PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, August 29, 1002. IHJHMSIIKI) HVRWV H(II):Y. OFFICE, WiOWS'S mill.lMNIl BHOADPT. NI'IISI Itll'TION: Onk Yeah 4 )ne dollar nd fifty cento. Hix Months -Seventy-live cent. STRMTI.V IN ADVANCE. TIiiUtcmI nt, the pnt nffii-n of Mllforil, Pikw County, tVniiRj-tvanltv s woontl oluss mutter, Novemtwr twenty Brut, 1MVKI. Advertising Rates. U n f flqimr'(cl(r lit linos), ono Insertion -1.0(i ft.i-h Huhsrtjni'iit tnnrrtiim - .50 K'i1in-t'tt rales, furnlnhifl on !i pHcnMun, Will bo Uiiwttl yearly atlvttl ti --m-n. Legal Advertising. AdnitnlMtrntnr's mid Emr ttor'g nutlet .... S.nn Aiitlit-nr's not lees 4.0 Divorce notlrcrt 6.K) SlKtritt'ii sales. Orplians' ronrt sales. County Treasurer's sales, (bounty Rtate-m-'tit; and election proclamation chargitl uy the square-. J. n. Tsn Etten, PCBLTSHKR, Milfard, Pike County, Pa. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET Fur Governor, SAMUEL V. TENNYPACKER, of Philndolpliin, For Lioutonniit Hovernor, WILLIAM M. BROWN, of Lawrence county. For Soerotary of Intornnl Affairs, ISAAC B. BROWN, of Erie county. COUNTY TICKET For Prothonotnry, Register and ' Recorder, VICTOR COREY of Greene. For County Commissioner, PIERRE M. NILIS of Milford borongh. For County Tronsurer, ROCKWELL (. HEIDENTHAL of Matnnioras. For County Auditor, AMERIOTJS H. DOWN of Palmyra. For. Representative, ALFRED S. DINGMAN of Milford borough. President Roosevelt in a speech at Boston recently declared : "At present we have really no efficient control over a big corporation which does business in more than one state." That is precisely why the trusts may flourish. There is unde r our present laws no one sovereign power to deal with them and the need is for some such oontrol wbioh will be real and not nominal. The trusts must be subject to law which shall be supreme over them no mat ter in what state they are chartered or do business. The trusts can now dodge foderal laws by fictitiously keeping clear of the interstate oom- morco law and they also evade the sovereignty of both the Bfcite in which they are chartered and in which they carry on business. Hence they are practically without legal oontrol. The president would have this remedied and he is right to the point. Uncle Russell Sage predicts that the animals of Wall street will soon begin to make cider out of the green apples they have gathered. That is, that the stock gamblers will squeeze the water out of a lot of Blocks which have boon bought by the country people, lie says there will soon bo a slump in stocks. If people of small means would refrain from buying the glittoring special ties offered and invest their money nt a lower but surer rate of interest some (if the largo paper corporations would soon go out of buuiuess. T. B. Morse, diamond buyer for Tiffany & Co. of Now York, was in town over last Sunday, lie expects to build a handsome residence on the corner of Fourth and George streets this full. Ha will sail for Europe iu a few days. Mrs. D. A. Unsworth gave a very pleasant tea at her Harford street home Tuesday afternoon which was participated in and greatly enjoyed by a large number if invited gnenta. Miss Jnuiue Quinn. a trained liureo of Sei-anton, is visiting her father, Geo. 13. (Julnn, in Diniuan township. Mis. Martha C. Turner and sons, George W. and William, of Middle town, ft., who have been pus.