m.! ; ili.e - l-i I ;io.--c I Vie f: c 4 U. J a.l J nil mii lih i.lc-ii1..--!- ..ll, l . J K, I.. hi 111', . M ., 1'. m. ,, at. BRINQ3 SUMMEK BOARDERS. A Large metropolitan Newepaper Which In Helping the Summer Resorts. The Brooklyn Englo several years ago established n Bureau of Infor mation in Brooklyn, where tlio pub lic oonld, free of chargo, secure de tails of hotels and boarding houses for the summer. The idea nt once became popular, and branch bureaus were opened in Manhattan and other cities. Country hotels and boaiding bouses by sending to this Bureau can secure a listing blank, fill it out and return it and then be represented free of oost, and send tboir circulars and cards for free distribution The Brooklyn Eagle has also been considered for years the best me dium for summor boarders in Now York city. The Rock Point Inn, in the Adir ondacks, said: '"We are giving the Eagle a larger share of advertising than moat other papers, as experi ence has demonstrated its value to ns In past seasons." Chaunoey B. Newkirk of Wurts boro, Sullivan county, said : "Last season one small udv. brought me five pnoutH." La Rue Bros., proprietors of the American Uotel of Wharon Kpriugs. N. Y, wrote: "Our house is full and mostly by Brooklyn people Daily wo reooivo applications for rooms, and all on account of our standing ad iu the Eagle." For LUting Blanks, Adv. Rate Curds and other information, ad dress EAGLE INFORM ATI UN BUREAU, Brooklyn, N. Y. uii-isi Uhii.iitij.0 are the most Lta! of all c'ls- 1 jcr noney t-zluniti. Corfalns tc J s tecc rJzfi ly e;ri n?r.t 1 liyi-cbni as u Lat for t-iu-y arJ LhiLr trou-lh-s. i ;ac2 jc iiiji.oo. 4 MKNDMKNT TO TIIH C)STIT1T i TION IjHOIM)F;T) to tiik citi zens OF THIS COMMON WKA1TH FOR THK1H API'KOVAT.OK HK.IKO TION liV THK (tKNKRAL ASSKM 11LY OF THK COMMONWKATrH OK PK.NNS YL V AN I A, V V 1 U , I S 1 1 K 0 I i Y OK!) Kit OF THK RKOHKTAKY OF THK COMMON rt'KALTH. IN J'l'HSl' ANCK OF AHTICLK Will OF THK CONSTITTTION. A JOINT HKSOLCTION Proposing nn ninondim'tit- to soetloi, ton of article one of Hit Cmiariturkm, so that h disclmivt of a jury ftr failure to iiKmi or othor iitvt'ssm-y causo nhali not work au ariiuittal Sf'tion 1. Ho it rosolved by the Pt-nnto ftnil House of Kt')n s;nliitivo8 of tho Com monwealth of lYmiri.vlvnnia in (rtMinml AHvnilly inut, That th following be pro IostHl hs an nmenitmont to the CoiiHtitu tion; that in to pay, that fvetlon tvu of ar ticle one, which realn as follows: ''No person nliali, for any linliotablo of fonwe, Imj pHJCtHHieo1 Htraiont criminally by iiiforniatioti, rxept iu cam's arising in the laml or naval fumes, or In the militia, when iu aettial sorvk-o, in time of war or public dauper, or by lave of the eourt for oppression or misdeineanor iu oilioe. No jH' i nun shall, for the same offense, be twiee put. in jeopardy of life or limb; nor Khali private property be taken or apnlleti to public use, wiihoub uuthority of law and without just compensation heiu flrnt Tiiatle or secured," be amended wo tut t,o riMid as folio jva: No ihtsou shall, for any Indictable of fenao, be protwdod againnfe criminally by information, except lu ea-ses uriaing in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when In actual- Bervie in tiriio of war or public danger, or by leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor in olllre. No person Hhall, for the annie offense. lc twice put iu jeopaMy of life or limb; but m di rlmrft of thn Jury lor failure tit icrm, or oilier nceeHHsiiy citr, hIimII not work an mettuittal. Nor hhall privatw propi'rty be taken or applied to public use, without auilioritv of law and without just cjiii pv.imaT i(.ii tu'in ilrst nirnic tr'seenr'd. A true copy uf the .foint Hesulut ln. V. V. hl!lKT, Secrotary of the CuuiiuuMwwiUh. A' MKNHMKNT TO THK COV-TITU- 'i ION HHSK1 TO Til K 'IT- 1KNS OF THIS rt)MMiNYFALTH FtiK Tiil-.IIt A i ' lKO A I, t It liK.IKO I'iilN IIV Til K t.KNi.ii . I, A.