Pike County press. (Milford, Pa.) 1895-1925, May 16, 1902, Image 3

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    Shirt 7aists (rem SQc. to $1.50.
Fine Lot of Summer Lawns 9, 10 and 12c a Yard.
Full Line Gent's Furnishing Coeds.
A General Line of Goods to f'eet All Your
Wants at
A ..
ill ill
Miiford, Pa.
Waah Fabrics And Woolen Dress
Staple And Fancy Groceries.
Shoes All Styles And Sizes.
Wall Paper And Dorder.
Hardware, Etc.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes.
Agents for DEVOE & CO.'S PURE
Wih Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda for
SOc a bottle.
Manufactured by
Tuition Absolutely Free
East Strornlabars; fttate Normal School.
The governor has signed the bill grunting
his school a special appropriation, as well
as the bill making the Tuition of $1 50 In
this cho.l FKKK. Fall Term opens Sept.
18. Rates f!) 60 per week, For full pnrtle
ulars address GEO P. BIBLE, Principal.
Of AH Kinds and Style.
Blankets, Robes, Whips
and Horse Outfitting gen
erally. CARRIAGE
Poiriirr: NEATLY
Kepainng; done.
Examine my stock it
will please you. The
price too.
Harford St. - Llilford, Pa.
Stoves end Han-rcs.
Round Oa!
For Wood and Coal.
Boat Heater and Fuel Knver in the
C T- -p V I i-
ClT'eht nooFir.o
ITTi Y- T s n A ATI
Hew tr lUdiatom,
1 wo f i In orta
1AM'. ''(. iv, TtX, Ad At It
!( Iiofliv J A (V i klumu;kq
A 'l :"...'I.UTV.
T P I !'!:. r, Qr--
MSB Broadway, St. Jam Build
ing, Now York.
or that Treatment and euro of
Ryman & Wells
Millinery -:- Department
Hew Spring Goods
I.nrtl TrhwmH Vtntn ai.no to 2.rtn
MfMM Trlmropri Hut., 1 mllea' anil MIkmm'
Trimmed Ki-nrt v-to-Wenr HK from 5
to at.oo.
Hnt Trlmmlnffs of All Kin.!..
OHiFFONW, pinnova, fi.owfus iin.l
FOMAOK All Slylmimt prlr
STAI'IK anil FA NOT TRV OflOlW, !?.
C KK1 KM, Ft
Please Call and See Our
Stock. We Can Save
You Money.
Ryman & Wells
you want a stylish sin
gle or double rig, safe
horses, good harness
and clean, comfortable
carriages at reasona
ble prices call on
J. D. Vr.n Tassel,
Corner Ann and Fourth streets
Fjv.sIi proemes.
Carmed roods.
lvi, s ia every form.
Turkey .s ami ckiekens,
0)-.tor:i and verr'tal-Ses.
Icrythhsg for an cleaiit
dinner ut
cuiidle dt:os.
Karfcrd Ct. ILrd Pa.
uti:mt..i v.. j
aw, I I!( -J,
I t r.LvT r , "'.,.
t- . J.
tut iuwi J . a
TIip Miperintptitii'nt "f Pcli'Hils til"
Hie Mute of Now York hns nrilereil
Hie withholding of nil ptnlo whool
mnnpy from schools where the itnr
rtinl Slri'i nifi not flying (inriii(
irhool hours, an 1 wvi-ml school
have thus been deprived of sueh
monies. The Inws of New Jersey
order that nil schools slinl! Iinvo n
(lair licit, only two schools hnve (lugs
in this township.
Montagu", nppprtrs to l)e a pnrndise
for thieves nnd anything k1"'8 thnt
hpjeiis ti I'p loowe. l.nt we(,k
Frank Ulnek missed a tine row from
his pasture and at Inst accounts she
hits not been heard of. Smoke houses
seem to have the call from the lielit
Angered gentry up there.
Shad fishing is in full Wast and
with moderate success at the three
fisheries in tills and Montague town
ships. The run is not large as the
gill nets further down the river get
most of the large fish.
