r i ' r- mis!-rv I r "T. Friiij", lUj 30, 1002. lr IIIjIMI! Kl KV Kit V fHI i)AV. OFTICR, BKOWN'8 lll'ILDISa BROAD rVT. prilSfHIl'TION: Onf Vf.aii ne dollar and fifty rent. Bix Months Seventy-five centa. STRICTLY IS ADVASCB, Kntcrod at the pit. office -of IVtllfnrd, IMke, Uonnt.y, iVnnsylvanm, as sccomt eluss matter, November tweuty-Il.-st, lH'.rtl. Advertising Rates. Onnsqnarelelght linos), one Insertion -11.00 Ifim-h subsecpit-nt, infiertion ------- .60 Reduced rntei, furnishiKl on application, will lie allowed yearly advertisers. Legal Advertising. Administrator's and Executor's notices 3.00 Auditor's notices W Divorce notices - 6.00 Sheriff's Bull's, Orphans' conrt sales, County Trensiirer's sales, County state ment, and election proclamation charged by the square. J. H. Van Etten, Pl'BLIPHFR, Milfonl, Pike County, Pa. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET For Prothonotrtry, Register and Reoorder, VICTOR COREY of Greene. For County Commissioner, PIERRE M. NILIS of Milford borough. For County Treasurer, ROCKWELL O. IIEIDENTHAL of Matamorns. For County Auditor, AMERICU8 H. DOWN of Palmyra. For Representative, ALFRED 8. DING MAN of Milford borough. ELECTION OF DELEGATES The situation bo far of the dole gates elected to the republican state convention are substantially E'.kin 80, Pennypacker 19, Watres 14, nn instructed 62. Eighty-six are yet to be elected from Philadelphia. Outside of Philadelphia there are 85 to be elected. Should Pennypaoker secure the 86 in Philadelphia he woul 1 have 105 and would need 75 of the 85 yet to be elected to make his nomination. Elkiu needs all the 85 yet to be elected In the rural parte of the state and five more to be nominatad. No one supposes that he can seenre all the 85 but If he can get a good majority of thorn the 62 uninstructed might play an important part in the contest. At this time it looks as if the anin structed delegates would be very potential factors in making a nomi nation, in fact could dominate the convention. Edgar Kleinhans, who has been In business jn Brooklyn the past winter, was in town yesterday on his way to Blooming Grove. Jesse B. (Shoemaker of Dinginan's was in town yesterday. lie declares that he is an independent candidate for county commissioner. Jacob Weber of New York, who some thirty years a (to resided in Delaware township where he mar ried a llias Adams, with his son, Charles, spent Deoorutiou day in town. Vivian Htruthers of New York is a guest with his parents for a few days. 8. U. VaiiderUt-k and wife of IlackL-iiHack are visiting the family of Kliene.or Warner. Kdwanl Humbert and his brother-in-law, II. Macler, of Brooklyn are spending a few days with Mrs. Paul Humbert on upper Water street. Chillies Constance Tyler, Esq., and wife of New York are registered at the Dimuiick Houie. A new ud this week calls stten tion to a perfect loe cioAin powder and oilier preparations for tUe com fort of tUo inner man during the atimmr months. They furnish luxuries in a condensed and conven ient form. Letters of administration have Veen grant. -il on the estste of Dr. Philip F. Fa'.mor, late of Delaware township. d.xj. aned, to Ins widow, Lli.l li. jVutiner, nu-.l i,ii aon, Philip F. I ulmer. The lv.il (.-,!. ite of the late Garret li. iiiuwu, doei-ast-d, Containing 100 tti-ivs K.t'iiito it) I). ti t ware township was bi.ld ye,tm-,!;.y by ISherilf Greg, ot y to J -l.ii V, Iuo-au, the lien ir. i.tor, f.r i'jj Kurt i;. ii.iij.ii MfriiLeisj bus pre. t. hi- i I Jr. J K, !!y wiill a limnl- an 1 vt-iti.t!.! pair ol Danes. . i'iu; i.ite rrii.oe 1 ; lonnk va.s very t ,i. i i f I... i ;, i of a and l- v. ..