Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, July 25, 1902, Image 2

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Friday, July 25, 1902.
OPTICF!, ltliOWN H M'll.lUNil UltOADBT.
srRWHiri ion:
One Ykaii -One (Icillnr unci lil'ty rent".
Bix Months Seventy-five cents,
Entered nt, the post ntll.-n of Milford
IMko I'oiintv, IVtiiisvlvji'iin, rn (( aid
class matter, November twenty llrst., lsi!.
Advertising Rates,
Onnstpinrofehrht I inoiO.niio Insert lo'.i f t.nu
Karll HIllWP'liM Ilt Insertion .fb
Ki'dllccd rales, furnishi-d on lieplicatlolt.
Will bo allowed yearly advertisers.
Legal Advertising.
Administrator's nml Kiccutur's
Auditor's notices 4
Divorce notices f).'"i
rili'Titl's sales, Orilmns' court mill--,
C. unity Treasurer's sales, 'unity statc
nii'iit. 11 ml election proclamation chained
by the square.
J. If. Tun Etten, PriU.lsllK.il,
Milford, Pike County, Vii.
For Governor,
of Philadelphia.
For Lieutenant Governor,
of Lawrence county.
For Secretary of Internal Affuira,
of Eriu county.
For Prothonotury, Register and
of Ureeno.
For County Commissioner,
of Milford borough.
For County Treasurer,
of Matamoras.
For Connty Auditor,
of Palmyra.
, For Representative,
of Milford borough.
nor isi i ruAXhs
Occasionally symptoms dovelop in
some bright chnp to hnvo n lot of
fun by either evading the pnyuient
of toll on the Milford bridge or else
by driving ovor it tnster thnn a
walk. These are ronl cute concep
tions, though not very original, nnd
the perpetrators must ohncklo at
thorasolves for being extremely com
ical fellows. It is a cunning thing
to do and just the kind of smartness
which some day leads a chap to go
for his pocketbook and plank down
some of his father's hard enrned
dollars to get out of a scrape, or if
the old gentleman or the fellow's
mother have not bean very gener
ous, or if he hns spent his pile in
the hilarity producing soda then
perhnps he may play checkers
awhile with his nose, but all the
same he hns had his fun and been
smart, and he can after take the
other fellows out in the barn and
enjoy tolling his experience and
also whisper the soft tale to his best
girl and she will all the more, if she
Is real sensible, admire his bril
liancy. A three cornered contest among
democrats for the nomination of
county commissioner is now nt high
Vfater mark. Ex Sheriff Vander
niRrk is making a vigilant canvass
to bo one of the lucky two. In do
ing this ho is not violating demo
cratic custom for W. F. Beck, one
of the present board, attempted in
1S96 to make a one termer of one of
tho then incumbents. He displayed
no comity at that time in his effort
to get there regardless of the sup
posed rule which ordinarily gave an
official a second term, and ho now
has tho pleasure of reaping just the
kind of harvest he then so energet
ically sowed.
Should Hon. W. J. Bryan come
eant and request lion. R. E. Putii
Bon's support for freo silver as he
Lad it iu liSjtJ and I'JOU what would
or could the democratic governor
6iy or do? A politician's future
may ba rosy it's his pat which
sometimes gives him a headache,.
(Several iSorautoti gentlemen
passed tii rough bete this week who
uie con.-iib-ring buildirij a trolley
down tho valley.
13 1 6 ounres of pure
coffee to the poiiml.