-.ing ti.fi r vacation hero, relumed home l.iy. The EGGS which tome cofTee matters ue to gle their rnfTeo with would vois etit that kind of teani Then why drlr.k thrinf Lion Coffco has no coating of storage glue, tc. It coitee pure, unadulterated, fresh, itroni and of delightful flavor ud groma. QltlltT Ht4 mann"" (.ft, in.im-l Methodist Church Jottings. (Uy Kiev. V. K Scuiilil'.n.) The topic for next Siibbnth morn ing is, The Christian and Prophecy. Watchman, what of the night?" The topio for the evening is "The Farseeiug Man." There will be prenching at Union next Sabbath afternoon. The flower committee deserves a note of praise for the very fino dis play of last Sabbath. The cross was a source of great pleasure to the pastor who is proud, indeed, to have so faithful co-workers. The duet sung at the morning service by Mr. Dudley Ryman atic' Miss Lily Buchanan has elicited much favorable comment. People who can sing and who are willing to sing are a constant pleasure and source of perpetual service to the church. Happy are we in having such young people. The fair was equal to what we could expect iu every way. Finan cially it was up to the high water mark and socially it proved to be a very gonial occasion. The ladies of the church deserve great credit for their very efficient work and the friends from the city who gave us such royal support have the sincere thanks ot the pastor and church. One week from next Sabbath morning the quarterly communion service will be held. This service is one of the greatest importance and every effort should be made to at tend by every Christian of the con gregation. We have noted in the past an increase in the interest tak en in the sacramental servico and we trust that this interest may in crease Btill more. Any servico that brings us into such close fellowship with our Lord as this service can not be neglected without great spir itual loss. Through the kindness of a friond from Brooklyn six very valuable books have been added to the pas tor's library. There Is nothing that a student appreciates more than the chance to improve his inner life by way of good books. It is with great pleasure that we express in this column our deep ap preciation for the gift of 125 that came from some friends who have been spending the summer here This is a tangible way of expressing appreciation that is indocd very no ceptable. The ea.li will soon be spent, but the appreciation that it expresses will not be forgotten. It writes another chapter in the lives of the givers and of those who re ceive and a ohapter, too, of which none are ashamed but over which there is great joy. We were especially gratified at the goodly number who attended the servioes last Sabbath. The evening service was unusually well attend ed. We will miss the largo number of friends that have been so faithful during the summer months when they return to the city, but will bo glad when the time comos that our own people can again bo freo to oome to the place of worship. Another Excursion to Binghamlon Monday, Sept. 1st, Labor Duy, the Erie offer the people of Milford and vicinity an opportunity to visit Binghainton and Ross Park at the low rate of $1.25 for the round trip, with the special train leaving Port Jervia at 7.15 a. in., arriving Bing hamton at VI noon and returning leave Binghatntou Rt 6.30 p. m. Don't forgot tho date, Monday, Sept. 1st, and train leaves Port Jer vis at 7.15 a. m. Harry D., a son of Judgo Allen Craig, was married Wednesday to Miss Lucilla McAllister at Mauch Chunk. Governor Francis Murphy, United Suites Senator John F. l'rydon and Col. Kuser, tho lattor's son-in-law, all of Newark, N. J., are guests at Blooming Grove Park. Mrs. George Borfhoud died hist Sunday in Philadelphia. Her hus band is a sou of the lute Fred. Ber thoud of this place. Dress making iu all branches. Will go to the house or do the work at home. Address Mary Ludwh;, Broad street. Milford, Pu. COR SALE. One two se-itod sur- rey w iih top, one light runabout wagon, one set Hinle harness , one w olf fckin rnlm, two hore .blankets and two lap robes. Enquire at the I'UI-. vS Kilioo. tf ' I Presbyter tan Chroniclings ( Hv He- K. M. Sin'-ml ) Servie-'s ns nuinl next Sabbath morning at 10. HU and evening nt HO. All nreinot welcome. Please do not forget the regular quarterly communion service the first Sunday in September. Tlie preparatory lent urn will he given one week from tonight, Friday, at 7.;10. Let all members of the church remember their most F.aered and solemn vows and attend these ser vices. Last Monday and Tuesday tho pastor took 22 boys back to Twin lakes for an onting. It was with greit satisfaction that- nil were re turned safely and we hope in good health. The boys marched nearly nil tho way out there, some nine miles, and rode back in a wagon. The pastor and Mr. Wilson of New York city, who accompanied him. also walked both wnvs. Much gratitude is hereby extended to Mr. Frank Seitz, who acted ns the con ductor of tho baggage and as the chef while in cam). Also great credit is duo Mr. Wilson for his patient uncomplaining spirit and for his good assistance rendered throughout the trip. At the prayer service last Wed nesday evening Mr. Sehnffof Brook lyn, a most appreciated and esteem ed colaborer this summer, spoke in behalf of the Bluff House guests thanking the good peoplo of our church and the pastor for the enjoy able services and social lite of the congregation. It, is with sincere re gret that we give up these people but still it is with a God speed that wo see them return to their respec tive churches and denominations to do good service for our common Master. "God bo with vou all till we meet again." The pastor officiated at his first wedding in town last evening when he performed the ceremony which united Miss Linda Nyco Klaer and Albert Quick Wallace in the holy bonds of matrimony. A feature of tho occasion was the presence of Mrs. Klaer, Mrs. Quick and Mrs Nyce, three grandmothers, two of whom are in their eighty-fourth year, and the third consider ably past three scoro and ton. Miss May Reed and Miss Mills were bridesmaids, Fred Klaer, a brother of the bride, itlid Theodore "Baker groomsmen. Mrs. Jardon will give another tea and musicalo the first of next week, proceeds for the improvement of the Manse. She merits sincere thanks for her efforts. The Dolly Vardon tea this after noon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Van Etten It- is hoped will cancel tho In debtedness of the organ fund Oil in Pike It is reported that oil has been found in the woll of Isaac Winter mute at Mill Rift, this county. A test showed that it would burn In a lamp. If tho well has not boon "salted", this may be the beginning of a boom for this section. Several years ago nearly all the land em braced in a strip some two miles wide along the river ovon down into Monroe county was leased by the East Ponn Oil and Gnsoompany and its agents assorted thoir belief that this was oil territory, but no boring was done to tost the matter. The company expended considerable monoy In securing and several hun dred dollars for rooording tho leases and its reasons for so doing have always remained a mystery. Per haps tho solution is at hand. If Pike his oil and gas her oitizens can say to the coal operators, "You be burned!" as the operators are now saying to the poople. Hope it may bo a case of turnabout. Unclaimed. Lettera. List of unclaimed letters remain ing in tho post ollleo at Milford for tho week ending Aug. '2H, 1902 :. Mrs. Cren. T. llolconibo, Miss Thrush, Miss Dollie Austin, Mr. Chas. Higirins, Cnrey Comedy, Mr. T. II. Strut, M. D. Persons claiming the above will please say "Advertised" and give date of this list. ClIAitl.KS Lattimokk, P. M. Real Kglate Transfers George Becks to E. T. Riviere, 200 acres, lsaao Wyckoff, Porter, No. 178, iiW. Harriet B. Titney to Lester Pitney, 1 aero, Delaware, $300. Frank M. White