Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, August 01, 1902, Image 3

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    Clean and Ture brewed BEVERAGES-Deer, Port, Ale
like those of
Port Jervis, N. Y ,
are healthy and highly recommended for both .
Sick and Well
Our friend
DR. J. KELLY, hlilford, Pike Co., Pa.
Who handles our beer Exclusively will
cheerfully take all orders for our famous
Keg and Bottle Goodo
Our Beers T3
Bottled at the Brewery Prcmisos, Steamed
Therefore free from any G8r:ris, Strength
ening and Palatable. We send them
with Crown Corks or Patent Stoppers.
Port Jervis, New York.
Long Distance-Hudson River Phone N.
Port Jervis-Local-Phone W.
Shirt Waists from 50c. to $1.50.
Fine Lot of Summer Lawns 9, 10 and 12c a Yard.
Full Line Gent's Furnishing Goods.
A General Line of Goods to Meet All Your
Wants at
IStrODg Oi bfl.
ilford Pa.
Wash Fabrics And Woolen Dress
Staple And Fancy Groceries.
Shoes All Styles And Sizes.
Wall Paper And Dorder.
Hardware, Etc.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes.
Agents for DCVOE & CO.'S PURE
Perfect Ice Cream Powder
Is Instantly rt'uriy for uk, requiring only he addition of one qtmrt of cold mlk, ball
milk And half crvnm, or Ml cream, to make two quarts of ns ft Lie Ice Cream as nu
confectioner cmi mtke.
Flavors for In- Cn-ttiri are, R.ihpberry, Sti awberry. Vanilla, Chocolate and Plain
( unflnvorort tn le tmtid with frosh fruits or in making up fancy creams.)
Perfect Water l:e Powder requ.res only
piake two quart o V atvr lee or iMiertmt. r Invert for v ater Ice are l.eniou iz Orange
Send us 20v and we will mail you a package of anv of the above flavors, with out
booklet, full of valuable rcoetpu fur making n'l kinds of Plain and b ancy (Jroitrai-
Iomi. U. J.
Stoves and Ranges.
th e
Round Oak
For Wood and Coal.
Best Iloater and Fuel Saver in the
CEOE.IT noonriG
RaH ia tors,
diuiiU'tiit:. fvri.Knv, ti
N, Af.A'I k.
Job-Sing promptly attend sd to
T. R. J. Klein & Son,
r.:;AD KTKifxr Mii.roi;r. pa
Port Jorvis, fcM . Y.
A1. j '.lining i i if itiit'r'fr Urn- 1 1 1 1 uu
i. ;-, li rn;;:..--.' di'.i ft Mini f.'i ;
ii-.r-M.i f 'V i-iul--, .l-hii r ;; lo.'nui.
A i.M r-t ' ' f"-.'M .t.M-ii Ill k.
iii-1 1 it . CAN' . y V.
the mUliunn of one quart of cold water to
w.&ivs & CU .ifl Murray tit., Si. I.
1135 bruiidwuy, bt. Jdme. fciuild
ing, New York.
For th Treatment nd cur of
Of All Kinds and Stylas.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
ani Horse Outfitting gen
erally. 0AinUA(2E
f? a n o ! r ! n rt Y
Examine my stock ' it
will i lease you. The
price tuo.
i:..-r..,ra i:t. - r.nr.rj, ra.
Miss Kirnh CortriRht, who 1ms
boon living In Mntamorna for some
tl hp, lins roiio now to Htnploion,
8. 1., whore Blie lias employment.
Mrs. L. J. Bilker end Mr. Thom-
B.iknr mid two children from
Diver mo visiting at the home of
Mrs. Josiah Ililforty.
Josnpli Sehroodor entertained a
few of his friends Wednesday cre
dits in honor of John and Fred
Volt,, both from New YorK, and
nephews of Itav. Father Treis of Bt,
,losph' ehnrnh.
John Cnrwin and William Bpeidol
took in the excursion on Tuesday to
Newbnrgh nnd New York.
Mrs. Grace Aschemoor and Miss
Dora Horiiberger, both from Pater-
son, N. J., are the jaests of Mrs.
Peter M Hirer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quick and
Miss Edith Quirk, all from Chicago,
are visiting relatives here.
