PIKE COUNTY PRESS. Friday, July 18, 1902. ri'iir,isnni EVKKV rWHIAY. OFriCK, BROWN'S I11IMINC1 BROAD Pt, pnisi hiption: Osf. Ykar One dollar anil fifty cents. Six Months Seventy-live cents. STRICTLY I N ADVASC'K. Knterert nfc the post nfflco of Mllfonl, Pik INmntv. IVnnHVJvHtim. n w'fflinl- cli mnlUirj Novemlier twenty -flrat, ls'.) Advertising Rates. One sqnni-celKhtlines).nnc Insertion -II. no K.ich RubHenucnt IllHcrMim - -f0 Keclncert rates, furnished on nyiplicatUin will be allows yearly ndvertlsera. Legal Advertising. Arlminlat.rnrnr'l and Executor' nuttceft S.00 A iirtitor'fl notices t1 Divorce nntiees - ft-1) Sheriff's siilcs, Orphnns' eonrt sales, Countv Treasurer" snlcs, County Htute-mi-nt and election proclmimtion charged by tho B'iuare. J. H. Van Etten, PCBLIPHKR, Milford, Pike County, Pa. REPUDLICAH STATE TICKET For Governor, SAMUEL V. PENNYPACKEIT, of Philadelphia, For Lieutenant Governor, WILLIAM M. BROWN, of Lawrence county. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, ISAAC B. BliOWN, of Erie county. COUNTY TICKET For Frothonotary, Register and Recorder, VICTOR COREY of Greene. For County Commissioner, PIERRE M. NILIS of Milford borough. For County Treasurer, ROCKWELL a HEIDENTHAL of Matamoras. For County Auditor, AMERICUS H. DOWN of Palmyra. For Representative, ALFRED S. DINGMAN of Milford borough. ' JO URN A LISTIC SEXSA TIOXISM Several oity papers last week con tained an article of a sensational nature which reflected on the con duct of a young lady well known here. Whether there was any foun dation in fact for the notoriety so given her is not particularly ger mane to the proposition that news papers transcend the roalm of goo 1 journalism when they spread broad cast matters which should be re garded strictly of a private charac ter. There may have been in this case some indiscretion which would serve as a point around which to marshal the story sent out broad cast, but assuming such to be the fact there was no occasion to mag liify it by false statements and to place the individual in a wholly nn warranted position, liaraly any one is so discreet as not to commit acts without serious intention which may be so warped and twisted as to place the perpetrator in an unonvia hie light and to seize on thorn and magnify them into a lurid picture is certainly transcending the proper province of a well regulated news paper. tSnch artiolea may have an evil effect on impressionable miuds by the glamour which they cast and they cannot be said in any way to either instruct or inspire those who read the papers containing them. They simply create a demand among a certain oliiss which eagerly seeks for such sensutions to their detriment they do not educate or elevate their readers. Oi'EXlXQ OF HO ADS Now that automobiles and motor cycles are becoming more numerous on our roads it is all the more ueoes biiry that greater rare be exercised by supervisors to see that tho high ways nra unobstructed. The law requires that roads be opone.'I to tho width of thirty-three feet and imposes the duty on supervisors of effectually opening, keeping in re pair and at all seasons keeping them clear of all impediments to easy aud convenient traveling and ou failure to do so the m: nor visors are pm-sou-liliy 1 '.ul ile mid I'm t nil.ip re-piu-kV.u m liani.tge. Thr.-n me ph.iu J'tWli"i. nnd v imU'Ver .rs Mini The IZGGS whirh ome coffee roateri ue to Rl'r their coffee with wouM you " t that kind o! recf men why drink theinf Lion Coffco ha no coating; o( "tnratce eeg. a ue. etc. It ( cortce pure, unariulterateu, irr?n, suoi's and of delmhttul flavor tad aroma. risk an ofliccr may be willing to take ho lias no npht to subject the township to liability. That It may be impracticable or very costly to open xmie roads to the required width is no excuse for not keeping the brush cut along them 90 that tbfl traveling public may have as far ns possible nn tin obstructed, view. This, at all evonts, is a duty which is impera tive on supervisors and should an accident result by reason of a road being obstructed fcy brush there oonld be no quostion of liability. Let the townships in order to pro tect themselves see that in this respect at least the supervisors per form their whole duty. 1IARMOXY THICK AS CHEESE According to some papers the re cent visitof Senators Quay and Pen- roso to Harrisburg and their confer ence with Governor Stone, Attorney