Mrs. Maggie Spnngpnbprg, wife of
James Hpangenlwrg, residing near
Culvers (Jap, died early on Hunday
morning aged 27 years. Interment
at liranchviile cemetery on Monday
Miss Kmily Unriss of Walpack and
Joseph Johnson of Jlevans were
united In marriage Saturday evening,
the Kev. Mr. Willever ofllciating.
The many friends of the contracting
parties wish them success and hap
piness. Once in a while our legislature
passes what is called a fool law, and
the law regarding veterinary work
is one of that sort. On May 5 a law
went into eflect that only veterinary
doctors could doctor your Rick horse
or cow and if any of our local doctors
took charge of a neighbor's sick ani
mal he Is liable to fine and imprison
ment What a fool law this is.
The carpenters of this town have
engaged to work for Mr. Kyte of
Newton on his contract at Hparta.
They will leave for their work early
this week.
Mr. Kitchen and wife of Columbia,
J., have been visiting with O. E.
Hursh the past week. Mr. Kitchen
is an ardent fisherman nd had great
luck In getting a fine string of trout
which were all of good size.
Our roads are in fairly good condi
tion but it is amusing to hear the
comments being made on the work
done on the various districts. One
piece is too flat, another is too high
in the middle, and another, is all
wrong in every way, and bo it goes.
I would like to see some overseer
work his road to the entire satisfac
tion of everylxniy and then the
millennium would be here.
The piece of road lying'along the
Big Flatbrook was so badly washed
out that costly repairs would be
necessary to put it in passable condi
tion again. 8o our officials have de
cided to change the road to higher
ground passing over lands of Mrs.
Van Ktten and the Flatbrook fish
club. This should have been done
years ago.
I frequently hear of Comrade Webb
of Lafayette, who Is the manufacturer
of an excellent liniment, and from
what I am told he is meeting with
success In disposing of his goxls.
Give the old veteran a boost.
Ice formed hereon Saturday morn
ing and the weather was ol the frigid
order all day but report says the
blossoms on the fruit trees have not
been Injured and it is hoped this is
Randyston is blessed with eight
schools and of that number the two
along the river and the two along
the mountain, if combined, would
not make one good sized school, and
yet those schools are costing the
township nearly 1,mio for teachers
salary, not taking into account the
incidentals, such as coal, wood and
books. A member of the board of
education remarked to me a day or
two ago remarked to me that he was
heartily in favor of a central school
and thought the board would favor
sueli action. The law permits it and
1 hope the matter will receive the
consideration of the board at its next
Tired Out
" I vai very poorly nd could
hardly get ibout the house. I was
tired out all Itie time. Then I tried
Ayer'a Sarsapanlla, r.d it only
took two bottles to make me feel
petfectly well." Mra. N. S. Swin
ney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
hy? Your blood is im
pure, that's the reason.
Ycu are living on the
border line cf nerve ex
haustion. Tike Ayer's
Sarsa pari 11a and be
quickly cured, i',,".",:
. L. 11 Kit Co , LcttS 11,
Miss Angela. Oreo and Miss May
Seybolt passed Friday nt Mil ford,
Mrs. John S'ilvoy of Port Jervis
and Mrs. M Fisher of Hornellsvilln
visited Mrs. M. Mantimi cf M.ttn.
inoras recently
Master Willie- Prnird, who has
been seriously ill with typhoid fever,
is not. insto-riiilly improved. His
father is confined to tUa Uotisa with
rheumatism. Tho family liavo the
sympathy of nil in their trouble.
The second rthforsal of the chor
uses that ar) to b nong nfc tho coni
mfincenierit pnxri'.isnsXif tlid Muta
nt orna high School oo piaee in t.ho
school building: Mrs. William
Spnidel is the pianist. :- ' "
The little pertptn of " MatamoraS
were happy on Tuesday, "cirehs
day." Very fw n'f tpmled the rriorn
ing or nfternwm sessiosl of the
school. ' 1 1
F.veritt Mead, who hna "been em
ployed iu tho buiuher shop of M.
Uch for a number of years, has
opened a market, for fruit and veg
etables and other supplies in the
Htnten building. ,
The L. A. S. will have a 15 cent
tea ou Tuesday, .May 20, at the
home of Mrs Henry Westfnll.