Andrew Ruled nnd Miss Catharine
Gedney of Middletown have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor En
nis for the past week.
Miss Katie Walls on Adams street.
who has been ill for the past month,
is improving. 8he is able to walk
out now. Her many friends in
Mntnmoras are pleased to hear of
har improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, Mr.
Bloker and daughter, Miss Badie,
Miss Lizzie Furman and Mr. and
Mrs. Bon. Holbert, all from Matn
moras, returned from Westcolans?
lake Monday evening, where they
have been camping for the past
week. All report having had a
pleasant lime.
Miss Annie Peat of New Haven,
Conn., who has been visiting Miss
Bessie Hough nt the Hill cottagp,
returned to her home on Saturday.
Miss Grace Lake of Goshen, N,
Y., is the guest of Mrs. John Wash
Miss Kate Herman from New-
burgh is visiting at the homes of
Mrs. C. II. Reyuioar and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Ed. Lahar nnd little daugh
ter, Beatrice, left towu on Tuesday
norning and took in the excursion
;o New York and Newburg.
On account of continued 'rainy
weather farmers are making slow
progress haying, and at present
there is quite a lot of hay laying out
with little prospect of getting it in,
but we hope for better weather
so m.
Hay is a fair oiop. Crops gener
ally are good ecoept owa.
Rev. C. W. Clew-ell's father, while
on his way from Pooono to German
Flats, had a narrow escape from be
ing held up by three unknown men
who were hiding near the road in a
lonely place. As Mr. Clewell drove
by on Thursday, July 24, the men
bamo out and fired at him with re
volvers but as they missed him and
his horse became frightened and ran
he got away.
An ice cream social was hold at
Uouoktowu on the evening of July
A barn belonging to Mary Cross
was struck by lightning and one
post shattered. , .
Rev Thomas Hooper will hold an
entertainment in the West Sterling
o'jnrob for the buneflt of (ha uma
ou tba evening of Aug. S.
The Greentown Sunday school
will hold their picnio Aug. 7 in the
rove near the church.
Ed. Walts lost. a valuable horse
4ouie time ago.
The prraded school building at the
Flats will havo the additiou of a
u(!iv two-story building twouty-four
fi'.-t square. Mihs Grace Siliaffor
will have charge of the school. The
assistants will ba Miss Kiln Nevin
nnd Miss Margaret Brown.
We commend the energy of the
school board that mnkes use of the
extra appropriation and thus adds
to the elHcicney cf the school.
"I hve used Ayer's Hait Vigor
for thirty years. It is elcesnt tot
a hair cheesing and for seeping tiie
hair from iplicinf; at the nds."
J. A. Grucncnfeiacr, Grinif ork, IU.
IIair-spllttin splits
Friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on your
ow n head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vior in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
II H S iwlUe. All t;t.U.
It ynur
. .. ! u
-.1 C(iiin-r to
.Mil Bl 1
J. (..ill i. u., 1..
Twfnff Thnnnn4 Cm irar In the
i. olnvado lrsrt a nrniamfit
of M Man's Folly,
In rroMfltaff the Colorado desert
In Arizona our wppr a frightful monu
ment to the folly of mnn v ho
thought Ihnt he could drive cuttle
across the desert with such speed
that witter would he unnecessary,"
said fi. T. .tnmes, in the Pittsburg
rrrss. "More thnn I0,non rnrrnRPrs
lie t The Tools in thnt !rsert, and
remind all trnrlmi of the plpnntic
ncheme to drive fnMIe thronph a
deBert ronntry without mpHiifr any
provision for water. It wa 30 years
arjo that an ertetiplre rnttlrmnn, who
waa not familiar with the (treat des
ert of the southwest, thought It
would be no barrier to his plan of
taking rattle acroRs It, from the weHt
into the frrazine; country. When the
cattle reached The Pools, which are
smnll lakes of foul alkali water, they
were so crazed by thirst that they
killed each other In their attempt
to get at the water. The air in
that country is so dry and the tun
bo hot that carcasses dry up Instead
of decomposing. As one approaches
that (rreat herd of dead animals the
carcasses look as though they were
poorly fed cattle. The hair has not
fallen from, the carcasses, and they
have maintained their original shape
so well that a man who Is not fa
miliar wiih the desert country might
easily mistake them for beasts until
he made close examination."