General Elkin and others was pro ductive of harmony of a particular ly opaque and tenacious quality. Aftor boing whipped out of their boots and humiliated in every con ceivable way that til J fertilo mind of Quay could conceive Stone, Elkin, Griest, Ileedor. Eyre and id genus omne of dolichocepholous gentlemen are to tumble over themselves in supporting the ticket and aiding Penrose to his reelection. They are to be '-taken care of," "retained in their present positions," and possi bly have a few more feathers added to their downy nests, such ns bend ing Stone as ambassador to Russia. Ex State , Chairman Reeder, who could not be trusted with a ticket of admission to the convention which he was to call to order, is in the harmony soup np to hfs chin Stone, whose administration was not even mentioned in Quay's plat form, is too full of that subtle fluid for utteranoe, and Elkin, who was not decent enough to be nominnted for governor, is so roaring full of it that he lies awake nights admiring its lovely effects. This is beautiful, it is touching, it is a sight to almost make the angels and everybody else weep. Watres will no doubt supply gingham aprons to hold the tears should the ordinary linen be insuf ficiont to absorb the brine. The Lackawanna county republic, an convention last week by resolu tion presented the name of Hon William Connell as a candidate for senator in plaoe of Penrose. No jurors have been drawn the October term. for Wilson Cortright of Monroe county has been arrested for cutting timber on state lands and gave bail in $800 for his appearance. A cow belonging to Dun Gregory died Tuesday. The annual democratic will he held August 2d. primary The trout fishing season closed Tuesday. An effort is boing msde in Phill- ipsburg to raise f'JOO to carry the case of Grother, sentenced to be hanged, to the supreme court. The Hawley Times will be sold at publio sale July 30th. Two persons were arrested at Cranberry Lake in Sussex county last Sunday for illegal liquor soiling Jerseyuiou go at the root of the matter. The lata M. C. Westbrook's will disposes of his real and personal property to his children, Carrie, W B. and Fred L., and his real estate to his sons above uu tiled and John C, Jr. A mud dog ecare prevails over in Flatbrook villa, N. J. It is reported that four cows bitteu by rabid d s have ohowu symptoms of hydropho bia, also tl-at several duijs exhibit sins of rubies. Mrs. M. 11. Jonos of Easton nnd Mrs. Ella B. Fultnor of lJingtnati were i:i a runaway accident near lUeh's hotel last iiil.iy occasion-' 1 by the Lre. living uf trace. '1 !,e former la ' y v us (juito b.diy injured tut . i' ulmer escaped. Presbyterian Chroniclings (lly Uev. F. M. Pmrwl.) The usual priviching s'-rvires will beheld next Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30. Sun.Tny school at 1 1.45. I'lio lesson next Sunday concludes mr study of the ton commandments and treats of our duties to our fel- lowtnon. Tho Christian Endeavor meets at 6.45 p. tn. to discuss tho topic, "Means of Growth." Refer ences as tollo.vs: Phil. 3:12-18; Col 1 :10-14. At the morning preaching service the pat'tor will discuss "The Christian's Greatest Comfort in the Hour of Adversity." Ilia text will Do Job 19:25, "I know that my Re leemor liveth." In the evening he will consider tho subject of the Divine Guest," and will base his sermon upon the words : "The Mas ter is come and calleth for thee.' John 11-28. It is with tho greatest satisfaction that we can record so goodly a nutn ber of the summer guests in attend anco ut our Sunday and mid-week servicpj. Tho assistance they thus render both by their presence nnd the active part they take is most commendable. We have always had faith in Christians whether they happened to be at home or abroad and when our faith is strengthened by these tangible evi dences we may well thank God nnd take courage. May the summer continue even as it has thus far nd vanced. Several have spoken of the pleas ure they personally had from the two splendid solos rendered at the preaching services last Sunday by Mrs. Charles Lithgow of New York oity. Music is one of .God s wnys of touching and helping the human heart. We very much appreciate tho kindness of those who can an will assist our work by sacred song It. is with great pleasure that we announce Mr. Edward Crissmnn as our soloist for next Sojiday. Mr Crissmnn is a well