to Juno Killani, 50 acres, Dingman, $100. Mae II ilhert to John A. Dailey and David Walker, lots on Westco lang pond, Lackawnsuu, 100. say "Consumption ean be cured. " Nature alone won't do it. It needs help. Duetoi's say "Scell's Cnidsiofi ? is the be;t hn'n " R j continue iu use even In -hut J weather. !If you hjv,- not tiittl it, frv-nd f. .r ! samp'.e. hCDTT c ll-.iWNK, UttrlmnU, 4V4ii Itail Mitti, yoji jk.ihciii.oo; alldn-fst, X Ifjicumatism Vhnt H 0p nop of tclliiiR tMe rlwminntlc Hint lio ffts as If his joints were betn dis- He known thnt his snfTr-rlncs lira very much liko tlio tiirturpa of tlifl ruck. H hat hf. vnn'n tn know Is what Will por mnni'ntly rtirf Ms riineupp. Tbrit, fv-rnnlitiK to tlmuRnnrts of grateful tHftlmonttils, is Hood's Sarsaparilla It promptly nM!lrfill7r-s the arid In the Mood on wtiteh the disense depends, com pletely elimiiifites It, and strengthens the system HaiiiHt Ha return, t ry liuod a. Annual Niagara Falls Excursion To Buffalo, Niagara Falls and To- ronto's great exposition leaves Port .Tervis at 7 I!5 a. m. Friday, Septem ber nth. Fare ronnd trip to Buffalo or Niagara Falls t J and to Toronto, Out., only 5 from Port Jervis. Here is an opportunity to see the Old Reliable Erie in the day time and as the rates are so low no one can afford to stay at home. Toronto's great exposition is now in full blast and it boing the Cana dian World's Fair is certainly worth a visit at such low rntos for fare. Tickets to Buffalo and Niagara Falls will be good for return passage tip to and including train 102 leaving Niagara at 7.18 a. ni. and Buffalo at 8 a. m. Sunday, Sept. 7. Toronto tickets will be accepted any day within the limit in either direction allowing a stop rt Buffalo or Niagara Falls between Buffalo and Toronto and will bo good for re turn passage leaving Toronto on or before Monday, Sept. 8th. Remem ber these low rates are good going only on the special excursion train leaving Port Jervis at 7.35 a. in. Friday, September 5th. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED Al Panama, Columbia, by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Dr. Charlos H. Utter, a prominent physician of Panama, Colombia, in a recent letter states : "Last March I had as a patient a young lady six teen yoars of age, who had a bad at tack of dysentery Everything 1 prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. She had bocome so weak that she couldn't turn over in bed. What to do in this critical momont was a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort prescribed it. The most wonderful result was effected. Within eight hours she was feeling much better; inside of three days she was upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely well. For sale by A. W. Baleh & Son, Matamoras, all drug and general stores In Pike county. $1 to Lake Ariel and Scranton Aug. 1 The people of Milford and vicinity seldom have an opportunity to visit Lake Ariel or Scranton, Pa., at such low rates as are offered on the Erie special excursion to these points leaving Port Jervis at 8.40 a. m. Sunday, August 31st. Just stop and think of it, only one dollar for the round trip Remember the date, Sunday, Aug. 31st, and train leaves Port Jervis 8.40 a m. Re turning special train leaves Horan ton at 5.15 p. m. A Cur for Cholera Infantum "Last May," says Mrs. Curti Baker of Bookwaltor, Ohio, "an In fant child of oar neighboi's was suf feiing from cholera Infantum. The doctor had given up all hopes of re covery. I took a bottle of Cham berlain'g Colic, Cholera and Diar rhooa Remedy to the house telling them I felt sure it would do good 11 used according to directions. In two days' time the child had tully recovered and is now, nearly a year since, a vigorous, healthy girl. 1 have