Eugene Cochran, who has . been
employed in Philadelphia as sten
ographer in. a steol factory, return
ed home after a short vacation.- . ;
On Friday evening, May 23d, the
pupils of the Matnmorns high school
will give an entortaintuent at the
school building at 7:30 p. m. The
sohool pictures hirve Hll been neatly
framed ; they will be placed on ex
hibition that evening.' In addition
to these pictures there will be speci
mens of work done "by the pupils of
the different classes in drawing,
sketohiug, map modeling, color
work, plant description and those of
other studies. A small admission
fee will be asked, the proceeds to be
used in paying remainder due on
pictures, and the ettoess will be for
the library.
The Matainoras high school will
close Friday, June 6th. The bncca
aureate aermon tO'fhe graduating
class will be delivered by Rev. C. I.
Weidner in the Hope church on
Sunday, June 8, at 10.80 a. m. . The
other congregations of the village
have been invited' to join in that
service. Commencement." exercises
will be held at Epworth church on
Monday evening, ,fJune 8th. Rev.
Ora J. Snoop, pastor of the church,
will deliver a short. address to the
class. The meattbersuaf the class
are Leon Q; CrannJoHn L.' Koern
er, Maud HectoryvfevBl M. Hayer,
Sarah E. Knapp, ttfid Flora Kimball.
A very pleasing program will be
rendered od this' etening, particu
lars of which will 'be "lven later.'
Bert Nichols of New York spent
Sunday with his parents. '
Tho Busy Bees .gave an entertain
ment at Presoott's.hall last night.
The Jr. S. C. E. hold a lawn social
last evening at the hoiue of Miss
Ruth Seybolt ou Fifth street . Each
gnes-t was presented with sonvenir
of the society. , ;
Tho Wednesday evening prayer
meeting at. Epworth church will bo
held this evening as th4 Rev. Mr.
Shoop will be absent on Wednesday.
Horace Kipp and sister. Miss Etta,
of Miiford spent Sunday afternoon
at Matainoras with' friends.
Mrs. Charlie Cook and Mrs. Harry
Clark, both of Matainoras, spent
Sunday afteruoo'h at'"Milford. '
A gas company for Matamoras
has been organized by some parties
from Philadelphia and will make
application to. Governor Stone on
Friday, May 23, for a charter for
incorporation of the MaUimoras gas
company. Matamoras, residents
who have been intorviawed on the
subject aro ignorant of the proposed
company or its scheme.
Notice of Application
for Incorporation.
Notice la herohy irlveu that an applica
tion will Ift'UiMtU ihe governor of iJemi
MVlvti.tirt on J?viil'iy, M,ty '-'.id, llfjt hv
'lmriea K. Horn, Krnnk M. Morn and W.
W. WcKiw, all ro,iiU-nli of PumiHvlvttlitn,
utntxr tho ct of assembly fcniiil.nl "Au
act to provitie for .tlHt incorporation And
rt-LTii'ut ion of r,-(Luin corpo rot loot,' ' ap
proved April lW!i. 171, anil the Mipplu
menu thvn'N, for tb,M'hrtrtrrf nu Intcml
ed corportiiion to ha c.'U hit iiatamoi-jt Lim.
eoinpnoy, the th..riu ttir uio! olij.-i-t of
v. hu-li it, the ntnnufttt-t iii-tni; atol tiuppl in $4
gfs to tile puljlK; h' the township of V t-nl,
fitll, iti(ity-, Wun) Ivaniii, and to
ptrOIIH, pKIttit-i.iiipH , UOt u.n.K OiltotIS
retiiing ttieit-:tr n nitty n.iro the snnio.
anti for lhin.c puri'uea lia-tinvo. posett nod
enjoy U the n I; Ls, h.-in-!iu und pr!L-
t hjiitl act wr ajrtt-u.bly unU aupolo
uieulii tht-rcto. .
Al.r.N'. M. I I. RICH, '
April SS, HrrJ.
