Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 22, 1902, Image 2

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Friday, August 22, 1902.
l'lrlU.INH K1J KVKIIV IifllVW.
OKFIF., BKOWN'B Pill. 11N) nitOADHT.
()Nii YRAR Oiif linlliir iiiid nfly rents.
Bix Months Sevetitv-llve cimiIh.
Kntorrd nt thn pout nfllra of Mllforil,
JMUe County. JViinMlv't'ltH, n m-i'iinl
oloss niftt U!i Nuvomlwr twenty flint, 1S.H1
Advertising Rates.
Oni wnmrolclKlit H m-s ),nni'ln,rtlnn -II. Of:
K:irh HUlwr'iiirnt Immrtitm . -ft'
KutlKittl riiti'-, filrnlslii il on n ; .Jiliffltloli .
will be nllmvml ymwly aitvmt- vr
Legal Advertis'.'g.
Ailmlnltriitor' mul Fxi'i: Hor's
nt,.. .......... - 9. IK'
A nilltor's nnticus 4 iMj
Divorno initio's - .... : 5.(iu
SlmritT'n kiiI'-b, Orplmns' (Miirt snli-H,
County Tn'usnrcr'B wile, 'ni:iit-y
mnnt unit oleutlon pnu'lunim iuii elmfKi'il
by tho uiuiiro.
J. II. Vnn Klten, Pl'BLlSMKK,
Milfonl, I'lkc" County, Pn.
For Governor,
of rhiliuUili.Hid.
For Lieutenant Governor,
of Lawrence county.
For Secretary of Intornnl Affairs,
of Erie county.
For Prothonotnry, Register nnd
of Greene.
For County Commissioner,
of Milford borough.
For County Tren surer,
of Mutn moras.
For County Auditor,
of Palmyra.
For Representative,
of Milford borouRh.
The Iowa republicans in their
elate platform have raised the issue
of tariff revision and it must no
doubt be considered in the campaign
of 1901. It is contended that ex
treme protection tonds to foster
monopolies and this is undoubtedly
true. Infant industries in this
country need the aid of protection
to enable them to ootnpete with for
eign manufactures, as for Instance
the tin plate industry, but when
goods can bo manufactured here
and exported to foreign countries
and sold at a profit in competition
with their products, it is evident
that we at home must bo paying
more for them than we should, and
that the tariff on audi foreign prod
ucts should be reduced, so ns to re
duce the price. Home manufactures
should be protected to the extent of
enabling thorn to compete at home
with the foreigners but when pro
tection exceoda that limit it builds
up monopolies. The Wilson bill
was evidence of tho disaster to our
business interests which free trade
would bring and the building up of
the trusts is evidence of what un
necessary prutoctiou may accom
plish. The republican party may bo
entrusted to curtail tho power of
the trusts by wisely and judiciously
revising tho tariff so us to prevent
the great monopolies from niakiug
undue profits out of tho people and
at the same time afford them sulli
ciont protection to enable them to
pay good wages and make a fair
profit on their goods. Tariff revi
sion must bo considered mi issue and
it is well to b.'iu popular educitiou
in tho mat t-T.
People here do not i to fully
Hj'preci ilf tlic fact 1'iat almost our
iMiiiie revenue i- derived lro:n .-.uni-iner
boarders and Umt to r-t .i i n their
I'ulroiiage is a tiling to lie desired.
One way to d.) this U to .-how them
J.y making tlic tiwn ititrui'tive t!)ul
we court their presence. Milford
Mirp.i--.e.j ino-t oilier towns in llUUlI-e-l
llUnieli .,, Now, rill id not tlic
mlliiei.d c.cop ire with Uiu-m' of any
O'll- r pl.e'e IMI;in-l ill i Willi city
t e . !,. '1 i ,ey ion I or in toe end we
coffee could only be
bought in bulk. The
20th century way is the
f ? 1 way scaled pack-
j ages, always clean,
lresh and retaining
its rich flavor.
This j tin i nt little town is now de
lightfully rural with the beautiful
parterres of rn weed, wild carrot
and other minimis which natures
village Improvement society has
planted along several of the streets.