recommended this Remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instance." Foi snlo by A. W. Bulch & Son, Mata moras, all drug and general stores in Pike county. In thoso days there was a political host that had gotten embogged ii the sloughs of free trade and thoj willed li udly for a Moses to loai' them out. And a leader, beinj young and of a great voice, aros and led them forth, and lo I as thoj proceeded they were swept down by a vast silvery flood which, however, spread away and left them flounder, ing in a great marsh of mud anil slime. Now they are calling in vain for a true Moses to lead then to safety, but they call in vain, foi there is none such, though many rise and shout, "I am your chosoi. leader," but their voices are drown ed by those of others screaming the same words. For biliousness use Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. They clenn.se the stomach and regulate tho liver and bowels, effecting a quick anil permanent cure. Foi sale by A. W. ilitlch & Son, Mata moras, till drug and general wtorv iu Piko County. BiKRFXfl OF SAMPLES. Pvr Two Hundred Thonnnnd Trial Bottle Sent Freo by Mail. Br special arrangement with the nrinnfnctnrers of that justly famous Kidney medicine, Dr. David Ken nedy' Favorito Remedy, the read ers of the Pikr County Prkss are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and pamphlet of valuable medical ad vice absolutely free, by simply send ing thoir full name and postofflce address to the DR. DAVID KEN NEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., and mentioning this paper, the publisher of which guarantees tho genuineness of this liberal offer. Of course this involves enormous expense to the manufacturers, but they have received so many grate, ful lettera from those who have beon benefited and cured of the var ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation and all weaknesses peculiar to wo men, that they willingly send trial bottles to all sufforeis. Upon Investigation it was found thnt 91 per cent, of those who had used the trial bottle bad received such benefit from it that they pur chased large sized bottles of their druggists. It matters not how sick you are or how many physicians have failed to help you, send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but a postal enrd, and benefit and cure will most certainly be the result. Fa vorite Remedy is the only kid ney medicine that acts as a laxative all others constipate. Put some nrine in a glass tum bler and let it stand 24 hours ; if it has a sediment or if it is pale or dis colored, milky or oloudy, stringy or roPyi your Kidneys or Blnddor are in a bad condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorito Remedy speedily cures such dangerous symptoms as pain in the back, inability to bold urine, a burning, scalding pain in passing it, frequent desire to nri nato, especially at night, tho stain ing of linen by your nrine and all th ; unpleasant and dangerous effects on the system produced by the use of whiskey, wine or beer. All druggists sell Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorito Roniiidy in the new 50 cent size and the regular 11.00 size bottles. The Washington Post advises that the Honorable Ben Cable, who is wise in political ways that are dark, should take the Honorablo Ben Jiggs, "who Is something of a tyro in politics, but especially well in formed on public matters," quietly aside into some remote corner and explain to him the difference be tween substantial indications and rainbows. You assume no risk when yon buy Chamberlain's Colio, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy. A. W. Balch & Bon, Matamoras, all drug and general stores in Pike county will refund your money if you are not sa tinned after