W ft f Mb - r V v JSP Tho Shoe that America's best dressed women are buying, wear ing and recom mending to their A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad di.c'--t'csn, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills p. re liver pills. l'h?y cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c. A'l in:;slt. BUCKIlU'i'AL'l 3 Sj L Wh'slfr I 7, A The first shoe that has the stvle. the grade fo, 6, and $7 shoes t a pooular trice. The La France Shoe is the product of a firm who for twenty-five years have been foremost among the best shoe manufacturers in the United States and have a national reputation for excellence of product. We saw this shoe, recognized its splendid style and quality, and secured the exclusive agency for this city. ' The La France Shoe Is $3.00 a Pair. You never saw a shoe like this one at anything like the price the graceful lines, swell styles, fine leathers and skilled workmanship make it worth much more. It's a bargain if ever there was one. We have a complete line of Street Boots and Oxfords. Let us fit a pair for you. The La France Shoes Have Rock-Oak Soles. Port Jervis. Washington Hotels. RIGGS HOUSE. The hotol par excel Ion ( or tho capital, located within one block of tho White limine and directly opposite the Treasury. Finest Cable in the city. WILLARD'S HOTEL A fainmiR hotelry, remarkable for Its historical HHSof'hit ions and lonft-BUKluined pnpularity. Recently renovated, repainted mid partially refurnished. NATIONAL HOTEL A Inntlmaik Hmong tho hntols of Wash ington, patron'eil in former years by presiiii ntH Biul httfh oflh'inln. Always a prime fiivoiico. Kucently mmixUiliil and ri rulcrwl bctu-r than ever. Opp. Pa. K. K. dep. WALTKK Bl'HTON, Hes. Mgr. These hotels are the principal political rendezvous of the capital at all lime. Tliey are the best stopping places at rea sotiMhle rates. O. O STAPLES. Proprlator. O. DEWITT,Mnir. BRINGS SUMMER BOARDERS. Fitter of Feet. 3 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Estate of Dr. Philip F. Fulmer, deceas ed. Letters of adminstration havinpr been fir tinted to (he unilerhigned, all persons In debted to the Haid eHtate are requoHted to make payment and those having claims to jirebeut the at i lie without delay to KM j A H. FIRMER, PHILIP V V L'LM KK, AdniiniKtrators. Plngnjan's Ferry, May ;hJ, ivnti. NOTICE All hunting, flying or other tr'spassiiiff on the pri-miM-a of tnn under h it: tied, in Diiifrinau Towiihhip. on Hay im.iidhkill and Invttrfhkul ( rtH-ks, lt tor butdeu under penalty of the Jaw. CilAb J. AiulI.KAU, Dirifrinan Twp., ,. Uoukai; May 17, Vxm. JosKi'H V liolLRAU. I'OTt SALE. A email farm UM'aled near AiatHiiionui, known as tlie iiniBel tr H'-inhanit place, containing tH m:re. Fnieiy ; located, well wiitt-Avd. Jloumj und l-Mcn. Fruit of all kindu. Part Impntved. 'In In clear. For wring, priw, etc., d;lrjb Lock box U Milford. P. rT'KKSPASa NOTICK. Notice Is hereby J K'veli that. trt-.spti.-Hi i tff on tiie prviitttM-tt of the underiiKiiwd, Hitujited in Dmtnuu fcow Eihhip, loi uny pmpoe wlutum-r 1 m i'ii-i Iy f.irbhhtfii. and ail otTt ihh ik will be p.'mpily prnucuied. Ika ii. Ca&K. Oct. ai. 'PliK.PAS.S NOTICK. Notiee h hereby 1 k'v.:i liiat trt'hint.siii upon t lie pro-p'-rty of 1 he Uinl i'f!ijt.-d lo M illoi d tvw u p. 1'ike eomiiy, I'a., lor Die purpote oi i.ninin. (i.liiii or any otin r puhmim- li. bl t lull iiJi LjliuU u UIHfi-i- pen-iliy ul li.e law. iJiis. IS. M. Ckai- r. L!u3 Front StcbSss, Port Jervis, M. Y. Ail joining U uniaor'ti Union I louse i. Ciifruij'r, dm ft (unl farm l.oi.s-'s for t.uU. K:i'luiu;t!iii innilo. A hii'Lfi! .slot k It on wliich to niiiLe . N-.'t i-. .ns. CANAL M Hiram Tcr. A Largs Metropolitan Newspaper Which Is Helping' ths Summer Resorts. The Brooklyn Eagle several yenrw go established a Bnrenu of Infor mation in Brooklyn, where the pub lics conlil, free of charge, secure de tails of hotels and boarding houses for the summer. The idea nt once became popular, and branch bureaus were opened in Manhattan and other cities. Country hotels and boaiding houses by sending to this Bureau