A Hornet's lfeat Comes to Life Caicr
the Influence of Warmth In
the ltoo.se.
The residence of Hiram Fulton, of
HartranM, Montgomery county, pre
ented a scene of consternation and dis
may several days ago, when a swarm
of hornets took possession of the en
tire house unexpectedly,-reports the
Philadelphia Telegraph.
Lsit fall Air. Fulton found an excel
lent specie of hornet's nt, and fiml
lug it perfect and intact, he thought it
would make an excellent ornament for
his home. Acting on the impulse, he
took the nest home and hung it in the
parlor. That portion of the house was
used very little during the winter, and
several days ago, when his wife was
preparing the house for visitors, a fire
was started in the parlor. The room
soon became warm, and their atten
tion was shortly attracted by loud
buzzing, and the next instant the room
was filled with hornets that came from
the ornamental nest. The heat caused
them to come out, and resulted in a
rush to escupe from the room. Several
of the family suffered from coming in
contact with the business end of the
insects, and over an hour's time was
consumed driving thera from the house.
A Has Who I.Jt1 o the' An of TO
tlelore He Learmed to Blow
Bis Hom.
President Eliot was arrnioe; in favor
of education, one night recently, says
the Boston Journal, Re said that ho
was learning something every day by
being "shown bow."
illastraWui bis polat by Mrthiifr
tk tralainf of ssedieal stuaosito aol
AMliwtoal by oollia at aa old friood
of his who had addenly become dauf
la one ear.
'How did this happen?" I asked him.
'Well, I was blowing my nose the
other day, when I felt something- snap
in my ear, followed by an aching and
'When the doctor came herfeaid the
drum had split and asked how I did it.
' 'I only blew my nose,' I told the
1 'Well, had you opened your month
when you blew your nose you would not
now have a damaged ear drum,' was the
medico's reply.
"l ou see, my friend had lived 70 years
and had never been shown how to blow
his nose," concluded President Eliot.
The application was appreciated' and
greeted wit h a great burst of laughter.
4a Earl? Uvt Affair.
It is common report in Spain that
the king will marry bis coo.rin, Pria-
hu Mein-CoU. This may be tro
or it soay aot, bat it U certain tkatthe
two childrea pUjod together from
babyhood, and regarded themselves
as betrothed to each other, says Mod
ern Society. "1 will never marry you,
you nasty boy!" cried the tiny prin
cess with a delicious pout, on one occa
sion when his majesty offended her
highness. "Oh, very well!" coolly re
marked the somewhat ungnllant pro
spective bridegroom; "please your
self, by all means. I am sure I never
asked you to be my wife. I should
prefer to marry the pastry cook's
daughter; then I could eat all the
nicest cakes in the shop w ithout hav
ing to pay for them."
Hie Rr41e Treat.
A relic trust has been organized by
the Omaha and Winnebago Indians.
The president of this grasping mo
nopoly is Oi eat Thunder, a Winnebago,
whose speciulty 'm making bows and
arrows. Green Hainbow and Prairie
Chicken, makers of snakeskin belts,
and John A. Logan, manufacturer of
eajie feather headdresses, are direc
tors. These leaders will hereafter fix
the prices of Indian good niade for
white purchasers.
Iralleueiel teel.
The Zui.l Indians are sentimental Id
the extreme, and marry at a young
age. When a youth is wooing a maid
en he will go and (it before her w ith bii.
buck turned to her and untwine his
head cloth, fine rejects liira by softly
ttt-uliiig' awa3', or accept him by run
ning her hands careehuily through
bis loubened locks.
Fike County at ono to prepare
for 1'oMitions in the (.loverninunt
burvioe lUulwsy Muil ('UmVs, Lt
tur Carriers, CuHtoin llousb and
bcjinrtmtjiitrtl Clerks, eto. Appi7 to
Iuiur-Htiite Corros, Inat., Cedar
Uit;l!d, la. H-23.