The sprinkling cart is evidently
more for ornament than use. During
the week previous to the rain some
of the streets most used by city guests
were not favored with its presence
and as some of them remarked they
had to fairly eat dust.
Methodist Church Jottings.
(By Rkv. C. E. Scuddkh.)
The topic for next Sabbath morn
ing is, 'The Crown," and for the
evening, "The Tactful Man."
There will bo preaching at the
Union school house next Sabbath
Two young ministers by tho name
of Davidson and Eigclhart passed
through town this wnok Mondav on
their way to Water Gap nnd called
at the parsonage. Mr. Davidson is
one of tho young men of the con
fence who is stationed at South
Market Street, Newark, and Mr.
Eigelhart is tho son of Dr. Eigelhart
of tho New York east conference.
Both are promising young men.
Two other ministers, Dr. Ryman
and Dr. Ilensey, are staying in Pike
county, at the Wells camp.
The Union Sabbath school picnic
passed off pleasantly at Raymonds-
kill Falls yesterday. Piouio days
are over for the Sabbath schools for
another season. How rapidly the
summer has gone. Time is short.
What thou'doest. do quickly.
Dr. Wright, the presiding elder
has sent word that Dr. Gutterige of
the American university will be in
the neighborhood of Port Jorvis on
the 23d of September and will ad
dress the Epworth League rally
This will be of Interest to all the
young people of this place and of
the societies in the neighborhood,
Tho young pooplo's society at Mata-
moras is Christian Endeavor and it
Is with groat pleasure that the invi
tation was received to have the
rally there. A cordial invitation is
extended to all Enleavor societies
in the limits of our group of
Leagues to attend this meeting.
Tho annual fajr of tho M. E.
church was hold last night and was
a grand success. About 1200 was
takou in. Wo congratulate the
ladies of the Aid society, who be
cause of their faithfulness and per
severence desorve the highest meas
ure of-succeas.
Reformed Church Notes.
(By Rev. A. J. Miiyur of Montague.)
The annual lestival of tho Haines
villo Unformed church last week
Thursday was a grand success. It
was a beautiful evening and the vis
itors, being about 1C0, passed a very
social ovening. Tho proceeds were
about t52.
Tho mid-summer fair and supper
of the Montague Reformed church
was well attended in spite of tho
cloudy weather. Special credit is
due to tho Misses Fannio Armstrong
and Jennie Black for their efforts in
collecting for tho fair. The ladies
of the Aid society have been very
faithful and as the result of the
evening cleared about t00.
Mrs. Henry MUlor, tho mother of
Mrs. Meyer, who has been spending
the bumiiiurat tho parsonage, will
leave for her home in Albany next
The pastor's subject next Sabbath
morning will bo the first command
ment. This Berids wus begun two
weeks Ro by au introduction to the
commandments and tho Command
ments will betaken up in succession
ever- .second Sabbath.
The Dorcas society met yesterday
at tin) homo of Miss Mary Voting.
The unnnal picnic of the Sanilay
school bo lielil at ltaymoudskiil
Fails Tueseuy, the "'tU inst. The
MethoUist S.uiday school will unite
Willi us and ti good time is in store
for ! lie children.
James 1). Beck and Miss Martha
V. Padgett, both of tbU vilia-re,
vs. -in tiiiuiied eliT.-s hi y evening,
Am;. ;i, iu Port J-rv i ly Kev. U.
S v en un!.), reei'ir of I i:eo elioich.
'1 !.. M . Iv church f '.f last tvo
Ijic.; u .ij, 1 iio -!y tit tel. k -1.
Presbyterian Chroniclins
(Ily Id'Y. K. M. 8nn n.il )
Next Sab!, nth morning's discourse
promises to be one if special interest
nnd will be preached from tho text
Rev. 21 : 1, "There was no more
sea. In the evening a popular
themo will bo treated. All our most
welcome to attend nro services.
Come In the morning nnd hear the
programme for the dny.
It Is a matter of great interest to
us and will b.i to all whoso hearts
are in our work to know that last
Sabbath morning wo hnd one of, if
not tho largest attendance ever
known at a regular service in the
church. Chairs were brought in
until all the available space in the
auditorium was filled. Our purposo
always is to get good and to do good.