- I. i I n e ! wi'Jj I. tj . Presby'erian Chroniclings 1 (By Rev. K. M. Unload ) This, Friday, evening preparatory service will bo observed in the chnroh prayer room at which it is desirable that all members of the church and those proposing to nrlte with us on next Pabhnth be present. At the close of this service there will bo a meeting of the session. Let all remember this meeting in their prayors and in their attend ance. Next Babbath morning the regu lar quarterly communion service will be observed and those who pre sent letters or who oonie on protes sion of their faith will be received in the church. Appropriate themes will be disoussod at both services. tt was with great appreciation and pleasure that we bad the voter arm of our civil war with us last Sunday evening. The ranks are being rapidly depleted by the rav ages of time but those survivors who gather in our churches animal ly bring us inspiration toward true patriotism and devotion to the God of all nations May these ranks and files be well represented on that last great and fl al day when all the nations shall pass in review before the throne of the Great Cap. tain, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Last Monday afternoon the pastor attended the ministers' meeting in Port Jervis. The topio was not of a theological nature and therefore of interest to all. For this reason we speak of it. -'The Relation of Ethics and Religion to Education' was the theme and the Rev. By monds read the paper. The clergy. men present agreed in holding fath ers and mothers responsible for the ethical and religious training of the ohildren. References were aptly made to the old Jewish customs as well as to the modern methods fol lowed in Scotland. This is a great and most important theme. Do our children get all the training they ought to have in our public schools? Are we not weakeing the very foun dations of our uational life by abso lutely excluding the Bible and all religious exercises from our public schools? We most certainly think so. And ia reply to any query that might arise as to the remedy we would say that the Bible should be read as literature, if nothing more, in our publio schools and further more the highest ideals should be taught' the children in their rola tions to one another. Honesty in study, recitation and examination should be inculcated both by precept and by the manly and womanly ex ample of instructors. The publio sohool Is one of the mighty bulwarks of American civilization. May God deliver ns from the retrogression that is so strorfgly and persistently setting in. Let us have publio men and public schools that are Christian and moral that the rising generation may be properly trained to advance the American ideal which inspired our fathers and mothers. Next Tuesday evening at 7.30 will occur the installation of the pastor of our church. May this be made a memorable event in our church his tory for this year. The programme so far as it can be made out at pres ent is given below in full : Organ Prelude, '-Magnificat." Cl&rke, Miss Blanche Cross, organ ist. Invocation by a visiting clergy man. Ilymn No. 354. Scripture Lesson, selected. Solo, "The Golden Threshold," Lohr, Mrs. Seoley. . Trayer by a member of Hudson presbytery. Hymn No. 351. Sermon by the Rev .L. William Hones of Roaooe. N. Y. Solo, "Save Me, O God," Puindeg ger, Mrs. von der Heyde. Constitutional questions, the Mod erator of Hudson presbytery, Rev. L. William Hones. Charge to the pastor, tho Rev Frank E. Taylor, Otisviile, N. Y. Solo, "Beyond the Gtes of Para di.se," King, Mr. George Bull. Charge to the people, the Rev David F. Bouner, D. D., of Florida, N. Y. Ordaining prayer, the Rev. Thoron Britten of Midsiletown, N. Y. Hymn No. 300. Henedietion, the new pastor, Rev E. M. bmeiid, Oigan Poatlude, Miss Blanche Cross. The Lilies' Aid Society of the P;-.sl terian church will LoM a STliAWUEnUY ov ICE CKEAM FESTIVAL on Thm-.Nihiy evening, June 1L V.HY2, in the hutment of the chiirdi. All aie (vnlLSlv iu i!.-;. At the close of this s'rviee there will be helil a reecpti on for tlm newly installed pistor mi l the vis. iting; friends from out, of town." The Ladies' Aid society, alnnys prompt and ready in every good work, have this reception in plinrirei. Light re freshments will be served in the parlors of the chnrch nt which gathering Mrs. von der Heyde will favor us with a second solo of the evening and other musical talent is expected to make this part of the evening an enjoyable one. The committee from the Ladies' soeiely who will act on this occasion is as follows: Mrs. Westfall and Mis. Belle Nyee wno will be nsisfed by the Misses Lizzie Bull, Betty Corne lius, Anno Biker, Elsie Mott, Je minis Bull, Linda