F -. i.w..- w j . - ..i ii
OllI I ,LiU UC.l It W...i:l. A 11 V nut. frmll
6krt.ll U 1 (K-vMt.t;.jU (.1 til!., 0.,ti.ll..U Will
pioimitly It . rive our Oin.il.1.1 t.re luiii fidii:
in? ,-t! t 1 ,ut y ol kiu.r. " 11. ,w to Ol.lata M
lul. iil " &. ill iip .u ic i.ic.t. l .triii: nc-vulcd
ills .111. h 11. a 1 n-i 1 m A li.r i ic at out rx 1.11 c.
k u u! . I 1. -11 01 1 1 Itll .. 11 in ..t!ie fe itil
i'vll r, M ll 11. ...U Ii-I dC. Ill l.it!.ll,M k ... O..O,
.11 llii.3il..U.i HUit lAl.li-ly lllinLilid j.iuiu.t,
consult. .1 t. M,. 11. itu. mi . -. !o..l 1 1 . t-.c . a.
'-J. lul ..on j.it 1 .j-y t ? I it, 4 ad 1 cm,
IOf Build. nj, WAgHlNUTON. ! C
There was a merry time at the
Wood home Thursday morning,
May 8, when the grandchildren on
their wsy to school surprised grand
ma witli a large birthday cake ap
propriately decorated and wreathed
In apple blossoms and violets. The
yonncest grandchild made the pros
entation speech which was very
brief. They attempted" an im
promptn ptvun which was also brief
and sounded like this :
"In eighteen hundred and eighteen
t4nindnn pntil lip'rtl the perte
Ami she has lived the way throotjh
To nineteen hundred and two." ,
Tbey believed that the inter
vening time was a" long, beautiful
nn'wrltteiv poem because what
grandma has done seems like a fairy
talo.to the girls of today. After
atlng a generous piece of the cake
and leaving compliments and good
vviahiis the children went on happier
(or having maito others happy.
Mrs. S D. Wells aud sou, Charles,
visited her brother, Rev. Father
Craft, last. week. His condition
was considered slightly Improved
Sunday, the 11th.
A heavy frost visited this place
Friday night, May '9. Ice formed
an eighth of an inch thick. Fruit
blossoms are well ont and remain
unchanged in appearance.
"VVe appreciate the "Church
Notes" in this Prkss. Although
not favored with services in onr im
mediate neighborhood we like to
know that the nearby churches are
Sciatic Rhematism Cured ARir H Year ol
"I have been afflicted with sciatic
rheumatism for fourteen years,"
says Josh Edgar of Germantown,
Cal. "I "was able to be around but
constantly suffered;. I tried every
thing I could hear of and at last
was told to try Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, which I did and was
immediately relieved and in a short
time cured, and I am happy to say
it has not since returned." Why
not use this remedy and get well?
It is for sale by A. W. Baloh & Son,
Matamoras. all drug and general
stores in Pike county.
Snow Vlrptaeea.
Sixty (lt'gr ft s b.low zero fs the
frightfully ejlrl K' nuspltere ir: which
Alaskan gold hunters must often
work. They make fireplaces of snow
In that oVsolale region. The mow is
pressed Into bloeka like bricks and a
fireplace two or thre feet square ta
built with them. . Wheu the Are ia
lighted the tnow, of course, mrlta on
the. surface; but when the Are ia out
tUii frpca c .hr.rd Unit the next fir
cansea It to become oi.ly damp. A
av.ow fireplace used only for cooking
purpurea will Inst for an entire win
ter. Something Good.
So many go to tbbir druggists and
merely ask for "something good"
for a cough, or cold. Now if the
druggist has several remedies he
certainly will sell the one that does
not oost much. When you go to a
drug store better know what you
waut. Ask for Mexican Congh
Syrup if you want the nicest and
quickest cough enre twenty-five
cents will buy. Take no other.
Tarrlblo Neglect.
If a mother through ignoranoe or
otherwise fails to give her child
some Mother's Worcn Syrnp, when
the little one by its coated tongue,
by ita lustreless eyes, by its puny
form, pale skin, listless movements,
variable appetite, etc., shows that
it has worms, is she not guilty of
terrible neglect? Mother's Worm
Syrup only costs 25 cents and never
fails to destroy and expel all iutes.
tinal worms.