May the Lord be glorified its thus
we endeavor to worship and serve
him. '-Net unto us, O Lord, not
unto us, but unto thy name give
glory, for thy mercy, and for thy
truth's sake."
It was a very great, pleasure to
have Mrs. Rocht of New York city
and who is stopping at tho Bluff
House sing for us last Sunday. Her
popularity is unquestionable as ,wo
recall how many people come to
hear her. We are very happy to
have made her acquaintance and to
have had the pleasure of listening to
We are conscious at the present
writing of the near approach of the
end of our summer season. The
thought brings both regrot and
pleasure. We regret to have to
part with those who have so agree
ably affiliated with us in our work
While we dreaded the coming of
strangers within our gates at tho
beginning of the summer now we
are very loath to part with many
who have brought us blessings ns
they have helped us bear our mutual
burdens nnd shared our mutual
christian joys. But still there is al
so a pleasure in it all. "It has been
good for us to bo hero." Pleasant
memories und delightful fellowships
mnke the part of a journey after
these have been relinquished all
the more enjoyable. So we shall
"go forward" "pressing on toward
the mark for the high calling of
God iu Christ Jesus."
Lot us all bear in mind the ap
proach of our next quarterly com
munion service which occurs the
first Lord's day of September. This
is always a holy season. Let us
give ourselves to prayer for the ex
tension of the kingdom and that
those who may be added to the
churoh shall be of such as shall be
saved. There are some who did
not joiu ns last communion but
whom wo hope may oome this time.
Please inform tha pastor of any that
you can think of who might come
und if that person is thyself bo sure
not to delay to let him know your
intention at once.
The Sunday sohool day's outing
and picnic has oome and gone. The
attendance was small when wo oon
sider what it should have boon. We
are very gratefuLto those who sent
their teams and who did their part
in any way to make the day enjoy
able and a success.
Next Monday morning the pastor
expects to take the boys' brigade
out to Twin lakes for two days' out
ing. The purpose of this expedition
is to give the boys a little experi
ence of camp life and to perfect the
orgnniwition of a military company.
The boys are doing very nicely with
their drills and will soon be ready
for the manual of arms, We think
that here is a splendid opportunity
for someone who might- be liberally
disposed to give or aid the boys in
si curing their outfit oi uniforms
and guns. A comparatively small
sum would do it and the town
would reap a benefit in both pleas
ure and the profit of a gentlemanly
set of boys. Care for your boys if
you ever exjwet manly, patriotic,'
Christian citizens.
The pastor was sorry not to have
been able to attend the Methodist
fair last evening. His heart was
there and he trusts that any who
may bavo noticed his absence un
derstand his sympathy and cordial
cooperation in the work of a sister
A, H. Konkle, county engineer of
Sussex, who has been making a sur
vey, thinks tho road from Tuttlo's
corner toward Branchvilio should
be changed and run up tho brook.
The grade would bo less than half
and the cost of making no more
than macadamising the old road.
If you knew how SCOTT'S
LV.L'LSION would build you
up, increase your weight,
strengthen your weak throat
and lun?s and put you in con
('ilion ior next winter, you
wou!d ,-i'w totuke it now.
, 1 1.,; I , f v.,i.!T,lc, (tnit tr It
. I T i t-' 1 .V I t--. I linn. lata,
., ,", I .... I si,.. I. !,,- .k.
TTnw it n-fW.-"Ts tbf fVin, lt' li, mw-s,
Sim;- iconic cult It toltrr, ini'k mint 6r
km it rhrnm.
I hO puff; This frnm It In flornr t ItiT'B In-
t-riMc; lorn I nppHrnt i ma nrt rrmrt"l to
tlf-y mil ifiti', but rnnrmt ruio.
It tirM'tjs from hnnmM Inh'Tlifi or nr
qnltcil nml f.Tnists until tine liave boon
Hood's Sarsaparilla
!it I voly ro run vps tin-in, Ims r:id!f(il!y
ami pornwinoMtty cured tho wnrt, chp, and
In wii bout mi eijiiM for all cutitucous
pnipt inn.
llouD s 1 11. La aioilitj bci,t etiirUc. I'lice JicouU.