using it. It is every where admitted to he the tnnat. arm oessful remedy In use for bowel oomplaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and rename, iu-3i Hon. Howard Mntohlor has been appointed one of the committee of notification to formally announce to Ex-Governor Pattison his nomina tion for governor. It is to be hopod the occasion may be one of the hap piest in his life. Of what does a bad taste in the mouth remind you? It indicates that your stomach is in bad condi tion and will remind you that there is nothing so good for such a disor dor as Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets after having once used them, lhey cleanse and in vigorate the stomach and regulate the bowels. For sale at 25o per box by A. W. Balch & Son, Matamoras all drug and general stores in l'ike county. SHERIFF'S SALE By yirttie of a writ of Fieri Kudus issued out of the Court of Common J'Uuuiof l'ike couuty, to mu nirreuM. I will hxiiomm t salt; tit the SliurilT s nllice in the liorongli oi .Minora, L.ounty 01 rike, I't-nn;.., on MONDAY, SKPTEMUKIt 8, HurJ, nt 8 o'clix k In th aflcrniKu, of mid day, all ttott IX-r tain pleee unit puree! o html tiittiHto in ttiu Township of Dinnutu, in Htlkl County of l'lk-l, I'olitMinilli; ;Vl Mores timl w pcrche.,s, mortuir le, n dew-rilx-H in dtt-l Kniftt itnrk him! wife to IioiiUil .-Wiutt, ruooniea iu Wix-d JJooU No. 41 piio IMPHOVKMKNTS (JooU dwelling house, burn and outlmild Injrs; nlmuc vcrt-ii cltvirud, buluuue vt tMnlland. Soi.t'4 ttnd 4"ki-n In execution na the prujrtTty of LouIhu hvuutt and will be old bo me Tor ch. GhOKliK GftKUOKY, Mi -riff. SherifT'a Office, Milford. Pft., ) Aug. 11, llr j rpKKSPASS NOTICR. Notice U hendy A viveu tliat trortpiutinK oil the preiiutM-H of the underbintxl, sit unt-d in Djiiginun townbiih), for any purpose whiiLuvcr U strictly furhidden, and ullutft udern will !m; promptly prtmevuted. lUA ii. CAat. Oct. JH-k, TRKSPASS NOT1CK. Notice l hereby Kivu ihab irvaptwMting upin tho pro perty of the undeiHiKiid in Milford town ship I'ikK county, 1'., for the pnrpo of hiiit'in tUliin or any other purptuted in U'lcLiy ui blUdou under peotilt v of tne law. SHERIFF'S SALE Py virtue of a writ ol i'lt-ri Keclns isannc! out of the ('onrr i-f Coieietm 1'li-tih of Tike enmity, to mm- tltri c h-il, I will expose to snle nt the SherllT ft oltiee In the Horouull eflMllfon! ( -ui.-. of l'ike l'etiim., on MOM AY, rWTKMMKH Klh, 1!8, nt 3 ti'i-locl; in the nf ( el notin of Sllltl fln"T. II 1 1 t 1 1 r ci-i i.-iin tth't-e mill itfireel of linn sltnnte hi the Township (lf Ijohtnan, in suit eonnty of ril r, roe t nt nl tur N nerr-s nnil if 1 pi-i i !n s in i ire or less MS (loserll'etl in (Ii nil John V .'Vli. IIYr to (ii-i.tire Mutinies, reot-il--tl In Devil Hook -No M liiiitt) HiW. 'IM l'ltn VKMKNTS House, li!irn,nil nutlm Minus; nliout 25 neres nt-iiefK linliinee vvootlhiml. Seiz- I nnil luki-n in execution ns til t property of t ieot-e Muttliien and will lie stilti Uy ine for e.-t -h. lit'KiKtire t,iti;oit y, SheillT. Sheriffs om-e, Milford, I'n., Ann II, linrj. j COMMISSIONERS' SALE Tlie undersigned, the County Commis siont'rs of the eonnty of Pike, will nell the sevnrnl seated and unseated tracts of land numerated lielmv. at the Court Hnise In Milford on Thursday, Sept. 1H, lM:i, com mencing at, a o'clock p. in. I NSKA'I KI) I. AMIS ltlooinit;)? Orovfl Township Warranren Interest. Tnr No. Name A P. and Cost Total lSiJ Wj-kutT Peter :ju 4 1 fcej 70 ft VS fis lis PclRwnrp Tnwn1ilp 19 Mense Isabella ttW2i 4791 7 S 55 30 Oreo n Townnlilp ?')7 Murdiek John 50 R 00 R M II no .'ta i itternmrv John 77 1l00 iS2 lHir Titternmry Johnllft i&tiU 4 tf) 27 lu I-liniHii Townliip 144 KHitfi Kac.lmol lnoOTi 10S1 iT.i 145:; I'nrtrr Township - Grler ('has and Henry Khull 154 IS Hi 405 g:j U SKATKU LANDS lrtwiire Township Interest Tax and Coa; Total LIndrodfze Dr TUltvnrd nr :a tm (id ):tSa untm,d nd jot n in if lands of V in Hosincr $50 75 fc $5l .7 Cirecne Tuwioditp Kessier W J nr5'u un- impd r rederiek Du ti ler No. 51 i:i r 4 40 IS 41 Kipp John A nr fooa nn impd adj htmls of Fe lix ONiiiiiiiiit and Henry Manhart H' OS 5 70 2i 74 Luckiiwiixcn To wnnliip Hnuner N S est loon un Impd Garret Cot linger No r.'S adj lands of p ur est I,ako Association . 