Dri-bs milking in ull brauohes
Will no to the luniso or do the work
at burnt. AdilrohS M hK Ll'liw u,
1 fjiti street, Mllford,
The almost ct-nstiuit ruin of the
past wpt-k lias dr'tiyed the liny ntid
harvest work and in many ruses
has caught very many with imieli of
It In shock. Borne pieresnre reported
as growing badly.
I nm in receipt of n kind invitation
to attend the dinner given by Fran
cis H. Earl of Newton to bis fr iend-"
in August fith Rt McKeever's Hotel,
New York. Mr. l-'arl will sal', for
Ireland on the Celtic ol tlieWhite
Star line on that day and his many
friends wish him a safe and pleasant
G. E. Hursh went fishing In the
Delaware one day last week and re
turned home with a fine string- of
fish. Among them were three suck
ers each weighing over two pounds.
It is very strange that so tinny
people favor obedience to all laws
good or bad and yet tolerate viola
tions of the fish and game laws for
fear, as one remarked, "it will make
somebody mad." Then repeal the
fish and game laws.
This section was visited by terriilc
shower on Monday and the thunder
and lighting was the worst of the
year. Much damage was done to"
the roads and cornfields as 1.42 inches
of water fell.
The survey for the new road from
Tuttle's Corner to Culver's Gup Is
now In progress but the engineer has
not finished his surveys as to which
route the road will be Iwated, but
almost everyone favors following up
the stream.
Eph. Khable of Scran ton, Pa., nnd
his niece, Miss Leila Kimble of
Norvell, Mich., are guests of their
cousin, I. K. Kellnm.
Cora Rollison of Meant on is spetui
ng her vacation at her grandfather's,
I. II. Becker's.
While looking for a hay rigging
that was taken down the river
last spring in high water time and
landed on the Paupac flats, Friend
Simons and Jacob Waltz found a
tree which measured 18 feet 11 inches
around it. Timber Is not all gone
from this country.
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Kellnm attend
ed the funeral of M. N. B. Kellam
in Paupac ou Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kimble and
granddaughter, Bessie, of Dyberry
are guests of Mrs. Friend Simons.
Woaderfol Contrivance.
Mrs. Crimsonbeak I see by the pa
per, John, a new device for use with
telephones bae been patented in Syd
Mr. It la a clockwork saecbanism,
with dial that registers th time uc
Vied in enaesln;. Ts hand of the
fllal worts only when the receiver Is
taken from the hook.
Mr. Crimsonbeak I wonder if the
think couldn't be attached to a wom
an's jaw? Yonkers Statesman.
A Sure Preventive
It is bettor to prevent oonsump
tion thin to afterwards be looking
for a cure. Many oases become in-
ourable simply because so long neg
looted. When you first catch cold,
when you first begin to oough,
make haste to use Mexican Hyrnp
It may save your life for it has
proven a quick and never failing
cure for sore and irritated lungs,
tickling in the throat, eto., resulting
from ft cold accidentally taken. It
is only J5o tv bottle and is sold at
drag stores. '
This Is Right '
There is one good thing about
Mother's Worm 8yrup and that is,
It will never do anv pne a bit of
harm should it fail to do him good.
It is a good idea, to try this remedy
if you feel bad and don't exactly
know what ails you. There may be
a tape worm a hundred feet long
that is causing your loss of health.
If so a 25o bottle of Mother's Worm
Syrup will kill and remove it from
your body.
A Reliable Family Pill
A Mexican Root Pill taken when
you begin to feel bilious or when
your bowels fail to move as they
should may ward off a long spell of
illness. Get a 25o box.
Pain Makes Li! s Burden
It is wrong to lot those you love
suffer pin or to be in pain yourself,
when Gooch's Q,uick Relief costs
only 25o a bottla. Bust euro fur
cramps and colic.
A Mad.rn Miracle
Gooch's S-'irsapiirilla enters into
and changes the compoHition of the
blood lacking suffieiout red cor
puscles to make it pura Thnn the
pure blood, circulating with health.
ful activity, permeates every fiine
of fleiih and restores butter strength
and better feeling to every part,
completely curing sores ami pain.
Pii-ine Curti P.lt-1
Money refuudy-J if it evr fails.
Anti-Ague cures chilis and fuver.