Last Night at Yala Forontry Camp
Ijist evening was the final one nt
!ho Yale forestry camp nnd the oc
casion was duly honored by a dra
matic recital given by Edward A.
Mead. His subject wa4 ' Tho Ri
vals." While Mr. Mead had only
completed commiting the portions
of tho play which ho recited just
before appearing before bisaudience
still he showed the mastery he had
of his characters and tho splendid
ability with which ho could imper
sonate them. We most sincerely
hope to have the pleasure of hoar
ing him before a village audience in
the near futuro. His presentation
of Sir Anthony Absoluto was very
lino Indeed. At the closa of "The
Rivals," which was givou iu three
acts, lemonade and cake were served
by tho foresters. Then Mr. Mead
further entertained the company
with tbreo recitations ns follows:
"Casey nt tho Bat," "Uncle Josh's
First Visit to n Now York Theatre"
and "The Eaglu's Song." This last
was a patriotic poem written by
Rictard Mansfield and was most
excellently rendered. It was a most
excellent production and was a fit
ting conclusion to a very pleasant
Mrs. Sophia Yennie, an aged lady
residing on Seventh streot, died nt
an early hour this morning after n
long illness.
Tho Presbyterian perennial organ
fund society will peso at a party
next week. For particulars see
pastebonrd posters.
According to the Sussex Register,
Godfrey Wirtz, a brother of Charles
now confined inNewton jail, visited
him recently and tho sheriff being
suspicious searched him and found
on his person a pistol, knife, a
bracket saw and six blades. It is
assumed that the intention wns to
leave them with Charles so be could
effect his escape.' Godfrey wns ar
rested and locked up. He was In
the 13th U. S. Infantry for over two
At Panama, Columbia, by Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Dr. Charles H. Utter, a prominent
physician of Panama, Colombia, in
a recent letter states : "Last March
I had as a patient a young lady six
toon yoars of age, who had a bad at
tack of dysentery Everything I
prescribod for her proved ineffectual
and she was growing worse every
hour. Hor parents were sure she
would die. She had become so
weak that she couldn't turn over in
bed. What to do in this critical
moment was a study for me, but I
thought of Chnmberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
as a last resort proscribed it. The
most wondorful result was effected.
Within eight hours 'she was feeling
much better; inside of three day
she was upon hor feot and at the
end of one week was entirely well."
For sale by A. W. Balch & Son.
Matomoras, all drug and goneral
stores iu Piko county.
It looks as though the boet sugar
senators or ho called "insurgents"
were coming in for a rather larger
share of credit for tho defeat of the
Cuban reciprocity bill than rightful
ly belongs to them. Tho fact of tin
matter is that the democrats wore
loaded to the muzzle with tariff re
duction and free trndo amendment
which, had t'jo bill been reported U
tho committeo, they stood ready tc
offer and thus precipitate a practic
ally endless tariff discussion. This
the republicans did not propose ti
allow, and consequently it wat
found necessary to allow the bill t(
A Close Call
Whilo N. W. Holden and sons',
N. W., Jr., David, Chris, and fcj.
Drake, Jr., were working on tlu
road yesterday near Dark Swamp
heavy shower cjime up and they all
sought refuge under an embank
ment leaving the team standing 8
few fuet away. Lightning struck
very near, knocking the team down
and rendering tho whole party un
conscious, in which coiidit.ou they
remained lor a considerable tune,
ihey do not know bow long. All
tinally, including the horses, recov.
eicd but felt I tie effects of thf
shock very keenly. It was a very
cliiM) call.
FOR SALE. Ono two seated sur
ley wnli top, ono light runabout
imo;.iii, one et Miiln harness, out
wet ckm robe, two lioiso blanket.
iintl two hip mbes. ' Enquire at- tin
i'l.L.--! olhce. it
"r Two Handrnrt Thousand Trinl
Bottles Snnt Froe by Mall.