Sick Neadacha.
Pity the man, pity the woman,
that suffers from sick headache,
sometimes so bad, they can hardly
see. The best way to cure sick
headache is to remove the cause by
taking a Mexican Root Pill. This
cleanses the system of all effete
matter, driving out through the
bowels the irritative influences so
aggravating to the brain and nerves.
Price 25 oentt'.'' ;
Mexican Quick Relief, price 25
ccntti, conquers all pain, subdues
internal ach aud kills external tor
ture. Mo other remedy so sure to
euro, so si.fe to apply. ' Try it.
You Sfiou'd Know.
That your blood is impure, when
a alight bi uioe or cut makes a sore
that heals most agravatingly Blow.
Your blood is bad if yoa are easily
ou.sily overheated or ' easily
chilled. You would not feel
60 weak and miserable if your blood
was pure. Make it pure and your,
self strong by taking Hooch's 8tr
sHpanlla. Tbo only blood remedy
endorsed by a government chemist.
in Curet film.
Money rufundud if it ever ftiiU.
Anti-Ague cured chills at:J (ever,
Artistic . Monuments
Cost no more than plain
ones in stone and they are
more durable. Don't invest
money in a monument le
fore investigating tho elaims
of White Bronze. Write for
information and designs.
J. F. HUNTINGTON, Sales Agt.,
Miiford, Pa.
Bargains !
Selling out at greatly re
duced prices. Call on
Wells Bldg. Harford St.
Real Estate Agent.
rlouaes and Lota and lota without Houses.
Dealer in all klnda of Property.
Insurance agent
. Notary Public.
All business given prompt
Office on Broad Street,
Below Crlsmnan Houae.
Miiford, Pa.
Photo Supplies,
Printing &
78 Pike Street, Port Jervis, N. Y.
ktkM-X .. bo YEAHS"
w ft t n :
Copyrights Ac.
arilr-kiv Mt-wLaln mir ctninioti fr i
Invent Inn im prohslily patentAblft, Cnmuntr
ttonmrtctif fM)i!n.ltitiaL Haiit'book on Patut
gent frr U!1sl namn y for t urn.g iHttenf,
l'n'.ru(M tkm through Munn C. raoslv
pMiai olKi wilhuut istmr-iu, In tli .
A h-mdvomtftlr Illmrtrmt-M wrk)y. J miwt rtiw
etiltt.n of ny fH ienlitlc Joorntti. Term. &
j.'ttr ; four monllis, iL Sola byJl nw-d.-alr.
Co.""-"--Ksw York
fcrtccfa Oslo, ariu WadlUUitua. D. CI
Asthma Can
Bo Cured
Frkk Traatmant, W rmo M d leal
Advica. Wa Hmvm Curad
7,000 Caaatav. Why
Not Yeura?
Thla dread dlaeaae which baa earned
more untold ngoulea than worda can de
acribe, hna at laat recelred lta doath blow.
Medical S.rleuce In recent yearg haa found
a remedy that aucceaaf ally ooinhnta all the
aggravated symptoms due to thla distreae
tntf afllivtloD. After many yuara of pa
li nt atudy and research, Dr. A. B Clark,
the well known specialist, has discovered
a poelttve retiuHly that euros the oouh,
give Immediate relief and eradicates
every vestige of the disease. So confident
la the doctor that his Asthma Remedy
wilt effect a cure In all stages that he hua
instructed the Clark Medical Co., of Pitta
burg, Pa., to forward a complete treat
ment to every sufferer of Amino who
writes for symptom blank. This Is a very
liberal offer aud ahuvs the oonQUenoo the
Clark Mudlcul Co. have In the merits of
thla preparation. If any of our readers
are afllu u J with Asthma they should
write the Clurk Co at ouoe for symptom
blaiik. Why suffer when a cure la within
E-iucate Your Coweis.
Your bowels can be trained as weH
s your muscles or your brain. Cas-
carcts Candy Cathartic train your
bowels to do right Oftiuinc tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never oSU ia
All orurists, IOC,
time table:.
Correoled to Date.