known singer in professional circles in New York city. His host of friends will be glad of this opportunity to hear him and others who have not had the pleasure of hearing him have something good in store. The prayer mooting was very well attended last Wednesday evenin but still there were some absentees that, while they may be satisfactor ly nocounted for this time, we hope may not be noticed next week. Let these prayer meetings be sustained during these summor months. Not only come but come to help make the meeting enjoyable to the fullest extent. Mere real good comes from these meetings than any one other service of the church. The floral decorations have been under the direotioii of Miss Bertha Williamson this month and she de serves especial credit lor tho np pearance of the churoh last Sunday Next Sunday morning the offering for the board of home missions will be takon. Please boar this offering in mind. Many do not believe foreign missions but do you net be lieve that charity should begin at home? If so, and you should most certainly, then prove it by a liberal gift to this department of tho Lord work. The goneral assembly report for the year 1901 shows that $; was given 4;o this cause. That less than fifty oeuts a member and we should surely improve npon that. I'Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Stayed blessings are not because God is not willing or ready to bo stow but because man is unbeliev ing and unworthy. Deputy game wardens throughout tho state have received orders from the state game commission to arrest cvory offender against the laws and it is said there will be many arrests made of Blooming Grove Park mem bers. During the six months endinp June 30 there were 229 births and 105 deaths ii. Monroe county. The county commissioners went to Hawley today to let the stone work for the bridge there. On account of the prevalence of small pox this summer it is feared the outbreak next winter will be severe and it K advised that proper precautions be promptly instituted. All should ba vacillated. say "Consumption can be cured." Nature alone won't tio it. lineeds help. Doctors say Emission Is the best help." Eut you must tciuinue its use even in but Weather. If yuu have not ttit-d it, send for fiec Ramble, a bci CT & lit WMi. Chcun-.t. 1 icuil faucci, ,cw .Vuik. 1 Soc and Ji.oo; all diunniiit. 9 Eczema TT"w It fMl'i'-Tn the nfctn, Itrfffi, onfos, Snnif pt'uph cull 1t Mt'T, milk rnifil or (n!t rhruiii. 1 he puifcrUiir fmm It H pontH Imp In t,pf; ItMiil nppl it !i inni mo r"nrtfii to tlit y nuM:rMt hut c.'innnt rtir1. It irtM''' tl frmn huiitnri Inhrritra or no-lirt-il nntl t.orsipts until thn.c hne hwn r'Miovc(l. Hood's Sarsaparilla pocljj.-,.y remove th''m, tins nellr-iiHy ami I'ormiuirni ly cnrrtl the wor-a r:""'i, nun. Is without an rqiml for ull cutunemia prnpfioos. IJoou's i'lLa arc the buBt cuttini'.ic. I'lliejcenln Method ist Church Jottings. (My Ttrcv. C. K. ferpPEn.) The topio for next Sabbath morn ing is, "Is the Christian Religion Making the World Better," nnd for the evening, "D"borah the Prophet ess." Wo were i ratified at the goodly number of strangers who attended the services last Sabbath. It is a source of pleasure Hnd inspiration to the pastor to see new faces, especial ly at this season of the year when our own people are so engaged ns to make regular church nttontlance dif ficult, if not impossible. The following is the musical pro gram for next Sabbath : Opening chorus, "Sacred Tence," Knebnch. OfTeratory, "Blessed Are They," Tenney. Evening offeratory, "With Glow ing Heart I'd Praise Thee," Fearis. Rosponso for tho day, "Father, Hear Us," Geibel. It is a source of pride to the people of Milford that so good a free library is ours. It may take a little time for ns to fully realize its value and duly appreciate it. Every believer in a liberal education, and we all ought to be, must bo profoundly thankful to Mr. Pinchot for his mrst generous gift. There is no excuse for any one in Milford grow ing up in ignorance. ltli the schools 'ree and library free, educa tion is free for all who want it. The new choir curtain has added a little more to the beauty of the church. It also adds to. the comfort of the choir in that it makes it pos sible to place tho chairs so that the singers can see the speaker and so enjoy better the preaching. It is a source of pleasure to the writer to be able to