By speciat nrnincement with the
to itir.f.ict met s of that, Justly famous
Kidney medicine, Dr. David Ken
nedy Favorite Remedy, the rend
ers of tho PihR County Pltr-ss are
piinblcd to obtain a trial bottlo and
pamphlet of valuahlo medical ad
vice absolutely free, by simply send
ing their full nnmo and postofllce
address to tho DR. DAVID KEN
N. Y., and mentioning this paper,
the publisher of which guarantees
the genuineness of this liberal offer.
Of course this involves enormous
expense to tho manufacturers, but
they have received so many grate
ful Ixttura from those who hv
boon benefited and cured of the var
ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver,
Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism,
Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation
nnd all weaknesses peculiar to wo
men, that they willingly send trinl
bottles to nil sufforois.
Upon investigation it was found
that 91 per cent, of those who had
used the trial bottle hnd received
such benefit from it tbnt they pur
chased largo sized bottles of their
It matters not how sick you lire or
how many physicians hnve failed to
help you, send for a trinl bottle of
this grent medicine, it costs yon but
a postal card, and boneflt and cure
will most certniuly bo the result.
Favorite Remedy is the only kid
uey medicino tnnt acts ns a laxative
all others constipate.
Put some urine in a glass turn
bier and let, it stund 24 hours ; if it
has a sediment or if it is pale or dis
colored, milky or cloudy, stringy or
roly. your Kidneys or Bladder are
in a bad condition. Dr. David Ken
nody's Favorite Remedy speedily
cures such dangerous symptoms as
pain in tho back, inability to hold
urine, a burning, scalding pain in
passing it, frequent desire to nri
note, especially at night, the stain
ing of linen by your urine and all
th ; unpleasant nnd dangerous effects
on the system produced by the use
of whiskey, wine or beer.
All druggists sell Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy in the new
50 cent size and the regular fl.00
size bottles,
Unelj Hank in Washington.
We will send the value of one dol
it and ten cents in booklet, con
nining twenty-seven pen and ink
photo-rcduoed sketches of Washing
ton life by mail for ton cents cash
or stamps. Queen Victoria knight,
ed Sir John Tenniel for similar ar
tistio work in London. Your editor
has sample of this. NUTSHELL
Publishing Company, 1059 Third
Avenue, New York.
A Cure tor Cholera Infantum
"Last May," says Mrs. Curtis
Baker of Bookwaltor, Ohio," "an in
fant child of our neighboi 's was suf
foring from cholera infantum. The
doctor had given up all hopes of re
covery. I took a bottle of Cham
borlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house telling
them I felt sure it would do good if
used according to directions. In
two days' time the child bad tally
recovered and is now, neurly a year
since, a vigorous, healthy girl.
have recommended this Remedy
frequently and have never known it
to fail in any single instance." For
sale by A. W. Balch & Son, Mata
moras, all drug and general stores
in Piko county. .
Piko County at once to prepare
for Positions in the Government
Service Railway Mail Clerks, Let
tor Carriers, Custom Honsk and
Departmental Clerks, etc. Appi7 to
Inter-State Corres. Inst., Cedor
Rapids, la. 8-23.
By Tlrtuo of a writof Fieri Facta isnue
out of tho Court of Common Plena of Pike
county, to mo (Hreotrrt, I will expotte to
A.ir 'it .tu MuTin b niii:e in tho liorougli
ui juiiuru, ouuiy oi i-ike, renua., on
at So'd-H'k in tho afternoon of stil dnv
.ill that ui-rtuin piece anil ptitwl of lumi
min1 in th Township of iiinirnmn. in
six'Hl Coitmy of Pika, ooiilainiiiK J;4 at ; ret
iin u iii'iriies, Jniirp or h-s, tin fii-writ
in ii t el Frnist Heck and wife to I-rOuUu.
rhutt, rccordt.-u lu i-eetl liook No. 41 page
(iooil ilwoilirtK house, barn and outbuild
HUH; aitout acru cluctruU, balance
iy.t-.i and tiiken tn execution as the
property of Louinu hcliutt auU will be
ioitl be ine ior cu-mi.