can soonre a listing blank, fiil it out and return it and then be represented free of cost, and send their circulars and cards for free distribution The Brooklyn Eagle has also been considered for years the best me dium for summer boarders in New York city. The Roiojr Point Inn, in the Adir ondacks.'said : '.Wo are giving the Eigle a larger share ot advertising than most other papers, as experi ence lias demonstrated its value to us in past seasons." Chaunoey B. Newkirk of Wurts boro, 8ulhvan county, said: "Last season one small adv. brought me five guests." La Rue Bros., proprietors of the American Hotel of Sharon Springs. N. Y , wrote : "Oar house is full and mostly by Brooklyn people. Daily we receive applications for rooms, and all on account of our standing ad in the Eagle." For Listing Blanks, Adv. Rate Cards and other information, ad dress EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU, Brooklyn, N. Y. BURIED AMERICAN HISTORY. Old VII!lfi!iihnra In vfrnlnln That Was Intended 11 Chartered lllj I nder ItojalO. Soli by all Newsdealers 1 V. 1 .'. l .! rurniinti Konthiy Wj uti Jr.veo of M .-;v ' Vttdl v.. Untie at Ntw, Chotca Copyright Compositions l u-tiut p.puitu muLu., U L s CI i;::,3 .::c 10 Sung. M lustiUOiciita. and 21 uyc.M of Mu(;l Lllcratur Once Month ior 25 Cents. Ycariy Subscription, $2.00. hi Wontiis, $1.00. !o nrit- ver yn-i p-t ii-rl y moo f -f lt in J. i.- 2oi l o.U.'.tlJ l'ii frt I .fi'j.-i'.to.O. if ly.-lt'i'. il U!iV llli.r,i'J gl .it; tt t OI i.tf, t i tl.o 1 i ' l V III i, t ! -i If J. W. VtretK, Hublithcr, Even in a ci.uiilrj' bo recently cr.n seioiis ot tlie iiist as our own, there are buried cities awaiting tlie pickax of the historian. Of these, none ui perhaps more interesting, certainly uone more pict ui'rsue, more colon ial and even to-day more Knglish than old WilliaiiiKbtirg, in Virginia that "middle plantation," which in whs "laid out anil paled," to be come a chartered city, the capital of a great colony under king and crown. Its three sheets of the reign of William and Mary are its only thor oughfares and two "hack" streets, hardly more than grass-grown lanes of to-day. Duke of liloiu ester sirect, broad and genially hospitable, stretches leisurely from the founda tions of the ancient capitol building on the east (of whose walls not one brick is left nor one w.hile pillar of ita porticos) to the iron turnstile gates of William anil Mary college grounds at the western extremity of the town. On the right, as one enters the college gale, is a charming ninnIoii, the residence of the president of William ami Mary, and upon the li ft, across the campus, stands the old lirafi'erton building, the earliest school for the education of Indians erected on American soil. In the time of tiov. Spotswood, says ('nun try Life in America, it was necessary to resort to strenuous efforts to in sure attendance, for the students were mainly hostages, the sons of chiefs of neutral or friendly tribes during Indian warfare. FIRST MONT PELEE DRAMA. A 11 o with the Martinlune Volcano In It lndufed lu laria In 1K4II. It U scarcely to le expected that tlie drauikto is ever keeking some new field fur the scene of their efforts will long allow tlie volcanic explosions at !m. Pierre to escape them. Tint even the ea rliea t to ut iiie any see lies of tlie re cent eruptions will not be a pioneer io drawing inspiration from Mont l'elee, says the .Vvi York Sun. It has I ecu recalled Ly a Frenchman with a long memury that Ailolphe d'Kunery. tint hor of "The Two Or phans." "A Celebrated Cnve." and about a huiulii-ii other me loi! rn iitas. Mieeeedeil in v c 1 1 i v. g be f ore t It e pi t b 1 ic first with a play based on the volcano at Ma it ii; 1. 1 ue. It was called "The Karthiual.e al M a i i in Uite." a nil was acted in is to at the Theatre lie la tjaiete iu Pa . is. 'The old play iu spilt- of its horrors is said to have been very elVeiliveon the stage. In it li e vi'lain who mur dered an old n. ari led his wife and ue I, t , r into a (later i f ibe volcano luu feet 0 im'ci- i be ,-ut face of t i.e cart h. 