Coated Coffees are
on'y about 14 ounces
of toffee and two
ounces of eggs,
glue, etc., , of no
value to you, but
money in the pocket
4 of the roaster."
form innlilj tnd fitthuaN,
1 RrtM tr. . KII.I.M.
A venerable mini of whom probn-
bly no one in this count 1ms not
heard, for ho whs the oldest 11 ml for
tunny years one of the most promi
nent citizens within its borders
passed to bis final rest early yester
day morninir, duly 24th. Mr. Kil
lam wns born in 1'aupao Feb. 7
1S15, and his nneestor, Ztidock Kil-
lam, was one of the original settlers
of that region, goin? there from
Conneetient nnd locating near tin
old fort. He was a son, and the
last survivor of n family of ten chil
dren, of Rev. lienjatnin T. nnd
Elizabeth Witter Killam. His was
an active and successful life. lie
was largely engaged in lumbering
and fanning, man of the strictest
probity, of sound judgment, and 111
nil respects a most, excellent citizen
llo was nn enthusiastic hunter nnd
probably the most successful in this
whole region. Unbroken forests
stretched nway near his homo nnd
one of the delights of his life was t
roam their confines in senrch ol
large game. He was the very soul
of hospitality nnd entertained witl
lavish band and bounteous cheer
His name was n household word
his life n pit tern to be emulated
nnd few leave behind them such 1
bright record of virtues, a monn
ment more enduring than tho most
costly marble. He was twice mar
l ied. lis first, wife, by whom hi
had one child, dying many years
ago, he married second, Juno 19
1 8 1 S , Miss Nancy J. Rennet, who
with two sons, Benjamin F. nnd
Alfred K., nnd one daughter, Esther
B., sitrvives him. The funeral will
be hehl at his late residence toinor
row nt 2 p. in.
Snakes tn Jersey.
Rattlesnakes seem to have with
drawn themselves from our hospita
ble territory and encamped down in
Warren county. The Blairstowu
Press remarks on tho subject :
"The ratlesnake season is now nt
its height. Last week Mr. Alex.
Tit m 1111 k'lled twenty-eight rattlers
of nssortod sizes on the slope of the
mountain near - his farm. There
were five large snakes in the lot nnd
tho rest were smaller in size. We
hnvo been informed that the Wor
thington observation tower on the
top of the mountain near his farm is
practically garrisoned by the rep
tiles." Is Brother Carter euro that they
nro genuine snakes unadulterated
with the applejack kind?
Abrnm Uariss of Port Jorvis land
ed a raft hero last evening on which
was a party of 25 ladies. The
shower had dampened their gowns
but not their spirits.
Mrs. Jennie Shearer's horso ran
with the empty wagon from Ray
mondskill Falls yesterday to De
trick'sarm without damage beyond
springing an axle.
The Misses Amy and Lucy, daugh
ters of former chief burgess, P, J.
Girnrd, now living in Brooklyn, are
guests with thoir grandmother,
Mrs. Burthon 1.
Geo. Y. Keller left East Strouds
burg last December nnd within,?
having been heard of him since his
relatives aro now searching for his
Dr. J. P Mutehlorof Strondshurg
is ill with cancer of tho pancreas.
A Branchvillo audience was great
ly pleased last Friday evening with
the singing of Mrs. Kithuryn St.
John and tho violin playing of her
daughter, Lallah, ns well as with
tho solos of Geo. It. Bull, Esq., of
this place.
Bumper crops of corn and oats nnd
liberal yields of rice, barley, bay und
fruits are prediclel hy the depart
ment of agriculture. The urea in
corn is about 4 per cent, larger than
that of lat year, and crop conditions
for this grain are line. Continuing
favorable conditions 111 iv re-iiiit in
record-breaking crops of possibly
L'.Uon.Ooo.n 1.) bushels of corn and
'.1.111,000, IK!;! t, u-hcls of nit-,. Wheat
pro-peels are fir a total yield of (!:(.",
ii()ii,('ild bu-hcls.
m.WTED 5 YOS.'.VG MEX from
1 ike. Count V at. once to prepare
for Positions in the Government
SorvJoo 15.iil.vitv M ill Clerks, L et
ter Carriers, Custom House and
lie; art mental 'lei ks, etc. Appl r to
liiUi'-Mati) Coires. Inst., Cedar
K 1 pi is, la.--b-L'v.