-KM-l;t.Y uK THK COMMON WKAII'H OF l'KNNSYI.N AN1 A, i'l HU-HKO i Y Oii!KK Ol'1 THK SKCKKTAHY OK IHK I'uMMONWKALTil, IS HI'RSC ANCKOK AHTICLK XYUIOF THK CON&Tll'CTluN. A JOINT KKSOLCTION I-Toposii.- Hi) nmeiuiment to the ConnitU tiosi of the Common wealth. S-M'Hj 1. He it rew.lved liy Use Senate and Huf of K pi e-M-ntat ives of tlm Com mon w air Ii of 1 'l iin-yf v:irm in Oerieral AhM-iulily met, That the following is pro-ii-tii ati an amendiueal to the V'jntti!u tiim (tf the CitiiiiiumwiMltli of Iinnytvei ni i, In nroordanee with the provisions of the cighu-ciith article thereof: Amendment. Add at tho piu'. of wetion seven, artie.le three the following woi-is; "i nle-s 1 before M -ii.il 1 i.e nil r kIhi . d ill t he (-iener;d Asvlii hly, stieh ju-fin -s '-t r.p.'-iMl ur local law r,ha)l have (n-t u llrt hiiaonu d tt a ppuiar vote, nt a y iiera! or ftM-i'Lil elcthiii in t he hM-aii(y oi i.M.i.iitn b t.j i-o ulU et. d hy ii tfruiin, iiinii-r mi i.iilt-r tt tim muri id 'niiiiiiii"! ii- 'if t.'ie n ,-i'elive county af ter h- MrniK' und aitiiiu ,ii ii-n innted. and niuil liase b-'Wi apHoctt by u mitjontv of ttiu vuit'! ai jsiieli-fic-t li'ii : l'rviil d, That liuhll- Ii el; el e .It .-i J ill 1 1 he lie id 111!" Il I he ite erea o '-ihiri mi; I h n'l.'.l li u I lie niiiiU hhail im.e lurii udvi-r' i.-. d ui 1 a-t tho-t v ; .111 (i M.. h ' 111 in ner a- I 1m ul lie- l.H i.illl ' Ml ! t- III. ft nil. iv dirt eUd. el. lie. . ti iu 1', ( t "iUilli ill 'A t itt h . J ' :u . ... -t l.y ,' , t. A-. ' " i,.L i i.l .,h:l. - -- ' b. .i,...t. tr 1 '.'J i Uv X -. till l.b-WfU ..A,U bu ORPHANS'OURT SALE Bv virtue of Biv-ordor of the Orphnns' Court of tlie county of I'lke. In pnrtition, 111.- r.illiiu'ltu, p..ul a.l.,l.. ..r ...1.1. . I. n..-itl C. D. Piiichnt, lul of the borough of Mll- unu, iii iuu county ot rine, iII.ki stilzi-d, will l exposed to imle, by publio Tendue or outcry, ou MONDAY, THE 83 D DAY OF SEP TEMBER, A. D., lyua, at 8 o'clock In the nfternoon In the front hull of the court house at Mllford, nil the following pieces n-il tracts of bind, situute in Hum county of Flke: PUKPAHT 1 All that tract of lnnrt In Dlnxnian township, comninlim 81 Bores ami as pi rcln's, beiiiff pnrt of a lnrfrer tract survey io isenjiiiinn lyson, Bltunte along Milforiland Owi-rii turnpike partlculnrlr described In deed recorded lu Deed Book No. 18 nnire S14. t'L'Hf ART a Tract of land In Phohola township In the warrantee name of Thom as iluiiK'li, nunibi-ri'd 83, containing 4UU acres and 13 peiuhes more or Icbs. PURPART 8-Traci of laud In Shohola township In the warrantee name of An drew Russeil, numbered is, containing sioii ocm.h .inn o". pervnes more or less. PURPART 4 All that tract and farm siluhte in the township of Miiford known as the"b'oster Hill Farm." bounded br Seventh sti-eet and Pond Eddy road, lands oi mitna .loriu-.n, i.ysalider fclton, d(H'.eas ed, Mm. A. K. liwia and others, contain- lug (K) acres nioro or less. Also all that pli'iHiand tract of land In the borough of nullum, useo nun Known as part of the "Foster Hill farm," bounded by Seventh and High streets and binds of E Warner and estates of Kiuily W arner and Katu B. Van Wvck, deceased, consisting of town in is ana parts oi lots, via: lots Noa. eiia, li1-!, W7, 712 and K7 on High street, lots Ncis. tan, (W), tisl, 713 and L"-J6 on the west, siiit and fronting ou (ji-orge street, lott. Nan. WT.IM, liii.rlp Ti l and 174 on the e:isl side and fronting on (icorge street, lots N.w iW7 ii4, 7ir. and VtH and part, ol lot No. (i.'