'I Let e v. a h tn . i!eii ea i t 1 1 1 j u ii 1 r a nd tie i!l;n f.il ii.to a v 1 1 v and was ii-. '!. wl.i!" '-he woman and her child vv ere re-i l;ed. THE LOTTERY INIQUITY. BarvlTes In Spite of All Efforts of Civil Authorities to Stamp IfOut. The Louisiana lottery, the lriggeet of the lot, was driven nut of New Orleans and out of the United States after years of attack by tlie postal authori ties and the press. Hut the lottery evil is still with us, says tlie Atlanta Jour nal. Savannah is the lottery center of (ieorgiu. It is Fiiid that several men have made fortunes by dealing iu lot tery tickets. There is hardly a eily nf considerable ki.o in tlie I nil pel Stiitp where lottery tickets may not be pur elin.setl, Mexico hits a large number and va riety 'f lotteries, which are liberally pntronit'H in tins eonntry. Canada abo supplies lottery tickets in ffrent numbers to dealers in the I'nited StatPs and to individual purchasers. France, (brmany and several other European countries help to satisfy the craving- of our citizens who consider the loltery a quick and sure way to fortune. All classes of people supply the patrons who enrich tlie lotteries. Many persons of wealth buy lottery tickets repularly. The wnpe earners of the I'nited States squander a larpe per cent, of their pa miners, in this form of pambliiiij. Lotteries anl eriate civili zation. Some of the earliest human records indicate tlie antiquity of lot teries. They thrive on the love of gambling-, which is one of the most univer sal puss-ions of men. are the most fatal of all diseases. PHI V0 ki::;y ccfiE is b or money refunded. Contains remedies recosrnized fcv emi nent physicians as the pest for ruJney and iiladdjr troubles. PRICE 50c md J 1. 00. ir,.j,.,. uif.'Uf ii;:tji'i Tree Hint Turin tn Stune. There is a tree that grows in .Mexleei called the "chijnl," or sli.ue tree. It is of enormous proportions, hnth in circumference and height. It lias n nnmher of branches spreading nut w idely and carryinir leaves of a j ellow ish green color. The wood is extreme ly fine and easily worked in a preen t ate. 1 1 is not eiven to eit Iter wn rpinp or splitting. The most remarkable tiling about It Is that after being cut the wood pels erad. tally harder, and in the course of a fc w v ears it is absolute ly petrified, whether left in the open air or buried in the ground, from this timber houses can be built completely flre-pr.-f. and would last as long at though built nf Atone, Treat Your Kidneys lor Rheumatism. When you are aulTerinff from rhnuninttain tbe kidneys must be iittpiidod to at once bo tbnt tbey will eliminate the nric ncid from the blood. Folny's Kii'iioy Cure is tbe most, fiffeotive remedy for Ibis purpose. It. TJIopkins of Polar, Wis., says: "After iinsmeeessfully doctoring tliree yenr9 for rlioutnn tism with tbe best doctors, I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and it cured mo. I ennnot speak loo biRhly of this great medicine." Sold at Arm strong's drug store. The corn gnmblers sent tho price to ninety cents this week. If tbey will only keep it there until the farmers next full cifn market their crop at approximately that figure there will be some gratitude over the fact that tbey are permitted to live. No False Claims. The proprietors of Foley's Ilonev and Tar do not' advertise this as a "sure cure for consumption." They do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in advanced stages, but do positively assert that it will cure m the earlier stages and never fails to give comfort, and relief in the worst casus. Foley's Honey an J Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Kofnse substitutes. Bold at Armstrong's drug store. Sheriff Morwino of Monroe refuses to resign. Ho declares lie is not to blame for the escape of the prison ers and will coiitestMtny legal pro ceedings to oust him. ' Two Bottles Cured Him. "I was troubled with kidney com plaint, for about two years," writes A. H. Davis of Mr. Sterling, la., "but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a permanent cjre." Sold at Armstrong's drug store. ine uiintl organ business was worked here Monday to the fullest extent. There was a grandfather with brass band icootnpanimeiit so large as to require borso power to move it. L'iirkei iiiimr, it we lull. An v une sen, In fcWi-uh ami uVsviipttoa ol nuy inveitti.tu . immipuy rt--e-itr our otmnou tree coiKriiiny ttic l,iu-ut.il.ihty oi sain. " How to Ol.t.uii ii -.iunt"' brut u;.u rr.pievt. I'.itcutii s.