Klaer, Emily Mitchell and Hatlie Decker. Methodist Church Jottings. (By Rev. C. E. Sctddkii.) The presiding elder, Dr. J. R. Wright, will preach next Sabbath morning. His sermon will be of a memeri'.il character. All those in terested In this theme, as we nil should be, are especially invited to attend. Dr. Wright, as tunny of us know, Is a very able preacher and an enthusiastic patriot. He will give us a rare treat. The anthem for the day is "Scatter the Flowers of May." The evening topic is, "Growth in Grace." The writer will be away on the second and third Sabbaths of June, visiting his parents, who Uveal Rox bury, N. Y. In the morning of thesi Sabbaths a prayer service will la held. On the evening of June 8th the regular Children's Dnv service will be held. On the evening of June 15th our people are urged to unite with the Presbyterian congregation and hear Mr. Smead. We are clad that we can commit the feeding of our flock to so able a shepherd as Mr. Smead is proving himself to b Our best wishes and sincere prayer are that this service may be of mutual spiritual profit. We desire to express our hearty thanks to the Ladies Aid society for the extensive Improvements made In the parsonage. Our special thanks are due to the committee that hat' this work in charge, namely. Mrs Thomas Armstrong; Mrs. Fred Gunihle, and Mrs. George Smith. The communion service last Sabj bath morning was the largest that th writer has witnessed in this tilace It was a very helpful service and argues well for the spiritual life of the ciiurcn. lliree were received in full connection, Mrs. Louis Wagner, Miss Almeda IJoyd, and Miss Eva Hotal en. We trust that each communion service may see new accessions to the church that its growth may be num erical and spiritual, and that this growth may be constant. Dewitt C. Flannagan of Morrip town was nominated this week bv the democratic convention at Flem ing as candidate for congress for the fourth New Jersey district. The Matnmoras gas company, cao- ltal $1000, was chartered at Harris- burg this week. It is reported that Miss Lallah St John of Port Jervis and B. F. Larue of Sufforn, N. Y.. have aunounci their engagement. The fiancee. Miss bt. John, is well known here where she has appeared several times in musioales as a violinist with great credit to herself and pleasure to her hearers. An examination for teachers' per mauent cetiflcates will be held in the high school building here June 17 by the committee, Prof. John C. Watson, Miss Minnie Van Akin and Miss Anna Madden Those contem plating taking the examination should write the county snperin. tendoiit for blanks and instructions. f 1r Ib h il a I i i'wJl Persons have been known to gain a pouitJ a tl.ty by taking an ounce or bUJN'S tMUL SION. It is stranec, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound i it seems to start the dii'ive machinery going prop erty, so that the patient is abie in C'Z&A absorb hi$ ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain Is made. A certain amount of flesh h necessary for he..!lh t if you have rsot t;A it you can get it by 1 "i s ' v. O , , Ytiu vill find il .it as Uiifn! in wmmef hi v. ! -r, and if you arc thriving upou U i&j'l'i ilvp IttuMOt tut VciUiif IS womb I t ".v'TT 4 bovM., Cho cdicuiQ There is no other con when good medicine ia so much needed as in the P.piing. The blood Is Impure, weak and impoverished a condition indicated by pimples gnd other eruptions on the face and body, by di fieient vitnlitv, loBS of BppctKe, lack of strength, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Mnke the blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength nnd animation, and cure all eruptions. Have the whole family beln to take them today. " Hood's ParsnparlHa has bwn used In onr family for some time, and always wltb R(Hd results. Lant spring 1 was ail run down and got a bottle of It, and as usual received great benefit." Miss Bkulah Botce, Stowe, Vt. ft Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. PERSONAL AND LITERARY. The pope lias taken the name and Works of (itiiileo from the Index Kx Jniratorius. Preparations are already belngmade In C.ermnny for the celebration of the