.y ou the west side and fronting on .Iniin street, and parts of lots Nos riisl. C. ti-., 710, 14ii, TWO and 717. buuinkil by rSevt-ntii and Jlin streets and landd of e-.tnti-8of l".iiiily NY amor and Kate B. 'an Wvck, deceased. PURPART 6 Tract of land In town ship of Miiford, Ix-lng lut number 6 as lai.l out bv Abraliain llui'ii, lyiugon tlie lionli eat side of till' Millold and Owego t'li'U pika road, containing 11 acres more or libs anil par.ltaiarly dcscrilicd in deed ret orded in Dceil BiM.k No. sl page ii'iT.. I'l Rl'Alif 6 All Unite three lots 111 the borough of Milfurd froutlug ou llrnail slri-etnnd uuiiiUtikI resp?ct.iely 41U, 4-). 4-Jl, iieing each 40 feet iu width and ex teiuliug lao feet in depth to GooseLeny a' ley. prRPART7-A!l those four lots in tiie borough of Miliord fronting on Hitr f-ird fir-et nuuiliered rcsiMHilivt-iy 607, 51o. ii.irt, ieiug eacli tio ten iu width and cxu-mJiiiK It Kl feel iu depth to Pear alley, si i unto corner Hut-lord uud Flith streets.' IMPROVEMENTS , Pt'RPART 4 tiood d.veliing home mill barn, 4i acres cieannl, balance wihkI l.iud, situated ou high gi-ound overlooking ibe iKirougli of Milioiti and is very d.ioliv blc as a iili: for a summer boarding bom,.', and oil pin t of lot No. Vlll, dwelling house. 1H ivl'A K l' (i Large store bouse, two all iis ami slic 1. PI It PA It 1' V Uarn, ou lot. No. 61D. Tunis oi sale, C ASH. J.VME.S W. P1NVHOT, Kxixiuior Miiford, Pa., Aug. 25, iwi. f&At tlie same time and place wi.l s ti u simrea Miliord itiute stock. JAMK.-i W. ilNCIIOT, is-ieciitur. During the twelve montlis our ex ports hnva fallen off nbout a linn dred million dollurs, but our home snles on the othor hnud hve increas ed by ton times thnt nnionnt. The search for the issuo continues but with constantly flagging energy and loss and less expectation of any sat isfactory realization. Consumption Threatened "I was troubled with a hacking oough for a yenrand I thought I had consumption," says C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Chnmpaign, 111. "I tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians forsev eral months. I used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cured me and I have not been troubled since." Sold at Armstrong's drug store." The democrats In making their fight on the republican tariff will hardly call to mir.d the armies of tramps, hoboes, Coxeyiti's, etc which were swniming through the land during the days of the Wilson Cleveland law. Foley's Kidney Cure Will cure Bright'? disease. Will cure diabetes. Will cure stone in bladdor. Will euro kidney and bladder dis eases. Bold at Armstrong's drug storo. The Uomocracy, boing out of now er. talks loudly and with ereat ve hemenoe about the offensivaness of trusts. U run tod that the comnlaints are just, what did that party do to curb trusts when it had the power? Quick Relief lor Asthma Sufforers Foloy's Honey and Tar affords immediate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst Mages and if taken in time will effect a oure. ' Sold at Armstrong's drug store. They Work While You Sleep. 