1 i
Presbyterian Chroniclings
(Hy Kcv K. M. Smend )
Next Sunday is the anniversary
f the pastor's first Visit to Milford.
Memory, therefore, naturally opens
her contents and they are pass.nl
over in review. Many most hnppv
recollections as well ns now nnd
then a sad one comes to mind.. One
year ago the former well-lieldved
pastor, liev. Thomas Nichols, win
the incumbent of the pulpit. The
memory of his acquaintance will
always bo a most pleasant, one to
the writer nnd while it is with
sadness that, we recall his failing
health nnd sad decease still we
should also be glad for n godly mini
lias gone to his reward nnd his
works do follow him. The pastor is
pleased again ns ho remembers how
patient nnd forbearing nnd helpful
his people have been during the
past year. The most delightful
relations that have been enjoyed
are the only ones that present
themselves on 1110 nory's tablet and
therefore we conclude that there
aro 110 others. It has been a source
of much pleasure to have received a
call to this pulpit nnd it is .with the
most, sincere prnyer thnt the sacred
relation later established may be of
great benefit and profit to all con
cerned. The repairs and the new
organ have made quite a difference
in tho interior appearance of the
church for nil of which ninny ready
hands, fertile brains, nnd loyal
hearts come in for n share of praise
We only regret, ns wo look backward
that more has not been accomplished.
Have we nil let our light so shine
that God hns been glorified to the
extent, that we can say of us, "ye
have done what ye could?" But. the
present is here ; the future is before
us. Lcef us provotio one another to
good works and then trust God
knowing that Paul may plant
and A polios may water, but after nil
it is God that, gives tho increase.
The services 011 next Lord's day
at the usual time, 10:;i0niid 7 :oU, to
which nil "strangers within our
gates" hnvo a most cordial invita
tion. The themes will be such ns
will stimulate to greater Christian
activity and to encourage those who
wish to live more nobly and truly
in accord wi(h Jesus Christ and his
In the absence of Miss Blanche
Cross, the regular organist, and
since Miss Katie Beck, the assistant
organist, cannot bo with ns, we are
linppy to announce that Mr. Yeo
man's of tho Yale school of forestry
will preside nt the organ Sunday.
Mr. Yoomans is not a novice nnd
it will nfford us grent pleasure to
have him with us next Sunday.
The missionary society postpone
their meeting one week. Tho regu
lar timo of meeting would be next
Friday, the first Friday in the
month, but ns we nre to have a re
turned missionary address the
meeting wo have decided to hold it
a little later and thereby seek to
have a largor nttendance. The field
that will be discussed is Porsia.
Mrs. Tribins, who is stopping at tho
Bluff House and who spoilt nearly
seven years in this field, will speak
to us. Let all the ladies of the
church come. It will be a very
rare treat, as the speaker has made
many addresses and will be sure to
Methodist Church Jottings.
(By Hkv. C- E. Scuddf.u.)
The topic for next Sabbath morn
ing is, "Is the Christian Raligion
Temporal or Eternal?" In the eve
ning the topic is the last one of the
series, Women Worth Knowing:
"Mary the Mother of Jesus."
Next Tuesday evening thero will
be a musiealo at the church to fur
nish the choir with music for an
other year. Good music costs, yet
it pays to procure tho beat, since it
is one of tho element that enters
into cha -actor buildiiur, an 1 charac
ter cannot he measured by the dollar
standard. It is oar conviction that,
altogether too little attention is paid
to church musio in the majority of
churches. Music that, no one in
heaven oreirthc.ui understand will
do little in our judgment to add to
the worslnpf ulness of any service.
Simplicity and yet character should
charaoteri.j ch ircli musio.