Artistic Monuments
Cost no more tliiin plain
oik's in' stone iintl they arc
more durable. Don't invest
money in a monument Ire-
fore i n vtKtio-a.t insj; the claims
of While Uroiie. AVrile for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON. Sales Aet..
Miiford, Pa.
Real Estate Agent,
Houses nnd Lots nnd lota without Houses.
Dculur iu all kluus of Property.
Insurance agent and
Notary Public.
usincss given prompt
Office on Broad Street,
Itrlow Crlssman House.
Milfoiil, Pa.
Here im
Your own Water
Work, whirh
you fnn hiivo hy
rfinwultfnfc ?. C.
Mutattiorafle P.
who In prepared
In cive rmtltnats
at any time.
Write him at
oiwe or call and
e his stock of
atamoras, Pa.
mii'ilv f.i.iffin (!. s. and Forpien
,'iL'll or I'l.'iUj l.i iiiTttri.in frtr4
r ir,-t; r,-(,rt oti witi-iitHf intv. For free book.
u.v tn sn-m-Tn s nr IIIDIn v.r1i
"! I llfli:i,-f '!lrvj to
Opposite U. S. Patent Ottice
O DeBiaNa
Copyright Ac.
Anvor.o ipn'lnd ;ketfh una nfcnmlnn my
nulrklr u.t; Tijiin tt-ir (-mtiiow friw whi-tlier tva
tnvciH l-.ii m pi tt!:i!i'? p .U.tiil.lt. Ctmimunlfsv
1 1 mix. ii ric lv rniii.l.Miii;U. Ilmulhtvik on I'aleuLS
: In-" (ii l.-.-t i.t-'-'Tu y fur nft-ttriiiK pale"!.
I'nTfiiM t;iki-n tlirt iiiili Munn h Co. rocelra
yf(iti notuct wii hnut ciitrue, iu tlie
Sci:r.:ifie J2ir.tricax
A hfi.n:1omt'T 1Hiitrnt-r1 wwklf. T.HtVMt rtiv
oniiiii tif miiv f tt-!it nt" f- untttl, Trm, -H s
v.ir- f'.nr ruMiiilid, 1. HoM by all newd-aiersV
tlJJf.N & C3.36,B"",-New Ycrk
Asthma Can
Be Cured
Free Treatment, Fro Modioel
Advice. Wo Have Cured
7,000 Caaoa. Why
Not Voure?
This dr. tul (listNtrto which htm CAUtted
more uiitohl a )u'u-i than wordd can dtj
scrilh, hn at lu.tt rwtiived Us doath blow.
Me-licul .t-iviieo tn rtut yt-ars has found
a rvnn-Uy tJj.it fetu'cftisfiilly combats all the
n.KSi'i,iiw;lt-t! -.y in f.t' mm due to this dUtres
Ititf i.rlib-fiou. After many years of pa
tient m tuiy uu'l n-Tii'Lirch. Dr. A. B. Clark,
the wi ll known ttpL-cinlit, mm disco verea
i p'.ritivti remedy that curus the cough,
fivs liinntthi.'.o r'ltif and eradicates
every v --f,c -f the ttifk-aso. So coufl-dent
U tin- (t"t tr hitt hid Asthma linmedy
will f!lrrt w cuiv iu all btagt-s that he has
intru. t. d ihr Chirk Medical Co., of Pitt
tnii'. l'-
rm-iit tn
Willi -i t'
liii.-l,.l e:'
t'la.k V.
tliiii )...
wnlo lh
, to I-.rward a c-jnipieto treat-.-vriy
siuli-rer of Asthma who
inptmu Wank. This Is r very
.rand .luiwa the coutidcuoe the
ilical Co. havu iu the merits of
iruiiii!.. If any of our rtadors
wnh ntluua thuy should
( laik Co nt unoe for symptom
Why euller wbcu a cure is wiihiii
n ,1 n ?i r 11 ralvh
vnu rnuet r. j ing aalve In tne von
f 7
j. c.
(H-'il-l I
Corteuted to Date).
Polld Pullman trains to Buffalo, NliMr
ars, rallR, ( hmit.anqna Lake, Cleveland,
Chicago and Cincinnati.
Tickets on ssle at Port Jervis to all
paints in the West and Bniithnreatat lower
rates thnn via any other first-elaM line.