nnnounoe that the visitors who attend our church speak very highly of the choir and that he can add a word of appreciation for their faithful service. , One week from next Tuesday eve ning, July 29, there will be held a sacred musical at Hie Methodist Episoopnl church p.t which a free will offering will bo taken to furnish musio for tho choir. Choruses, duets, solos, and selections by a male quartet will he rendered. A full program will be given in next week's pnpor. Reformed Church Notes. (Hy Kev. A. J. Meyer of Montague.) The wedding Wednesday of Lewis Merrill Schooley of Newton and Miss Bertha Emma Stoll of Tuttlos Corner was an exceedingly pleasant affair. Tho invited guests numbered about forty and united in wishing the happy couple a prosperous future. The honeymoon will be spent with a sister of Mrs. Sohoolov. Their futuro homo will be Newton, where a new house is being built for them. The midsummer fair of the Mont ague Ladios Aid Society will be held in the basement of the church on the evening of August 20 ; if stormy the next fair evening. Further particulars will be furnished later. Tho sacrament of the Lord's Sup-, per will be administered in the Hainesvillo R jformed church next Sabbath morning. The sessions of the Cousistory to receive new mem bers will be held in the basement ot the church at 10 :15 a. m. Tho new individual communion set will be used. The sermon topio will be "Jesus, the Teacher Sent of God." The evening topic will be "Personal Comtnuni n with God," based upon the story of Daniel's life. Tha Hainesville Dorcas Society will meet next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Manning Hotaleua. Navigable Stream Judge Siuioutou in tho Dauphin county court holds that a navigable -stream under the bridge act of does not mean a stream upon which rai ts can be fl mted but refers to the principal rivers, as the Ohio, Mo nongiihcla, Allegheny, Susquehan na, Juniata nnd Schuylkill. Tho point was raised in proceedings re luting to a bridge over Tuiikhannock creek in Wyoming county which the state is asked to rebuild. Nearly half u million dollars will bo requir ed to rebuild the 21 bridges now be ing applied for should it be deter mined that the state is liable. Dr. Kenworthey 'a hoisn was j taken quite sick yesterday returning from a drive to Dingmans. ! The KjiA'c.rth uncial ut tho M E. 'church last evening took in f:il b'i. E A KB ELS OF SAMPLES. Cv r Two H'imlied Thonnnnd Trial Bottl- Spnt Free by Mail. IV. uncial arrangement with the t:i :r.nfartuiers of that justly famous K'-lnoy medicine, l)r. David Keti tieilvV Favorite Remedy, the rend i is of the I'ikr County Piikss nre enabled to obtain a trial bottlo nnd pamphlet of valuable medical nd vice absolutely free, by simply send ing their full nnmo nnd postofileo address to the DR. DAVID KEN NEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, N. Y., nnd mentioning this paper, tho publisher of which guarantees the genuineness of this liberal offer. Of course this involves enormous expense to the manufacturers, but they have received so many grate ful letters from thoso who have been benefited and cured of the var ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation and all weaknesses peculiar to wo men, that they willingly send trial bottles to nil sufferers. Upon investigation it was found that 91 per cent, of those who had used tho trial bottlo had received such benefit 'from it that thoy pur cbused largo st?.ed buttles of their druggists. It matters not how sick you nre or how many physicians have failed to help you, send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but a postal card, and benefit, and cure will most certainly be the result. Favorite Remedy is the only kid ney medicine that acts ns a laxative all others constipate. Put some urine in a glass turn bier and let it stand 21 hours ; if it has a sediment or if it is pale or dis colored, milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Bladder nre in a bnd condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy speedily enres such dangerous symptoms ns pain in the back, inability to bold urine, a burning, scalding pain in passing it, frequent desire to nri nate, especially at night, the stain ing of linen by your urinb and all tin unpleasant and dangerous effects on the system produced by the use of whiskey, wine or beer. All druggists