Tho program next Tuasliy ove
rling will consist of choruses by the
choir, two milt) quvrtot selections)
by three members of the choir as
sisted by Mr. Gilchrist from New
New York, and s das by Mr. Gil-
I where it is hut all the year round
fScclt's EniLlsionV
selfrbetter than any where else
fn fhe wftrLL rfnn't chin f.ikitirf ,
" - tr - a 1 1
it in summer, or you will love 4 J
j' what you have ijaiiied. ! ;
I i.u..- ;
't dnifi,
YI."1 !d thp lisp of tclllec H'O rlH-iltnr-.Mr
Mint lie feci"! ai If his inints were laaia; al
located ?
Hp known tlmt hi? sitrf'-riorri nre very
nitc li IH;c Hi.- tortures of I lif rm I;.
It ,' hr w(i,i( In foiim is what Kill pcr
ni.Tnently cure hi de",:e'(
'Unit, ni'VorclliiK to tl.ui:aii(ls of Rrntcfill
te-ilinoiiliils, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It frmeptlv neutralizes thp n-id In tltr
,o.l 1,11 niilrh thp di-eiise I. i.oiids, coin-(ileo-iy
pliniiiint.'s It. nnd stren'-tlieiis Ihe
system HKiilust Ita return. Try Hood 3.
hrist, Mr. Crlssmin, Mrs. Recht
and Miss Biddis. Mr. Gilchrist is a
tenor soloist who sang so acceptably
for us one week ago last Sabbath.
Mr. Crissman is the well known bar
itone soloist, nnd n member of the
Musical Art Society of Now York,
Mrs. Recht is n soprano of high
grade, und Miss Biddis is ft well
known contralto of Washington, D
V. This promises to be a rnre treat
and calls for a large hearing. No
admission fee will be charged. A
silver offering will be taken.
Notice has been sent that our con
ference camp meeting at Mt. Tabor
will begin 011 August 5, and continue
till tho lth. The Ep-vorth Longuc
ihiy is Friday, the 8th, nnd will
close with the Oratorio of tho Holy
City by Gaul, under the leadership
of Mr. Eaton, one of the members of
this conference who has built up the
cb undies ho has served by means of
tniisio. Strong speakers have been
procured for ench day from the
10th to the ISth nnd it is expected
that, this will be one of the best
camp meetings in the history "of
Tabor. There nro certainly many
features that aro advertised that
will appeal to the deeper spiritual
The sale of cream, cake nnd candy
of las'; week was in every way a
success, tins was especially true
socially. It, gave us the opportunity
to become personally acquainted
with a large number of summer
friends. The Epworth League cake
sent np from the BlulT House was
the most handsome thing jf its kind
that I ever saw, and it was just ns
good to eat ns it was to look upon,
as I camo to know through the
kindness of some Bluff House guests.
Our rural free delivery is one of the
greatest blessings thnt ever dawned
on M intaglio nnd is accordingly ap
preciated by the patrons.
Haying nnd harvest is progressing
very slowly in this section. Cause,
too much wet weather.
Wo henrd some of the older men
predicting when Virgin Mary crossed
on the second day ot July that wo
would have plonty of dry weather
for tho next six weeks. But unless
tho dry wenthor starts in soon we
will have exactly the opposite.
Those of the children that were
fort una to enough to get nn invita
tion spent a very enjoyable after
nooh at the pleasant homo of Mr.
andTMrs. J. A. Rundle'a on Tuesday
of this week, it being tho twelfth
birthday of thoir daughter Nellie.
The Rock Spring creamery turned
out more butter in the month of
Juno than any month in its history.
Tho checks were large and the pa
troiiB correspondingly happy.
Mouday aftornoon Harry Phillips
met with quite an accident. While
driving Henry Dennis' team hitched
to a reaper the horses someway be
come unmanageable and ran away.
Fortunately no one was hurt but
the reaper was quite badly broken.