'lii!t; your mind arid body rest Cas catttb Candy Cathartic repair yoi-r ili;-i -non, j our liver, your bowel-:, 'it i ! ' ! u in i i-ifci t older. Genuine i.d.U t., oiaiiij,, d C. C. C. Never buM fc!uik. Ail (Jrue! t.i, ioc. We would suggest to some of our free trade friends who are bobbing op as though they never been hit in the head with a brick, that the country is not yet entirely tired of its prosperity. I had diabetes in its worst form," writes Marion Lee of Dun reath, Ind. "I tried eight physi ciat.8 without relief. Only three bottles of Foloy's Kidney Cure made nie a well man." Sold at Arm strong's drug store. The safest program for the dom ocrucy is never to get into power Then it can never be placed in a po sition where it can be said that it did nothing when it had the power Many persons iu this community are suffering from kidney complaint who could avoid futal results by us ing Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold at Armstrong's drug store. It is claimed cow that Maine will not go democratic, notwithstanding Senator Carmack's prognostieatory elllorescenees. Foley's Kidney Cure is a medicine free from poison and will cure any case of kidney disease that is not be yond the reach of medicine. Sold at Armstrong's drug store. Erie's fl to Niagara Falls and to to Toronto, Out., excursion train leaves Port Jorvis at 7.35 a. in. Fri d iy, ki-ipt 6th. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure all di-.i-ai-u an--it! from (lisnrdered kitlue.Va or bladder. Sold ut Arm Btroiiy's drug bture. ill "BftST OF ALL FLOUR." feld, meal, HRAN. OATS, and HAY. Wlii'n in ikvi Hello to No 1 )f liny '.. or conic to SAWKILL Mill, MILFORD, PA Wo ore now lo- catod at tho yjornor of Front and Sussex Streets. KANE, Telephone Ca I P. J. 184. THF. SHOE M A N flow York nnlm For Every Member Of The Farmer's Family. F.Mtnlill.-lieil 111 1MI1, lor ovit sixt. yi-nrn It was tlio NKW YORK WKKKI.y TltlHl'NK,' knewn mill roiul ill nvory Stnto in thf l:nlon On Novcnilier 7, liml, It was chaiiKi'd to tlin New York Tribune Farmer, i hih clnis. up t xlafe, llliistrntcd OKriuulturnl wt-kly for tho mrnuT nutl hla family PRICE $I.OO 1 yi'iw, Imt yon ctxn huy it for less. How? iiy fcubsci iliinir throned your own fuvorito homo news pnpi-r, I'MK I'ukss, Miiford, Pa. Jioth papt i'k ont yenr for my ?l Suml ynn onlir money to TilK Phf-s. Sample copy free. Send your ad dress to NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New York. A SEASONABLE REMEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Li mo and Soda A 12-oz. bottlo for SOc. Proscription Carefully Compounded H. E. Emerson & Co., Next Door to Motel Faudiore. Broad Street. MilforU, Pennsylvania FINE GROCERIES, FLOUR, PURE COFFEES AND SPICES, SELECTED TEAS, BUTTER AND CHEESE FROM BEST CREAMERIES, FRUITS AND CANDIES, CANNED GOODS IN VARIETY, SPORTING GOODS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Complete Assortment of the Delicacies Us ually Kept in First Class Stores. Goods Delivered Promptly Free of Expense. For Salo By A A WAT.T.AfTfi UUl V sj LJil-Zi- 2Jj J til. Telephone CJI 62. ;1 urn Harford St., Telford, Pa DO YOU EXPEHT TO BUILD? THEN SEE A. D. BROWN and SOiJ, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Buildcrc. Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work guaranteed. OFFICE, Brown's Cuddin, f.lilford, Pa. Foley's Honey and Tnr Foley's Ki.lncy Curo for chiiJicn, safe, sure. A'o opiates, amkes kidneys eiJ blJJcr right. r