2H (H 4 85 27 l3t Iliiiiun Towiislitp Cnmpbell William nrOOa unimpd adj lands of Charles Crump and David Kerr 8 M 3 (Mi 13 0: Do Spotto V nr Ji (oa un impd 55 45 8 18 68 ft!! M llforil Towimhlp Mott, Hull & Doolitrlo " nr iiuisi unimpd Jas Mense N( 1 IH adj hnuis of P. A. Utiick and others 45 4ii 8 50 53 Wl II KN RY P. ATjHHTGHT. ) WILLI AM K. HKCK, Co. Com. PIKUHK M. NILIS, ) CouinirH OU!coT Aug. 0, Hf03 The Press Office Is prepared to do any kind of ordinary Job Printing: Cards, Posters, Booklets, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Note Heads, Letter Heads Or whatever you may need. THE STOCK is o good quality, THE WORK MANSHIP neat, and the PRICE IS RIGHT. We re- respectfully solicit a tria order and will then leave you to judge of our claims TRY ARMSTRONG'S' EMULSION OF PURE riORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL Vi'h Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda for COUGHG, COLDS & GENERAL DEBILITY. 50c a bottle. KlHuitfu4turd by C. 0. ARMSTRONG, mitouivr. William B. Kenworthcy, M. D. riiypirian n ml iSurpron. onii-n nml reFttli-tif'- llrcrid ptrt-et-text Cimrt Utilise. MILKOUI), I'A. Dr. von der Heydt, DENTIST, Hrlfk Hnnee mMto Vnnilrrinnrk Hotel llr.uiil sln-ct Milfipitl Pn. (IFKII'K HOl'H.S: H to 1'J a. in.; 1 to p. m. H. E.Cm erson, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on Drosd Street. Fire Insurance. oi.i itiiiAiiir. rmiiMMEs, llTI-:S ItKAXIINAItt.K. Charles G. Wood,- Agt. ftiirc-tfltr tti .F. .?. Ilnrt. Fff-OlllT in rrarnf H.-sltlfiit-c tm Ann St.. Milford, Pike Co., Pa. A Backward Season Our Screen Doors must lie sold. Tlir l"f fincy dnnrwith flxtnrcN roniplctfl rffriiittr prn- nii.riO, i i To -lotf for .... V ' A plain iltMir complete, regnlrr pi-iT mi ..-, tu elosc fir . , . . - Above nrc na t ural wliito avooiI mid varnislicd. WINIH1W fit Itl.KNS 20c sie ,'): 25c size 18c :)c size 20c Also extra liip.li screens to extend iinv width wanted. Hoog;land'G, PORT JERVIS, IM. Y. UP TOWN. Table Dainties. Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE Harford St. BROS. Milford Pa. LIVERY STABLES. you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Cornor Ann and Fourth streets MILFOIID PA. Ryrnan & Wells Millinery -:- Department New Spring Goods l.ltli.-H Trim metl llilt it. .TO to l-i..10 THiittm-tl IIkM, 1 :ilit-.' iiikI MlHt-t Trititiiii'fl Itciiilv-to-MVjiv Hut from .o Hut Ti'iimiilitL'o if All KIiiiU. rmirovs. ntitituvt rrmvi-n ., .1 I'tll.l All I.-K Hll.l I'l l. l-H. yni'i.i: a 11. 1 Fv-v imv ;nni, oitn- I !ilK, f t.-. Please Call and $se Cur Stock. Ve Can Save You Money. Ryman & Wells NOTICE All huntiiir, fl ;!,( ur ,,(.r trt-i.ifiti.lnir nil tin-pri-ii. m tit lliti tnnlt-r-siK'Ht'tl. in Dinirnniu '1' .;ihii. tin K;iy iiuinilskill aiitt llwitrfw, 11 ( t-ii kH, U ftn--bindt-u untltir pt-nally - 1 .m 1;iv. IVA J. HiilLKAU, Dini.'iiwin Twp., X. hhii.km' ilto-' It. lV.rt. JtlMU-M b' lilllLllAIJ. tOH SAI.K. A Hniiill fiirm liit-iiN-,1 n,.r .M;it:tluiinm, klluwn a.-: thu llt-Mtoi-i (ir Hi-inhiiriit plact;, et-.iit,aiiiiijjf al iut.-h Kllit-ly Im nlitl, Wfll wau it-tl. H.iiib,; ,lmi Imrn. Krmi nf ail kintU. 1'art, iiiiiriivi-tl. 'l'nlti cU-ar. K..r term, jaicc, em., atltu-i-B Ltick btix Li Miliurtl. Hh. Foley's Honey w Tur cures colJs, prevents pncumun'.a.