Tuesday he procured another ma-
chiuo from Geo Armstrong and
hitched Geo. D. Westbrook's team
to it thinking to finish tho job, but
lie soon ran into a bees nest and thnt
team also became unmanageable
and ran away breaking Armstrongs
1, r. Phillips tigaiii escsipxd 1111
harmed. Ohskkvkk.
The Kansas City Journal states
that the presidential boom of tl.e
Honorable Tom L. Johnson has been
fairly launched. By"Sonie vigorous
spurting it will be able to overtake
the Billy Mason b 10m, and then
great whirly gust of woodpeckers!
there will be the deadest kind of a
Uriels Hank in Washington.
We will send the value of one dol
lar and ten cents in booklet, con.
taming twenty-seven pen and ink
photo-reduced sketches of Washing
ton life by mail for ten cents cash
or stamps. Queen Victoria kt.iyht
ed Sir John Teuniel for similar nr
tisiio work iu London. Your editor
has sa nplo of this. NUTSHELL
Publishing Company, 105U Third
Avdiiiui, New York.
Oct What You Ask For!
When you ask for Cascarcts Candy
Cathartic be sure you get them.
Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C.
Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is
always a cheat and a fraud. Beware)
lUl druggists, ioc.
I i "III TAIL Is I U-.tl l, J
' A 1 llliiV (c (tajiir,-,t hw
our mjU.' A'l.lrcod,
1 uc i'ftixut Recoid Vl..4ir i,.uu
i 1 nt
t v. r Two Hundred Thousand Trial
Beetles 9"iit Free by Mail.
By special nrrnngement with the
'innfiict nrnrs of that justly famous
lOdtiev medicine, Dr. David Ken-n-dv'p
Favorite Remedy, the rend
ers of the J'ikk Cot'NTV Fhkss are
enabled to obtain a trial bottle nnd
pamphlet of valuable medical ad
vice absolutely freo, by simply send
ing their full name nnd postofTlce
address to the DR. DAVID KEN
N. Y., nnd mentioning this paper,
the publisher of which gunrnntees
tho genuineness of this libernl offer
Of ciimse this involves enormous
expense to the manufacturers, but
they have received so many grate
ful letters from those who hnve
been benefited nnd cured of tho var
ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver,
Bladder nnd Blood, Rheumatism,
Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation
and all weaknesses peculiar to wo
men, that they willingly send trial
bottles to all sufferers.
Upon investigation it was found
that 91 per cent, of those who had
used tho trial bottle bud received
such benefit from it that they pur
chased largo sized bottles of their
It matters not how sick you nre or
how mnny physicians have failed to
help you, send for a trial bottle of
this great medicine, it costs you but
a postal card, and benefit and cure
will most certainly be the result.
Favorite Remedy is the only kid
noy. medicine that acts ns a laxative
all others constipate.
Put some urine in n glass tum
bler and let it stand 24 hours ; if it
has a sediment or if it is pale or dis
colored, milky or cloudy, stringy or
rnl'y. your Kidneys or Bladder nro
in a bnd condition. Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy speedily
cures such dangerous symptoms lis
pain in the back, inability to bold
urine, a burning, scalding pain in
passing it, frequent desire to uri
nnte, especially nt night, the stain
ing of linen by your urine and nil
th i unpleasant mid dangerous effects
on the system produced by the use
of whiskey, wine or beer.
All druggists sell Dr. David Kon
nedy's Favorite Remedy in tho new
50 cent sizs and tho regular $1.00
size bottles.
A Novel Excursion.
The Erie railroad, ever seeking to
present something new to tho plens
ure going public, now offers th
most delightful excursion of the
season in a trip to New York, via
Newburg, and Hudson River Day
Line down the Hudson, the Rhine of
America, that is preeminently fam
ed among the rivers of the world
for the surpassing beauty and bold
grandeur of its scenery.
Train leaves Port Je.rvis 10.20 a
m., and arrives Newbnrg 12 04 noon
July 29. Boat leaves Newbnrg 2 15
p. m., thus giving ample time for
dinner nnd a visit to Washington'!