centenary of Seft-iller's death in 1005. Dr. Abraham Knyper, the present prime minister of Holland, is the first clerte who has ever held that position. Jules Verne, who has now bepun his Iiinty. ninth book, has lived to see many of his fantastical tales of adventure by land and sea and air come within the bounds of possibility. Sfax Quarck, editor of the Frankfort Voiksstimme, was sentenced recently to three weeks imprisonment for libel inu the German soldiers who were in China by the Duhlication of a letter headed "Uermsn Ueasts." John ltiley, an engineer on the Pitts burg division of the Pennsylvari rail road, has received a check for $500 and a pold watch, valued at $1,000, from officers of the company for siff nal brav ery in stopping a runaway train last spritijf. Dr. R. S. Linn, of Detroit, who went to China as a surgeon in the volunteer army, has sent home several cases of looted goods. Among other things is a sacred yellow robe, which Dr. Linn thinks is possibly the only one sent to America. He took it from the shoul ders of a god in the sacred temple of Teklng. For the first time on record the Vi enna university has elected as Its rector for the year a teacher of Eng lish language and literature namely, Hofrath Prof. Jakob Behipper. The new rector's inaugural address was largely devoted to a comparison be tween ancient nnd modern culture, and he came to the conclusion that the lion's share in the achievements of modern culture belongs to the Anglo Knxon race. The English language be ing now spoken by 120,000.000 people, he urged that English and German or French should take the place of Latin and Greek in education, except for special purposes. STANDS IN TWO COUNTRIES. roil frill ce llnlldlnv; That Ia l.neatrd on Vermont and Canadian Soil. The mast curious post office in America is the one which stands in lieebe Plain, a town half in Vermont and half in the province of Quebec. Can., says the New York Herald. The old post oiliee was built about 73 years ao exactly on the line be tween the t'uited States and Canada, fio that it tands in two countries and serves in the postal service of two na tions. The cellar of the building connects the two countries, and some years atfo, when the post office was a gener al store, whisky was known to be sold in one country and delivered in an other without ever having gone out from under the roof of the old struc ture. This combination post office is now beinff run by parent and child, the father bein(f postmaster for Canadian Quebec, and the' daughter postmis tress for Vermont. Standing' In front of this strange pwt office is a lare post which mark the boundary line, and it ia said that one time a man who wanted to get a roadway to his premises moved this pot, and many thousands of dollars and no little time were spent to es tablish the exact line again. Cntii a short time ago a very pe culiar pout odiee was used in Argyll shire, Kngland. It was situated in the lonely hills between Drimnin and liurr, three miles from any habita tion, and coniii:ted of a simple slit in a rock, closed up by a nicely fit ting Stone. When any letters arrived at Drini nin for the district of Harr they were conveyed to the rock by the f!r-st shepherd or crofter going so far. Having been dropped in and the slit reclosed, they were left until a shep herd or crofter from the other side happened to come along, when they were taken up and delivered at their doe iVstination. No letter was ever known to be lost at this primitive post oftice. At Hurra, Shetland, an old tin can ister, made water-tight with newspa pers anil pitch, u oner picked up on the shore. It contained ten letters, with the correct cash for postage. With theae was also a letter for the find.r, urgently requesting the post ing of the accompanying missives, as they were important business com munications. After the letters hud been carefully dried they were at once posted to their det inut ions, which they readied without further adven ture. I.ilitniiij,' struck the Stroud-bur church hi.