SlRTiff'M Orticc, Mil.ord, Pa.,
Aug. 11, 1l ti. )
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
A frivr-n ilntt trt".ipitiirtiiur on the prvmitx-g
if the inderiyiifd, 811 nated in Dvuiluiu
&owjiTh)j). tin- any purpose whuUivcr lb
urii.iJy iiu bMid'-n, ivnd ailuifi nil. -is wiil bt
promjiily prfocuLed. litA li. CaK.
O'JL. ii. lftiw.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Nutlet I hereby
iv n that lief pa--int upon tlm pro
h riy ..f the U!Hiei!L.'Ut;il in ill I ford lewu
t.Mj Pike eotinly, 1 i, tor tiio puipe of
liiiiiiiiii.', li.-liio, or any otiir ptiro.mfd is
1 sUliii) i- n uuiiicu uiul -r puunJty of t !. law.
Hr vhtno nf ft writ of Kirrl Kmi-Ihh ts-noil
out ef t he Ceiirt of '"in men 1'Ii-hi of Pike
enmity, to tee lUfl-tiil, I will I'tpnan to
Bine nt Mil si'i-riii iitlti-" in 1 1 in ItnrotiKti
of Ailltiiril, ( ,iiiii.v of l'iki lViinn., cm
MONIiAY, .-KI'TKMNK.ll Sth, l'.!3,
nt. 8 I'YliiH,- In llio tiffi'vlmon of Kniil (lnv,
II ll'ic eiTtuin plere niia ii.-ireel nf liind
llniit.i In tin TnwnwHn of Lehmnn, In
siiiil county ef l'lkr, (-milninhtK K2 nert's
Hint Ll 11,-rrlu-s nnre or lenn n ili-Kri-tlii-il In
llecil .liilm K. m-Iii-ITit to Onrite Mutt Men,
ri'ciinli'i! Iu Deed Book No fit pni?o!lilt.
Knnno, l.nrn unit nntlnl Idlnun; nhtillt 25
iMires el, .-hihI. Iiiiliini-n wuoilliiuit.
Selr tl piiil inKi-n !n t'xeciitliin n tli )
property i,f (ii, t v Miittlilca anil will be
noli! liy me fur r.-ih.
lif.U(lirS liKKMUKY,
HIutIIT'h Offli-c, Milford, Pa., I
Ainr 11. Unci. I
Tho nnnVrslffnod. the rnmifT (Vnnmls-
nloners of the conntv of Plki will s.'ll th
Severn I Hrnted nnd ununit ed t rnt frs of land
numerated below, at tlm Court House in
Milford on Thursdr.y, Sept. 1H, liKfJ, com
immeliiK at 2 o'cUtek p. m.
lllfioinluft Grove Townlilp
"Warrantee Int.etv.t. Tux
No. Name A P. find Ctwt Totnl
WykotT Peter WKi 41 tt To f '.18 f W
!Iaware Townnhlp
KK Mens iHabolla SWIM 47U1 7 ffl) BT.30
(Jreene Township
3ir? Murdiek John 5) 8 00 RrH) llftd
jua Tittermary John 77 liinn 8tf2 Id r
lUtvruiHry .folinllh tr,Mitt 4 89 27 4!
Iehinan Township
144 KUng Rachael 1XV 1081 872 14 5:
Portr Ton-nnhlp
Grler Chns and
Hmiry.shull f4 1H41 4fi5 23 11
Delaware TowiiHliip
Tax and Conti Total
btndredffo I)r Kd aru nr
.n Inipd l')Ht tintinjid
ad ioininir lands of Win
Hofimer $T)0 75 22 ) fl?