Headquarters at Nowbnrgh.
Rate for tickets from Port Jervis
12.00 for adults nnd $1.50 for child
ren ; good going via Newburg July
29 and for return all rail from New
York on or before July 30.
Hummer complaint is unusually
prevalent among children this sea
son. A woll developed case in the
writer's family was cured last week
by the timely use of Chamberlain',
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rome
dy ono of the best patent medi
oines manufactured and which
always kept on hand at the home
of ye soribe. This is not intended ns
a free puff for the company, who do
not advertise with nf, but to benefit
little sufforers who may not
within easy access of a physician
No family should be without a bot
tie of this medicine in the house, es
pecially in summer time. Lansing
(Iowa) Journal. For sale by A. W
Balch & Son, Matamoras, all drug
and general stores in Piko county.
Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bryan nre
continuing that controversy and are
now nt loggerheads as to who had
the honor of leading the democracy
into the ".shadow of predestined de
feat." This is splitting hairs. Tiie
democracy's defeat, 1SDU, was pre
destined beyond any doubt, even
had ti n Napoleons arisen to marshall
its forces.
"Th'o way to gain a good reputa
tion is to endeavor to bo what you
desire to npp- ar." That is precisely
the maimer in which Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has gained its repu
tation as a cure for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough. Every
bottle that has ever been put out by
the manufacturers has been fully np
to the high btandard of excellence
claimed for it. People have found
that it can always be depended upon
for the relief and oure of these ail
ments and that it is pleasant nnd
safe to take. For sale by A W.
Balch & Sou, Matamoras, all drag
and general stores in Pike county.
Thq Hound of tha Baskervills."
Sherlock Homes greatest piece of
leteclivo work is doiin in tho new
story bv Dr. A. Oman Doyle, "The
Hound of ( 00 ; (-ltervi!les." Holmes
bin1.-, it says to Watson, his co
Worker. "More nt last is a foemnn
worthy of our steel." Tho result
is a storv which, for thrilling Inter-
t, stands hy ilsolf. From the first
dii-C'veiy of the bound's trail, when
the dried 11 p young doctor brings to
SlierliK k Holmes the ancient manu
script, lo the final scene where tho
ereM d-teetive is brought face to
fine wiili tho monster of the moor
land, 1 lu re is not a sentence that
oes not carry the render brenfh-
lesslv forward. It is a grent novel.
with n great subject, hy a master of
the craft. This thrilling story be
gins in "Tho Philadelphia Press"
miss it.
July 6. Be sure not to
The Same Old Story.
J. A. Kelly relates an expert
nee similar to that which has Imp
pened in almost every neighborhood
in the United States and hns been
told nnd retold by thousands of
others. He says: "Last summer
had nn nttnek of dysentery nnd pur
chased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme
dy, which I nsed according to direc
tions and with imtirely satisfactory
results. The trouble was controlled
much quicker than former nttneks
when I used other remedies." Mr.
Kelley is a well known citizen of
Henderson, N. C. For sale by A
W. Bulolr & Son, Mataniorns, nil
drug nnd general stores in Pike
It Is simply a matter of personal
opinion ns to whether the movement
of those democrats iu attempting to
make n campaign issue out of slander
of the army was nn net of menu
mental or of nhyssm.d asininity.
A couple of the Washington police
were found engaged, the other eve
nitig while off duty, in a little gamt
of penny-ante. It Is believed that
they were simply becoming famihir
with the game in order to be able to
recognize it in a raid.
The output of gold in South Africa
hns steadily increased since the arts
of pence have been again resumed.
In the Rand mines the product has
increased from 50,0(10 ounces, last
December, to 1"(),0(I() ounces in June,
valued at about f'!,OiKI,000.
Won't Follow Advice After Paying lor It.