-t Friday doln slight ditn.iij.'e. roll S.V 1.1 : A good cow 7 yinrs old Willi calf 2 weeks old by her eiili;. Kmpiire ut I'lihrt Otllee." liter's fertilizers ut V, & U. J! lti-hell'd. S prin BARRELS OF SAMfLM Cv f Two Jl'ir.dred Thousand Trial . RottlfS 8nnt Free by Mail, tl.v special Arrangement witli the m mnfitotniers of thht justly famous Kidney medicine. Dr. David Ken nedy' Favorite Kemedr, the roiid ers of the Pike Cointt Thicks are ennbled to obtiiin a trial bottle and pamphlet of vnlunbli) mudicnl ad vice absolutely free, by simply send ing their full niiiuo nnd postofiiee iddress to the 1)11. DAVID KF.N NEDY CORPORATION, Roiidout, N. Y., and mentioning this pnper, the nnbliNher of which Rnarnnlees the getinineness of this liberal offer. Of course thig involves enormous expense to the manufiiclurers, but they have received so ninny grate ful letters from those who have been benefited and cured of tho var ious diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation and nil weaknesses peculiar lo wo men, that they willingly send trial bottles to all sufferers. Upon investigation it was found that 91 per cent, of those who bad used the trial bottle had received such benefit from it that they pur chased largo sized bottles of their druggists. It matters not how sick yon tire or how many physicians bnvo failed to help you, send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but .1 postal card, and benefit nnd cure will most certuinly be the result. Favorite Remedy is the only kid ney medicine Mint acts as a laxative all others constipate. Put some nrine in a glass tum bler and let it. stand 21 hours; if it has a sediment or if it is pale or dis colored, milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Bladder are in a bad condition. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy speedily cures such dangerous symptoms as pain in the back, inability to hold urine, a burning, scalding pain in passing it, frequent desire to nri nate, especially at night, the stain ing of linen by your urine end all tin unpleasant and dangerous effects on the system produced by the nse of whiskey, wine or beer. All druggists sell Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Reuiady in the new 50 cent size and the regular fl.00 size bottles. Odorlrns Flowern. A German botanist is said to have Jiscovered that out of over S.OOO spe cies of flowers cultivated in Europe only 420 possess an agreeable perfume. Flowers with white or cf esm-colored petals are more frequently odorifer ous than others. Next in order come the yellow flowers, then the red, after 'hem the blue, and finally the vioiet, f which only 13 varieties out of 308 give off a pleasing perfume. In the whole list 3,ssu varieties are offensive In odor and 2,.!0tl have no perceptible imell, eithir good or bad. X. Y. Sun. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It will not coat you a cent if it, does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time re quired by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, quinsy, frostbites, pain in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 cents A. W, Bulclj & Son, Mutauioras, all dru? nnd general stores in Pike county. 6-27 A Popular Antidote. 'Mike," said Mrs. Flannigan, look Ing from the paper In her hand to her husband, who had just signed the tem perance pledge, "share an' a great docther sez thot alcohol do be a shure cure for carbolic acid pi.en. an' if so be yez haven't anny olcohol. thin twict as much whisky w ill do jist as w ell." 'He quick, thin, orah, me dear, an' lay by a good store o the stuff. Share I'm t hot ilesp'rit there's no tellin' w hiD I'll be natiin' the rimidy." Judge. Sciatic Rhematism Cured After 14 Years of Suffering. "1 have been afflicted with sciat'c rheumatism for fourteen years," says Josh Edgar of (lermantown, Cal. "I was able to be around bn. constantly suffered. I tried every thing I could bear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did and we.i immediately relieved and in n short time cured, and I am happy to say it has not since returned." Whv not use this remedy and get well? It is for sale bv A. VV. Biiieh & Son. MiilaiiioiHs. all diug and general stores iu Pike county. Thra the Siil.le.-t Wan Dropped. "A in f the on.'v girl you ever loved?" she a.