Greene Townnlilp
Kesster W J nr ya nn
imnd Frederick Dub-
lor No. fil 13 02 4 49 18 41
Ktpp Jotin A nr l'Kta un
impd adj lantls of Fe
lix OJsommer and
lienry Manhart 2: ft8 5 7ft 29 74
Laeka waxen Township
Bramcr N S est Ififm un
impd Garn.'t Cottiner
No 28 adj lands of For
est Lake Association . . 23 08 4 86 27 i 3
Lehman Townahlp
Campbell William nrfifta
unimjrd ndj lands of
Charles Crump and
David Kerr 8UA 8 M 12 62
Do bpotto U nr 8'JUa un-
tmpd 65 45 8 18 63 rV
Milford Township
Mott, Hull & D(Mlittlo
nr 2tMa uniinpd Jas
Mi'Hie Stt 1 1 :i adj landa
of P. A. Oniek and
others 45 M 8 Cn) 53 t
Cominrs' Ofliee, Aug 6, 1009
The Press
Is prepared to do any
kind of ordinary
Job Printing:
Bill Heads,
Note Heads,
Letter Heads,
Or whatever you may
need. THE STOCK is of
good quality, THE WORK
MANSHIP neat, and the
respectfully solicit ' a tria
order and will then leave
you to judge of our claims
OF '
Wi h Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda for
SOc a bottlo.
Mihuuftivturvd by
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
riijsiciun and Surpcon.
l!!lfp nnd rreldew'- Ilni'i'l street
cxt (Jiinrt lloiiHu. MII,K(IKI, l'A.
Dr. von der Hey do,
Hrlck Himsr (ioi-!t(; Ynmlrrinmlt Hotel
Hliinil Mivi-t Milfi.nl l'n.
OKKK'K HUL KS: 8 ti la ft. in.; 1 to
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
Fir Insurance.
OM 111 1. 1 Mil F ((HIMMKS,
ItATI-S IlKlsllNMlt.R.
Charloa O. Wood, Agt.
Ntirriior to .?, .1. Hurt.
f()0ii-i'ln ri'iirc.f Kcslili'iiru tm Ann t.
Milford, Plka Co., Ph.
A Backward
Our Screen Doors must be
The 14m. fnnry tloor wttli ftxturo romtlf te
n-Kitliir prii-o VI. ao, l l 11
To clop for . . " . . V''1''
plHlit iloor coniilcti', rcffiils r prion 1
1 .1.-,. to i-Inn' l.ir . . . . 1
Above arc natural Avliitc
wood nnd varnished.
20c sio 6c
2)C size 1 8c
:?0c size 20c
Also cxtni high screens to
extend any width wanted.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every form.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Evervthing for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Cornor Ann mid Fourth stroetH
Ryman & Wells
Millinery -:- Department
New Spring Goods
Motf-M' Trhimif-d Hutu t.r,0 to ';.. trt
Miwt Triititnrl Hut. T H'll,-' mill M Up
Trltmix'ft ltMil.v-to-Vf r IIiiIm from r,lo
ti llk'MMt.
Hut Trhomliifr- of AU KltiiU.
ril I H'llV ItlllMOVX. KIIIU I !IS nm
Kftl.l i A tl NIvli-HHilfl t"rlr,..
TtiM K ii. I nvr v Ditv f;ii, oitn.
CKKI KH, l ti-.
Please Call and See Our
Stock. We Can Save
You Money.
Ryman & Wells
NOTICR All bunting, Uhliinn nr oi lu-r
trc.iiJiwisiiiK oil tin) pn-nHhttB uf liiu uiidtr
siKiiiMl, in lJlMinmii 'I owthlnp, un K.iy
iiioininkill ami iJwttrfsUiil Cn i-kH, iu lur
bmiUm undt-r pt-unliy ut tin- hivv.
(HAm J. JiulLKAU,
Dlnu'iimii Twp,, N. linn.K.ti
May 17, luius. Jobhi'ii b JiiHLkAU.
FOlt SALK. A siimil farm bM-iiN il m ar
M.Uiuuin (lh, kauwii art i hu iifii. l ur
Kt'i nh unit pliu-t!, iiitaitiiii 31 m;rt'n.
Fuu'Jy ItM-nT. ti. w. ll wjitn tt. lbnirj hikI
barn, b run nf all Kintlti. I'iu t lniimvt:U.
i'liln clear. Kr U i iiim. priuo, ttu:., ulilit
Luck bnx ti Miliuitl. I'rt.
Foley's Honey w Tar
cures mlJs, prevecfj pncuinoiiiat