In a recent nrticlo a prominen
physician says, "It is next to impos
sible for the physician to get bis pa
tients to carry out any prescribe!'
course of hygiene or diet to tin
smallest extent j he hns but one re
sort left, namely, the drug treat
ment." When medicines nro used
for chronio constipation, the most
mild and gentle obtainable, such at;
Chamberlain's Stomach & Livei
Tablets, should be employed. Theii
nse is not followed by constipation
as they leave the boweU in a natur
nl and healthy condition. For sulc
by A. W. Balch & Son, Matamoras,
nil drug und general stores in Pike
NOTICE All huntiii(r, flRhlnR or otlier
trespassing on the prpnilfiegof the under
nlffned, 111 Dinfrmnn Township, on Khv
tTiiindskill and Dwiirfsklll Creeks, Is for
biudon under penalty of the lnw.
Dinirnmn Twp., N. Hoii.kau
May 17, issm. Jof-KFH V BOILBAD .
FOK SALE. A nmll farm located near
MatiiiiioiHS, known as the Hensel 01
Keinliardt place, containing 31 aeres
Finely located, well w atered. House and
burn. Fruit of all kinds. Part improved
Title dear. For tonus, price, etc., addrest
Lock box O Milford. Pa.
TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
Kivcn that trpspattsiiifr on the premise
of tiio uiidersitiicd, situated iu I
township, for any purpose whatever It
8triu1.lv nil
rtiiildcn, and all offenders will be
promptly prosecuted
1 11 A B. Cask.
uct. m. ihiiu.
TKEPA.?! NOTICE. Notice Is herebj
Kiv.-n that trefimshing; upon the pro
perty of the undersiirned In Milford town
ship Pike county, Pa., for the purpose ot
hltnlinir flshinit; or any other purpose U
strictly forbidden under penalty of tlic law.
Mas. S. M. CltArr.
Vi'h Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda for
SOc a bottle.
Mauufoctured by
William B. Kenworthey, M. D.
riiypioiun and Burgeon.
finieft nnd resldenrp Ilrosd strpct
lent Court, Itouso. MILVUKl), I'A.
Dr. von dor Hey do,
Brick HntiKP Opposite Vntidprninrk Hotel
Itroiid Bltvet ! Milford I'n.
OKFICK BUCKS: 8 to 18 a. in.; 1 to
p. in.
H. E.Emerson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
OFFICE in Drug Store on Broad
If you want to sell
your real estate, list it
at once with
General Insurance Agt.,
Brown's Building,
Milford, Pn.
A Backward
Our Screen Doors must bo
Thp bps! fftnpy floor with fixtures pninplpre
rpgnlnr price 91. AO, ,3.1 1 0
To closo for . . . . V 1 1 "
A plHln rloor complpt, regailt r price 1
185, to close for .... V-1-
Abovc nre natural white
wood and varnished.
20c size ,
25c size
30c size ,
Also extra high screens to
extend any width wanted.
Fresh groceries.
Canned goods.
Meats in every forra.
Turkeys and chickens.
Oysters and vegetables.
Everything for an elegant
dinner at
Harford St. Milford Pa.
you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. B. Van Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Firo Insurance..
Charles O. Wood, Agt.
Successor to J. J. MarU
"()t!lce In rear of Residence on Ann St.
Milford, Plk Co.. Pa.
Ryman & Vells
Millinery -:- Department
New Spring Goods
Entile Trlmmfl Hntu HI. AO to 'J.VO
MlrV Trtmniffl Hutu, TjAtile' nml Mmn
Trlmmi-tl Hi-H.ly-to-WrHr Hutu from ftO
to I'iOl).
Hat Trimming: of A 11 Kind.
fHIFFONS, fOHHOVi, FldM'HI-i nnr
FOI IW.K All Htylesaiwl Prircs.
j ST4FI.H and F NOV HBY fiOOIlS, ;K(-
' rriiiK, rir.
Please Call and See Our
Stock. We Can Save
You Money.
Ryman & Vells
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