-.ked, douM fully. "Am I the only man you ever en couraged?" he inquired. They looked long and soulfully into each other's eyes, and out of this gaze there seemed to come a tacit un derstanding that it woaid be just as well to drop the subject. Chicago I'Obt. Old Soldier's Experience. M M. Austin, n civil war veteran of Winchester, Ind , writes: "My wife was su k a long time in spite of good doctors' treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New I.ito Pills, which workud wonders for her hcialth." They always do Try them. Only Hbo at all drug-gists. 2 i -- I- ' - i jo r. a 4) " B f " $ ' O si A. li a c5 t 3 o 0 - ft- 3 i 3 a 0 0) Ms 1 Hi S 8 v c 2 lilies. J. 33 3. . x - sis 5 No Loss of Time. I have sold Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rouedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I gold five bottles of it yesterday to thresheis that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morning. H. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will be seon by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day '8 time. Yon should keep a bot tie of this remedy in your home. Kor sale by A. W. Balch & Bon Mutamorss, all drug and general stores in Pike county. CRONJE AND GRAPHOPJJONE. fne Famoaa Boer General Wept at Hearing: the Hymn "Klnetr and Nine." The grnphophone is beginning to figure as a considerable American ex port and certainly it is one of the most curious and interesting. While its commercial uses are beyond the eomprehension or needs of the Per sian, the Hindoo or the South Sea Is lander, each of them is fascinated by an invention which reproduces the familiar sounds of the human voice and entertains him with grand and light opera and orchestral music. Capt. J. W. Webster, of the trans port Milwaukee, who took Gen. Cronje to St. Helena, Amused the old hero and his wife with a grnpho phone. Although the instrument Is common enough in Johannesberg, the general knew of it onlv by report. "I heard you had a box that talked like a man," he said to Capt. Webster inrougti an interpreter. Webster, telling the story, :Ays II. E. Arm strong, in Ainslee's, goes on: Yes, general," I replied, "and if you and Mrs. Cronje will come into my stateroom I will give you an- ex hibition." They sat down soberly 1n front of the talking box and I slipped In a cylinder containing Moody and Sankey's hymn, "The Ninety and Nine," which I had been told they Jung in their own language. The ef fect was startling. They recognized the tune at once and Mrs. Cron je burst suddenly into tears. Her hus band turned away and wiped his eyes, and I could see by the spasmodic clnsping and unclasping of his hands that Gen. Cronje himself was deeply affected. To relieve the tension I put on a record with a lively banjo solo, and in a moment the old gen tleman began to smile and heat timf with his feet and head, his gray beard wagging to the melody.. It was funny to see him. "When the music had ceased a black Kafflr boy, a boy servant, who had followed the party in, said awe somely that there was a devil if" the box. Cronje frowned down the suggestion, but asked whether it wasn't done by some trick, like ven triloquism, making an expressive ges ture with the lips. To satisfy him I took the machine apart and explained the principle and he seemed deeply interested. I left the instrument at St. Helena." Whooptng Cffttjh. A woman who nas had experiene with this disease tells how to pr vent any dangerous consequenc from it. She says: Our three cln dren took whooping cough last sun lifer, our baby boy being only thr months old, and owing to our gi ing them C'hhtnberl.iin's Cone Remedy, they lost none) of the plumpness and came out in mu i lie Iter health than other childn whose parents did not use this ren edy. Our oldest lit tit girl wool call luslily for cough svrup betwee whoops. Jessie Pinkey Hal Springville, Ala This remedy i for sale by A. W. Kule'i & Hoi Matamoras. all 1 r n f and genera .stores in Pike county, 3TAKLISHC0 1 tJBELI. It" " 1 PC 1 i marks. "Copyrights. TMrty-one t-is tlve nrmctlee. Opinion u to Vuh'tity su.l aL-miihlllty. Write for l.iok ol li,.iri..-'i at,.ln-lrieu.