SolM Pullman tnilns to TlufTtilo, Nlnp;
ara hulls, Chmitntiqu Luko, Clcvcltind,
Lnlnnfriiand ClnclnnaM.
Tickets lin bhIh lit. Port -Toila to .11
point, tin, West anil Southwest iu lower
rates than via any other amt-class line;
TitAiNS Now Lfavii Port Jkhvis as
EAf?T ward.
No. 18, InllypjtprM 8 4 A.M.
" HI, Dully Knpnn (j fn it
Hi, Daily Except Sunday., e l "
?. " " " 7 40
fto-', Pnndny Only 7 ftjj "
" HH, Dully Kieept Sunday., in 211 "
. o6, !,'!'il?,Wy Trttn 19 S! p. M.
SO, ay Keept. Sundhy. . . W "
2, Daily Kxprens 4 gfi
" Burt, SnndHy Only 4 mi "
" 8, Dully Express 6 31) '
" 18, Snnilnynnlv 5 4(1 '
" 2i. Dully Except Sunday.. 6 Nt '
14. Daily m.oo "
No. 8, Dnily Expren 19 snA M.
' 17, Dally Milk Train 8 on '
1, Daily Kxpress 11 88 "
" 11, For Ho (lulu K'pt Sun.. 12 1U p. m.
8, Dally B IS '
87, Dally Kxwpt Sunday.. 5 60 ' '
7, Dully Express 10 15 '
Trains leave Chambers Htrwr, New
York, for Port Jervis on week days nt
4 00, 7 80, 9 00, 9 15, 10 80 A. M.. 1 (Kl.'s OO,
4 80, 6 80, 7 no, t) Its P M On Sund vs
4 00, 7 o, 9 00 A. M . , 12 90, a 80, 7 80 and
9 15 P. M .
' Oeneral FaMens-cr Agent.,
Mew Tork.
Delaware Valley
Time Table in Effect Mar. 12, 1902
r: ?i
X X jC 30
-t -t-
3C X X
3 : :
a -m
R '
is r
g 5 s 3
gifua .
:g . : ;
:U : : :
t. . . .
- -
' 2 oi ol
-m" 7t 51 -SI 0Q
i?daoxa aiho
"as it -a e
tg O 3 lO to
f Stopg only on notice to Conductor or
Afffnt, or on Hiffnal.
For infnrnifit.ifin nm t.n tTrolnhf mA T)aa
enger Hntes iipply to C. H. Rutter, Freight
Knid Htrnn.l.hn..
C. H. RUTTER, KrrtKht Pm. Agt
EMIOD, fft.
" Hr la
Your own Watr
Works, which
yon run have by
eonK-nltlnnr J, C.
MHtamurna, Pa.,
who la prepared
t lve entlmatea
at an-f time.
Writ him at
one or i all and
e hit atock of
Mitamoras, P.
fe4n. lUiMlei, ai.t U:i. or t t . Uj oJ i n inn u lor
f fioereiKut on itr-imiiriiiiy. (r fice book,
Opposita U. S. Patent Ciiico
t ron hs-L-rcD t rrulrip, heaaltity nnrB!-"rtt of (h
buwtriH usurjr day, ju itj lit or will b. Kwp yuuf
boXt lal ttfi ll, Mil l 1J "at 1.1 i. KuIH'V. til thtt KilUj-uuf VJ'
lent vh v cio ur pn i D'-iri..n, U omi'iuui. liie miool h-
at, (-k.l'nt. Iltusl rf(-i I avJf uX aaplim lUm law Well
elaraVa- UJ ulsjawi ia lW lavAai
t i .. i jTS T '
Pl.'ta.a.Ot, -l-at(.ti, P.Ho.ll. TaMitCi (4ixt(l. IV. (imxl,
KuKf onjii. ll, 1'mu.ua ur U I !.-. .W, K.i. atliii U im,J
it'-r Itu. Vi rlto twi Xi ? t.Uiiii, kuil Luu it I i-it
h..tti. At1ilic i
iku iMiaiir ruarixT, rH iu w irw n. t.
C 5
We pmrrnrtly oblifT(r!aiidlr
Mi K ?