sell Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy in tho new GO cent size and the regular t-1.00 size bottles. The Hound of the Baskervilles." Sherlock Homes greatest piece ol detective work is done in the now story by Dr. A. Conan Doyle, "The Hound of the Baskervilles." Holmes himself says to Watson, his co worker. "Hero at last is a foeman worthy of our steel." The result is a story which, for thrilling inter est, stands by itsolf. From the first discovery of the hound's trail, when the dried up young doctor brings to MierlocK xioimes tiie nnciout uianu- script, to the final scene whore the great detective is brought face to face with the monster of the moor land, there is not a sentence that does not carry the reader -breathlessly forward. It is a great novel with a great subject, by a mnster of tho cratt. This thrilling story be gins in "The Philadelphia Press" Sunday, July 6. Be sure not to miss it. 9-1-02 "The way to gain a good reputa tion is to endeavor to be whnt you desire to appear." That is precisely the manner in which Chamberlain's Cough Remedy litis gaiuod its repu tation as a cure for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Every bottle that has ever been put out by the manufacturers has been fully up to the high standard of excellence claimed for it. People have found that it can always be depended upon for the relief aud cure of these ail meats and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For Bale by A W. Balch & Son, Matamoras, all drug aud general stores in Pike county. Uncle Hank in Washington. . We will send the value of one dol lar aud ten cents in booklet, con taining twenty-seven pen and ink photo-reduced sketches of Washing ton life by mini for ten cents cash or stamps. Queen Victoria knight ed hir John lenniel for similar ar- tiwtio work iu London. Your editor has sample of this. NUTSHELL Publishing Company, 1051) Third Avenue, New York. The Best Liniment far Strains. Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park, Long Islaud, N. Y' says : "I always recommend Cham borlain's Pain Balm us the best lini ment for strains. I used it last win- ter lor a severe lameness iu the side resulting from a strain and was grealy pleased with the quick relief and euro it effected. " For sale by A. W. Balch & Son, Matamoras, all drug and general stores in Pike county. Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets C.'a.idy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regitt it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never cold in buik. All druggists, ioc. Tim Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates nn experi ence similar to that which has hap- penrd in almost evei y -neighborhood in the tlrU, 1 Slates anil has been tol.l i.i il ntclil by thousands ol other". II- sajs: "Last summer 1 had an attack uf dysentery and pur- chaxeit a bottlo of t hnmuerlnin s C lie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy, which I used according to direc tions ;.:id with i'tii ' satisfactory results. The tumble was controlled much onirki r than former attacks when 1 t:cd other remedies." Mr. Kelley i- a well known citizen of Hetul.-t son, N. C. For sale by A. W Ritlcli Koti Mnfrirvwtrna nil drug, and general stores in Pike countv. Thr- Hrrp Slow Conrhea. The eld newspapers of Itoston were "slow oonelies." there is no denying It. Rnvs Frank U. Sanborn. In the l.ookmnn; tint the country Itself was slow compared with the modern pnee. This whs n favorite jest when Mr. Panborn entered college nt Harvard .ri0 years npo: 'Yhy l the Adver tiser like n poor ninn's plaster?" He- lnso It Is good for n week buck.' A few years earlier. .7. K. Mills, at their clnh, bnd flared to sny to Na than llnle, then nt the top of Ilnstnn journalism, when the veteran editor v.ns vnying. "Such n thing hrtppenod nf n Saturday; 1 koow It. became Hint tiny my son Charl vat horn.' "No, Mr. Hale, yonr Ton Charles wji born of n Wednesday, but you didn't find it out till Saturday." Won't Follow Advice After Paying tor It. In a recent article a prominent physician says, "It is next to impos sible for the physician to get his. pa tients to carry out any prescribed course of hygiene or met to the smallest extent j ho has but one re sort left, namely, the drug treat ment." When medicines are used for chronic, constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, such as Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by constipation as they leave the bowels ic a nntur- al and healthy condition. For sale by A. W. Balch & Son, Matamoras, all drug and general stores in Pike county. SolieKmle MladlrepteA. In a London safe deposit vault re cently the renter of a safe, anxious for the spiritual welfare of one of the ianitors, said, while they were in the vault together: "Are you pre pnred to die?" For answer the janl lor instantly pinned the questioner to tha wall by the throat. Aswistance arrived and the unfortunate renter was earned out, half "throttled, r.x- planntions ensued and it was then mseovereii iniii nn impiiij nn spiritual welfare hnd been construed bv the janitor as the preliminary to murderous nttack. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedv. A. W. Bnlch & Son, M.'itamorns, nil drug and general stores in Pike county will rfnorl twin. m i i it n n n -.. stisfled" after using it. It is every. where admitted to be the most sun- oflaafnl Fuittml it i 11 n n tn. Itnm.l complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. 10-iH NOTICE All hunting. fUMim or other trespassing on ine premises or the unrter- siKiii'il, In iJInKiiian Township, on Kay- monilHklil nnd Dwnrfsklll Crocks, Is tor- uliKlen under penalty of the law. i;has. J. Uoii.kau. Diiiuinan Twp., N. Hon.KAU Way 1, 1HW1. JOSKI'H UolLKAtl. FOR SALK. A small farm located near Matamoras. known ns the Hensol or rioinhnrui place, cnntainln? 21 acres. finely located, well watered. Homui anil nru. rutt of all kinds. Part iinnmvud. Title clear. For terms, price, etc, addrcst Ijock uox ii Minora, pa. rriiKSPASS NOTICK. Notice Is herebv X given that trespassing on the premises of the undersigned, situated In liigmnn township, for uny purpose whatever Is strictly forbidden, and allofff ndrs will be promptly prosecuted. iua is. (Jask. uot. SJ. lS'.ra. TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is herehj givn that trespassing upon the pro perty of the undersigned In Milford town ship. Pike county, Pn., for the purpose of hunting fishing or nay other purposes U strictly forbidden under penalty of the law. MltS. S. M. CUAFT. TRY ARMSTRONG'S EMULSION OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL Wi h Hypophosphites Lime and Soda for of w w 9 U k & GENERAL DEBILITY. 50c a bottle. MttuufHi'tured hy C. 0. ARMSTRONG, DUlCl.lsT. ""iTn PITFKT C-.nil M:.t ' 1 nufcv 1m MKUrnl b. our awl. Ail'Teatt, THE PAIEKf KttOKO, Bdl'Hnui.. Md. uo.iiilkvi, lu 1U ftleut fUvttfw tl.wys .hMi 1 8 m r; mini i William B. Kenworthey, M. D. Physician and Purgoon. Ofllrp nnd residence Brond street text Court House. MlLKOHl), PA. Dr. von dor Heyde, DENTIST, Brick Honso Opposite Vnndormnrk Ilotnl Hroml Mrerr. Milford I'n. OFKICK HOCKS: 8 to 12 a. ui.; 1 to p. m. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug StOfe On BrOBfJ Street. If yon want to sell your real estate, list it at once w'th JOSEPH J. HART, General Insurance Agt., Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. l Backward Season Our Screen Doors must be sold. The bft fancy rimtrwltlt fixtures complete regular price 1.50, l 'J To clntte fur . . . . V 1 " A platit flour complete, reguler price Qkl ftl.Sfl, to close lor . . t Above arc natural white wood and varnished. WINDOW SCREENS 20c size . . . 16c . ... 18c . . . . 30c high screens to width wanted. 2oc size . 30c size . Also extra extend any Hoagland's PORT JERVIS, N. Y. UP TOWN. I f Y I Dainties, Fresh groceries. Canned goods. Meats in every form. Turkeys and chickens. Oysters and vegetables. Everything for an elegant dinner at GUMBLE BROS. Milford Pa. Harford St. LIVERY STABLES. you want a stylish sin gle or double rig, safe horses, good harness and clean, comfortable carriages at reasona ble prices call on J. B. Van Tassel, Corner Ann and Fourth streets MILFORD PA. Fire Insurance. OLD Kt LI ABLE COMPANIES. BATKS REASONABLE. Charles O. Wood, Agt. HnfCfuor to J. J. Mart. faOfticc Iu rear of Residence on Ann St. Milford, Plk Co., . Ryman & Wells Millinery -:- Department New Spring Goods rtrilm Trimmed Ht ftl.JtO lo '.fl MImum' Trimmed HhIh. I-mlifa nnd Wt' Trttnmed Reailr-to-Wnr Hut from Mfl Mt TrlmmlnirM uf All Klnl. i CHIKPONS, KIHHON4, FLOW F It S Kill 1 OIK All Slylen ana Prlren. KT4PI.K ami FANCY IIKV fiOOHS, C.RO- CKK1 KS. Fie. Please Call and See Our Stock. We Can Save ' You Money. Ryman & VcIIs Subscribe for the Pks.