-. EtOIl bKbM S- Mrol, w allntu. U. P ?V !,"T" TOBACCO SPIT I , I i I I anil SMOKE VourLifeawayl Ynu can be cured of anr form ot tt.ltdcc u.m.ik easily. li uiuJe - ll, strung, III lu'iiet x-, 1 1 1 1 , , f .. -.. ....... . j ,.lfc.tK n-iu-aOy luat malt. weak meo aoon. M.my j , n Itu ixu..u Ln tcei Uuva. over 6 O U . il U 0 CMied. All .huM.'s. Cure K.iarunu d L.,., i.l a Kl wuo ma Adao-M h 1 i-.Ki.l -i tu, lli....fu r .New Y. o( WILLIAM B. KENWORTHY, M.D. rJijsin'jin nnd Pu rgnfui. Ofllec nnd rcf tdencr HnrTord Ktri.f It homo lately occupied hv lr K. II. Wen ncr M1LFOHO. I'A. Dr. von der Heydo, DENTIST, Brick House Opposite Vnndermnrk Hotel unmet street Millard t'a. OFKIt'K HOCKS: 8toliia.ui.il to p. in. H. E.Emerson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE in Drug Store on' Broad Street. If you want to sell your real estate, list it at once witli JOSKPH J. II ART, Ueneral insm-ance Agt., Brown's Building, Milford, Pa. Pure Bred Fowls Our Breeding Pens con tain but a few of the choicest birds: WHITE WYAND0TTES, BLACK MINORCAS, WHITE LEGHORNS, BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Eggs $i per setting of THIRTEEN EGGS. Order ahead as far pos sible. HoaglancPs, PORT JERVIS, N. Y. UP TOWN. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Kutato of Dr. Philip K. Fulmer, deccaa- l.eticrs of administration having been Milled to the underKiKiicil, all persons In litcd tnthiiKnld ecrutu are rcqacmed to nuke payment and those having clainn to ire-Mult the 8ii me wit hout delay to KIjLA H. KUI.MRR, PHILIP V FCLMKK. Aduilniitrrntora. DiiiKimiii'it Kerry, May ay, lunJ. .SO I ICK All hunting, fl8hing or other espiihKiiig mi tlm premises of tho under-i-ed, in Diiofiniiu Township, on Kay m i ilskill and Uwnrfsklll Creeks, la for bi . Ii-ii under penalty of the law. ('HAS. J. DolLKAO, JiiiKinan Twp., N. Uoilkaii May 17, 1SH8. JOHKPH V DolLBAU . FOR SALE. A Rnall farm located near Mntnmorita, known as ihe llenscl or Relnhardt, place, containing 21 nercH, Finely located, well watered. Huiiho and barn. Fruit of all kinds. Part improved. Title clear. For terms, price, etc., address Lock boi G Milford. P. TRESPASS NOTICK. Notice Is hereby X given that trespassing on tho premises of the undersigned, situated in llpigman township, tor any purpose whatever is strictly forbidden, and all offenders will be promptly proseoutod. Iba B. Cabb. Oct. SSi, lMi. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notle is hereby givn that, trespassing uimn the pro (erty of the undersigned In M'llfoid town-jl-.tp Pike county, Pa,, fur tho purpose of hunting, fl-hing or any other purposes Is strictly forbidden under penalty of the law. Mlia. . il. CUAH-. Sold by all Newsdealers r M .W. I'M'I'FH f k, - Av'.4!fl!!nw : i! t 'ft 1; .-I rurnlah Monthly to all lcven of Miimt- A vaat vniuine ol Ww, CHolc Copyright Compositions by Uie mutl popular aulliuxm. 64 Pcs of Fiona piasie I0 5oiis, II Inslrunenlal 91 fl'finlnts Rlnnne fr D'nnn bt buuitouill (iuuuj lul llu.,J and 22 Pagns of IKualcal Literature Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. Six Months, $1.00. In one year yon eel oearl y NOO Farea n( M ulc, co!ii(irt!,uir 2.12 eotmlrUi l-lwreJiIurllie PlsliO. If IxmikM In any music ilnre at one lialf oil would eost H.-l H you will send u,stl.iiii, and tt.1drHaof Five jierforniera on ilia piauo atOrsau, wawlllaeud yuuatauiulecoui Fro J. W. fEPPER, Publisher, tlchth S Locust Sta.. Pnlladalahls. Po. Our Ice letui iicil it we l.ul. A u v m,. u.,,,,,,,,. skrii h and dejHTiplion ol any mvciiinm will pionipllv re-rie our opinion free conet-t liiiij the nalculai.ility ol Mine. " Huw to uMuiu a Clelil scut ui.ill le.iuest. 1-.iIl-iiis s.-,.nr.l dlrouuil ua a.lveilisetl lur sale at our expel. m; relent li.ktrii out tlnoir ll lis iccoe Arruil naiu-r, wilhouicliHrue. in 1 iik 1'a-i knt u au lllllsliHleii au.l wulelv ci i u J.i It .1 jomuttL Consultrd ly Mainifa.-iof alli Invevluis. ocua lor sample copy fHk.lt. A.hlie., VICTOR J. EVANS k CO. (Patent Aitttrncrs,) e.ara Bulldlnx. WA3HlNrJTOta. D- c Foley's Honey and Tar cures colJs, prevent pneumonia. How An T..ur Jatlaaera t !r Hobs HnaraKufl PMIuoMmll HnUr I Hi. Ssiri. Si irea, Aa'i tivat ot.a hwuvj cu.,Cl..i.uau wl i, ,