-Uneii Oii.mi.h ielvt: li-i. i.ir s.,lf i.t our tunse. i'.atins l.-.keu out IliiiMiLi. ui receive sjxi:ml twin; , ,itli,,.lt ch.ut?. ill Tuk I' ATI-. N r Kki,, i., bil ithiti.iUvl ami wlxirly emuiuUil juiilii.,1, ton -ii lu .1 l-y M.iuuf.t. Uii-i -i duU 1 uvei-lois. btuj lur ..init.- ..oi.y fhkt.. Adaiea, VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. I '.-mat Attorneys,) Ears Building. WASHINGTON. O. I S-YS CANDY CATHARTIC l : r-' t Ctiu.ine -.a.i.(d C. C C. Ncvtr tolj in Jm.':,. bcwjri ui the dealer who t.it to 'onwthing ut u oou." Bronchitis tor Twenty Years. Mrs. Minerva, Smith of Danville 111., writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar which is a sure cure " Sold nt Armstrong's drug store. Tlie Erie 1ms removed its ofilces nt Iit'knwuxcu to the handsome new blue stone depot Just furnished. When Other Medicines Have Failed. Take Foley's Kidney Cure. It has cured when everything else has disappointed. S ld at Armstrong's drug store. Home men are born u Ue, some in quire wisdom, most of us have wis dom thrust upon us by our wives. A. U. B.iss of Morgantown, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night nnd had severe backache and pinna in tho kidneys. Was cur ed by Foley 's Kidney Cure. Sold m Armstrong's drug store. Dress making iu all branches. Will go to the house or do the work at home. Address Mahy Lt'bwio, Broad street, Milford, fa. Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the blood by-strainiug out impurities and times up the whole svsfem Cures kidney and bladder trouble. fwiil at Armstrong s drug store I'rubahl jr. "Tluit nils ih b!li:--Whrn flrst was heard in uc ii,:?; lomin .n Urm? 1'. i h...a 'tw . tmn the tarty bird. H.n t.ilittit Uii: tiiriy wouii. -1-i.ik Sound kiineys are safepuards of lif.i. Miitu tie kidneys lu-althy by roley s Ki.ue.y Cure. S.;U at Arm strong's drug btoie. "BEST OF ALL FLOUR." FEED, MEAL, BRAN. OATS, and HAY. When iu need of nny Hello to No. 5., or come to SAWXILL WILL, MILFORD, PA Wo are now lo cated at the corner of Front and Sussex Streets. KANE, THE SHOE MAN. Telephone Call P. J. 184. Nov; York FARiER For Every Member Of The Farmer's Family". KstnlilHh -d in INK. lor over sixt' vi nrs it win tlie XKW VOI1K WKKKI.V TKI HUNK, known ami rend in i'titv .St.,t in the Union On November 7, ItKH, it wns clmngcd to tho New York Tribune Farmer, 11 hltrli class up 1 1 d.ifc illustrntcd ngrliiultiiral wookly for tint larmer nnd his family PRICE $I.OO 1 your, tun you run luiy il for 1i.ru. How? Hy kiiIisi il.inir iluoiitfh your own fiiyorlto home ni-wsinuir. I'lIK I'hksm, Mill'ont, I'll. Hut h pup r oiu' your for only t (ii". fiend you order and ntoury to THK PltK-iS. Sample copy free. Send your ad dress to MEIV YORK TRIBUNE FAR ME, New York. A SEASONABLE REMEDY Emulsion of Pure Norwegian COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites of Limo and Soda A 12-oz. bottle for SOc. c33S H. E. Emerson & Co.. 73 XSf Next Door to Hotel Fnucliere. d Stroot Milford. nrYiylv.nl. FINE GROCERIES, FLO UK', PURE COFFEES AND SPICES.'SELECTED TEAS, BUTTER AND CHEESE FROM BEST CREAMERIES, FRUITS AND CANDIES, CANNED GOODS IN VARIETY, SPORTING GOODS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Complete Assortment of the Delicacies Us ually Kept in First Class Stores. Goods Delivered Promptly Free of Expense. 10. WALLACE Telephone CJI 62. Harford St., Milford, Pa 5 DO YOU EXPEHT TO BUILD? THEN SEE ROWN and SOU Manufacturers and dealers In all kinds of Lumber, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made ; personal atten tion given and work Guaranteed. OFFICE, Crown's Building, Milford, Pa. Foley's Honey una Tar Foley's Kidney Cure ilii Children cur 'rk tnfjta muTM L t v...... m. i i ...