Trains Now
L'avb Port
No. 8, Pally Fxpress. 8 84A.M.
" S, llalty K.ipreM B SO "
' rW.Ixwal Except Sunday.. 8 80 "
' , T to "
" 70S), Way Sunday Onlv 7 63 '
" 80, Ixxial F.icept Pnn'day.. 10 90 "
" IS), Wy dully exo't Sunday 11 M "
' 4, Dally Kxpress IS 4S f. at.
" 704, Sunday Only 110 "
" 24, War dully exo'tBund'r 8 ifi "
" 8, Dally Express 4 Sri "
" 7 Way Sunday Only 4.40 "
" IS, Loral dally exo't Sund'y 6 10 '
" IS, Milk Sunrlnronly 8 SO "
" 7(,I,oe.nl Sunday Only.... C 07 "
' 80, Way dally exo't Bund'y S 50 "
" 14. Express Daily 10.06 "
No. 7, Daily Express 19 80A.M.
" 17, Dally Milk Train 7 86 "
" 1, Dally Express 11 84 "
" 115, ForHo'daleK'pt Pun.. 18 10 p. M.
" 15, Division way exo't Bun 18 SO "
" 83, Saturday only 4.49 "
" 8, ExprsC'hicairo llrn dat S IS "
" 89, Local Express Sunday .. (60 '
" 5, Limited Daily Express. 10.16 "
Trains leave Chambers street, New
York, for Port Jervis on week days at
8 80, 7 80, 9 00, 0 15, 10 80 A. M., 1.00, 8 00,
4 80, 8 80, 7 80. 9 16 P. M. On Pundavs.
8 90, 7 80, 9 00, B 16 A. M, 18.80, 8.80, 7 30
1U r. He
n. W. COOKR,
General PuMn(rr Agcmt,
Maw York,
Delaware Valley
Time Table in Effect Jane 1, 1902
a,.:o E-ssas2ss?83
mo - cslaasss"s
Apnng ti fc fc C; t
t opanq eSSasSSSlSl
a ?d9oxa Aila 'eeeE-ee
,d9oxaAiia " aeaMe-'
idaoxa iiia " jeeeaie'i
rJtl r aM
2" Si g J
5d80xaiiiva Jassaoiagjcegaioi
1 upanq C SSSSSSlsSS
iduoxn iia 'isiaisiS'0iS'0'd
f Stops only on notloe to Condnotor or
fent, or on Slfrnal.
'or InforinatloD as to Frelnht and Paas-
enr Rains apply to C. H. Rutter, Freight
and Fas. Airent, K as tort, Pa.
KMt Stroratl.bars, Fa,
C. H. KfTTEB, Freight Paw. AmU,
Eaatoa, Pa.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Btreet, Port Jervis, N. Y.
s. ! cm iv m imsm Your Llreswsivl
Your Ufeswftvl
Ycm caa be cured of aay form ol tobanoo nuac
cuilj be made well, at r oaf, magnetic, ftiil of
new life and tikot by taking Jk- J 0-&Ja,
that aieOKea wak un Mioag. Mjny i a
lea pcHinds ia tea dr. Omt 0 (J, OHt
cured. All tirutjKa. Cure ruArioitr-l bM.iL
kt end advice 1-tftlK. Adnrwee HI KKi,INt
iULMM&V CO., : CitMtfO OC New Yuta, 4J?
"TO y wife ka-i e-lnie fcer fk tml
he bta tXM.a Wiiim Uv Arti.ii and tumf
kssVC all dktMbV4sltd. I bsvd borH Woubiod
wiitj oourttiitKLUra tur some tttae, Lful arr tr
Ititr tbe nm ( Mossmi I bsssre ha uti iroHo.e
wttb litis ttlimtiul. ft e cixx.i. ri.' M UMttu&
ftjp itt m:tai4." ! u r - ' k ah.
b'ue 4xMinaaloir Ave.. I t-m Fk
V' Ss-f W 'W .
Pieaaeat, Palbttvu.v r Ta.-ie Fo
ftwd, UtM b.aVOU, WSAJMU. UsT Uii, IW, SMkAljifc
... CURI COMtTirATlOM. ...
tor ail drug
"trrts 4 i v . -I